Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 05, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Josef Ilofmann la more than a piano
player. lie is an expert mechanic and
an Inventor as well.
Senator Kearns of Utah carries n,
timepiece oi' the finest Swiss workmau
hip which cost $600.
Cornelius Vanderbilt hag Instructed
agents to I'oli for a suitable winter
home for l:!s family and himself tn
Jgnathan Parker, who was one of the
pallbearers nt the funeral of General
William Henry Harrison, is still living
Id Rockpori, Ind.
The late Cardinal Manning, Justly
called a modern master of language,
was accustomed, It Is said, to read Miss
Austin's "Siansfield 'l'ark" once a year
for the sake of the English.
Ernest Brutiken, who was recently
appointed I spector of the forests nf
the rhllipp':ies, has resigned to accej t
the management of George Vandoi
bllt'a estates in North Carolina.
Thomas P dgwlck Steele, the Boston
artist, has four large scrapbooks which
he compiltu on the civil war from
newspaper rlipplugs. Every battle or
klrmish is pasted in its correct chro
nological on xt.
Alphonse Le Due of the Chicago
board of tn:de has Just received the
decoration cf the Most Honorable Or
der of the rown of Slam for services
rendered to ;hat country, which he rep
resented at the Paris exposition.
General Eugene Grlffln has In his
possession ;'.o American flag made by
the sailors in Lieutenant Glllmore's
party out of patches and strips of their
clothing, after their rescue from the
Insurgents in the wildest part of Lu
zon. The late .! hn M. Palmer was one of
the wits of public life. When he re
tired from iiie senate, he showed no
signs of di. counigcment, but said to
some frlent'.t : "Patience is all I need. 1
come into fashion about every ten
years in Illinois."
George 1). Smith of New York city
owus the original manuscript of Keata'
sonnet, "The Church Hells Toll a Mel
ancholy Kuund," which was signed by
the poet and also has a line In his
handwriting saying that It was writ
ten In fifteen minutes.
It Is announced that M. Marinoni,
who for so many years has been at the
head of the Petit Journal of Paris, is
nbout to retire Into private life. He
has led a remarkably active career. It
was In a great measure due to his en
rrgy that the Petit Journal attained Its
circulation of over a million copies a
Make a fruit orchard of your poultry
Lew headed trees are less liable to
tun scald.
In grafting discard every scion con-i-erning
which there is the slightest
In pruning the grape it is usually
afe to cut off half or more of the pre
vious season's growth, as It Is only In
"hese cases that fruit is produced.
When trees are transplanted special
; are should be taken to keep the roots
iiolst Drying of the roots Is very iu
uHoub to the vitality of the trees.
In growing strawberries the best re
mits are obtained from rich soil, but
oil not naturally rich can be made so
.efore planting by applying well rotted
Wood nslics are a great help for ap
ple trees. They kill the bugs and
vorius n nd make the trees healthy and
he fruit Bound. Scatter them under
.fce trees.
Never obtrude advice unasked.
Never w any occasion retaliate.
Never dlspi.fo If you can fairly avoid
NtTcr Judire n person's character by
I'ttcrmil appearances.
Never a licet to be witty so as to
wound tbe feelings of another.
Never shew levity when others are
irofessedly engaged In worship.
Never resent a supposed injury till
ou know t'ne motives of the author of
Never think worse of another be
huso he dilVcrs from . : on religious
r political ii tuitions.
Always take the part of an absent
erson who is censured 111 eompauy, so
ir as truth and propriety will allow.
Never ridicule sacred things, or what
ever others nui.v regard as such, how
ver absurd they may appear to be.
. ew York News.
Men hate to be called liars, buthey
,11 are
A really and truly good man Is al
' ays ashamed of himself about some
ulug. How some people hate to take a back
at! And how often it Is' tbe ense
int they deserve no other!
About once every. six 'weeks before
he Is twenty-one a girl decides that
er troubles are too great, nud that h
n never fiu He again.
When n man is klud to his wife she
rget that he wasn't kind yesterday
:ovlded none of her relatives are
round to remind her of It.
A bride tells her husband cvery-
tln.tr. but a newly married man, no
tt!"r Ikuv youthful be may be, seems
I t '. "iMird Pie wisdom of !N-
!l i. ':i hi onliitcnces. AtcM
Forty-five hours constitute a week's
work for women and girls in New Zea
land. Next to Warsaw, Berlin is the lar
gest Polish city. Its inhabitants In
clude 70,000 Poles.
The number of counterfeit Portu
guese banknotes is said to be nearly as
large as that of the genuine ones.
Over 100,000 hogsheads of tobacco
are now in store at Liverpool which
has the largest tobacco warehouse In
the world.
Among 000,000 laborers in Belgium
there are 85,000 men, 25,000 women
and 15,000 children under sixteen who
work more than eleven hours a day.
Kuala Lnnipur, tbe capital of the
Federated Malay States, now has an
institute for medical and scientific re
search, open to workers of any nation
ality. A novelty in divorce Is reported from
a little town In Austria, where the par
ties in a recent case issued cards of In
vitation to their friends to be present
at the trial.
The porte has issued an edict forbid
ding all Tr.i kisb subjects, under pain
of severe punishment, to take lessons
in fencing, ..word exercise or in revolv
er practice outside the army, as these
practices form a dauger for the public
Jerusalem Is now supplied with water
from King Solomon's "Sealed Foun
tain," seven miles south of the city.
The water is conveyed partly through
modern iron pipes, but partly by the
old aqueduct known as Solomon's
Effle Powers, 2:08, returned home
to Baltimore after winning nine first,
one second uud one third moneys.
No full meeting will be held at Dcs
Moines, la., this year owing to the Im
possibility of securing suitable ) es.
It is said that the Russians have
been racing the gray stallion William
C. K., 2:18' by Pilot Medium, as on
The ten thousand three hundred dol
lar filly Miss Previous has been turned
out and will not be raced until next
year as a three-year-old.
German horsemen are negotiating for
the fast trotting stallions Joymaker,
2:15, owned by Frank Jones of Mem
phis, and Prince Selma, 2:11, con
trolled by Thomas Griffin of Detroit.
The fastest x trotter that began the
campaign this season without a record
Is Dulce Cor, 2:08V2, by Baron Wilkes.
The fastest three-year-old trotting geld
ing of the year to date is The Hajah,
2:14, by Prince of India, 2:13.
J. J. Conley has purchased the Allen
farm bred colt Kabul, two years old,
by Kremlin, 2:07, dam Bravlssima,
by Robert McGregor, 2:1712, her dam,
Brava, 2:14' it by Baron Wilkes, 2:18,
third dam Mary A. Whitney, by Volun
Birds' breasts and wings are conspic
uous on the latest French bats.
Hibiscus and a color called pevolne,
two shades deeper than Roman red,
are among the latest of the popular
crimsons and scarlets.
Nothing In the way of a bright and
becoming dress for a young girl can be
more effective than a waist of turtau
taffeta silk that tones well with the
dress skirt.
Iridescent taffetas are In several nov
el styles, one being the glace taffeta
lance. The combinations aiming the
new shot materials are exceedingly
rich and efli cllve.
The new Venetian blue Is a favorite
shade. It appears mining velvets.
French wools, in ladies' cloth, drap
d'ete, Syrian cloth, broadcloth and oc
casionally among taffetas, corded silks
and i , , ,c(l wools.
Bastiucs to Jacket bodices are in
creased In length, and If they do not
meet In front folds of soft cllk confine
the waist. Lines of featherbone are
set beneath these folds to keep them In
place, and a handsome buckle measur
ing three or four Inches in length con
fines them on the left side of the figure.
New York Tost.
Constantino von Sternberg Is back
from a summer in Europe.
Clifford and Burke, who have a
unique black face act, are Pittsburg
Clyde Fitch Is back from Europe and
has begun rehearsing "The Stubborn
ness of Geraldiue."
In Chicago Mrs. Flske will present
for the first time Paul lleyse's histor
ical romance, "Mary of Magtlala."
Joseph Jefferson has been sixty years
on the stage and for over forty years
has been playing "Kip Van Winkle."
"The Darling of the Gods" Is Un
title of the play In which Blanche
Bates Is to be seen under David Belas
co's management.
Kyrle BehYw, returning from Eu
rope, says Mrs. Potter may come here
this season as a reader, accompanied
! Grieg, the Norwegiau composer.
The greatest cabbage growing coun
try In the United States Is In northern
A professional forger has been em
ployed by one of the Chicago banks as
an expert In the detection of bogus
So great is the Increasing demanI
for machinery to make boots aud shoes
that a plant to cost $750,000 Is -to be
erected at Beverly. Mass.
i big
Courier Subscribers Doing their
Duty N'My.
The last week has been the best yet in
the Courieb pumpkin seed guessing
contest.Nearly one hundred ol the
good people of Clackamas county have
paid their subscription to the Courier
an have made a guess on the number
of seeds in tbe Courier pumpkin. Just
think of it. .The Courier is giving away
to good gueasers $150 in gold to its sub
scribers who pay up tbeir subscription
to the paper between now and the first
day of January nez. If you want the
best paper in Clackamas county, sub
scribe for the Courier. If you want the
paper with the largest circulation sub
scribe lor tbe Courier. It will give you
all the news. At the sme time you
will have the opportunity to guees on
the big pumpkin. How many seeds does
it contain? Fifty dollars for nothing.
It will help you to enjoy the holidays.
It will buy shoes for the little ones, Re
member that every person who pays his
or her subscription to the Courier is en
titled to make one guess. You get an
addiiioual guess for each additional dot.
lar and half paid.
Here is a lu-t of prizes we are giving
away. Take a look at them. Don't
wait for us to csll on you, Send in your
money by registered letter, express or
postal b.oney order or check . We will
send you a receipt. Make out your
guess and mail it to us at once, Get a
good thing while you have a chance.
For the first best guess $50 CO
For the second best guess 25 00
For the third best guess 15 00
For the fourth best guess 10 00
For tbe fifth best guees 10 00
For the sixth best guess 5 00
For the seventh best guees ... 5 00
For the eighth best guess 5 00
For the ninth best guees 5 00
For the tenth best guess 5 00
For Ihe eleventh best guess 5 00
For the twelfth best guess 2 50
For the thirteenth beet guess 2 50
For the fourteenth best guess .... 2 50
For the fifteenth best guess 2 50
The following are the names of thoee
who have paid during the past week, or
since the las) issue of the Courier. The
star indicates new subscribers.
TTW Garong. Portland $1 50
J. PchwHbauer, Needy.. . f 1 50
J. S. Smith, LaCamas, Wash.... 1 50
August Hubert, Viola 1 50
P.M. Graves, Liberal ......... 60
Charles H. Cautteld, Oregon City. . 1 50
B. J. Vaughan, Oregon City.... 1 50
T. Matthies, Oregon City 1 50
K. G. Caufield, Oregon City 1 50
W.B. Shively, Oregon City 1 50
John Harlees, Molalla 3 00
T. Wf Watson, Needy 1 50
J, Bichner, Oswfgo 1 50
E. PTRands, Oregon City 3 00
W. W. Irwin, Aurora 1 50
William Smith, Carus 3 00
W. H. Brenener, Liberal 1 50
D. Pennon, Liberal 150
W. H, Howell, Oregon City 3 00
C. VV. Keseelring, Matksburg. . . . 150
Sam llarzig, Bailow 1 50
J. T. Grace, Clarks 1 50
J. II. McMilty, Molalla 1 50
A. Kaylor, Molalla 1 50
Harley Rainey, Cathlamet, Wash. 2 25'
C. Hartman, Oregon City 3 00
R.L. Iloh'man, Oregon City 1 50
A. Engle, Molalla, Or..., 1 50
Charles Daugherty, Molala 1 50
George Redde way, Oregon City. . . 1 50
Miss M. Mclntyre, Oregon City.. 150
R.N. North, Highland "... 1 50
Duane C. Ely, Oregon City 3 10
James Wilson, Clackamas 3 00
T. W. Armstrong, Oregon City 1 51)
Mrs. Charles J. Parker, Oregon
City 0 00
W. J. Wileon, Oregon City 1 50
J.J. Gibson, Macksburg 1 50
J. E. Sprague, Logan 1 50
W. Trullinger, Mulino 1 50
O. VV. Mayfield, Highland 3 00
H. Thieesen, Milwaukie 1 50
E. W. Scoit, Oregon City 6 0l)
Foils A Deadly Attack,
".My wife was so ill that good physic
ians were unable to help her," writes
M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,
"but was completely cured by Dr.
King's New Liie Pills." They woik
wonders in stomach and liver troubles.
Cure constipation, Bick headache. 25c
at Geo. A.HardinuV'rug store.
repunment of tl e Intnlor, I'uiieil State I1
Office, Oriuou Cliy, On-K-n teuiiwr Uth l'.tfcJ.
A suttlciitit cnntiwt affidavit having beon 8M
lu Hi id i tlict- by August K. SerliUL', contestant
against tms eau niry No. lilioO. made Oct 13,
li't'O for1, el ')j Savlinn 1?, Township 2 s,
limine i e, liy Wlilmm H. Usher contested, in
u hi, h ii U allri"t that CculvAtitnt -'knows tht-iri-ent
ciiiutliion of tti same; also that eaiit
eutryman hits wholly atmiuhmtKl sa'tl claim Hint
thai lie has never ivsMmI upon (r cuKivutnl
nr livvrovei! the same m ai.y mannrr
whatever siut'a making ntrv thmucf or
at ail nor lias anyone aeiint: for linn aucUtiat saiii
alleged ahsrnct from the saei laml was not dnj
to dis employment in the arm., Nsvy or Marine.
t ei i h ,,f llie'l' lilted SlatYs a rmaie soldier,,
oitii', r seaman, or marine, (hiring tlu was with
i-patn or during any title: war pi which Ilia j
I ni. tt Statw may he t-nyay said parti.'it Hi'0
hi r, l.y lio.lei'd 'to ainiV', respond and offer
i t "Co touching s ii'i all, vit ons at 10 o'clock :
. . .hi Match , t'.i :t the koKiter ,.ud
K. ". r at the United Sie- Land Otlice in O re
no 1 1 y UvtV'on. !
'i a-J contestant Ioim-. tu a in-oiier aifldivit
n i s. oil, ou 1 IV, t tor t! I.-wm which
' at alter dlllige i . : -dial service of tilts
tin not be lc;c c. i: whs erdetect and
i iht ii rii n, i , v po en l y due and
' i.'" ' 1
. ' . r b! c.
I It I I-
And everybody who sees our beautiful display of holiday attractions
Golden Rule 'Bazaar
Popular Presents at Popular Prices
Good Taste. It is easy to select
from, supplies exactly what you want, and it would be a mistake to buy before you see it. Remember, this
splendid assortment contains
The Might
Don't Miss Our
we can make your money go.
Recommendation of a Well Known Chi
cago Physician.
I use and prescribe Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate,
constricted coughs, with direct resultP.
I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am
glad tc recommend it to all in need and
seeking relief from colds and coughs and
bronchial afflictions. It fa non-narcotic
and a.tfe in the hands of the most unpro
fessional. A universal panacea for all
mankind Mrs. Mary R. Melendy, M.
D.. Ph. D.t Chicago, III. This remedy
is for sale by G. A. Harding.
Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets, Oregon City, Oregon
Read our cut prices and come at once before you are too late or you will miss
the greatest opportunity ever offered you.
" -t
Columbia apron ginghams,
All 6c and 7c calicoes to go at 5c per yard.
v Extra fine white lawn, 23c value, 19: per
Extra fine white fawn, 15c value, tic per
Extra fine white lawn, 10c value, 'c per
Ladies; fancy lace and embroidered che
mise, 1.25 value, 73c-
Ladies' fancy lace and embroidered night
gown", 48c.
Children's eiderdown cloaks, 1.25 value, SSc
Children's eiderdown cloaks, 75 value,
Children's r-11 wool Pannel cloaks, 3 50 to
4.50 value, 2.S5 .
Ladies' jackets, only a few left, 7.50 value,
Ladies' plush capes, 5.50 value, 3.2$.
Ladies' heavy kangaroo calf shoes, 2.35
value, 1,95.
Ladies' French kid shoes, turned soles,
3.50 value, 2.50,
Thing for Every Person
Old, Middle-aged or young.
Holiday Pisilay gSiSaX SifE
City's Big Cash Store
Saved At Grave's Brink.
"I know I would long loi g ago have
been in my grave," wiites Mrs. 8. H.
Newsom, of Decatur, Ala., "if it had
not been for Electric Bitters. For three
years I suffered untold agony from the
worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash,
Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But
this excellent medicine did me a world
of good. Since using it I can eat heart
ih and have gained 35 pounds." For
Indigestion, loss of Appetite, Stomach,
Liver and Kidney troubles Electric
Bitters are a positive, guaranteed cure.
Only 50c at Geo A. Harding's drug
5c per yard .
is glad of it. Come to headquarters,
we can fill your wants and how far
A Million Voices
Could hardy express the thanks of
Homer Hall, of West Point, la., Listen
why : A severe cold ha.t settled on his
lungs, causing a moat obstiuate cough.
Several physicians said he had con
sumption, but could not help him "
When all thought he was doomed he
began to use Dr. King's New Discovery
tor consumption and writes "it com
pletely cured me and saved my life. I
now weigh 2271bs." It's positively gua
ranteed for Colds, Coughs, and Lung
troubles. Price 50c and $1. Trial
j bottle free at Geo, A. Harding.
Children's heavy school shoes, 1,25 value,
Infant's shoes, 50c and 6bc value, 33c.
All appliques and laces, 1.25 per yard val
ue, 7c.
Cream while and ecru appliques, 50c value, 38c.
Cream white and ecru appliques, 25c value, 19c.
Cream white and ecru appliques, 15c value, lie.
Japanese wash silk, in all colors, 29c per yard. '
A few left 10c and 12c Torchon keen, 5c per yard.
F. 0 warranted corsets, $1.25 value, SSc.
75 corsets at 48 cents.
Ladies' embroidered hose, 50c value, 3'c.
Ladies' heavy ribbed hose, 25c value, 19c. '
Ladies' and children's fleece-lined hose. 25c valntf
19 cents C
Misted corsetwaists, 20 cents.
Large, heavy Turkish towels, 00c value, 45c nir
pair. ' 1 0 .
No. 110 factory all wcol cloth, 58 inches wide 75J
per yard. uo
yard W01 veniti' 4" inclies IJe' 75c value. 55c per
Fancy crepon, in all bhades, 75c value, 50 cents. '
And lota of other bargains, too numerous to m, n f
lion. A large stock of men's and children's clothing
boots, shoes, etc., at the abevf cut prices.
Remember that tins is a ban fide sale EveiV '
thing must go. Remember the name and nlaZ".
Don't buy before you see me. I guarantee to
you from i.0 to 40 Der cent. t0 6avei
Seven rooms of furniture for sale. I
So !:i;'.v iinpro-Tvients are
it - 1 ' - '" nv
t . - v.
crs ., : iv initio;"