I OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1902. Tho Iliad You Have Always in u-io for over 30 years, o and has - 47; , sonal , S, Allow a All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Lixpcj intents that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic pniiHtstiice. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ond allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE, CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THl CKNTAUR COMPANY, t MUHMV STREET NEW YORK OITV. " I I J II l l i ii i i m rwrifinrinffTTTm iiii n in. ijwiippwi muiii iiiiiwwjnujw QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO j CORRESPONDENCE. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sprint water. J Mra. W. J Lwel'tm relumed from i Veiser, Idaho, whr she went with her I Unhter for the latter's health. The ..st reports were that shy was pnpiov-: I Tile chinch people have chunked their ia':e of meetiinr to the Grange hall. ( SatntB Marehbunk is goinu to move i to Mra. Emily Lewellen's new house, ilia. Lewelleu will move to Portland . 1 Willis Yonce is going to move to Mu iino. I Rev ll.itch has hid ham and wond hed ahout finished . The Home Mis ioii .Hoard litis ordered Mr. Hatch to "'each at itollud once in two weeks on icvount of the rainy season se'ting in. The yomi people of the Grange are wing to give a free entertainment at the irangd hall on Friday evening the -Int. Oveiyoody is invited and oiing full inch baskets. Mr. Moor is still in Portland under he doctor's care for his eyes. Ha is im proving from the last reports, and it is oped that he will soon leturu home. Lena lUuey has returned home after m absence of six months. UnrJIeltl. This ;tall baa beeu bo dry that the irmerB in this locality have not done nuch fall seeding. Mr. Irvin has bteu building conaider uile board feuce thia fall. Let all others lu likewise and we will soon see a grand mprovemcnt. Henry l'ahnateer bought a chopper ud has done a good business chopping .rain for the farmers this fall. Miller Bros, are doing a good humness villi their sawmill. They can't make linber fast enough to tilt thetrders. There was considerable deer in this lo ality, but Tracva have run them so nuch with hounds that they have run uetu ill outer they have' left where oey couldn't hear the hounds nielodi us voices. There ought to be a deputy . line warden appointed who lives in this cality for the protection of the deer. There are four school districts in (jar ield precinct. Two of the schools are tow in eesnion Districts No. 12 and 8. Annie Hicinbotbem is tench iny the rmer and Misa Kdna Howerman, of -unnyside.the latter. Miss Ilicinbotheiu an old and well tried teacher, while diss Bowerman is a young and proinis ngone of excellent quali'y and well iked where she is teaching. anufucturing .AND.. WATCH fiSEPAMSING .A SPECIALTY. Fitting Spectacles and Eije Glasses By Up-to-D;ite Methods. fixaminaon Free, by an Hxper Optician A, N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th YOU MAY NOTKNOW IT Bat the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Trices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY Bought, and which has been. has borne the sffrnatnre of been made under his per- supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive von in this. Signature of Si nee Inst saw anything in the Cour ier froMi tire imit of the countv, therd was burn mi The wife of Jr.hn Honi'b'in.i daiit'lrer Motlier and ch'ld an doin well. Cotton. Heie comes Colton with a Kindly wel come 'o our Lew editor, and btst wishes for siic hbm. Uur late editor has given us an exctllent paper that has ever re ceived a warm welcome in our homes, and we Hie already convi M-ed that uur in terest wiil not cease under oi.r new man ager Mr. Wilson made a Immiei-B dip to Portland lasl wpp.k. i . Mr. Webb, nf Washington, was in Colton the la ler part of the week, look ing after his InihiiieBS here, lie expects to move to Uiis nlace with his family in the near fuiure. Press Bon nev had the miff .ri une to lose Ids driving mare lint week. Farmers think thev luvt! rain enough for the olow to 6iur nicely, but they don'', know h'uv to net, i stnimed. Farmer, an a rule, aie always wearing themselves bald headed lie.caiixe the Weather isn't jii"t rikdit ; but i-tdi it seldom fails in Oregon 'o (urn nut all rinht ill the end. II. t'. Parmer Iih i ciew of men log ging i-rilu) llarnrease-. mill. Golt.ni(,es heem to to feel sure '.hat OhriMuiHH is Coining, and are de termined not to be slow in making pre parations for good time, as they are lining a great deal of talking ahout a OhriciHias tr"e and hii up-to- late enter iiieia. mm iieieua, jiOih,, im r C. A. Perrin, ll"lena, Mont. I wish to thank y n for my re lief I ivas Miff-Ti'g Hgonies frmi piles ami wts taking morphine ti relieve me. when, on t tie advice o a friend, oroenrred a bottle o yoni Perrin Pile Specific and lool a table, poohful at night and an other in the morning. At half pat twelve, noi n, my wife gave in another tublesi oonful, w hen in pain all stopped. In two days I was able in attend ny regular hul es enlinl reliewd. It -jvhh simplj WiiiJerful. Ji'uum Mktuckfeii, Kiipncr. llrli'iiA. Sunday Is England. Few people are aware bow strict Sabbath is still legally ordained Id England. The Lord's day observance act forbids not only Sunday trading, but also every possible occupation walking, riding, rowing or any game and strictly enjoins upon all subjects over nine years of age attendance at church. At the opening of every as size the royal proclamation for the preservation of morality is read. Feo ple who are then present for the first time are astonished to hear that the monarch forbids and calls upon the magistrates to punish absence from di vine service on Sundays, any playing of cards or other games of chance or haunting of.public houses oil the same day. Everybody found in an inn dur ing service hours is liable to a line of SO cents, the landlord to a penalty of $2.40, and for a successful prosecution church wardens are entitled to a re ward of $10. As recently as 1804 Isaac Walton, a manservant., was fined $J.80 for refusing to attend church on Sun day when ordered there by Ids mis tress. About the same time a mother was prosecuted b.v her son and actual ly imprisoned for not attending church. Don't Di It "JuHt For Now." Many young people form habits which cripple and handicap them for life by doing things "just for now." They let things drop wherever they happen to be "just for now," thinking .that they will put the book, the tool, the letter or the article of clothing lat er where It belongs. When these young people grow up to hauhood and wom anhood, they find that the habit of putting things down anywhere "just for now" has become a tyrant that fills their lives with confusion and disor der. It takes no more time or effort to put a thing where it belongs in the fi''st place than it does later, perhaps less, and the chances are that If you do not do so at the proper time you never will. Even if it costs you a lit-1 tie inconvenience at the moment to put everything in its proper place, to do everything at the proper time, the orderly and methodical habits which you cultivate in this way will Increase your power and usefulness a hundred fold and may save you much trouble and mortification in the future. Suc cess. Tried Hard. At a trial at Auburn, l'a., one of the ! witnesses was a green countryman unused to the ways of the law, but j quick, as it proved, to understand its principles. After a severe cross exam- j ination, says an exchange, the counsel j for the government paused, and then, putting on a look of severity, ex-' claimed: "Mr. WilUins, has not an effort been V made to induce you to tell a different story?" "A different story from what I told, sir?" ( "That is what I mean." "Yes, sir; several persons have tried to get me to tell a different story from what 1 have told, but they couldn't." "Now, sir, upon your oath, I wish to know who those persons are?" "Well, I guess you've tried 'bout as hard as any of them." DlMitlaiMl Some Strength. Tu:" "Well, Willie." "You wouldn't pick ms out for n strong wouiiin, would you?" "Hardly. Your sister is u quiet, gentle uirl." "Well, that's al' you l;::ov about it. She just puis it on. Why, 1 heard that bij; man tin;'." been calling here tell his cluiin I;; t ni.-l.t ihiil s he throw him over. I d.m't !.:... jvliai it was, but if she threw u'.i.. (KIT u'.iyiUilti! she's u LlrO." Chicago I (st. Prevention of i!ie t ::. -.;t of Birds. To prevent birds from Hying with out the barbarous and injurious sys tem sometimes practiced of cutting their wings It will be found sullicieut to tie together with a thread three or , four of the largest feathers of one ' wing. Thls destroys the balance, the , wings do not act symmetrically in the till, and flight Is rendered impossible. Fowls, pigeons, etc., may be kept with in bounds In this simple fashion. Merely MlHplaeed. "Captain," said the cabin boy, "is a t thing lost when you know wliere It is?" "No, you fool," answered the cap tain, who, being a wise man, abhorred frivolous questions. "Well, sirr your silver teapot is nt the bottom of the sea." Exit cabin boy. New York Times. It Wouldn't Work. "I found," stiid the man who fre quents the races, "that I seemed to win every second day, so I made up my mind to take a fresh start and bet only every second day." "And how did you come out?" "Well, I think 1 must have started the scheme the wrong day." Chicago Tost. The Kind of .Indue He tinted. The story Is told of nn irishwoman who tried to console her husband with the remark that he would have a fair trial and nn upright Judge. "Yerra, woman," replied her spouse, "what'd I want wid an upright judge?. What I wants Is a judge that'll lean a little." Opportunity. Opportunity lias nil her hair on he.r forehead, hut when she has passed yot) cannot call her buck. She has not tuft wbeieby you can lay hold on her, for she is bald on the back part cf her head and never returns. Rabelais. The average- Htr.otirt of water that Should be t.i:;.'ii daily is from two to four pints, er from four to eight glasses. More wcter sV.ould be drunk In hot weather than In cold. HE TOOK THE SHOWER EAJTH And It Drove II I m From the ViKriu ite Back to New England. After a week of little journeys, strik ing here and there a few miles to ab sorb the Yosemite valley from a dozen coignes of vantage, we were whipping the Illilouette one afternoon for moun tain trout, says the World's Work. "Tomorrow," said a voice. "I shall take a shower bath under the seven teen hundred foot fall." "You," said another voice, "are a fool." "Net at all," came back argumenta tlvei.v. "The river's very low. What there is of it turns to spray in the first hundred feet; it will simply come down like rain. Why, you'd go under the Bridal Veil yourself. Only that's prosaic. This Is something big. Come tin." "Not I." But I was there to see. The water, as he had said, came down, a consid erable part of it, in rain and spray that flew out on the wind incredible distances. But to crawl down, dressed in a bathing suit, closer to the main stream that falls to the pool and upon the rocks with a murderous swish" in the air and a roar like a railway train when it strikes was daring to fool hardiness. At any moment a veering wind might swing the whole mass upon the tall, slim figure backing tentative ly on all fours down the jagged talus tyope, his eyeglass pebbles glinting cheerfully. A steady breeze kept the fall swung out a little the other way. and the spray burgeoned out far up the other slope. The roar was deafen ing. All at once the wind shifted, the water swung back, and 'in a flash the human figure was blotted out In a del uge that turned me sick. For a sec ondthat seemed an hour it played on the spot fiendishly, it seemed to me, standing horrified there, and then slowly it swept away. And then there was a movement, a painful, crawling movement, down there on the slopy. and I scrambled down the slippery rocks to help a blinking, creep ing, much surprised youth, bleeding from a hundred cuts, up to where his clothes lay. He was still too dazed to speak. When his breath returned and his extra glasses were perched again on his nose, he said: "The oceans fell upon me! For God's sake, come back to New England!" And we went. NATURAL HISTORY. Ostriches live to the nge of about sixty years. The uiaiidarin duck is one of the most beautiful of aquatic birds. So voracious is the cod that It will swallow anything It sees in motion. An eel has two separate hearts. One beats GO. the other lliU, times a minute'. A ladybird can travel 20,000,000,000 times its own length in on hour. In that time a sloth can only travel fifty times its own length. Thera Is no country In the world in which the raven is not found to be na tive; it is also the only bird known to ornithologists which is of such cosmo politan character. Only one existing reptile can sustain itself in the air. This is the flying dragon of the East Indies. It has no real wings, but can glide from tree to tree like a flying squirrel. The common house fly usually pro duces the note V in flying. To do so it must vibrate its wings 333 times a second. The honey bee sounds A, which means that its wing vibrations are 410 to the second. I'lrnt A mil) hI of Aeroliten. Ill 17U0 a stone weighing fifty-six pounds was exhibited in London. It was said to have fallen from tb sky lu Yorkshire in the previous December, but this statement was received with great incredulity. At that time Sir Jo seph Hanks was president of the Royal society, and he noticed a strong re.. Semblance between the Yorkshire stone and one -sent to him from Siena, in It aly, which was said to have fallen from the sky. Two or three years lat er he received an account of a fall of stones near Henares, In Illndtitnk A chemical analysis of the stones from nil three sources proved them to be Identical In composition, and increduli ty as to their meteoric origin began . to give way. Notes and Queries. Ik-cent rlcltles of EiiKliith,. There is a new maid in the family, o Swedish girl, who has mauy things besides language to learn, says an ex change. Her new mistress, who Is a young wife with a husband many years her senior. Is trying to instruct her. One of the lessons was upon bread, the girl being told that she should speak of bread which had lost Its freshness as stale, and not old. The girl was sure to remember this, for she was quick to learn, and she did. So the young wife knew when a few days later the maid remarked to her confidentially: "It is too bad, isn't it, that your husband is so much more stale Uwu you tire!" Detroit Tree Tress. Prrllmliinry. The policeman heard high words and poked his head in the door. "What's goin' on here?" he demand ed. "Nawthin"! Nawthin' at nil," answer ed one of the belligerent Irishmen in the middle of the floor. "There's naw thin' goin' on, but there's a fight com in' off in liss than a minute If y11 ony keep movin'." Chicago Tost. Ho llnd to Die. "If you refuse me," cried Moody, "my blood l!l be upon yur I cannot live without you!" "Well, self preservation is the first law of nature," replied Miss Oootej. "I simply couldn't live with you." rhlla-derphlu rrenw. Asleep Amid Flames Breaking into a blazing home, some firemai lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for con 8nDy?tlon Bives Perfec' protection against all Thaoat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suffering, death, and doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late cough, persistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it s guaranteed to satisfy by Geo A Harding, Druggist. Pike 50c and' tl. Trial bottles free. hen you wake up with a bad taBte in your mouth, go at once to G. A. Hard lnn s drug store and get a free sample of Uiamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. Itooms for Jient. t Furnished and unfurnished (rooms for rent. Enquire of Mrs. J. Schramm, cor ner Sixth and Water streets, Oregon City, Or. PQRTLAND-ANTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Daily Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland - A jj Leave Astoria .7 p M THE DAUES-PORrLANy ROUTE STKS. TAH0MA and METLAK0 Daily Trips Except Sunday STR. TAHOMA Leave Portland, Mon., Wfd. and Kri 7AM Leave The Dalles, Tues , ThUrs. and Sat. .7 A.' Id' STR. METLAKO Leav Portland, Tues, Thura. and Sat. ... .7 A. M Leave Dalles, Mon., Wed. and Fri. 7 A. M Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN 851 PoBTI.ANI), OlIKQi AGENTS A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. W. Crichion The Dalles, Ore. A. K. Fuller ... .Hood River Ore. WolloFd & Wyeis. White Salmon, Wash. Hemy Olmstead . . Carson, Wash. John T Totten Stevenson, Wash J O. Wvatt . . Vancouver. Wash. E. VV.CRIOHTON, PORTLAND, ORE. IN To be Given to Courier Subscribers Absolutely FREE TO ALL The Courier will distribute among its subscribers $150.00 in gold on the afternoon of New Year day next. We have secured a mammoth pumpkin which is on exhibition in the window of the Courier office. Its weighs exactly 100 pounds. Every subscriber lo the Oregon City Courier who pays one years subscription will be en titled to make one estimate upon the number of seed in this splendid specimen of the genus pumpkin. An additional guess may be made for each additional s ubscription paid. Subscribers who have paid their subscriptions and made one estimate may take additional estimates at fifty cents each. T0thesub5cribersmakingthe-clnse.it estimates as,, to the number of seeds in the pumpkin the following prizes will be awardad : . For the First Best Guess $50.00 in gold j For the Second Best Guess j For the Third Best Guess ! For the Fourth Best Guess j For the Fifth Best Guess For the Sixth Best Guess 5 00 in gold For the Seventh Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Eighth Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Ninth Best Guess V 5.00 in gold For the Tenth Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Eleventh Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Twelfth Best Guess 2 50 in gold For the Thirteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold For the Fourteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold For the Fifteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold In event of two or more persons guessing any wining num ber that prize will be devided . v On the after noon of New Year day at two o'clock P. M. the pumpkin will be cut and the seeds counted by a committee of well known citizens of Oregon City and the prizes awarded to the success ful estimators. We want 2,000 paid up in advance subscribers to the Courier by the f.rst day of January, 1903. Can't you help us to get them. We are giving you an elegant opportunity. Drop into the office, take a look at the pumpkin and leave us an estimate on the number of seeds that it contains together with your subscription. If not convenient to come to the office send us a check or money order for the amount you want to invest in the Courier All subscriptions in arrears are entitled to participate to the extent of one estimate for each subscription paid. If you are already a subscriber, pay up the old score if behind and renew for one year in advance and make as many estimates as you pay subscriptions, if you are not on our list get on as soon as you can, and take a lessen in agriculture by estimating the number of seed in the pumpkin. Send in your esti mate on the coupon attached hereto or estimating blanks will be furn ished al this office. All persons who have paid the new management are entitled to participate. No Name ' Address Date 1902. Address allcommunication s to The Courier Publishing Company, Oregon City, Oregon THE MORNINQ TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature iB uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or beating apparatus. To have both nut in fhnrnnuh u-nifrinn order will not prove expensive -if the wuik. ib tHine Dy , F. C. CADKE E. E. G.SEOL Will give you a Bargainln Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel The Beat Frescrlptiol for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cu no pay. Price 60c. New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOEEIKG ABD FEI7JE1NG Opposite Caufie d Bleu k ( 1 J Gf " CITY 25.00 in gold ; 15.00 in gold 10.00 in gold 10.00 in gold GO D