Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 10, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Car us.
In memory ol Mrs. Mary Turner, who
died at Carus September 30th, 1902,
and was buried at Mountain View ceme
tery, Oregon City, Oct. 2nd.
Mary Turner waa born April 15th,
1853, at Ororaback, North Aberdare,
South Wales, and the daughter of John
and Hannah Evans, of Victoria Inn
Cronbach. She came to Oregon in 1880
and engaged in the hotel business at
Albina, where she married VVilliau.
Turner, who is left to mourn hie loss.
, They moved Irom Albina to Kansas,
and after residing there one year they
moved to Carbonado, Wash, at which
place they resided for eight years, and
made many friends They left Carbon
ado four years ago for the Klondyke
country, when she was taken with can
cer in the breast, and after undergoing
Beveral operations, and trying every
thing possible for a remedy her life end
ed on Sept. 30, at the rebideuco oi her
sister, Mrs. J. R. Lewis, of Carus, who
attended her for the last two months of
her long sickness. She was a Christian
since she was 13 years of age, and was
always willing to help the needy, and
could always make friends, wherever
she went. At the request of the de
ceased William Roberts prayed at the
bouse, and a few Welsh hymns were
sung of her own selection, after which
Rey. Elmer, of the Evangelist church
took for bis text, Amos, 4th chap
ter, 12th verse, "Prepare to meet thy
God." He spoke very effectively, aud
of the Bisters readiness to meet ber God.
She left to mourn her loss an affection
ate husband, an adopted daughter,
father, mother, three sisters and two
brothers in Wales and one sister, Mrs.
J. R. Lewis, of Carus, Or. At the ceme
tery the Daughters of Rebekah, of which
she waa a member, took charge of the
service, and was buried according to
their lites and ceremonies. The funeral
was well attended with Mends of the
deceased and family. About 30 vehicles
were in line. May the Lord bless each
and everyone of the bereaved family.
Union Hall.
L. V. Burns made a business trip to
Portland luBt week.
M ike II nrias and uncle were the guests
of Joseph Porringer and family last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Helvey visited J.
H. Burns laBt Sunday.
Mr. Riderman, of Portland, visited his
Bister, Mrs. Joseph Perringer, one day
last week.
Our school will begin on the 3rd of
November. Mr. Snider, of Aurora, will
be the teacher.
Mrs. Caroline Thomas visited Mrs.
Mcintosh one day luBt week.
J. Robbing and family went to Oregon
City last Saturday on bueines.
Frank Hilton called on J. L. Thomas
last Sunday.
Charlie Thomas, who lias been em
ployed at J. Adkins' sawmill for the past
year, is taking a vacation. He is spend
in it at home and passing away the
time by hunting.
JII. Burns and family attended Po
mona Grange at New Era on Wednes
day. Misses Olive and Katie Freidrich, of
New Era, were the guests of their cousin,
E:iza Burns, last Sunday.
Jacob Crader, who is visiting his son,
Samuel Crader in San Jose, Cal., is ex
pected to return in a few days. Mr.
trader's health has improved some since
he loft Oregon.
Potato digging will soon be a thing of
the past for this year.
James Adkins went to Portland one
day last week.
Mr. and M b. J. L. Thomnst wen to
Canby one day this week.
Joseph Briggs gave a dance at his
residence last Saturday night. The
dance was well attended.
Jieaver Lake,
Miss Tessa Larkin, of Marquam.was
doing buaiuess in this section one day
last week,
N. J. Thomas lias a new house under
construction which gives matters a ser
ious turn. Norm is an energetic young
man and means business.
MriDodson had the misfortune to
lose a valuable lot of timber through the
forest fires. Rhice Gaunn also suffered
Eome loss.
Mr. Ilaun and Mrs. Vorhies and
families returned from the hop fields
Wednesday last. They report that they
had a good time and earned lots of
money .
The crack of the hunters rille can be
heard on all sides.
Bert Wade has taken the contract to
cut a hundred cords of wood for V. W.
McLearn .
Raymond Wyland was visiting his
Bister near Scotts M ills 'at week.
Mr. Fox, of Rock t , had a des
perate encounter with u .ear a tew days
A. CroBin had the misfortune to have
a number of cattle badly burned during
the late fire.
Mra. B. Wade was doing business a
the county Beat one day last week,
Mis. Murphy was visiting relatives
noar Monitor Mills during the past
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Groshong were
visiting relatives at. Jefferson last week.
Miss Leona Mohr vieitod Fred Smith
Mr. Fish, daughter and son, of Waits
burg, are visiting relatives here,
Miss Alice Kittor will teach the Rural
Dell school this winter.
Vei n Uansdell went to Antelope last
George Kiiuer wont to Oregon City on
business Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stuwe, Tena
Stuwo and Miss Sophie visited the
county seat Saturday.
Miss Wildti Elliott, who has been
quite sick, is convalescent.
Mrs. Roeder returned to Portland
Frank Bagaby'i baby is quite sick.
Henry Osterholz is hauling off his
Mrs. W. Palmer, of La Grande, and
Mrs. Mills, of Hubbard, viBited Mrs.
Molson Tuesday.
WillTull, the road boss, is busy now
with a few teams putting gravel on the
George Zeigler had $200 stolen a few
days ago. The tnief has been caught
and will be brought to trial.
The Barlow school opened Monday
with a good attendance. We now have
a ninth grade with Miss Barlow as,
It was a boy that came to the home
of Ed Lindolm's last Friday morning and
he wears a broad smile.
Col. Blanchard is quite low.
The saloon was robbed a few nights.
A . E. Vright was a caller in Colton
on the let. He hag purchased a fine
team of iron greys.
Misses Bessie and Meiiia Hubbard, of
Portland, are spending a few days visit
ing friends here.
Jesse James started for his old home
in Nebraska on the second.
B. C. Palmer, of Oak Point, Wash.,
was in Colton on business on the 1st
and 2nd.
Miss Ida Wilson took her departure
Give better satisfaction than anything on
the market at anything like the price, be
cause they are made of good material, to
Bland "Oregon roads" Iron corners ou
bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second
Krowth wheels, screwed rims. If you want
to feel sure that you are getting your mon
ey's worth, ask for a "Bee Line" or a
"Mitchell" (Uenney) Buggy. We guar
antee them.
Mitchell, Lewis Slave Co.
shuttle, Spokane, Boise. Portland, Or.
, Send for Special Catalogue Free
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore.
Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles
x Mention this Paper
of Any
from Colton for a few weeks' sojourn at
Bird Lamb, of Marqnam, waa calling
on friends here this week.
Mrs. Gerber is having quite a serious
time with a felon on her hand.
Mr. Hunter and family returned on
Jlondavfrom Mission Bottom hopfields.
Frank Countryman and family went
to Oregon City on business the fore part
of the week.
The school- trustees were putting in a
Hue and otherwise finishing up the
schoolhouse preparatory to the open
ing of the fall term of school, which will
be conducted by David Miller, of High
land. Mr. Miller is an excellent teacher
and means what he says and is just what
our school needs, and the directors are
fortunate in securing him,
Mr. and Mrs. Hauimet, Mr. and Mrs.
Gorbett, Mrs. Uottberg, Mrs. Mary
Wright and Mr. Olie Wright were the
guests ol Mr. and Mrs. James last Sun
day. Geo. Uobeson, of Ostrander, Wash.,
spent a few days of this week visiting
relatives at Turkey Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson returned
home from Alaska last week. They
look like they had been sojourning in a
healthy country. A. B. ',.
N. II. Smith end; brother-in-law are
putting ,in a sawmill on the former's
place, and they intend to have the mill
in operation h November 1st.
Miss Anna Hiciiibothen will ts')
four months' term of school t u..iliiUI
on the loth.
Mrs. Hemoy, of Washington, was vis
iting relatives here the past week.
L. Funk and family have returned
from Ocean Park, Or., where they have'
been on a vacation. Lots of fish at 2
James Fullam has a force of men get
ting ready for laying plank. The mill
expects to finish cutting in about one
Willie Stone is nursing a rheumatic
leg since he haa returned from the bop
patch. vVe hope he will soon be around
D C. Richardson haa just completed
painting the school house, district No.
75. He has done a good job. L. F.
R P Cooper has his chop mill running
at full blast. 6
Mr Bonacher is working for A Guild
at present.
MissBelva Shaw visited Miss Lena
Kay during the week.
J W Standinger made a business trip
to Oregon City Monday.
Mrs A L 'Larkins and family visited
Mrs T R Orem Sunday.
Miss Ann Noyer, who is working at
Linn's Mill, visited her parents a few
days last week.
Quite a pleasant surprise party was
given at the home of Mrs E amsbyin
honor of her 70th birthday on Tuesday,
October 7. Those present were Mr and
Mrs Seiver Ramsby and family, Mr
and MrR fVinnoi IMv . n
and Mra O T Kay and family, Miss
The !Stai
of Stars
ta r
f Has ball bearings in turn table. Turns
1 eely to the wind. Ball bearing thruBt
n wheel, insuring lighest running qual
ities, and reserving greatest amount of
power for pumping. Galvanized after
making. Put together with galvanized
bolts, double muted, no part oan rust or
get loose and rattle. Weight regulator;
perfect regulation. No spring to change
tension with every change of tempera
ture, and grow weaker with age. Kenairs
always on hand. These things are
worth money to you. Then why not buy
Simple Stover
aU i if 1
' ;ll .Ol 1-f
Gasoline Engine
!), 3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain
and Pumping. Simplest En
gine made. More easily un
derstood than any other.
Catalogue Free.
Belva Shaw, Mrs Marts, Mrs Myers and
daughter and Bister, Miss Marts. They
enjoyed themselves until late in the
afternoon, when they all departed for
their homes.
School is progressing nicely with Miss
Lentzas t acher.
Mr and Mrs Cooper and Mr and Mrs
O T Kay attended church at Colton
Mrs J W Standinger called on Mrs E
Ramsby Sunday evening.
Mraud Mrs Frank Sager have been
visiting the former's parents the pst
two weeks. Torsv.
Potato digging is the order of the day'
at present, and with light yield as a re-
A few of the farmers are sowing wheat
on summer lanow. out uie siunoie tieuts
are too dry to plow.
There will be a great many fattened
hog sold from this section, also beef
Seed cheat in this community is about
all sold.
School commenced la9t Monday with
Miss Lillian Gans as teacher.
Our sawmill man, E Austin, has his j
engine in place and running, but has!
in so many orders for lumber that they
can not be filled at present.
W. O. Van, ban's barn is
lie has live men working
on the root.
Wm llnlvird ia building a new
lioi.se lor iiiaui ll near Austin's mill.
J O Morris isblatiiig Mumps on bis
place. Jim stands buck and smiles when
the stumps go into the air
Richard Wright haa rusticed his
house and built a kitchen onto the same.
Another shingle mill is to be built Boon
in this section.
"J E Coatks raised the roof of Grandma
Wright's house one story and had the
shingles on before the rain.
v Mrs. Whites, Mrs Graves and daugh
ter, Ivy, visited Mrs S Wright last
Gilbert White has quite a taste ior
strawberry blondes.
Mrs S Wright visited her sister, Mrs
Martha White, and family, who are to
leave for Malheur county soon.
' H L Barnes and wife visited Grandma
Wright Sunday.
",'.lda Bowie, of Portland, is visiting
relatives here.
Louis Cusick, of Oswego, and sister,
Mrs G W Martin, of Oregon City, passed
through Liberal Saturday.
Ernest Jones Bays it is dangerous to
be in a neighborhood where it rains
B didn't get the rat last week, but C
got it this week.
Isn't it funny that an old man would
get frightened at a light shining through
a funnel?
" Well, Bunchy, have you retimed
from the Klondyke yet, or are you dead?
Mountain Vieiv.
Mies Eletha Cummins was up from
Portland Sunday and is well pleased
with her situation there.
Best possible to butld .
No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitchell
because the cream of wood stock Is used, only af
ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is wel
ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and runs
the lighest of any.
It Is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag,
on was built, and they have been built continu
ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy
a Mitchell you get the benefit of this 70 years' experience.
Feed Mills
Fanning Mills
Feed Cutters
Cider Mills
Case Plows
Hoosier Drills
Kemp Manure
Blizzard Ensilage
Hoover Potato
We sell the best goods
Mr Ray has rented the Duvall place
and has moved his family onto the same.
He has sold his team to Mr Hall.
Maple Lane Grange held a re'ry suc
cessful meeting last Saturday. The
state secretary, Mrs Howard, of Mulino,
was present.also Dr Casto.Mrs Waldron
and the Misses France, patrons of War-
ner Grange of New Era. Two appli
cants were initiated.
Charlie Ely has gone down on the
Sandy, Multnomah county, to work at
erecting a fish hatchery.
Mrs C Kly and children vitited her
brother, Mahlon Moran, in Portland,
last week.
Mr Grout and family moved into Dave
Story's house on Sixth and Jefferson
street last week.
Allie Grout had tie misfortune to
break his arm just above the elbow on
There will be preaching at the Moun-
tain View church next Sunday, Oct 12,
iyu mere will also be communion
Boen is driving team for Mr Hall
in Mr Hay's placo.
Born, to Mrs Mollie Shepard, on
Oct. 6, 1902, a daughter.
Grandpa Frost is at the hospital ill
t'ortianil, wliere lie will nave an opera-
lion performed
! County Clerk Sleight was calling on
friends last Sunday.
I Mrs Otto Vorpahl's sister isslayiua:
here for a few weeks.
China pheasants are mighty scarce
around here.
The Degree of Honor took in two new
me mb erelnst Saturday evening, after
8 Whe the Leaves 1
Begin to Turns
A-1 4t,rt 1 XT - ..if- T
ivuu uic uui ifrcn .nreezes m
comfort begin to think about
g fortably but dress ecomicals.
of everybody.
of everybody.
Satisfaction every time or
we don't want your money. '
New Good Received. Bis Reduction in all our HnnrU
consisting of a fine, line of
X . ...
w xiverytning you need to
W we as is tnat you examine our stock of goods, feeling assur
CP ed that you get more for your money at the Racket Store
than at any other place in Oregon City.
which the members adjourned to Mrs
Roth's home, where an enjoyable time
was spent.
George Ranch is putting up a new
house on the lols he recently purchased,
adjoining his livery btable.
Ralph Knfght, who has been running
a cigar store store in Portland, has sold
out and returned to Canby.
Mr Rosenkrans has some friends from
Michigan visiting at his home this
John Rones, of Portland, came up last
Monday to visit his parents. I
Mr Dubyns, of lone, Or, was shaking
hands with old friends last Friday.
Mr Cum amirs has started nn th
large prune dryer. He has about a two
weeks' run.
Our school commenced last Monday
with a fair attendance. Professor
Winches and wife will teach this winter.
Mesdames Wolgamot and Ciayton
have moved from the farm in with Mrs
Rydman. They will rent their farm to
Mr May.
Mrs L L Holms and baby are visiting
her parents, Mr and Mrs T. Blanchard,
for a few weeks.
Dr Dedman and mother, from Clacka
mas, came up last week tor a few days'
Mrs Henry Hedges, who has been in
the East for the past few months, re
turned to her home in Canby last week.
Jim Kocher, son of Andrew Kocher,
is verv sick with sciatica rheumatism.
Dr Ben Geisy.of Aurora, and Dr Strick
land, of Oregon City, are attending him
with small hopes of his recovery.
A Mr. Anderson, a Swede gentleman,
has moved with his far.ily into the
small house this side of Mr. Ganong's
Mr. Lindsey's patch of squash will
turn out several wagon loads. The
Urge yellow and green spheres suggest
squash pie one inch thick, such as ma
used to make.
The railroad company is building a
new fence betwfln its tmcir anA h
wagon road, near Mr. Sohmitt's place.
Frog Pond
The Frog Pond farmers are waiting
patiently for a "soaker" of rain to moist
en the ground to plow.
The Red Front
Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon
Good Green Coffee, per lb ioc Boy's Wool Hats, from . . 35c up
GoodRoast Coffee per lb I2c Men's Wool Hats from. .40c up
Arm&HammerSoda, 8 lbs 25c
Washing Powders, per lb. 5c
Good Laundry Soap, 20 Umbrellas, from 40c up
bars 70c . '
Liquid Shoe Dressing, bot- . t, . , .
tie gc We the carry Celebrated Gil-
Blueing,' box' !.'.'.'!.'!!!!'. sc bert LininSs and Near Silks- '
Blueing, bottle 5c
Sewing Machine Oil, bottle 5c We have the mcst complete
Battle Axe Tobacco, 2 line of Dress Trimmings, Laces,
plugs 75c Applique, Braids and Fancy
Buttons in Oregon City and
MACKINTOSHES. carry an assortment equal to
Misses' Mackintoshes with any in Portland.
detachable collars $1 So , F,Ur Tr,m""n6f for children's
Women's Mackintoshes, cIoa.ks in aI1 colors' from I0C
from .' 2 so yardup-
Men's Mackintoshes, from 1 50
Boys' Mackintoshes, from 1 25 We carry the J. B. Lewis,
Wear Resister and Bradley &
Metcalf Shoes, which always give
We carry the Sweet Orr Un- satisfaction, and we sell them at
ion-Made Overalls and Jumpers, prices to suit.
- - - We Trade for Farm Produce and Shingles - - -
. .
ow th hpa
their Fall needs. Dress com-
HUW V.ail U'l 71
-. M t VklU Will
We aim to supply the wants X
numerous to mention. All
Mr and Mrs T L Turner returned
home from a month's visit at Day
ton, Wach., where they have been visit
.ing relatives.
John Noble, of Oregon City, was vis
iting Sharp Bros last week, and spent a,
fe v days hunting.
Charles Turner had the misfor tune
to chop off his first finger on his left
hand while cutting ojt oak for single
trees la6t Tuesday. He was taken to
Oregon City and Dr Sommer dressed
Miss .Katie Weed, of Jefferson, is
staying with Mrs B F Weddle.
J Q Gage was seen dm ing a few cows
through the burg Saturday.
Jake Peters and D jck Aden waB visit
ing at Tualatin Sunday.
BF Weddle, of Stafford, sold his fa
mous draught horse, Bolly, for $125.
J L Kruse has commenced digging his
Justice Aden is busy at spare time
studying law.
Henry Elligson is busv drying rrunes.
hop fields.
C Henry Oldenstadt, of Proseer, Wash,
who recently had a car load of horses
stolen from that place, heated them
at Sherwood, Or. The men were ar
rested and are wating for extradition pa
pers to remove them to the state of
nil.- t i --t i j
Aim j.uni bcuooi commencea last
week with Mary Wielding as teacher.
William Stone, Jr, is improving slowly-
Mioo Tillia Mf.,V,K! it
Spregue, Saturday and1 Sunday.
Mrs Meaner is getting over her lame
ness Blowly.
Messrs Farr and Burns were hunting
in our burg one day last week.
T W Linn is building a new house.
A $65 chart has been purchased in
the Linn school. They are going to have
JZ- l !f .1 I - - l
house. They expect to have a new
school house in the future.
R f T.inn rtmiotoil 1 0 ClCn foo 1rr,
ber to the fire sufferers at Springwater.
fk..i:n u i f i . - ti
vumno i Uiiri lino IJUUQW i Ul 11IU1U
to work.
William Rnnnan ia Vii. il .1 ! lSs li..ni
quite rapidly.