Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 14, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Sidneys Hake Impure Blood.
and Union Pacific
the EAST
The 0. R. & N. Co?
Gives the Choice of
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p.m. 6:O0p.m.
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
5 IJays for
Boats leaves Portland daily -lor Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For fnll information rail on or addrew nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CH AIG, O, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
1 he kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or but
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches andrheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mlstaks
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and Is so d on its merits erstF
by all druggists In fifty
cent and one-dollar siz
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out it you nave Kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
8c Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Home of Swamp-Root.
Only transcontinental line
pawing di'ei'tlv tlir.niiih
It LaSe City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three pplenfb'bv epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Skewing and Dining Caw
and Free Kerliuinu ('hair Cars.
The inort uwriificent feenery in
America bv day turrit.
Stop overs allotted on all clai-sep of
For cheapc-t rated and descriptive IiteniMire
General Agent, .
24 Third Slreet, 1'ortpr d. Oieu
Wall Paper
Now is' the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy ': :n Poitland,
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, ur telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for weat
quality or style, and ou
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfor
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros
Io the circuit fourt of the state of On gon, for
the ctnni!j of CtwckiiTriHtt.
Chrtrles Trimbi, vs. E'a Trimble, de
To Kva Trimble tove mrcned defendant.
In thij nnmtr of the stute of Orerou: You art
hrrchy leqnirwi to Hitpcnr and answer the com
plaint fih d afctviMst yon in the above named suit
in the above nuruve court io or before Friday, No-
vfimfc.T H. iiHiii, the Hume iielne i-evun consecu
tive weeks- from The 'first publication of this sum
mons; id you will ttik notice thMt if you f-iil
to so HppcHT ami antawer said coinplnint,the plain
tiff will aprrty tn the court t'nrthe relief demanded
in said complaint, tow-it; That the bonds of mat
riinony nuw exwtiuii between you and plaintiff
be dissolved.
This summons is published bv the order nf the
Hon. Tims A. Midlride. Judire of the Fifth Judi
cial Distrcl .of 'the tJ'dteof Oregon, in the Courier-
fieni'a,a weekly tiewspper ot gt'iinriu circulation,
commencing October 3, VM2 nd continuing to
and iin hiding Kridav, Vvi ml er 14, 1902.
GKO. ('. BRovVNKLL..
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In Ihe circuit court of the Btate of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas.
Clara K. Carpenter, plain tiff, vs. George Carpenter,
To George Carpenter, the above named defend
ant: In the naiiie of the state of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled oourt
and oanse, on or before the 23d day of December,
19 2, being six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and the date preneribed by the
order of said court, and if you tail so to answer,
for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the
court for Ihe relfvf prayed for in the complaint,
b-wit: That the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between you and the Plaintiff
be forever dinnolved,and that the custody of minor
cl'lld, Edward Carpenter, be awarded to flie Pluin
tifi, ami for such other and iuKher relief as to
the court may seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you by order of
the Hon. T. A. McBrirte. Dated the third ilav of
November, l!H)2 and the date of the first publica
tion of this summons is the 7th day of November,
1U02, and the last publication the lilih day of Hi.
ceniber, P.ttio.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreg n for
county of Clackamas.
Nellie Field, PWintiff. vs. Arthur Field, De
fendant. To Arthur Field, defendant above named :
In the name of the State of Oregon you are here
by required to appear and answer the complaint
filed Bg. ins. you in the above entitled suit in the
above named court, on or before the time set out
In the or ier for the publication of the summons,
to wit: On or befo e six weeks alter the first pub
lieation thereof, being November 7th, WW. and if
you fail go to appear or amwet within said time,
tht plaintiff above name) will, for want thereof,
apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her
com pi Int. and for a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and
Defendant; that Plaint tf be allowed to rosume
her maiden name and for costs and disbursements
of t ie suit.
The date of the first publication of this notice is
November 7tb, 1902, and the last date is Decem
ber 19th, 1002, and this summons 's published pur
auantto an order madean entered by Hon.Thomas
A. McBride. Judge of the above entitled Court,
on the 3rd day of November, 11)02.
Attorney for i'latntiff.
u the circnit courr. ol the slate of Ort coii. for
the foiinty (Tf Cldokiimns.
Mary Burton, plaintiff, vs. J. Burton, defend
ant. To J. .1. Rurton, defendant nbove nmd: In
the name of the state of Oregon, ou are li'-reby
required to appenran 1 answer the complaint filed
against y u in the above entit ! suit in the aborj
named court on or before Hidny, November 28,
Vd&Z, the -mime being Sevan w-eks from thu first
publication of ibis summons. nd yu will tnke
notice that if you fui. to so nrpear and answer
Mid complaint tlio plaintiff ill apply tn the
c urt for the relief demanded in sddc mplamt
to-wit: That the bonds of mninmoi y ov exist
inp'belween .plaintiff ami defend . nt Ih dissolved,
This summons is published h tin-yr erof the
Hon. Thos, F. Hvan. county jnlyf of Clrickamas
counry, -state of Ovkou. in tlu bscnce of Hon.
Thos. A. 'McBrifle, j .ule of the fifth judicial dis
trict of 'the statu of Ort'non, in Ihe Oregon City
(' nrw-Herald, a weekly newspaper of general
iti'iilittion, prime I in Clackamas county, for
seven continent iva weeks, commencing Friday,
October IT, W-. and continuing to and including
Fridtry, November 28 1802
Atlorney for i'lainliff
In the Circuit Court of the Rate of Oregon for
the County ot Clackamas.
Agues Lei and. Plaintiff, vs. John Lei and, De
fendant. In the n'im of the Staie of Oregon, you are
hereby required to apnear and answer the com
plaint filed against vou in the above entitled suit
in the above namd court on or before Friday,
December 12. 1902, the same being seven weeks
from the flntf publication nf this summons; and
you will ta'ke notice that if you fail so to appear
and answer said complaint, that the Plaintiff will
apply tn the court for the relief demanded in said
complaint, to-wi-: That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and Plaintiff be rtisr-
Th a summons is published bv order of Hon.
Thomas A. Mc Bride, Judge of tlie 6lh Judicial
District of the Slate of Oregon, in (ho Oiegou
City Courier.Ncrald for seven consecutive weeks.
Commencing Friday, November 7th, 1902, and con
tinuingfur each week thereafter to and including
Fiiunv, Orcein ber 19, 1902.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Olaekama county,
William Crambte, plainiiff.vs. t;lara May Crumble
To Clara May Croinbie, he above-named de
feiidftnT : In the name of the sl ate of Oregon, you
are heeby commanded to appearand answer tlie
complaint tiled against vou in the above entitled
Court and eansoou or he fore the 2ld day of Decein
ber.1902, lieing more than six weeks from tlie date
of first publication of this Mimmons, and the date
prescribed by the order of said court.and if you fail
so to auswer, for want thereof ihe plaintiff will
apply to the oourt fr the relief prayed for id the
complaint, to w i: that the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and the
plaintiff' be forever disolved, and for such other
and further relief as lo the court may seem equita
ble This summons is served upon you by order of the
Hon. T. A. McBride, dated the 3d day of Novem
ber, .1902,. and ihe date of the lirst publication of
this summons is the 7th day of November, 1902,
and tlie last publication, the 19th day of December,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
notk:k of final settlement.
Notice is hereby given that W. F. Grantham,
Administrator of the estate of MalacM Grantham,
deceased, ha" tiled in the County Court of Clacka
mas County. Oregon, his final account as such
Administrator, and the Court has fixed Tuesday,
the 9th day id" Decomber, 1902. at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M.of said day at the County Court iu
said Connly h the time and place for hearing ob
3 rbions. if an,to said final aceouut.
All person are hereby notified to appear at
id time and place and show cause, if any cxie ,
why raid tiiil account should not be allowed and
Haiti estate I'nmlly settled and said Administrator
Administrator of the tslate of Malar hi Grin
tham, deceased. ,
Ait.Miuy for Admiuistrator.
First publ 'cation November 7th.
hast public lion De e.ulter 5th, iflui
Notice is heieby given that the undersigned
has be n appointed administrator in the estate of
Albert Closner, deceased.
All persons having claims ag dnst the said
estate are hereby Notified to present the said
duly verified according to law and accompanied
by the pniper vouchers, to the undersigned, at
Spnngwater. t "a'-kamas tuuuly, Oregon, wiUuri
six months of the date of this notice.
Dated this 30th uav of October, 1902.
GEO. C. RROWNEIX. Administrator.
Attorii-ey for Administrator,
In the circuit court of the Btate of Oregon, for th
county of Clackamas.
Kancy Bqstwick, plaintiff", vs. W. C. Bostwick,
i defendant.
To W. C. Bostwick, the above named defendant:
In the name uf the state of Oregon, you are
hereby notified that the Plaintiff herein has filed
a complaint against you in the above-entitled
court and cause, and -you are hereby required to
Appear and aiwwer SHid complaint on or before
the la.-t dav of ihe uf the time proscribed in the
order of publication made herein, to wit: on or
before the 'Jriih clay of December, 19 i2; you are
turlJier notilien Uiat U you iaii to appear ami an
swer the uiid complaint or plead thereto the
Plaintiff will cnus& your default to be entered and
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in
earn eomptamt, to-wJi, lor a decree iorever dia
solving the b'uids of matrimony now existing be
tween Plaintiff and yourself, also for an order re
storing to Plaintiff her maid en name, to wit, Nancy
Saear, and for hucIi other and further relief as to
equity niny seem just and proper.
i tie dale ol tlie nrst pui'itcatlon Ol tins sum
mons Is Friday, November 7th, 19U2. and the last
publication thereof, Friday, December 2t, 1902, and
said summons shall be published on Friday of
each week tnr a period of six weeks.
This BtimmonH Is published by order of lion.
Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the abuse entitled
court, Quly made November :J, lrtu2.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. "jL" O IX I -A. .
yp I':b 'M Vou w Always BougW
Way of the Stntoxmen.
Many yours iif,'o. wliun EiiKlaml was
ngti(;iHl in forciKU cuiniilications, tbu
fil'st lord of the admiralty swit Admiral
Codrington a dispatch which was most
peaceful as far as it appeared before
the public. He told him not to take
his ships into action and so forth, but
Iu a corner he wrote this short private
note, "Go it, Ned!" And Codrington
went to Nuvarino and smashed up the
Turkish fleet.
Snme Old Story.
"Wonder why the grizzly bear Isn't
exhibiting himself today'" said the
African lion gently.
"He's laid up. The tortoise bit him,"
replied the lioness.
"Well, that's what he gets for fool
lug with a shell game." Colorado
Springs Gazette.
Rain nd sweat
have no cttect CD
harness treated
with Eureka Har-
sists the damp, y w
keeps the leath
er soft and pii-
auie. oim.ii m v v
do not break. v
No rough sur-
lace to criaie fc
..lru, The
. ---- u..-v"-.,
harness not J , ,V
onlv keeps ii Ifti A N
2 s. Wt' W
! utone'by th. UCi,S-V; 1
! ese of Eureka , V I
in cans
all sues.
Made by
Standard Oil
L Company
Estate nf Elizabeth Shandy, dM'f rtKed.
Notice is hereby given that th uudersigned han
been duly appointed by Ihe county court ol
Clackamas county, Oregon, as administrator of
the estate of Elizabeth Hhanuy, deceased. All
persons having ciainiH auaiust said etate are
hereby nouiied lo neent the same, properly veri
fied aa by law required, to me at Willioit, lire., or
my attorneys ut Oregon City, Ore., within sli
months from this date.
nU-d this lili dav of October, 1902.
O. S. HO Yl.K.S, Administrator.
B01JEKT A. JIII.I.KR andO. 1). KUY,
AttorueyB lor Adininimrator.
ot AHvaja Hard.
"Yes, lie swindled us," said one of
the victims, "and we considered him
such a perfect gentleman; he had such
a gentle, suave way shout him."
"Proving," remarked the other, "that
the way of the transgressor Is some
times soft." Catholic Standard nnd
Lucille But he has no Imagination.
llortense lie hasn't? That's where
you wrong him. Why, he thinks there
are fully a dozen girls In this towii
who have hearts that he broke ull to
pieces. Chicago Uecoid-IIerald.
AMHared Approval.
"The singer has made great strides
In the profession, hasn't she?"
"Yes, indeed. Formerly, when she
received an encore, she sarg; now she
usually smiles." Town and Country.
Notice is hereby given that the under.'it'ned has
been app"ittted administrator ol the estate of
Moreeli Keener deceased.
All perwuirt havluK claims against the said r o
tate are hereby notified u present the same duly
veriiied according to law and accompanied by the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the ofhee
of J. W.Loder in Orcein City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, within six monihs Jrum the, dutejjf this
Hated thl.oltb dny of October, I'JOI
c. a. Asrr,
Administrator of the estate of ilarcell Koetier,
Thoae Girl I'rlendn.
"I had a proposal last night and re
fused it."
"You are always thinking of the wel
fare of others, aren't you, dcar7"--Ohio
State Journal.
A German botanist has ascertained
that one use of the movements of
leaves on nensitlve plants 1b to warn
off small creeping Insects.
Mo' risen
Ji Largest s7T y j sn
Ss Clothiers yttf yWyQfV
j Northwest LEtimERS & CiOIJi!
! Fadnciialile Weariag iprel
For Men and Boys'
The variety of styles and materials
we show are all that could be asked.
We want you to come to Portland and
look over our lineswe will be pleas
ed to show you through, whether you
wish to buy or not.
Men's Business Suits
Men's Topcoats
Men's Raincoats -Men's
$10 to $35
10 to 30
12 to 30
10 to 55
Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince Albert
oy' Clothing of Highest $rade
We are, without a doubt, showing more exclusive designs
in Boys' and Youthst High-Grade Clothing tLan any
concern in the Northwest.
Complete lines of Juvenile Furnishings and Hats in sf
connection with the boys department
i:nonnntif i
b bus uuecuMGdyB
We carry the best in our various
. lines to be found in Oregon City
I The Time to Save Money
Is when the orportunity presents itself jjjj
The time is now the place is our store m
Ten per cent discount every day at our
m store on Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes
Come and see us it will do you good j
w The Dry Goods and Grocery Man a
JInke the 51o1 of Yonr Gifts.
Personality has dime wonders with
both heredity and environment. It has
made moderate gifts aeeoinplish mar
velous things. Men with moderate
gifts, by patient and persistent appli
cation have put to shame the splendid
ly equipped, who have indolently frit
tered away their patrimony. Out of
the most untoward stuToundings men
have found their way to the grandest
achievements. The boy from the lotf
cabin has outstripped the boy from the
palace. The barefooted boy has out
stripped the boy of pampered indul
gence. The plodder has outstripped the
genius. The tortoise has passed the
hare. Whether a man lie richly en
dowed or niod'jnttely endowed, his suc
cess will depend on the use he makes
of what God Cras given him. Independent.
m H f HQ
Spoke From Experience.
A man who tries to uphold all his
statements with the prop of personal
experience is pretty sure, sooner or
later, to find himself in difficulties.
"What kind of posts should you say
I'd better have for my piazza'" asked
a summer resident of the oracle of
Btishville. "Cedar V"
"No," was the Instant reply; "not
'less you want to pay for poor stuff.
Git pine. Tine will last you a hundred
"Are you sureT' asked the summer
resident doubtfully.
"Sure:" echoed the oracle. "I never
state a thing without I can prove it.
I've tried 'em both. Tried 'cm twice
on my south porch, 1 tell you!"
Suburbanite Well, you have told my
fortune. How much':
Gypsy Onjy 50 cents.
Suburbanite Here It Is. Now I'l.
tell yo ir foitune for nothing. If anj
of my chickens are missing tomorrow
morning, I'll have your entire gang
run in. Chicago Tribune.
Hixithi'd to t!iimlier,
"What de reason P.r'or Williams shet
his eye w'on tie collodion basket gwiue
rou n' 7"
"He say tie singin' do him so iiuicL
good (hit lie "blcege ler fi.ll asleep en
dream er heaven!" Atlanta Conslltu
Mother'M SerloiiH Ailment.
Doctor (to tosvheaded urchin) How
Is your mother, Tommy?
Tommy Oh, If you please, sir, she'd
getting very romantic In her right
knee, she says. Exchange.
A Cane of Donlit.
ITrnt Office. l'fy Hoes der boss seem
tor- like yer?
Second (jL'icc Hoy-Well, either t!-at
or he don't know how to swear. Pucit.
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin on
anv part of the body that is absolutely
safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's.
The Fianklln Typewriter
This is $25.00 less than the fixed price of the typewriter
trust, and yet the FRANKLIN is the equal of any $ioo.ou
machine built.
Are you undecided ? Kent a FRANKLIN for a few
months at $4.00 per m inh Then, if you are satisfied, buy
the machine. Whatever is paid on rent will be allowed to
ward the purchase.
Does an inferi r m chine, which you own, stand in your
way? You can lurn it io , part payment toward a FRANK
LIN, and a fair allowau n it will be made.
If your purse is thin yo.i cm obtain easy terms on time payment.
' E. F. BUM PUS. Manager
302 Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.
Local Agent at Courier-Herald Office