Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 28, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The House Furnisher
We Want to Stay in Oregon City
When a man establishes himself in a legitimate business, it should be
with a determination that he's going to stay, to make his home, if he expects to succeed. We started in to stay in . In a town of this size a merchant must depend on repeated sales to the same customers
day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. In an immense city it might be possible, were a man so disposed, to figure on selling to each customer only once, depending on fresh
victims each day; then it wouldn't matter to him how the victims felt about it. But we want regular trade steady, satisfied, friendly customers, who come to us confidently and constantly. And the way
to get and hold such customers is to treat them fairly and squarely. So you see, leaving the matter of morals out of the question, the consideration of self-preservation, our very business existence, demands
that we shall deal honorably by our fellow men, if we want to stay in business. AND WE DO WANT TO STAY. Unm
We are making a great many strong inducements just now to attract new customers (and the old ones get the benefit, too), and we intend that every person who makeseven one purchase here
shall carry away and retain a good impression of our store and our methods.
That's the Way We Expect to be Able to Stay
Chairs for Jill
From youth to age
there are many styles
of chairs needed. We
have the plain straight
chairs at all prices.
High back dinning
room chairs as low a s
Damask upholstered
rockers as low as $2.50.
Morris chairs for
, $7.50 and cheaper.
Baby chairs 45 cents.
Breezy Beds M'i0m
You'll like the iron beds we sell, and you'll
like the way we sell them.
These beds are strong and comfortable, airy
and clean. ' Not an expensive luxury, but a
luxury just the same. Made of iron, heavy
enough to stand all the weight you put on
them, but light enough to give you rest.
Price $3.00 and Up
Jl Welcome 6ift
II you have a wite or a
mother try a gift of a sew
ing machine and see how
it will please them. Here's
a machine with " good
points. It will do even
sewing and make a per
fect seam.
Sold for $18
We will close out our stock of 75 dollar ma
chines far $34 cash.
31 Wash machine
How is it that so many women go on wash
ing in the old life-stealing way when for the
small sum of $4.25 they could get a commod
ous machine from us that makes washing mere
child's play and enables them to bake bread
and can fruit at the same time?
"East, West, dome's Besr
When you lie
down to com
fortable slum
ber on one of
you are certain
to realize that
Home is best
and Iliac the mattress is best. They just fit
every curve and bone of the weary bod-
sleeping is easy on them, awakening hard.
Price $10 and $15
Of course we have cheaper Mattresses that are
Chiffonier, without mirror,
i i ur
dfl $14.00
Stair Carpet,
25 cents
Per Yard
The guarantee of
our granite ware
is absolute. If
.CO , .ti I ,1 I 1
sFjr TVrw i"c enamel snouid
I In ever drop off by natural
use, return the, article and
ask for a new one; ih? price is nearly the same
as you have to pay (or the trashy kind.
We have a number of J
Carlsbad china
Dinner Sets
Regular $22. 50 value,
which we offer between
now and the holidays for $16.50.
Nice loo piece decorated sets for $9.50.
Here's a
a Coffee Pot
Look at it.
It is warranted never
to rust, tnado of heavy
ante-ruat tin, copper
bottom, price for one
quart can,
70 Cents
the Charter Oak
Steel Range
Is not better than the best,
but we claim that there is no
better steel range made than
the Charter Oak . Price of
6-hole range with cast reservoir,
Prices on
A man's knife is a part of his personal furnish
ings. He should be up to date with his knife
as well as in other things . Choose from our
' stock on hand. You cannot go away unsatis
fied. Askforour45c knife
1 111 r
mm mark-
It's worth your while to come and see it, even
if you have to come forty miles, and the prices
Moquette Rugs as large as 9x12 feet, Pro
Brussells Rugs, 7x9 and 9x12 feet, Symrnas
and Jutes as
Cheap as $1
Lamps witfy
or shades in endless vari
ations of sizes, colorings
and price, all fitted with
the latest improved burners and fixtures. Par
lor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Reading Lamps,
Bed Room Lamps, Lamps and Lanterns for
any purpose, elaborate or plain .
UH fifi will buy a fancy
tpi.UU decorated lamp.
The modern made cook
stove has revolutionized
housekeeping. It has
made it and the house
keeper attractive.
Our stoves are the newest and best patterns,
designed both for beauty and for the most
comfortable and quickest dispatch of culinary
labors. They make cooking a pleasure, an art
and cooking both palatable and digestible.
Sec what we offer for 22
mm sPeaks for
No eloquent seller is re
quired to persuade the
buyer that our new wall
paper is beautiful. It
speaks for itself harmon.
ious, with designs beauti
fully well drawn and in every shade from the
delicate to the heavy and sumptuous style sug
gesting the colonial, it offer " a wide range of
15c a double roll
Prettij Windows
Are possible if you supply pretty curtains, and
we have a stock to insure you getting good
ones. Here are curtains of light flurry lace in
exquisite patterns, which will add much to the
beauty of the room while representing a very
moderate outlay of money. Some are prettily
edged others are plain. 1 rices range from
AOc to $1 pah-
Look at Any
Roll of Carpet
Here '
There is quality of Carpet
in every roll we carry
Some of the coloring mv
not be just to your taste, but the carpet is al
right. If you don't like our price we have
others to show, but the thing we want to
emphasize is that every Carpet you buy here is
a wormy one.
Fine Wool Ingrain, 65c per yard
Axminster Moquette, $1.25 per yard
"Of all beautiful pictures
that hang on memory's
wall" has reminded a man
of his favorite picture, as
well as the one in mem
ory. The best loved picture'
deserves just the royal
frame we have for it. But
we have frames of many
kinds for many minds. . The latest style,
with glass
For $1.75
4 legs, $4.00
lip I
k covs
Christmas is com
ing and thoughts
of little attentions
we are obliged to
pay to our family and friends are
at hand. Never hpfnr l13
had such a swell stock of presents
W on hand as this year. VVe
want 10. make it impressive to
your mind that our store is the
place to go to, to see what you
can get for little money. Watch
our snow windows, ask
neighbors about
our displays.and
indeed it will be
an easy matter
for you to find
just what you
An immense consignment of Dolls direct
from Germany is at our command and
must be sold regardless of cost.