OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1902. For lour Own Satisfaction. j BUTE CREEK PAIR Do not purchase your atilt of clothes until you see the diltarence in price at the Portland Cloth ing Company, Main Street, next to Harding's drugstore. Neither will you make a mistake by looking through our big assortment of men's pants hats and a oomplete line of underwear and over shirts. Complete stock of boys' suits, men's, Indies and children's shoes, guaranteed 20 per cent less in comparison with other stores' prices. Long List of Awards Made to the Exhibitors. Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets OREGON Shout Line THERE WKKE BUSY DISPLAYS OASTOHIAi Bauttht There is,, .tlticli Enthusiasm Ani ii ft the Glllc.eis of the Association and People of Hie Vicinity. Signature Union Pacific AHO of IK Northwest smtE PRICE HATTERS 3 CLQlim&S yM IIIQ IVI1IU IUU llO0 AindJQ DUUMi Thn V nrf Uml Unn ll,nt DaiiaM TJ THE The 0. P. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS wo vu THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT 1 DEN','i OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 0:U) p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAXIL and CHICAGO. FREE TO THE BABIES. The Darst Company, of Chicago, will prosent to every baby under one year of age, In this vicinity, one solid gold baby ring with the baby's birth stone in same. You do not have to pay one cunt nor buy anything to get this ring. Darst Com tany are large jobbers of jcwlery and l a e taken this method of advertising their goods. Instead of .pending thousands of dollars for magazine advertising they have decided to give it away direct to consumers. The firm of Messrs Ho ell h .Tones have been made distributors for Darst Company. Bring your baby to their store and give its name and age and you will receive one of these beautllut gold rings Iree of cost. This is not a cheap article, hut solid gold of elwg.vnt designs. While at Messrs, Howell & Jones store don't tail lo look over the elegant line of Jewelry on display. Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaved Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For fnll Information call on or address nearest O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A. 1. CHAIO, G, P. A., Portland. Oregon Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrovv, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the post-office and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROVV, Oregon City GO EAST VIA ikHDEVESIl'ff A Complete Line -Oif- Fine Footwear Only tranpcintineuial line passing dbeetlv through . s It Lata City, Colorado "Springs and Denver? Three eplendidiv epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Pining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most tnattniticent scenery in America bv daylight. Stop overs allow ed on all classes ol tickets. For cheapest rauasand descriptive literature address J. D. flANSFIELD, Ueueral Agent, 24 Thiiri f-tieet, Pnrtprd. Onto Tne Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at .way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of tie above stianitrs have been re Hi and are in excellent riisye for the Feoson ofl 00 The Keirnlxtor Line will endeavor to giveit patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasnre travel by the steamers of Hie Kegulator Line. The above lumpers leave I'ortlrT C 7 Ir an Dalles Bt8 a. ni.,srd orrlveat destination in amr Hma far nmpnine trains. Portland Oflice. The Dalles Office Oak Bt, Dock. CoartStreet. T A. C. AJXAWAY ftrtrslAge For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men 1 can't be equaled for veat ' quality or style, and ou women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfor and graceful outline. Our prices will suit. Krausse Bros 1 "RYETAB" Whiskey Beans. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CO. LEAVES 1 Dei-ot Fifth and I Sts., Portland ARRIVES 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P. M. For Maygers, Rainier, ilatskauie, Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton, Havel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Seaide, Astoria and Reashore Express, Daily. Astoria Express, . Dally. 11:10 A. M. 9:40 P. M, Ticket Office. 255 Morrison St. and Union Depot. J. C. Mato, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Ore. Something absolutely new Bnd with which we have experi mented lor years. One bean makes one glass Ar tificial Whiskey (Rye or Unur bon); six beans to the pint. Just the thing for travelers, and convenient lor picnics, excur sions, eto Contains ail the virtue of the best wbiskit s without the dele terious effect. Made from' the pure vegetable matter, and guar anteed to contain no poisonous or narcotic drugs of any descrip tion. If a beverage Is not desired, a Bean mav in taken in the mouth without 'water, and lhe most ex onerating effect Will be experl enoed. Ecxof 12Eeacs,50c The Beans retail at 10 cents each, and can be procured from any druggist, fancy grocer or first-class bar. For sale ou din ing cars. One box sent post-paid on re ceipt of 50 cents. Ginseng Distilling Co, ST. Distillers of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, LOUIS, MO. Tlie following i8 k list of the premiums awarded lo ilie exhibitors ut the six teenth annual meeting f the) Bulte Creek A urictiltu ral Association, held a Marquam on September 2(3 It and 27th 1U02: DIVISION A HOUSES. Best stallion, any age, any grade, John Nobblett, second Best stallion, any grade (two years old), F. E. Albright, in st. lien. Clydesdale stallion, J. L. Eidson, ttcund. Draft brood mate, hav ing foaled one or more colts, S. T. Hill man, firs' ; T. Hook, second. Roadster brood mare, hr.virg foaled ono or more colts, E. L Hobart, second. Roadster, any age, T. P. SouIcb, second. Draft colt, under eight months old, S. T. Hill man, first; John Barth, second. Road ster colt, under eight months old, J. N. Jones, first ; ,1. L, Eidson, peonnd. Year ling, colt, draft, U. A. Ridings, second. Yearling colt, roadster, Budd Thomas, firBt; T. Scott, second. Draft colt, three years old, gelding or filly, J. L. Eidson, first; Albeit Ellio't, second. . DIVISION B CATTLE. Bull ca f, any grade, under eight months old, J. L. Eidson, hint. Best milch cuw, Altha Nicholson, second. DIVISION C SHEEP, GOATS, SWINE. Shropshire buck, J. L. Eidson, first J. H. Davenport, second. Coltwold huck,S.T. Hobart, first and second Shropshire ewe, J . L. Eidson, first; J H. Davenport, second. Cotswold ewe, (jr. A. Ridings, hist and second. Shrop shire lamb, under eight months old, J, L Eidson, first ; J. II.' Davenport, sec ond. Oolswuld lamb, under eight months old, jr. A. Ridings, first and second. Billv go.it, Weisner Broi'., first Kid, undei eight months old, VVeianei Bros., first. Berkshire boar, any ai;e H. L. Skitvin. first. Berkshire sow uv age, ,J. L. Eidson, hrst; H. U Skir vi it, second. Pig, under 6 months, Berk share, F, L. Skirvin, first ; J. L, Eidson second. Pig, under 6 months, Poluiid China, (x. A. Ridings, second. D VI I. iN D POULTHY. Trio, chickens, Brown Leghorn, Weis tier Bros,, Inst; E. B Flutcner, second. Trio chickens, Plymutuh Roi-k, Mrs. F. E. Albright, first ; E. B. Fletcher, sec ond. Trio chickens, White Plymouth Rocks, old. I . A, JefL-ison, first, and sec ond. Trio chickens, White Plymouth Rocks, young, Eugene Herren, first; J A. Jefferson, lecond. lVir tut keys, J A. Jefferson, first. Pair geese, J. H Davenport, first; Euaene Herren, sec ond. , Pair ducks, J. A. Jefferson, first: li. A. Rulings, second. DIVISION K VEGETABLES. Six lartiesi carrots F. Jackson, firt; Mrs. C. U. U.u low , second. Sx la'g 'st mangel wut'z Is, r. Jackson, brat ; A. Myers, second, .six Imgest 'table beets A. Myers, tiri ; Mi-r- Viva 'Pull, second Six Urgest pirsriips, F. Mills, fi-sl. Ihree latges; pumpkins, Mrs. R. A. (jray, first; A. Myers, second. Three largest cabbages, A. Myers, first. Quar ter bushel merchantable potatoes, Eiinei Vanghan, hrst ; Willie Schauer, second. Six largest potatoes, Elmer Yaighn, first ; Willie Schaff'er, Pecond. Six larg est sweet potatoes, F. Mills, first. Twelve largest onions, Fllmer Vaughn, first; J. Hicks, second. Two pounds onion sets, t. Jack ton, hrst; Harry Ritchey, sec ond. S x largest ripe tomatoes, B. Jack first; A. F. Jack, second, I.IVISION F FRUITS. len pounds largest grapes, h,. Skirvin, first ; Altha Nicholson, second. Quarter bushel winter apples, Urville Jackson first; John Drake, second. Quarler bushel fall apples, Orville Jackson, firBt ; Elmer Vaughn, second. Quarter bushel tall pears, J. E. Marquam, first; C. Ritchey, second. Quarter busbel winter pears, E. E. Judd, hrst. Dozen peaches E. Skirvin, first; E. E. Judd, second. Dozen Quinces, F. Mills, first; Mrs. G A. Ridings, second. Dozen crab apples j. H. Robbins, hrst. ilirnkk Wearing Apparel 8 For Mesa and Hy9 The variety of styles and materials we show are all that could be asked. We want you to come to Portland and look over our lines we will be pleas ed to show you through, whether you wish to buy or not. Men's Business Suits Men's Topcoats Men's Raincoats -Men's Overcoats $10 to $35 10 to 30 J2 to 30 10 to 55 PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Daily Round Trips, except Snnday TIME CARD Leave Portland A. a Leave Astoria " p- M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STRS. TA1I031A and M ETLAKO Daily Trips Kxcept Sunday STR. TAHONA Phrttmii. Mnn.. Wfd. nd tH IK. M. Leave The Dalles, Tues , Thurs and Sat.. 7 A. M STR. Wl ETLAKO Leave Portland. Tues , 'Iliuni. and Sat. T A. M Leave Dnllf s, Mod., Wed. and Fri... 7 A. M Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHOSEa, MAIN SSI FoKTI.AKD, OBIGON AGENTS A.J.Taylor .Astoria, Ore. J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ore. A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore. Woliord & Wvers. White Salmon, Wash. Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. lni,n T Tntton . Stevenson, Wash J. 0. Wvatt Vancouver, Wash. E. W. CRICHXJ), PORTLAND, ORE. M akes sliort roads. JL XXud liglit loads REASE ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. Mad. br STANDARD Oil, CO. DIVISION G FARM PRODUCTS. Half bushel Defiance wheat, J. 0 Phelps, first. Half bushel Kinney w heal John Daws, first. Half bushel white oats, John Daws, first. Half bushel w inter oats, J. O. Phelps, first. Half bushel barley, J. M. Groshonx, first; G A. Ridings, seuond. Half bushel buck wheat, F. Mills, first. Half bushel chess J. 0. PhelpB, first ; J. T. Drake, eeeond Quart of beans, w hite, Miss Yfva Tull first ; Dolly Marquam, second. Quart of beans, colored, b. Wills, hrst; A. Myers second. Quart of coffee beans, F. Jack son, first. Six ears of field corn, E. E Judd, first; L. Skirvin, second. Display of corn in the ear, Willie bchaller, first Display of corn on stalk, Willie Schaffer first; E. E. Judd, second. Best sample of hops, C. Ritehev, first. Quarter bushel clover seed, J. 0. Phelps, hrst Display of fruit trees, yearlings, G. H Robbins, first. DIVISION II FLOWERS. Display of flowers not to exceed 12 boxes, Mrs. R. A. Gray, first, lioqnet green flowers, Miss E,flie Robb ns, first. J DR. KING'S try JEW DISCOVER' FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Cougns, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. "ric. 50c. and$1. TUL BOTTLES FRffi Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince Albert Hoys9 Clothing, of Highest CJradc We are, Without, a doubt, showing "more exclusive designs in Boys' and Youthst High-Grade Clothing tl.aa any concern in the Northwest. - Complete lines of Juvenile Furnishings and Hats in connection with the boys' department. DIVISION I SKWINC1, F.ANCY WORK, ETC. Quilt, hand-made, Mis Josie Hart tiiu ti, fust ; Mrs. A. E. Commons, sec ond. Quilt, log eabin, Mrs. A. P.rady, first; Mrs. A. E. Commons, second. Quilt, crazy, silk, MrB. A. E. Commons, first ; Mrs. C. I'. Barlow, second. Quilt, crazy, worsted, Mrs. (i. H. Robbins, first; Mrs. E. B. Albright, eeconu. Cro chet, lace, one yard or more, Meda Ho bart, first. Crochet, Rachel Morley, second. Knit lace, one yard or more, Mrs. C. H. Trask, second. Tidy, Java canvas, Mis. Marv J. Jack, first. Tidy, crochet, Mrs. A. E. Commons, second Embroidery, band made, Mrs. C. U. Barlow, first. (Sofa or chair cushion, embroidered, Mrs. VV. P. Hawley, first. Sofa or chair cushion, crkzywork, Mrj A.W. Albright, first; Mrs. E. B. Al bright, second. Sofa or chair cushion, drawn work, KfTie Hicks, second. Sofa or chair enshion, P.attenburc, Mrs. V. P, Hawley, first; Anna Vancleave, second. Sofa or chair cushion, cross stitch. Rosy- en Robhins, seco'i'I. Sofa or chair nsluon, darned, Eflii Hicks, first; L'Zi Daiijiherty, second, -"fa or chair cu-h- lon, stik patch wot k Mrs. tiiiht-rt t'er- lue, fi'i-t. Sofa or chair eu-hion, appli que, Anna ancieave. Becuno, nnia or h.iir cushion, shoe lace, Miss le-Bi Lar- kins, first. Toilet cushion, Mrs. VV. L. fooze, first; Mrs. C. U. Barlow, Becond. Muslin skirt, hand made, Mrs. A. E. Commons, Beuond, Shawl, crochet, Mrs. O. U. Barlow, first; Mrs. VV. L. Tooze, second. Shawl, hand made, Mrs. C. H. frask, second. Fascinators, knitorcio- het, Meda Hobart, hrst. Eliie Hicks, second- Scarf, chair, crochet, Mrs. C. U. Bailow, second. Scarf, table, drawn work, Liza Dauheity, first and second. Seirf, .table, embroidered, Mrs. R, L. Claike, first. Scarf, table, shoe lace, Miss Tessa Lai kins, second. Scarf, chair, darned work, Mrs. M. J. Albright, sec ond. Bureau euarf, Batenbure, Mrs. W, A. Kathbone, first. Bureau scarf, Mrs. R. L. Clarke, first ; Mrs W. L, Tooze, second. Rag carpet,. Mrs. Eflie Hart man, first; Mrs. R. A. Gray, second. Rut:, home made, rag, Eifw Robbins, first ; Mrs, Mary Hartnian, second. Rug, applique, Anna Vancleave, second. Counterpane, knit, Mrs. A. t,. commons, counterpane, drawn work, MisB' Myrtie (.rose, hrst. Apron, hemstitched, Mrs, U. U. Barlow, first; Meda Hobart, sec ond. Apron, hand made, Meda Hobirt, second. Lamp mat, Mrs, Josie Hart- man, second. Toilet Bet, band made, Mr". VV. L. Tocze, second. Afghan, hand made, Mrs. Ellin Hartnian, first, Corn husk mat, Mrs. Ellen Titriberlake, second. Needle work, Rosylen Robbina, first; Eflie Robbins, Becond. Work bas ket, Mrs. C. T. Barlow, fecond. Pillow cases, machine made, Mrs. C. U. Bar low, second. Pillowcases, hand made, Alice Jack, first; Mrs. C. U. Barlow, second. Pillow shams, drawn work, Myrtie Cross, first. Bed comfort, Miss Veva Tull, second. Doily, embroidered, Vancleave, second. Doily, drawn work, Miss Anna Vancleave, first. Head rest, Mrs. V. A. Rathbone, firBt; Mrs. M. J. Albright, second. Shoe string bag, Mrs. M. J, Jack, first; Miss Tefsa Larking, ecoud. Lace, batenbure, Mrs. C. U. Barlo-, fifst. Collar and cuffs, Baten bnrt:. Mrs. W. L. Tooze, first. Li.ce, point, Miss M. S. Barlow, firBt; Mrs. C U. Barlow, second. Handkerchief, hand made, Mrs. Eflie Hartnian, first; Mrs. VV. L. Tooze, Becond. Uandlsercliiet, hemstitched, Meda Hobart, second. Set table linen, drawn work, Mrs. W. A Kathbone, first. Tea cloth, embroidered. Mrs. W.L. Tooze, first. Duchess lace collar, Miss Viva Toll, first. Towels, hand made, .Miss Viva inn, second. Tray cloth, Miss Viva Tull, first and sec ond. Centerpiece, drawn work, Anna Vancleave, first; Mrs. R. L. Clarke, sec ond. Center piece, embroidered, Mrs. C. II. Trask, first; Mrs. VV. L. lonze, second. Center piece, batenburg, Doll. Hidings, first; Elhie Hicks, second. Waist, hand made, Mrs. VV. L. Tooze, first. Handkerchief, point lace, Mrs. VV. L. Tooze, litstr Mrs. C. II. Trask, sec ond. DIVISION .1 DOMUSTIC I'BOCBKS, DRKAD, CAKEH, PRKBEKVea, DUIKD AND CAN'NtD KltUlTS, Et'C. Loaf of bread, hop yeast, Mrs. C. Ritchey, first; Mrs. VV.tL. Tooz, sec ond. Hop ysaKt biscuit, Mrs, C. Ritchey, first; Misa Viva Toll, second. Three pies, no two alike, Doll Ridings, first; Mrs. C. Ritchey, second. Two cakes, Doll Ri lings, firBt. Two po inds freeh butter, Mrs.' F. E. Albright, first; Mis. C. U. Barlow, second, Two pounds of packed butter, Mrs. Marv J. Albright, first Chee-e, Mrs. S. T." Hobart, first. Two pound honev, W, Lonev , first; Al tha Nii'holsoo. second. Mn-l r.l pickles, Mrs V. L. Toi ze, second. Pisplau d : green prunes, B. Jack, first ; A. D. Lir- kins, Huron". 1 hree classes , Anna Vancleave, first; Miss Viva Tull. second. Four varieties of canned fruit, Miss Viva Tull, first ; Mis, (j. A. Ridings, second. DIVISION KWOllKS OF ART. Display of oil paintings, Mis. C. H. Trask, first; Mrs. L. H. McNeul, second. Paper flowers, Altha Nicholson, fust; Display of rustic work, Tilinan Clapp, first, DIVISION L DOMESTIC PliOUKSS nilKAD, CAKK8, ETC . J'OKOIKI.S UNDKK ICIKTEKN YKABS OF AGE. Loaf of bread, hop ye'ist, Florence Grosliong, fir-t. Hop yeast biscuit, Maud Henley, Hrst. Tie. Florence (iro Biiong, first; Maud Henley, second. Two pounds butter, Florence (iroshong, Reo ond. Three glasses of jelly, Maud Hen ley, first. Three ears oi pop coin, Ver nice Robbins, first. , For Over Sixty 'onrn Mrs. Winslow's Sorbin" Syrun has been used for over sixty years by million! of ui others for their comlren while teething, with perfect success. It. soothes the child, softens the gutnff, ullays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. U pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value i incaleu able. Besnre and asB for Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind When the Chimney is choked with soot, the fire languish"!! and goes out. When the bronchial tubes arj clogged with phlegm, toe flame of life flickers, intelligent treat ment with Allen s Lung Balsam brings up the phlegm, allays inflammation, stops Jhe cough and pain in the client ami, in a word, overcomes thoBe terrible, colds which if neglected soon bi-cotiMt consumption. A Typical South African Store. 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sunday River, Cape Colony, conducts a stor't typical of South Airica.at which cau be i purchased anything from the proverbiu STOPSTIIKCOrOH AND WORKS OFF, J.need,et0 Bn,.hor,. Thg Btore i. , T .. r. , . . V .. . situated in a valley nine miles from the Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a , , tt, , 1 1 t cold in one day. o cure no pay. Fnce flvo mile8 ,ror the nearest town. K. cents. iLHrBonsays: "1 am favored with th- custom of farmers within a radius oi. thiity miles, to many of whom I bav supplied Chamberlain's rem -dies. All testify td their value in a household where a doctor's advice is almost out o( the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve month, no lees than fourteen have been absolute ly cured by Chamberlain's Congfi Kemeily. Tl is must surely be a record."' For sale by, O. A. Harding. r v it o.nn. Co. 25c is the regular Sunday round trip rate between Oregon City and Portland, (iet your tickets at Harding's drug store." We sell thn irreitreHt of blood purlfinrit, Acker'if Blood F.llxtr, umlfr h posirlio Knar antee. It will oure all chronic and olluir blood pr.lHom. If you have eruptions or trorc-R on your body, or are pule, wenk or run down, It 1h Just wlmt you nee'l. We n-fund money If you are not galislkd; 50c and 91. Hi well it Jonen, drugirttts. His Life in Peril. "I just (eemed lo have gone all to pieces." writes Alfred Be, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I couldn't ea or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bit ters, but they worked wonders. Now 1 sleep like a ton, can eat anyt'T'nor, have gained in strength arid enjoy bard work. They give vigorous health anil new life to weak, sickly, run-down pea tile. Try them. Only 50o at Geo, A. Harding's drug store. litis signature Is on every box of the fenuint Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu he remedy that enrif a cold ii ton dav If you dertlr it Rood rompli-xtoii una Moki T?H,ta pure lierli drink. Itnciit on the liver ami niak theiikln tonocith and clear. Crire ick headache; 'iiio and oK). Mfriy refunded If it do not nallHly you. Write In W. 11. Hooker 4 Co., hnHalo, N. Y., lf,r (ne iarnitle. ordlowell 4 Junes, druggist. WANTKD. A Jtnistworlhy Kcntlenmn or lady In eaeh county to miiuaice biiKltieM lor an old ,-. ah lished houMe of Molid fluaneial ftlandinu A utralxht, bona HJe wotekly cash nalnrv ol i! imu! by cheek each v,ednM!ay with til exi d'ire'd frm liead(piKrlern, Moriev Hd.a-ic. expeUhcn. ManaKer, 'M Caxlon ItMir,, Ch; fur Get a free sample of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills. Then their use is not followed bv constipation as Is often the case witli pills. Regular size, !i.rc per box. When you wake up with a bail in your month, no at once lo (;,. A. Harding's) drug store ami get a ree sample of Chamberlain's Stomach md Liver Tablet". One or two dose-. vill makeyouwell. They also cure briou-. ness, sick headache and constipation. ,S' Uh'n Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp upon application, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling Imir, Price 50c, at ail druggists, iTciiixicss of r in: skis. The only remedy in the world that will ato::icstop Itchim ssof the Skin in is iihsolntelf I'co's Oint (i. it untie''. anv ptrt of the body ih.it $afe and never fuiiitiif nent. Free Samples it ( . WAS'Tr.D.-A trwdworihy kei.ilimaa orla'yiu ,-eh countv to riuoiiiye tomuw, for ao old &h lHhed litMieof ho) Id II nunc nil ttaridleK'- A .Ireiio, hona f do weekly can h "aU'y of 1H oald hy en,-, each Wednendav with all txpenws dtreettmin qurter. Monfly Rilvanel f o" "Xoe'Mh.'ft Caxion Bldi., Chi' iu-o.