Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 17, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
Entered In Oregon Uty Postoffloe m 2nd-clue matter
Paid In advance, per year .... 1 M
9imontoi ..... "J
riireemonlbt'trial :
f&-The date opposite your addrem on the
papor donotes I he time to whiohyou hae paid .
1 this notice ia marked your eubsciiption Is due.
OREGON CITY, OCT. 17, 1902.
Thk secretary of the navy wants 120o
more officers toman Uncle Sam's fleet.
In the first six months of thii year
Missouri made a net profit of $101,000
cut of convict labor.
solete." He says .that all law business Ur man than be ever was, before. He
may be divided into ten parts', at fol-i must absorb all of Morgan's strength
lows : Real estate 3, corporations 2, com- bruins and blood for the benefit of him'
mercial cases and collections 2, wills and self.
estates 1, accident (and negligent suits 1,
defense of criminals 1. In all these
parts, according to Mr. Chapan, except
perhaps the last one, the lawyer is be
ginning to be superseded by other
Thk workingmen of England have $1,
700,000,000 in savings baDks and co-op
erative institutions.
In 1900 and 1901, the various states
passed 14,190 laws, many of them spe
cial legislation, and often corrupt and for
private ends. W e are a law-ridden people.
The annual expense of commercial
travelers and of advertising in the
United States is placed at $1,500,000,
000: energy and capital which could be
put to far better use.
Rkbuke and punishment await the re
publican party in the near future, says
the St. Louis Republic. It has wrought
its own undoing in so blindly obeying
the evil commands of the trusts.
The total capitalization of trusts hiv
ing an individual capital stock of not less
than $10,000,000, from January, 1899,
until now, is $4,318,005,648, of the total
of 1:87 industrial .trusts, 168 enjoy direct
tariff benefits.
British statesmen foar that the Boers
are secretly planning, to renew the war
from which they retired by stipulation
and with world-wide glory. . It is not
improbable, judging from the splendid
reception given to the Boer generals in
England, that many English recruits
might be obtained for the cause of the
intrepid patriots of the South African
Captain Diamond, of San Francisco,
108 years of age, rides the bicycle as well
as a young athlete. Fifty years ago he
gave up the use of meat and he eats
neither sugar nor white bread. He
drinks only distilled water to counteract
ossification, and is partial to pure Cali
fornia oliv oil. He attributes his long
evity to a careful diet and out-door ex
ercise. He is rich in vitality, though
not rlcb in purse.
Tub London Statist, after carefully
calculating all the cats of the South Af
rican war to Great Britain, estimates the
total at about $1,500,000,000. Or more
than the great war Indemnity demanded
of France by Germany, and says the un
preparedness of the nation for war cost
more than "the most elabor atereorani.
zation of her military system could pos
sibly have entailed."
It seems as if Uncle Sain will got the
Lion's share of the privilege to make
money out of the South Africans for
which England fought the war with the
Boers. An American concarn lias a rep
resentative in South Africa securing ira
diodbb orJtra in Dupe Town and at Jo
hannesburg, at his own prices, for huge
buildings up to fourteen stories, and
promising constiuction with American
Mr. Van Oss bas written a book for
the use of European investors iu Ameri
can railway securities, in which he
makes the astounding sUtemaut that
every dollar of railway stock and bonds
in the U, S. represents on aa average
only ten cents of investment. If inter
est was paid on actual investment,
the Interest charge would be one-tenth
what It is. It is estimated to be now
$350,000,000 annually.
Hsm is a startling application of the
"water cure" treatment. The Chicago,
Rock Inland k ..raeific Railroad Com
pany, with a capital stock of $75,000,000,
has been reorganized thus: The $75,000,
000 of stock have been displaced by
$402,503,000 of stock aud bonds, and
the cash investment of more than $75,
000,000 lias been superseded by an in
v -rtmentof only $20,251,000, This Btock
j iiigleiy has been accomplished by
ia nine of a new company, which was
used as a dummy.
Thh Jewish problem in Roumania is
by no means the only thing in Eastern
Europe that troubles the mighty powers
of the west. The disturbances in Bul
garia and Macedonia are likely at any
moment to break out into open war.and
The London Times says that when the while the Czar is said to have tried to
British empire is dead, the historians of I compel the Bulgarian government to
the future will write upon its tombstone j suppress the societies in that country
this epitaph : "Here lies a people whose that are exciting trouble in Macedonia
rare gifts of energy, good sense and in : bis efforts have had no success. Fur
tegrity raised them above all other peo- thermore, the Servians and the Alban
lles when these qualities were all in all; ' ians are ready to rise at the first oppor-
But they lacked intelligence and de
spited it; aud, lacking Intelligence they
fell from their high estate as soon as the
world's prizes began to be awaided only
to those who brought a trained and dis
ciplined intelligence to the understand
ing of its laws, moral, economic and
President Mayer of the Western Fed
eration of Miners reports that the con
dition of the camps in the Fernie (B.
C.) district, from which he has just re
turned, is as jjbad as Siberia. He says
the mining company owns everything in
the camp. It permits the men no privi
leges and allows no business except un
der its direction. It even exercises a
censorship on what its employes shall
read. He is a silly fool who does not
know that coal operators, or, for that
matter, any other large employers, as a
class, will tret their employes cruelly
when they can, and, also, that might
makes right.
Not long ago, a German naturalist ob
tained an egg of the aepyornis, in an al
most fresh state, which contained three
gallons of liquid. It had been found in
a bay on the south weBt coast of Mada
gascar. He made an omelet of a portion
of it, which did not kill him or those of
his friends who tasted of rf.
The aepyornis stan-'s, or stood, 16 feet
high with legs bigger than an elephant's.
A German scientific expedition has
Btarted out to explore the vast desert
and malarial swamps of the island, teem
ing with reptiles, with the object of cap
turing the live aepyornis that is be
lieved to have laid the fresh egs.
An occurrence in Marlon county illus
trates how necessary it is that our laws
regulating assessments for purpose of
taxation be changed. In a suit the man
ager of a Pordand corporation owning
property in Salem, stated under oath
that the same was worth $300,000. The
county assessor placed its value at $50,-
000; the county hoard of equalization at
$70CO. The county clerk and the county
judge overruled the assessor, who aione,
of the three, had investigated the value
of the property. It is plain that the
clerk and the judge should be displaced!by
assessors, district or precinct assessors,
men who are familiar with the prop
erties whose assessed values thev are to
Mr. Shaw, secretary of the treasury,
came to the relief of Wall Street by de
positing $30,000,000 of government funds
in New York banks without demanding
the legal 25 per cent reserve. The Balti
more American comments: "Is the
speculative uii.r'.;tt to be backed up by
the Treasury of the United States? Are
the stock gamblers of Wall Street to
have at their command the money of
the people? Are the resources of the
public treasury to he used in sustaining
the market p 'ice of intluted stocks and
vatored and questionable securities?"
II. Gerald Chapan, editor of the
American .Lawyer, says that "within
twenty years the individuilor general
practice lawyer will be extinct except
only in the emoter country distilcts.
As a calling the law is fast becoming ol
Logqerb will advance the price of logs
over on Gray's Harbor to $8 a thousand.
The people who are selling Lane county
timber claims that go from five to fifteen
million feet all the way from $800 to $1500
should take warning and hold their tim
ber for an adequate price, if possible.
This advance is the second ooe recently,
both amounting to one do'lur per thous
and. At six dollars a I thou
sand a very ordinary timber
claim for Lane county five million
feet would realize $30,000, less logging
expenses, while a one dollar a thousand
advance would add five thousand dollars
to the value of the quarter section. Peo
ple who sell their timber at present
prices will regret it before many yea rs.
Eugene Guard.
Thk Philadelphia Public Mia, one
of the most conspicuous republican news
papers in the country, declare! that "it 1
i mot a theory, but a condition whichi
now confronts the republican party." !
The Ledger explains; "On the eve of a
congressional election, and the preii
dential contest only two years ahead, the
organization stands at the parting of the
ways. It must determine whether it
will continue to safeguard the predatory
trusts, which prey upou the people by
killing competition in trade, through
maintaining the excessive duties of the
Dinley act, or whether it will recog-
nue the eer increasing popular demand
for such revision of those duties as will
conduce to the popular welfare. The
I reposition of the Iowa platform must
be met in one way or another. It is a
rock in the path which no sophistic jug
glery can pueh aside or overleap."
TiiKRuisno question, says Wilehire's
Magazine, that the president ia right
when he says that you cannot touch the
trust without upsetting "Prosperity."
The tru.t is like a great tumor upon the
body politic. We may know it is a
dangerous excresence hut we fear that its
removal would kill the patient. We will
d e if we let it grow larger and we will die
if we cut it out. What then can we
do? We must almo.-b the tumor. Make
it part of ourselves. Instead of allow
ing it to have a centre independent of
our own centre we must make them
Identical. We must simply consolidate
Mr. Morgan and Uncle Sam into one
person, and that person will be an en-
larged Uncle Sam, a stronger and bet-
tunity and make mora trouble. The
Snltan is not able to establish peace, nor
will the other powers permit the Czar
to help him establish it. Taken alto
gether, the situation is too perplexing
for good easy gentlemen of the diplo
matic colleges to solve. Certainly they
will not complicate it by troubling Rou
mania. The Berlin treatv is virtually a
dead letter, and whatever mav be done
for the Jews of Roumania will have to be
done by the power and influence of the
United States alone, unlesB indeed the
appearance of thousands of starving ex
iles in Austria, Switzerland, France and
Germany may arouse the people of those
countries and set in motion an aeitation
which will compel the government to
act in the interests of humanity.
How's ThisI
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
t . J. Cheney & Co., Props, Toledo, O.
We the undersicned. have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve mm penectiy honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their him.
West & Truax. Wholesale Drueeists.
Toledo, O.
Walding. Kinnan & Marvin. Whole-
Bale Druggists, Toledo, O.
nail's tiatarrh Dure is taken internal
ly, acting upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the syttem. Price 75c per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
When Sickness Comes
to the head of the family the bread
winner, the omnipresent thought is
"Have I safely provided for the wife
aud little ones?"
Nine times out of ten, "No" is the
answer. It is then too late, however, to
do anything. The essential thing to do
is to prepare now for what may occur at
anytime. An investigation of the Mas
sachusetts Mutual's new policies and
bonds, will, without a doubt, bring to
our notice a contract that will exactly
suit your case.
If interested, send a postal, giving
your name, address, occupaton and date
of birth, when an illustration will be
sent you, showing exactly what the
company will do for you. No guess
work about it, as the dividends are paid
annually and not withheld for twenty
years or so, and then not paid unless
the contract is in force at that time.
H. G. Colton,
Manaeer Pacific Coast Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Or
No engineer would be mad enough to
run by the flag which signaled danger.
What the danger was he might not under
stand, but he would take no chances.
It is different with the average man or
woman. iney at- ,i
tempt constantly
to run by the dan
ger signals of
Nature and that
attempt costs
thousands of lives
every year. When the
appetite becomes irregu
lar or entirely gives out,
when sleep is troubled
and broken, when there
is a lose of flesh, when
there is a constant feel
ing of dullness an lan
guor, Nature is hoisting
the danger signal. The
stomach and its allied
organs are failing in their
work and the body is los
ing the nutrition on which
its strength depends.
Such a condition calls
for the prompt use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It cures dis
eases of the stomach and
other organs of digestion
and nutrition, purifies
and enriches the bio"od and builds up the
body with sound, solid flesh.
"Your kindness to me I can never forget,"
writes Mrs. Josie E. Clark, of Enterprise, Shelby
Co., Mo. "I cannot express half my feelingsof
gratefulness to you. I had despaired of ever
ietting well, f had been in bad health for
twelve years. Had aches all through me, numb
hands, cold feet, and everything I ate distressed
me ; bowels constipated, was verv nervous, de
pressed and despondent In fact, I can't express
half my bad feelings to you. When I first wrote
to you I thought I could uever be cured. I hnve
taken six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, and my health is now good. You
have my honest recommendation to all suffer
trs. I think there is no medicine in the world
as good as Dr. Pierce's."
If constipated use Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. They cure constipation,
biliousness and sick headache. They do
not produce the "pill habit." ,
ANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for Bale, in all parts of the
county. LandB owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
?OR SALE 500 tracts of land. In.
quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
1Q TEAMS WANTED to haul wood
at $1.25; payable 90c at end of two
weeks and balance at en 1 of contract.
AddresW. H. Vanover, Beaver Creek.
The Heat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. Price 50c.
JUONEY TO LOAN on approved real-
eaiate sou cuame Becurny. vi. u.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
in.. nm.nM n;...
RANTED, 16 weavers at Eugene, Ore
ku. Steady work.
fAKEN UP About July 15. a two-year
old heifer ; black and white and red
spotted. Owner can have same by
proving proverty and paying auvertiaing
and costs. J. Drescher, Monitor, Or.
pOR SALE, a $450 house and 4 lots on
West Side. A good bargain. 0. H.
ORSE LOST Strayed from pasture
at Canemah,dark brown mare, about
1000 pounds, S on left hip. Reward
given on recovery by D. M. Klemsen,
Oregon City.
Goes Like Hot Cakes.
"The fastest selling article I have in
my store," writes druuijist C. T. Smith.
of Davis, Ky., -'is Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Cldn. because it always cures. In my
six years of sales it has' never failed. I
have known it to save sufferers from
Throat and Lung diseases, who could
get no help from doctors or any other
remedy." Mothers rely on it, best
physicians prescribe it, and G. A. Hard
ing guarantees satisfaction or refund
price. Trial booties free. Regular sizes
50c and $1.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels ; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $000 of city
money on approved security.' JonN W.
Loder, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
Ice soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
A brand-now Ideal cash register for
sale at half price at Courier-Herald of
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
The excitemen t incident to traveling
and ch nze of food and water often
brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason
no one without a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
Our prompt, courteous and accurate service is
directed to one end :
To protect , you from goods of inferior quality,
and to protect you from unfair prices.
We are so certain that we do what we aim to do
that we back every sale with this guarantee : "Money
back if you want it."
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Regular $i.oo Now .85
Tierce's Favorite Prescription " i.eo " .85
Paine's Celery Compound , " t.oo " .85
Wood's Sarsaparilla " 1.00 " .55
Mellin's Food " .50, .75 .45, .65
Pink Pills " .50 " .40
Carter's, Ayer's and Pierce's Pills. " .25 " .20
Special prices on 3 or 6 bottles
Phone 13
Charman & Co.,
Mail Orders Solicited
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs Ooen Day and Night
Prices Reaooeable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspensia Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE.
Hardware, Stoves. Sytacuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr, Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
0r. Fourth and Main Sts.
Money we're so often told is the
root of all evil, yet who of us have not
wished at timet we might have a few
cords of the root. But instead of the
idle wishing prndent people look
closer after their expenditures.
Right here we can help you. We
covet confidence and challenge com
petition, A. Robertson,
7th St. Grocer.
The Flour
The flour of all the Oregon City families
is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house
wife always gets "Patent" flour because,
it is better and more ecomonical to use
Made in Oregon City by the Portland
Flouring Mills Co.
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
TTm Vtul mirtrr Q firuinialft.
Our prices always reasonable. B
. .... 1 e
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers I
Phones 411 and 304. Lower 7th St., Bet. Bridge and Depot
P"iliiir!i "iigpiii'irrjiiiiiiii2)!..ii!iigijiri ijfiiHi.irginiii'iifpr.iiiirgi,,,! i!,rgi!M!.ijiiinijriiiiiiiiuri!uinnr.biiiiMi HPmii!iiij:ii!jiJi
Brown & Welch
Propribtoes of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
ifnll BB n if & 1 r"3 iihaiii iv
But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
Established 1870
Incorporated 1899
126 Second Street, near Washington,
Portland, Ore.
Our stock of Fur Garments is now complete, and
intending purchasers will find it of value to call at our
establishment and inspect our Eurs.
We are showing new effects in Fur Coats and Capes.
Our Collarettes and Boas are in entirely new designs and
consist of a great variety. '
Mail Orders receive prompt attention.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Leading and Reliable Fnrriers of the Northwest
Courier-Herald and Oregonian $2