Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 21, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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Regular September Term of the
County Board.
John LBwellen, T. B. Killin and
VVm. Brobst, County Commis
sioners.. State of Oregon, county of Clackamas.
Before the board of county commis
sioners of the state of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas.
Be it remembered, That a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners for the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, begun and held at the
court house in sajd county and state on
Wednesday, the 1st day of Oct., at 10
o'clock a.m., of said day to transact
county busines when were present
Hon, John Lewellen, Hon. T. B.Killin,
Hon. William Brobst, commissioners;
John R. Shaver, sheriff; F. A. Sleight,
In the matter of warrants drawn in
vocation :
Owen Perry, support of John
Jones $14 00
Mrs Eosa Treichler, support of
Rosa Ireichler and family 10 00
Ellen Bridges, support of Ellen
Bridges 8 00
J W Jones, support of J E Patton. 6 50
Wm Scott, Bupport of J and M
Mahan 28 00
Mrs Hattie Wood, support of Mrs
Hattie Woods 5 00
Elias Miller, support of David
Mortimore 30 00
T P Drake, support of Elizabeth
Drake 20 00
Paul Freytag, support of J H
Jones 10 00
Wm Dean .support of Miss Forester 6 CO
A M Shibley, support of Mrs
Grindstaff 8 00
Henry Lewis, support of Henry
Lewis 8 00
MrKruger, support of Krugerand
family 7 00
Alice Carr, support of Jane Carr.. 10 00
L Matheson. support of L Mathe-
son 7 00
Gus Purkle, support of Gus Purkle
and family iu uu
C E Burns. Bupport of Johanna
J J Gorbeit, support of Wm Stone 5 00
J M Heckart, support of Carl
Gadke , 8 00
King Bohall, support of Phoebe
Hastings "... 7 00
Elias Miller, support of CC Lewis 12 00
Mary Haley, support of James
Wilson 8 00
E Austin, support of Ira Phillips. 10 00
Eldora Younger, support of El-
dora Younger and family 8 00
Jihn Avins, support of John Avins 8 00
Mrs Adam, support of Mrs Adam
and family 15 00
Geo Mooney, support of Godfrey
Schmale 8 00
Mrs Mary Volchers, support of
Mrs Volchers and family 8 0)
W H Mattoon. support of Mr O S
Phelphs and family 5 00
W T Tin8ley, support of W ,T
Tinsley 5 00
S BPeppel, support of S B Peppel 5 00
Mrs M A Clarke, support of Mrs
M A Clarke 10 00
W T Gardner, support of Boys and
Girls Aid Society 10 20
E N Foster, support of L Reynolds
and family 8 00
In the matter of reports of supervisors :
Road District No. 5
The E'B Elliott Co $ 7 20
W M Markell & Co 1 75
Meinig Bros 1 65
Clemens Bartch 7 56
StrauBS & Lennartz 26 91
Jeol Jarl 4 20
The A B Elliott Co 10 80
J S Birdsall 40 00
E Hickey 11 62
R Birdsall.... 13 50
EUtieer 10 12
J Oaid 1 60
H Bright 1 50
Road District No. 7
Hans Cook 7 50
Jas Fegles 10 00
Hans Cook 7 50
Jas Fegles 16 00
FMcGuirin 3 00
W Q Calvin 1 00
Jas Feeles 4 00
Road District No. 11
RFI.inn 9 82
L G Ritnow 10 50
Woart District No. 13
F W Wolfer 1 50
T Hughes 8.7&
J Harrev 1 60
O Gaskell 2 00
Jerry Young 2 90
John Gaskell 150
Jas Fullam 32 75
Road District No. 14
A Kleinsmith 1 65
BFLinn 4 75
0 F Gibbs 30 00
T W Glbbs 6 00
Frank Beard 5 75
1 Dixon 15 00
N W Richards 12 00
O O Uihba 21 00
G E Shortlidge 75
Horace Williams 1 0
Geo Mautz 6 00
W Hodge 2 25
M G Bun 2 00
A A Kinney 9 00
Road District No. 16
AStaehley 3 0J
Road District No. 17
T F.hritt 3 00
.Tnhn Ranev 24 00
Road District No. 18
A Stndeman 2 25
P Rnhlnnder 3 00
nhn Shannon 20 00
Jumna Shannon 3 00
T?nd District No. 19
J J Mallatt 26 00
PnaH District No. 20
Joseph Pollock 10 00
Vr.L, District No. 21
CR James 4 00
TW Berber 3 00
G J Wright 1 5J
Und District AO. 22
Jas Barlow - 1 50
Frank Grimm 6 75
Ron Nnver 3 00
Wm Siaudinser 3 00
Louis Staudinger 3 00
flria Ronaker 3 00
H J Rastall 24 00
Frua Kchftfer o
.Tames RattV 9 00
Ludwig Braun 6 00
E Lindquist J-
Louis Pendleton 4
N els Johnson 4
Mart Batty 150
Frei Schafer 10 50
H J Rastall.. 16 5U
M Trullinger 1 00
Road District No. 23
Bagby & Dixon 1 75
James Adkins 6 88
J Sindsness . 7 50
E Lindholm 1 50
Edgar Judy 3 00
Wm Covey 8 55
Coleman Marks 1 50
Wm Moreland 2 75
Henry Hedges 75
J B King 14 85
Clifford WiDcock 14 55
Joe King 28 50
C U Barlow 15 60
W Armstrong 3 00
Wm Evans 23 55
W BTull 17 00
Road District No. 24
Bagby Dixon 20 00
L Moshberger 2 25
FHSeholtz 75
FE Taylor 5 25
E A Montandon 8 00
Road District No. 25
Geo Welch 1 00
J B Mitts 3 75
E Morris , 65
GeoMurdock 3 00
J O Morris : 2 25
John Damm 3 75
F Yohan 1 60
Arthur Wilson 1 50
E M Morris 14 00
M Borkholder 1 50
Philip Shear 3 00
Frank Parmer 3 00
Ed M Morris 15 75
RoadDistrctNo. 26
H Everhart 3 00
D Wilhelm 3 00
D Engle 3 00
TSStipp 3 00
WmVick 3 00
WOVaughan 3 00
C Engle 2 25
W H Engle 2 00
HAKaylor :. 3 00
D Engle 3 00
J V Harless 2 25
Wm Vick 1 50
WH Engle 4 00
Road District No. 27
D Myers 75
M Kerchown 3 00
J Barth 9 00
Road District No. 28
GeoWyland 9 75
Ray Wyland 6 75
Ed Wy land 150
Clarence Vorhees 7 50
O Williams 3 75
Harrison W ilson.. 9 00
B F Boyles 14 00
W B Wade 4 50
Road District No. 32
McConnell&Hall 2 00
Conzeman Bros 16 75
AVoss 3 00
W Boston 1 50
F Davis 1 50
W C Heater 12 00
Road District No. 33
JARied 8 00
Road D.strict No. 34
CMoehnke 4 86
Ernest Smith 2 62
James Ward 3 50
Mike Munch ; 1 75
Jeff Shaw 30 00
Road District No. 36
Bagby & Dixon 17 78
CCMohlson 4 00
John Elliott 1 50
GeoLefler 160
Ivan Broadwell 1 50
Wm Wilson i 3 00
A Anderson 4 50
M Berger 4 50
Roy Phelphs 3 00
Ed Peterson . 4 50
PH Thompson . 3 00
lJete Anderson 3 uu
John Drescher 3 00
Allen Drescher 4 50
D Lenon 1 68
Bud Tompnon... . 24 00
Isaac Miller 4, 30
In the matter of bills presented and
Oregon City Enterprise, printing. 52 75
W F Harris, lumber 63 64
E A Sommer, insane 5 00
Oregon City Plaining mill, bridges 3 50
H H Johnson, surveyor 21 00
P Nehren, insane 4 00
T G Jonsrud, justice peace 2 80
Be-t Jonsrud, constable 2 10
J H Revenue, witness 2 50
W H Young, livery hire 49 00
Adams Bros, pauper 6 00
Wm Brobst, commissioner 19 10
John Lewellen, " 52 00
Edward Revenue, witness 2 70
Joe Donahue, " 1 50
In the matter of the Fanton road.
Laid over until Friday, Novemer 7th.
In the matter of the payment of taxes
of 1890, 1891, and 1892, of M. 0. Gilham
on 50 acres in -Scott D. L. C. Ordered
that upon the payment of $25, the clerk
shall cancel upon the tax record the
same for the years above mentioned.
In the matter of the resignation of W.
W. Wilson as Supervisor of District 2.
Ordered that same be laid over until
next term.
In the matter of constructing a bridge
on the Ritchey and Bradlev road.
Ordored that John Ritchey and Barton
be appointed superintendent ot said
bridge, the lumber not to cost over $4
per tnousand.
In the matter of ihe petition of A.
Dowling and others for a county road.
Ordered that A. Ascboff, J. Strowbiidge
and T. G. Jonsrud be appointed viewers
to meet J. W. Meldrum, surveyor at the
place of beginning on November 24th.
In the matter of increasing the allow
ance of John and Margaret McMahan,
county charges. It is ordered that the
allowance for above named county
charges be increased to $30 per month.
In the matter of the incoporation of
the town of Milwaukie. Ordered that
this matter be continued until tomorrow
at two o'clock.
In the matter of the claim of Geo
Hicinbothem for road lumber. Ordered
that said claim be allowed and a war
rant drawn in fav.r said Geo Hicinbo
them for $548.
In the matter of the petition of P. M.
Hoist, and others for county road.
Ordered that Wm Boring, Thos Bohna
and Frank Osborne be appointed viewers
to meet J. W Meldrum, county Burveyor
at the place of beginning on the 20th day
of Ncve:uber.
In the petition of John Shannon and
others to widen a county road, Ordered
that said petition be denied.
. In the matter of the report of the
veiwers of Alonzo Sutton road of public
easement. Ordered that report be ap
proved and the view and survey be de
clared a roail of public easement.
NOVEMBER 6tH, 1902.
In the matter of the application of J.
W. Roots to withdraw a plat. Ordered
that the Same be allowed and that
charges heretofore paid for filing plat
be applied to plat when rehied.
In the matter of the application of Mrs.
S. E. Valentine for aid. Ordered that
said applicant be allowed $10 per month
for three mouths.
In the matter of cross walks over a
county road. Ordered that supervisors
build walks across a county road near
Mt Pleasant school, when the material,
is furnished him.
In the matter of the incorporation of
the town of Milwaukee. Continued
until tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m.
In the matter of the petition of the
Aurora Light Co. to string wires on a
county road. Ordered that said company
be allowed to plant poles and string
wires thereon along the road between
Barlow and Canby. Said company not
to obstruct 'the road in any manner.
In the matter of the petition of H. E.
Noble for an order concelling certain
taxes . Orddred that said taxes be cancelled.
a ho-ise for Wm. Dart, formerly of this
W. A. Shaver, of Molalla, passed
1 through our burg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vancleve were
Jno Rhodes has a narrow escape last ' amonis the attendent at the church Sun-
Saturday. His team ran away, but he
escaped with a bruised limb. A wheel
barrow is the safeit, Johnnie.
G. White called on Miss E. Morey last
Friday evening.
Chas. Daniels is thinking seriously of
purchasing a new buggy.
Vhen you want a hog killed, call on
S. Wright. He will insure its death ;
even if it does have to drown itself in the
Molalla, to get relief and peace.
Mr. and Mr. Jones, of Carus, G. White
and J. Roades called at the home of S.
Wright Sunday.
Miss Lillian Gans took dinner last
Saturday evening with Mrs. Daniels, of
Frank Case, of Portland, visited his
parents a few days last week.
Mrs M. A. Wright and Mrs. J. Nelson
were callers at Wrights during the week.
Mrs. L. S teh man and Miss E. Morey
were guest of Mrs. Gocher, of Carus
Sunday. '
There was a lively time at J. F.
Nelson Monday, butchering hogs. One
large one was shot in the head twice,
then went through a picket fence, and
into the Molalla river, and then started
down the river and struck a log and
sank. He is now minus a hog.
Carrie Herman and James Melton
passed through our town this week.
Our school teacher went away Satur
day and has not returned yet. The
children were greatly disappointed on
coming to school and not find their
teacher, but "you bet" Johny Bmiled.
It looks at present as though Clarks
might be side tracked again. It is not
likely to be Albert this time.
Wm. Bowers, of Aurora, was in this
section last week buying fat hogs.
J. A. Ridings sold his famous
horse "Buster" last week.
The dance at Union Hall Saturday
night was a grand success.
O. Smith made a quick trip to Oregon
City Saturday.
John Helvey is home for awhile.
Schoenborn's shooting match was o. k.
Emma Inskeep v as the champion marks
man amongst the girls.
Columbus Gw.,nn was in oYir place
Young folks be-vare of the "Carus
ghost;" 'tis dangerous. Maybe, 'tis
enjoy themselves to the utmost. Tb
beBt of order was maintained through
out the whole night, and I am very surf
no one regretted their trouble in cominj
to Union Hall to one of the very ben
(lances of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mcintosh visite.
J. L. Thomas and family last Sundaj
Miss Olive Friedrich, of. New Era
visited Miss Eliza Burns last Saturda:
and Sunday.
Mr. Snyder, our teacher, visited hi
mother last Saturday.
There will be an entertainment givei
in Union Hall on Wednesday evening
Nov. 26th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Th
entertainment will consist of EdiBon'
Stero-Projeoting Kinetoscope moving
pictures, and other numbers too numer
ous to mention. Come out and see foi
yourself. Admission 15 and 25 cents.
John Helvpy is visiting his patents i
Mrs. Otto Striker visited Mrs. Edward
Paine last Saturday,
Mrs. Paine is very ill with typhoiti
John Lamb wfs the guest of Otto
Striker last Saturday night.
Mr. Strejo went to New Era last Fri
Eliza Burns was the guest of Mrs
Nettie Briggs last Friday night.
allowed :
The Popular Pastor of the Baptist Church in Oregon City.
We present this week the
likeness of Rev, J. H. Beaven
of the Baptist church. He
has been in charge of the
church In thij city for four
yeaia and has endeared him
self to the people of Oregon
City as well as bia own con
gregation by his faithfulness
and devotion to the work and
his general affability of manner
A Money-Saving, Pleasure
Giving Plan.
Wholesale Prices to Retail Buyers m
Members on the Very Best Pianai
Made Astonishingly Small Payments
Investigate and You Will Join 0m
of the Clubs Now Forming.
A patent for a new lamp will soon be
out. It, burn s without oil. The moon
furnishing the lieht for a couple tried it
last Sunday night.
It etill rains, is the ground wet enough
for you brother farmer?
Cattle are all poor and will be a hard
for them.
Yes G , I have heard of men being
Btuck on girls, school mar'msandold
maids, but when a man is Btuck in the
center of his fields with land unsowed ;
M A Haley, pauper account 5 00
B F Linn, bridge " 5 28
James Adkins " " 32 66
P Nehren, jail 54 27
Vaughans livery stable Co. Comrs 5 50
J W Norris, pauper account 5 00
" " insane " 5 00
P Nehren, court house 4 00
Louva Randall, recorder account. 35 00
M Michaels, court house 160
F A Sleight, clerk 2 00
C I Gibson, bridge 44 85
Courier-Herald, printing 11 20
Red Front Trading Co.. pauper.. 50
Hunley Bros, stationery 32 15
St Vincent hospital, pauper 13 00
T G Jonsrud, J Peace 4 45
Bert Jonsrud, " 3 70
W E Carll, insane. 5 00
J F Lovelac, " 4 90
Cole Bros & Co., R D No. 25 ..... 10 88
Mrs Augusta Warner, assess and
col taxes 9C0
Lulu Hankins, assess and col taxes 25 00
John E 3retl, insane 2 10
Geo Crist, " ..7 2 10
J Pfister, " ...1 2 10
Mary Pirkle, " 2 10
P Nehron, insane 1 50
Postal Telegraph Co., sheiiff 2 50
hos F Ryan, county ludge 3 50
Pacific Tel and Tel Co., telephone 6 35
Oregon City Foundary, bridge... 18 72
O B Smith, pauper 10 00
Amy Kelly, assess and col taxes. 20 00
Elma Albright, " . " .. 22 00
Lulu llankina, " " 22 00
Mrs Augusta Warner, " ..20 00
Pope & Co, bridge 25 75
court house 1 00
O R Noblitt, jury 12 00
Frank KuBCh, roads 36 10
Vigorit Powder Co, district 25 15 30
Eli Williams, assessor 120 00
E Williams, " 90 00
Anna Williams, " 60 00
J CZinser, school supt 23 94
G A Bollack, assess and col trxes. 31 00
R Shaver, sheriff a 90
A J Olds, bridge 15 oo
R A Alexander, bridge 23 25
Grain that was sowed early is making
a raeid progress.
In the matter of the claim of Sol Garde
for damages to lot 1, block 5, in Oregon j that ia 8 different proposition.
nied. I
In the matter of the appointment' of
E. P. Rands as Deputy county surveyor, 1
Ordered that said appointment be ap-'
proved. I
In the matter of the appointment of ,
C. R. Noblitt. deputy sheriff. Oidered j
that said appointment be approved. j
In the matter of the said claim of A.
McCulloch for return of money expend
ed in perfecting title of land. Ordered
that said claim be denied.
In the matter of the petition of L. W.
Ingram, commander Meade Post G. A.
It. asking that Greenleaf Chute be
placed on indigent soldier roll. Ordered
that said Greenleaf Chute be allowed the
sum ol $10 for the month of November.
In the matter of the petition of T. W.
Swope for rebate of taxes. Ordered
that said petition be granted and clerk
be authorized to draw warrant in favor
of T. W. Swope for $1.80.
In the matter of the petition of A.
Knapp for return of purchase money for
land purchased at a tax sale. Ordered
that said petition be denied.
In the matter of the petition of the O
I. & is. Co., for rebate taxes. Ordered
tnat same be laid over until next term.
In the matter of the report of viewers
of the Fanton road. Report of viewers
read first time, and laid over until to
morrow for second reading.
In the matter of supervisors reports
and the care of county property in their
charge. Ordered that supervisors tile
tkeir reports by the first day of the term,
and that they place all property of the
county in their charge under cover so
that it will be properly protected from
tne weatner.
1C Bridites,
Geo Gnep,
11 Coffey,
John Schmidt,
O F Jones,
Sam Jones,
AJ Olds,
E DOlds,
R A Alexander,
I C Bridges,
O B Olinger.
E D Olds,
T B Killen.Co Commrs 27 20
Cummins & Co, road lumber 35 76
J W Meldrum, surveyor 16 50
Livy Stipp, justice peace 20 35
H S Moody, constable 82 20
T B Thomas, bridge 80
21 75
5 00
4 25
2 00
2 00
2 00
39 00
82 00
37 50
30 50
17 25
40 10
In the mattf r of the incorporation ot
the town of Milwaukee. Ordered that
this matter be and is hereby dismissed.
North Molalla.
Our webs were getting pretty dry but
are now well soaked again, and we can
stand the weather a little better.
Quite showery at present writing.
Several of the Molalla boys are taking
up timber claims in Southern Oregon.
J. H. Vick has bought the Peter
Elmer's place. He now will have a farm
or two for s. le,
Mr. J. R. Shaver, Mrs. Shaver, Mr.
O. D. Eby and wife were visitors among
Molalla friends Sunday.
W. O. Vaughan and John Dungan
are in Eastern Oregon. They will bring
over some horses.
Ray Austen thinks "better late than
never." ' v
Miss Shaw was out riding for her
health Sunday.
W. F. Case, United States mail clerk,
was a pleasaut visitor in our burg for
several days.
Wm. Austen and George Case were
over to MoBhberger. They were trying
their gun on the clay birds.
Arthur MaKinster was a caller at
Vick's Sunday.
The members of Molalla Assembly
No. 82, enjoyed a long waited for oyster
supper, furnished by the losers of the
last spring con teat.
father and mothen Who knows?
V. and E. Jones called on Mrs. Lyons
and family Friday night.
Ernest Jones made a business trip to
Oiegon City Saturday forenoon.
Kate Lyons was visiting V. Jones
Mrs. Otto Strycher was the guest of
Ellen Paine Saturday.
Dick Wallace is much better.
Ellen Paine 1b about the same.
Lee Rarry is able to be out after his
attack with Pa Jones' liminent.
Jack Stedmen called on W. H. Jones
Monday . '
John Molzan was calling on friends
here Saturday.
Al Jones has turned out to be a first
class butcher. Anyone wishing lessons
please call at his office between 8 and 12
a. m.
Frank Irish has been digging Bpuds.
Pike LamuB took supper with Otto
Strycher Saturday night.
Luck In Thirteen.
By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey, of
Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of
Bucklea's Arnica Salve, that wholy
cured a horrible Fever Sore on his
leg. Nothing else could. Positively
cures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions,-
Boils, Burns, Corns and Piles. Only
5c. Guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding
Smith' 8 Dandruff Pomade
stops i-hing scalp upon application
three to six removes all dandruff aoc
will stop falling hair. Price 50c, at all
23)0 sacks of first-cUss
wanted. Shank & JUcsell.
As nohody seems to take notice of our
town and there seems to be no corres
pondent at present so I will try and
sent in what little I can gel.
Glad Tidings is still on the turf if it
has tot been heard from for a long t'.me.
There has not been very much faim
ing done in this section this fall.
The farmers are all waiting patiently
for the rain to stop for a few days, as
the ground might be in a condition so
they could sow a little grain this fall.
Cyrus Hendershot was up from Sell
wood last week. He has been building
Aiines Wallace is Improving. '
. Ray Trullinger is working at Meadow
Brook this week.
There was a good attendance at Sun
day school Sunday.
Fred Woodside is home from Eastern
Mr. Wingfield preached at Mulino
Walter Woodside is visiting his uncle,
A. Woodside this week. ,
P. Penelton left for Oregon CUy last
Lee Perry, of Canby, was visiting
Fred Force Sunday. ,
Mr. Perry, of Molalla, passed through
Mulino last Friday .
Mr. Zinger was the guest of P. P.
Murphy last Sunday.
Mr. Heins' mother is visiting at the
Heins' home this week.
School is progressing nicely. Miss
Aldrich as teacher.
Jasper Trullinger and family was visit
ing at the Murphy home Friday even
Bi.uk Beix.
Under the club system inaugurate
for the first time in Portland by Eiler
Piano House, purchasers get, the benefit
of the retailers' profit.
Always the first in adopting new,
progressive, money-saving, public-pleas
ing methods, Eilers Piano House now
has in full' blast a plan that has met
with immense popularity elsewhere, am
is now meeting with the same in Port
On Sunday mornine we advertised our
Intention of forming piano clubs in
Portland, the same that had been em
ployed so successfully by our San Fran
cisco house a short time ago. Bv noon
no Iobb than six pianos were on the waj
to the homes of enthusiastic purchasers.
who had readily recognized what a sav
ing it would be to them. Since thei,
the growth of the clubs, six in all, hat
been simply phenomenal. Members are
coming in almost hourly, and the en
tire force of deliverv teams of the firm
nave been constantlv kept busv sendins
out the pianos.
This Is the Proposition.
To begin with, members of the clubs
get the very best pianos made, such a
the Kimball. Decker, the Weber, Ohick
ering and others, and they get them
dealer's prices, and in addition to thu
the terms of payment on them art
much easier than in the regular retah
way. The initial or first payment placer
the piano in your home.
rtiere will be four piano cluba "A,"
B.""C" and "D.'r each club bein
limited absolutely to but one hundred
Those joining club "A" now secur
a fine, new piano by paying down th
small Biin of $5, and making weekli
payments of $1.25.
Club "B" members pay $7 upon de
livery of their pianos and complete thei
payments at tne rate ot f l.BU per wees
in the Ulub "C" series the initial pa
ment will be $12 down and the balanc
in payments of $2 weekly.
liiose joining uiub "u will pay $2
down and $2.50 weekly.
Now As to Organs.
TLere ar also two organ clubs, limite'
to but 100 members each.
Club "OA" members secure a fine nev
organ by paying $3 down anu week!
payments of 60c.
Members of Club "OB" will depot;
$5 and then $1 weekly.
These Rtnall payments secure you O
very finest organs made, fully warrant
by the manufacturer, and also by tb
And, remember.you get dealer's prloet
$65, $75 and $80 organs, with two sets
reeds and couplers, go for $38, $46 an
The fanciest caryed walnut and mahot
any piano-cased organs go to membe
of clubs at correspondingly low prices.
An1 Mmamhar afmr inuHii miinf n
sell is guaranteed by us for five year
These clubs are immensely popular, an
If you want to get the benefits to be r
ceived by joining one of them, you bi
belter come in and see us today.
Although this club plan has been i
operation less than two weeks it h;
proven immensely ponulir. Membe
are pouring in irom ail slues, one ca
a ram v tiuvinir nrrv.imir mnmnorR.
. . j ........ j
you want to be sure of securing a pla
in a club you Had better join lmmei
ately. If you cannot come to the stoi
write us. We have already receiv..
many telephone and mail application
from joiners, and they are just as w
tlLc.ua i'iajnu iiuur.,
r.l U,'l,i.,..tnr. Kt PnrllanH. Hi
Other houses: San Francisco, Spokai
and Sacramento.
Union Hall.
Stormy weather still keeps coming as
Thanksgiving draws nigh.
The dance given at Union Hall was a
r?rand success in every way. The music
was excellent and the dance was man
aged in a manner befitting the occasion
All of thoae who were present seemed to
Startling, But True.
"If every one knew what a grai
medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills If
write D. If. Turner, Dempsejtown, P.
"you'd sell all you have in a day. T
weeks' use has made a new man of n
infallible for constipation, Btoml'',
liver troubles. 25c at Geo. A. i: .
drug store.