OREGON CITY COURIER- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902. WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & MCGLASHAN, PROPS. OREGON CITY, OREGON - 25 Cents 7 Bars 1776 Washing Powders 20 Cents Package Fairbank's Gold Dust 10 Cents Mop Sticks 25 Cen's 8 BarsXlut Laundry Soap 50 Cents Can Monapole Syrup $1.20 'Gallon Can Best Maple Syrup 50 Cents Gallon New Orleans Molasses 15 Cents Our Fine Blend Coffee We handle a full line of Flour THE MORNINQ TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will nnt prove expensive if the work is don' by F C. CADKE E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper ihan you can ' buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoflke and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.1 stwe J. MURROW, Oregon City A Complete Line -OF Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled for weat quality or style, and ou women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfot and graceful outline. ' Our prices will suit. Krausse Bros, ITCHINESS OF THE SKIS. The only remedy in the world that will atoncestop Itchiness of the Skin sn any part of the body that is absolutely safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint ment. Free Samples at C. G.Huntley's. Soft Harness Yon can make your hr nettfl aa soft aa a glove and aa touch aa wire by ua.ru El'KEKA Far. nem Oil. You can lengthen its lift maV:eit 1 lust twice as long m it orUioarU would. EUREKA Harness Oil make a poor looking har- Mi nrsa like new. Made or IT kortf hilul nil - peclally prepared to with stand th weather. Bold everywhere Is cam lli liada bj STANDARD CH CO, -1... v.g." :&A&mi A S&fi&D Twisg Of pain is generally the first warning of an attack of rheumatism. It feels as if the disease were in the bones or muscles, but the real cause of rheumatism is found in impure blood. In order to cure rheumatism the blood must be cleansed of the poisonous impurities which are the cause of the disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been very successful in the cure of rheumatism, De cause it entirely cleanses the blood from the poison ous substances which are the cause of the dis ease. It not only purifies the blood but by increasing the activity of the blood-making glands, it increases the supply of pure, rich blood which adds to the vigor of every physical organ. Mr. R. A. McKnijrht, of Cades, Williams burg Co., S.C., writes: "I had been troubled with rheumatism for twelve vears, so bad at times I could uot leave my bed. 1 was badly crippled. Tried many doctors and two of them gave me up to die. None of them did me much zood. The pains in my back, hips and legs 4nd at times in my head), would nearly kill tne. My appetite was wry bad. Everybody who saw me said I must die. T took five bottles of the ' Golden Medical Discovery.' and four wials of ' Pellets,' and to-day my health is good after suffering twelve years with rheumatism." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little imore profit paid by the sale of less :meritorious medicines. He gains ; you lose. Therefore aocept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggish liver. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS. ANTED To increase my list of farm? and lands for sale, in all parts of the county. Lands owned by non-residents represented and sold. H. . Cross, At torney at Law. INDIVIDUALS MONEY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on land or oh at tele ; also a good farms for sale worth $.5000 each. $000 of city money on approved security. John W. Lodea, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City. Hot soda at the Kozy.Kandv Kitden Younger, the watchmaker, has moved next door to Harris' Orncery. The Parkpla e Cash Store will give a way two sewing machines on Christmas. See Holmes, iParkpIace, Oregon. Complete line of general merchandise at Parkplace Cash Store at prices tjual and lower than Portland. Beet and fin est line ot shoes ever shown. Produce waken. When you visit Portland don't fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good square meal, Ioc. Do youi trading at the Parkplace Cash Store and get a chance on the two sew ing machines to be given away Christ mas. Land titles examined, and abstracts made. I guarantee to defeat any tax title or tax deed in Clackamas county, otberwiee no charge made. Money loaned. G. B. Dimick, Lawyer. Oregon City, Or The Dentist: Beatie and Beatie are the dentists in the Weinhard building. Their room is number . Send 60c to Alaert Tozier, Poitland, 'Ore., for printed list and addresses of 5000 Clackamas county voters. Uregon City list 10 cents; Aurora, Canby, Bar low, Oswego, 5 eta ; others 2 cents, tf OASTOniA, Bean tu . Th8 Kind You Have Always Boiijft Get a free sample of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets at Geo. A Harding's drug store They are eah to take and more pleasant in effect the pills. Then their use is Dot followed conspipation as is often - the case wit pills. Regular size, 25 cents per bottl TO CURE A. COLD IX ONE OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money tf it tails o carer E. W. Grove's signature is on ach box. 25c. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy to loosen and re lieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflammation of the throat and lungs. For sale by Geo. A. Hardii g. Potatoes Highest market prices for Fancy stock, Sbank & Bineell. The Best Remedy for Croup. From the Atchinson, Kan., Daily Globe. This is the season w hen the woman who knows the beet remedies for croup is in demands in every neighborhood:. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to he lost in case of burglars. There used to be an oldfashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and tolu, but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Oougn Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up tbe phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy aa soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent tbe attack. It never fails and is pleasant and eafe to take. For foie by Geo. A. Harding. i A Trip ThroughEastem Oregon, Having had the pleasure of working and travelling over a good fhare of East ern Oregon, I take my pencil in hand to tell my story to the readers of the Cour ier, which I hope will be of some inter est to then . Leavin Wilhoit October 2, 1901, and mounted on the back of a sturdy bronco I headed for Oregon City ,25 miles away. I reached this flourishing town in good season andfound every branch of com merce to be thriving. I then took a pleasant ride on the electric car down to the enterprising city of Portland, of which I took a short note and adjourned to the Union depot. I next took an O. R. N. train for Baker City. After being comfortably .seated I took a peep out of the window at the smiling verdure of the lower Willamette vallev. The gen tle dairy cows could be,- seen cropping this earthy treasure for miles around a few miles farther on brought us fairly in to the logging camps of the Upper Co lumbia. Darkness had now drawn the curtain and closed my observations for the night. I settled myself in an easy chair and prepared for the night ride At 12 :40 a. i. we arrived at The Dalles. The D illes is situated on south bank of Columbia river, 88 miles from Port land, and is the principle traveling post of Sherm.tn and Wasco comities. Diybreak found us a few miles beyond Umatilla rolling leisurely through tast em Oregon at the rate of 35 miles per l our, and on looking out of my window how different waa the scene that was presented to my view to that of the eve ning before. On every hand as far as the eye could teach notmng was to oe seen but the rolling plains dotted wiili bunch grass and sage brush to street the eye of the wearyi traveler. Now and then a solitary sheep herder could be seen peacefully smoking while guarding his flock, where the sneaking coyote and the timid jack rabbit scampered away. Occassionally a group of cowboys could be seen resting their leg over the saddle pomel taking th world easy, and now and then one would gallop away after some troublesome critter bando of the ceiebrHttc1 bunch grass horses that were seen -scurrying in nil directions as the train rattled by. The scenery on that brown October morning was magnificent and uneurpaseed, mid one long to be re-' m uibered by ihe writer. Faraway to the west in the cool marning air were the Cascade mountains with their snow capped sunimitB looming up against the sky in all their beauty and granduer. A head of us to the East were the Blue mountains in like beauty at 6:20 a.m. We arrive at PVndleton, which is the county seat of Umatilla county, and is squarely in the farming section of this great inland empire. We stop,?ed there tor about 20 minutes and we took a walk around the town Everything showed a look of general prosperity from all directions large six, eight and ten horse wheat teams could be seen haul ing for i he warehouses, which were ail ready full. Freight trains standing on eide tracks ready to move. Farmers were banking their grain by the r jad side. Tins showed that the crop of the roast year had been good. The conduc tor intormntl me that it was what rail road men called, a wheat blockade. For an hour and a ball we wound our way up he Umatilla river through the Warm Spring Reservation, the red man's wickeui pitched by the road side with the blue smoke curlKig through the apertue In the t p and a kloochauin with a pappoose in her arms, adorning the entrance and presented a subject for the novelist and a sketch for the artist s .pen. Ah u' 7:50 a. m found usBlowly climb ing the Blue mountains and at SfwO a m. we arrived at Meecham, on the sum mit, wbere we stopped for breakfast. A -fast ride of an hour brought us down to the beautiful city of La Grande, which is situated at the head of the Grande Ronde valey. Here a sugar factory was established, and , the industry see mi d to be thriving as tbe Whole val ley was a waving niaBS of Btigar beets. For two hours we wound our way among the sand hills till we arrived at Baker City, reaching this pace at 12:20 P. ni liaker City is tbe county seat of Baker county, and is situated on the south bank of Powder river. It is the base of -supplies for all the mining sections of Eastern Uregon and Idaho. At 1:30 p. m. I took a Sumpter valley train for Sumpter and- arrived there at 4 o'clock p. m. Sumpter ia a lively mining town situated on Powder river and stands on a worked out placer bed This was my destination. Oregon, with all of its untold resources in agriculture, lumbering, grazing and inking, is truly tbe Paradise of the West. N. B. Wadk. Stafford. Three white frosts. Now we wil probably get more rain. More Brant ts have flown over here on their way south tnan for several vears The fall teix of school in district No 41, with Miss Murphy, of rortland, as teacher, closes on December 5th short vacation will be given befote the winter term begins. Miss Murphy in tends going to Idaho to take up tcbool work. Fred Baker went to Independence last week to purchase a bunch ot thorough bred Cotswold sheep. Mr. Haker makes a specialty of the very best live stock to be had. J . f . Gage was home from the me tropolis a couple of days last week. Some early 'sown grain is op and looks a gooa color. Henry Scbatz has been doing some farm work for Mr. Sauiu. Charlie Borland has returned from the Greenhorn mountains. A new board and wire fence will soon appear along Hank Scbatz north line. Tbe frosts have blackened the tops of the late pota'oes. Potato digging will soon be ou in earnest. Eeutter & Sons have moved their small store houee down nearer their store. Wm. Scha'z is again tilling the Bar bard Moser farm. - Fred Moser waa transactit g business in the county seat Saturday. Frank Weddle took a load of butter and eggs, home production, to the Wil lamette grocery man Saturday forenoon. The Tualatin Grange No. Ill, will meet in regular session November 20tb, at 10 :30 a. m. in their hall at Frog Pond. Patrons are always sure to turn out at these all day meetings. , Now as to that lOO.poond pumpkin at Ite ?t?ff?:?., pcTt?:? X'l "'-iai in Largest Clothiers In the Northwest For Mcii and Hoy' The variety of styles and materials we show are all that could be asked. We want you to come to Portland and look over our lines we will be pleas- ed to show wish to buy oys9 Clothing of Highest Grade 4t. We are, without a doubt, showing more exclusive designs in Boys' and Youths' High-Grade Clothing ti an any concern in the Northwest. 4 r!nrrmWf Imps of Tiiwni.p Fiirntshino's and Hats in connection with the boys' department. counterpart in kind but not in size, weighing less than one pound. 11 tne large one contain" cefds in proportion to its size to the smuiKr one. it should con tain about 2700, but, tbt is undoubtedly about ten times t' great an estimate. Don't ijet 'scared" Hbout your fciess.but go right on (messing, Itichard Oldenstadt now considers tbe lowlands moist enoutth to plow, but can't find a place dry enough to keep his horses from miring while turning tne stubble. Stafford. Died Annarette, wife of Conrad Priester, aged 29 years, November 22, at 6 p. m. Mrs. Priester was a daugh ter of Wiillam and Zobedia Sharp. A husband, daughter, mother, several brothers and sisters survive her. Born and lived to womanhood under the same roof married in 1898 to Conrad Prester and made their home in Oregon City, and about two years ago . they moved to their farm LaBt summer they moved to ; Southern Oregon for the benefit of Mrs. Priester's health, which did not improve, and they returned a short time ago to the old home and relatives. The procession that followed the remains to their final resting place waB almost one half mile long, and the concourse that met to pay respects at t'le last sad rites showed the great esteem in which they held her as a friend. "O sweet is the season of rest, When life's weary journey is done ; The beam that spreads over its west, The last lingering ray of its sun, Tho' dreary the empire of night, I soon shall emerge from its gloom, And see Immortality's light Arise on the shades of the tomb." A Startling Surprise. Very few eould believe ia looking at A. T Hoadley, a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, Ind.,that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheu matism as few could endure and live, but a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." . They regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervousness, improve digestion and give perfect health. Try them, Only 50ctg. at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has be n appointed administrator In tbe estate of Albert Cloeuer, deceased. All persona having claims against tbe said estate are hereby notified to present the said duly verified according to law and accompanied by the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at Kpringwater, Clackamas Connty, Oregon, within tlx monl hs of the date of this notice. Dated this 30th aay of October. 1W)2. Kl). CLOHNER, GEO. C. BROWNEIX, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the undesigned has been appointed administrator of the ebtata oi Horcell Koeuer deceased. Ail persona having claims against the said es tate are hereby notiUed to present the same duly verified according to law and accompanied by the prouer vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of f. W.Loder In Oregon City, Clackamas Connty, Oregon, within tlx months from the date of this notice. Dated this 31th day of October, 1002. C. A. NASH, Administrator of the est.e of Marcell Koeuer, you through, whether you, or not. Men's Business Suits - Men's Topcoats - - - - Men's Raincoats - - - - Men's Overcoats - - - - Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and SUMMOSP. Tn tbe circuit oonrt ol the eta'e of Ongon, fur the eounty of Clnokumns. Mary Burton, plaiuiiff, vs. J. 3. ISnrton, defend ant. Tn J. 3. Burton, defendant dl"v nnrned: In Uiennmo the Hate of Oregon. on are hereby required to ai-petir anil answer the :uiiip)Hiit filed againBt y:u in the above entitled eult io the above Humeri court on or before Friday, November 28, 1902, tbe eaine being neven weeks from the firat publication of ihU Rumraont, and yuii will take notice that If you fat. to io appear and answer Hid complaint the plaintiff will appty to the surt for the relief denixnded In laid complaint to-wit:That the bonds of matrlmory now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved, This summous ts published by theor1erof the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county Judge of Clackamas county, stae nf Oregon, In the absence of Hon. Thos. A. MoHride, Judge of the fifth judicial dis trict of the state of Oregon, in the Oregon City Courier-Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed in Clackamas cmini.y, for seven consecutive weeks, commencing Kridiiy, October 17, and aoiiiliiuing to and including Friday, November 28. 1WI2. UKO. C. BROWNSIL, Attorney lor 1'laiuUff. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, William Cromble, plaintiff, vs. tiara May Cromble defendant To Clara May Cromble, he above-named de fendant : In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hetehy commanded to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause ou or before the td day of Dccein her,l!Mr2, being more than six weeks from the ditte of first publication of this summons, and the date prescribe! by the order of said conn, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply U the oonrt for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wi': that the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between vou and the plaiutitfbe forever dissolved, ami for such other ana lurther rellel as to the court may seem equita ble. This summons Is served upon you by order of the Hon. T. A. Mcllriile. dated the 8il day of Novem ber, llKri, and tbe date of the first publication of mis summons is tne in aay or iNovemt er, r.iiu, and the last publication the 19th day of December, 1!02. FRANK SCH'KGKL. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county oi Clackamas. Nancy Bostwick, plaintiff, vs. W. C. Bmtwlek, defendant. To W. C. Bostwick, the above named defendant: In the name of the stste of Oregon, you are hereby notified that the Plalniiff hereiu has filed a complaint against you in the above-entitled court and oause, and you are hereby required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the hvd dayof theof thetime prescribed In the order of publication made herein, to wit: on or before the 211th day of December, iWri; you are further notliled that if you fall to appear and an swer the said complaint or plead thereto the Plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In said complaint. tO'Wit, for a decree forever dis solving the bruits ot matrimony now existing tie. tween Plaintiff and yourself, also for on order re sulting to Plaintiff her maiden name, to wlt.Nancy Hagar, and for such other and further relief at to equity may seem just and proper. The date of Die first publication of this sum mons Is Friday, November 7th, !KiS, and the last publication thereof, Friday, Decern ber ift, 1K02, and said iimmons shall be published on Friday of each week for a period of six wcks. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, auly made November 3, lin2. CHAH J. HCHN'T'.FI.. Attorney for I'l-lntiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIt K. F.state of Elizabeth Shsndy, defeased. Notice la hereby given that tbe underi-ii.'fied has been duly appointed by the county . nt ot Clackamua county, Oregon, as admit, im i. r of the estate of fcliz-abeth Bhandy, dce All persons having claims against said ih are hereby notified to present the same, pr, . i . veri fied as by law requited, to nse at Wilhoi , i-e., or my attorney! at Oregon City, Ore., viii.in six months from this date. Dated this 17th day ef October, 1902. O 8. BOYLKH, Ailininl a'or. BOBKRT A. MILLKR and 0. I. kt V, .."'.'ia;;: In MwiLMt. Corner Fourth anrl nr Movrison Streets $10 to $35 10 to 30 12 to 30 10 to 55 Prince Albert SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon loir" county of Clackninat. Nellie Field, PKiutiff, vs. Arthur Field, De ' fendant To Arthur Field, defendant! above named:. In the name of the HI ate of Oiegon you are here- by required to appear and aut-wer ihs aomplalnlt filed agtlnst you m the nbore entitled suit In tbe above named court, on or before the time set nut In the or ier for the publication of the suinmonjsv . to wit: On or befo e six weeks alter the first put llcatlon thereof, being November 7th, 1WK, and If you fail so to appear or answer within said time, , tht plaintiff above name i will, for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in hei compl int. and for a decree dissolving tho bond', of matrimony existing between the plaintiff aiuil Defendant; that Plaintiff be allowed to rosuiixt ' net maiden name and for ousts and disbursement of t.,e suit. ' The date of the first publication of this notice Is-, November 7th, 1!KU, and the last date Is Dicem-. berluth, 1IK)2, and this summons 's published pur-' suatit to an order made unentered by Hon.Thnma i A. Mcllriile. Judge of the above entitled Court., on the 3rd day of Novemlier, VMl. A. R. MKNDKNHAUV Atloruey for t'lalntlff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the B'ate ef Oregon for the County ol Clackamas. Agnes Leland, Plaintiff, vs. John lelaud, De fendant. In the name of the Bute of Oregon, you are hereby required to apnear and answer the com plaint Died against you in the above entitled suit In the above named court on or before Krldayv December 12, UKU, the same being seven weekr (mm the first publication of this summons) amU you will take notice tint If you f.ill so to appeal and answer said complaint, that the Plaintiff will t apply to the court for theelief demanded in said oomplalnt, to-witt That the bonds of matrimony; now existing between you and Plaintiff pedis -solved, - The summons Is published by order of Hon Thomas A. Mcllriile, Judge of the oth Judicial District of tbe Htale of Oregon, in tho Oregon Cily Courlerllerald for seveu consecutive weeka, . commencing Friday, November 7th, WU2. and con tinuing for each week thereafter to and luoludliiK. Friday, December 1(1, P.Kfi. HOWARD M. IIROWNKIX, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT... Notice Is hereby given that W. E. Grantham. . Administrator of the estate of Maluchl Grantham,, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon, his final account aa sucki. Administrator, and the Court has fixed Tuesday, IheSlhdayof Decomber, llstt. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day at the County Court lu said County aa the time and place for hearing o Ji ctlins if any, to said Ileal aocouut. All persons are heieby notified to appear aid time and place and show cause, If any exla), why said Until account should not be allowed aniT' said estate liuaily settled and said Administrator discharged. W. K. CRANTHAM, Administrator of the estate of Malachl Grau tham, deceased. A. R. MENDF.NH.VI.L, Attorney for Administrator. First publication November 7th, 1MM. last publication December 6th, 1902. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tl county of Clackamas. Clara E. Carpenter, plaintiff, vs. George Carpenter, defendant. To George Carpenter, the above named defend ant: lu the ua.ne of tiie stale of Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed auainst you in the above entitled court and cause, ou or before the 23d day of D'cember, 19 2, being six weeks from tbe first publitstioti or this summons, and ttie date prescribed by the order of said court, and If you tail so to auswev for want l hereof the Plaintiff will apply to tin -court for the relief pmyt-d lor in the complaint... b--wit: That the bonds of matiimony heretofore--and now existing between you and the Ptatntilr be forever rtissol veil, and that the custody of mlnot t cblid, Kdward Carpenter, be awaiUud so fhe Plain- -till, and for such other end further relief la lu ttie court uiHy seem eqiiiulile. - .urf fw This summons is served upon yon by' ordsr of the Hon. I. A. MrHrlde. Doled the third day of. November, 1: 112 and Uienaieof the flri iiulill 'ts tloll of tills summons is the 7th 'Iny f Nmsi"i: ' ex. I'll, slid the last publication 1 1, , . Ii , , Ccmber, 1D02. FRANK H A ' j I . r. ..oJL. Apparel