Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 17, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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- list v"a vw"
foreign Lands
We issue Drafts pay
able in other countries
Whenever you have
occasion to send mon
ey to Foreign Lands
it will pay you to send ,
it through this Bank
The Bank of
Oregon City
Oregon City, Ore.
John Cooke wag out a day this week
H. H. Perry, ot Union Mills will move
to Canby.
Miss Hilda alden is visiting friends
in Portland.
Mrs. Harry Moody and child are visit
ing friends and relatives at Albany.
C. Barlow, of Barlow, did business
in Oregon City Tuesday,
Dr. Semann has located in San Fran
cisco as eye and ear specialist.
Henry Fanton, a young wood buyer of
Canby, was in the city Wednesday.
Harry Austin, of Springwater, son of
Seth Austin, is visiting in Portland.
F. M. Darlin.' returned this week
from a business trip up Salmon river.
Edward Gottberg, who lives at Colton,
intends to spend the winter is this city.
Charles rfhran, the eign painter,
was in Portland on business Wednesday.
Fred Blaiser and Ton Divine, of Port
land, were in Oregon City a day laBt
Attorney Harrington, of Portland,
was in the city Thursday on legal busi
ness. Frank Wilson went to Woodburn
Wednesday for a few days' visit with
James Manning hag been spending a
tew days the past week with mends in
i Portlaud.
ttrant Mum power, ot stone, was
making calls on friends in this city
Henry Hedges, a good old democrate
of But low, was on the streets of Oregon
City Tuesday.
Elgin Soules and Wells Dury spent a
few days this week at the former's home
at Woodburn.
Elmer Farr and A. Phillips left for
Ocean Park Tuesday, to frpend two weeks
hunting ducks.
Rev. Frank Mixsell has returned from
Northport, Wash., where he has preach
ed two Sundays.
A fine new walk, sadly needed for a
long time, has been built along the Bar
clay school property.
Senator Geo. C. Brownell was confined
to his room Wednesday, became of a
serious throat complication.
C G. Huntlev. the enthusiastic hunt
er, will leave Saturday for a weet's 1 on hiaclaim
hunt in Southern Oregon.
Seth Austin, of Springwater, a highly
respected resident of Clackamas county,
was in the city Wednesday.
Thomas Warner returned this week
from LaCamai, Wash., where be was oo
a hunting trip for a few days,
Chauncey Ramsby. John Draper and
Carl Califf retuned Tuesday from a three
days outing np the Clackamas.
Mrs. B. F. Hanegan, who, has been
absent in the Eastern states for a month,
returned to this city last week.
J . Ogle, of Barlow, who has been keep
ing store at that place has sold out and
was in Oregon City Thursday.
Silas Barber, of Canby, a well known
young resident of that place, is in Ore
gon City working in the miliar
, C. D. Latourette left Thursday even
ing for Seattle, where legal bueiness
demanded his urgent attention.
Frank Rogers, the tonsoralist who
formerly resided in this city, but now of
Portland, was in the city Tuescay.
J. P. Robertson, of Salem, was in Ore
gon City during the week on his way
back from a trip to Eastern Oregon.
Dr. Welch, of Portland, who has been
practicing for so long in this state, was
on the streets of this city Thursday.
Ed Reckner, James Campbell, Wallace
Cole and Liyy Stipp composed a party
who drove into the country Wednesday.
Dr. Summer was laid up for a day the
past week with some foot afflction, due
probably to over work and excessive
-Field SuDerintendent J. M Wisner.
Jr., leaves Saturday for Rogue River for
a week's inspection of the hatcheries
located there.
George L. Eyestone and wife, of
Martinsburg, Iowa, arrived Sunday and
will spend winter with his sister, Mrs,
Geo. F. Horton.
A. J, Douglass, of Eagle Creek, who
has been running a thresher in Eastern
Oregon, Sherman county, was in the
city Thursday.
Attorney Schuebel enjoyed a little re
laxation from his duties of his p'ofession
one day the past week by hunting Ore
gon native pheasants.
0. C. Glower, of Portland, was in the
city Wednesday enroute tor Koseburg
Mr. Clower was doing law office business
with John W. Draper.
Mb. and Mrs R. G. Pierce, who own
the green-house at Falls View, made a
trip to Oak Grove Wednesday after
new supply of carnations.
Tom ilankins, who has been confined
to his room for a tew days with pneu
monia, is able to be out and he will soon
resume his work on the steam saw;
J. H. James, wife and child, left
Thursday for their former home in
Barnston, Neb. They have been resid
ents of Colton for about eighteen months
John Lewellen and Tom Killiu, two
member of the board of county com
missioners made trip to Powells Valley
Wednesday to look alter some road
Mrs. Geo. A. Harding, depaitment
inspeclor of the Woman's Relief Corps,
is in Eastern Oregon, in the interest of
her official duties. She may remain
away two weeks.
0. VV. Pelky, who has been working
at Lewioville, Wash , was in Oregon
City Thursday on his way hom to
Molalla. He will bunt a week in the
mountains before returning to bis work.
Dr. Carll's buggy which was badly in
jared this week by the car running into
it near uanemah, will he memded ny
the Electric Oar company. It is pleas
ing to note this disposition on their
part. '
Mr. Van Dusan, fish commission for
the state of Oregon, and William Smith,
of Parkplace, have just comedown from
the upper Clackamas, where they spent
a few days inspecting the work in pro
gress there.
Miss Aneita Gleason has commenced
teaching her school at Jones' mill. She
has already taught near Clackamas
station. Her school numbers 35 pupils
i nd work is progressing nicely.
'Clarence Young, brother of liveryman
W. H. Yming, spent a day this week
at Grass Valley Eastern
X 8. Dick, of Canby was in Oregon
City Thursday.
Jacob Habsr. of Logan, was in Ore
gon City Tnnrsday.
Frank Perry, of Molalla, made a busi
ness trip to Oregon Oity.
Peter Wilson, a resident of Arthur
Prairie, was in this city Thursday.
E. Newkirk and son, ' of ; Arthur
rairie, were in this city Thsrsday.
Ernest Rands has been surveying for
the W. P. & P. Co on Grays River.
Tbad Stipp. who is a farmer residing
at Liberal.was in Oregon City Thursday.
Dan Beck, of Cottage Grove, a mining
contractor, was :n tnis city a day past
J. M. Mumpower, of Store, was in
this city Thursday transacting basi-
Vanice Allison, a barber at Cottage
Grove, was the guest of G. E. Griium
this week.
fined to her bed for the past two weeks,
is somewhat improved.
William Mav. who will be remember
ed for his reputation as a short distance
runner, Is in this city trom Washington,
where he has been working at harvest
ing most of the summer.
We are agents
for the celebrat
ed "W.B." Cor-g
sets. Guarantee!
to fit, or money
refunded. ' m
Good Weight Cot
( ' ton Blankets
Jg io-4....... -75
:g 11-4...... .1.00
g 12-4....... 1.7s
CvFine Selected
Wool Blank
Q) ets, 10-4 . . . 5.00
PScibber Hoods
Direct Prom the factory
No Middleman's Profit; "
Fine line of blankets cheap. Racket
Anyone wanting rock for foundations
can have same for the hauling away by
inquiring ai Courier-Herald office.
Adolph C. Hoofer has filed a divorce
complaint against his wife, Rhea M.
Hoofer. The ground for divorce is de
There Is no p-obability that the paper
mills can get started for a few days, as
the river still falls, notwithstanding the
rain of Tuesday night.
Mary Burton, of Portland, on Thurs
day filed a divorce in the clerk's office
in this city for a divorce from I er hus
band, J. J. Burton. The plea is aban
donment. The yestry of St. Paul'B church.which
met on Tuesday evening, decided to put
a new sidewalk from Main street to the
rectory gate. The other improvements
will be made in the near future.
The Saturday Club of the Congrega
tional church has decided to hold an
other one of its popular Thanksgiving
Markets on Wednesday before Thanks
giving Day. The place will be annouuced
Lowe's Madisou Square . Theatrical
Company, which is playing a week's en
gagement at Shively's opera house, is
giving good satisfaction to fair houses.
The company is above the average and
all its members seem to be artists.
The W. 0. W. will give an entertain
ment at Shively's opera house Tuesday
evening October 21. A very lengthy
programme has been prepared, consist
ing of numbers by the best local talent,
and it will prove interesting to all who
The Congregationalists will worship
in a church fiee from debt next Sunday.
The morning theme, will be "God's
Goodness Loading to Repentance." The
young people are kindly asked to notice
the evening theme "Habits Are They
Our Helpers or Masters?" All are wel
Charles Babcock, the Bolton light
house keeper ,aud another angler started
on Wednesday morning in a buggy for
the upper Clackamas bridge. They car
ried, to delude and elure the trout about
a peck of salmon egga. The appetite to
eat a big catch they cultivated on the
A. J. Douglass, of Eagle Creek, who
was recently arrested by Sheriff McGin
nis, of Sherman county, on a charge of
obtaining money under false iretense,
was discharged ol the crime on inurs-
day by the non-appearance of the com
plaining witness.
If vou want the m st effective styles
and lowest prices, call on Miss 0. Gold
James Kocher, son of Andy Kocher is
renorted very ill with rheumatism at
his home in Canby. The trouble .seems
to be very serious and it has been
necessary to keep him somewhat under
the influence of an opiate to deaden the
intense pain. His many friends in this
city anxiously await his permanent re
The actual work of raising the M.E
church is now under way. The men will
be thus engaged most of the present
week and oerhaoB 30 days will
table Linen
Silver Bleached, all linen, heavy
weight, "able damask, 68-inch
wide, yard ,.$1,25 and 1 60
Irish Bleached Damask, 54-inch
wide 39
All Linen Fringed Napkins, i8x
18, per dozen , .1 70
14x14, per pozen I 20
20x20 per dozen 2 00
All Linen Doilies, 9x9, each ... 5
A full line of the Sorosis) Under
skirts in black and colored Sateen,
$1.20 to $6.50.
Cele'ebrated "Banner" brand per
fect fitting Walking Skirts in blue,
brown and gray, waterproof meltons,
$4,50 to $12.00.
We' have had years of experience with Rubber Goods
Fountain Syringes', Bulb Syringes, Atomizers, Hot 'Water
Bottles, Cushions, &c, &c.
We know the kinds which give satisfaction and we
know where and how to get them at the right price. We
buy them direct from the factory, at bedrock prices,' so that
quality-for-quality we know that our prices can not be dupli
cated. Come and compare the quality. It is to your de
cided interest.
Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe $1.00
(As good as the average $1.25 and (1.50 Syringe.)
Alpha & Omega Bulb Syringe from 50c to $2.00
(The Continuous Flow Kind.)
Dr. Fullar's bafety Syringe $2.50
Marvel Whirling Spray $2.98
Goodyear Safety .$1.25
Hot Water Bottles $1.00 to $1.50
(New stock just received.)
Call at Adams Bros. Tuesday after
noon and arrange to join the class in free
embroidery lessons.
The popular Les JPapiHon Club will
give a nan at tne armory ou rnuaj
night, uctoDer ltn.
Adams Bros. have made arrangements
to start a class of twenty in tree em
broidery lessons. Call at their store on
Tuesday and join the class.
Street Commissioner John Green is
covering the bridga over the Abernethy
with new planks. The very mucn oe-
lapidated sidewalk at the south end of
the bridge ought also to be fixed up.
Old newspapers for sale at Courier-
Herald office.
C. G. Huntleu W. A. Huntley
A fresh shipment of Lowney's candies just in 5
cents to $100.
Boston Chocolate Chips fresh every week ; 50c per
before the new room is completed and
ready for use. The room will be very
desirable for a store room when every
innovation is made.
E. A. France waived examination m
the justice court Tuesday and is placed
under S100 bonds to appear in the dp
cuit court at Ks regular term next No
vember. He is charged with shooting
a valuable dog belonging to U. G Miller,
a clerk in the P. G. E. Co. The com.
nlaint is sworn to by John F. Clark
The defendant denies the charge and
will fight the case.
A new Roval and a 'new Queen dr
head sewing machines will be given op-
wav to customers of Parkplace tasn
Store on Christmas.
On Saturday evening there will be
cisen aerand ball a Clackamas under
auspices of Clackamas Lodge Nor 145, 1
0 . 0. F. at its new hall. This promises
to be an eniovable affair.and great pains
have been used to make it such. The
manaeement is under the control of re
snonmble men and orderly conduct will
be iuforced. The floor is unusually
aood and fine dancing will be the order
of the evening.
On Monday night a meeting of the
hoard of school directors was held. One
rule was adopted which was that no se
vpm iwnoral DUnishment would be ad'
ministered to a pupil before the .ole
-chool. Hereafter when the pupils'
conduct merits such severe punisbmen
the teacher is required to keep
th nnoil till after work hours, anda l-
miniater the punishment tin the of
lice of the principal.
Th work of taking ogzs on the Colnm
Vila rivvT bv the United States fish
onmrninaioner has closed for the seasou
At thelower stations over 20,000,000 eggs
mill he taen. At UlaeKamas hianori
nor 3.000.000 estgs have been taken am
at Rogue River nearly the same amount
... iL'in. Ths total number of euir.8
taken iu Oregon and Washington by the ' has accepted.
commission ia over zo.uuu.uuu. me meeting-,
Extra Quality China Wash Silk
all colors u .35 and 50
Black Taffeta Dress Silk ;5
Heavy Black Dress Silk, 36-inch
wide, guaranteed to wear .... I 50
Lamps & Jardinieres
Student Lamps, heavily nickel
plated fc. ....... 5
Rochester Lamps heavily nickel
Glass Stand Lamps, No. 1 burner
" " " No. 2 "
Glass Hand Lamps.
Glass Night Lamps. 25
Jardiniers new designs, beautiful
blended in two and three tone effects.
Just received a line of the celebrat
ed "Banner" brand waists in flannels
and silks, latest fall styles, 95c to
$7.50 each.
Crocker? & Glassware
Dinner Sets of American Por
celain, 54 pieces, decorated
with pink and blue blossoms. .5
Dinner bets 01 inglish Porce
lain, 44 pieces, blue and pink
decorations 8
Tea Sets, English Porcelain,
decorated, per set 83
Breakfast Plates, English Porce
lain, per set 95
Dinner Plates, English Porce
lain, per set. .... , 1
Oatmeal Sets, elegant decora
tions, 3 pieces
Cups and Saucers, Imported
China, per set . 1 20
Salt and Pepper Shakers, per set 10
At St. Paul's Episcopal church next
Sunday at 10 o'clock, the rectoFT Rev.
P. K. Hammond.will preach on "Speak
ing in Parable," and at the evening ser
vice at 5 o'clock on "An Important
On Tuesday a representative of the
Carlnoii Currier Silk Co. will be at
Adams Bros, to arrange tor tne iorma-
tion of a class in embroidery lessons.
This is an opportunity for those inter
ested in art work to receive tuition free
of charge. i
Ahorse beloneine to G.W.Martin
came home Mondav nieht from running
at large on the West Side with a bullet
hole in its leg. Who the culprit is. and
the reason for his unseemly conduct is a
mystery. It is thought that the same
gun that shot the horse may have been
the one that shot C. G . Miller's dog, as
the bullet hole was the same size.
The finest creation in skirts ever seen
in Oregon City; some with circular
flounce, real beauties. Racket Store.
There is a squabble over letting the
contract on the Garde new building to
S. S. Mohler, a non-union painter, who
was formerly a member of the union.
Johnson & Andaews, who let the con
tract for the painting, and who nave
the contract for the construction, areof
fleers in the Carpanters' Union. The
members of the Painters' Union have
preferred charges against Johnson &
A serious accident was narrowly
aveited Tuesday afternoon on the hill.
Wh a Mrs. G W. Urace was driving
in 1 buggy the ho se shied and started to
run, but Mrs. (irace managed 10 stop
the animal before any damage had been
done. When she tried to hitch the
horse to a post it started again and suc
ceeded in tearing the harness to pieces,
but as Mrs. Grace was on the ground
she escaped uninjured. The horse is
ordina.ilv a eentle creature, but it had
not been used for several days.
At a meeting of the students of the
Oregon City Academy held last Friday
nitrht. Marcus Suearman was elected
president ot the newly organized debat
ing society. The meetings will be held
everv week on Friday evenins,and some
live subject will 'be discussed. It is also
the plan now to have someone of the
West Side make a short address to the
class. A t the coming meeting Howard'
M. Brownell has been invited to ad
dress the society, which invitation he
The public is invited to
At the organization of the Academy
debating association held last Friday
evening the following officers were
elected to serve during the ensuing
winter: Marcus 8ugarman, president;
Virgil Clnrk, vice-president; Etfie
Grace, secretaay; Edward Willey, treas
urer; Aurora Dickey, recording secre
tary. This Friday night occurs the first
debate of the year. The subject is : Re
solved, That "Immigration Is a Benefit
to the United States." There are to be
two speakers on a side and three judges.
The public is invited.
Twenty five or thirty bankers from
the East arrived here last Friday at the
invitation of Messrs MorriB and White
head, on a toui of inspection of the ex
isting and contemplative railroad lines
of the Oregon Water Power and Rail
road Co., of which they are the bond
holders. These gentlemen went trom
this city to Springwater, where they
inspected the construction work now in
progress. They expressed themselves as
highly pleased with the resources of the
Northwest country and shows a willing
ness to expend a great amount of money
in the development and upbuilding of
this section.
Do youi trading at the Parkplace Cash
Store and get a chance on the two sew
ing machines to be given away Christmas.
The Woodmen of the World have
been making great preparations for their
entertainment to be given at Shively's
hall Tuesday, October 21. Following
is the program to be rendered : Ove rttire,
W. O. W. Band; remarks, G. B. Dimick;
selection, Mandolin Club; recitation,
Charles Robinson j Bolo, MiBsMarvOon-
yers; recitation, Mrs. J. R. Hickman;
solo, G. T. Howrd; recitation, W. W.
LuoiRdan, of Portland ; selection, Women
of Woodcraft Quartet; recitation, Mrs.
Florence Vaughn ; selection, W. O. W.
Brass Quartet; club swinging, R. War
ner ;so1j, Charles Bluhm; recitation,
George Bowerlin, of Portland; solo,
Frank Aldrich ; recitation, Miss Carrie
Seely ; overture, band; vocal selection,
Confer brothers ; olo, Walter Little ; log
pawing contest between Oregon City and
Portland camps J box-nailing contest,
members Oregon City and Portland cir
clet j selection by the W. 0. W. band.
The Parkplace Cash 8tore will give a
way two sewing machines on Christmas
See Holmes, Parkplace, Oregon.
On Monday, the house of Grant Orelt
zer, on the railroad this side of New
hra, burned down nearly all the house
hold effects being consumed. As
the flues were good, the cause
of the fire is bard to explain.
Letter List,
Following is the list of letters remain
ing the Oregon City post office Octobe r
10th, 1602.
Women's List Miss Ida Hurbert,
Ethyle Rich, Miss Mary Scott, Miss
Ruth Thayer. ,
tien's List Max Anderson, Eastern
Out fitting Co, L E Gardner, Alex Gill,
H P Marvin, F J Nye. Claude Skinner,
0 J Smith, E 0 Williams, Fred Wyder.
G. H. Hobton, P.M
Absolutely Pure