Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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7. 1902. , ; , . .. - r
r F
t .Ma?
Union Pacific
The 6. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choiceof
wo VIA
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
TO i
,' :00 p. m.
ST. PAWL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River 'Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full informfttloa oall on or address 'nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or afitlress
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland. Orfcuon
Only tranaflontinental line
passing directly through
S It Late City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent ecenery in
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all clause of
For cheapest rtp md desonpttva literature
General Agent,
24 Third Sireet, I ortprd, Oieyn
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sgll it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.1 store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for weat
quality or style, and ou
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfor
and graceful'outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros
You ran muke your har
ness as sure us a giuve
and as tou(th as wire by
usins Et'lt EKA EInr.
liens Oil. You tan
lengthen Its life ma'srett
lust twit as long l, it
ordinarily would.
Harness Oil
makes RpooriooKinjrnar- u
ritsa like new. Man or
nura. heavv bodied oil. es
pecially prepared to wltii
eiaud the weather. ...
Bold everywhere
4n cans ftil Bizea.
Mais trj STANDARD C!l CO.
Thousands Ila-re Sidney TrouMe
and Don't Snow It.
How To Find Out.
Fill ft bottle -or eomTnon crlae uritv, .......
water and let it stand twenty-four hours a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
tl,A Ka.t l .1
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often exrjressed. that r K-nmv c,.,
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidnevs. liver. hlnAAe, onri -,..
Of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
it, or bad effects following io nf tn
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
aicucu oi oeing compelled to go often
'uui.ug uiouay, ana 10 get up many times
'durine the nicht. ThemilHanrf u.
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
isauicu. u sianus me nignest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If vou need a merlinlnc.
'best. Sold by druggists in50c.and$l. sizes.
i uu may nave a SflmDIe boti nf tW
wonaenui discovery
and a book that tells,
imore about it, both sentfglSS
auaumiciy iree cy mail,
-address Dr. Kilmer - -
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing roen
tlon reading this generous offer in this paper.
Eslnte of Elizabeth Shandy, deceased.
Notice Is hereby givnu that the undurslgned has
tlackarniis county, Oregon, as administrator of
the estate of Elizabeth Biiauily, deceased. All
persons having claims against said etnte are
llerpliV llntillrifl In ,k , ,
a v, I i.i.i jnimiy veri
fied as by law required, to nie at Willioit, Ore., or
" KL.M,.t.0 wirguu vity, ure., WH1UI1 sis
months from this date.
Hated tills 17th day of October, 1902.
O. 8 1IOY1.ES, Adniini.tra'or.
ROBERT A. MILLER and 0. 11. EHV,
Attorneys fur Administrator.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
Charles Trimble, pleintlff, vs. E'-a Trimble, de
fendant. To Eva Trlmbln, above named defendant.
In the name of tha state of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appearand answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above named suit
in the above name court on or before Friday, No
vember 14, 1U02, the same being seven conseou
tive weeks from the first publication of this sum
mons i unci yuu wilt take notiee that if you fail
to so appearand answer said coroplaint.the plain
tiff will apply to the court forthe relief demanded
in said complaint, towit: That the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between you and plaintiff
be dissolved.
This Huinrr.ons Is published liv tire order of the
Hon. Thos. A. Mcliride, Judge of the Fifth Judi
cial District of the Slate of Oregon, in the Courier
Herald.a weekly newspaper of general circulation,
commeufiiiK October 8, 19tt snd continuing to
and in, hiding Fiidav, Novi ruber 14,1902.
Attorin5 for l'lalniiff.
In the circuit conrr. the! nf n,.nnn r..
the-coimty of Cbicknimis. '
Rl ary Burton, Dlaintiff. vs. J J. Ihirton dofnmi-
To J. J. Tturtnn. Anf pnftnn 1 aa.l . T
the name of the state of Greg jou are hereby
reoliirt'd to annpurHTnl niHu.HinL,tnnli.li a,n.'i
against yrti in the above entitle-! suit in the above
n It meii court, on nr hnfnrn I, . Ui.t.ntn I... )
1UU2, the same being seven weeks from the first
pubiicatiou or this summons, uml y,,u will take
notice that if you fai. to so anpeiir and answer
said cornDlailit. tlm i,lit4,fr .n un,,i i.,
court for the relief demanded in niid-conmlaint
to-.wit: That the bonds of nintrim-n v i.nu-.r.vivt-
inj between plaintiff and defend 1 he dis-olved,
This summons is tmhlKhpri in- ni, u, .( tha
Hon. Thos. F. Evan, countv iu'di-.-of rtncknmaa
i-oiinty, stateof Oivcon, in the i b.-Vnce of Hon.
Tlios. A. McBride, judge of the fitil; judicial dis
trict of the Btateoi Oreaon, In the Uiegon City
C'-uriei-Herald, a weekly newspaper of genera'l
Ir -Plntion, prime! in Clackamas county, for
seven consecutive weeks, comwencing Friday,
October 17, lsiiii. and continuing to and including
Friday, November 28. W(r2.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is heiebv trlven that the Undr!tri01
has be n appointed tidminlstiator in the tstiue of
Albert Closuer, deceased.
All persons having claims araftiHt. tl, aaia
estate are hereby nutined to preseut the said
ij miuiCTinaMuiiijiij iaw ana accompanied
by the proper vouchers, to, the undersigned, at
Spriugwater, Clackamas County, Oregon, within
six months of the date of this notice.
Dated this iiuth aav of October, 1!I2.
GUO. C. BKOWNEIX, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lia.
been' almoin ted administrator of the estate of
Morceli Koeoer deceased.
All persons having claims against the said es
tate are hereby notified to present the same duly
verilied accordiug to law and accompanied by the
proper iuclicrs, to the undersigned at the office
of J. W.Loder in Oregon City, Clackamas Countv,
Oregon, within six .months .from the, date.of this
l)ated this 31th dy of October, 1902.
Administrator of the estate of Marcell Koeuer,
WANTED To inc.rpase m v litsf nf fnrmo
a rwl )q nrla IVtr cola in nil rtn.o.ffV.
county. Lands owned by non-residenta
represented and Bold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
)ONEY TO LOAN on approved real
estate and chattle security. G. B.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattele ; alBO a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $000 of city
money on approved security. Jons V.
Lodek, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
The Tarkplaje Caeh Store will give a
way two sewing machines on Christmas.
See Holmes, Parkplace, Oregon.
Do youi trading at the Parkplace Cash
Store and get a chance on the two sew
ing machines to be given away Christmas.
The big rain Sunday kept some of the
people at home. If they did want tu go
Frank Sagar and famiiy moved to Ore
gon Oily Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Standing were
the guests of J. Beattie Wednesday.
Miss Rosa Mulvaney visited Mrs.
Mallett Sunday.
R. P. Cooper is on the sick list at
present. , '
A. L. LarkinB and family visited John
Evans and family, of Union Mills Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Kay visited Mr.
and Mrs. Hendershot Tuesday.
Misses Anna and Belle Noyer visited
their cousins at Neerlv Kutnnlou on.l
"l Mrs. Kay, Mrs. Larsen and Mrs.
Cooner were tha BiiBatu nf Mro T p
Orein Monday. ,
There will be church at the school
house Sunday at 11 o'cl'-ck a.' m. bv
iujv. u. w, vvingneia. sj
MissInesKay was the guest of Mies
Elsie Noyer Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Cooper and Bon,
Franklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Marts
Eldorado. V
All is well after the hard rain, and
farmetR onnnnt-. ornmhla aV,M,it
0. vu.w,w nuvui .UQ
ground being too dry.
Mrs. Ed Painn ;i vprv Inn; with t.,.
phoid fever.
Ed Bowman is workino fnr W H
Jones this week.
C. Smith hn cninnloto-l Lia
dence and torn away the old one. j
Frank Irish, Robt. Schubel, Richard
Sf.hne-nhnrn nnrl Un't Unllofl .ia.a tn
Oregon City Saturday looking after the
interests oi a new road, to be put through
from Robt. Bnllard'o nml noma nut of
Ed Paintj's.
C. D. Marical. onr nfivr achnnl morm
is stopping at O. Smith's at present.
Too bad our school niarm has to go
without his cane lately, but he must re-
nieuioer email Doys nave tough backs.
Mrs. Lyons and family have moved
into th house where Albei t Nenkirch-
ner lived.
Albert Neukirchner left for LaGrande
Miss pillie Molzan, who has been vib-
itiuir at home for ruiiih fimn ha a re
turned to Portland.
Phil Linn made a business trio tn
Portland I he first of the week.
Ernest Jones has a house for sale.
There will lie a bisr ball ai. ITninn Hall
on Nov. 15, iKirj.
Julius Mdehberaer is lemodlinir his
Alines VV(tiac3 is slowly improving.
The heavy r,un Sunday, stopped the
eaying, "gri ti'id too dry to plow."
Farmers aie rus-liinu their fall Rpwlinu
and every one plowing that has a
rolatoes about all dug, with onlv half
a crop. ,
J. E. Coates had his new kitclin
about done.
Everything rushiotr herpflnil tha town
lots will soon be on the market, with
plenty of buyers. ,
S. Writrht, went to Oreonn rtitir TVfn...
day an d brought out a piano. The first
one in town. .
Frank .Tone?, of Sandv V,
visited his Bitter. Mtr. Lviii W
Thursday not having seen each other
mr i-i years. ie was supposed to have
been dead. Such is life in the fir West.
We had a pleasant rail bv tha
local editor of the Oregon City
Courier last week, and hone his success
may oe awaruea.
S. Wright has his house full nf ex
plosives things since the burglary.
Plpr.cs Wriyht was visifna rolotii-on in
Portland last Thursday and Friday.
Miss Dnllle Rfphmnn . lm li-m'Uon
the guest of her aunt and uncle returned
to her home in Portland.
Mian Effie Mnrpv visited lipr minis in
Portland last week.
Tom liiilini' and wif. rtnllw Rll'no.
and Miss Elsie Taylor wont to Portland
Tuesday on a business trip.
m. Austin. Char on n-iniula on.l
George Case spent last Tuesday evening
at ine uome oi ouas Wright.
John. did'tVOIl know pMpL-ona naarlaA
oxygen iu order to exist?
Gilbert White is at homeon Wednes
days. Did the girls git. supper for you
or not?
Dee Wright was shot Sunday morning
October 26 at Sandy Point, Idaho. The
party of surveyers were at the depot
waiting to take the train for Couer-
lene Lake 100 miles from Sandy Point,
tney naa their baggage on the platform
when thrpe ilrnnkpn rr.pn rnn,a .Inn,,
and one kicked over one of the instru
ments. He told them not to do that or
they would break it, Wright took it and
put it in tha-hall, and one of fellows said
young man 1 want to Bee y.ii, and just
as he opened the door, one of the fellows
f hot him in the right leg. They have
him in jail awaiting his trial. Mr.
Wright was taken to Portland to be
treated and at present is out of danger.
In the v
Mmm Morrison
A All A A lf. - mm A
raqn MtiH n u uinjaviutfii unnntia m-
I, tstlum 04 &
la hki
For Men and Boys5
The variety of styles and materials
we show arexall that could be asked.
We want you to come to Portland and
lpok over our lines we will be pleas
ed to show you through, whether you
wish to buy or not.
Men's Business Suits
Men's Topcoats
Men's Raincoats -Men's
Overcoats -
$10 to $35
10 to 30
12 to 30
10 to 55
Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince Albert
oys' Clothing of Highest CJradc
We are, without a doubt, showing more exclusive ccsigns
in Boys' and Youths' High-Grade Clothing tl.an any
concern in the Northwest.
., Complete lines of Juvenile Furnishings and Hats in
connection with the boys' department.
Martin Boyles ami R. L. Schatnl
were bieakintra coll I lie tirst of the week
u. nungate nas he. n worning lor II.
L. Yaughan.
Miss J. B. Shaver called on Mrs.
Viola Engle Saturday.
Molalla assembly No. 28 U. A., seems
to be awake again after a summer
ot rest.
Aithur, vou had bet er let the Fi h
place alone and go way back and sit
Molalla Grange 310 P. of II. meets the
first Saturday in each month. The last
meeting was largely attended and
severul new members were added to our
lief. The morning exercises cons's'td of
the regular rotirtiue of business and in
initiation of new memberB. The after
noon session was given up to literary
work consisting of songs, declamations
instrumental mubic and speeches for the
good of the order.
j Always
Mrs. Jefferson's mother and sister uro
visiting her this week.
Mrs. T.mira Burns nnrl rdtlMron nf
Union hall, were visitinur Mr. niit,n-
and daughter, Ella, last week Thursday.
Charles, who i3 working out on the
Sandy at the new hatchery spent last
Sunday at home with his family.
Mr. and Mrs Mnlnn Mnronn nf Port.
land, were visiting relatives heie on
rtl ,
Mrs. Olarflhellp Williams is viettinrr
her mother, Mrs. T. A. Ely, this week.
There will be a pie social at Nashe's
hall on Saturday evening November 15th,
under the auspices of Maple Lane grange.
Admission a pie. A Bhort program will
be given before they aie sold. Proceeds
to build a grange hall. All are cordially
invited to attend.
There will be preaching services at
theMt. View church the 2nd BDd 3rd
Sundays at 3 :.'i0 o'clock by Kev. S. A.
I Rev Pogne will hold services there at
11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
i M
t0 V fifJI
We carry the best in our various
lines to be found in Oregon City
1 The Time to Save Money
W Is when the orportunity presents itself
g The time is now. the place is our store
m Ten per cent discount every day at our
p store on Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, and g
Groceries jjj
p Come and see us it will do you good j
1 G.W.GRACE, 1
The Dry Goods and Grocery Man si
Xorth Molalla.
Y'ounger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
That was a nice shower we had on
Many a plow was put in the ground on
Monday morning.
John Harless has finished fall seed
ing. Some farmers have not plowed a
Mr. Shaw has purchased J. II. Zwer
fel's farm and has moved on it with his
John Fox, of Ru-eellville, was Been on
our streets.
George Case and Charlie Daniels are
working for Mr. E. Austen.
Stepped Against a Hot Stove.
A child ol Mrs. Geo. T. Beneon, when
getting his usual Saturday night bath,
stepped back against a hot Btove which
burued him severely. The child was in
great agony and his mother could do
nothing to pacify him. Remembering
that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm in the hrufte, the thought
she would try it. In less than half an
hour after applying it the child was
quiet and asleep, and in less than two
weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well
known resident of Kellar, Va, Pain
Balm is an antiseptic liniment and es
pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises
and sprains. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin on
any part of the body that is absolutely
safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's.
. t: m Win r.
The Franklin Typewriter
This is $25.00 less than the fixed price of the typewriter g
trust, and yet th; FRANKLIN is the equal of any $100.00 g
machine built.
Are you undecided ? Rent a FRANKLIN for a few
months at $4.00 per month Then, if you are satisfied, buy
the machine. Whatever i ,'aid on tent will be allowed to
ward the purchase.
Does an inferior mm h'ne, which you own, stand in vour
way? You can turn it in a :urt payment toward a FRANK- S
T IN7 1 - r. -II : . Ml 1 . 1 W
mi, anu a idir ttiiuwanci "i 11 win oe mauc.
If your purae ia thin you can uhlata easy terms on time payment,
F. F. HU M PUS, Manager
302 Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.
Local Agent a. Courier-Herald Office