o aid. ouner COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 18B3 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED (688 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 21 Oregon City C D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Seal Estate anil Probate Lair ' Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON (COMMERCIAL BANK ok OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loan; and collections, discounts bills buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to oheck. Open from 9 a. m. to 4, p. m. IjilOUBETTE, -ident If. J. Meyeb Cashie (Jt N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all. parts of the elty OREGON CITS OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENUST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a speoialty Caufleld Building , OREGON CITY OKEGON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American Collega of Dental Surgery. Chicago Willamette Block 1 OREGON CITY OREGON V H. COOPER, Notary PUBLIC. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens Building, Oregon Cuy, Ore Q E. II YES AT'lORNEY AT LAW Bteveni Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY ' OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front Court Bouse Block OREGON CITY OREGON QRANT B. DIMICK Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all Conr's In ihe State, Circuit and District Courts ol the United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Offloe In btevens Building, Oregon City, Or. J C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Speolal attention paid to Catarrh and Chronlt Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Nokbis, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city orcountrypromptlyattended Office: 1,2,17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practloe in all Courts of the State W einhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 0. Schuebel W. 8. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW SJtutrdiet SIbDoiat Will practloe 'In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend yon money and land your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON MALE l! - WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles OREGON CANBY ' W. II. YOUMJ'S Livery & feed Stable Finest'.Turnouts in" City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHAN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON ; NEWS OF TEE WEEX. WHAT IS THE USE frtwat Acker'a DyspfP' Tablet" taicen alter wlU d'Jei your food perfectly - .nfl f JJ . you from all the dU.rVseble symp ; Of Ind wstion and dyspepsia. Eat what you like at time inj take an Acker Tablet aiterward. Positively ?a"anoed. Yonr money will always be refunded ff y irTnot iatbaed Write to nj for free ample. W. IT. Hooker 4 to , Buffalo. Howall & Jones, drugjruti. Friday, September 26. Iowa republicans in Henderson's dis trict name J ml lie Birdsall as his sue successor and indorse Ro sevelt. Connecticut democrats refuse to re affirm Kansas City platform and bar mony reigns. Michigan republicans indorse ex-Sec- retary of War Alger for United States senator. Heinzt) to trying to form a new party to overthrow Senator Clark in Mon tana. Charlemagne Tower will succeed An drew D. White as Ambassador to Germany. Roumanin Btops emigration of Jews as a result ol Hay's note. One thousand people buried under lava from volcano in East Turkestan. Love-mad man wrecks Washington, D. C. hotel with dynamite. Lewis and Clarke directors will ask state for $500,000 appropriation. Saturday, September 27. Washington railroads will try lo con trol state sei ate . Montana populists will fuse with Heinze wing of democrats. John W. Young believes his son in nocent of murder, and will help him. Presence of troops restores almost complete peace in Pennsylvania coal district, i President authorizes census of Philip pines to be taken. . General Funeton scores the anti-can teen law in his reuort as commander of department of Colorado, Cyclone on Island of Sicilv costs 400 lives and does immense property damage. Sunday, September 28. Ferry withdraws from Mlclil&an sena torial race, assuring, Alijer's election. Governor Bliss tenders vacant Michi gan Betiatorahip to General R. A. AUer. Ohio state camnidgn ooened bv Root. Foruker and Hanna. President Roosevelt's injured lfg con tinues to improve. Great tobacco wa: comes to an end. James J. Hill speaks against national control of industrial combinations. Ambassador Herbat starts from Enz- land to take up his duties at Washing ton, D. C. Colombian rebels fire on government gunboat flying flag of truce. Rear-Admiral Evans ordered to inves tigate Boxnr uprising. Mayor Humes, of Seattle, lost while bunting, is found. Levi Strauss, well-known San Fran cisco dry goods man, is dead . Vancouver objects to Portland's at tempt to secure drydock contract. Cargo of Oiegon apples go the Orient. Alonday, Septembei 29. Roumanian officials say Jews in that country are treated differently from other foreigners. Sir Thomas Lipton contemplates a bslooning trip across English channel. Two hundred people were killed bv a storm in Sicily. Another operation was performed on the president's leg, but it is said not to have been serious. A second military expedition has been sent against the Moros. President Mitchell, of the United Mineworkers.issues a letter setting forth strikers' side of the coalminers' coutest. Eastern republicans want raw mater ials oh free liBt; Westerners want cer tain manufactures free. President's visit to Detroit affected Alger's senatorial strength. A negro was burned alive in Mississippi in tue daytime tor old crime conles3ed. One of the oldest towns in the Couer d'Alenes to be abandoned because all the building lots have been taken as mining claims. Mrs. Atwood, of Baker City, president of Oregon Rebekahs, is dead. Stockton, ICal., suffers a fire loss of S500.00. In the published report of a British trade commission that visited the United States credil for American advancement is given to the comparative freedom of our labor .' British Bbin Claverdon lost five sailors in storms on way from Hamburg to ban rrancisco. September will break record for Port land a postal business' Boys find unknowu man's skeleton in the woods near Portland. Tuesday, September 30. Alger accepts appointment as senator from Michigan, Emile Zola, the famous French novel ist, dies from asphyxiation. Tidal wave sweeps Japan and 500 lives are lost. One thousand neoplj are now believed to have perished in Sicily disaster. Venezuela plans to cut all cables, and American gunboat may be necessary in those waters. Insane La Center druggist sets fire to rival's store and his own, and throws himself in the flames. J. K. Buff, of Silverton, has taught school 30 years. Oregon lumber shipments by water will break all records during current year. Governor Geer writes circular letter to legislature, asking to be elected senator as he was endorsed at the polls. United States and Ains worth National Banks of Portland to unite. The excitemeot incident to traveling and chinga of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by G. A. Harding. THE OLD RELIABLE m . 01k.. jp ?i a ' Absolute! Purer THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE This Trade Mark on the side 1 &Mi$?t ftrfcfiK a WT a guarantee aiSldaK of e?cclIence and ni8h grade quality in the construction of this wagon. If yours does not have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you cannot afford to run anv chances on the material used ''-"r. US A, wwv MMVH in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money though the manufacturers replace the broken part. The Grange. The Hionth of Anuust sron will come, And do not think it strange, If spared to see the 23'd I am goimi to the grange, To meet with brothers whom I love, And sisters, too, as well ; And of the pleasures we enjoy, None but oureelves can te'l. 1 We work within the nunlal yield And ignorance is our foe; We crush him do . n bene th the sod And keep liiin there below, And sew the seeds of loving deeds As through this world we so. And cultivate to kill the weeds That in our lives may arnw ; That we nisi) live purer lives Our future (o f.rrcuge, And live throughout eternal years W'Uwn trie upper Urange., AVm Gahdnkr, Vu;ujr Grange No. 117, New Era BUY A FISH Heather Report. The following data, covering a period of 3i) yearn, have been compiled fr"m the weather bureau records at Portland, Oregon', fur the month of October: Mean or normal temperature, 54 de grees. The w irrnest. month was that of 1901, With an avemge of 59 degrees. The coldest month wns that of 1893, with an t vnruge of 50 degrees . 1 The high' '. teiniwr.tture .was 83 de grees on t.i! 7th, 18SJ1 The lowest temperature wis 31 de grees on me 31st, 1877, and 3Jih, 1895. Average date on which first "killing" frot oc'.nirred in autumn, November 15th. Averaf date on which last "killing" frost occurred in spn ig, Mtrch 17th Average precipitation for the month, Average LU-i'ber of days with .01 of uu inch or more, 13. The greatest monthly precipitation was 11.58 inches in 1882. The least monthly precipitation was a trace in 1895. The greatest amount of piecipitation recorded in and 24 consecutive hours was 2 ,96 inches on the 9ih and 10th, 1882. Average number of clear days, 8. Partly cloudy days, 11. Cloudy days, 12. The prevailing winds have been from the northwest The highest velocity of the wind was 42 miles Irom the southeast on the 23nl, 1897. . We also carry a full line of Buggies and Spring Wagons. Write us for orices on evervthin vou need, it or, v takes a M postal card and may save you dollars. Northwest Implement G jflry 203 FRONT STREET, I 'SWflitttMR OMPANY, PORTAND OR E REALTY TRANSFERS. Funishe 1 Evey Week by Clacka-1 mas Abstact & Trust Co. i -HEAVY LOSSES M E Pretfyman to J A Wells, blk 9, Marshrield, aad 2, 3 and 4 in blk 9, Talberts' Add to Marsh field, and as adjoining $1000 H Cox to G G Hes, lots 3 an i 4 in sec -1,8, 3 e 1500 A Davis to F D Kepkey, 30 as in sec 36, 2, 2 e 750 F M Sutford to J L Forbes, 20 as in sec 27, 1, 2 e 1 E Swan to M Rice, lots 33 and 34 in blk 44, Minthorn 300 G Schneller to F Kruger, 54 as in sec 8, 3, 1 w 1700 G Brockhart to E Werner, se of se sec 33, 4, 1 e 2200 P Mclntyre to K Oglesby, 7 acres in Fisher elm, 2,2e 100 D R Dimick to G Rauch, lots 6 and 7, blk 1, Oanby 1200 J Spagle to G Rauch, lots 4, 5, 8, 9 and w'i of 3 and 10, blk 1, tan- bv.... 350 At Duffy to C W Armstrong, lot 7, Can by ." 125 G A Harding to Dist 48, lots 1, 2, 3, 18, and .19, E.lgewood 100 M Stubble to A Stubble, 40 as in Palmateer elm. 3,4 e 1000 J A Price to G Kerri, lots 3 and 4 in blk 83. Oregon City.... 250 N P Borensen toG Saum, lots 1, 2, 8, 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Orchard Hill . 1000 L Hale to J K Eby, 100 square rds in H Currin elm 20 J K Kby to II F Currin, 100 sq rds in 11 Currin elm 1 J Gower to II Kagi, lots 3 and 6 in blk 63, Oak Grove 12'X) J Osborne et al to A A Mc obert, lot 1, blk 41. Oak Grove 400 T J Moffatt to N E Moifatt, two tracts in sec 17, 2. 3 e 5000 S D Yoder to B Ernert, n 1-2 of se of ee of sec 6, 5, 1 e 300 Why Take any Chances with some new and untried medicine for such serious troubles as diarrhoea, cramps, dysentery, when you should know that for over half a centnrv Pain killer has cured million of cases? Look out for imitations, there is only one genuine, "Perry Davis'." To Our Friends and Patrons: Heavy losses we have suffered through the recent fires placed us in a tight pinch we need money, and ask our friends to come and buy their winter supplies from our mammoth stock for cash. We will slaughter Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines, and we will give you a discount on all other goods purchased be tween now and December 1st for cash. Do not miss your chance, Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for nearly half price. Frank Busch, The House Furnisher TTM!-Fg..'.J!