C. j ity Coui I 1 A "ieri COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1BB3 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEf'ENDENT ESTABLISHED 1BSB OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 81, 19C2 20th YEAR, NO. 28 (J, D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Heal Estate and Probate La Specialties Office In Commercial Hank Building OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK ok 0REU0N CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general bunking business Makes loans and collections discounts bills buys and selU domestic and foreign exchange, and receifes deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.' 0. . uATOtlltETTE, t.i. MjSYRft deut Oashie C N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 18CS) Prompt delivery to all parts of the eity OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and siftistaotlon guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Canfield Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College' of Dental Sunsery. Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON P H. COOPER, " Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, AbstractB Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. l.-i lcr, S evens Puilding, 1 1 egoD Cuy, Orp. Qt E. HAYES ATIORNEY AT LAW Stevens Iiuildiug, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Eed Front,1 Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON QRANT B. DIMICK Attorney and Coukbelor at Law Will pracllce In all Courts In ihe State, Circuit and District Courts ol the United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office in Stevens Building, Oregon City, Or. J C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.j 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Norbis, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, rhyeicians and Surgeons. Calls in cily orcouutry promptly attended Office: 1, 2, 17, Charman Bios. Block, Oregon City. R OBERT A. MliXER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practice in all Courts of the State W einhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 0, ScHUEBEL W. 8. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' tutf&et STbtioIat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend vou money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON JJ I. SIA3 DEALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY ' OREGON Uvcry & Feed Stable FinesCIurnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHAN'S Livsrv, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON ACKRE'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cures dysper"7'1 tni s11 dinordon arlilng from Ind ration. Endorsed by physicians everywhere sold by all druggists. No cure no r;y: 25 cents Trialpackagefreeby writing to W. 11. Hooker o., Baiilo, X. Y. ' VV VfVVVWVWWVVVW , NEWS CP TEE WEEK. Sa' unlay, October 25. McBride's speeche iviili-n breach in republican parr.v i.f ' ur: i d'oii . J Hamilton-Lewi formerly of Wash ington, likely in hv nominated fix con gress in Cliic igo. Chief Eiiiii('Hr .Melville reports navy personal hill, as now enforced, a failure . Roosevelt issues irder lo reduce army to minimum biienuili. Daring train ho d-np in Montana by a lone man; Twenty-two more mi: es start up iu anthracite teal regi n. King Edward to make "royal pro gress" through London today. Great Britain awards contracts for three new battle-ships. French miners agree to national arbi tration of coal stiike, Attorney-General Blackburn decides that initiative and referendum is now in effect. Severe Nome storm causes loss of three lives. Willamette River threatens to leave Salem high and dry. Sunday, October 26. Russians will come to St. Louis Fair to learn about combread aud mulfiu.6. Secretaiy Joseph OiimuberUiii will iro to rioui.li Africa to ex-imitie in p.-rsou the Afrikander situation. Macedonian revolutionary force suf fers severe defeat. Monday, October 27. Elizabeth Cady Stanton died in New York, aired nearly 87. Coal strike commission will spend to day outlining a lan of procedure. Merchahantable lumber of the Cas cade lorest reserve is estimated at 50, OUO.000,0.0 feet, board measure. Buyers and sellers of hops are agi tated over .ludge Burnett's decision rela tive to contracts. . Attorney-General Iv iux decides Pan ama C .mpany can g ve good life to ca nal. Minister Henry L Wilson declines transfer from Chile to (ireece. RecorderCarr.il D Wright is given a vote on coal strike commission. Capture of ban lit wh Hell uo North ern Pacific train in Mo la.ia. Dr. Woodrow Wilson i installed as president ol Princeton University. Dr. Hirsdi advises cuur'gttion to discard first hook of Gent-oi- a unworthy of belief. . EpRland stOiiS shipineivi- of arms to proclaimed disiricts of Iit-Und. King Edward and Queen Ah-x indra make royal tour ol London. Sister of Pamell demands that Red inuiid account for funds raised in Ameri ca to honor gieat agitator. May wheat makes big jump at San Francisco. New York bank statement shows the institutions in a strong position. B. F. Wheatley awarded contract for lurnishing second half of lumber pur chase for Philippine anijy. Judge Burnett rules lop contracts to be same as chattel tnortJ tges. Irregularities not sullieient to keep Walla Walla county republican no.iii nee olf official ballot. Fire relief fund secured in stale of Washington a little over $50011. A Dtinsmutr, Cal., constable slain bv thugs. A Dallas hop man scatters 2000 nickels to children. Extra session movement comes to dead halt. Great increase in attendance at sub urban schools. w Milwaukie votes for incorporation. Senator Turner d.scusses railroad is sue iuWashingion. Slot machine men acqii'tted of run ning gambling devices. Senator Mitchell leaves fot Washing tOD.D. 0 Tuesday, October 28. Cuba rejects proposed treaty of United States. Colombia wants more Panama Canal concession, money for Chief of Naval Ordnance Bureau ports in favor of sacrificing speed armament in battle-ships. Coal strike commission will begin its investigations lnursday. Riot over nonunion labor at Chicago results in injuries to sevei. men. China recalls Minister Wu. Wynham assures Irish no quarters is to be shown in fight over land question. King Edward reviews and welcomes troops home from South Africa. Ignorance of boy's age no defense for selling liquor to minors. Governor Geer still w aits on demands of people for an extra session. Assistant Forester Sudworth ' report favorably for Blue Mountain resetve. Respite granted Murderes Belding. Democrats to Meet. The nest meeting of the .Democratic County central committee will be held on Friday, January 9, 1903. At thecom mittee meeting, w Inch waB held in the Kedmen's Hall Satuiday, the political situationin this county was reviewed and discussed by all present in an en thusiastic manner. It was agreed that between now and the time of the next meeting, all the members would look over their sectioo of the county so as to be able to report as to the strengbt and viewB of the democrats all over the county. Then plans that will meet gen eral approval will be mapped out for the coming two years. Thedemocarts think they have cause for much encourage ment, in facts the outlook was never brighter than it is at present. THE OLD RELIABLE ml Mm mm AbsolutelPureT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Flue Good Itmiso'is. That tlin Rio Grand Rm'ei the mo.-t p ipn a one l-iw".-n iim Pacific coast and in K i nr l-ii--r-d In' t a fact 'hat t1nnrui! per rnt of trail contiuentii rveif-M n - i . First. ' h-' -:iU! ' i raiv I i'i . ii view from ii-aill- a e iint-i) I il' Hi 'iie urld. Sec Hid. t'i -I it ! v pn.n.i ij i-oi'luiv-ed tourist iar.ex.- rl : h heoig espec ally adap'ed f i U lif-t,r v li g alo'in or with children, at'f r l a it oif ti iin modo of travel at nt e witlr reach ..-f nil Ttnnl. it is toe o i . ro I'e li tue-nfli i E-tSt ft 'id iVut tl isj ll i d ' - 1 1' hro l!l Salt Lak Cilv or modi i n Zion t mill, ihe rhiii - ui iwu ibstitirt, roiile-llin uh he he.iii of ihe Rocky Moiinlaini . Fifth, tlir.-H t'a-t ttiro-u i trains (hilly he'ween U.'iI- ii ami U- vr equipp-jd with evtii'v in l-n ctoveni .iii!-, Thvn-a-H ma iy 1 1 1 -- ren otis why this mule i inn mo com fori aiile and eiijovxolei ; the wholf coil .1 y. You cm, I am h it i ti I d(-,doo ihe sub ject in 1 1 o i 1 1 M..v i si 1 1 il rict-ive eon le very li- u u'u' a i l inter -img ho iklets, by calling o i or wri io.' lo the u nier signed. W O. McKniDn, Gei.'l Agent, or M. J, KotiiE, Trnvriing I'a-niiuer Aueiil, 124 I hti'i Stn'it, Portland, Ore gon. Condense I, Arc urate? hi pfuL ThebiiMe- p-ople-reat The Yontii's Compani-i . hecau-e ii . con-'ens d. ac curate ainl nelplu , It.i W'l-Kly eunini.iiy o( imp rtant nt-WS is ( i n iiete an. I i list wor. Iiy, Its eil 1 1 oi-il comnin.i om. imbued!1 and in ni'il comnin.i nt i. I'liliticitp and ic qiesiiniis i non (lartia ; !t im ii-lurts ri men a wav limt si' i-t iWsui' ca-i me ihrm ai me domestic aims to the busi oasis oi an inie.lu m innion Il ivllec.ir on ei- y pj.- the whole some, indu irioi.s home-loyiiiL', home making side of Atneii.-m) ,f, the life ol nob'e aims i nd honor.ih e Hinbitions A loll aiiiioiiuceine i nf the new volume will he seiii lo ai y address on request. The new subscriber lor 1903 who sends $1.75 for the new volume at oi.ee will receive fieeall t'i. :emaining issues for 1902, incluiling ihe Double Holiday number; also Tne Companion calender for 1103, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. The Youth's Companion', 141 Berkeley Street, Blon, iia-is. Chester Canfield Dead. Chester Caiidehl. a will known young man, died at the. home of bio parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kohert C itilield, .Saturday evening, alter U-i g conlined to the house for one eek. His death, was caused by bright's disease, together with other complications. He was 23 years old last May, havinii been born and raised in this ci.y. His untimely death comes as a great shock to his many friends, as he was larae and of healthy appearance, being ov -r six feet tall. During the past several years, he was employed by the P. G. E. Co., at the generating station across the river. i The Outlook forZXoi embcr. Notable in interest among the illus trated articles which appear in the cur rent Magazine Number of The Outlook are: the first in:talment of a series of twelve papers by the Hon. JohnD. Long, ex-secretary of th navy, under the gen eral tiile, ''The Xew American Navv ;" "The Ku-sian and Polish Jew in New York," by Edward A. Steiner, witfi original photographs one of a series ot articles in which the author is tracing the life and career of immigrants of dif ferent races after ihey are settled in America; "An Artist's Impressions cf Malta," by Mr. E. C. Peixotto, accom panied by" several drawing) by this ar tist, whose work is comparable only to that of Mr. Pe inell and one or two oilier o( the very best "black-and-white men;" "The Earl of Aberdeen," by Justin McCarthy, one of a series on living British sta'esmen by the author of A History of Our Own Times, "which is appearing from to week in The Out look ; an article by Mr. Clifton (Johnson on Tuskegee, considered as a typical Alabama town, with many pictures full of human interest from photographs bv Mr. Johoson; a charmingly illustrated article on "The Growth of the Oak," by by Mr. J. Horace McFarland, one of 1 is series of tree biographies ; and a paper on Tschaikowsky by Mr. I). G. Mason. While the Short Hand ol the clock travels twice arotitul the, dial Perry Davis' Painkiller will cure a j cold ; will ease the tightness across the ; chest and hence will banish the fear of pneumonia. "Just a little cold" does ' not become a misery that clings until roBes bloom if you have recourse to tbia I Dever-failins help. There la but one I Painkiller, Perry Davis.' I'oniA. His Kind Ken Have Al.vays Boi3 Be&nthe Signature cf R H -A vw!iii I g?iiiiiai -' W in a WaonT every ?S 1 i , r mougn tne manuiacturers replace tne DroKen part We also carry y Write us for prices on everything you need7 it only takes a p postal card and may save you dollars. MoRTHWEST 208 FRONT STREET, mszjk&7?zx a ji- tun wvk vw-'rfnx miw muvam V Racine-Vis. - i. USA. - - time you break down it . t iii wiiaxjo BUY A EISH a full line of Buggies IMPLEMENT HEAVYe LOSSES. j To OUK FltlENDS and Patron: Heavy losses wo havo suffered through the-recent fires placed us in a tight pinch we need money, and ask our friends to come and buy their winter supplies from our mammoth stock for cash. We will slaughter gating Stoves and' Sewing Machines, and we will give you a discount on all other goods purchased be tween now and December 1st for cash. )o not miss your chance, Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for nearly half price. Frank Busch; & The House This Trade Mark on the side i of a wagon box is a guarantee tt KJ O of eKceilence and high grade p quality in the construction of d this wagon. If yours does h not have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you W cannot afford to run any m Jll lilt lllctlCliai UiCU & v aaamwaama kiWWV costs you money ' ' I i i i rl and Spriiip Wagons, fl m I COMPANY, i PORTAND 03 E ttni - iM c mi Furnisher Y