Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 17, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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The Red Front
Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon
Good Green Coffee, per lb ioc Boy's Wool Hats, from. .35c up
GoodRoast Coffee per lb I2c Men's Wool Hats from. .40c up
Arm&Hammer Soda, 8 lbs 25c
Washing Powders, per lb. 5c rT
Good Laundry Soap, 20 Umbrellas, from 40c up
I bars... 70c
Liquid Shoe Dressing, bot- We the carry Celebrated Gil-
ni e. c bert Linings and Near Silks.
Blueing, box 5c b
Blueing, bottle 5c :
Sewing Machine Oil, bottle 5c We have the mcst complete
Battle Axe Tobacco, 2 line of Dress Trimmings, Laces,
plugs 75c Applique, Braids and Fancy
Buttons in Oregon City and
MACKINTOSHES. carrv an assortment equal to
..... , .. any in Portland.
Misses Mackintoshes with Fur Trinimings for children's
detachable collars. $1 50 cloaks jn alJ colo from oc
Women s Mackintoshes, ar(j uPi
I from 2 $c '
Men's Mackintoshes, from 1 50 i
Boys' Mackintoshes, from 1 25 We carry the J. B. Lewis,
Wear Resister and Bradley &
Metcalf Shoes, which always give
We carry the Sweet Orr Un- satisfaction, and we sell them at
ion-Made Overalls and Jumpers, prices to suit.
- - - We Trade for Farm Produce and Shingles - - -
1111: MLB f MNT
Has a complete assortment of
Fall lylilliQCFy, furs,
lylilliQerty Novelties, Etc
Bats Trimmed to Order Feathers Dyed and Curled
and Lunch Counter
Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch or j
Open at All Hours, day or night
Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds
Everything Tnsb, Tlzai and Chan,
meat market of f).Betbke
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City.
Straiten Bldg.
Saturday, Oct. 11.
Governor Odell addresses hot words to
mice operators, and enters coal war in
earnest. j
All peace conferences prove unavail
ing, and operators declare they will at
tend no more.
Goal operators demand that Roosevelt
begin action against the miners unaer
auti-trust law. ,
Secretary of Navy Moody scores coal
barons in political speech.
Youthful Homestead, Pa., maniac
murders four members of his family.
Tumult at Union Veterans' meeting
over attempt to oust commander-in-chief.
National 6. A. R. adjourns to meet
next at ban irancisco.
To meet need of officers for navy spec
ial midshipmen's examination is or
dered. Geneva strikers clash with militia, and
hospitals are filled with wounded.
Boer generals visit Kruger and attend
his birthday services.
Macedonian uprising is growing seri
ous, and people of wealth are emigrat
Wholesale grocers' trust is in process
of formation.
Eastern bankers arrive at Portland on
soecial excursion.
Marine engineers are placed on trial
for resigning from employ of 0. R. & N.
Portland unions pledge $2300 for the
relief of striking coal miners.
Sunday, October 12.
American Federation of Labor issues
anneal for aid for miners.
noot ana morgan comer, oui win not
tell result of meeting.
Eaetern Dress scores coal operators.
Miners are hopeful of early settlement
of s'rike.
New Orleans is now practically under
militarv protection.
RicLard Ulney Bcores mine operators
at democratic banouet.
David B. Hill opens JNew iomaem
era tic campaign.
Kaunas fusion nominees will go on
nftirial ticket as democrats.
Prince of Biam received by President
South Omaha school directors charged
with accenting bribes.
rs. Nation, the eaioon-maBner, act
ive in Oklahoma.
EneliBh church coDgress splits over
infallibility of bible.
England lavishly entertains uenerais
Uorbin and loung.
King Edward returns to j&Dgiana in
fine health.
Hood River closes her most successful
fruit fair.
Gee" waits to hear from people on ex
tra session Question.
. T
Ho immediate relief in sight tor iew
York money market. Fun her decrease
in reserves of New York banks.
Steamer No Wonder wrecked by run-
nine on a snacr.
Licenses of three striking U. K. x
engineers revoked.
Hellwood board of trade starts move
ment to improve Willamette river De
tween Portland and Oregon Uty.
Monday, October 13.
Colombian government forces win
victories over the revolutionists.
Turkev serves notice on Bulgaria in
connection with Macedonian outbreaks
Coal companies have moved toward
breaking strike by asking men to return
to work.
New Orleans car strikers return to
work without gaining their demands.
Progress in construction of war vessels
in the past year has been unsatistartory
Senator Burrows favors an extra ses
sion of Congress to revise the tariff.
Snow fell in Minnesota and North
Dakota veeterdav. and wind and rain
storms did damage in the Middle
Mississippi Valley.
The Oreeon anDroDriation for the
Lewis and Clark Exposition is likely to
be referred to the people.
Editor of Butte Inter-Mountain fatally
shot a prominent doctor in a quarrel
over a woman.
Many Iowa people seek timber claims
in Southern Oregon.
Portland unions will attempt to raise
$20,000 for the striking coal miners.
Oilers of 24c for hops at Salem re
French and German legislators again
in session.
Incendiary fire canses loss of $500,000
at Klamathon, Cal.
Oregon Baptista in session at Rose-
New York and German hop markets
Stronir demand for May wheat on
Chicago Board of Trade.
Optimistic feeling prevails on JNew
York stock market.
Marks Prairie.
Ben Armstrong is visiting h's brother
liern. lie is out from Nebraska and is
looking for a farm.
Jacob Snider is visiting his brother-
in-law, Mr. Wiegand.
George Oglesby is cutting logs for
Bagly and Dixon of Needy.
Enh James and T. A. Campau have
gone to the mountains to hnnt.
Needy W. O. W. will give a box
social Saturday evening, October 18th.
Everybody invited. V. W. H. Samson
will sell the boxes, waiter xooze win
give a short address.
The potatoe crop is very light here.
Hods are selline at 22 cents. Most of
h ps were Bpoken for so the raise does no
Charles Oglesby picktd 101 boxes
of hops in eleven days.
Christ Frost is having a new house
built: George Haskins is doing the
Prof. Coleman will teach the school
here this winter.
We learn that Miss Sophia Nord-
hausen will teach the Whiskey hill
school this winter.
J. W,
wi h
The city is still improving,
Smith is building a cellar.
Fred Klebe has returned home
his hop baler,
There will be a grand ball at Macks-
burg in the K. O T. M. hall, Octobei
25th. Everybody is invited.
The next time vou follow your girl to
cbuich, Fritz, take your bugny.
E' dorado.
Carbon Smith and family were in Ore
gon Uity last week .
Dennis Cornwall went to Lower
Columbia Monday.
Bob Schubel is moving the Mulino
Tommy and Elmer Jones called on
the "Baby Lyons" Monday evening.
John Lowery called on W. H. Jones
O. Inskeep and pons went to the
mountains Sunday to hunt.
Mr. Miracle was visiting here last
Clyde Smith spent Sunday at home,
A large crowd went from here to Linn's
mill Saturday night to the first ball of
the season.
Ed Bowman has commeuced to rebuild
bis residence, that was recently destroy
ed by fare.
Fred Neukirchner left Thuravay for
LaGrande where he his rented a farm
Si Bany, you want to get a fog horn
whfn vou want to wake our merchant
after nine.
A Typical South African Store.
O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays
River, Cape Colony, conducts a store
tvoical of South Atrica, at which can be
purchased anything from the proverbial
needle to an ancuor. i nis siore is
situated in a valley nine miles from th
nearest r, ilway station and about twenty,
five miles from the nearest town. Mr
Larson savs : "1 am favored with the
custom of farmers within a radius
thirty miles, to many , of whom I have
supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All
testify to their value in a household
where a doctor's advice is almost out
the question. Within one mile ot my
store the population is perhaps sixty
Of these, within the past twelve months
no less than fourteen have been absolute'
ly cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Kemedy. Tt is must surely be a record
For sale by, G. A. Harding.
Miss Ida. M. Snyder,
Treasurer of the
Brooklyn Kast End Art Club.
" If women would pay more attention to
their health wt would have more Happy
wives, mothers and daughter, and if they
would obierve results they would find
that the doctors' prescription! do not
perform the many cures they are given
creait tor.
- In consulting with my druggist he ad
vised McElree't Wine of Car Jul und Thed
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took H and
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health,
and it only took three months to cure ma."
Wine of Cardui isarejfulatorof tie
menstrual functions and is a most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, toofreanent. irrecr-
ular and painful menstruation, falling
of the womb, whites and flooding. It
is helpful when approaching woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in change of Ufa. It fre
quently brings a dear baby to hornet
that have been barren for years. An
druggists have 11.00 bottles of Wine
of (Jardui.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
io have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a pecialfy
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
It requires no experience to
dye with PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYES. Simply boiling
your goods in the dye is alt
that's necessary. Sold by C.
G. Huntley.
At afl ng &. UDmSs. j
' 1
Will give you a
Bargain in Wa!l Paper
Wall Tinting and In
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Oregon City
Secoiid-IIand & Junk Store
Large lot of Sacks for sale cheap.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Sugar man & Co.
ai afl tfttia; (tan
2i Don 25c
I bad been troubled with my stom
ach for the paet sixteen or seventeen
years, and, as I have been acting as a
drug clerk for the past thirteen years,
I have bad a good chance to try all
remedies in the market, but never
found anything, until we got in a sup
ply of Ripans Tabules, that did me
any good. They have entirely cured
me. t times I could hold nothing
on my stomach, and I had a sour
stomach most all the time: in fact, I
was miserable, and ife was hardly
worth living. I was called cross and
crabbed by mv friendB, but now they
all notice the change in me.
At drnfrctsts.
The Five-Cent packet Is enough for an or
dinary occasion. The family bottle. 60
cents, contains a supply for year.
'If I Could Get Rid
The Franklin Typewriter
This is $25.00 less than the fixed price of the typewriter
trust, and yet the FRANKLIN is the equal of any $100.00
machine built.
Are you undecided ? Rent a FRANKLIN for a few
months at $4.00 per month. Then, if you are satisfied, buy
the machine. Whatever is paid on rent will be allowed to
ward the purchase.
Does an inferior machine, which you own, stand in your
way? You can turn it in as part payment toward a FRANK
LIN, and a fair allowance on it will be made.
If your purse Is thin you can obtain easy terms on time paymont.
E. F. BUMPUS, Manager
302 Montgomery St. v San Francisco, Cal.
Local Agent at Courier-Herald Office
Fitting Spectacles and Kijc Glasses
By Up-to-Date Methods.
Gxa minaon Free, by an Expcr Optician
The Iowa Jeweler, 203 Morrison, near 5th
Tuesday, October 14
Peace is in sight, the operators agree
ing to arbitration, decision iouowa con
lerenee at White House between Koose'
velt and J. P. Morgan. President
Mitchell will not discuss operators' pro
position. Winning over ot operators is a
great victory for Roosevelt.
Ambassador Herbert enters upon his
new duties at Washington, D. O.
Indianapolis grand jury begins inquiry
into wholesale grave robberies.
Governor Odell opens the Republican
campaign in JNew lork.
Kansas court holds it cannot require
both Populist and Democratic tickets on
olhcial ballot.
French aeronaut and companion daBb
ed to nieces while experimenting with
King Edward entertains Ambassador
Choate and Generals Corbin and Young.
Turkey protests to powers against
Bulgaria sheltering Macedonians.
Flurry in Salem because of hop sale
at 25 cents.
Palouse wheat is selling for 56 cents
Southwestern Oregon enters complaint
against Wisconsin timber cruisers.
Hop markets are weaker, following
Wednesday, October 15.
Miners are opposed to operators'
peace plan.
Mitchell holds key to situation, but he
is uon-committal.
President Gompers' of Federation of
Labor, comes out against operators' pro
position. Principal ground of objection is that
labor is not recognized on proposed
arbitration board.
Cleveland believes tariff reform the
Democrats' only hope of success.
RooFevelt will probably recommend
permanent hum commission.
United States is given decision in
Pious Fund case by The Hague Court.
Henry L. Wilson, of Spokane, Wash.,
Minister to Chile, transferred to Greece.
of this abominable cold," exclaimed the
sufferer, when the end of a Bpasm of
coughing gave him a chance to talk.
The way out of the trouble is plain.
Take Allen's Lung Balsam before the
merciless grip of the cold has laetenea
upon throat and lungs After a few
doses the cough is easier and less fre
quent, and a complete cure is Dut tne
question of a little time.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneeriuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of
the difficulty is Kidney trouble, ana the nrst
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It ts sold
bv drueelsts, in fifty-
PMit and one dollar rfi f, .s-J3i
sample bottle by mail a4ii3it;
free, also pamphlet tell- Honw of Bwarap-Root
In? all about it. lncludlne many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. Binchamton, N. Y he sure and
mention this paper.
Cor. Second and Yamhill Sts.. Portland, Or.
This Is Id r. licssler.
One of the World's Greatest Specialists
ITow, look here, young man, don't be so careless. Don't putoH any longer;
have your case attended to today, for your looks tell on you. You may conclude
to get married some day, and to live happy you must be a man rugged and strong
physically and mentally, bo many divorce cases we hear ot, it an investigation
was made would disclose the fact that physical and nervous weakness of the hus
band caused the wife to finMly hate him. Woman love a manly man, just as much
as men love beautifully developed, healthy, red-cbeeked women. Blotches and
pimples show something wrong. All kinds of diseaies are cured by this old doctor,
it is not necessary to go to see him ; in a few diseases where surgery is required or
cancers, old nlcers and such, it is better to see him, but all weakness and private
conditions can be cured at home. He haB a perfect system for home treatment;
he always answers your letters in plain envelope and keeps every case a profound
secret. Pay no attention to the little books you find on streets, but trust yourself
to an old doctor who has been curing cases like yours for over a quarter of a
century. Always enclose 10 two-cent stamps, when writing for treatment, and
send small bottle of your urine, if possible. Address.
Manager of the St. Louis Hedical a.id Surgical Dispensary
Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts., Tortland