Courier COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1683 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1 393 tNDEfENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1 9C2 20th YEAR, NO. 24 Oregon CO J lty Xjr 11 1 .firsLicio D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Heal Estate and Probate L Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON (COMMERCIAL BASK of OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills buys and sell domestic and foreign exchange, und receives deposits subject to ebaek. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. uATOUBETTE, dent r. J. EYXU Casbte GREENMAN PIONEER EXPRESSMAN THE (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to H parts of the tty OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaraateed Crown and Bridge work s specialty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY ORBGON J)R. r-RANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also ol American Colleite of Denial Surgery- Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY " OREGON V 11. COOPER, Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, S:evens Building, Oregon Cuy, Ore. E. 11 s YES ATTOilNRY AT LAW Stevens RuilrtiiiK, "PP. OREGON C1TF Bunk of Oregon City OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON QRANT B. IdMICK. Attorney and Counselor at Lav Will nrnciie.' In all Con-s I" lhe Stale, Circuit and District Courts oi ine United States. Insolvent debtors taken through Jjankruptcy. Office in btevens Building, Oregon City, Or. 1 J C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to Willamette Building OREGON CITY p. m. OREGON J. W. Norbis, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JjORRIS & POWELL, PbyBicianB and Surgeons. Calls in city or country promptly attend ed Office: 1, 2, 17, Charman Bros. BlocK, Oregon City. JJOBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practice In all Courts of the State W elnhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 0. SCHUEBEL W. 8. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW SDtutfrDet Slbtiolol will nractlcA 'in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of Htle, lend voo money and lend ronr money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise bntldlng. OREGON CITY OBKOON E I. SIAS DEAL KB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON W. II. Y UNO'S Livery & feed Stabla FinestTurnouts City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VADGHAN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON ACKRE'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS rores dyspepsia and all disorders sriiltg from Ind restion. Endorsed by physicians everywhere Zia .11 Hrnroista. No cure no par: 23 cents Trial naeka free bj writing to W. H. H . Hooker & o., Bu flalo, N. Y. C. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Frid y, October 17. Rooseveltto friends advised him to keep out of loal war. Sereno E. Payne comes out against tariff revision. English ptirli.nnei.t opens ar.iJ gieat uproar. John O'Donneli, M. P., shakes his fist in Piemier Balfour's face, and is ex pelled. France to be asked to eetablidr su preme court similar to that of United States. Michigan man kills wife's father and mother and his own child ir a jealous raise. Volcano of Sonff iere is again active. Cuba will accept American commercial treaty. Settlement of strike causes upwaid movement in stocks at New York. Association is formed to advance Ore gon's irrigation interests. 1 Probability discussed of legislature cutting down George E. Chamberlain's salary and prerogatives as governor. Execution of Murderer Belding to take place October 31. Saiurlay, October 18. Dredge for mouth o' Columbia river author zed by war department. Secretary Shaw offered to buy bonds due in 1925. Financiers Hay Shaw's bond-purchase plan removes all fear of a money critis. Two Wall-street men slain by man in frenzy,-who then ends his own life. National C. T. U. Convention opens at Portland, Me Ex-President Strong, of (Jniversitv of Oregon, installed a chancellor of Uni versity of Kansas. Texas negro murderer, threatened by mobs, tried, couvie'ed and hatigid in two hours. Mitchell writes rtoosevelt the miners forgive operators and will work for peace. Findings of arbitration com mittee are to tie bv two-thirds vot-. Miners.' Unions hcum ekcion of dele Kates to pence iDeeUm-. Boer generals are Mirry they did not come to America dint for money. Roseberv denounces English educa tion bill as a bid tor Ktdershio. Irish members of p vrlia.uent refuse to vote on education bill. Oregon Short Line will esral Hl steamship service on tin Pacific Ooin, with headquarteiB in Poribind. Hop market stronger in P -rtland, the and abroad Wheat is irregular, but closes higher at Chicago. Another day of advancing prices on New York stock market. Industrial progress resumed with set tlement of coal strike. Steamar Melvilie Dollar goes on San Franc'sco-Portland run. Oregon products in nine industries are valued at &14,(!00,000 for 1902. Lumber $10,000,(100 Livestock 9 000,000 Grain.,. 8,750,000 Minerals 5,000,u00 Hops.... 3,0(10.000 Fish ". 2,000,000 Wool 2,800,000 Fruit 1,500,000 Dairy products '. 1,500,000 Total ; H-1,050,000 Suudny, October 19. Dead and wounded number 3000 iu battle near La Victoria. Government forces win a great victory. Personal bravery of President Castro responsible for success of his army. Washington railroads propose to pun ish Jones and Cushman for alleged breaking of faith. i Secretary of Treasury Shaw come3 out for ship subsidy. Roosevelt issues orders showing Quny's call for campaign funds illegal. A. P. Leonard, democratic senatorial nominee from Pacific county, is thrown off the official ballot. Shaw's bond purchases said to be con cession to J. P. Morgan for ending coal strike. Immigration Commissioner Sargent recommends special agents to handle Chinese immigrants. Panic in Albany, N. Y. ballroom caused by fire on another floor. German tariff bill is doomed. Strike of all trade unions of Fiance is being considered. Tillamook, Or., stage held up near North Yamhill and $200 taken from pas sengers. John Lathruui. republican senatorial candidate from Whitman county, dead. Brewers in need of American hops. New York bank statement shows fur ther increare in surplus reserve. Monday, October 20. Settlement of the coal strike leaves republican chances for success bright. Bryan will make the fiht of his life to keep hti doctrine in the democratic platform. Governor Geer addresses another re buke to his reputed calumniators. Governor McBride.of Washington.says republicans cannot go back on their platform. British forces suffer reverses in Soma liland and are in a desperate situation. Pope hopes Philippine negotiations may lead to diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the United States. Bulgarians cheer Macedonian revolu tionary movement. The Czar and Czarina will visit Italy in December. James Younger, formerly of the no torious Jesse James gang, committed suicide in St. Paul. Delegates gathering for the vote on ending coal strike express no doubt of favorable action. THE OLD RELIABLE tow !0VDEtl Absolutely Pure' THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Lwdv Somihm- t, in a speech at Purlin -I, vl , arraigned Bishop Poi tfr tor ctT'iin utterances on drunkenness. volved no corrupt, bargain with Morgan. Exports f ir S -ntemner ar the larget ' ever reported Jor tlur month, with one exception. I English an ! jef iiM o nM'kn '. take oi cement vievs of A nericao strike settlement.. i ' . i Uver Z.tMJll t ins t 1!, mer. chan li-ie is due at Pc- 'a 'd within 30 dry.s. 1 Njew S to Fr.iii;i.-3 'itier Me'ville Dol 1 ir was a L'ne irewhtr. Increasing numb .r of pir ite cr ift off C iina coas' . f 1 Rev. G. A. Tiiart Waves his pujU to be iorne a sire t-cur co.idnctor. ! Tnes l.i'-, O't. 21. Fiancee of J.m Younver starts f'om Boise. I l b ' to ill meso'a to claim Vis body. I Pre-i'lent Mil i -"slides iliai exc ani;e of Great Northern for Sorhsm securi- j ties stock w i" m ttier of individual ( el- erence of t-hare holders. . ) Irish N uional Leatrui opens its first ConveiHino in Boston. Portland mill secures one-half of lare i Philippine order. j Irish nstio-ia'is'H create more disor- ; der in lhe liuuseof coinmntis. I Kanf.flt.i iii -Invpliitis ill rlf-hntn over new i Germsr inriff liill. , .. 1 Euiila I 'vill send more troop, if nec essary, lo put do in the Mad Mullah. Choice reunn bops sell for 25 cents. Bitker tiny nun i ranted franchise for electric ft n-ft r:i i Kvnv John A. Mauley arresttd at Grind Forks, B. C , 'or c i.lici'y in hotel ti-f, Portland I -xpiyers ie.igue wants special session of legislature, Portland to ship wheat to Australia an ! enlarge South African market. Death of Colonel, builder of Columbia river j-ttie. Wedn.slay, Oct. 22. Morean'e English railway scheme de feated hy ilhitrlfs T. Yerkes. Attempt to assassinate President Lou- j bet Dipped in the bud. Test vot" sounds deatn kneil of Ger man tariff bill. Thirty men burned to d ii'h in Chi cago factoiy fire. Attorney-General Ktiox holds engi- , neers who refused to testify iu strike may have licenses revoked. Irish League will raise $100,000 to aid home figlit on landlords, : Texas mob overpowers officers in court and lynches two negroes. j General Miles is robbed of his valise in Honolulu. ! One million dollars' worth of hops gtoied in Portland. Steamer Leelanaw enters the Portland-! San Francisco trade. Two large new steamers to be built in Portland. j Mayor Widhms, of Portland, proposes , borrowing mcney to lepatr bridges. . MTNERS' STBIKE. Min rs vote unanimously to accept ar bitration. President summons arbitra tion commission to meet at Washington Friday. Convention thanks ah who have aided miners, end the ending is harmonious. Terra and cost of strike. Duration of strike days. .. . 163 Men on strike 147,000 People directly affected.... 500,000 To Iosb to all classes $200,000,000 Price o' coal at beginning of strike, per ton $5 to f 0 Present price of coal, per ton $25 to $3i Cause of the strike: The nvners' demands, which were refused,-were as folio vs: An eight-hour day ; an increase in pay for men on piece work proportionate to that given to day laboiers by shortening of hours; just weighing of cool mined, instead of arbi trary measurement by varying "car loads" ; a fixed scale ot wages, the rate for the same work to be the same every-; where ; an agreement embodying these j dfHiiands, entered into by the operators i and the union. I Following is the history of the miners' j sfrike peace ptanB: j July 30 Troops ordered to coal fields, j Oct. 3 Roosevelt calls conference be- ; tween operators and miners, without re-1 suit. 1 Oct. 6 Entire Pennsylvania mililia ordered out. Oct. 8 Platt.Q'iay, Penrose and OJell meet operators, but to no avail. Oct. 9 Odell declares war on opera-' tors. Oct.. 10 Operate 's demand that the nation proceed against miners' union as unlawful combination. M -iii0mi, -':"''u.s.a. ij in a wonr every time you break down it costs you money :( S though the manufacturers replace the broken part I I. We also-carry a full line of Buggies and Spring Wagons. Write us for prices on everything you need, it only takes a postal card and may save you dollars. 208 FRONT STREET, To Our 5?:' BE Y A FISH orthwest Implement tHEAVY LOSSES Friends and Patrons: Heavy losses" we have suffered the recent fires placed us in a tight pinch we need money, and ask our friends to come, and buy their winter supplies from our mammoth stock for cash. We will slaughter Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines, and wo will give you a discount on all other goods pufchased be tween now and December 1st for cash. Do not miss your chance, Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for nearly half price. Frank Busch, ' The House This Trade Mark on the side pf of a wagon box is a guarantee j(S of excellence and high grade i quality in the construction of m this wagon. , If yours does a not have it on dicpose of it and get one that has as you j cannot afford to run any 'k chances on the material used P c OIMY, PORTAND ORE t- through Furnisher