OREGON CITY COURIER-JHERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1902. The Red Front Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon GROCERIES. Good Green Coffee, per lb ioc Good Roast Coffee per Voi2l2c Arm&Hammer Soda, 8 lbs 25c Washing Powders, per lb. 5c Good Laundry Soap, 20 ; bars 70c Liquid Shoe Dressing, bot tle 8c Blueing, box , , . . 5c Blueing, bottle . 5c Sewing Machine Oil, bottle 5c Battle Axe Tobacco, 2 plu 75c MACKINTOSHES. Misses' Mackintoshes with detachable collars. ... .$1 50 Women's Mackintoshes, from 2 5c Men's Mackintoshes, from 1 50 Y Boys' Mackintoshes, from i 25 We carry the Sweet Orr Union-Made Overalls and Jumpers i , HATS. Boy's Wool Hats, from. .35c up Men's Wool Hats from. .40c up Umbrellas, from 40c up We the carry Celebrated Gil bert Linings and Near Silks. We have the mcst complete line of Dress Trimmings, Laces, Applique, Braids and Fancy Buttons in Oregon City and carry an assortment equal to any in Portland. Fur Trimmings for children's cloaks in yard up. all colors, from ioc We carry the J. B. Lewis, Wear Resister and Bradley & Metcalf Shoes, which always give satisfaction, and we sell them at prices to suit. We Trade for Farm Produce and Shingles THE RED fKONI GEO. T. HOWARD, Prot. umiT mm dark, Day and night, sunshine and Shadow are not more different from each other than a healthful from a sickly woman. The healthful woman carries light and sunshine with her wherever she goes. The woman ."ijjSSL who suffers f.'-.Va from lU-healtn casts a shadow on her own hap piness and the happiness of others. She cannot help it. Those who suf fer 'cannot smile and sins. Ill-health in woman is generally trace able to disease of the delicate womanly organism. Many women have been re stored to happiness by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It estab lishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration ami cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. I feel it my dirty to inform you that I had been a siifierer for many yer.rr. from nervous ness witM nil its avmptoms and complications." writes Mrs. O. N. fctfiher. of 1861 Lexington Ave., New York. N. Y. "I was constantly going to see a physiciau.or purchasing medicine fur this or that complaint as my troubles became un bearable. In the spring of 1897 my husband induced me to try Dr. Pierce's FaYorite pre scription. After taking one bottle and follow ing your advice I was so encouraged that X took five more bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and then I did not take any more for several weeks as I felt so much better, but still I was not com pletely cured. I commenced taking it again and felt that I was improving faster than at first. I am not now cross and irritable, and I have a good color in my face ; have also gained about ten pounds in weight and one thousand of com fort, for I am a new woman once more." The dealer who offers a substitute for " Favorite Prescription " does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss, therefore accept no substitute. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Metlical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. . Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . Philip Graves has completed digging his potato crop on the Bruuer place. We hear that Casper Weismandle has sold his farm and intends to move to Oregon City in the spring. Mrs. Klingler and daughter, Ella, in tend to move to Can by, where they in tend to make their future home. Our supervisor is opening up the road that runs past J. 0. Morris' place. Don't forget to attend the dance at Mackebnrg on October 25 if you want to have a good time. Jocks. Eldorado. Pcho I commenced Mondav with Mr. Maiicle as teacher. Fiid Stevens was vinitingtwo brother-in-laws, Albert and (?) Neukirchner, Monday. E. Linn, of Beaver Creek, was visiting friends Sunday. McKinley Mitchell, of Portlaud, wae the guest of Al Jones this week. Miss Lillian Gans was visiting with friends here Saturday and Sunday. Pat Lyons, of Lyons, has returned home after several week visiting in this place. Miss Agnes Wallace, of Mulino, who has been seriously ill, is some better at present. Nellie Stevens, of Beaver Creek, has been visiting with her sister of Mulino for the past few days. Mr. Manning sold one of his gray horses last week. Paine Brothers have been hauling off their hops tbis week. Joe Mallett was the guest of Ernest Jones Sunday. Our new school teacher is a "miracle," but he does not eat toadstools. Chris Bullard, of Oregon City, is stay ing at his brother's this week. Charles , Boynton and frau's smiling faces were seen in our burg onday. Mr. Belmoreatld John Lowe1 y. of Ore- eon Citv was the guest ol W. H Jone Sunday. ilACK-ORAUGHT FOR ISTIi Constipation is nothincr more I than a closeinc? of the bowels and nothine less than vital staff- nation or death if not relieved. If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing' poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved. Thed ford's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get the origi nal Thedford's Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. Morgan, Ark., Har 25. 1001. I cannot recommend Thedford's Black Draught too highly. 1 keen It U my house all the time and hare used It for the last tea years. 1 never gate my children any other laxattre. I think I could never be able to work without It on acroant of being troubled wltk , ronstipation. lonr medicine is I all tint keeps me up. mm THE MORN1NQ TUB j cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limittrd ' capacity nor where the water supply and I temperature is uncertain by reason of : defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working 'order will not prove expensive if the work is done by 1 F. C. GADKE It requires no experience to dye with PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES. Simply boiling your goods in the dye is all that's necessary. x Sold by C G. Huntley. EE,. V'JCi; A nil f3 tv fitv 25. MRS. R. BECKER 220 FIRST STREET - - PORTLAND, OREGON lias a complete assortmenfof fall lyiilliDeFy, Fufs, JytilliQery Novelties, Etc Hats Trimmed to Order Feathers Dyed and Curled PRICES MODERATE I GEORGE BROS. 1 ...RESTAURANT... and Lunch Counter Opposite El.jctric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon Cify to get a Dainty Lunch or SQUARE MEAL Open at All Hours, day or night Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds Everything Tnsl), Heat and Chan, AT ftkat market of lj:Betbke 'tu Mratton Bldg. Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOGOOOCO o CORRESPONDENCE cooooocooooeooooooooooooco Iitissellville. Well, I. will try to let the people kno'v something of Ruseellville. The people are vviehinn for rain enough to plant and sow train. Mr. Betlike was in our burg a few days ano hunting bM ca'.tle.and lie pur chase d a drove There is still more cattle here yet for eaie, inly waiting an opportunity. F. Davidson and family moved to St'Otts Town Monday to spend the win ter. 0. S. Boyles 8nd others have gone to the Mololla mires. An txpert accom panied tliem. The ownerB of the mines are very cheerful with the prospects. Borg, tn the wife of Mr. Ninhtii gale, a fine giil, i hut insure? a fon-iu-law. Many ire hauling in their winter's wood, while the weather is pleasant. Mr. Eckeid has rented E. P. Carter's place. Mr. WingfieM and daughter, Maud, vifited Mrs. Harriet Bagby last Thurs day. Mr. Cooper, of Meadowbrook was in our country on business a few dayj ago. Mr. Bnrker, of Beaver Creek, visits Lower Wilhoit very often. Wonder what ie the matter ? Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield and daugh ter, Maud, visited the former's daugh ter, Mrs. Otis Boyles, a;id family Wed nesday. Little Chester Boyles is on the sick list hut is vry near well now. Arthur Carer.JMrs. Wintifield's grand son, made her a pleaBant call Saturday. Miss Lela Poylos.of Pnssellville, i s in Portland doctorints her eye. She will word down there the rest of the winter. Jessie Banhy went to Hich's sawmill Thursday to get s me lumber to build a new cellar. Perry Calor and (lush Ostau is helping Jesse Bagby this week. S. Carter's folks were t1 e pleasant callers at Mr. and Mrs. Melton's lues day night. Mayflower. The Heat FrcmO'tption for Mitlnrlit Chills and Fever is a bottle oi ' 4 rove's I Tautens Chill Tonic I' is simply inn and quinine in a tameless twin. No cure no pay. Prb'e SOc. E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Haui Plimh! net I .dT. q. Bargain i r Wall Paper :"t.iii vm rr1 'till1 m ' " i 1 ie r Mji(Mti....,.r... .1 urn muuw m ioo TYPEWRITER -FOK $75 The F anklln Typewriter This is $25.00 less than the lixed price of the typewriter trust, and yet the FRANKLIN is the equal of any $100.00 machine built. Are you titv'-i ided ? Rent a FRANKLIN for a few months at $4.00 p. r month Then, if you are satisfied, buy the machine. Whatever is paid on rent will be allowed to ward the purchase. Does an inferior machine, which you own, stand in your way? You can turn it in as part payment toward a FRANK LIN, and a fair allowance on it will be made. If your purse is thin you call obtain easy terms on time payment. E. F. BUMl'US, Manager 302 Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal. Local Agent at Courier-Herald Office J3l anufacturing ...AND.. . WATCH REPAIRING .A SPECIALTY. ltedland. The much needed rain is now on hand. Willie Stone is able to be out. Fred Pirrin. our junk and chicken dealer, is around buying up chickens ami ducks, lie expects to makes a trip to Portland. Mrs. Uhinehart and children, of (Jan- yon City, are visiting lijr mother, Mrs. A. Sprague, of ltedland There was a dance at Linn's last w ek with a large attendance All enjo ed themselves. James and Bert Baxter are visitina friends and hunting out here. L. and 11 IT. Mosher were visiting their mother, Mrs. S. Mosher a few days ano. L. Mosher returned to the snag boat. . Hubbard. A Rush Continues. It was mentioned last week in Port land papers that crowds were going up i-taire at 230)a Y.imhill street. Up m be ing investigated we learned that o'd Dr. Kessler has returned from his S mthern trip and the people leaiiiini: this, made a rush to consult him. It must be a satisfaction to Dr. Kcetler to kno he is held in such high esteem by the people, but it is no wonder, when it is known the great number he has saved from the grave or insace asylum. His patients ae numbered by the hundreds, and be sides, the many h has cured, there are hundreds, both men and women al! over this onntry, suffering from nervous prostration and other complicated diseases, who will soon go to the grave or the asylum . The family doctor often tells a tierson there is nothing the matter when' consulted on these con di ions. He really beleives what he says, simply, because he does not under stand the different manifestations of these nervous breakdowns. Hundreds of men and women, mostly women, are to-day a livimr death from nervous weak ness, loosing their reason. Dr. Kessler, with twenty-five vears experience prob ably understands these chronic cases of all kinds better than anv one else in the state. He (an (rive refrencts by the hundreds but refrences is not arked of him as be too well know n. It. Is h art rendering to so through an asylum and eee the pitiful cases. When once the asylum door is rl sed nn them they leave hope b hind, lor little effort is made to cure one after being sent to the asvlnm. Fur your own and the suKe of the family don't, let these nervous symptoms continue but either g and see or write your case to old Dr. Kessler at the St. Lm.is Dispensary at I'ortland and always enclnfe ten-two cent stirnte when wiilimf him or yon pet no reply. He has never failed on a..ycase and can cure you Many persons at this season are troubled with a cough, but don't let i run into lune fever or consumption. Doctor Kessler will stop ynnreoush in 24 hours and cure you in a short time. He cure old sores, ulcers, cancers, stomach diseases of all kind, piles, rheu matism, pain in the back, heart disease etc. D.in't put off until you hear from him those two awful words which he says, whn he can't cure. "too late" ,"'teo late. " No difference what your trouble is. call on or wi'e him 'o-dfy. If you can't call, write him and he will send question blanks for home treatment. Address J Husky Kessler, M. D , Cor. 2nd and Yanihiil, Portland, Oregon. St. Louis Dispensary. A. JOBBING micg and m M.'SLS,.,TC General Worn Painting Opposit?Caufle d Block OKEGOX CITY Oregon City Second-1! and & Junk Store HIGHEST f'l.'KT,!-' P.AID FOK SFO-OND-H AND iOOl)-, HIDES JUNK M ETA LS OF A LL K I N PS, ETC. Large lot of Packs lot sale cheap. Paint Shop near Depot Hotel Second-Hind Goods Bought and Sold RING PHONE4in Fi'K JUNK. Scgarmsu & C. HEADACHE I had been troubled with my stom acli tor the past sixteen or seventeen years, and. as 1 haw-, been acting as a '"iiir clerk 'or 'be pat-t thirte,-n years, I have bad t'11' cbiinc" to try all remedies in the inaiket, but never found -oVthii g tint, I we am in sup ply of Ripan- Tubules, i licit, did me any good. They have entirely cured me. t time I could In Id nothing on my s'ouun b. and I had a sour stomach mot-' all ib tnne: in fact. I was niisera1 ie, and if" was hardly worth livimr. 1 vis called cross and crabbed bv m friends, but now they all notice the change in me. t m t"i;(. f s. TIim Kif . 'otii tTiii-kw is enniurh for an or tunry iK-tn-n-M. Th" 'iiniilv fmltle. tiO '.ems. iMintHiim h muhIv tor ver. Thousands, JIave Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Fitting Spectacles and I;ije Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. ixaminaon Free, by an Exrer Cptician A. N. WRIGHT ;he Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th f, M, Pulley had a well bored Mon day by Mr. Wolfer of this burg said to be "t).i feet of water. Isaac Williams, of Needy, was seen on our streets Mondav. I. A. Honney will move tJ Hubbard soon, where he expects to run a fied mill this winter. Jack PUbtow has moved to Portland. Ira Pomiey made a trip to Portland Ttuvday accompanied by hi brother, L. S. Honney, of Oak Point, Wash., for merly of tiiis place, tie reports things lively at Oak Point. There have been some hog drivers in the vicinity of Hopewell. Wo are on their track. If we catch them we will be apt to put a stop to their driving count i y hogs to town to get them in the pound. Kosicm n. Mavksbu ry. The weather is in favor of the potato diggers, but don't suit the fanners who want to plow. Some of the Canny people were seen passing throtitfh our burg last Sunday. The surprise patty at Mr. Stier'e last Saturday uight mis a grand success. We hear that Carl Pn mm, one of our enterprisiim young iner,is going to leave for Culiforiii nest n.outh. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if It stains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is eomfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swainp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passlig it, or bad ettects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realised. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle cf this wonderful discovery fC-V".. and a book that tellsr!?r4.f;; adaress Dr. ruimer Sc hoim of 8uv-itcMt. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer tn this paper. J. HENRI KESSLER, M. D. MANAGER THE OLD -ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY Cor. Second and Yamhill Sts.. Portland, Or. This Is. 11 Kessler, One of the VorlcJ's Greate&t Specialists fc'ow, look here, v nrg man, don't be so careless. Don't tmtofl anv longer; Uiaye your case attended to today, for y. ur looks te'l on yon. You my conclude Ho get married somi- dav, and to live hanpy vou uiusPbe a man rued and stron e physically and mentally. So many divorce cases we hear of, it an investigation was made would disclose the fact that physical and nervous weakness of the hus band caused the wife to finally hate him. Woman love a manly man. just as much as men love beautifully developed, healthy, red-cheeked women. I'.lotchcs and pimples show something w rong. All kinds of diseases are cured by this old doctor. It is not necessary to go to ee him ; in a few diseases where surgery is required or cancers, old ulcers and such, it is better tosee him, but all weakness and private conditions can be cured at home. He has a perfect system for home treatment; he always auswets your letters in plain envelope am! keeps evry case a profound secret. Pay no attention to the little hot ks yon find on stree s, but trust yourself to an old doctor who has been curing caes l.ke yours for ov.r aarter of a century. Always enclose 10 two-cent, stamps, when writing for tictftient, and send small bottle of your urine, if possible. Address. J. HENRI KESSLER, M. D. Manager of the St. Louis iledical and Surgical D spjnsary Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts., Portland