MAKE OUT YOUR LIST OF NEEDFULS AND COME TO US AT ONCE . This is a satisfactory store and your permanent place to trade A FEW RE A The people's popular trading place Is branching out so rapidly. A won derful low-price argument which convinces all who attend. Keep this for your future guide. SONS WHY 29c Ladles' Outing Gowns 50c. full-size ' flannel worth 33c Ladles' fast-blk. Umbrellas, 26-ln frame, natural wood h an dies, good 50c quality. 19c Children's extra heavy Under wear, derby rib bed and fleece lined. 16c Boys, extra heavy Iron-clad Hose double knee and toes. 25c Ladies' fleece flannel Petticoats fancy finished edge. 38c Men's b e st heavy Working Shirts, double sewed and doub le back and front cood 50-cent grade. $2.25 Boys' Fine Suits for SI .50 This looks like the last call to dinner. What a sea son It has been to be sure. 650 fine suits like these have passed through this store during the present sea son averaging in price $2.00 to $2.50. So these last ones go for $1.50. Splendid styles and colors to choose from. The selling is as brisk as the first of the season, for our friends do as much for us as the papers ofttimes more. CORSETS The Best at Popular Prices The generous buying in this depart ment is more than double that of a year ago; simply because we carry the best and most popular and well known corsets. The famous Thom son's Glove-Fitting, the Armorside and the R. & G., all of which are positively guaranteed unbreakable; price, $1.00 RARE PETTICOAT BARGAINS The best skirt in America for the price. It's a mercerized beauty, with ' deep accordion-pleated flounce. We nave sold their mates at $1.50 and considered good value at that. But as a special inducement for more to visit this money-saving department, you get them for OUTFITTERS FOR LITTLE FOLKS Mothers will be particularly inter ested in the development oi the in fants' department, the growth of which is phenomenal. A Few Reasons for It Infants' all-wool crocheted sacques, 19c iol croc! 9c ' Infants' all-wool crocheted bootees, Infants' all-wool hose, in pink, blue, red, black and white, extra good at 25c $1.25 'And about 200 of the regular 50c to 75c ones, all sizes to choose irom, while they last you get the choice and pay only 39c Domestic Dep'rtment Domestics sold here just as we sell everything else, without being used for baits. And we get many savings by buying for two stores instead of one. 36-inch Bleached Muslin.... 4j4c yd 36-inch Unbleached Muslin.. 4ic yd 8-4 Bleached Sheeting 15c yd 0-4 Unbleached Sheeting 13c yd Sheets, 63x81 inches 32c Sheets, 64x00 inches 39c 10-4 Bedspreads 4?c n -4 Bedspreads 59c Pillow Slips, only 7c Red Table Cloths, 8-4 30c ' Chenille Table Covers, 6-4 490 Fancy Fringed Stand Covers 25c ' Best Opaque Window Shades 25c Curtain Pole and fixtures ajc WRAPPERS AT LESS Good, warm, Fleece Flannel Wrap pers, well made, good $1 grade, for 69c We have everything else that is need ed for the comfort of the little tots to be had at most reasonable prices. Women's Knit Under wear and Hosiery Values The splendid variety and prices are fast making this popular department. lowest a very SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN EVERYDAY NEEDS Boys' extra heavy ribbed ironclad Hose, regular 25c. Come this week and get them, 2 pairs for 35c Boys' good flannelette Waists, both blouse and shirt waist, for only 35c Ladies' Knit Shawls, 1 in all colors, extra large size, special at 75c and 50c Ladies' wool, heavy ribbed Knit Skirts, all colors, special at only 75c Ladies' all-wool Cashmere Hose, double toe and heel, special at three pairs for $1.00 Ladies' fancy Hose, all kinds, stripes or fancy designs, worth 35c to 50c, ior 25c 10-4 cotton Blankets, each only 20c 10-4 double cotton Blankets, only 43c 6c Persian fleece Flannel, beauti ful colors, woitii 10c. 32c A yard Good quality apron ginghams or In digo calico. ' 7!c A yard A full 33-inch Percale, all good patterns 71 1 ' 69c CLARK'S THREAD MACHINE AT HALF Only 250 dozen, so don't delay, while they last you may take half dozen spools. 2 for 5c instead of 5c DRAPERY DEPART MENT VALUES , 48c A neat Nottingham Lace Curtain, 3 yards long and 60 inches wide. 75c Men's extra heavywool fleec ed Underwear good value at $1.00. $1.00 Ladles all-wool Oneita Union Suits In cream sold any place at $1.50. 39c Men's Percale Shirts, 2 collars or cuffs to match best 50c ones. WE DON'T FORGET THE MEN'S WANTS Values that shauld induce the ordi nary business man to take an hour off to share in the savings. Such values are only occasionally seen Men's 75c Negligee Percale Shirts, a collars to match, choice of white or ' colored for 43c Men's Fancy Silk Front Shirts, best 75c values for 50c Men's Best 50c Working Shirts in all colors, light or dark, for 38c 49c Boys' extra heavy all - wool Sweaters, all sizes and colors good $1 grade. 39c Men's 50c Percale Shirts, soft or stiff bosom, cuns to match, ior 29c Men's Large Size Jap Silk Handker chiefs in wliite for 12k Men's fine fleece wool-lined Under wear, usually $1, for' $1.25 fine Swiss Q ace edge, good $2.25 $2.50 For women's all-wool fleece-lined, nonshrinking Vests or Pants. $1.00 Women's all-wool Oneita Union Suits, sold any place at $1.50. 50c Women's extra fine ribbed fleece lined Underwear in pink, blue and cream. Ladies' plain white Aprons, full size, only or gingham 10c Ladies' heavy outing flannel Petti coats with ruffled and scalloped edge for only 60c Children's best Nazareth Waists, all sizes, 15c Misses' double-faced Mackintoshes for 2 A yard heavy OuMng Flannel - so':! anyvh;'rc at 10c 21c A yard Good 17-inch brown Cotton Crash Toweling. 4c 75c Women's black Tights, fleeced. cotton Vests and 93c Women's natural all-wool Vests, Derby or Richelieu ribbed, regular, $1.25. fine Swiss Curtain, with ruffle and lace edge, good $1.50 value. For a beautiful Battenburg Pattern Curtain, full 3li yards long, worth $4. Portlers, a neat pattern of good Whipcord Tapestry; all the better ones, too, at money-saving prices. 30c 45c and 50c a yard; a beautiful line of fine Oriental Striped Draperies. BLACK TAFFETA SILK A 27-inch rich, heavy, all-silk Taffeta, to go while it lasts at $1.00 Instead of $1.25 50c Women's or Misses' cotton Combi nation Suits, fleece lined in gray or cream. 25c Women's fancy Hose, all colors and designs, worth 40c to 50c. 25c Fast black wool or cotton Herms dorf Hose, usual 35c sort. 10c Women's fast black cotton Host, fine gauge, narrow ankle. 25c Ladles' fancy lace stripe or fancy 'Hose, in black or colors, regular 35c to 35c- 75c Dress Goods Department A SCENE OF BUSY TRANSACTIONS A FEW REASONS FOR IT 15c a yard, a fine line of late School Plaids, 34 inches wide. Men's s8-inch Umbrella, steel rod, paragon frame, and fine fast-black cover, only Men's Double-Faced all siies, for only $1.00 ible-Faced M; r only $1.50 Mackintoshes, 50c Latest all-wool Dress Goods in Ve netians, Zibbalines, Sackings, Chevi ots, etc., 42 inches wide. 48c Fancy Black Soliel, 44 inches wide, all wool. $1.25 a yard, black goods, in the best and latest weaves, Armures, Melrose, Whipcords, etc 87c $1.50 Misses' Tam O'Shanters, 19c Boys' Golf Caps, 10c A yard A full 36-inch Curtain Scrim, in cream or white. Towels and Toweling Fashion changes ajid ofttimes we sell seasonable merchandise for half price, but who cares for fashions in towels f So this chance to buy for special prices will be appreciated. A jumble of prices follows: TOWELING Toilet Twill Crash 4 Heavy Crash, 16 inches wide 5c Heavy Bleached Linen, Crash... 7Vic Heavy Linen, Crash, 18 inches... 10c German Damask, fancy border. 12V2C Linen Huck, 18 inches u'Ac TOWELS Honeycomb, large size W Extra heavy, large size liftc Extra heavy Huck 1254c Turkish, good size 4c and Jc Turkish, extra size ' 7J4c Turkish, heavy, extra size.i2j4c, 15c 16c A yard A good 50-inch fish-net Curtaining in neat pattern. 19c AyardRed Ta ble Damask 60 inches wide. SILK CLEAN-UP In all wanted colors and designs. A maker sends us his season's clean-up. You never paid less than a dollar for its equal; while they last, per yard, 39c Satin Sollels, in all colors, sponged and shrunk 42 inchhes wide. $1.50 a yard, 54 inch, all wool, double faced, heavy Suiting, in all colors. Bedding Department The chilly weather speaks volumes for this department especially at these prices. $1.85 Extra heavy double gray Blanket. $3.95 Heavy all-wool gray Oregon Blanket, worth $5.00. 55c Large size, good Feather Pillows. 69c Full site Comforters, good coverings, 10c A yard for fancy silk Ribbons 3 to 4 inches wide. 2k A spool, Clark's spool cotton Thread. 1c A spool Best Crochet Cotton, all colors. 3c A skein for Carl son Currier's best Embroidery Silk: 2k Fine Silk Mor eens, all colors, best 50c grade. 1c each Fine Aluminum Thlmblea. 1c a yard Fins lot of Fsnoy Trimming Braids. 1c a cake Sho Blacking-. Icdoz. I a.rtje and small tzeg Best Pearl Buttons. lea card Good Hooks and Eyn, usual'So sort 1c a paper Fins sharp needle point Pin. 1c each Children's colored border School Handkerchief. 5c Boys' good, durable Suspenders, good eiaetlo web. A cake, all kinds of good Toilet Soaps usual Sc sort. 1c Each Fancy roled gold plated Pins worth 10c to 25c. 144 to 146 THIRD STREET IANA1 AN PORTLAND, OREGON js: i-iu-X iL.m. If t. Yi-iC'-tr -iT 1V 'H 1 '' lfl"HSlllif I II I HIS BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALDER STREETS V