Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 24, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Stacks and heaps of new Fall goods are waiting you here variety suf
ficient to please every taste Drices to nient tha n .h
nomical. v " "," """" euu
; 60-INCH
We hare placed on sale 746 yards of strictly all-wool Oxfords gray kersev
extra heavy, double warp. $1.50 quality for 97c a yard.
60-inch, manufactured from pure combed wool, extra super, standard
value for $2.00 a yard ; special ale; price for $1 37 yard. The correct cloth
for stre?t dresses, tailor-made Baits and walking skirts.
If you are interested in fine black kerseys, black Venetian and English
broadcloth, we can save you money. Come and examine our goods: com
pare quality ana price wan some ol our competitors and you will be con- t
vinced that we are world-beaters when it comes down to selling fine cloths X
and fine dress goods, which is the verdict of all the ladies of the Northwest.
McAllen & McDonnell l
9 .
Agnes Wallace, of Mulino, is danger
ously ill.
Mr. Murphy, of Mulino, was in the
city on Tuesday.
George Frazer, of Molalla, was on the
streets Saturday.
A. M. Shlbley, of Springwcter, was in
Oregon City Friday.
Miss Agnes Wallace, of Mulino, is
very low with fever.
F. M, Manning, of Mulino, was in the
city during the week.
D. E. Jones, of Beaver Creek, was in
Cr.jgon City Monday.
E. F. Capps, of ClackatnM, has gone
to Wickenburg, Arizona,
J. W. Stadinger, of Meadowbrook.was
in Oregon City Saturday.
M. Trullinger, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon City on bu9'ness Mon.'ay.
Uncle Billy Vaughan, of Molalla, was
in Oregon City during the past week.
Edward Califf, of Molalla was trans
acting business in town during. the week.
Mrs, Frank Rigler, of Portland, was
visiting friends in Oregon City Sunday.
Wallace Graham, of Portland, was
visiting friends in Oregon City Sunday.
Henry Hornshuh, a leading German
farmer of Beaver Creek, was in the city
Monday .
Charles Humphreys, of Portland.spent
a day this week with relatives in Ore
gon City.
.Frank Perry, one of the Molalla farm
ers, transacted business in Oregon City
a few days ago.
Joseph Hawkins, who lives at Milwau-
kie, was transacting business in Oregon
City Saturday.
Frank Perry and William Ccrbit, of
New Era, passed through the city Satur
day from Oswego.
W. T. Whitlock, an old time resident
of Oregon City, was in Oregon City on
business Tuesday.
Mrs. Victor Errickson and Miss Mag
gie Gvtyer, of Cams, were trading in Ore
gon City Saturday.
Mrs. A. S. Dresser is pending a few
days this week in Portland visiting her
mother, Mrs. Baird.
Henry Hornshuh and Thomas Jonep,
of Beaver Creek, were among Oregon
City visitors Saturday.
Eph Ferguson has returned from a
a week's visit in Albany, lie does not
like that section Ja 1 tt!e bit. .
Bert Holcomb, who has spent most of
the Bummer at the Salmon river hatch
ery, was in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Stratton and son, of Portland,
came up to Oregon City Sunday to at
tend the funeral of J. G. Porter.
Mrs. Jesse Kingsbury ,accompanied by
her son and daughter, of Damascus,
were visiting in the city Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nudd, of Cen'ralia,
Wash., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Cheney Saturday and Sunday.
William Vaughan, a resident of Mo
lalla, who owns a large farm, was visit
ing his many friends here Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Muir will leavV about
November 11th for Neola, Iowa, to join
her husband, who is now located there.
Dr. and Mrs. Wallens, of Ppringwater,
were, on the streets Saturday. Dr. Wal
lens is a dentist and has a good prac
tice. Ernest Rands, ; ex-county surveyor,
returned Saturday from a three weeks'
survey for the W. P. & P. Co. near As
toria. '
Wiliam Shiudler, the cheese maker
of Milwaukie, was in the city Saturday
in the interest of the corporation of Mil
waukie, James Phegley, an old resident of
CanD? and an old soldier, was a' tend
ing to businessin Oregon City the first of
the week.
John W. Draper, the land office at
torney, has been very busy this week
trying contest cases in the United States
Land office.
Nathan Moody and family passed
through the city Saturday lor Liberal
where they expect to spend a few days
ou their farm. .
Miss Emma AechofF. of Marmot, who
is attending school here, was in Portland
last week visiting her brother, who
works for Meier .k Frank.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Califf and fam
ily, who have been living at MolBlla for
several years, left !ast week for Phoenix,
Arizona, for Mrs. Calm's health wmcu
has been poorly for some time.
George and H. Rogers were in the
city Monday from Highland. George
Rogers brought bis daughter to the city
on her way to Portland, where Dr. Som-
mer performed an operation on ner lor
abscess Tuesday morning.
Segward Nelson, the rustling young
local editor, who edits the Aurora Bore
alis at Aurora, was in Oregon City Mon
day. Mr. Nelson sets up the type, prints
and edits his little sheet, entirely alone.
Thts iB the kind of a man who is sure
to win in whatever he undertakes, and
we wish him success.
H. W. Jackson, the machinist, was in
Oregon City Sunday irora his new resi
dence at Portland. He came up for the
purpose of getting his automobile. He
returned the same day. Mr. Jackson's
place of business is between Front and
First street on Madison, and he will be
pleased tj meet his friend 3 at any time.
ft 6008886 000036089688808000
Housekeeping rooms for rent. In
quire of Mrs. J. C. Sehratn.
Crystal crepe paper, new shades, only
10c, at Charmau & Co., cut-price drug
store .
The annual meeting of the Clackamas
County Humane Society will be held at
the parlors of the Bank of Oregon City
on Monday evening.
Lieutenant Humphreys reports that
Co. A.,0. N. G. is doing excellent prac
tice work at target work Sundays. It
is a certain fact that when Thanksgiving
comes several good marksmen will be
ready to complete for prizes.
Henry Morris passed through Oregon
City Monday on his wheel from Eureka,
Cal. He travelled 600 miles partly on
foot and partly on his wheel. The wheel
as it passed through Oregon City pre
sented a very delapidated appearance
with the hind t re almost worn away
and the front wheel was wrapped in rags.
The store rooms occumed by Huntley
Bros, now present a very attractive ap-
Cearance. The whole front of the room
as been removed and fine plate glass
has been put in its place making them
second to none as display windows. The
old partition which formerly divided the
two stores, has been removed, leaving
To be Given Away
With every Ten Men's Suits or Overcoats we sell, we will
Give Away a Ten Dollar Greenback,
With every Ten Boy's Suits or Overcoats we will Give
Away a Five Dollar Greenback
Last year we gave awaj several hundred dollars, and hun
dreds of our customers can testify to the facts. We not only
Give this money away, but also give the Best Values in men's
and boy's and children's clothing in the city.
These have already received presents. See their receipts and
the money in our windows:
. E. E. STOESSEL, Salem, $10.o6
ROY W. WHITNEY, 106 Mason Street, $10.00
' E. W. JONES, Camas, Wash., $10.00
ELMER NYE, Woodlawn, $10.00
HENRY B. DAY, Dayton, Wash., $10.00
ELMER SMITH, 346 Couch St., $ 5.00
W. E. MITCHELL, 63 Oak St., $ 5.00
MRS. 0. M. CROUCH, Montavilla, $ 5.00 ,
SARAH GRIFFITH, 164 Grand Av. N., $ 5.00
MRS. CHAS. HAYES, 171 Stanton St., :...$ 5.00
A. D. WOLFER, Hubbard, $ 5.00
Moyer plothing Company
This is to Say
That our principal business is Watches. We sell
them and repair them. We make watches our
great specialty.
When you call, we will show you the best
general line of watches from the good dependable
Nickel Watch at $2.0 ; a better gold filled watch
at $12.50, a solid gold watch at $20.00 and up,
as much higher as you can afford.
Kodaks and Camera
All of Eastman's Kodaks at 20 per
cent, discount from factory prices.
All new and up-to-date styles Pocos,
PremdCentury.and several other makes
at reduced prices.
Try our Photo Supplies. Our stock
is fresh.
If you wish to do your own work,
drop in and make use of our dark room.
It is the best in town.
If you feel the need of
Eyeglasses or Spectacles
You should call on us. Ws have a new
Optical Instrument for locating diseases
in the eye, and we do it free.
We will be glad to true and adjust
your glassess, whether you bought them
of us or not. It will cost you nothing
and take but a few moments of time.
Burmeister & Andresen,
The Oregon City Jewelers.
Oregon City
one spacious room affording a magnifi-
I . i: i . .
Mrs. Joseph Brown, who re
sides at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sim
mons on the north side of town, met
with a painful accident a few days ago
by falling and dislocating his hip . Mrs.
Brown is a very old lady and it was only
a few months ago that she broke her
limb, which has not as yet entiHy
healed. The last injury will oblige her
to remain in bed for some time to come.
John Bradley returned on Monday
from the Bitter Root mountains In
Idaho,where he spent the summer with a
surveying party. His most remarkably
experiences were not hair-breadth es
capes from varmints but in the eating
line. For supper, for example, the party
of 14 not large men, either would con
sume 125 good-sized biscuits, a three gal
lon pot of beans, three gallons of tea,
and pounds upon pounds of pig bosom.
The Woodmen of the World held one
of their usually fine entertainments at
Shively's hall Tuesday evening. Not
withstanding the inclemency of the
weather a large attendance was present
and the program, consisting of songs,
speeches, recitation, instrument al se
lections, etc., was very fine. This splen
did o'd order fis growing in Oregon City
every day and the members are always
made up of the best people in the com
munity. It will be of interest to the friends of
William Hornshuh to know that he has
completely recovered from a serious
cancer complUa'ion, at Chicago, where
he went for treatment. Mr. Hornshuh
went to Chicago four months ago and
placed himself under the treatment of
Dowie, and after four months of atten
tion under his care, is reported well.
This is, indeed, a cape which might be
viewed with incredulity, but the report
comes from the young man himself and
will have to be credited.
The firm of Burmeister & Andresen,
always so ready to make changes and
introduce new thing, has purchased an
expensive cash register which is very
handy and which one can only under-
' stand by seeing it manipulated. It has
a key for every clerk with a place for
the registration of everyclerk's sale, as
' ..tl na tVia nil innaa rf rrta Bala THiio
contrivance admits of no mistakes and
enables one to tell at a glance just what
has been the natu.-e of the transaction
and the amount of tame.
On Tuesday afternoon in the city of
Portland Miss M. E. Custer was united
in matrimony to Mr. Shaver, of Lyle,
Wash. Miss Custer has made her home
in this city with Mrs. W. W. II. Sam
sen for the past 12 years, and is a highly
respected woman. Mr. Shaver, who is
so fortunate to gain such a prize, is a
prosperous farmer of Lyle, and as highly
respected in his commnnitv as is his
wife in this city . Mr. and Mrs. Shaver
left Portland Tuesday afternoon for
their home. The best wishes of their
many friends attend them.
Reports come to the editor from Mo
lalla that a canvanser for a bcok to con
tain writfups ofpinneers is misrepre
senting facts when securing subscribers
at $18 each. The party interviewed is
anked to sign a paper which is really an
order for an $I8-book, although lie is
told by the agent that he does not need
to take the bok, but he will have to
pay the f 13 if he signs. It Is all right
if a man wants the book and signs for it
inttntidlly but he should not eigq on
any other pretext and he will surely have
to pay for a little experieuse.
Charles Criswell and Clarence Sim
mons, both young men who live in this
city, fell from a roof they were tarring
Saturday and sustained severe injuries.
The roof on which they were working
w..s on the warehouse recently built by
the paper house on the east side of the
river near New Era. The boys were on
a ladder and as usual it had to slip at a
critical moment, and the boys fell about
15 feet to a bed of rocks. Both were
renderd unconscious, but Simmons was
injured more seriously than Criswell.
Nnither of the boys had any bones
broken, but it is feared Simmons is hurt
internally. He is at his home in this
city and will probably remain there
some time.
Our line of trimmed hats is exquisite
designs, unequaled values, Miss C.
Seven new members were added to
the Y. M. C. A last week, and from the
present prospect as many more will en
ter before the week is closed. Secretary
Leavens declares that the outlook was
never brighter, and that class work, as
well as gymnasium practice, is picking
up amazingly. William Beach, the as
sociation physical director, ia dofng ex
cellent work and giving geneial satis
faction, and the women's class in gym
nastics is growing under his direction
every day. Soon base ball and basket
ball will commence and possibly a foot
ball team will be organized. These
roams a e open every day from 8 o'clock
a. m. to 10 p. ra and everybody is in
vited to visit them and enjoy their bene
fits. The first debate at the Oregon City
Academy held last Fridav night in the
school room on Shevnth street, was
of a very interesting character. A goodly
attendance of friends and members were
firesent and showed warm appreciation
or every number. Edward Willey made
the opening address on the "The Bene
fits of the Literary Society," and al
though this was his first appearance as
a speaker, his efforts were deerving of
the appreciative applause which was
tendered him. The question for de
bate was"Resolved,that Immigration is
a Detriment to the United States." It
was ably discussed by Marcus Sugarman
and Miss Davis on the negative, and
A. A. Price and Miss Gertie Griffith on
the affirmative, Tie negative won, re
ceiving the votes of the judges, lhis so
ciety is giving and is certain to hold
many profitable meeting; thi winter.
Friends of members are cordially in
vited to attend. The meetings are held
every Friday night.
RANTED To increase my list of farma
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
JOR SALE 500 tracts of land. In
quire of 0. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
To the Public.
Notice is hereby given I that I will not
be responsible for any debts contracted
by my sons.
Ann E. Nash,
Dated, Oct. 17, 1902.
America's Famous Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Eruptions,
Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't
have them, nor will any one. who uses
Bucklen's Arnica Kavi. It glorifies the
face. Eczema or Salt Iiheurn vanish
before it. It cures sore lips, chapped
hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles.
2.5c at Geo. A. Harding's drilg Ptore.
Fine line of blankets cheap.
MONEY TO LOAN on approved real
estate and chattle security. G. B.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
WANTED, 18 weavers at Eugene, Ore-
fAKEN UP About July 15, a two-year
uiuueiier; uiaca aim wniie anu reu
spotted. Owner can have same by
proving proverty and paying auvertising
and costs. J, Drescher, Monitor. Or.
pOR SALE, a $450 house and 4 lots on
West Side. A good bargain. C. 11.
STRAYED A Jersey bull j light color.
A reward of $5 paid for recovery. J.
Deininger, Redland.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $600 of city
money on approved security. John W.
Lodkk, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
Ice soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
Ynnnunr. thn watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
A brand-new Ideal cash register for
sale at half price at Courier-Herald office,
Drs. R. B. and A. L, Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
I have at my place near Beaver Creek
poBtotlice two stray rams. Owner can
have :he same by proving prope ty and
paying damage.
Owbn II. IIuoiiks,
Beaver Creek, October 10th.
You Know Vliat V'ou Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that It
s simplv Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
crm. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
Smith Bros.' 8. B. Catarrh Cure
In taken internally acting directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
cleansing it from all impurities, carrying
them through the natural disease. It is
the greatest blood purifier known and is
the only positive internal cure for
catarrh on the market that does all that
is claimed for it, and never fails to cure
when taken according to directions. One
bottle will convince you of the wonder
ful curative properties of this great Cali
fornia discovery. For sale by all drug
gists. Boob on Catarah free. Address
Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal.
Bein tli
T I. Ifl.J U., II .... i I
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