6 rtPFr.ON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1002. iiKtii'tiviMiMtiiitiiMiiiiiiiiniriiiiniinitoitKiniHiiMiititiwii AVcge fable Preparationfor As -slmllatlng UidToodandRegula ling the S lomachs andBowels of A r l tvtj i; rl f..l r.css and Rest.Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Htctpe ot'OldDrSAMVELPIfCBER Pumpkin Seed' Mx.Swrta HixUUe Salt, -Aniit Seed Jioitfrrmnt . Hi Guitma&SoJ IHrmSeed -Clarified Sugar . h 'mluynun Harm A perfect Remedy forConslipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Teveri shi tless and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of TEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Srnteaiiiun and tinmliler, I Charles James Fox, the English, ftntnsiuan, was even more notorious in the gaming world than he was famous in the world of politics. He had Riuan- dered $250,000 before coming of age.! lie became one of the most profligate gamesters of the vicious days in which he lived. Bonn; of his linest displays in debate were wsndwiched between ex citement such as would unnerve most men who had no serious business on band. Waljiole bus given a glimpse of n typical pi.ss.rre in t's extraordinary man's life. He had to'inke part In the discussion on the thirty-nine articles in parliament on a certain Thursday. lie had sat up playing hazard from Tues day evening until 5 o'clock on Wednes day afternoon. An hour before ho had recovered $00,000 that he had lost and by dinner time, which was 5 o'clock, ended losing $5".,000. On Thursday he spoke in the debate, went to dinner at past 11 at night; thence to a club,, where he drank till 7 the next morn ing; theno to a gambling house, where he won $30,000, and between 3 and 4 in the afternoon ho set out on n Jour ney to Newmarket. I.eiiKtlKMiInu; a ne'a Tongue. Man Is often blamed for driving to extinction ninny sorts of beautiful creatures, but the nccount Is far more than balanced by the amount of good he has done for those nnlinnls which proved useful nnd could be tamed. Tako.tho case of the bee. The bee lives by Its tongue, with which organ 1t Is able to extract the honey from flowers. Now, n bee's tongue Is natu rally about a twenty-tilth of an Inch long. Clever beekeepers, by keeping only those bees with naturally long tongues, have succeeded In lengthening the tongues of a number of bee colonies to the extent of another hundredth of an Inch. It does not sound much, but it enables those Insects V do a quar ter as much work again In the same time. Man has done more than this for bees, lie has given them ready made homes, where they a'cuilV from wasps nnd other enemies 1' rallies for making their combs without using large tpinn tlties of wax for outside walls, and food during llowerless weather. Every farmer knows that sonic plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. And that's the way with children. They are like young plants. Same food, same home, same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack oi food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. Srn.t d-r free sample. Itutt & lluwnc, Ou'iiui, 4ii t'carl St., New Yoik Sot, uiiil $i no ; ull diiiuuibU. Young Plants For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CCNTAUft COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Sllvina the Money. In a' certain parish in Scotland col lectors were going round soliciting con tributions for the kirk. On coming to a wretched little hovel they hesitated whether or not to enter, but finally de cided to "try their luck." A hale old man greeted them, and to him they ex plained their errand, but he really had nothing to give them, he said. "Can't yo gi'e up your whisky?" one of the visitors asked. "No," he said, "I don't drink 'whusky.' " Perhaps then he could forego the pleasures of snuff. No, he didn't use snuff. The collectors prepared to move on. "Stop n bit!" cried the old fellow. "1 pay Sandy, the barber, twopence every Saturday night for shaving me. Tell the meenister lie can have the two pence If he'll come and shave me him self!" The Stmlent'a Prnyer. There was long ago a divinity hall presided over by a most amiable nnd dignified professor. On certain days the senior students opened the proceed ings of the (lay with prayer. One morn ing a raw youth from a remote re gion performed this duty, and It was a memorable occasion. None who were present can forget how the venerable professor turned and gazed on the un tutored lad, who prayed for him as follows: "Lord, have mercy on our professor, for he Is weak and Ignorant, strengthen his feeble hands, confirm his tottering knees, and grant that he may go out nnd in before us like the he goat before the flock." "Twenty 11 vo Years of St. Andrews." Wlint Cnrlylo AVrole of Tenn-t noil. Tennyson in his prime was thus de scribed by Thomas Cnrlylo to ltalph Waldo Knierson on Aug. f, 1844: "One of the finest looking men In (lie world. A groat shock of rough, dusty dark hair; bright, laughing, hazel eyes; mas sive aquiline face most massive, yet most delicate, of sallow brown com plexion, almost Indian looking; clothes cynically loose, free nnd easy; smokes infinite tobacco. His voice is musically metallic, fit for loud laughter and pierc ing wall and all that may He between; speech and speculation free and plen teous, I do not meet In these late dec ades such company over a pipe." AVIii-ii the Cnt Wim Snorcil. Ill the middle ages brute animals formed as prominent a part in the de votional ceremonies of the time as they had In the old religion of Kgypt. The cat .i:ituus was embalmed al'ler death and buried In the city of Hubastis be cause, according to Herodotus, IHana liuliastis, the chief tliety of the place, was said to have transformed herself Into a cat when the gods tlr-d into Kgypt. WHtt'h (Iniirr'H Vritle, "Then yon do not regard him s trust worthy'.'" "1 should not j;o so far as to say he. !s not trtistworth; . tmt lie Is the kind of mail w ho will set his watch at 11::.10 o'clock and then call your attention to the manner in which It keeps time When the l'J o'clock whis'le blows." Wnshlnctou Star. Would I'rt'ft'r It Ot lii'rvli. l.atly Ain't you iwimineil to be be;: BlnK on the stive! V ltejryar- Well. yes. IM soon.'r tlo It tii do pulpit or nt a -Imrc'.i fair, but fate Is njr'lu me.-Judj;e. r.vcry man should know somethlnj; of law. If lie knows enoutrh to ktH'j) out of It he Is a pretty good lawyer. A fast man is very slow when It comes to paying his debts.-riilladel-ph!a Record. Mr Wllh Iutereat. "Yes, I know that certain passen gers object to tipping on principle; but, speaking for myself, I believe In It," remarked a ruddy faced old man In the corner of a third class smoker. "It Is only right to reward courtesy, and I always make a point of giving the I guard of this train sixpence when he comes to see ir 1 m an rigni, aiuiougii I'm only a poor man." The other passengers, not to be out done, thereupon dived into their pock- I ets, and when the guard popped his head inside the door a few minutes later he found himself overwhelmed with silver coins. An hoijr passed, and the passengers got out one by one until the old man was left facing a snruce commercial traveler, who leaned toward him con fidentially and asked him how he could afford to give the guard sixpence every time he took a Journey. "Oh, don't worry yourself about that," responded the old man. "I dare say I shall get it back with Interest." "How will you?" "The guard is a son of mine!" Lon don Globe. Lifc'i LHIle Ironies. Doctor--I'm very glad to tell you, Mrs. Hodges, that your husband wi:t recover after nil, Mrs, Hodges Lord, sir, don't snv that! Doctor Why not, you unnatural wo man? Mrs, Hodges-Well, you me, nlr, aft er I'd sent f.)r you, sir, I took an' soM nil his clo'es! ("Sketch, Thursday, Octtb'r 30. Republican chairman for Washington claims etate by 20,000. Ulark candidates get on ticket in Si'ver Bow county, Montana, by decision of supreme court. United States may ignore Colombia if it does not deal lairly in Panama Ca nal neg tiations. Miners celebrate ''Mitchell c'ay" with great enthusiasm. Judge Clancy, of Montana, charged with .criminal libel for statement in Heit-z-Daly litigation. I'ailiament votes to take no hand in Morgan-Yorkes tight. No Chinese tariffs giving concessions to America go into tffect today. Uiibe-Uribe's surrender carries with it a pledge for pence in Colombia. Defalcating ake county sheriff is sentenced to (our years in the peniien tiary. Salem growers again demand a state hop inspector. Mrs. Fred Unraih, FreHldont Country 4'lnh, Benton llnrbor, JHlcn. "After my first baby wu born I did not seem to regain my itrength although the doctor gav m a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but Instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. 1 did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health sfowry returning. 1 two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusi astic in its praise. " Wlno of Card til roinf orces the organs of generation for tho ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis carriaOT No woman who takes Wine of Caxdui need fear the coming of her ohild. If lira. TJnrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby caino she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual How. Hk-orCARDUl A new Rival ,xnl a new (Jiieeii draw head sewing machines will be given a way to customers of l'arkplace Cath Store on Christmas. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bought Signature of ADM 1S1STUATOKS NOTICE . Notice is heieby given thai 4ho undersicneif has be n app ilnte I admimstiator in Hie estate of Albert Closner, deceased. All persons having claim against tbe said estate an hereby iolirl,.,l to present the said duly verified according to law and accompanied by the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at Springwnter, t'la kamas Couutv, Oregon whhln six uiouihs of ibe due ol ibis no!lc-. Dated Hits HOtta day of October, PJ02. KIi. CI.OSXER. OKO.C. nilOWSSI.f., AdminlstrauV Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Nolice is hereby given that the undersigned bin been appointed administrator of the estate of Mot-evil K. letter deceased. All persona having claims agiinst the said ra tal? are hereby notified ti present the same duty verified according to law and accompanied by the proper vouchers, u the undersigned, at the o'rUee of J. W .loder in Oregm Citv, Clackamas Co intv. tiregon, within six .nmnihs .(i.au ile.J ilHte f ilus notice. bated this 31th dav of O.'tober, WJ , . . . . ! t'. A. N4.SH, Aduinusti-ator ot ihejesla,.' of Mirosll Koeiur, 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ttfLI 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I Hart Schiffner 6? Marx Hand Tailored .inie Sew,,,, pi-ifim vs. Wn.Mif .ni s, t,,,,.,, , .,, nt. "i:;!,:.. .: i"2X liiwl iir insi ynii n lie Ik.vk ii. suit in Hie above nam dimm, i.n 1 1. t r,. cihIht .si, lmvj, thesaiii'-t-i. Kscut i iw U. fr. h, II, - first pub. SSI 'y'-m fiVirrir ".'..rL';.9 complaint tht uliiuiL tt'wil' i.iniy in (lif Conn for the r-iU'fd. ma tU-.i in srtM ('(iinpinint, to wit; thut Hip h'lii'is nf in -tnninnv exisiii'K Let wen yT.,a;!;,i.nr'!r,;xi!rl:i'nv,,,. ,,r , ,6 m J:, Oreiron Ctiy Cuinir H raid, h wc-klv Mi.wspiiiinr of ucnerui i-in-ni 11,111 in fUi'iiaiiM-ci.u.iiv, t.ir seveu cotisenliv ..kii-niim- ncng se iemlr M,mtR' "Ht""' il"'l,"lini! 0 l' l'"r lih'i ltliK f. HKnWNKLI,, A t rn y for plaintiff, Iu the circuit court oi Un- tine i.f On tmii. ti,r tin- COIItl of (.'iBcki'tllnP. t'liarlen Trlnibm, pit i.niff. vs. E a Trimble, do- fendiint. To Eva Triinhio. above mnnil defendant. hhvHi'n.'iraV ?,r,r"; ,'". K,lfitirtlJr,?..afi:.,:;re Vt,:,x,,n;" CV:r,-;f rlS, vnmbcr 14, llin, the Hiime beiiiit sewn (innsecu - tive weeks from I lie first publication of tbh snm- iiions 1 nu you win itiKx niiticH rn-it if you full to so appear ami answer said complaint. the plain tiff will apply to the curt forthc rrlicf dummmed In said complaint, tmvfl: That 'he bonds of mat riniony now existing between vou and plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is published liv the order of the Hon. Time A. MrBri.le, .Inrlpe of the Klfth Judi cial Dlstrcl of the b ate of Or gon, in the Conrier Herald,a weekly newspaper of general circulation, eonimeni'ini; octnlicr 3, iY and continuing to and im lading Kiidav. Novi ml er 1-1, piiw. GnO. U. 1)KH VNKI.L,, Attorney for I'lHlfi'ilf. NOTICE TO CREDITOIK NOTICK IS ITKRKUY GIVEN' THAT THE undersigned haa been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the e-lale of Charles W. AnnBtronK, itecea-ed. by ihe county court of unickamnK county, On iron, ami all persons hav ing claims against said estate are required to present Ihe same, duly verified nt'cording to law, to Ihe nndersigned al hr limn- in Canby, Clac'ta max counly, ormon, on or ln-fur' six months from Ihe dale of ihe publi .-utUi . f tills notice, to wit: The 10 h dv of deto'v-i', 1W. Kb LA l. ARM STRONG, Administratrix of the islate ol Charles W. Arm. Strong, deceast'd. SUMMONS. In the circuit C'iMri o' the state of Oregon, for the ronnty nf (Mnckamas. Wary lliirton, plaintiff, vs. J. J. lhirlon, defend ant. To ,T. J. Murlon, defendant abov nni"d: In the name of Ihe state of Oregon, ou are hereby requlreil loappoHran I answer tile coniplnlnt Uleil asainst y. u iu Ihe above, entitled suit iu the above named court on or before Krday, November lutrj, the same being seven weeks from Ihe first publication of this Miuimons, and y,.u will take notice that if you fnl. to so appear ami answer (aid complaint the plaintiff will apply to the c mrt for ihe relief d. nmuded In aiiil complaint to wit: Tlial ihe bonds of matrimorv now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant lie dissolved, This summons is published by t lie or eroflhe Hon. Tims. F. kyan, county judge of Clackamas founiy, si e. f Ungou, in the absence of llou. Thus. A. Mi'Hildc, ,i c'geof the lilih judicial dis trict of th state ot i 'r.-uiiu, in the Dicguu City Coiiru'i-lli rani, a wiekly newspaper of irenera'l eiri'liliilinn, priioe I in Clackamas l oiin'y, for seven ciniH'.cn'ive w-toks, ciuiiineui'ing l-videy, OctohiT 17, limj and p, untuning io and iuelinliuu Friday, Novunber i-i Hit! UKl). (' I'.KOWN "..h, Aimniey for Plaintiff AlMIINlsi i; TOR'S NOTICE. Kstnte of Kliabeili Shandy, d'ceased. NotlC.U is her, bv uiVt-n ill it Oih nn.l.ir.ioi,.,.! l,.ld been diny app limed by the conniv curt i t naekion.is coiiniy. Oicion, us ailniiiiismitor of the estiee of Kliabilh Shniey, in-ciasi-d. All pel-sous having claims iigaiu-t sod esbite are! hereby uo'ih , t p.e-eni ihe same. pr. peilv veri- I fled as bv luw rc'iuired, lo nie at. Wi.hoit, (ire., or i my attorneys at Oregon l.itv, Ore., within six Uiotlths froni this date. " I Had d this ITlli day of October, luiij. O S llOYI.KS, Adinini.lin'or. KOHKKT A. Mll.LKR nnd o. n. K1IY, I Aitoineys lor Administrator. CHK0XI0 CASKS Vo par ieiil 11 1) ,1 ..serous. Yo 1 c in -ti 1 v cure Piles ny If llli A'i' 1.' tue cause . Y in e i" i ii "i at ih" 0 uise wall any lnnsj out liitt-nml to n d . . ( hmnic ea-es 1 be must . entli;i ,i.tuio nUvraseis 01 ibis remedy, because it' cures. I LECAL NOTICES, j I SUM niN. , In the Cironii : un , f the .-(ate '! Orcm ,n for' COUIUV Oi I'l (j .MMii-. I " ' ----- ) . Business Clothes When you buy business clothes you Want 'em business like in price; but it isn't good business to have clo'.hes that are not stylish, nor to pay too much or too little for them. We've got the famous Hart Schaffner & Marx suits here for you; and with that statement we answer every question you can think to ask about looks, style, j tailoring, fit, and business-like prices . You can prove the truth of all we say in five minutes; vve're wait ing for you to come and see. We also carry the celebrated David Adler's & Sons Overcoats in all the latest styles. J. M. Price, The Lb-to-Datc Clothier Agents for H. S. & M. Clothing and W. L. Douglas shoes. Ha'n Street, OREGON CITY, ORE. About the Maic m Prices. Vnn will Sf'p If cinnAtin'orl oifm-.....!,, 1 .1 . r """'"- havcSone up. We told you th.s was ko.ng to happen some time ag- That with strikes, the high price cf fuel arcl frtight rates ad- .. , . , . . vancing, it was inevitable. Dealers who had not the foresight to an- " tic,'Pate this and Provided aSainst aie fcrced to advance their prices 1 j. r , i . i substitute an interior instrument at the former fijire. Eilers Piano ! Tr 1 House was in a psition to prePare fir th-rais-- sixty d.iys ag0, hen word of the intended advance was received we ordered a large I , r . supply of pianos and shipped immediately. We oulJ d this h- 1 ' 1 ' cause we own immense storage depots in Portland, where we can hold I : .m ,j t,, . , , . ; pinnos until sold. 1 here are seven hundred pianos there now which were purchased at the old price. They came in such large quanti ties, all at once, we secured the best possible freight rates upon i tVioin Tb .,.. e-i-,;. :n ; iwv.111. j. y v v., .IJ11U 1H UU1 i .. r i -r., saves the large expense item of boxing. They were unloided direct from the carst0 our dtoraSe dePots which are '""ted immediately on j the railway tracks, and all our 1 , , . . inus uouig away witn cne long cartage Dim. ino opportunity is neg lected by us for saving money in the handling of pianos, and we are thus in a position always to sell pianos more cheaply than any other pdealers on the coast. The result withstanding the raise injthe cost of pianos, to sell as good an irst 'u. ment as we ever did, which is a'much better one than is sold by other dealers far the same price. If you have not a piano, oryour old one is uns tisfactory, it will payyou to look into our pricesand values immediately, snvdn hundred pianos are not so very many for a house with such an immense busi 3 ness as ours. They will not hold out long. So the sooner you se cure one the safer you will be. We carry only the best standard makes, such as the famous Kim ball of Chicago, the artistic Weber of New York, the peerless Chick ering of Boston, the Hobart M. Cable, Hazelton, the many-toned Crown, the Vose, Weser and others, everyone of which is guaranteed. Call on us or write us and satisfy yourself concerning these state- men ts. EILERS PIANO HOUSE 351 Washington St., PORTLAND, OREGON Branch Houses: San" Francisco, Sacramento and Spokane Good Literature TJm 4 ItviAof pimphlets, folders, bjoklets, etc., are jTUL 1.L11LJjV tastefully gotten ap and are valuable for Nothing nation cm mile, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be accepted. TbJs ii a flue oprjjrcuiiity to obtain ariol descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland 1901 An annual pnblleitlon, b5 lutlf illv illustrated In color and halftone. This number treats particularly of the history of the Northern PalSo's Tra lemark, the Cistjr Battlefleld lu Mouiana, and the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history of the Northern Paeitio I'radetu irk, Tue artistic overs of the Wonderland, liWl are used in miniature. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A bjok of pressod wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, allowing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty and beautiful souvenir ten sp:?eim?us of flowers and six full page illustrations of Park scenery. S3, Yellowstone National Park A new 112 paM hoik lu strong, 8 -xlble C jvers good paner, plain tvpe, llhistr'ted, nkei r.e, a en npeudluui and descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Climbing'Mount Rainier An lllostrate t pl.-ket-she boJk, 72 paes, In strong, flexible cover, printed on heavy pip.-r, descnpdve of an ascent of 1 the highest p-? ik lu tht) United iutes o.itol le of Alaska of a glacial nature. Everything Tnsb, Tltat and Chan, AT Htiv Stratten BUg Meat market of fj.Betbke Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregcn City FUrt Schaffner I TO WlMirV Kand Tailored Vii 3 , '! !tr IV'-Ai Ml fpA. t- w a " w tvu)lv"UL iiu l mc )vu es ui pianos .....,... l. ... . . . i. i U W U y I ILU I 1 1 d HI CSS Sy Sie III , WniC n hauling is done by our own teams, of our foreught e iables us now, not The Northern PaciSi is not ed among railways for its advertising matter. Its wnat tnay contain. Here is a partial list of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send out, carcUlty mule.l, upji roceiotof pricis aiven. Anv combi Send Six Cents Send Four Cents 8 MUl Fifty C.'nts Twenty-Five Cents Send Twenty-Five Cents.