Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 21, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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In lhat Thriving Neighborhood,
We recently spent a very pleasant time
mingling with the people of the thriving
little city of Canby. Canby is only ten
miles to the south on the Southern
Pacific Railroad and is in one of the
raoBt beautiful parts of the county.
The broad, level farms about the village
sweeping away to the Willamette on
the weet and to the Molalla on the south
and east, whereon are situated the com
modious and comfortable homes of the
rural population, are monuments to the
country's prosperity.
We made the acquaintance of Mr.
Rosekrans, of the firm of Carlton &
Rosekrans, and found him to be a very
pleasant gentleman indeed. The firm
of Carlton & Rosekrans is one of ti e
largest country firms in the ccunty and
the store would do credit to a town much
larger than the town of Canby.
Mr. Andrew Kocher is the .leading
hardware man and is doing a big busi
ness. There are a number of Bmaller
store engaged in different lines of
business. The town boasts of three
aotels, all first-class in every respect.
3ne barber shop, run by Tom Shockley,
;nanages to take care of all the trade.
There are two churches, half a dozen,
secret societies ard one school which
employs three teachers.
The Southern Pacific steam shovel
crew is working in the gravel pit and a
considerable force of men are employe'',
A little girl baby came to the home of
the new minister last week. l!olh
.nother and babe are doing well under
the care of Dr, D-'adman.
The Canby lodge, I. 0. 0. F., will
visit the Aurora lodge next Thursday
evening in a body and every member is
requested to be present. The boys are
looking to have a good time.'
The Degree of Honor held a very en
joyable entertainment in their lodgeroom
iast Saturday evening. Quite a large
crowd of the boys were present from
lurora. bupptr was seived and a
general g"od time was enjoyed by all
A new sidewalk has been ordered built
by the city council in front of Zollnei's
hitching shed. The recent rains have
caused it to get very muddy there and
others places in the streets of Canby.
A citizen's meeting' has .been called
for November 10, to place in nomination
our counciluien for two years and a
;ity treasurer, to be voted for on the
drat Monday in December.
Tom Shockley, our clever barber, was
t visitor to Portland the first of the week.
Messrs Rosekrans. & Carlton were
visitors to Portland this week.
Mr. D. E. Roth will leave in a few
vveeks for California wlrere he expects to
spend the winter.
There will be a turkey and duck shoot
ing match here on the day before
Thanksgiving. II, A. Yorpahl !b the
manager. A big crowd is expected to
"When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul
sion. It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there' is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
. milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hy; i phosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
s the most satisfactory treat
ment. We will send you
the penny, . e., a
sample free.
Pe sure that tltis picture in
ttie It'nn of a luliel is on tlie
wrapper ot every bottle ot
KmuLion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c. auJ fi.oo ; nil dnigi,isH.
attend the shooting ai.d a right merry
time is looked for.
The high wind Sunday night was said
bymanvtohave been the worst wind
storm that has visited this section in
number of years. No mateVial damage
was done, however.
Some one met with a bad runaway ac
citlent in Canby last Saturday. The
buggy which was attached to the run
away horse was smashed but the oc
cupant was uninjured. No one se.'med
to know who the party was.
George Knight, our local potato man,
has made a very large purchase of
potatoes and apples this year, which he
ib holding for a rake in prices. J. D.
Stalnaker, who is buying for Hearst, of
Aurora, has also made a yery large
The people of this urban village will
shortly be reading the Courier by the
reflection of electric lights. The wires
have already been' placed and only a
little more work needs to be done until
the plant will be in full operation. The
power is generated at Auiora and lights
thirty candle power, cost $1 per month
each . Canby is fast taking on city airs.
Rev. McPherson filled his regular ap
pointment at the Methodist church Sun
day, preaching to a large and attentive
Prof. Winches and wife, who have
charge of the Canby Bchool, are making
it a great success. The primary depart
ment is being taught by Miss Vea
Knight and she is spokeu of very highly
by the patrons.
Miss Annie Ruth, who was a trained
nurse with Uncle Sam's army in the
Phillippiues and China, brought lack
with her many interesting relics of
those faraway countries. Among othtr
things were bolos of various makes and
styles, a Chinese sword and a carbine,
picked up on the Boxer battlefield.
MiBB Roth can relate many interesting
reminiscenses of her trip to the Orient
which are highly interesting, and her
stories of the bloody days, when the
Boxers were terrorizing both China and 1
the civilized world with their deeds of
violence will not likely be soon fvrgotien.
YE Alt.
Only 039 Foils Shotvn on the
Boll For 1002.
The assessor's office of Clackamas
county, of which the Hon. Eli Williams
presides has finished the assessment
rolls for the county lorthe present
year. His books are madeout in
good shape and will be ready for
the tax collector within a short time.
Only nine hundred and thirty nine polls
are Bhown on the list. The entire valu
ation of all taxable property in the
county is $4,520,503 00.
Value of tillable land $1,274,185.00
Value of non-tillable land. . 1,480,447.00
Nalue of improvements. . . . 500,233.00
Value of town lots 532,750.00
Value of iniurovemeots on
same 245,911.00
Value of improvements on
other lands 115.00
Value tf railroads and tele
graphs , 120,250.00
Value of rolling stock . . J, . 18,510.00
Value of steamboats 107,580.00
Value of Merchandise 00.071.00
Value of Farming Imple
ments 68,442.00
Money 14,775 00
Notes and accounts 7,195 00
Stock in joint stock ccm-
panies 36,088.00
Value of horses and
mules 112,310.00
Value of cattle 137,525,00
Value of sheep and goats. . 18,000.00
Value of hogs 10,868X0
Value of houcehold furni-
I lure, etc 78,571.00
Gross Val. of all property .. $4,920,444.00
Exemptions 393,941.00
Net val. taxable property. .$4,526,503.00
No. acres cf tillable land $ 80.6S2
" of non-tillable land 489,412
" " miles railroad, etc 139
" " hoi ses and mules 4,495
" " cattle 11,805
" " sheepjjuul goats 13,332
" " swine 6,100
" 1 " polls 9:19
H'ulilic Sale.
R. O. Thomas, of Oregon City, has
advertised all of hie etcck for sale at
Gieen Point, rear Abernathv bridge, on
December 1ft, 1903. Mr. Thomas has
some exceedingly good cows, calves and
hogs as well as chickens and fsrming
implements. He will offer them for
sale, and they will goat the best price
for Infants and Children,
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Sears the
Will Be President of the Oregon
Honors voming Miyrit Along for
the Oregon City Statesman,
It seems now to be almost a certainty
that George C. Brownell will be elected
Preaident of the Oregon Senate which
convenes at Saler. in January. Both
Senators Mitchell and Simon have de
clared for Brownell for the place and
that seems to settle the matter for g iod
and all. Mr. Brownell just at the pres
ent time is the most prominent figure in
Clackamas county politics. He will en
ter upon his third term as Senator from
this county the first of January. Mr.
Brownell is an ardent republican and
doubts very much whether a democrat
will get to heaven. At least all of the
front seats will be reserved for the Re-
, num.. w ii iut,m.im'ii nnwmniyawii
It 1 y ' ' j
publican cohorts. Aside from his poli
t ci, whicl: Hie ibout as bad as ih.y
well could he, from a Democratic stand
point, the Hon. Brownell is a pleasant
and genial gentleman and one whom it
is a pleasu e to meet. We are glad to see
him win this fight as it means that
honors come to our republican townsmar.
GtorgeC. Brownell came to Oregon
City from Kansas twelve years ago. He
has been in the Senate at Salem eyer
since. He preempted a seat in the, Sen
ate at the same time that he opened a law
office in Oregon City and has held on to
his Senatorial toga as tightly as he has
held down his law practice. Mr. Brow
nell learned to be a politician in Kan
sas. There politics and grasshoppers
are indigenous to the soil. There are
very U w things in the political game
that he don't know. A good stumper, an
excellent organizer a smooth mixer he
has kept the boys in Clackamas guessing
for about a dozen years and if" them "fel
lows down at Salem this winter leave
the senatorial toga lying around loose
over night Hon. George Biownell'will
walk off with it, sure as "gun is iron."
Well it is no fight of "ourn," and we
don't intend to loose any sleep about
the matter or pull "anybody's hair; but
we wish the honorable Clackamas
county senatorf would jet something
that would suit him and keep him out
of politics in this county for a year or
l,wa. We are going to have a right in
teresting local "scrap" heie politically
in about twenty months. Stranger
things have happened than that old
Clackamas might swing back to her
early traditions;Jand elect a Democratic
ticket from top to bottom or as we used to
say in Kentucky fiom "eend to cenri."
In the meantime we wish our neighbor
goodluck and a good time and may lij be
able to get away with a goodly portion
of the "loaves and fishes." The best
we Democrats can do is to stand off and
look on. The pie counter is not for us
yet awhile. There is an old saying down
South however that we believe applies
in this case "Every dog has his days,"
and we think it is about our turn at the
Crnelljr Crushed.
William Bliss when president of the
Boston and Albany railroad was once
called before the railroad committee of
the Massachusetts legislature to testi
fy on trutllc mutters, and a young
member who was serving his first
term undertook to examine him.
"I want you to tell me how much it
costs to haul a freight car from Boston
to Springfield," said the member.
"I don't know," replied Mr. Bliss.
"You don't know?"
"That was the answer I gave."
"What are you, anyway?"
"Of what?"
"The Boston and Albany railroad."
"Well, sir," began the legislator In
rising voice, "If you are William Bliss,
president of the Boston and Albany
railroad, nud you don't know what it
costs to haul freight from Boston to
Springfield, who hi the name of heav
en does know?"
"No one that I know unless It Is a
member of the Massachusetts legisla
ture who Is serving his first term."
Another member continued the ex
amination. His Life in Peril.
"I just'eemed to have gone all to
pieces " writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare,
Tex., "biliousness and a lame back
had made life a burden. I couklu't eat
or sleep and felt almost too woru out to
ork w hen I began to use Electric Bit
ters, but they worked wonders. Now I
sleep like a ton, can eat anything, have
gained in strength and enjoy hard
uik." TI.ev Kive vigoious health and
uew life to weak, sickly, run down peo
ole. Try them. Ouly 50c at. Geo. A.
Harding's drugstore.
" Love lightens
labor," the say
ing runs, and in a sense it
is true. But even love
cannot lighten labor or
make it easy for the wom
an who is in constant suf
fering from inflammation,
bearing - down pains or
other womanly diseases.
The one thing that can
make work easy for wom
en is sound health, and
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is the thing that
will give sound health
to sick women. It cures
womanly diseases which
cause weakness, and cures
the backache, sideache, nervousness and
other ills which are the result of woman
ly diseases.
"I suffered from female weakness for five
months," writes Miss Belle Hearicb, of Nye,
Putnam Co., W. Va. "I was treated by a good
physician but he never seemed to do me any
good, I wrote to Dr. R. V, Pierce for advice,
which I received, telling me to take his ' Favor
ite Prescription ' and ' Golden Medical Discov
ery.' When I had used the medicines a mouth,
my health was much improved. It has contin
ued to improve until now I can work at almost
all kinds of housework. 1 had scarcely any
appetite, but it is all right now. Have gained
everal pounds in weight. Dr. Pierce's medi
cines have done wonderfully well here. I
would advise all who suffer from chronic dis
eases to write to Dr. Pierce."
"Favorite Prescription ".makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine
which works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered
book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound
volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf
falo, N. Y.
ANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned hy non-residents
represented and sold. B. E. Cross, At
torney at Law .
JpNEY TO LOAN on approved real
estate and chattle security. G. B.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $000 of city
money on approved security. John W.
Loder, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
Hot soda at the Kozyj Kurd Kite l.erj
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
The Parkpla e Cash Store will give a
way two sewing machineson Christmas.
See Holmes, Parkplace, Oregon.
Complete line of general merchandise
at Parkplace Cash Store at prices equal
and lower than Portland. Best and fin
est line of shoes ever shown. Produce
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, 15c.
Do yoni trading at the Parkplace Cash
Store and get a chance on the two sew
ing machines to be given away Christ
mas. The Dentist: Beatie and Beatie are
the dentists in the Weinhard building.
Their room is number .
Send iOc to Aleert Tozier, Poitland,
Ore., for printed list and addresses of
5000 Clackamas county voters. Oregon
City lint 10 cents; Aurora, Canby, Bar
low, Oswego, 5 cts; others 2 cents, tf
Get a free sample of Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets at Geo, A.
Harding's drug store; They are easy
to take and more pleasant in effect then
pi 11b. Then their use is not followed u
conBpipation as is often the case wit
pills. Regular size, 25 cents per bottle
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
ocurer K. W. Grove's signature is on
ach box. 25c.
For a Bad Cold.
If you have a bad cold you need a
good reliable medicine like Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to loosen and re
lieve it, and to allay the irritation and
inflammation of the throat and lungs.
For sale by Geo. A. Hardii g.
VoUttoes Highest market prices f ir
Fancy stock. Shank & Bissell.
1'. CdiO.Rg. Co.
25c is ttia regular Snndnv
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store."
The Best Remedy for Croup.
From the Atchinson, Kan., Daily Globe.
This is the season w hen the woman
who knows the beet remedies for croup
is in demands in every neighborhood.
One of the most terrible things in the
world is to be awakened in the middle of
the night by a whoop from one of
the children. The croup remedies are
almost as sure to be lost, in case of
croup, as a revolver is sure to he lost in
case of burglars. There used to be an
oklfashioned remedy for croup, known
as hive syrup and tolu, but some modern
mothers say that Chamberlain's Cougn
Remedy is better, and does not cost so
much. It causes the patient to "throw
up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief
iu a shorter time, Give this remedy as
soon as the croupy cough appears and
it will prevent the attack. It never
f alls and is pleasant and safe "to take.
For sale by Geo, A. Harding. -
The Red Front
Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon
Good Green Coffee, per lb ioc Boy's Wool Hats, from. .35c up
Good Roast Coffee per lb I2c Men's Wool Hats from. .40c up
Arm&HammerSoda, 8 lbs 25c
Washing Powders, per lb. 5c
Good Laundry Soap, 20 Umbrellas, from 40c up
bars 70c
Liquid Shoe Dressing, bot- . r , , . ,
tje 0 gc We the carrj Celebrated Gil-,
Blueing,' box 5c bert LininSs and Near Si,ks-
Blueing, bottle ' 5c
Sewing Machi.ieOil.-bottle Sc We have the mrst complete
Battle Axe Tobacco, 2 line of D.ess Trimmings, Laces,
Plu2s 75c Applique, -Braids and Fanry
' Buttons in Oregon City and
MACKINTOSHES. carrv an assortment equal to
Mi T , . , , . , any in Portland,
tsses Macktntohhts with V- n c t m i
detachable collars $1 50 , ur 1 nnimings for children's
Women's Mackintoshes, In a" colnrs WC
from 2 51 a' U'
Men's Mackintoshes, from 1 50
Boys' Mackintoshes, from 1 25 We carry the J. B. Lewis,
Wear Resister and Bradley &
Metcalf Shoes, which always give
We carry the Sweet Orr Un- satisfaction, and we sell them at
ion-Made Overalls and Jumpers, prices to suit.
We Trade for Farm Produce and Shingles
GEO. T. HOWARD, Profj.
and Lunch Counter
Opposite EKjctric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch or
Open at All Hours, day or night
Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds
everything Tnsb, Deaf and Chan,
meat Wakt cfj. Betbke
Op; osite tispenion Bridge, Oregon City
Cor. Seccnd Eni, Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or.
This Is 4I1 Dr. - Kessler,
One of the. World's Create&t Specialists
Kow, look hero, y m g man, don't be eo careless. Dou'r putofl any longer
haye your ease attended to today, for y(,ur look's tell on you. You may conclude
to get married boiuh day, and to live happy yuu must be a man rutted and etrona
physically and mentally. So many divorce cases we hear of, it an investigation
was made would discloe the fact that physical and nervous weakness of the hus
band caused The wife to family hate him. Woman love a manly man, just as much
as men love beautifully developed, healthv, red-cheeked women. Blotches and
pimples show something w rong. All kinds of diseases arecured bv this old doctor
It is not necessary to go to see him ; in a few diseases where surgery is required or
cancers, old ulcers and mull, it is better to see htm, but all weakness and private
conditions can be cured at home. He has a perfect svstetn for home treatment
he always answers your letters in plain envelope and 'keeps every case a profouad
secret, l'ay no attention to the little hoaks you find on streets, but trust, yourself
an old doctor w!'0 has been curing cases like yours for ovr a q urtar of a
entury. Always enclose 10 two-cent stamps, when writing for treats int. an 1
end small bottle of your urine, if possible.
Mamc-pr nf the .ct I mi'c nJlral an,i c..i.-Ai rM.
Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Cor. 2d and Yan'aill Sts., Portland t