OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902. Relief Fund for Fire Sufferers. The following petition was circulated hy Wm. Sheahan in the Willamette pa per mill and $441 eecured for the tire sufferers : We the undersigned hereby agree to to pay the sums set opposite our names, toward the relief of Clackamas county suffers from the recent tires prevalent throughout the county and especially in the vicinity of Springwateri WILLAMETTE MILL. John Aid rich H G Allen C Albright JD Baker O Hruner E Burdon GO Bacon Henry Brand V F Breeding V A Burdon B Burkholder ,T J Brown W Linker C E Baxter H Baxter Bert Baxtfsr W Bluhm W F Burke R F Barbur E Bu lard E Bealey 0 Chriseneon Cash P Caulield .'. E A Chapman Geo R CalifS J Caufleld E D Campbell F Christenson W C Cannon John Carothers Win Chapman J W Currin , T) A Dillman B Dolan J Davenport W Durie S O Dillman , CY Darptr J Dunmire W Davidson E Davenport Chas Ely. E Embree I1 Finnucane B Flyim T Flymi 0 Fosbery O Fisher L A Freeman F Freeae F Fosberg S Forfythe A 11 Kinnigan 0 E Fue A Fisher K Goodlellow Goo Gardner H Gi eaves . . . C Granier T GleaHon R L Greaver J F Gleason GeoGrover E Graves Chas Gottberg V T Graham R Ilodger Wm Hammond J R Manny E W Hodman W A Hedges A R ilerrnngton . . . F Hammsle Edd Mines II Hinz t) F Ilegdale E 8 Ingram M Ingrain Win P Johnson II A Jordon E Jordon G B Jackson A BKoplin V Kellugg G Kinzy J C Kelly R W Kel.y C E Kuight O B Koplin W Knopp Carl Kin.y N R Lang J Lewthwaite J B Lewthwaite W Little L LoHey E A Leighton E Luiikins 0 A Lewis W Lightouber Ward Lee. i A Matheson MJMuonk O.Morgan M Miunels Jacob Mich els Wm Mann R M UlBlifld J J Mays L Maris R A Slurry L May J W Moffat t 60 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 1 CO 1 01) 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 5 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 2 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 CO 2 00 1 00 50 2 (0 1 00 1 CO 50 50 50 00 00 50 00 00 E A Mohler ... eo James Miller 1 00 F E McCurdy ' 50 J McGilli an 1 00 G F Niman 1 00 A Naterlin 50 E Ott . 100 G Glds ... 1 00 J Ott 50 R H O'Brien 1 00 C E Osborn 60 J F O'Brien 1 00 O Pierce 100 00 MD Phillips 100 Milton Peice 1 00 ACPovell 100 I Wm Peters 50 u iteea i oo Wm A Rivers 1 00 J Reddaway 1 00 G Rogers 1 00 O Richards 1 00 F Rotter 1 0J Chas Raymont 50 H Rakel 50 E Roberts 50 Win Rehwalt 75 Win Sheahan 5 00 D Schoenheinz 1 00 S Simmons ; 50 Ed Sheahan 5 00 D Sbeekey 1 00 Tom Smith 50 W Silvers 00 A Schreoder 50 H Stevens. 50 M M Scott 1 00 James Shulz , 50 W F Sehooney 1 00 A Schott 50 J E Smith 50 Stanich 1 00 C Simmon" 1 00 H Schink 75 RSurfus 50 Ro8 Spencer 1 oO A FSearson i... 1 00 S N Tanzer 1 00 Chas Trimble 1 00 A Theil ... 50 Andy Thomas 1 00 0 Tonkins 100 T Warner 1 00 RHilkenson 100 F E Weed 1 00 R Warner 2 00 Gus Wamblad 1 00 Z A West : . 50 T D Weed 1 00 Z T Wood 2 00 F L WatBon : 1 00 D Wilkenson 50 A J Wilson 50 CM West 1 00 M J Wilson 1 00 ChpIi 50 1 00 1 . 5 . 2 . 1 . 1 .100 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 50 50 60 50 . 1 00 50 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 50 . 60 1 0 . 5 i 0 ,. 1 0U 50 50 1 00 1 00 no 1 oo 1 oo 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 2 00 i cents Total $441 50 Airs. Selling gave $20 instead of $2 as pjbliahed lant week. Continued next week. i POUTLAXD MARKET. THE CITY CO ITACt. Flour Best $3.853.50. Wheat Walla Walla6;!62,!ac ; valley G3c; bluestem 65c. Oats White, 1.00; gray, 95c$l Bailey Feed $19.50; brewing $20.50 per ct Millstuffs Bran $18.50 ; middlings $23; shorts $19.50; chop $17. Hay Timothy $1I10; clover, $7,60 Butter Fancy creamery 25 and 27c ; store, 12 and 15. Eggs 22 and 25 cents per doz. Poultry Mixed chickens $3.504.25; hens $44.75; springB $2.503; geese $46; ducks $45.00; turkeys 14 andl5 Mutton Gross, 3; dressed, 6 cents per pound. Hogs Dressed, 7 and 6,2 cents per pound . Veal Large, 7a and $i cents pet pound. Beef Gross, top steers, and $4.00, dressed beef, 6 7 cents per pound. Cows $3.50. Cheese Full cream 13VoC per pound Young America 13)4 and 14ic rotatoeB $ .55 Burbanks .05 per lundred. Wool-Valley, 12' 15c. Hops 22 and 21ov Xotice to Bridge Builders. Bids will be received by the under signed county surveyor uutil Wednes- iay, Oct. 1st, 1002, at noon for the con struction of a Mowe truss bridge to De built across the Tualatin river. Said bridge to replace the recently burned Shipley bridge. Plans and specifications may be seen at the otlice of the county surveyor of Clackamas countv. A certified check in a sum equal to live per cent of amount bul must accompany eacu uia. .Lowest uia noti necessarily accepieu. John W. Mki.drum, County Surveyor. By II. H.Johnson, Deputy. Wlmn imn vat. PnrMiind don't, fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, t irst ana Aiumson. iney serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good ijuare meai, coc. Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. FiaVit- rrnr? a nound IS cheap for such valuable ma tcrial. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & BOWNl'., Chemists, Ann Tearl Street. New York. TOCl HK .i. COLD IS OXK DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it faile tocurer E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. A Cut and Dried Affatr Latonrette Gets All lie Asks ForRemonstraiors Ignored. The city council of Oregon City on Wednesday evening gave C D. Latour ette an exclusive franchise on Water street notwithstanding a remonstrance wai filed signed by nearly every property-owner on the street excepting Councilman Albright, G. A. Harding (agent O. W. P. & R. R. Co.) and E. E. Charman. The remonstrators were al lowed a hearing but their protests were ignored and they were hardly given courteous treatment. Councilmen Scott. Kelly and Francis votl to give the re monstrators a fair show; Councilman Huntley was absent. Councilman Shea han, Koerner, Scott and Kelly voted for an amendment giving other toads track age rights, but this was a tie vote and the mayor declared it lost and did not vote. This ordinance can be defeated when it comes up for final passage if the councilmen can be made to realize that they aie opposing the will of the oeople. The franchise granting the present electric line a 25-vear freight franchise was remonstrated against by over two thirds of the property owners 011 Main street but this remonstrance was laid on the table. A petition ajking the coun cil to grant the franchise was also filed. This matter was lai J over till next Mon day evening. This franchise is too sweeping and should be held up untij the company comes to time on some other propositions. When it shows- a disposition to do this council will treat it right and give a franchise that will be acceptable to both the city and the roin-pany. ur Special Offer for the Next 30 Day X We will cut and slash prices on our immense stock of Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes and Gents' Fur 1 nishings, which will be ro tempting that it will open the purses of many people. Here we will X quote a few of our many specials in which you will find some extraordinary good values, and X is like finding silver dollar?, so don't miss this opportunity. All-Wool Cassimere Suits, single or double brested, a regular $8.00 value, cut to $5.50 f All-Wool Stockton Cheviot, the very latest cut, a regular $9.50 value, cut to $6.50 All-Wool Black 01 Blue Serge, very stylish cut, a regular $1 1.50 value, cut to $9.00 1 All others in proportion. t We will also offer you great values in Overcoats, which you can profit by purchasing from us. X In our Shoe Department we have many great values for the school children, which the mothers J should take advantage of, also a cut of 20 to 25 per cent, on our Women and Men's Footwear. 1 In all Furnishing Goods carried over from spring we will make an enormous cut of 50 per cent. X Remember this is only for 30 days so you will have to make up your mind before the expiration of ; X the specified time. Come and be convinced. ) When you see it in our Ad. it's so. t , X J. M. Price, The One Price Clothier 1 6th and Main Sts., Sole Agent for the H. & M. Clothing. Oregon City, Oregon The case of 0. W. Eastham vs. A. W. Cheney tried in the justice court Wednesday afternoon resulted in a vic tory for defendant. The mutter Was over $50 commission which Mr. East bam contended was his for nrocurimr a buyer for a certain piece of property I owned by defendant. Defendant's con-1 tention was that this sale was made ( on certain conditions that were not ful- 1 filled. Ihe jury after being out four J minutes remrneu wmi a veruicc ior de fendant. 0. W. Eastham appeared in hisown behalf, and George C. Brownell represented the defendant. Every Sunday Company A, O. N. G., hold their target practice and the work which the company is doing is highly satistactory, considering that he men have not been shooting regularly. Last Sunday luck was against the boys and in some cases the ride refused to shoot The score of Sunday is as follows: C. W, Bryan made the best average from the 200 yard line gaining 08 out of a pos sible 75 points. Evans made 39 out of a possible 7o; N. McKilligan, 35 out of a possible 75 points. On the 500 yard line the score stood Grahim, 29; Mc Killigan; Boylan, 27 points. The harvest festival given by the women of Mount Pleasant at the school house Tuesday was a grand Buccess. The social was for the benefit of the side walk fund. The people of this thrifty suburb have for a long time been obliged to walk through mud and sIubIi. This social is the second one given for the purpose of getting funds for this walk. The Mount Pleasant school house was artistically decorated with pump kins, pum, kin vines, corn stalks, Aut umn leaves. The effect of this artistic display of beauty was plessing to the ex treme. During the evening a short mu sical and literary program was ren dered. When the funds bad been counted the women had $20 to their credit. Prices to Buit you all Millinery at Red Front. For Your Own Satisfaction. Do not imrele Jour tllt 0f clnthes until you see the diltarence iu pilce ut the I'ortlwul Cloth ing Company, Muin Street, mxt to Htmling's drugstore. Neither will ynu nialie a mistake liy looking through our bigHesortment of nieii'spanU htitK and a complete lit e of uuiitirwpar nnd over shirts. Coruplelo Btuck of hoys' milN, mm's, ladict and vliildrra'a shoes, guaranteed ai per cent less in comparison Willi oiher sioies' prices. A Typical South African Store. . O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, Cape Colony; conducts a store typical of South Atrica.at which can be purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest r ilway station and about twenty five miles from the nearest town. Mr. Larson says: "1 am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's rem dies All testify to their value in a household where a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps Bixty. Of these, within the past twelve months, no less than fourteen have been absolute ly cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Tl is must purely be a record." For sale by, G. A. Harding. rinn't. nftsa ns hv fitll in Rnd jet our prices. Red Froni Trading Company. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25 cents. Ladies' hats at the Red Front in Sly lea and at prices to suit one and all. ITUJIIXESS OF THE SKIX. The only remedy in the world that will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin m any part of the body that is absolutely safe and never failing, is Ooan's Oint ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's. , Johnson & Lamb have a new stock of guns and ammunition. Slulls loaded to order. They also continue to do up-to-date bicycle and umbrella repairing. Here ls Indeed a Genuine Slaugh ter Sale. FarnkBush. "The House Furnisher," who needs no introduction to any house holder of Clackamas county, suffered heavily by the fire in Springwater, where all the improvements on his farm, which were extensive, were Bwept away. This loss has put him in a pinch. He must raise hard cash to meet his liabilities. His misfortune will become a public benefit. To force sales he has made cuts never known in this city's trade in the prices of beating stoves, Bewing machi.it s and all other merchandise comprising his mammoth stock. Here is the best chance in the world to buy low for cash. Oregon City Machine Shop PH. BUCKLEIN, Prop. Rear "of Pope's Hardware Store, Next to Oregon City Foundry All Kinds of MAGHINERY and ENGINES Made and Repaired Also Have in Stock Tulloys and Shaftings First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Orders by Mail or Phone Promptly Filled Address, Ph. Bucklcin, P. O. box 251 Thone, Oregon City Foundry SHIVELY'S Opera Mouse Saturday, Oct. 4th Aladdin, Jr. OR The Wonderful Lamp Big Spectacular 50 PEOPLE 50 Magnificent Costume, Gorgeous Scenic Effects Competent Principals. io Big Specialty Acts 10 Chorus of pretty girls in Ballets The F anklln Typewriter $100 TYPEWRITER -roit This is $:vs.co less than the fixed price of the typewriter trust, and yet tlw KKANKLIN is the equal of any $too.oo machine built. Are you undecided ? Rent a FRANKLIN for a few months at $4 oo per month Then, if you are satisfied, buy the machine. Whatever is paid on rent will be allowed to ward the purchase. Does an infei i r machine, which you own, stand in your way? You can 'urn it in as part payment toward a FRANK LIN, and a fair allowance on it will be made. If your pur.-e is thin you cau ohtaii easy terms on time payment. E. F. BUMPUS, Manager 302 Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal. Local Agent at Courier-Herald Office Qmt Toned Sale To the people of Oregon City and vicinity THE FAIR STOKE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE Is forct'd to sell out the entire stock and will sell at a sacrifice ' 2 doz 1 3 for'. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: h ;.. Short Lisle Vesta, good for corset covers. .. .Sale Trice 3 for "' ei!k finish fleece lined fast black hose Peail Buttons, regular 5c per dozen " Ladies' Fancy Dresi Buttons, reg. 10c and 15c per doz " Silkaiine Orochet Cotton, rea. 5c a ball " Box Assoited Hair Pins, ifg. 5c per box " ' CelluloM Dress Combs, 10c each " " Unbleached Sheeting, 36 inches wide " " L L Bleached Muslin, 36 11 " " " Bleached Cambric 36 " " " " " ' Superfine, in finish and quality.." " Ladies' Half-wool, nou-shrinkable Vest and Pants, lenular 75c " " Ladies'lleavy Riobed Fleeced Under Veots and Pants regular 35c " " Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Fleeced Union Saits regular 75c 1000 Dozen Luces of all widths and qualities to close out Ribbons of all widths and qunliiies, to close out 150 Dozen LadW Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy to close out Corsets, Cort-ets and Corsets, Sale Price from 40c and up Nail Brunhes, regular 5c Sale Price Shoe " " 15c " ' ClotheB " " 25c " Large Kitchen Aprons, regular 15c- " Men's Sox 3 for 1 'c and up " Fleece-Lined Underwear, reg. $1.25 per suit " ' " Heavy Ribbed Fleece-Lined Underwear, $1 suit " " " All-Wool Ribbed Underwear.reg. $1.25 each... " " " Jersey Ribbed Oveishirts.regular 50c " " ' Working Shirts, double front and back, rets. 50c " " " Extra Heavy Jersey Overshirts, regular if 1.. .. " " " Suspenders, silk ends, good rubber, reg. 25c " " " Sleeve Holders, regular 5c " " " Memorandum Books, regular 10c " 10 quart Water Bucket, granite " " Pompadour Combs, regular 15c and 18c " " Cotton Napkins, regular 4u " " Real Linen Napkins ' ... " Oil-boiled Turkey Red Napkins " Fine Tablets for school use Men's Seamless heavy weight wool socks " 1 yard square Tapestry Table Cover, regular 95c. . " Children's Fancy Pocket Books, regular 10c " Ladies' Fancy Round Hose Supports, regular 20c A 1 Razor, regular $1.25 " Fine Toilet Soup, 3 bars in a box " 26-inchUmbrella8 for ladies and children, regular 50c " Aluminum Hair Pins, 3 cards, smai:, large, medium 5-10-15 ' " Accordion Pleated, Mercerized Colored Skirts, reg. $1 " All Other Golds Not Mentij'ieJ Here Are R duced In PropD3itiou To Above Prices. 1 6 for ' 6 for 2 for box 'V .10 .14 .05 .05 .10 .03 .05 A'A .h'i .08 .10 .50 .50 .03 .09 .13 .10 .90 .80 .90 .40 .40 .08 .13 .03 .(" AO .10 8 .05 .25 .05 .25 .68 .05 .10 .75 .07 .40 .18 .75 GEORGE BROS. ...RESTAURANT... and Lunch Counter Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon City to get a Dainty Lunch or SQUARE MEAL Open at All Hours, day or night Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds MRS. R. BECKER 220 FIRST STREET - - PORTLAND, OREGON Has a complete assortment of Fall IilliQcry, F.urs, lylilliQery Novelties, Etc Hats Trimmed to Order Feathers Dyed and Juried PRICES MODERATE Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City HEADACHE 2i Ocm 25a. CASTOHIA, Eaia tii me Mini 100 nan Aiwars Ihe Kind Von Haw Always Boujji 50c. and J 1. 00 ; all druggists. Marches, Transformation, Etc.