Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 31, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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31, 1902. 5
Stflcka and hftflnfl nf nw Fall etrwta aru w;t; i,-..-
bcient to please every taste prices to meet the ideas of the most eco
no mica I.
We have placed on sale 746 yards of strictly all-wool Oxfords gray kersey,
extra heavy, double warp. $1.50 quality for 97c a yard.
60-inch, manufactured from pure combed wool, extra super, standard
value for $2.00 a yard ; special rale; price for $1 37 yard. The correct cloth
for street dresses, tailor-made Baits and walkng skim.
If you are interested in fine black kerseys, black Venetian and English
broadcloth, we can save you money. Come and examine our goods; com
pare quality and price with some of our competitors and you will be con-
.rl.ma.l I i 1 . . ' I. . 11. r, . ..
"u" "" 3 nuuu-ueauirs wuen u comes aown to selling nne ciotns i
and fine dresfs goods, which is the verdict of all the ladies of the Northwest.
: k
McAllen & McDonnell I
THTTfTl onil MrtTJPTwnV - DADTT Itm AD t?nT T
0. VV. Sturges, of Oanby, was in Ore
gon City Monday.
E. M. Dillaboy, of Sellwood, was in
Oregon City Saturday.
John Shannon, of Beaver Creek, was
in Oregon City Tuesday.
John Jennings, of Portland, visited
friends in Oregon City Monday.
Mrs. J. D. Stevens, of Sellwood, was
visiting in Oregon City Sunday.
A. J. Tucker was in Oregon City
Saturday from his home at Sellwood.
Mrs. Mclntyre and daughter, of Har
mony, were in Oregon City Monday.
John Q iffnar, an old resident of
Clackamas, was calling in this city Satur
day, Mios Myrtle Watson, of Portland, vis
ited her cousins, the Misaes Roberts,
Mrs.' Fannie Kingsbury and daughter,
of Damascus, were visiting friends in
Oregon City Sunday.
Miss Claudie Hart and Miss Nellie B.
Hart were the guests of friends in the
metropolis Monday.
Robert Caufleld arrived trom Astoria
Sunday, having been summoned home
by the death of his son, Chester.
W. S. Kleinsmith and William
Bottermiller, both well known residents
of Clarkes, were on business here Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wiggins and
children visited Mrs. Wiggins' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson, Sun
day, . Archie Storey, a student at Oregon
Agricultural College, was visiting his
H.n! nii.m.1 ...nun, .iiuu.il minimum, .im
parents in this city a few days the past
Mrs. George Wishart and daughter.
Mrs. H. J. Thorne, of Portland, visited
friends and relatives in Oregon City
Mrs. George A, Harding, has returned
from Eastern Oregon, where she has
been on business pertaining to the Re
lief Corps.
L. Kruse, a well-to-do farmer of Staf
ford, an ex-representative, was in the
city Tuesday on Lis way home from
Mr. and frs. Orestes Pierce and Mrs.
N. R. Lang left Monday night for Oak
land, California, where they went to
visit friends.
Rev. C. W. Pogue, of the M. E.
church South, will hold service at the
Congregational church at Ely next
Monday evening.
Trafton Dye, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0.
H. Dye, was home from Pacific
University Sunday. He is advancing
rapidly in his work.
Harl Engle, Longstreet Vaughan and
Uuele Billy Vanghan, al, prominent men
of Molalla, were Been on the streets of
this city a day this week,
T.L. Turner has been at the house of
his son-in-law, Mike Gross, a couple of
days this week on account of the illness
of bis grandchild. It is believed to be
out of danger now.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ware left Monday
for a three week's viait with relatives and
friends in Spokane and Palouse, Wash
ington. On their way home they will
visit Mr. Ware's brother at Arlington.
A quantity of four-inch lumber, weigh
ing fur pounds to the foot, from Linds
ley's mill, is being unloaded on the motor-line
biidge over the Abernethy. This
ought to make a durable wagon way.
David Qlosner, of Milwaukie, and her
son, Ed, who lives in Springwater and
who is executor in the estate of Albert
Closner, deceased, were in Oregon City
Saturday on business pertaining to the
A. J. Kelnhofer and his mother, Mrs.
A Volnhnlor rptnrnwt on Tuesday from
a two years' stay at Nez Perce, Idaho.
Their home is Carus. Mr. K. says
that the flax crop in the Nez Perce
country is larger than it ever was ue-
Mrs. 0. D. Latourette, Miss Myrtle
Ri.nlion ,n fp and Mm. I,. H. Andrews.
l?o.r V. S Rnllincrnr and Mr. Chette
Curry returned last week from a three
days visit at Salem, where they went as
delegates to the Congregational church
Abner Hart, who was operated on a
mnnth aan ak Pnrr.lnnd. is recoverine
slowing but surely. He is a very old
man and his success ot trie operation
was considered doubtful. He is now at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Green
in this city.
While Roy Kelly was boarding a mov
ing motor car in Portland, on Saturday
evening, his umbrella caught and he was
Hirna-n winlanf 1 y tn t.hn navement . In a
state of unconsciousness he was picked
up, ana it was louuu tnat ne nau re
ceived a bad gash on the back of the
Miss Marjorie Caufleld entertained the
teachers of the Eastham school at her
home Thursday evening. A chafing dish
su pper was served . Those prebent were :
Miss Caufleld, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs.
II. E. Straight, Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs.
D. H. Glass, Ethel Caufleld, Miss
Rebecca 1. Smith, Miss Shoukwiler,
Miss Meldrum and Miss Frances Myers,
William Burehardt. Sr.. was in the
niixr Tnnrtow fpnm Satftm . Hft hftfl a
large interest in a rich mine in Marion
county, and was here in tne interest 01
the mine, lie says his mine anorjs the
brightest outlook of any mine in Ore
gon. Mr. Burghardt has a nrotner,
who is an experienced miner, working
it and he, declares that the mine is un
rivalled for its rich deposit.
The Best Extracts are Jones Paddock
Co.'s. No other as good. Ask your
Grocer for them.
E. H. Burghart! will sell at public sale
on November 11th 25 head of cows;
calves, one, two and three-year-old
cattle, v
On a ruoh order, the Baker sash and
door faciorv has turned out, this week,
40 16-foot troughs for the Clackamas
Maple Lane Grange being now in
corporated, will proceed with least pos
sible delay., to erect a hall on the acre at
Latourette sehoolhouse.
Mt. Grider has stored his spud crop,
some hundreds of bushels, in the form
of two long ricks on ,ilie plot of ground
just south of the Bronghton red barn .
Chris Bittner, of Elwood, has pro
cured for his sawmill a 35-horse power
boiler and a 30-horsepower engine. He
has a large quantity of excellent timber
on his 260 acresof land.
Abotit Silverware
Some people are only interested in the price and never, think
about the quality. There are four kinds: Good Sterling, Good
Plate, Poor Sterling and Poor Plate The only Silverware we
sell is the Good Sterling and the very best in Plated
Tbe Kind that Wears, 1 84g Rogers Bros
We can show you some very beautiful designs in this ware and
we do not charge any more and not as much as other dealers do
for the "just as good" kind.
How to Kee Silverware Clean
Is a matter in which every housekeeper is interested We have
an excellent polish, which will be of great help. Price 15c and 25c
Chatelain Bags
Have you noticed how popular they
are? Our stock comprises many new and
elegant designs. They are finished in all
colors. Some come with extra coin pockets
and others are finished in heavy chamois
lining. Prices from 50c to $5.00.
The Barker Fountain Pen
Contains many improvements: The lucky
curve, spring lock, Out's break cap, finish
14k gold pen, no joints, no threats, no leaks,
and is warranted for one year. Price $2.00
to $6.00. Other makes from $ I .00 up.
Largest assortment of Pocket Books
ever brought to this city. Best goods at
right prices. Finest quality leather, work
manship and finish unexcelled.
Burmeister & Andresen,
The Oregon City Jewelers.
Oregon City
f-f n m in r
tmwmimw ini'ii s.msjw i HBglllll illlllllllll Ullllll II !! Ill II III IIIIIIIIIsWiIOII
To be Given Away
With every Ten Men's Suits or Overcoats we sell, we will
Give Away a Ten Dollar Greenback.
With every Ten Boy's Suits or Overcoats we will Give I
Away a Five Dollar Greenback.
Last year we gave away several hundred dollars, and hun
dreds of our customers can testify to the facts. We not only
Give this money away, but also give the Best Values in men's
and boy's and children's clothing in the city.
These have already received presents. See their receipts and
the money in our windows:
E. E. STOESSEL, Salem, $10.00
HOY W. WHITNEY, 106 Mason Street, $10.00
E. W. JONES, Camas, Wash., $10.00
ELMER NYE, Woodlawn, $10.00
HENRY B. DAY, Dayton, Wash., $10.00
ELMER SMITH, 346 Couch St., $ 5.00
W. E. MITCHELL, 63 Oak St.,.. $ 5.00
MRS. O. M. CROUCH, Montavilla, $ 5.00
SARAH GRIFFITH, 164 Grand Av. N., $ 5.00
MRS. CHAS. HAYES, 171 Stanton St., $ 5.00
A. D. WOLFER, Hubbard, , $ 5,00
Moyer Clothing Company
The debate at the Academy debating
society Friday on its subject "Resolved,
that the Lewis & Clark Exposition Is a
benefit to the state of Oregon and the
Northwest," was discussed in the
schoolroom and decided in the negt
tive. J. H. Eaton, 'of Beaver Creek, came
to town on Saturday with a bmall mare
which was 30 years old last May. Kit
looks round and well fed, and can chew
oats as well as her last colt. Mr. Eaton
has owned her since she was four years
old, and brought her from Nebraska 12
years ago.
Tillie B. McFadden.of Molalla, has
commenced suit in the circuit court, by
filing her complaint to secure a divorce
from her husband, Tiomas McFadden.
Her plea is abandonment for a
period of three years. Howard M.
Brownell will appear as attorney.
Mr. Turner, who lives at Damascus,
met with a painful accident Sunday
morning at his home, lie was chopping
up feed in his feed chopper when he
caught li'S thumb in the coggs of the
wheel and mashed the same badly . lie
came to Oregon City, and Dr. Sommer
amputated the injured part leaving about
half tbe thumb on.
When you want the best teas and
coffees, ask your Grocer for Jones Pad
dock Co.'e Brands and take no others.
Abel Merest, of Forest Grove, was
In Oregon City Sunday visiting his many
friends. Mr. Meresse is a graduate of
Pacific University and is now employed
on the Forest Grove Times. It is his
intention to make newspaper work his
profession. He is now working in the
composing room, but will very toon
prove hia fitness for something higher.
Coming, the Alabama Warblers Wed
nesday, Nov. 5th, 20 people will show
under Tent at the Public Square headed
by the Great McKanless, the world's
Greatest Oornetist, Bango King, Sweet
Singer and Comedian ; Miss Lizzie Perry,
the Champion Lady Cake Walker of
the world; greatest mimic and four
voiced singer, Miss Patti McKanless,
the sweetest ballad singer living, most
versatile colored girl before the public
and 20 other firfit-class and up-to-date
performers will be at lent Grounds.
Sheriff John Shaver had a lively con
test Sunday morning. It seems that
early in the morning Captain J. T. A p
person discovered two young men hunt
jng on his premises at Parkplace. He
immedia ely telephoned the news to
Constable Moody, who apprised Sheriff
Shaver of the trouble. The sheriff and
W. II Young, liveryman, came with post
haste to the scene to arrest the boys.
On seeing the officers thty started to
run, but were soon overtaken and brought
to tbe city, and on Monday morning
they were given a bearing in the justice
court and fined.
This Friday evening, raia or shine,
there will be a social at the home of
Mrs. George C. Brownell. The social is
ander the auspices of the Y. P. t). C. E.
of the 1'iesbyterian church and every
thing indicates a fine time. It's the
evening celebrated as Hallowe'en and
the w hole yard will be lighttd with ar
fistic pumpkin lanterns, and the old time
Hallowe'en spirit is to assert itself on
every hand. Games of all kinds and
fun galore will be the order of tbe eve
ning with a fine luncheon incidentally
thrown in. Every young man and
young woman in Oregon Cily who en
joys fun and plenty of it, is invited to
come and bring his friends.
The Sol Garde building which has
been under the pi ocess of erection for
two months and over is rapidly ap
proaching completion. This is, un
questionably, one of the finest buildings
here, and will conpare very favorably
with Portland spacious store structures.
The windows are of large plate glass
and will afford a splendid opportunity
for the display of goods. The brick put
in the building is firt class in every
particular, and the workmanship good.
Th9 three rooms on the ground floor are
engaged, and have been spoken for, for a
long time, even before the building was
made. In a few days Burmeister &
Andresen will move and I, Selling will
also occupy a room.
Milwaukie is no longer a village. At
the election held Saturday, the citizens
deckled to incorporate into a city by a
vote of 35 for 25 against the movement.
To do away with another election for the
purpose of electing officers, they were
voted for by the same ballot, and the
following were elected : Mayor, William
Shindler; recorder, T. H.Lechlerj treas
urer, Charles M'lOan; marshal, Jessie
Keck ; ald rmen, James Hooper, George
Hively, T. K. A. Sellwood, P. A. Tanni
man, C. Kerr and J. O. Huberts. Tl ese
men will serve until the regular election
next December, provided the opposition
makes no move against their so-doing.
Saturday night and Monday much
talk was heard on the corners of Mil
waukie about a contest being filed. The
minority claim that several of the judges
left the polls during the day, which is a
gainut the law. If they can prove this
it is probable that the election will be
contested in the court, as the feeling
both for and against incorporation baa
been very strong and hotly contested.
Card of Thanks.
We feel under deep obligations to the
friends and neighbors whoso kindly and
sympathetically stood by us, when death
took from our family circle the wife and
mother, and take this means of express
ing our gratitude.
Jamks Piehce,
Mibs Retta Piekcb.
All Day Long.
You may have comparative comfort un
til laughter, reading aloud or nervous ex
citement brings on the fit of coughing
which racHS you until your very bones
ache. Do not suffer needlessly, even
when a cold on the lungs Beemg to have
you fast in its dreadful power. Allen's
Lung Balsam will loosen the mucus, 1
lay the inflammation, heal the aching
throat and finally overcome the enemy
Write Hostetter Bros., Auror, Or., for
prices on pure apple cider, sweet or
boiled, anil vinegar.
America's Famsus Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Eruptions,
Blotches, Sores, Pimples. Thev don't
have thera, nor will any one, who uses
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies tbe
face. Eczema or Salt Iiheum vanish
before it. It cures sore lips, chapped
hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles.
25c at Geo. A. Harding's drugstore.
Fine line of blankets cheap.
Sto re.
TED To increase my list of farm
and lands tor sate, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. K Cross, At
torney at Law.
JOR SALE 500 tracts of land. In
quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
Jf ONEY TO LOAN on approved real
eBtate and chattle security. G. B.
DtMicK, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon,
yyANTED, 10 weavers at Eugene, Ore
n. Steady work.
fAKKN UP About July 15. a two-year
old heifer; black and white and red
spotted. Owner can have same by
proving proverty and paying advertising
and costs. J. Drescher, Monitor, Or.
pOR SALE, a $450 house and 4 lots on
West Side. A good bargain. C. II.
STRAYED--A Jersey bull ; light color.
J 4 . 1 l K !.! T
Deininger, Red land.
you at 0 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $000 of city
money on approved security. Joun W.
LoiiKit, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
Ice soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris1 Grocery.
A brand-new Ideal cash register for
sale at half price at Courier-Herald office.
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentiBts,
Weinhard building.
I have at my place near Beaver Creek
postollice two stray rams. Owner can
have the same by proving property and
paying damage.
Owkn II. HuniiF.s, .
Beaver Creek, October 10th.
You Know Wliat You Ars Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
g simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
orm. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
Catarrh of the Stomach.
Can be cured by taking S. B. Catarrh
Cure, whi'.'h cures all forma of indiges
tion and stomach troubles, such as con
stipation, rising of sour food, distress
after eating, which if neglected brings
on in flamed and ulcerated stomach and
leads to cancer of the stomach, S. B. Ca
t.irrh Cure restores sense of taste and
smell. For sale by all druggists. Book
on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros.,
Fresno, Cal.
I'hli signature In on every box ot the gtnuin
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
'i remedy that cures a cola In van aaj