Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 05, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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yy woll won if
The Courier is giving away to its Subscribers
The Big Pumpkin in the COURIER window will be cut on New Years Day, and the seeds counted. The one who makes the
best guess as to the number of seeds in it will get $50.00. The second best guess, $25.00. In the event that two persons guess the
winning number, the first and second prizes will be divided between them, and so on down the line.
Seed will be counted by Mayor Grant US. Bimick, Colonel IS. A. Miller
and Gilbert R. hedges
The awards will be made by them and paid in cash on the same day. Have you paid your subscription to the COURIER? Are
you" a subscriber to the COURIER? Do you know a good thing when you see it? This is a great chance to get something for nothing.
Pay your subscription at once. . Get in the baud wagon. We are "It." If you can't come in, send the money.
fn)) crip
Bohemia Mining District
What an Honest Investiga
tion of the Land Shows:
This season has witnessed great activity in the shape
of substantial developments. In all sections of the district
work is going ahead with a rush, and the freight and stock
trains are kept hustling getting in the supplies and machin
ery. New strikes are constantly being made, and rich
finds being uncovered. Every section visited is a revela
tion, and happy surprises are the rule.
The unparalelled prosperity of the district has caused
widespread public attention. Fortunes are realized by fol
lowing mining and investments in legitimate mining stocks,
andthe business men of to-day are realizing this and profiting
thereby. Mining is being done on business principles. Im
proved machinery, scientific knowledge and business
methods place mining on assafe a plane of operation as that
, of any other business.
Many of our citizens have invested in stock in the dis
trict this season, and will without doubt reap rich rewards
in the future, as stocks in the solid companies of that district
are rapidly advancin;
The'Iiren at iftcerne. ' l
A great deal of anxiety Is felt In tW
country through the discovery that one
of Switzerland's chief historical mon
uments, tie Lion of Lucerne, 1b threat
ened with destruction The Hon, which
was chiseled from the solid sandstone
rock by Thorwaldsen In 1792, com
memorates the massacre of the Swiss
guard during the French revolution,
Mi as a work of art Is unique.
It Is situated lu rather damp sur
roundings, above a pool In the glacier
garden at Lucerne, and the water has
trickled through the sandstone, which
threatens to crumble and thus destroy
the statue. An expert has been ex
amining the rock, and by his advice It
has been decided to cut away the sur
rounding rock and Isolate the Hon.
Geneva Cor. London Chronicle.
The Firemen's Shoot.
Old customs are fast disappearing,
but the firemen's shout still survives In
London. Among the deluge of advice
for the reform of the Are brigade It Is
the solitary Item which has remained
sacred and untouched. In one provin
cial city, Liverpool, a gong Is substl
tuted for the "Fire!" yell, the clapper
being worked by the foot of one of the
firemen by a lever on the same prlncl
pie as that seen In omnibus brakes.
The advantage claimed Is that the
breath of the firemen is saved. They
arrive fresh at the scene of the fire In
stead of having been compelled to ex
pend part of their energies In clearing
the way, while the shrill sound of the
gong Is Infinitely more penetrating and
terrifying that the combined shout of
a earful of men. London Answers.
Machine Drills Square Hole.
A machine which will drill square
holes has at last been made. An Eng
lishman named Edward Segitz is the
Inventor, and his apparatus is said to
have solved a problem heretofore re
garded as being about as unaccom
pllshable as the mathematical impossi
bility of "squaring the circle." Segltz's
machine Is a "three winged" drill, semi
round, which yet cuts four straight
pdges in Its rotary motion. That Is, the
motion appears to the eye to be rotary,
but there Is, of course, a maneuver in
the triple fiange which produces the
square cut, triangular or other BBgular
holes, with automatic regularity nd
machine speed.
j Some watchmakers
harp on Railroad Watches.
More than twenty
I Elgin Watches
W have been sold for every mile of rail
m way trackage 'in the world. Sold by
fi every jeweler in the land; guaranteed
m by the world's greatest watch works.
JXV Elgin, Illinois. ',
The Roup.
At the boarding house: Dalntlelgh
Beg pardon, Mrs. Skinner, but Isn't
this the same soup we had yesterday
warmed over?
Mrs. Skinner No, sir. It is what was
left over from yesterday. Boston
Varieties of I.ove.
Nannette Jacques says he will love
me always.
Babbettt I should think one way
would be enough. Gentleman's. Maga
Football Terms.
The Far Trade.
Nearly the whole fur trade of the
world concentrates itself In the two
cities of London and Lelpslc, but as
about two-thirds of the London furs,
which are sold at auction, go to Lelpslc
the result Is that the fur market at
Lelpslc Is really the greater of the two.
The Lelpslc warehouses receive raw
and half prepared furs from Siberia,
European Russia, America, Australia'
and China, making the business of the
fur exchange worth f-om f'VOOO.Ono to
$17,000,000 yearly.
"Falling on the bawl." Chicago
A Horse I.aagh.
"Extinct? Not much!" the horse ex
claimed. "No more I hang my head ashamed.
What though they scurry to machine
O'er hills and valleys and ravines,
I slicker as I see them roam
Bo very far away from home,
For well I know that they'll break down
Upon some erode remote from town,
And vainly then their fists they'll clench
And dally with a monkey wrench.
Whom will Ihey seek In such a plight?
Whom will thfty beg to set them right?
Who Is the hope thy stoutly clutch?
Tts I, the horse Extinct? Not muchl"
Washington Star.
fwt mm m " 1
A tallow complexion, dizziness,
biliousness and a coated tongue
are common indications of liver
and kidney diseases. Stomach and
bowel troubles, severe as they axe,
give immediate warning by pain, ,
but liver and kidney troubles,
though less painful at the start, are ;
much harder to cure. Thedford'i
Black-Draught never fails to bene- -fit
diseased liver and weakened kid- .
neys. It stirs up the torpid live)
to throw off the germs of fever and.
ague. It is a certain preventive a
of cholera and Bright 's disease d "
the kidneys. With kidneys re ",
inforced by Thedford's Black
Draught thousands of persons haw
dwelt immune in the midst of yet-,
low fever. Many families live in
perfect health and have no otba
doctor than Thedford's Black
Draught. It is always on hand fo
uie in an emergency and savet
many expensive calls of a doctor
. Mulllni, S. C, March 10, 1001
I have ud Thedford's Bladc-Drautfr
(or three years and I ha vt not had to
to s doctor tines I have been taking H
It Is the beit medicine lor me that I
on the market (or liver and kldnej
troubles and dyspepsia and other
complaints. Rev. A. G. LEWIS.