ounerI regon COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 22 C. D. & D. 0. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Reali;Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OKEGON NEWS np TRE viv.m i (COMMERCIAL BANK oy OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to oheck. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. b. J, , ijatoubettb; . ! Mdeut Mgyeb Cashie GREENMAN PIONEER EXPRESSMAN C. N- THE (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the oity OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty CauSeld Building nRKOfiN niTY OREGON )R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST University Cental mttUUXHJ V- School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block murrsnv CITY . OREGON V II. COOPER, Notary Public. TJooi TJctdta nnd Insurance. Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Juc, urawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens Building, OregoD C'ty, Ore. 0. E. H YES ATIORNEY Btevens Building, opp. OREGON CITY AT LAW Bank of Oregon City OREGON QE0. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC PRAT. ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front OREGON CITY Court House Block OREGON QRANT B. DIMICK Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all Oour.s In a"" auQ UlHiriUV www w w Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office in btevens Building, Oregon City, Or. Friday, Oct. 3. W. R. Hearst is nominated for con gress in New York. New York democrats turn down Perrv Belmont for congress. Senator Doliver makes a speech up holding the Iowa idea of tariff revision. Mine operators and Mitchell hold con ference on coal war at White House. National Livestock Ass'ciation is pre paring for hot fight on beef trust. Chamberlain denies that English edu cational bill is to be withrrawn General Weyler will resign as minis ter of war for Spain. Europe is being swept by a cold wave. Ex-Governor Whiteaker died last. Eleven men killed in coal mine explo sion near Black Diamond, Wash. Question of state land title to be de- cided by Salem court. Herman renews recommendation for Southwestern Oregon forest reserve. coal pricks. Prices now : Retail Egg $20 00 Move. 20 00 Nut 20 00 m m 1 ftm jmm, ..... r THE OLD RELIABLE 6$ OS ft. AbsoIutelyfPureT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE This Trade Mark on the side of a wagon box is a guarantee of excellence and high grade quality in the construction of m this wagon. If yours does s not have it on dispose of it A and get one that has as you j cannot afford to run any jg chances on the material used d in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money if; though the manufacturers replace the broken part. ij A '4L m H Racine-Vis. s -. t"" V', i I i " V USA. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. Trr,ttl and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases . Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m. 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Nokbis, M. D. J. W. Powell M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city or country promptly attended Office: 1,2,17, Cbarman Bros. Block, Oregon City, JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practioe In all Courts of the State w Pinhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY. OREGON 0. SCHUEBEL TTREN & W. 8. TJ'REN SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Etutfdiet Slbbotat will oraotioe '.in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts ot title, lend you money anu wuu jtmr uu nmt mnrteaee. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON flrBt mortgage. OREGON CITY JJ I. SIAS DIAL KB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles ft ANBY OREGON ' W. U. YOUNG'S Liverv u Feed Stabis FinestlTurnouts inj City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHAN'6 Liverv, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON ACKRE'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS rnres dysperi and all dipordem arising firm Jnd KUQorsca uy uuiiw-ho - 'j Trial package frea by wntln: sold bj all druggist,. h cure no r-B.""" Pea 7 50 Buckwheat 6 00 Rice 5 25 Barley 4 50 Soft coal 7 00 Coal by the pail 25 Before the strike: Anthracite $5 45 Soft coal . 2 45 Soft by the pail 08 Saturday, October 4. Meeting adjourns without result Roosevelt will make another move for peace. Operators and miners declare fight will be to the last ditch. Miners make offer of arbitration, but operators will not recognize union.' Massachusetts republicans nominate ticket and declare for tariff revisiqn. False rumor about legality of Shaw's financial relief plan causes great Hurry in Wall street. Dreyfus will not attend Zola's funeral at request of M me. Zola. State rests its case in action again tt Snyder in St. Louis boodle case. Monday, October 6. Republicans of the East take a gloomy view of the political Nitutition. Coal miners' strike and growing opposition to trusts likely to change many votes from republicans. Remains of Emile Zol.i were laid to rest in Paris with simple hut impressive ceremonies, participated in by thous ands of workinunien. Three-hour conference between the president and fivrt of his advisers yes terday is believed to have re'ulted in a plan for ending coalminera' strike. Strike leaders are taking steps to hold their lines firm. President cannot review the G. A. R. procession. The funeral of the late ex-Governor Whitakerat Eugene was the most im pressive ever teen there. In a quarrel over a livestock contract Charles Roberts shot and killek Ed Glenn in Crook county. Storm plays havoc in Death Valley, Cal. United States exports of manufactures show laage increase; China takes much cotton cloth . , Steamer Hassalo and ship Cypromene in collision on Columbia River. Portland printers vote $750 aid to striking c:alminers. London Stock Exchange hangs on American monetary conditiou. Tuesday, Oct. 9. Full Pennsylvania militia to be called out. Roosevelt has lOarrol D. Wright meet Mitchell and sends Sargent on same mission. German press sympathizes with miners and denounces operators. Senator Ilanna challenges Tom John son to deblte the tariff and he accepts. Greater New York democracy will put up independent state ticket in New York city. Ilanna believes the millennium for capital and labor near at hand. General Corbin and John W. Gates arrested in London for "scorching'' with automobile. Attache of French war office and prominent nationalist fight duel over Dreyfus. French miners will decide today whether there shall be a general strike. National G. A. R, encampment be gins at Washington, D. C. National irrigation congress convenes at Colorado Springs, Colo. Treasurer of Hawaii is a defalter in the sunvof $17,000. Business section of Geivais suffers fire of $50,000 as follows: A Tauziers & Co. store $8,000 Farmers' warehouse 7,500 James Finney, bank 4,000 Jake Bineman, saloon 4,000 B A Nathan, hardware 3,500 F A Mangold 2,500 Masonic Hall 2,500 W J Clarke, postoffiee Jand print" ing plant 1,500 August Nibler, butcher .... 1,500 Ir Fitzgerald, drugstore 500 Mrs Plattner, residence 500 W Thompson, confectionery 150 James Clark, building 400 M Becker, saloon 1,500 John Weiss, furniture 1,600 Dr Karten, office 200 Oliver Thibodea, building 2,000 Herman Halzman, jewelry 1,000 McKinley Mitchell, buildings.... 2,500 John Miller, 2500 cords wood ,400 Louis Schafer. reeidence 800 Bob Stevens, barber 100 W L Horrel, confectione 2W Public Und entries show big immigra tion to Oregon. Carrland cise again decided in favor of government. Stockholders of Lewi- and Clark fair elect 10 directors to represent sta'e-nt- BUY A FISH large. Trinl of A'tdraw White for murder of Beauctitine b-'Kins. Fred T. Merril is heard before grand jury as to gambling graft in Pnrtland. Uuited Stales good ma-d commission ers are in Portland to arraniie conven tion. Port of Ponlntid commission votes $400,000 bonds for purchase of site of new drydock. Lem Gaw. an awed Chinese, is mur-dert-il in PurtUnd as the result of a feud. . Sunday, October 5 . Coal miners roav be asked to return to work pending official investiuation. National interference is possible but nut KJ? probable. Easter n press indorses stand i K3 taken by Roosev-H. , '--, Washington railroads cut out passes j V for politicians. . i J . i 1 1 J ft secretary Moody will mane political j gjjg postal card ana may save you dollars. speecne in vv eat We also carry a full line of Buggies and Spring Wagons. Write us for prices on everything you need, it cr.!y takes a President Roosevelt's condition de-j mands gi eater quiet. . i Bishop Potter and Mrs. A. C. Clark ' wed in New York. , R. M. Snyder found guilty of bribery I in SI. Loui.i legislative scandal. I Americans completely rout Moros in Mindanao. . " " Z la's iuneral today will be atWndtd by 60,0 0 members ol societies. Death list iu Japtu typhoon num'iers 1900. I King Eilwxrd ex'ends many courte sies to American generals in London. ' Hop prices are apt to soar higher. City officials of Salem leave re-election to their friends. Great Northern secures terminal grounds at Victoria, B. C New York stocks Bet back by failure of coal conference. Nine dollars a ton is the price of soft coal in New York today. Anthracite has no fixed price One lot of five tons was sold todav for $125 by one retailer, and 8a cents a bushel is now being asked in some places This is at the rate of $32 a ton. The cargo of the City of Chicago, i Welsh coal, was put on sale today at $15 a ton. N orthwest Implement Lompany, 208 FRONT STREET, PORTAND ORE C'iicuit Court. A special term of circuit court was held Thursday of las week by Judge Thomas A. McBiide in hich some im portant matters were deposed of. In the case of Mary Mader vs. Thomas Charman, et al, involving a judgment of $4000, the judge confirmed the 6ale. On motion of plaintiff the case of the Oswego Commercial & Savings Bank vs. Mary O. Well was dismissed. R. W. Schuler and O. H. Chapman were given juiigment in tneir case against Wong Tongjthe judgment was by default as Wong long inaiie no answer. Sagaline A. Knighton was given a di vorce from Marvilla Knighton. In the case of G. E. Kline v. Matt and Sarah E. Clemens, judgment was had in favor of plaintiff and the property of de fendant ordered sold to satisfy judg ment. Eldora Younger was granted a divorce from J. R. Younger on the grounds of abandonment. HEAVY LOSSES- The Oregon Fire Relief Association, had all its 26 forest fires paid up two weeks ago and no extra call has yet been made on the members. Geo. E. Hargreaves, Agent, Oregon City, Weather Report. Following is the voluntary observers' meteorological Record for month of September at Miramonte Farm, Clacka mas county, Or. : Mean temperature, 59.6. Maximum temperature, 83 Date.lOth. EZ3 Minimum temperature, 35 degrees. Date 28th and atn. 6ij Tolal precipitation, 1.03 inches. No. days clear, 23. Partly cloudy, 5. Cloudy, 2. Prevailing wind-Direction, northwest. Remarks More or less smoky during entire month. G. Ml'ECKE, Voluntary Observer. America's Famous Beauties. Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uees Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's dru0' store. To Our Friends and Patrons: Heavy losses wo have suffered through the recent fires placed us in a tight pinch wo need money,' and ask our friends to como and buy their winter supplies from our mammoth stock for cash. We will slaughter Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines, and wg will givo you a discount on all other goods purchased be tween now and December 1st for cash. Do not miss your chance, Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for nearly half price. Frank Busch, The House Furnisher 3ZTTT o., li vd io, I