OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1902. ITCHINESS OF THE SKIN. The only remedy in the world that will atonceBtop Itchiness of the Skin in any purt of the body that is absolutely safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's. MOti LINE ahd Union Pacific Get a free sample of CliAtnberlaiu's ! Stomach and Liver Tablets at Ges. A Harding's drug store. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills. Then their use is not followed bv constipation as is often the case with pills. Regular Bize, 2 c per box. T l THE The 0. R. & N Co. Gives thi Choice oi THRfE TRAINS Wo VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. in. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT 'H. DEN, OM A H , CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ON K VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:i0 p. m. TO -M'OK se. Ml N N E A PuLH, ST. PAUL and null -aho Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for U ilium ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China end Japan. Tot full Information rail on or addre nearest O. R. & N. Tloket Agnnt, or address . A. I.. CHA10, O, P. A., Portland. Oregon GO EAST VIA FREE TO THE BABIES. The Darst Company, of Chicago, will present tu every tmby under one year of age, in this vicinity, one solid gold btiby ring with the baby's birth stone in same. You do rot have to ptiv one criit nor buy anything to get this ring. Darst Com tiflnyate large jobbers of jewlery anira e taken this method of advertising thiir goods. Instead of spending thousands of dH.ars for magazine advertising they have decided to give it away direct to consumers. The firm of Messrs Hovell & Jones have been made distributors for Darst C.mipany. Brirg your baby to their store aud give its name and age and you will receive one of these beautiful gold rings free of cost. This is not a cheap article, but solid gold of elegant designs. Whih' at Messrs, Howell & Jonen stole don't (ail to look over the eli'gant line of jewelry on display. Wail Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper tin you can buy it in roitland Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to yout hause, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City JanaxiPNt? Wlvea. Tle Japanese woman does not black en her teetn unuer any misiuKen luea that it makes her attractive; she doe to make herself unattractive. Her Uusiiiind is supposed to know her val ue. If he doisn't. hf divorces her. lie Hikes no provision for her. ami she ::s no duwry from her family. But u divorced woman in Japan nearly ul v: -y:. :v.r.r: r.u: m:? i-::s c..:i- t:iS but a fc.uUe 1 SZ'-i Cd"t and ta'.:e8 n"'Ii!ng av.ay with ber but the snme valuable ciuino it;.". The reason why 1.iw;t class women rceoh'e more consideration from their husbciids thua their uppor class sis ters Is 1 hut they are callable cf earning their iwn livings, which Japanese la dies are not. S ; thoroughly is this rec- nized that a iow.T i-li'.ss woman di vorces uer Liusn:'. ::ci it sue is not satis Bed. a thins wl.ich never happens in the more select ctcI's u::less the wom an Is an heiress, v.'hvn the husband is of as i; .:lc consideration as n lady. It is onlv w'.:e:: she has no brothrrs that Inpi. "?'- -voman may expect money from her i...!nts. If th'.w have only a daughter to leave thur money to, the son-in-'ow has to take her name and the co:.sju-.-.'T.ces. A Complete Line -Of- RIDC mmis Fine Footwear Car in Only tran"' 'n'meioal 'ine passing di eetlv through 3 .It Lafca City, LedvUle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three sple'"l"l'v epmpped trains daily to all points bast. Through Sleeping and Dining and Free Reclining Chan Cars. The most magnificent 'retierv America bv daylight. Stop overs allowed on all Classen of tickets. For cheflp'M mien nd descriptive literature address J. D. flANSFlELD, General Aiit-nt 24 Third Ptrprt. Prr'prd. Ok-rcx Tne Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locls, Vancouver and Portland Touching atlwuy iininls on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of tl t above stearin tf have been re ul andare In excellent idinit t r li t etaeon ofl 00 The Kesulalor 1"" wil' endeavor to glveltt patrons the boat service possible. For Cuniforl, Economy Hnd Pleasure travel by the steamer, of 1 lie I. emulator Line The above attained It I'M mii! D.arj Dalles at 8 a, m.,and arrive at (ifHirialioiiiij Hme for outeoing trains. Portland Office, The Da les Office Oak 81 Dock. CourtStreet. A. C. AIXAWAY i it tie) Age For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled for weat quality or style, and ou women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfor1 and graceful outline. Our prices will suit. Krausse Bros ASTORIA & C0LUMBI V RIVER RAILROAD CO. LEAVES I Depot fifth and 1 bts., POHTLIND ARRIVES 6:00 A.M. TOO P. M. For Maygers, Rainier, latskauie, Weatport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton, Flavel, Hani mond, Fort Stevens, Geartiart Park, Sea-lde, Astoria and Seashore Express, Dally. Astoria Kxpress, Daily. 11:10 A. M, 9:40 P. M, Ticket Office, 255 Morrison st. and i'n4on Depot. J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Ore. "RYETAB" Whiskey Beans. Something absolutely now and with whidi we have experi mented for years. One bean makes one glass Ar tificial Whiskey (Hye or Bour bon); six beans to the pint. Just the thing for travelers, and convenient for picnics, excur sions, eto Contains a.l the virtue of the best whiskies without the dele terious effect. Made from the purev, getable matter, and guar anteid to contain no poisonous or narcotic drugs of any descrip tion. If a beverage is not desired, a Bean niav be taken in the mouth without water, and the most ex lulerutilig effect will be export euoed, Bex of 12 Beans, 50c The Beans retail at 10 cents each, and can be procured from any druggist, fancy grocer or first-class bar. For sale on din ing cars. One box sent post-paid on re ceipt of 50 cents. The Si. .1 lu Ocean. ":o o:"'a:' '"::s o:ic merely brackish ami lit suit, as it is now. This was when t'.;.- e:.rth was hil Its first youth and before there was any land show Ir.S at all or any animal life in the wa ter. At this time the water. was grad ually cooling from its original state of steam, and the sails were slowly tin dervolnjt the clian.':e from pases into olids. Then came the appearance of land and. biter on. rivers, which grad n:Y.y washed down more and more sails, while at the hottom of the ocean itself chemical action was constantly ad:":u: in' ie 1 rine to the waters. At pi ';it it :s estimated there are in the won. I s oce:;;is 7.0;.i)' cubic miles of salt, and t'.i" most astonishing thing about it is that if all the salt could he taken ov.t in a moment the level of the water would not drop one single inch. i I MitiHeil (tit- I'.c'ltl.m. The late king of Prussia once sent to an nid-de-cump. Colonel Malachowsky, who was bravo, but poor, a small port fo'.lo. bou.ol like a book, in which were de:ios!t( d ."() crowns. Some time after ward he met the officer and said to him: "Ah! Well, how did you like the new work which I sent to you'" "Excessively, sire," replied the cob' nel. "I lead it with such interest that I expect the second volume with impa tience." The king smiled, mid when the olii cer's 1 iii t h.iay arrived he presented him with ano. her portfolio, similar in every respect to the first, but with these words ci.' raved ii on it: "This book is complete. In two vol times." Ginseng Distilling Co. ST. Distillers of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, LOUIS, MO. Hancock's r:'e''iue of Mind. A reuii::is, nee of me battle of !et tysburg illustrates the strict atlent.o; to businei.s of the professional Soldit under the most d.stracting circuni stances. When General Ilanc ok was wound ed, he wis carried to the rear, where the surgeons cut away bis clothing and found and extracted the missile. The general bi-eanio much interested on seeing it and bisistid r.pon sending for an iiid-de-ca ailnioiiiiio::s When the called out "(io str'a'.i tell bjii.th.' ammunition with a tenpi lu ait" ! ippi '.nil. the medical ir.g himself. the general o h: l.eral Meade inn l il.ti.iiig short i been wouudci' nail!' rs PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Daily Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD . v Leave Port'and S Leave Astoria' ' r-. " THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STHS. TA1I0MA rikI METLAKO Daily Trips Except Sunday STR. TAHONA Leave Portbini, Mon Wed. and fri. . ... 7 V Leave The Dalles, Tues , Thurs. and Sat.. 7 A. M QTR METLAKO T.ve Portland, Tues .Thurs. and SaU A. W Leave DalU s, Mon Wed. and i ri 1 - Landing, Foot Alder Street .,r,vr. mux 351 POKTLASII, OREGoli Bum inv,,-, AGENTS a" T Tuvlor Astoria, Ore. i w Pr'icbton The Dalles, Ore a' t.-" iuUf Hood River. Ore. vnliY,T.l A- Wvers. White Salmon, Wash. Hemy Olmste'aJ Carson, Wash. John T.Totton Stevenson, aeh. t n Wvatt .Vancouver, Wash. E. W. CK1CUT0N, PORTLAND, ORE. M akes sliort roads. JL jnd light loads. frrREASE Vood for everything that runs on wheels. One bacliel l iiciiic i having by San that or nuts, (die morn a half do!'...;- k, by his i m; '. ,. t esty. missed a sc;.r: Vfllct as to its It on le floor, honesty." was delphia Times. Costly i'l-ec Client. . a.l.uli Ipliiti s rich .voun. reitiriied from n trip to tin iast Willi a Chit.: U'a'i ns ali been induced to em.-atie him Francisco friends, who sa entals i.i:. ke ndniirable serv : the Cbiiiaiuau lou: til.' ;l.or i:.:a w..s to i ) i il l,r his l.u ,.- l...,r I...- l.:.chel i: in.d i:v ii'nd if ;! an the bo" t it for ii 1,0 ill. II.- i't Largest Clothiers In the Northwest zfffiriMGNE PRICE MATTERS & CL0TU Corner Fonrth and Morrison Streets hmmw Wearmg For Mch and Bf oys The variety of styles and materials we show are all that could be asked. We want you to come to Portland and look over our lines we will be pleas ed to show you through, whether you wish to buy or not. Men's Business Suits Men's Topcoats Men's Raincoats -Men's Overcoats $10 to $35 10 to 30 12 to 30 10 to 55 Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince Albert oy5 Clothisig of Sligliest Grade We are, without a doubt, showing rrnie exclusive designs in Boys' and Youthst High-Grade Clothing than any concern in the Northwest. Complete lines of Juvenile Furmsh'ns and Hats in connection with the boysf department. HR5. W r. n in bed. i , 1 1 -i A:ways tsa-a Thousands Hare Kidney Tronhle and Don't Know it. How To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an r-7a unhealthy condi prUon of the kid- U neys; if It slains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon rali7.d. It KtflnHs thft hichVrt fr.r its won- r.iirpefVmsiimntion.OoUSrriS. derful cures of the most distressing cases. rv.l.l'- HrliU; Acthmn , If you need a medicine you should have the vuaus, jjiuui.imi.i, "-"""'i ; test. Sold by druggists in 50c. and?!, sizes, You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery f''5- and a book that tells jfflJtIjX more about it, bothsentg&':wriKij absolutely free by miil,iL!zii address Dr. Kilmer & rtome of swamp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous otter in tnis paper When it becomes necessary to sit up in bed to get your breath; when the least exertion such as walking, sweeping, singing, talking or going up and down stairs, causes shortness of breath, fluttering or palpitation; then it is time to do something to brace up and strengthen your failing heart. Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It is best of all. "I could not rest at night and often hud to sit aip in bed to breathe. The least exertion would make my heart palpitate dread fully. Our doctor prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and it com pletely restored me to health." Mrs. K C. McKelvey, I'alin, Tenn, Dt. Miles' stimulates the digestion, in creases the circulation and makes weak hearts strong. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. A Typio tl South African Store. O. R. Larson, ff Bay Vi'la, Sundays River, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical ol nuuth Allies, al which ran he pun liRRfd snvlbini: from the p over'-inl "neidleto an anchor." This stoie 8 sit nuted in a valley nine miles from il e nearest r. ilway station and about twenty five miles Iroiu the nearest town. Mr. Larson says: "I am favored with u custom of farmers within a rad us of tiiiitv miles, to many of whom I bav supplied Chamberlain's rem dies Al testify to ilieir valim in a household where a doctor's advice is nln ostou' of the question. Within one mile of mv stoie the population is perbap" X'V Oi tbeBe, within the past twelve ni' n'lis, no lees than fourteen have been absolute ly ruied Py Cbamberlnin's Coo.ih Heniei'y. Tl if muH niirely be a lecor l ' For pale by, 0. A. Hardiny. For Ovu Sixty yeari Mrp. Winslow's Soothing Syrup linn been used for over sixty years by millioi a of mothers for tiieii children while teething, with perfect snc.ceKS. It Boothes the child, noftens the guniH, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleacant to the tasie.Hold by Ifruistw in every part ol the World. Twenty five cents hottle. ItH value is incaloti nble lb-wore and ask for Mrs. Wins Iow'h Soothing Syrup, and take noothrr kind For Su'e. Smith' Dandruff Vomit tie stops itching M'alp tiori appllcaii' n three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair., ll'titie 5Uu., at all druggists. STOPS Til K C(U(iH AND WORKS f'KP 1UK COLU. Laative Eromo Quinine Tablets cine a cold in one dav. Notu eropav. I'liee 25 cents. Sold Everywhere Mad bj- STANDARD OIL CO, J DR. KING'S I It Y FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUC3T1TUTE. PneumoniailayFever.Pleu- risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,1 .Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. 110 CURS. HO FAY. rf Oriqn 50c. and $1.' Tr7'4L BOTTLES FRE& When you wake up with a bad taste in your month, uo at once to Geo. A. Harding's druu store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure bllioud- ness, sick headache and constipation. A Rare TUrpain fi room house, well finii-hed ; 3 lo's well improved; 21 fruit tiees, ail kinds of small fruit; vond well ; chicken conp; small bain an buggy shed, M ust be sold at once E II. Cooi-kk. Room 0, Stevens Eldg. When the Chimney is rh 'ke l with soot, the fire languishes and goes out When the bronchial tubes te cloi'ged with phlegm, the flame of life flickers, intelligent treat ment with Allen's Lung Balsam brings up the phlegm, allays inflammation, stops i he cough and pain in tiie chest and, in a word, overcomes thos terrible colds which if neglected soon become consumption. V t'&O.Rii. Co 25c is the regular Sunday round trip rate between Ortgo- City and Portlnnd. Get your tickets at Harding s drug store. n Hfll tli eri'Htnit of blood lnntliem Acker' HI 1 Kllxlr. iindir lio-lo'i' t ur- antec. It will cuie all clirunle Hinl otln-r liloon pnlsom. IfyouliHve rruptloiiH or snrn on your lioily. or are pule, wek or run down, II ih Just what vou tieeil. We ret'uii'l mi n 'y If you are not iitisti'eil; 00c and (1, IUwoll 4 Junes, .lriiKKints. If you (taKlr a Kood romplexlon line Mokl Tea, a pure li"il ililnk, it acts on the liver and niakeH theaklit smooth unit clear. Cures sli'k heiiiluciiMi; 26o and fine M(iny refunded If It il(ii' not satlHfy vou. Write to W. II. Hooker Ac Co., Iliitliiln, N. Y., for trie iianiplc. or lloweil 4 Joiit-H, drulHU. WANTF.D. A 'truatworlliy Kciiili nmn or lady 111 each county to iiihihi k IhibIhi'ih lor an old eitab likhed liouaa of militl lluiinclal atulnitnB- A Hlralulit, buns fi le weekly cimh salary of 118 paid by cheek each WeiliiaMlay with all exynuKun (llieetfrom headquarters. Money adTanced for 1 ex petibca. Manager, J40 Caxtou Uldg., Culo The Tarkpla e Cach Siore will give a- way two sewing machines on Christmas. See Holmes, Purkplacu, Oregon. County Treasurer' a Notice. I now have money to pay road war rants endorsed prior to June 1st 1002, interest will cease on warrants included in this call on the date of this notice. Knob C'aaill; Treasurer Clackamas Co. Ore. Oct. 17th, 1902. Do join tiading at the Parkplace Cash Store and get a chance on the two sew- ing machines to be given away Christ - mas. TYPEWRITER WANTFD.-A truslwortliy Kontlrman or lady In ai-h ronntv to nnoiHee buslneH fr Hn old eoiaij li'.heil hooe. r,f solid financial Maii'lit,,'. a straliitit, bona f,de v' k!y cath falary ol iln paid ly cti.; k t-a;ii Wednr-!: y with all eiiH-nfi direct from ij u"-' 8. M ney ft'ivan'- d for eipdiii.'S Ill Cnxion llldg., CblcaKJ . anklln Typewriter This is $25 00 le than the tixed price ( f the typewriter trust and yet tlu FRANKLIN is the equal of any $100.00 machine built. S Are you und'ciJci' ? Rent a I-RANKLIN for a few X montlis at $400 per rr 1,1:1 TIkmi, if you are satisfied, buy g the machine. Whatever is paid 0:1 1 ent will he allowed to- g, ward the purchase. S Does an inferi, r n chine, which ym own, s and in your X way? You can 'urn it i' n pirt raynt-ni toward a FRANK- 8 LIN, and a fair allow a' r- on it will be made. If your piirne is thin iu . can obtai 1 eus terms on tin 0 payu.O it. o K. I'. HUM l' US, Manager X mi MnntTomerv St.' San Franci'co, Ca ?; ?, 0 ' ?i r"- Local Ag'. nl at Courier-Herald Office