0 ptfepsy weakens the body and de grades the mind. It saps the nervous strength that is the source of all health, and perverts the functions of every, organ. Because of its stubborn nature, it is often called incurable. This is not true. There is one medicine that never fails to check the nervous spasms and give new strength to the entire system. "My little girl had epilepsy so bad that in' one day she suffered seventy one fits. The doctors gave her up to die, but I beyan giving her Dr. Miles Nervine aud now she is perfectly well. It took five bottles to effect a cure. Mrs. Adie Lewallen, Siloam Springs, Ark. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular October Terra of the County Board. John Lewellen, T. B. Killin, and Win, Brobst, CommiMloneTt. Dr. N tks.' allays nervous irritation, stops spasms, restores di gestion and mental vigor. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Surfus- Williams. One of the prettiest weddines of the season was the marriage of John E. Burfus.of this city, to Miss Eva Wil liams, of Maple Lane, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams, in the presence of friends and relatives. The house was beautifully decorated with myrtle, evergreens and :flow..rs The ceremony was performed nnder an arch of evergreens. Kov. E. 8. Bollinger was i he officiating clergy man. The bride's gown was a beauti ful brown silk trimmed with white silk unci applique, and she carried a boquet of white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Mamie Evans, of Oregon City, wore a gray skirt and white organdie waist, mnd carried a briquet of white carnations. iuy IE. MacElhany, of Oregon City, acted as best man. After ths ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room, wtoere a Jelicious duncheon was served'. The dining room decorations were of wss and carnations very artistically rrangad. Alnrge number of beautiful ,nd costly presents were received. Mr. Mini Mrs. Surfus will make their . iture home in Oregon City. They lave a host of friends who wish them joy and happiness thiough life. Meindl Laxe'Ae. Sunday afternoon at the resident of the bride at Mt. Pleasant, Miss Lorena Lazelle was united in marriage to Fred J. Meindl. Judge Ryan officiated aud as is characteristic of him solemly united the happy couple. Miss Lazelle is a very popular young teacher in the schools of this county and has manv friends in and around Clackamas county. Mr. Meindl is a young min command ing a large circle of friends, having figured somewhat in politics on the socialist ticket. He at prewent is teach ing the Canemah school. Mr. and Mrs. Meindl will reside at Mt. Pleasant. Sea ra'Jinowla nd . On Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the home r.i the bride's parents, in this city, Rrv. Mr. Heaven united In matrimony Miss Ellie Knowland, of this city, and Joseph Sears, of Salem. The bridal pair departed for Salem on the 5 o'clock train, where they will re side. The guests present at the cere mony were: MiBses Emma and Lena Krifkson, Blanche Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knowland, David and Joseph Knowland, Jr. State oi Oregon, county of Clackamas. In the matter of bids for the oy lie tion of a bridge across the Tuala Bids were opened this day IdgeCo., County Surveyor as follows to-to nstruc- J E McCoy, $4650; Pacific B in river. $4035 ; J B TiHotson, $4494 ; C F Royai & Son,47d0; E V Olds, $4510. It appearing to the board that J B Til lotson being the lowest bidder and the bid being in all respects regular, it is or dered that a contract be entered into be tween J B Tillotson and Clackamas County in the sura of $4494 for the con itruction of sf.'tt bridi'e, p.nd that hie bond be fixed at $4000, that said bridge be completed on or belore the 1st day of January 1903, and in case of failuie to complete said bridge within the specified time the said J B Tillotson is to forfeit $10 00 for each and every day of such delay. In the mitter of the petition of Sam Prather and others for the opening of the Ed Graves road. It is ordered that said road be opened next April. In the matter of the petition of W H Seward for liquor license. Now comes W H Seward and presents to the Board a petition asking that a li cense be granted him to sell liquor in less quantities than one gallon at Bar low, Clackamas County, Oregon, he pre sents a receipt showing that he has paid into the County Ireasury $200 00 and has filed a bond in the sum of $1000. It is ordered that a liquor license be granted to the said W H Seward in accordance with his petition, i In the matter of cancelling a county warrant. It appearing that County warrant No. 11888 was issued by mistake; It is there fore ordered that said warrant be and is hereby cancelled. In the matter of cancelling a County warrant. It is ordered that said warrant issued to W W Bellmore be cancelled and said B.ellmore's name be stricken from the Indigent Soldier lint. In the matter of cancelling County warrants. x It is ordered by (he Board that war rants Nos. 11650 and 11870 issued to Thomas Holland, an indigent soldier, be cancelled and Thomas Holland's name be strickeu from the list of Indigent Sol diers. in the matter of the report of viewers of Palmer road. Report of viewers read first time and laid over until tomorrow for second read ing. In the matter of the application of the residents road district No. 33 to put gate ways across county roads. ' It appearing to the Board that by rea son of the recent fires in district No. 33 all the fences were destroyed, and that it is necessary to allow such gateways in order that said residents may plant crops and properly protect them from stock. It is theiefore ordered that residents in district No. 33 be and are hereby granted permission to place gateways in county roads in said district for a period of one year from the date of this order. In the matter of the application of the Eastern Investment Co. for rebate of taxes. It appearing that on March 15, 1902, the sheriff issued to the Eastern Invest ment Co. a tax receipt covering the North half of the Northeast quarter of and the West half of the Northwest quarter of section 3, T 7 S, R 2 E, and on the same day issued to the O & C R R Co a receipt covering the same land. It is therefore ordered that the clerk re fund to the Eastern Investment Co. the sum of $0 10 and to cancel the same as a double assessment. In the matter of the report of viewers of Wilmot road. Keport of viewers or saiu road was read first time and laid over until to morrow for second reading. In the matter of the report of viewers of the Palmer road. Said report was read yesterday on its first reading and now on this day on its second reading. It is ordered that the field notes and plat of said survey be re corded and in all respects approved, and that said view and survey be established as a County road, and that the expense thereof be paid by Clackamas County. dismissed. In the matter of the petition of Alorizo Sutton for a road of Public Easement. It is ordered that John Ritchie, James Wilson and Richard Morton be appoint ed Viewers, and J W Meldium, Sur veyor, to meet at the residence of said Alonzo Sutton on the Z4tu day ot ucto ber,1902. In the matter of the claim of Sol Garde for damages. This matter coming on to be heard on the claim for damages presented by Sol Garde, for damages sustained to lot 1, block 5, by reason of the excavation made when the suspension bridge was built. It is ordered that the matter be laid over until the next term of the board. In the matter of White Bros, and C E NaBh piling cord wood in' a county road. It is ordered that the sheriff serve notice on said parties to remove the wood from the road, or to show cause at he next meeting of the board why they should not. In the matter of the incorporation of the town of Milwaukie. It is hereby ordered that the following persons be and they are hereby appoint ed as judges and clerks of election to be held on the 25th dav of October, 1902, for the purpose of electing officers of said town of Milwaukie, and to determine whether said town shall be incorporated as a municipal corporation. 0. K, Bal- j lard, firBt judge; James Hooper, second judge; Philip Strieb, third judga. O. Wissinger, first clerk; Geo. Hively, second clerk, F H Lechler, third clerk. Iu the matter of correcting the assess ment of J. R. Kinyon. Now comes J R Kinyon and making affidavit that he has been assessed with 178 acres of land when in fact he has but 119 acres in this county, the balance being in Marion county. It is ordered that the sheriff receipt to the said JR Kinyon in full for the taxes of 1901, he having paid on the first half thereof. In the matter of the complaint of Jacob Sager that George Randall is tear g dinown his fence. Th is matter coming on to be heard on e cthomplaint of Jacob Sager that George Randall has torn down the fences inclos ing blocks 4 and 5 in the town of New Era, said blocks being the property of said Jacob Suger. It is ordered that the supervisor of that road district investi gate the matter and report at the next meeting of the board. In the matter of the cancellation of a mortgage tax. The petition of John Wise asking that a ccertain mortgage tax for the years 1889. 1803 and 1891 be cacelled. It is ordered that the mortgage taxes for said years be and is hereby cancelled. In the matter of opening the Buratow road. It is ordered that the field notes and plat of suid survey be recorded and in all respects approved and that the said view and survey be established as a County road and that the expenses thereof be paid by Clackamas Countv. In the matter of the application of the Eastern Investment Company for assign ment of tax certificate. It is ordered that tax certificate cover ing the N. W. U of section 8, T. 2 S. R. 7 E. be assigned to the said Eastern In vestment Company. In the matter of the pavment to W. F. Harris of an unpaid Lumber Bill. It appealing to the Board that there is yet due said VV. F. Harris the sum of $40 70 for Lumber furnished Clackamas County. It is ordered that the Clerk is sue a warrant for the said amount. wtjp HirtSchaffner jfTk Hand Tailored J5j ..JIWMS. mmmm LECAL NOTICES. Business Clothes HirtSchaffner (V Marx Hind Tailored When you buy business clothes you Want 'em business like in price; but it isn't good business to hav e clo-.hes that are not stylish, no- ito pay too much or too little for them. We've got the famous Hart Schaffner & Marx suits here for you; and with that statement we answer every question you ca n think to ask about looks, style, tailoring, fit, and business-like prices . You can prove the truth of all we say in fivd minutes; ve're wait ing for you to come and see. We also carry the celebrated David Adler's & Sons Overcoats in all the latest styles. J. ML Price, The Ufj-to-Bate Clothier Agents for H. S & M. Clothing and W. L. Douglas shoes. Ha'n Street, OREGON CITY, ORE. A4 xsmi&m $s Tar? Vh1 JT SUMMONS. f Oregjn for Oct. 13 J. P. Morgan, for operators, .presents plan of arbiirution and indi cates persounel of board. Oct. 15 President Mitchell rejects .plan of arbitration unless Roosevelt 18 gi veil a free hand in uaming board. Octr 15 Operators agree to let Roo?e elt select arottr.itioti uonrd. mwm Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many 3hylocks now, Nic convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle! It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole bod)-. For nearly thirty years .Scott's Emulsion h is been the rcat iriver of humm flesh. We vtill send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chamlsts, 0S-4! S Pearl Street, NewYork. c. aud f 1.00 ; all drugim. KXI'KNSK ACCOUNT, In the Clrcnlf Court nf the i-tate county of Clao utin&K. ' Little Soobijbii, PMutiff, vs. Woodford Scog gaa, Dbfeurtant. ' Tn Won iforrt Ccoemti. above named defendant: In the name of the finite of Oiemn you are here by required to appear and answer tle complaint filed agilnst you in the above entitled suit in Ihe above named court, on or b.-fore ' .ctober 31, 1002, the same being sex en weeks from thf first pub lican n of this summons, ann you win unto no tice that if vou fail to ao appear mid answer said complaint the plaintiff wil' Vpnly to the Court for tne rcnei aoma' ueo in saiu uuiupiuuu, tu-wii.-, that the bonds of matrimony existing betwen vmi Hud Dhtintill' he nlssnlvf-d. inis summons is puniif-nt'u ny me uiuwi ui nm Hon. Thomas A. MnBiide, Jiu'ge of the Piith Judicial lis! Met of the State of Oreg n, in the Oieson Citv Courier-It . raid, a weekly newspaper of general circul tion iv Clackamas oonuty, for seven coiuecutive weeks commencing September 19, I'M, and continuing to an i including O tcber 81, 1DIK. GEORGE C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Wedneaday evening the kome of Mr. and Mrg. A. Robertson, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering, the oc casion being a reception to Rev. Frank Mixsull, the newly elected pastor of the Presbyterian church. The Bpacious pnrlors of the elegant Robertson resu dence was decked with beautiful autumn leaves and maiden hair ferns, and every thing presented an appearance attract ive in the extreme. Many of the Pres byterian people, accompanied by their friends were present, and with the most cordial spirit imaginable extended a welcome hand to the new pnetor. He is a gentleman of exceedingly rare a bility, lioming from a great theological university in Wisconsin. A new Royal and a new Queen draw head sewing machines will be giyen a way to customers of Parkplace Cash Store on Christmas. REALTY TRANS FERS. W II Boring, 2 days, 2 miles $4 I li JoiiHriKl, 1 ' u 0 Vinzunt, 2 " 4 " U W Phillips, 2 " J W Roots, 2 " K M Foster, 2 " II 11 Johnson, 5 " 30 " 28 00 In the mutter of the petition o( John A Hidings and others asking that the Kagtin and Garrett Mill road be opened. Petitioners ask that the above uamod road be straightened. It appearing to the Hoard that the owner of the land through which said road will pass will claim damages by reason of such change. It is therefore ordered that petitioners he notified that Surveyor will not be sent until all claims for damages are settled. In the matter of the petition of Win X Daviua and others for a county road. It is ordered that W 11 Station!, A Man', and Ward Lawton be and are hereby appointed Viewers to meet at the bptfiniiiiig on Wednesday the 22nd day of October, lt)02, and John W Meldrum, Surveyor. In the m-itter of the reports of Rucord erand Olerk. This matter coming on, on the reports of above named ottiiVM showing that the Recorder has received $200 55, the Olerk $197 75; it is ordered that said reports be approved. In the matter of tho report of warrants issued for payment of scalps. Now conies the Countv Clerk and shews that he tias issued warrants to the amount of $2 00 as bounty on wikl ani mals, and ttie Board being advised it is ordered that Slid leport he approved. In the matter of payment to J W M.'l drum of the amount omitted last mouth. It is ordered that a warrant issue to J Meldium for the sum of $28 00. In the matter of the vacation of a por tion of third Avenue in the town o( Oak Orove. It appearing to the Board that the w i itten consent of the persons immedi ately adjoining to said third avenue, a j portion of which it is proposed to vacate, j has not been tiled herein as required by I statute. It is therefore ordered that the ' motion to dismiss be and the same is ' hereby allowed, and the said petition is Funishe 1 Evey Week by Clacka mas Abstact & Trust Co. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Charles Trimble, plaintiff, vs. E-a Trimble, de fendant. To Eva Trimble, above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above named suit in the above name court on or before Friday, No vember 14, 1902, the same being seven consecu tive weeks from the first publication of this sum mons: and vou will take notice that if vou fail to so appear and answer said complalnt.the plain tiff will apply tn the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, towit: That Ihe bonds of mat riniony now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved. This summons Is published bv the order of the Hon. Thoa A. McBrlde, Judge of the fifth Judi cial District of the B'ateof Ongon, in the Courier Herald,a weekly newspaper of general circulation, commencing October 3, 11KW. and continuing to and ini hiding Fridav, November 14, 1902. GKO. C. BROWN KLL Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. R.TOTICE IS HEKERY GIVEN THAT THE I undersigned has been duly appointed aib ministratrix of the estate of Charles VV, Armstrong, deceased, by the county court of Claokainas county, uregon, ana an persons nav ing claims aeainst said estate arc required to present the SHine, only vennea Becoming to law, to Ihe nndersiened at her h.nue in Canby, Clacka' mas county, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the publication of this notice, to-wil: The lutu any ot uciooer, hsk. ELLA P. ARMSTRONG, Administratrix of the estate of Charles W. Arm. strong, deceased. SUMMONS. Willamette Land Oo to J T Apper sou, lot Ublk3, Parkplace $100 R G Oabui'u to A S Louden, se of sec 30. 5-4 e 600 S E Willey to M J Albright, lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, sec 10 4-4 e 640 U L Keyte to S L 15 sguy, g interest in b w of Bee 8, 5-1 e 475 M Enes to S L Bagby, same land. . . 570 O C Curtis to M L Roberts, lot 24, blk 40, Minthorn 1 M L Roberts to E F Rilev, lot 24, blk 40, Minthorn 5 C O Curtis to E F Rilev, lots 1 to 7, 31, 2 aud 3 aud 40 to 43, blk 17, 25 3d, in blk 40, Minthorn 78 U M Hively to Win Ouuimiug, 8 acres in II Johnson cl in 2-2 e.... 175 J Morteuson to M M Sely, 15,l acres In Magone cl 450 J Bucholz to Sute, 10 acres in sec 25 and ti, 2-6 e 250 II A Allen to E N Brock, 43 acres in the Fordyeed 3 S e 323 D llerron to F lvruger, 54, acres iu nw of sec 8, 3-1 w 1 II Ljbis.-uer to F A tlesa, lot 1 aud 2 blk 5, Edgewood 80 Security S & T Oj to F M Kckert, 34 acres iu a e of sec 0, 4-1 e 400 C B Case to M V Brown, lot 8, Ulk 133, Oregon City 100) r. ... ,. .i.-r ii'jn:.... , .u u smc&iami iu l. t'. u imams, ;j interest iu lot 1, ti, 7, 16, 17, 18, 1!, Clackamas Park .. .. 100 J Kraxberger to A Kraxberger, seof ne soo 14, 4-1 e 600 G J Currin to U F Currin, 100 acres iu cl 10. 3-4 e 1 JE Nelson to Win R Davis. 120 acres in IJ Feller cl 3 aud 4, 3 e. .2500 J K Biuhm to 11 F Conner, sw of sec 25, 1-3 e.... 1600 M O Strickland et al to W E Braia ard, lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 Clack amas Park 78 0 Datilke to J F Anirewt15 acres iu el 48, 2-2 e 10 The Parkpla : Cash Store will give a way two sewing machines on Christmas. See Holmes, Parkplace, Oregon. In Ihe circuit court ol the state of Oregon, for the ftomitv ot Cltiokamas. Mary Biirtoa, plaintiff, vs. J. J. Burton, defend ant. To J. J. Burton, defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear an. t answer the complaint tiled attainst vou iu the above entitled suit in the above nameu court on or uciore rnaay, noyenuier 1902, the same being seven weeks from Ihe first publication of this summons, mid you will take notice Unit if you ful. to so appear and answer said complaint Ihe plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint towit: That the bonds of niatriniory now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved, This summon is published by the order of the Hon. Thus. V. Uyau. county Judge of Clackamas county, sta e'f Orgon, in ttie absence of Hon. Thoa. A. McHtide, judge of the fifth Judicial dis trict of the slate of Oregon, ill the Oregon City Courier-Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, prime I in Clackamas couniy, for seven consecutive weeks, commencing Friday, October 17, and continuing to and including Friday, November '28, 1902 liEO. C. IIHOWNELL, Attorney (or Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Shuni.y, dfcease. Notice is hereby given th'ut Hie undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of t'lrtekama's county, Oregon, as administrator of the etttate of Elizabeth Hhaiuly, deceased. All lentous having claims ngniust said estate are lereby notlnVii lo jwesent the same, properly Teri tled as by Ihw required, to mo at Wilhoit, Ore., or my attorneys at Oregon City. Ore., within six months from this date. Dated this 17th dav of October, 1902. O. 8. UOYU&S, Administrator. ROBERT A. M1LI.KK and O. D. KBY, Attorneys for Administrator. CHRONIC CASES Are partiiuihrh deaerous. You can only cure Piles by removing the c.iuae . Win cn not net at the cause with anyihiu but internal remedy. Chronic ca-"1" makp the most enthusia-itij advertisers of this' remedy, because it cures. Gmt forced Sale To the people of Oregon City and vicinity FAlfil STRE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE Is forced to sell out the entire stock and will sell at a sacrifice NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Ladies' Short Lisle Veets, good for corset covers Sale Price 3 for " silk finieh fleece lined fast black hose " " Poorl Ttiitr.nnn. regular 5c Der dozen " " 2 doz Ladies' Fancy Dress Buttons.reg. 10c and 15c per doz 1 3 for. .10 .14 .05 .05 .10 .03 .05 A Mi .08 .10 SilUftiine Crochet Cotton, ree. 5c a ball Box Assorted Hair Pins, leg. 5c per box Celluloid Dress Combs, 10c each " Unbleached Hheeting, 30 inches wide ' L L Bleached Muslin, 36 " " " Bleached Cambric 36 " " " Superfine, in finish and quality.. Ladies' Half-wool, non-shrinkable Vest and Pants, regular 75c ; Ladies'Heavy Riobed Fleeced Under Vests and Pants regular 35c , " Ladies' Heavy Kibbed Fleeced Union Suits regular 75c , 1000 Dozen Laces of all widths and qualities to close out Ribbons of all widths and qualities, to close out 150 Dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy to close out Corsets, Corsets and Corsets, Sale Price from 40c and up Nail Brushes, regular 5c Sale Price Shoe " " 15c ; Clothes " " 25c Large Kitchen Aprons, regular loc ... Men's Sox 3 for 10c and up " Fleece-Lined Underwfar, reg. $1.25 pif suit ..." " Heavy Ribbed Fleece-Lined Underwear, $1 suit " ' " AH-Wool Ribbed Underwear.reg. $1.25 each.. . " " " Jersey Ribbed Overshirts.regular 50c ..." " " Working Shirts, double front and back.rea. 50c " ' " Exira Heavy Jersey Overshirts, regular $1. . . . " " " Suspenders, silk ends, good rubber, reg. 25c " " " Sleeve Holders, regular 5c " " Memorandum Bjoks, regular 10c . . " ' 10 quart Water Bucket, granite Pompadour Combs, regular loc and 18c ( Cotton Napkins, regular 4c (( Real Linen JNapfcina Oil-boiled Turkey Red Napkins Fine Tablets for sclnol use " Men's Seamless heavy weight wool socks 1 yard square Tapestry Table Cover, regular 9oc. . ' Children's Fancy Pocket Books, regular 10c " Ladies' Fancy Round Hose Supports, regular 20c .. . A 1 Razor, regular $1.25 " Fine Toilet Soup, 3 bars in a bo 2G-inchUinbrel!as ior ladies and children, regular oOc ' Aluminum Hair Pins, 3 cards, smal", large, medium Arfeordion Plea'te'dVM.irceriziid Colored Skirts, reg. $1 " All Othur Go ids Not Meati med Here Are Riduced fti Proposition To Above Prices. J 1 6 for ' 6 for 2 for box .50 .50 .03 .09 .13 .10 .90 .80 .90 .40 .40 .08 .13 .03 .05 .40 .10 .05 .25 .05 .25 .63 .05 .10 .75 .07 .40 .18 .75 - - ....... Br Good Literature The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for its advertising matter. Its 4 I PmPhlets, folders, booklets, etc., are Or iVllHOSl tastefully gotten up and are valuable for what thev contain. Here is a uartiai list XT A.1 of what M . CH AS. S. FEE, Qsneral Passenger V Ot 111112 Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send out, caretolty O mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any corMu nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps wiU be accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain eood descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. ' Wonderland iooi- An annual publication, beautifully Illustrated In color ami half tone. This number treats particularly of the history of Send the Northern Paciflo'8 Trademark, the custer Battlefield In Six Cents Montana, aud the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history of the Northern Paellio Trademark. The artlstio oovers of the Wonderland, l'JOl are used iu miniature. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers in thtir natural colors. A dainty and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six full page Illustrations oi pars scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 pase book In strong, flexible oovers good paper, plain tvpe, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium aud descriptive of the World's Wouderland. CIlmblng'.Mount Rainier An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pastes, In strong, fleiible Send covers printed on beaTy paper, descriptive of an asceut of 1 Twenty-Five the highest peak in the Dnited States-outslde of Alaska of a Cents. glacial nature. , 8end Four Cents Send Fifty Cents Twenty-Five Cents Js- Here is Indeed a Genuine Slaugh' ter Sale. Farnk Bush. "The House Furnisher," who needs no introduction to any house holder of Clackamas county, suffered heavily by the tire in Springwater, where all the improvements on his farm, which were extensive, were swet away. This loss has put him in a pinch. He must raise hard cash to meet his liabilities. His misfortune will become a public benefit. To force sale he has made cuts never known in this city's trade in the prices of heating stoves, sewing maobiaes and all other merchandise ompriaing his mammoth stock. Here I ttn oest ca trcn iu me wuim m w or cas a . Stricken With Paralysis. Henderson Grira t, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis anl co a pletely lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent pliv sician for quite a while without releif my wife recommended Chamberlains Pain B.ilm, and after using two bottles of it hi is almost entirely cur-?i. Je). R. McDonald, Mm Loan county, VV. Va.. Several other very remtriiable cures of partial pariljsis htva beea ef fected by the use of this liniment. It is most wide y known, hiwever, as a care for rheumatism, sprains an J bribes. Sold by Geo. A. Harding,