Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 07, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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His Foot Nearly Severed.
W. 8. May was using an Jadzjin the
Crown mill one day last week when it
dipped and came within an ace of cut
ting his left foot off The eharp tool
ot clear through the bone and within
in eighth of an inch of a large artery
vhich. had it been severed, must have
laused death. Mr. May has been for
several ears a fleet runner, but the ac
cident will quite probably materially in
jure him for this sport.
Another Divorce Granted.
Mrs. Mary Robinson on Tuesday was
granted a divorce by Judge McBride, dis
solving the marriage contract between
nerseli and husband, Frank Robinson.
The grounds on which the divorce was
ranted are cruel and inhuman treat
ment, and I he evidence was conclusive
to the facts alleged in the complaint,
doward M. Brownell appeared for plain
iff and Hon. Harrison Allen, district
ittorney, represented the state,
Cured When Doctors Give Him
William Hornshuh, who has suffered
tor a long ti"ie from some terious ail
ment which has ever battled the skill
nd knowledge of the doctors to
wive, returned from Chicago a few
lays ago where he has been under the
.are of the renowned Dowie. Mr.
dornshuh has returned to this city com
pletely cured of this serious trouble and
iow or by what means the marvelous
tiure was effected is mysterious in the
extreme. Mr. Hornshub has been away
or several months, and when he went
iway the doctors had almost all aban
londed hope of his recovery. His
mends in this city will be gratified to
iearn of his recovery.
A Delightful lime.
Friday night n abjut twenty young
ladies and gentlemen assembled at the
nome of the Misses Cochran and enjoyed
a pleasant Hallowe'en social time. The
nome was prettily decorated with ivy
,nd autumn leaves. The evening was
pent in instrumental music and games,
me very novel aud interesting game was
4 rjuestiou game, which, by the way was
..riginal, and was termed "Aien of Ore
gon City," and one of the questions pro
pounded was "Who is the warmest
nan in town? Answer' Burns " An
other question was 'Who is the sweet
est man in town ? Answer"8ugarman."
Utiifr a delightful evening spent In this
ay a fernutinu luncheon, wtt served
,tnd greatly enjoyed.,
Granted a Divorce,
Monday afternoon Mrs. L. Ilayden,
of Highland, was granted a divorce from
tier husband, Joseph Wl.liam Ilayden.
George C. Brofluell appeared for the
-Infendant ana the plaintiff hmng to do
iault, judgment was rendbrtfl without
my contest, to defendant. It appears
from the facts developed in the case
chat Mr. Hayden's husband has
been away from her for five years and
defendant has been left entirely to
tier own resources for a livelihood. She
vas allowed her divot ce and granted
he care, custody and control of a minor
Salvation Army News.
Major and Mrs. Dubbin, Captain and
.Mrs. Brown, from Portland, will conduct
two grand meetings in the Salvation
rmy hall on Saturday an 1 Sunday,
Nov. 15tb and 10th,
When you visit Portland don't fail to
;et your meals at the Royal Refitauraat,
thirst and Madison. They serve an ex
iellent nioal at a moderate price; a good
tquare meal, 15c.
t Via 7
IV i
m)hK fh.5
9 IW
I ' ' ft f I
Don't forget the old man
with the fish on his hack,
For nearly t!i: ' years he
Has been travelins.', .-.round the
vorld, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
A-herever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
"ic gives new firm flesh and
.'ich red blood.
Children who first saw the
ld man with the fish are now
xo up and have children
f their own.
lie stands for Scott's F.mul
;on of pure cod liver oil a
'.elightful food and a natural
,onic for children, for old folks
and for all who need flesh and
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
400-415 Pearl Street, New York.
BOc. and I.OOj all druggists.
Sixty Young PeopleWere Pres
ent. The home of Mrs. t. C. Brownell Fri
day evening was the scene of a delight
ful hallowe'en party. It would be dif
ficult to imagine a more pleasing affair
and a better time could not well
have been had. At an early hour a
large assembly of ladies appeared on the
Bcene, dressed in white robes and pil
low cases; the object of these unusual
costumes was to give Hie young men a
good scare on their arrival. When the
young men came a few minutes later the
ghosts rushed out and gave tl:em a
shock which completely unnerved them.
The evening was most delightfully spent
in games, both novel and old, and at a
late hour a tempting luncheon of cake
and ice-cream was sened. All over the
lawn, from every limb, was to be seen
pumpkin lanterns, and at the two gates
two more very large ones were burned.
This social was given by the young peo
ple of the Presbyterian church, but the
attendance was not confined to members
only, for many others graced the occa
sion with their presence. It is the in
tention of the young ladies and gentle
men to hold similar socials during the
winter, and a good time will be enjoyed.
A Good Time in General Had
By all Present.
Tuesday night being the regular time
for the monthly business meeting of the
Cataracts, witnessed a large assemby
of firemen at the banquet hall. John T,
Loder, who has been a faithful fireman
for a long time decided that it was his
time to "treat," and he at this time did
so, to a degree highly pleasurable About
thirty were present, and the evening
was enjoyably spent in pleasant story
telling and social conversation. This
was one of the many enjoyable affairs of
the kind which the Cataracts have been
enjoying lately, and many more such
times, equally as enjoyable, will bo had
this coming winter.
A Correction" .
Oregon City, Oregon,
Kov. 3, 1902.
Editor: The resolutions published in
the Portland Telegram and purporting
to come from Oregon City Typographical
Union, No, 541, were not authorized by
this Union in fact, had not been con
sidered by this Union nor read at any
session ther of. This st.atemeatismade
for the season that it might be inferred
from the wording of the resolutions in
question that the Typographical Union
is more favorable to one fair oflk-e tha"
to another, which is not the case.
Tt e fact is inellacubiy fixed in the
records of this organization and, we
believe, heartily approved by your many
thousand readers, that the Courier was
the pioneer among Clackamas county
papers to recognize organized labor.
With best, wishes for the Courier
and with assurances of our cordial fealty
and friendship, I ain,
Very respectfully yours,
S T. Roman.
Sih ool Reimrt.
Following is the reKrto( District No.
40, of Needy for the month ending
October 3 1, 1002:
Number ot pupils enrolled, 39.
Number of days taught, 20.
Average daily attendance, 32.
Number of cases tardiness, 5.
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy during the month are: Ethel
Owens, Lena Rummer, Johnnie Rum
mer, Grace Thompson, May Ackerson,
Mabel Ackerson, Garrett Ackerson,
Clarence Johnson and Edith Jolmscn.
Those who were present every day since
enterir g are : John Herman and August
We retpectfu ly invite the patrons of
our fchool to visit us at any tune ai.d
note our progress.
ltollKHT GlNTlllilt,
Court Opens.
Monday morning bright and early, the
November term of the circuit court
opened with Hon. Thomas McBride on
the bench and the usual number of
attorneys present. As usual the court
read the docket and dismissed the jury
till Tuesday morning at It o'clock.
Clackamas Falls and Portland
Motor Line.
T1i lifiv motor line to tau the north
ern jmrt of the county, will have a,
length, from its ctai'ting point at Clack
amas Kails to l'ortlaiul, of about 30
miles. U will pass through Currins
ville, Kaule Creek, isomers (tne new
village here tlm central elcctiic power
lioiiku will ln). I I . and Greshain.
Thieo sawmills , are going in aloiiif
ttie line 01 tne roaii.one 01 mem, a large
one, at Borings. This village is boom
ing. It Iisb been laid out in blocks, v at
will soon be placed on the market. Jas.
lvcots, a resident of Clackamas precinct,
owning a huge trai t of land, including:
the ridge or hou-back along which the
road had to rine out of the canyon of the
north fork cf MVcp creek, on its way to
roitland, took advantage of his oppor
tunity by exchanging the gift of a right
of way for the locaiimi by the railroad
company, of a permanent town site. The
new town, on account of its central loca
tion, will hum the di tributing point for
l'owell's vallcv and the surrounding sec
tions. It is Wateri seven mill s from
nndy and tlio county court w ill be, or
has been, petitioned for a road from
Sandy to Borings. The creamery busi
ness, which is a money maker lor the
small farmer no loss than for the lnrwe
one, will receive an impetus from 'he
Complete line of general miriliM.iM
at l'arkplace Cash ytore at prices tquul
and lower tlum rortland.S Best and lin
est line ol shoes ever shown. Produce
Many Friends Call on Us and
Subscribe and Wish Us Well.
The New Proprietors of the Courier
took possession of the paper on last Sat
urday at noon. More than a hundred
people have been in to see us and wish
us well. Many have shown their ap
preciation of the new enterprise by re
newing their subscriptions .or becoming
new subscribers to the paper, for all of
which we are deeply grateful. Courteei'8
of this kind are helpful to the "Strange
in a si range land." We want our
friends and patrons to call on us often.
We want as many new subscribers as
we can get. We promise to make a pa
per worthy of the town and county. It
will take time and a little patience.
Bear with us. We have now 1600 names
on tLe Courier mailing list. Two thirds
of these are from sit months to rive
years in arrears with their subscriptions.
We want io clean up the list and start
off with a clean balance sheet as it wete.
Can't you who are in arrears assist us to
do this by coming in and settling for the
arrearage? M.. R. L-. Westover, the lo
cal editor, may call on you . If he does,
pay him. We don't want any,1 name on
our list unless the party wants to take
the paper. The Courier is not to be
forced on any body. Therefore, we want
a settlement of the old accounts and
want to start fresh. All of the back
subscriptions are due to the new pro
prietors. The following persons have paid their
subscriptions during the past week.
A star in front of the name indicates
that the person is a new subscriber :
Fay Moody, Molalla $1 50
P. M. Boyles, Molalla 1 50
Mrs. M. Robbins, Molalla 1 50
John Marks. Molalla 1 50
Joe Harless, Molalla 1 50
J . f. Lovett. Oregon Cttv 1 50
J.S. Pierce, Ely 1 50
J. R. Marks, High Point, Mo.... 1 50
w. M. fcngle. Molalla 1 50
R. T. Dibble, Molalla 1 50
Isaac Williams, Molalla 2 25
W. w. Jiverhardt. Mo a a 1 50
L. Moshberger, Molalla 1 50
Keuhen Wright, Molalla 1 50
John Reims n, New Era 1 50
U.S. KamBby, Handy 1 50
Thomas Armstrong, Oregon City. . 3 50
D. Kngle, Molalla 4 50
V. H. Vaughan, Molalla ... 2 25
Dr. R, B, Beutie, Oregon City.... 3 00
C. C. Moran, Ely 3 00
J. 8. Pierce, Elv 1 50
W. G. Muir, M'ullane Idaho 1 50
H. L. Kelly, Oregon City 1 50
L. H. Kircheui, New Era 75
E. E. Moot, Canby" 1 50
M. F, Veteto. New Era 1 50
J. J. Coke, Oregon City 1 50
Dr. E A. Summer, Oregon City.. 1 50
Edwin Bales, Currinsville 1 50
IraDickiy, Molalla 150
Jolm ('lure, New Kra 50
Rev. . rank Mixsell, Oregon fjitv. 1 50
0. W. Ganong, Oregon City....".. 1 50
Jame Mallet MeaUowbrook 150
Mrs. G. M. Fleming, Oregon City. 1 50
T. R. Schookley, Omibv 75
H. L Valilri aid Canby 1 50
O. Wisemendthl, Macksburg .. 1 50
F. Hampton, I nnby 2 00
C. N. Waite, Canby....". 3 00
J. J. Smith, Canby 1 50
J times Evans, Canby 3 00
L H. Adkina, Canby 3 00
W.S.Tull, Canby. 4 00
H. G. Zeigler, Canby 4 00
0. L. Bates, Canby 1 50
C. F. Morgan, Spokane Falls Wash. 1 50
He Wins the Stove.
V . II. Vaughn, one of the best known
residents of Clackamas county, who
owns a flue large farm at Molalla and
who keeps his farm up in first-class
shape, has been taking an- active
part in a spirited contest for a line heat
ing stove, given by Wilson & Cooke.
This stove was put up to the man rais
ing the six finest potatoes in Clackamas
county. Several tine potatoes weighing
several pounds were entered in the con
test, and Mr. Vaughn brought in six
potatoes weighing six pounds apiece, and
as a result won the line heating stove
put up by Wilson & Cooke. Mr. Vaughn
has had the reputation for raising the
finest potatoes in Clackamas county, and
for that matter Mr. Vaughn raises the
beet garden truck in the county.
Card of Thanhs.
We sincerely thank the members of
the Young Men's Christian Association
of Oregon City and their aosociates and
otherB interested for the handsome pres
ent received on the -ith inst.
Mr. and Mrs. John VV. Lodkr.
The Best Remedy for Croup.'
From the Atchinson, Kan.. Daily Globe.
This is the seaeon w hen the woman
who knows the best remedies for croup
is in demands in every neighborhood.
One of the most terrible things in the
world is to be awakened in the middle of
the night bv a whoop from one of
the children. The croup remedies are
almost as Bure to be lost, in case of
croup, as a revolver is sure to be lo6t in
case of burglars There used to be an
oldlashhmed remedy for croup, known
as hive syrup and tolu, but some modern
mothers Bay that Chamberlain's Cougn
lvemedy is better, and does not cost so
much. It causes the patient to "throw
up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief
in a shorter lime. Give tlds remedy as
soon as the eroupy cough appears and
it will prevent the Bttack. It never
I fails and is pleasant Jtnl safe to take.
For sale by Ueo. A. Hardin-.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured 'bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props, Toledo, O.
We the uudeisigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the hist K years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and thiancially
able to carry out any obligations made
bv their liim.
"West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O. t
Waldiug. Rinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
llul.'s Cn'arrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acliuu upou the blood and mucous
surfaces of the s.uteni. Trice 75c per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
1 have had occasion to use vnur
Black-Draueht Stock and Poultrv Medi.
cine and am pleased to savhat 1 never
used anything for stock that gave half as
good satisfaction. I heartily recom
mend It to all owners of stock.
J. B. BELSHER, St. Louis, Mp.
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should expect to be
cored by food. When your stock
and poultry are sick give them med
icine. Don't stuff them with worth
less stock, foods. Unload the bowels
and rtir up the torpid liver and the
animal will be cured, if it be possi
ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can
of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and ft will pay for itself ten
times over. Horses work better. Cows
give more milk. Hogs gain flesh.
And hens lay more eggs. It solves the
Sroblem of making as much blood,
esh and energy as possible out or
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abit'act & Trust Co.
A Gardner to B Woodward, part sec
27, n of Welch cl 4 2 e.... .. . 250
J Newton toK E Seward, lot blk 1,
Barlow 22
A B Bonner to C King, 3 acres in lot
3, blk 15, Barlow. 300
M Porter to L Wiilcock, 20 acres in
sw of sec 29, 3-1 e 700
B Wclntyre to N F Mclntyre, lot,, 1
and 2, blk 1 , Cladstone ... 40
F B G Rivers to F Stegman, lot 14,
in blk 45 Oswego . , 75
11 LStratton to F J Dowe, lot, blk
25, Falls View 50
Wm D Bedford to M D Cross, nw of 1
sue 14, 4-2 e 261
C F Baker to M M Caeseday, 15 a-
c:es, ne of nw sec 3, 4-2 e 2100
M M Frierschsen et al to J H Keller
80 ucres in Yergen cl aud 1-3 in
1 and 1-3 acres in.cl 42, 3-2e 2500
T G & T Co to E P Brown, nw of sec
16, 2-7 e 12
M Judy to H II Campbell, 27. 36
acres in Matlock cl, 2 2 e 1
L W Willock to M E Porter, 12, 25
acres in W Jocly cl, 3-1 e 75 J
S Terry to M Kliuger, lots 10, 11
and 12, in blk 23, Canby 300
J B Upton to J E Hedges, lot 1, sec
15, 3-1 e 250
Win Scott to Wm R Wade, nw of sec
4, 6-2 e 650
Wm R Wade to J W Shepherd, nw
of sec 4, 0-2 e 1
C H Dye trustee to A W Cheney,
part of blk 115, Oregon City 550
E M Sargent to J Ly wen thai, 12
aeres in Bee 29, 1-2 e 1630
J Johnsn to J Jester, 70 acres in
sec 8, 3-2e.. 3S
OA C R R Co toseof sw of sec 31,
3-5 e 120
B H While to C Bair, 1 acrj in Lee
cl, 4-1 e 500
T M Taylor to W P Slrunk, se of sw
of s, c 13, 3 4 e 210
M C Shank to D Owings, et al 49
ucres in sec 21, 3-1 e 3100
J R Morton to Hiilery, g acre in
sec 5, 2-3 e 65
R V Auxierto L N Guy, lots 1 to ti,
Minthorn 1
M L Huberts to L N Guv, lots 17 to
21, blk 00. Minthorn." 2
I Butler to E F Riley, 27, 80 acres
cl 37, 2 2 e.
J Michaels to II E Mendenhall, nl-2
of e'A of v)i ol bw of sec 2, 2-2 e. .1550
A T liorlow to A. R Quint, lots 11
and 12, blk 6, Barlow 85
M Gabrielson 10 J I Johnson, part
of Minthorn 1500
J A Logvn to D C Latourette, lots 4
5, 8, 14, 21 and w of 6 ami 7
Clackamas Dark 476
D C Latourette to O K Cramer, lot 4
Clackamas Park 200
J T Lynch to C Zweifel, lot 7, blk 3
Green Point ....1800
0 & C It R Co to L P William, el-2
of sw of sec 20, 4-3 e 250
A P Barlow to K F Seward, lots 3
and 10, blk 1, Carlow.... 500
1 U David-on to R DeSha.er
Westerly, 7 acres of tract b, tract
f, g and n, 8 acres of tract a, Clacka
mas Riverside 3761
ETI.ee to F K Stewhens, wl-2 of
el-1 of ne, el-2 of sl-2 of nw and
sl-2 of sw of ne of sec 19, 4 3 e. ..2000
F E Stephens to E LI.ee, 1-2 in
in 109 acres in sec 20 and 1-2
interest in sw of ne and se of ne
of sec 16, 4-3 e 2000
S Miller toll Weinhard, lota 3 and
ti, blk 00, Oregon Citv 50
H T Shipley to W H Howes, lots 6,
7 and 8 in blk 15, Windsor. . . . 8
J S'.raus to M Perrols, sw of lie, se
of nw, nw of se nl of sw of sec 26,
2-4 e 40C0
II A Baker to T Tchnable, N20 acres
in sec 31, 2-1 e 525
M F. lieid to E Frakes,2l acres in
Robt Arthur cl, 2 3 e 150
For a Bad Coll.
If you have a bad cold you need a
good reliable medicine like Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to loosen and re
lieve it, and to allay the irritation and
inflammation of the throat and lungs.
For sale by Geo. A. Ilardii g.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to curer E. V. Grove's signature Is on
ach bos. 25c.
The Red Front
Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon
Good Green Coffee, per lb ioc Boy's Wool Hats, from. .35c up
Good Roast Coffee per lb I2jc Men's Wool Hats from. .40c up
Arm&Hammer Soda, 8 lbs 25c ;
Washing Powders, per lb. 5c
Good Laundry Soap, 20 Umbrellas, from 40c up
bars 70c
Liquid Shoe Dressing, bot- , .. n , , . , ..
tje ' 6 gc We the carry Celebrated Gil
Blueing," box 5c bert Linings and Near Silks
Blueing, bottle 5c
Sewing Machine Oil, bottle 5c We have the mrst complete
battle Axe Tobacco, 2 line of D.ess Trimmings, Laces,
PluSs 75c Applique, Braids and Fancy
Buttons in Oregon City and
. MACKINTOSHES. carry an assortment equal to
, . . , . any in Portland. '
Misses Mack in toshes with V- -1 e u-u
detachable collars $ico Fur Trimmings for children's
Women's Mackintoshes, " cloa,ks in a11 ColorS' from ,0C
from 2 5c yard Up"
Men's Mackintoshes, from 1 50 ; "
Boys' Mackintoshes, from 1 25 We carry the J. B. Lewis,
Wear Resister and Bradley &
Metcalf Shoes, which always give
We carry the Sweet Orr Un- satisfaction, and we sell them at
ion-Made Overalls and Jumpers, prices to suit .
- We Trade for Farm
and Lunch Counter
Opposite El .'ctn'c HoteJ, is the very best pi ice in Oregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch or
Open at All Hours, day or night A v
Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds
Everything Trisb, Heat and Chan,
Stratton Bids.
. Opposite Suspension
Cor. itcjnd and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or.
This Is 11 lh Messier,
One of the World's Greatest Specialists
Sow, look here, y. ung man, don't he so careless. Don't putoll any longer;
haye your case attended to today, for your looks tell on yon. You uny conclude
to get married some day, and to live happy you must be a man rugged and strong
physically and mentally. So mauy divorce caees we hear of, it an investigation
was made would disclose ihe fact that physical and nervous weakness of the hus
band caused the wile to tiuslly hate him. Woman love a manly man, just as much
as men love beautifully developed, healthy, red-cheeked women. Blotches and
pimples show something wrong. All kinds of diseases are cured by this old doctor.
It is not necessary to go to see him ; in a few dineasas whera surgery is required or
cancers, old ulcers ana such, it is better to see him, but all weakness and private
conditions can be cureiLat home. He has a perfect system for home treatment;
he always answers your letters in plain envelope and keeps every casa a profound
secret. Pay 110 attention to the little bonks you find on streets, but trust yourself
0 nu old doctor who has been curing cases like yours for over a quarter of a
entury. Always encbse 10 two-cent stamps, when writing for treatment, and
end small bottle of your urine, if possible. Address,
Manager of thj St. Louts Iledlcal and Surgical D spi.isa.-y
Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts.Portland
Produce and Shingles
Bridge, Oregon City