Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 31, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
tnwred In Oregon City Poitoffieau 2nd-clM auttar
FAld In AdTAnce.Derveftr
1 so
."..V. '
ttfTheihle opposite your address on the
paper denotes t he time to which you hae paid .
f this noticeis marked yonr subsc.Iption is du.
OREGON CITY, OCT. tl, 1902
With this issue the editorship of the
Courier-Herald passes fromthe undersign
ed to John H. Westover, an experienced
newspaper man and a democrat from
During our eleven years' connection
with this paper we have made a few
friends and some enemies, but have
always tried, to the best of our ability,
to treat all in a fair and impartial manner
and to make the paper an independent
people's paper rather than a political
We sh.ill continue to reside in Oregon
City, where we have been fortunate
enough to secure a humble home.
Thanking you, one and all, for your
liberal support, I remain,
I Yours in the work,
A. I. Cheney .
Beginning with the firBt day of No
vember which is Saturday of this week
the Courier-Herald will pass into the
hands and control of the Oregon City
Courier Publishing Co., of which Co.,
the writer is the President and his
wife and R. Lee Westover together
with himself are the only stockholders.
J, II. Westover will be the editor-in-chief
and the business manager of the
paper and control its policy and busi
ness. We have pitched our tent amone
the good people of Oregon City and
Clackamas county with the intention of
abiding amongst y u and making "your
fortunes our fortunes and your home our
home." It isan inviting Gold for journal
istic work, and we believe that there is a
good field here for a first-class, up to date
newspaper devoted to the material in
terest of this lovely city and county,
and we shall do our utmost to make a
paper worthy of the place. For a time
we will no doubt be handicapped by a
lack of acquaintance with your people
and beg of our constituency to bear with
us until our acquaintance becomes more
extensive and we become more thor
oughly in touch with the people and
the needs of this field of labor.
Oregon City and Clackamas county
ought to stand at the head of the pro
cession in this Btate onjaccount of their
position, size and wealth, and ought to
forge more and more to the front as the
f years go by. To the material develop
ment of both county and state we dedi
cate the best efforts ofthispapei under
its new management.
We bring to this work fifteen years of
active newspaper experience and be
lieve we can make a newspaper in this
county worthy of the field and ask the
Bupport of all those who have the inter
est of the county aid city at heart as
well asll who have been kindly dis
posed to the Courler-llorald in the past.
The paper in the future will be a
Btraight Democratic Bheet devoted loyally
to the interest of the Democratic party.
We shall seek In all honorable ways to
propagate Democratic Doctrines as enun
ciated in Democratic platforms and use
all honorable means to secure the elec-
lion of Democratic tickets. For 'nigh
. tweutv vears we have followed the I
Democratic flag in"01d Kentucky," have
fought tho party's battles and enjoyed
its triumphs ami sorrowed in its defeats.
The paper will be Democratic, not radi
cal, not abusive, but honestly und con
servatively Democratic, seeking to build
up the party of home government by ar
gument and statement of fact, rather
than by abuto, vilillcation and the cor
rupt practices too oiten resorted to in
lmn American politics. This is
a labor of lovo aud to it we dedicate all
the ability we may possess.
The hyphenated mime of Courier
Herald will be be dropped, and the pa
ger will be known in the future as the
Oregon City Courier.
The Democrats of Clackamas county
have been clamoring for a Democratic
paper and have promised It loyal sup
port. Now is the time to show "by
works" bow etrcngly you want litis
kind of a paper. You cau show your
appreciation of this new venture by com
i,lg into tho ollice, taking the editor by
hand and wishing him God speed, and
l( not n subscriber by becoming one, and
i( in arrears with your subscription by
'ing P "tlie lmck" auJ one ie'ir
'head. 1 new'P"l,er l)ll6'ncssi as
Ul many otUlt calUnt!' iu Hfe "U U
money that makeslthe mnrrfg " and in I
this county we want Jthe Democatu: j
mare to go.
We take possession of the C iurie' on
Saturday morning and from that day on
we will be at
home to our friends and
the public. Come in and see us.
All uncollected subscription accounts
arc payable to the new managemen'.
We notice that more than lull of the
list is in arrears. Being a stranger in a
strange land we will certainly appreciate
as many prompt renewals as von can
give us.
And now with "malice towards none
and nood will for all" we launch this
journalistic enterprise, promisii).; to dip
our pen in the milk f human kindness
and deal as kindly with the faults and
follies of met) as possible and in all
things be just and to keep the faith.
J. II. Wk.stovek.
Only about 400 of the 1400 lawyers of
San Francisco are iuccessful . The un
lucky 100D hang 'in the ragged edge of a '
bare existence. i
If the destructive forest fires will lead :
to the appointment as forest wardens of
mnnnlainuart anil onriilmiin inalttail nt
lellows with a "pull," at least something
will have been gained.
Wk pride ourselves on our popular
education, when, instead, we ought to
be ashamed. Nearly 6,000,000 of the
nation's children receive practically no
education, they must work, or run
wild and of the 16,000,00J that do at
tend school only 650,000 go as far as the
high school. Ignorance of the rising
generation is dangerous to the welfare of
the republic.
Rev. Mr. Miles, a New England di
vine of the 17th century, prayed for
rain thuswiee: "O Lord, thou knowest
we do rot want thee to send ua a rain
which shall pour down in fury and swell
our streams and carry away our hay
coc':s, fences and bridges ; but, Lord, we
want it to come drizzle-drazzle, drizzle
drazzle, for about a week. Amen." The
good dominie must have had a prophetic
premonition of the "Oregon mist."
Tins statement made by Mr. Knox,
United States attorney-general, to the
effect that the laws on the federal
statute books ire Bufhcient to control
the trusts, proves this: President Roose
velt's contention that an amendment to
the constitution is necessary to control
the trusts ia nothing but wind, and the
republican party is loath to attack the
law-defying combinations of capitalists
who have furnished its campaign funds.
This attitude of the republican party to
ward tlmm is shown by the recent ac
tion of Secretary of the Treasury Shaw,
who dumped Borne $20 ,000,000 into Wall
Btreet to relieve the gamblers in watered
Iiusii.MKN in the Hull (Que.,) district
are now paid better want's, than is known
to have ever been paid before. Five
thousand men hire in Ottawa for the
shdntieB, of whom about 1000 are from
Hull and district. Wages are as fol
lows: Choppers, $20 to $28; cooks, $45;
scorers, $;io j liners, $40; hewers, $50 to
$00. The present wages of farm labor
ers in England are: For six months'
work from $00 to $100 for "best men,"
to $70 and $37.50 for second-class men.
"Best women" receive from $63 to $75.
Boys and girls receive from $35 to $55,
respectively. Wages of ninety per cent
of the boot and shoe workers at Sydney,
N. S. , average acont $11.25 a week.
The balance average from $10 to $12.50 a
Tiik investigation of a royal commis-J
eion disclosed the fact that in one year
no less !,lrt. 21.522 Jewish immigrants
received substantial aid in London of
whom 14,082 were "new" cases most
probably Jews driven from their homes
by the tyrants of southern Europe. The
investigation has had the effect ol irri-i
tatirg a good many Jews, and an inter
esting sidelight is thrown upon their
feelings by a letter from one of them to
the commission, saying: "You will par- j
don me if I say that we consider our
selves far superior to the English peo-l
p'e. If the English government have
this question seriously at heart, as you
would have us believe, why don't they
pass a restrictive measure7 They dare
not, and they know it. The moment
such a meaure was passed English
credit would go down. You may rail at
us as much as you please, but your gov
ernment is dependent upon people of
our race for its finances. You will, I
, . . . I , . T . , I . . ,
nope, loigive mo uiso u i say tnai with
out the brains and tlie intellect of our
rare the Kuglish nation would be no
where." His Life In Peril.
"1 just seemed to have gone all to
pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare,
Tex., "biliousness and a lame back
had made life a burden. 1 couldn't eat
or sleep and felt nlraoBt too worn out to
work w hen I began to use Electric Bit
ters, but they worked wonders. Sow I
sleep like a top, can eat anything, have
gained in Btrength and enjoy hard
work." They give vigorous health and
new life to weak, sickly, run down peo
tile. Try them., Only 50c at Geo. A.
Harding's drugstore.
Pe-ru-na in Use in Thousands oi
Mr. Harry M. Stevens, of Midland
Beach, L. I., New York, proprietor of
the Richmona fiote , writes:
"It gives me pleasure to testify to the
Harry M. Btevens.
value of Peruna. I have used it for years
and have found it to be a most excellent
Iam"y remeuy. carrn
1 -
John L. Burnett, Member of Congress,
Seventh Alabama District, writes:
"I take pleasuro in testifying to the
merits of your Peruna. At the solicita
tion of a friend my wife used it, and it
improved her condition generally. It is
a remarkable remedy. I can cheerfully
recommend Peruna as a good, substan
tial tonic, and a very good catarrh rem
edy." Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo
cated. Peruna ia not a guess nor an
experiment it is an absolute scicntifio
certainty. Peruna has no substitutes
no rivals. Insist upon having Peruna.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at oneo to Dr. Ilartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
bo pleased to give you his valuablo ad
vice free.
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Strayed or Stolen,
From near New Era, October Kith, a
8mall, light red three year-old milch cow,
part Jersey. Is dai k at shoulders, shad
ing light at feel ; has white half-moon-shaped
spot near right shoulders. A
suitable reward will be given for any in
formation that will lead to her recovery.
Mrs. M. E. Hyai.t,
New Era, Oregon.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney Co., Props, Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their thm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding. Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the eyuem. 1 rice oc per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Goes Like Hot Cakes.
"The fastest Belling article I have in
my store," writes druggist C. T. Smith,
cf Davis, Ky., "'is Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
CjIiIr. because it always cures. In my
six years of sales it has never failed . I
have known it to save sufferers from
Throat and Lung diseases, who could
get no help from doctors or any other
remedy." Mothers rely on it, best
physicians prescribe it, and G. A. Hard
ing guarantees satisfaction or refund
price. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes
50c and $1.
Our prompt, courteous and accurate service is
directed to oue end :
To protect you from goods of inferior quality,
and to protect you from unfair prices.
We are so certain that we do what we aim to do
that wo back every sale witli this guarantee: "Money
back if you want it."
Tierce's Goklcn Medical Discovery Regular $1.00 Now ,85
Pierce's Favorite Prescription " 1.00 " .85
Faine's Celery Compound " 1.00 " .85
Wood's Sarsaparilla " 1.00 " .55
Mellin's Food " .30,-75 .43,. 65
Pink Pills .50 " .40
Carter's, Ayer's and Pierce's Pills " .25 " .20
Special prices on 3 or 6 bottles
Charman & Co.,
Mail Orders Solicited
Phone 13
When Slrkness Comes
to the head , n' th.: , fun ily the bread
winner, t omnipresent thought is
"I-e I Bafely" p'ovi-H far the wife
aud little ones?"
Nine time out of ten, "No" is the
answer. It is then ton late, however, to
do anything. The es ntial thing to do
is to prepare now for nhat may occui at j
anytime. An inxeftigation of the Mas
sachusetts MuihbI'b iv policies and
bonds, will, wit hot. I a doubt, bring to
tour notice a contract that will exactly
if interested, send a poctui, giving
uur jjttuir, tiutii re-, l'Ui;ilja 1UU pluuhic
I n1 il.fv h!
company will do for you. No guess
work about it, ac ilie dividends are paid
annually and nut iU eltl for twenty
vears or en, . nil then not paid unless
the contract is in force at that time.
II li. Coi.ton,
Manneer Pacific Coast Dept ,
CltHmbu' of Commetce,
Portland, Or
Bright's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pie
scription. chained hamtw in Pan Fran
cisco, Aug. 30,1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party ol business men for
a specific for liiight's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable Jiceaf-es
They lommenced thet-enes investi
gation of the specific Nov, 15, 1 000.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by put tt ny;
over three dozen cases on the trtatmen
and watt hitig them. They also g t phy
siciann to naniectirutiic, incurable cases
and administered it with the physicians
for judges Up t" Autr. 25, eighty-seven
per cent o' the lest caei- Were either
wed or protrrffsi'ig favorably.
There beinn bin thirteen pr cert of
failures, the parties nre -i-tislied hi d
closed the transaction. Tlie proceedings
of the investiuhlini: committee and be
clinical reports ol tlie lent cases weie
published and will tie mailed fiee on im
plication. Addresf .lolm I. Fulton
Company, 420 Mniitgoineiy St.. San
Francisco, Cai. Oarman & Co. are on
sole agents in Oregon City.
Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B.. thi
Celebrated Chicago Specialist, Will
Send 14 00 Worth of His New
Special Treatment Free to
Each of Our Readers.
When an experienced physician offevs
to give away $40,00;) worth of a New
Treatment for disease of tlie heart,
nei ves, stomach or dropsy, it is conclu
sive evidence that he has great faith in
it. And when hundreds of prominent
people freely testily to his unusual skill
and the super ority of his New Spicial
Treatment, his liberality is certainly
worthy of serious consideration.
That D'. Miles is one of the world's
most succesfful physicians is proven by
hundreds of testimonials from well
known people. One patient cured after
failure of eleven Grand Rapids pi ysi
cians, two after being given np by six
and seven Chicago physicians, another
after nine leading doctors in New York
City, Philadelphia and Chicago failed.
1000 testimonials Bent upon request.
The eminent Rev.W. Bell, D. D ,of Dayton, O.,
Gen. Sec'y of Foreign Missions, writes editorially
in The State Suniluy School Union: " W e desire
to state that from personal acquaintance we
know Dr. Mi I us to be a most skillful specialist,
mau who has sparol neither lahor nor money to
kcop himself abie.-ist of the gretit advaiicnient m
medical science."
The late Prof. J.S. Jewell, M. D., said; "by all
means publUh your surprising resultH." Prof. J.
P . Boss, M. D., Ki-Pres or Rush Medical College
wrote in 1874: "Dr. Miles has taken two courses
of my private Instructions In diseases of the heart
and lungs." Mr. Tinman DeWoese, editor
Chicago rimes-Herald, states: "Dr. Milts cure I
me of years of inherited headache aud dizziness."
tne well-known manuiacturer ot rreeporc, in.,
J. U. Hcoti, savs: "I had fruitlessly spoilt
theusandi of dollars on physicians until I con
sulted Dr. Miles." Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago
writes: Dr Miles cured me yf dropsy after live
leading physicians had giveu me up."
This new system of special treatment
is thoroughly scientific and immensely
superior to the ordinary methodp.
As nil killictfd renders may hove $4
worth of treatment free, we would ad
vise them to send for it at once. Ad
drtBB, Dr. Franklin Miles, 203 to 205
State .-treet, Chicago, III. Plecse lmen.
tion Oregon City Courier-IIerad in
your reply,
The excitement incident to traveling
and ch nge of food and water often
brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason
no one without a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
Brunswick H( use and Restaur ant
Meals at All Sours Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
ODDOsite Susneitfsi i Bridge
' '
tw,.;s. mat use Chilled and Steel Plows,
and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
H .HIT' u
lint--.. Spray . Pumps,
.iTb anl Main Sts.
0 r
The Flour
of the Family
) I HU ' rat
The flour of all the Oregon City families
is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house
wife always gets "Patent" flour because,
it is better and more ecomonical to use
Made in Oregon City by the Portland
Flouring Mills Co.
illll in'iJti liUlliniluilHiiiil'ilulii iitLltiiiiMililll
. A A ft
jfriiiii Jtii''iiij'i'iiiWjii'iiifcliiiii
.9 a
1 $&hi
4 'TA
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers,
'I Phones 411 and 304
I awap
'"1 IF"
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
Established 1870
126 Second Street, near Washington,
Portland, Ore.
Our stock of Fur Garments is now 'complete, and
intending purchasers will find it of value to call at our
establishment and inspect our Furs.
We are showing new effects in Fur Coats and Capes.
Our Collarettes and Boas are in entirely new designs and
consist of a great variety.
Mail Orders receive prompt attention.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
n Leaain
Leading and Reliable
Imperial Bicycles.
Money we're so often told is the
root of all evil, ye; who of us have not
wished at times we might have a few
cords of the root. But itiBtead of the
idle wishing prudent people look
closer after their expenditures.
Right here we out help you. We
covet confidence and challenge com
petition. A. Robertson,
7th St. Grocer.
lltll utlllii
We carry the onlycompleteline
of Caskets, Coffins, Kobes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First Class
Heareeinthe County, which e
will furnish for less than car be
had elsewhere.
F'mbalmit'g a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
th Rf!1- RrMcp nnd HAnnt.
Brown & Welch
Pkopriktors of tub
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
Incorporated 1899
Farriers of the Norihwest
and Oregonian $2