OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER S, 1902. Oregon Srojrjtline and Union Pacific THE E At The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS AIL.Y WO VIA. THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. in. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT "KE, DEN, OMAHA, " CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ( ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN '6:00 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv 6 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaveB Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full Information call on or address nearest O. R. & N. Tloket Agent, or address A.J.. CRAIG, G, P. A., Portland, Oregon GO EAST VIA ASTORIA & C0LUMBII RIVER RAILROAD CO. LEAyE3 I Depot Fifth and I Sts., I Poetund 8:00 A. M. 7 00P.M. For Maygers, Rainier, 'latskanie, Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Seadde, Astoria and Seashore Express, rtaily. Astoria Express, Dally. ARRIVES 11:10 A.M. 9:40 P. M, Ticket Office, 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J. C. Maxo, Gen. Pass. Aft.. Astoria, Ore. PORTLAND-ASTOHIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Port'and 7 A. M Leave Astoria 7 P. M THE DAILES-PORTLAP ROUTE STRS. TAHOMA and HETLAKO Daily Trips Except Sunday STR. TAHONA Leave Portland, Mon., Wrd. and ri. .. 7 A.M. Leave The Dalles, Tues., Thurs and Sat.. 7 A. M. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues , Thnrs. and Sat. ... .7 A. M Leave Dalles, Hon., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN 861 PORTLAND, OKXGUN AGENTS A. J. Taylor ABtoria, Ore. J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ore. A. K. Fuller .Hood River. Ore. Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. Henry Olmatead Carson, Wash. John T. Totton Stevenson, Wash. J. O. Wvntt .. Vancouver, Wash. E. W. CRICHTON, PORTLAND, ORE. Only transon'inen'al linn passing duc tiv through h It Lake City, Leadvi'.'s, Paehlo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three splendidly epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most magnificent scenery in America bv daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes oi tickets. For cheapest rare and descriptive literature address J. D. riANSFIELD, General Agent 24 Third Street, Portr-nd, Orein The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Sirs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland ffonching at Iway points on both sides of the uoiumDia river. Both of the above steamers have been re ni and are in excellent share for the season ofl 00 The Hi'L'uliitor Line will endeavor togiveita patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamer, of The Begulalor Line. The above steam erB leave rort1end7a. m.an Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arriveat destination in amp time for outgoing trains. Portland O (floe, The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. t CourtStreet. A. C. Al.LAWAY General Age "RYETAB" Whiskey Beans. Something absolutely new and with which we have experi mented for yean. One bean makes one glass Ar tificial W hiskey (Rye or Bour bon); six beans to the pint. Just the tiling for travelers, and convenient lor picnics, excur sions, etc. Contains ail the virtue of the best whiskies without the dele terious effect. Made from the pure vegetable mutter, and guar, antetd to contain no poisonous or narcotic drugs of any descrip tion. If a beverage i not desired, a Bean may be tak.'ri in the mouth without water, ami the most ex hileriitiug effect will be experi enced. Box of 12 Beans, 50c The Beans retell at 10 cents each, and can be procured from any druggist, fancy grocer or first-class bar. For sue on din ing cars. One box sent post-paid on re ceipt of 50 cents. Ginseng Distilling Distillers of Rye and bourbon Whiskies, ST. LOUIS, Co. y.o. i The Kind You HavB Always Boup starting in the feet or ankles comes from a weak or diseased heart a heart that cannot keep up the circulation. The blood then settles in the lower limbs where the watery portions ooze out into surrounding tissues causing bloat and swelling. The heart must be strengthened and built up before the dropsy can be cured to stay; and the best of all heart medicines is Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. . "Heart disease made my feet swell so that they had to be lanced in several places. One bottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure helped me and twelve bottles worked a complete cure." James Tivssty, Barnard, Mo. Dtv Miles' Heafft Cte gives new strength to the heart, regulates the circulation, stimu lates the digestion and restores health. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Hi. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Garfield. I Annie Bell 'Covey, daughter of J. P. I and M. K. Irvin, was born December 24th, 1872, at Independence, Jackson county, Missouri. She came to Oregon , with parents in 1875, and was married ; March 18th. 1891. and died September :13th, 1902, at Gsrfield. Thedtceaped leaves a husband, tltree sons, a daugh ter, father mother, sister and four brothers to mourn her loes. Dear as thou wert, and justly dear, We will not weep for thee; " One thought "hall check the starting lear. It is, that thou art free. And thuss-hall faith's consoling power The tears of love restrain : O, who that saw the parting hour Could wish 'bee bereaain. Triumphant in thy.cloeing eye The hope of glory shown; Joy breaih'd in thy expiring sigh, To think the race was run. Thy passing spirit gently fled, Sustained bv grace divine; O, may s uch grace on us be shed, And make our end like them A Fkiknd. A few TaniOBhantas at 15 cents and up at Racket Store. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS. ANTED To increase my list of farms and lands for sale, in all parts of the county. LandB ownpd by nnn-residente represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At torney at Law. JOR SALE 500 tracts of land. In quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City. A good JookhJ horse and poor look- ',lV - ins harness ia the "V. worst kind of a com- j?ij( Eureka Harness Oil not enly makes the harness and the l.l horse look better, but makes the I leather soft and pliable, puts It in con- (11 nmt Hi ditlon to last twice aB long jl IMijufiA as It ordinarily would. ''BlJljNll,'. Bold everywhere ia eaae all H.? your Horse a xmmW Chance! 0 TEAMS WANTED to haul wcol at tl.25, payable 90c at end of two weeks and balance at en t of contract. Addres W. H Vanover, Beaver Creek JASTL"IIE Good pasture and plenty ofwaier for 50 head of etock. One mile from Oregon City. Inquire of ) H, Grant, Bolton. Y?OR SALE Finishing Lumber by J. A. Joui" at his mill on the Abernethy, 2 miles east of Orsgon City. The mill and machinery is alno for sale, including 40-horses iiigiue and boiler. Address J A. Jones, Ougon City. Frog Pond. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Turner are visit ing re'atives at Dayton, Wash. Ernest and Lorena Kruse, Charles Tutner and Dock Aden attended the Baker-Nendel wedding Wedneeday eve ning at. Hood Vitw church. Tualatin Grange will spend $30 to have their hall repainted. Threshing is almost completed, with the exception of some clover, which got a good soaking by the late rains.' Mr. Farmer threshed 638 buf bels of giain on the Saldien farm. This is about one-third the amount that Mr. Mayes has heretfore grown on the same acreage. B. G. Leedy & Cb., of Tigardville, have finished baling about 70 tons of hay for J. L. Kruse Ht 1 40 per ton. Needy. School commenced Monday with Prof. Ginther as teacher. lurs. Lutclier, ot romand, is visisinn tier daughter, Mrt. Askins. Colonel Hair has tented Ins farm to Sol Strobrirh. The former will move to Oanby for the winter. Born, September 26, to the wife of Geo. Askins, a girl. Nellie Crocker went to Philomath to tench in the college Monday. Mrs. Boeder, of Portland, is visiting at tne nome oi Mrs. MoiBon. Mr. Werner has bought the Geo. tirockart place. Miss Sliopie, of Portland, is visiting at Wm. btiewe s place. Summer Shirt Waists, 36 cents and ud to on cents at nacset eiore. JONEY TO LOAN on approved real estate and chattle security. G. B. Dimick, At ntm y-at Law, Stevens Build ing, Oreu- Ciu, Ur. gon. fWO tL'i.NIsMil) KiomH wanted, not over etx lilocko from Main 8trrt Leave iufonn;:l,on at Cuuriei-Ilerulil ollice. INDIVIDUALS MONEY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 P'T cent on land or chattels ; also a gcod farms for sale worth $5000 each. $000 of city money on approved security, John W. Lopek, Attorney-at-Law, uregon Uity. or AMTirn .A 'trnstwnrthT irentleman or lady In each county to manage busines lor an old estab lished house OI soim nuanuiai rmn..i..6. .,.-.,(. ,h( hmia fl.lo weeklv cash salary of 1S paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanoed for expenses. Manager, 840 Caxton Bldg., Chic Ice soda a,t ihu Kozy Kandy Kitchen Anv Wrapper I have in stock for $1 each at the Racket Htore. Younger, the watchmaker, has moved next door to Hains' broctry. Drs. R. B. and A Weinhard building. L Beatie, dentists ANTED, 1U weaver.s nt liUijjj ne, Ore- Flannel Shirt Waists Racket Siore. $1 each at the A brand-new Ideal cash regieter for sale at hall price at Courier-Herald of fice. T.OST On July 18, a black and hite E ielish Better, almost black, answers o name of "Cougar. " Reward for re' u rn to Courier-Herald orlice. THJR SALE, one boiler feed pnmp,atthe Oregon City machine shop. Wo Know Wisni Is going to happen to the little boy who is stuffing himself with green apples. A grown man cotddn't be induced to try that experiment; and yet the pxwn man will overload himself with indigestible food tbr which he will pay a greater penalty than colic. It is this careless and thoughtles3 eating which is the be ginning of stomach trouble and all its painfufconaequencea. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cures dyspepsia and other forms of " stomach trouble." It restores the weak and run-down maa or woman to sound health. Some time haa elapsed since I have written you in regard to the treatment I biive been taking under your instructions,0 aaye Mr. E. P. Cingmars. of Minneapolis, Minn. iWhen first 1 commenced taking your remedies I was muler treatment of a well-known specialist in this city (and had been for font months), for catarrh, ind eeneciallv stoenach trouble, and I was rapidly gettini worse. Got so bad that I could not eat anything that did not dLstreaa me .erribly, and X waa obliged to quit taking the doctor's treatment entirely. I waa greatly re- ducea in nesn. A a last resort I wrote to you and stated my case, and. after receiving your in structions I followed them ,Uoaely. After taking five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and one vial of his ' Pleasant Petleta ' I commenced to Improve, and decided to continue the medicines and ob serve vour instruction regarding hygienic treat ment. It is now nearly six months since I com menced your treatment and I can say that I am well and never felt better in my life. Am very grateful to you for what y our lneaicwc naa aone For me." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness and sick headache Sandy Mrs. Murphv, of Portland, is viniling athalin.in Kiver this week. A very pretty wel ling tood nl.ice at the resilience ol Mr. and Mrs. H Brutis luBt Wecints 'av when their tiauanter, i une, v b giv n in marnage to Howard Lake. The bride was one of Sandy's popular young ladies, and the groom is one of Pleasant Home's highly respected young men. I he young couple were the recipients of many costly pres' ents.frorn their friends present. They win reside at rieasant tionie. Rev Koppelman returned Wednesday from Eastern Oregon, where he had been sojourning for aw h le Died, September 25, Clara Fischer, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Fischer. She had been suffer ing trom heart tioublefora long time. tier hnal illness seemed to be a compli cation o( dheases. Clara was born in Clackamas county, May 22, 1891, which eU her at the time ot her death, 11 years, 4 months and 8 days of age. She was dearly loved by her teachers.school mates and menus, who mourn ner un timely death. Mrs. H Cooke has been on the sick list for a few days. Mies Mary Mitchell returned to Ore gon City Saturday alter visiting relatives here. Mies Clara Frszier, who lias been vis iting with Mrs. E, Revenue, returned to her home at Cherrville Sunday. The soldiers, alio had been practicing out here (returned to Vancouver Tues day, here were encamped this time. In the circuit fnnrt nf ttiA ulafa nf nMnn Cla(kamas onunty. Veronica Seyerin, plaintiff, vs. Carl Severln. defendant. To Carl Severln, the defendant above named. In the name of the state rr CWsnn. vm, hereby notified that the piainilff herein b'as filed a complaint against you in the above entitled court and cause, and you are hereby required to uu ai.anci sniu l-UI!!HHUH on Or UCIOre 1110 last day of the time prescribed by order of publica tion hereof, to-wit: On or before the 3d day of Oc tober, 1902; you are further notified that if you fall to appear and answer the complaint herein or to plead thereto the plaintiff will cause jour de fault to be entered and will nnr.lciiiilii.niui above mentioned for the relief nravfd for in the complaint herein. Ihat i Suy. for a dernte fnr. vnr ili.H.tlvtiitr the bonds of matrimony that may be eiistiug be tween plaiutlff and (.efenduiit herein, and for alimony and attorneys lees, and for the custody and control of the minor children named in saiic complaint; further, that plaintiff amy be awarded and she be decreed to be the owner of the nortlienBr quarter (J) of section two (2). in township three v, w-uui, ui mug. ijvo (oi earn oi ine wiuamtitv Meridian, in Clackamas countv, state of Oregon. ...,i,,ti a wig., uuu uiMuuraemanis nerei n and for such other and further relief as to th v.m. uiflj ,iu)oi iiu hs iu equuy is nice ani lnol 1 lie (lUlB Of thfl first nulllleatlnn nf ll,i. sum . monsis Friday, August 15, 1ML, and Iho l.st piiS. Mcatlon thereof is Friday, October 8, 1S)02, iffid that said summons shall be published on Friday of each week for a period of sit weeks between said dates. This summons is mihll.heii K. nni.. nt tt Thomas F. Kyan. Judireofthe cullntv ivmrt. nf r. Ii county of Clackamas, Oreson, duly made and en- lerea on me stn day or August, A. D. Wo". CHAS. J. 8CI1NABRL, Attorney for Plaintiff. frtorTriaTi Jfc Pn The Cut Puce wutuuiuu . wv. T1,;ulo.;ii H 11 1HlKSlOlD.lll mi CnOOl supplies ih these for the Oreeon Citv schools as tlnjy are the Lowest Bidders. If ton desire a good complexion use Mnkl Tea. a nine herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes theskiii smooth and olcnr. Cures sick headaches; 25o and fio. Money refunded if it does not salisly you, Write to vv. 11. Hooker a Co., Buffalo, N. Y for fne sample, or Howell 4 Jones, druggists. All kinds of bicvele repairing, lock wp' k and saw tiling at Johnson & Lamb's bicjde Shop, opposite isarlovs gro cer ive mem a trial anu ue suiin ed. ' - Bright's Disease. The largest sum ever paid for a pte scription. changed nanas in can r ran 30. 1901. The transfer im vo ved in coin and Stock lliz.ouu.uu anu was paid by a party ol business men tor a specific tor Cngtit 8 uiseaHe aim betes, hitherto mcurame aiBeaees. l hev commencea tne Rerieu iiivbhu rrntinn of t.hfi snec UC NOV. 10, 1UU they interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its meriis hy putting over three dozen cases on the treatmen and watching them. They iilo got phy sicians to name chronic, tncu-ntiie cases, and administered it with the i.hvscians for itidaes Ud to Aug. 'id, eight y-ouvtr. ner cent o' the teBt casea were either . .. . wei or nrocressiTig iavorauiy. There being bin thirteen p"r tent ol failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of ibe investigating committee and the clinical renorla ol the test cases were nu i ished nnd wil lie manea iree on ap- iili.atinn. Address John J. Fulton Company,. 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Charman & Co. are o n sole agents in Oregon City. Everything Tnsb, Heat and Chan, AT meat market of WBetbke Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City Hew Straiten Bldg DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. For Almost TkT Al Zr of what rVlK. vrlAS. a. I N O t lllll I Agent, St. Paul, Minn. O mailed, upon receipt of p The Northern Pacific is not ed among railways for its advertising matter. Its pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., ate tastefully gotten p and are valuable for what they contain. Here is a partial liot of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, General Passenger will send out, carefully nricesciven. Any conaoi- ' r- -- i- - :TI 1... nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps wiu uc accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland 1901- An annual publication, beautifully illustrated in color ana half tone. This number treats particularly of the history of the Northern Paelfio's Trademark, the Custer uameneiu in Montana, and the Yellowstone rarx. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history of the Northern Psfiiio Trademark, The artistic covers of the Wonderland, lyOl are used iu miniature. Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty Be nil and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six urty tents . full page illustrations of Park scenery. , , 5.. . Yellow stone National Park A now 112 pais book In strong, IleiiDie covers gonu paper, plain tvpe, Mustr-ted. pocket size, a compendium and descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Climblng'.Mount Rainier An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pnsres, In ttrong, fkxiMe nrinK d on heavy raner. descriptive of an ascent of .1. ...... 1 . ...I.-I.ln I l...l.n . the hit-Miet peua iu ine L io.eu glacial nature. Almost papers is Send Six Cents Bend Four Cents iutcs outside of Alaska of a Twenty-Five Cents Pnd Twenty-Five Cents. f J HP S5S.'.ai everybody who reads the news sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the treat kldnev. Hver and bladder remedy. It Is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec flmmendedfor everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of thi? paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, When wrltinj mention reading this generous offer In this paper and f'V71"-. send your address to ffyvf-TlX Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Binfj-1 " ".;u i.Z'--"" hamton, N. Y. T he--i-' regular fifty cent and Home of fiwamp-rot I dollar sizes are sold by all good druzg'sls. W itonville. Misses Emma am Bertha Harms have .returned home from Missouri. ineir mends welcome them back to "Old Webfoot," once more. Mr Wilson, who has bought the Rose place, haa moved onto his place. He is well pleased with the country and peo pie around Wilsonville. Born, to the wife of M. C. Young, a (laughter. Jake Peters made a flying trip to l'ortland tins week. F. F. Tctzes etropolis last Wednesday. John Baker made at: in to the coast this week. We wish to tell the Stafford corres- ; pondent that all we know about C. T. 1 Tcoze having a large amount of clover 1 ie, that he threshed 67 bushels ol seed. I 1 lie amount ol acres we did not learn. Shorty. L EC ALL NOTICES. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. In the OOUnlV conrt of the rTmIa nf flrari fn the oouaty of Clackamas. In the matter of the 'estate of .Inbann T Schacht, deceased. Notice Is henbv alven that the nndAmtcFnAiT hu been duly appointed executrix of the estate of jonann r . scnacnt, deceased, by the honorable county conn of Clackamas county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said es tate are hereby notified to present the same to me 1111 proper voucners lor payment at my roBidi lice near l'amssous, Oregon, within six months from this date or they will be forever barr d. MARY SCHACHT, Txecutrlx of Sail Estate. Gob don K. Hayes, Attorney for fistate. Dated Scp.ember 8, lulls'. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreg n for couuiy 01 uiao ainag. Lillle Scocgan. PMutiff. vs. Woodflird Seinr.. gan, Defcuditnt. To Woolford ScoKKan, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are here by required to appear and auiwer the complaint, filed agiinsl you in the above entitled suit in Ilia above named court, on or before October 81, 11KU, the same being seven weeks from the first pub. licati Jn of this summons, and you will take no tice that if you fail to .inpear and answer said complaint the pln'n if 1. ..pply to the Court fi r the relief deiiia-il.' .,1111 .-oniplaint, to wti; that the bonds e- i. im ,in -exUliiiK betw:oik yon aud plaintiff .lv d This, summon' i- im ' l-hid ov the orile- , ' t'i Hou.lhomas A. .i.eBnle. .li goof the I'ifll. Judicial Uislili 1 of n.e stite 01 Oreg n, in the Oiegon City C.iurii.r lltrald. h vve. kly newspaper of general circul liou in Clackamas county, for seven conjeeiitive weeks commi-ncing September 111, PI0A and continuing to an . hudndlug October 31,1902. UtUltliK U. l.UUWNKLIi, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that we theunderslf'ne.l have been duly appointed as exeeutora of the will of Ira N. Baker deceased, by I lie order of th county court of the state of On gun, Clackamas, county, duly made thlsnny anil that all persona having claims against the es'ate of the said Ira N. Baker, deceased, must prwent their claims duly verified to the undersigned at the law oJllra of C. D. D. C. Latourette in Oregon City, Kt gon, within six month" from the date hereof . 11 lltAM. H, IMMW1V1I.C.B1111-, D.VVIP M. BAKKll, Exivuturs of the Will of Iia N. Baker, l)t ceased. Dat.d, SipU mber 61I1, luoii. Stricken With Paralysis. Henderson Grimeit, tf this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and com' nletelv losttbe use of one arm and side A'ror hainc treated bv an eminent phy' sician for quite a while without releif mv wife recommenaeu ucamueriauiH I'ain Balm, and auer using two uovuco of it he is almost entirely cured. Geo. R. McDonald, Man Logan county, W. Va.. Several other very remarkable cures of nartiul DaralyBis have been ef- . . r .. . .11 ! ! . T. 1. lected Dy the use 01 tins iiinmem. 11. most wide y known, however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold by Geo. A. Hardmg. Bovs' Pure Silk Winson Ties, 20 cents each at Racket Store. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. -" r Charles irlnihle, pii'lnlin, vs. tea Trimme, de fendant. To Kva Trimble, shove named ociendant. In the name of the mate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you 111 tne anove namuu sun in the above name court on or before Friday, No vember 14, l'JlK, the same being even consecu tive weeks from the first publication of this sum mons 1 and you will take notice that it yon fail to so appearand answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, towit: That the bonds of mat rimony now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved. This stimrtons is published by tho order of the Hon. Tlios. A. McBrlde, Judge of the Fifth Judi cial District ol the State of Oregon, In the Courier- Herald, a weekly newspaper ol general circulation, commencing October 8, 11HI2. and continuing to and luUudlng Fridav, November 14, P.s. GEO. C. BKOWNKI.L,, Attorney for l'lalulm. Phis signature la on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Taweu 'he remedy that enrca a culd In nn da A Complete Line rVVVWrV NEWS OF THE WEEK. 22 Wednesday, October 1st. Big sale of Oregon hops at 21 and centB. Bird S. Coler bead Ne, Yori demo cratic state tickets. Thursday, October 2nd. President Rooevelt writes, both sides to meet with him snd settle coal strike. Chinaman finds $150U0 nugget at Bak er City. Ffiliflfil 'Dio.tHftta can do better at Cliarman & Co. KnJSlniii Si Lowest Cash Price. Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50'shoe for men can't be equaled for wear. quality or style, and our women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of'COtrfor( and eracefuroutlinc. Our prices will'suit. Kraussc Bro:;. WANTKD.-A trustworthy gentleman or each emintv to miinawn tiiisineis fnrenol ltslied house nf solid (illHlii'iHlstiinilli g. a . bona Mv weekly cnth salary of 111 jiaid h each Wednesday wllhall exis'nses din liea'lfunr(ers. Money advanced for ex, Manager, S10 Canton Bldg., Chicago. 'v In at). i lit, ' ik t I nml liSeS INCURABLE" HEART CURED. DISEASE SOON By the Gi eat Specialist in Treating.Weak j and.Uiseased Hearts, Franklin " Miles, M. D., LL. B. " Will Bend $4.00 Worth of Ills Special Treatment tree aa Trial. To demonstrate the uin sual curative powerB of his new and coin pU to special treatments by mail for heart disease, short breath, pain in the side, oppres sion in the chest, irregular pulse, pal pitation, smothering spells, pulling of the ankles, or dropsy. Ur. Miles will send four dollars worth free as a trial, to all who mention this paper. His treat ments are the result o( tnentv-iive years of careful study, extentive research, and remarkatiie experience in treating the varous ailiments of the heart, stom cli and nerves, wbich so often complicate each case, bo astonishing are the re sults of bis complete special treatments that he does not hesitate to offer all per sons a trial free. Nothing could be more generous. Few physicians have such confidence in their remedies. There is no reasons why eveiy alllicted person should not avail themselves of this exceedingly liberal offer, as they may never have another such opportunity . No death comes as sudde.ily as Ihat from heart disease. Mrs. A. I.ronck, of Huntington, Ind., was curedi after thirty physicians failed; Mrs. Flora Uraetor, of Bristoville, O., after twonty-two; Jas. K. Waita the notid aotor, after a score had pmn.innced him Incurable! Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago, after live lending physicians hod given her up: Mr. Julius Kelsler of Chicago, after ten; Mrs. 11. Parker atter sixteen fulled. A thousand references U and testimonials front Bishops, Clergymen, Piiiikers, f anners and their wives will bo sent free upon request. Send nt once tor free examination blank, plmmphlein and free treatment before! it i to) lafe. Address Franklin Miles, M. 1) l.L .:. 20:, to 205 Statu 'treet, OhIcaf, III. I'loase mention Ore-rou City f.'ouiiei-IIi,-rald in vour reply. C3 S- (be "JL" X L J... Bom tl. lue Kind Y--t - )