Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 26, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heea
ia uso for over 30 years, has home the sijrnatnre of
and has been made under his per
tt72A sonal supervision since its infancy.
, CCAli Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ii ii i i mi . jam inwifj.Mwuii . n.iii,i)i.iiiiiiMi'wiwr m ipicw.' immn 'whhhihiiimip nuiiipa
m.,..L,iju.,... -'"'-J'--- mimimitiMiiufnuniiiinni-i --Tuinnniiiiiiiiiii'"'-'"- -t-
f (j jr
2 Guaranteed Linen Collars 25 CIi2'
The Double Triangle Brand Collars are stylish and
comfortable. ' The only collar made with a heavy 5,
i ply seam. Sold by up'to-date merchants everywhere
or 2 samples sent prepaid for 25 cents. $. They equat
any quarter collar made.Merchants .should . write?
for our 1902 offer.
- -f . s
Court House Block,
Straw and Crash Hats, below
Shirt Waists,
36-inch Percales,
Table Cloth,
Duck Skirts, in colors,
Men's and B y's Caps,
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts,
Men's Sweaters, -Boy's
Men's Heavy Shirts,
Fancy Sox,
We arc making a big cut
in the line i f Shoes, Dry
Goods. Call and examine
Court House Block Oregon City
Fitting Spectacles and Kijc Glasses
By Up-to-Date Methods.
Examinat on'Frec, by PHILLIPS, The Optician
The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, rear 5th
Signature of
Oregon Citi, Ore.
from 35c up
- now I2jC yd
- from 20c
from 75c
Reg. price 25c, now 1 5c
" " 1.00 " 75c
" " 25c " 15c
" " 85c " 65c
" " 50c " 40c
" 60c to 75c " 45c
- per pair, 5c
in prices on everything
Goods and Furnishing
goods and get our prices.
i y-.-'MMfc,
Friday, September 19.
Explorer Peary arrives out from the
Aucuetin Fathers ordered to Philip-
phines to aid in in solution of friar
Lord Salisbury is quite ill at a Switz
erland summer resort.
Another Boxer uprising is threatened
in China.
More Jews leave Roumania for the
United States.
Russia will quit Manchuria October 8.
President Rdoeevelt is indignant over
withdrawal of Henderson from congres
sional race, and Eastern papers and
party leaders generally condemn Hen
derson. Colombia files protest against Ameri
cad guards on trains. American inter
ests are being well protected by the
Cincinnati. Danger of an attack on
Colon by rebels is less probable.
Mob shoots down Marsh field assaulter
and hangs dead body to a bridge.
Vancouver people have raised $2500
for relief of veople in fire-striken peo
ple in fire-stricken districts.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, of
Eugene, has monthly pay roll of $70,00.
Saturday, September 20.
Charles F. Murphy is elected chief of
Tammany Hall. Tammany refuses Ex
Chief Devery bis papers as leader of the
ninth district.
Henderson's declination may have
been due to his being sore over not be
ing invited to Oyster Bay conference,
but Ex-Speaker Reed sees do reason to
search for ulterior motive in Hender
son's declination.
Stanley Spencer makes flight of 30
miles over London in an airship.
England calls on powtrs to learn prob
able action on Secretary Hay's note in
behalf of Jews.
Queen of the Belgians, Marie Henri
ette, dies suddenly.
Colombian rebels move up to railroad
track, and fighting is probable at any
United States will station ship in trop
ics to be prepared for emergencies.
Two wrecks on Northern Pacific, in
which engineer was killed and several
people injured.
Republicans criticise Speaker Hender
son lor his withdrawal.
Salmon train of 40 cars valued at
$190,000, starts East.
Sunday, September 21.
San Francisco ordered to Porto Rico
to be rt ady to meet call for reinforce
Hayti takes active steps to end civil
war fearing American intervention.
- Deatli list in Alabama church disas
ter is 116. .1
Great sympathy meeting for miners
in New York.
Two people killed and 26 iniured in
collieon between show and freight train.
Surplus reserve of New York banks
has been completely wiped out.
Engineers on ocean steamers may
join in the Btrike.
F.nil nf efnfa fulr at. fia'am tlia tvinaf
successful in history'of the association.
.People of southeastern Alaska pen
tition against Alexander forest reserve.
Riot in San Francisco Grand Opera
Representative Tongue sgain speaks
for removal of tariff benefiting trusts.
Columbia River & Northern will be
gin laying rails on Lyle-GoUendale
Monday, September 22.
Representative Cushman says Wash
ington republican platform doesn't
bind him to support the president's Cu
ban policy.
President Roosevelt's work may prove
salvation of republican party this fall.
Speaker Henderson will let new lights
shine in Iowa.
Austria and Russia will not support
movement of United States for Rou
manian Jews.
King Leopold refuses to see his daugh
ter at her mother's funeral.
South African colonies must pay
$600,000,000 of war expense.
Troops are gathering at the Isthmus
of Panama.
Rains in Colorado and Wyoming stop
fires and insure winter range.
Minneapolis flour millers want eight
hour day or will Btrike.
British Columbia fruitgrowers hire an
Oregonian to instruct them in packing
In a family jar at Woodburn G. U.
McGuire shot his brother-in-law, Fred
C. Prevost, through the neck inflicting a
dangerous wound.
Combination of the packing houses of
the country ia said to have been ar
ranged. Secretary Shaw intimates that he
may recommend abolition of subtreas
uries. Steamer Luiline, of Kamin'a line, ran
on a lock and sank below Kahuna.
General Miles visits Portland alter a
trip to the Columbia river forts, and
leuvte for ban Francisco.
Tuesday, September 2;!.
Postal receipts of Oregon show good
increase for past fiscal year.
Roosevelt is being urged to an
nounce an extia sefcsion of congress iu
Murderer Hooper Young is located
while trying to pass as a Portland man.
Troops ordered to scene of strike at
Pennsylvania coal miners.
Great liritain and Venezuela may
sever diplomatic relations.
Commander McLean transports Cul
lumbia. King Leopold still refuses to meet his
daughter, I'rincess Stephanie, and Bhe
does not attend her mother's funeral.
Attempt to wreck I'ziu's train.
Edmund Haviland-Burke and Michael
Reddy, niemhtrs parliament, arraigned
ui.der climes ..i-t and remanded to jail.
Opening sale of Oregon hops made at
20 cents,
September heat makes great advance
at Chicago.
Copyriglit, 1X1, by A. S. Rleharilton
The Oaktree Opera House was un
usually crowded. The people of Oak
treo are a drama loving community,
and the Watson-Duvol Double Star
combination was giving "Hamlet."
The manager estimated that there was
at least $o00 In the house, his prosaic
way of summing up the value of the
audience from the box office point of
view. There was a good deul more
than $500 lu the house from the prac
tical financial view of Gentleman
George, known In the adjacent moun
tains, where he made his headquar
ters, as the leader of the Red Caps.
Gentleman George had a reputation
that branched out Into several of the
adjoining states. His methods of brig
andage were more novel than the un
orlglnallty of his sobriquet would lead
you to believe; but, then, he was not
responsible for the adjective. .
Gentleman George visited Oaktree
occasionally, but a discreet population
refused to recognize him, and the au
thorities were conveniently unaware
of his Identity; hence It was quite in
order, ns with other personages, that
he should attend the performance at
the opera house Incog.
The curtain had fallen on the second
act and the audience was for settling
Itself back Into its seats when a tall,
bearded, distinguished looking gentle
man In evening dress appeared before
the curtain and made a sign to the au
dience, begging their attention. The
audience craned forward In their seats.
Tho man raised on Impressive haml
and began:
"Ladles and gentlemen, I trust that I
shall have your undivided attention.
We are about this evening to vary the
programme slightly and shall, with
your kind indulgence, offer a little
comedy, part of whoso action will take
place in the body of the house. I think
it well to warn you beforehand that ft
would be best for you to keep your
seats. If you-obey this Injunction, you
will be In no danger whatever, but
should you become restive serious ac
cidents may happen.
"Now let me add that it will be Im
possible for a single person to leave the
theater until tho finish of the little
comedy. If don't rise from your scats,
please you will look toward the exits
you will see that they nre carefully
Eyes were Instantly turned to the
doors. At each door on the two tiers
that included floor and balcony of the
little theater stood a resolute looking
man holding a brace of revolvers and
wearing a red cop. A tendency to
scream on the part of the women was
repressed by the Impressive hand of
the man on the stage, who had by this
time also donned a red cap.
"No danger, friends," he called out In
an amiable voice, "Allow me to intro
duce myself; 1 am Gentleman George,
and you know my reputation. If you
are reasonable, you will not be touched
that is to say, you will only be
touched mildly, for what valuables you
mny happen to have upon you. Tho
good people behind the scenes are safe
In the hands of my comrades. All com
munication with the outside Is cut off.
Every door is guarded. There is not
head In this house that is not covered
with a Red Cap gun. As long as you
sit still you are in no danger, but thu
moment you try to get gay or stow
away any of your goods or put us to
any trouble you will hear"
The ominous elipsis at the end of the
last sentence had all its Intended effect.
"Now that we understand each oth
er," continued the speaker, "our col
lectors will pass among you, and I
trust you will remember that their
time is valuable and cannot be wasted
In disputes. In the meantime there Is
no reason why the music should not
coutlnue. If you please, Mr. Frofessor,
strike up."
To the somewhat tremulous music
of the piano three men moved sys
tematically through the lower floor of
the theater, each one carrying slung
over his shoulder a large leather bag
such as is carried by postmen, while
three others similarly equipped went
at the same time through the balcony.
"Ladies may keep their wedding
rings," called out the chief robber,
who shouted out from time to time or
ders to his men and to the audience
from the stage.
"Please, sir, may I keep this? It was
my mother's," said a young girl In n
tremulous voice from the balcony as
she held up a small brooch In her hand
for Gentleman George to see.
"Certainly, my child. Jim, see that
the young lady keeps her brooch."
Presently requests of various kinds
began to come from all parts of the
house. In some cases the requests
were granted Immediately, others ns
curtly refused nnd still others compro
mised. Some citizens were allowed to
kec.p trinkets they valued by giving an
"I. O. U." for their value. This unex
pected turn to the proceedings gave the
affair a flavor of the auction room, and
In the excitement, coupled with peeps
Into the heart secrets of others, the
women forgot In a great measure their
fright. This result was greatly con
tributed to by the good natured way In
which the thieves did their robbing.
"Now, my friends," said Gentleman.
George- after n rn"se. "everything
seems to be moving serenely, and while
the rest of tho collection Is being made,
with your kind permission, I will en
deavor to entertain you with a little
song. Can you accompany me In 'Tin.'
Puwanee River,' professor?"
"Certainly, sir."
"If you please, then."
Iu a sweet, rich tenor voice ths
brigand began tha old song. . The audi
ence listened to amazement and as he
finished the first verse filled the house
with genuine applause. .
By the time the Bong was finished
the collectors had completed their
work, and only the guards on the doors
remained. Tho leader again raised his
hand for silence.
"Ladles and gentlemen," he said, "I
thank you for your kind attention. Our
little comedy has passed off successful
ly, and now before we wind up let me
give you a few final instructions. Our
guards are still outside the various
doors and shall remain there until we
have had a good start That will be,
let us say, fifteen minutes. Any one
who attempts to leave before that time
will be shot dead at the door, and you
know I have a habit of keeping my
word. To simplify matters I intend to
place this alarm clock" here he held
up an alarm clock which was handed
to him from the wings to the view of
the audience "here on this table. It
Is set to go off at 11 o'clock. Don't
leave your seats until you hear it. If
you do"
Before the sentence was finished
Gentleman George had vanished.
The people in the house looked at one
another wonderlngly. No one dared to
be the first to tempt fate by getting up
and leaving the theater. Yet each man
there believed that the threat was a
"bluff," intended to give the robbers a
chance to get safely away. They were
disinclined, however, to put their belief
to the test, and no one stirred. While
matters were still in this Indetermi
nate state a piercing cry of "Fire!"
rang out throughout the house and
was Immediately taken up on several
The managers of the theater at this
outcry rushed on the stage and shouted
words meant to be calming to the audi
ence. They succeeded In a measure In
allaying tho panic which was begin
ning to got under way, Irut many peo
ple, overwrought .by the evening's hap
penings, rushed from the theater out
Into tho street. Then it was discovered
conclusively that there was no fire, but
that the scare raised by the cry had
added to the start already gained by
Gentleman George nud his band.
- By noon on the duy following the
sheriff was ready to start' for the
haunts of Gentleman George with a
strong posse, when the mayor sent for
him and read this letter, found on his
doorstep that morning:
Dear Mr. Mayor A dastardly outrage
has been perpetrated on my roocI name
and incidentally on the people of your
city by the rudlana who held up the
Opera Houss last night. The person call
ing himself Gentleman George was only
an Impersonator. I believe I know the
scoundrel, and by the time you receive
this myself and a few trusty comrades
will be on his trail. The good citizens of
aktree cannot be more grieved than I
urn 'over the regrettable occurrence of
last evening. To show you that I was not
the man who held up the Opera House I
Inclose you my latest photograph, made
In San lrancisco. You can depend upon
It that the evildoers of last night will be
brought to Justice. Yours In good faith,
The sheriff did not like the cool, im
pertinent tone of the letter and thought
that, owing to his long immunity, Gen
tleman George was inclined" to jest
with tho township. The mayor thought
differently. It was, he said, & very
courteous' note, and ho could not see
that it in any way reflected on the
town. Sides were taken, and the next
election was fought out largely on the
question of the good faith or other
wise of Gentleman George. Though
the election went in favor of the may
or nnd tho upholders of Gentleman
George, to this day it has not been de
termined wheiher or not It was that
polished bandit who had held up the
Opera House.
"Come Here!" T:i JrtTP.r.ose.
A writer on children's games in
Japan says: "Blind man's huff as
played In Japan Is quite the same
as the game played by western chil
dren, but If you play .It with Jap
anese I may warn you not to say
'Come bore!' in English to any one
you may be trying to catch. It will
be all right to say In Japanese 'Chot
to oldo' (Come here a moment) or
'Oido nasal' (Condescend to come
here). The person spoken to will not
'oide of course if he or she can help
himself or herself, but If you call out
In English 'Come here!' as I know a
foreigner did once, you may interrupt
the game. 'Come here' (in Japanese
character written ka-mi) means for
eign dog. Inu is the word for native
dog, but the first foreigners in Yoko
hama, Americans and English folk, al
ways said 'Come here!' to their dogs
and the expression has become a Jap
anese word."
Snronmii Thnt Frilled.
He Is such a little man only three
years old yet he insists upon intrud
lug his presence nnd advice upon his
elders, often to their Intense annoy
It was only a few days ago that his
mother and his Aunt Belle were dis
cussing some household problem some
thing which an infant was not sup
posed to know anything about. Sud
denly Cliff appeared on the scene nnd
In a moment was informing both of
tho feminine members of the family
just what the facts were.
"Oh, Wisdom, when did you arrive?"
exclaimed Aunt Belle, thinking that
she might be able to "squelch" the
"Just come dis mi:;it," replied the
mite, not in the least abashed by the
sarcasm. And Aunt Belle gave it up
ns a hi'.pele.-s case. Duluth News-Tribune.
Art nnd UterntTire.
Friend Have you sold that historic
al raintins of yours yet?
Artisr No, hut I've hired a follow to
write a historical novel dealing with
the same period. It that makes a hit,
I can easily dispose of the picture-Life.
.... Hi
vrmtTlflsi tfH
) than a ctopging of the uowels '
HUM nartl nr( laaa than mtn at a rt-
nation or death if not relieved.
If every constipated sufferer
cuuiu realize tnac ne is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in his
system, he would soon get relief.
Constipation invites all kind of
contagion. Headaches, bilious
ness, colds and many other ail
ments disappear when consti
pated bowels are relieved. Thed
ford's Black-Draught thoroughly
cleans out the bowels in an easy
and natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics.
Be sure that you get the origi
nal Thedford's Black-Draught,
made by The Chattanooga Medi- I
cine Co. Sold by all druggists in
2i cent and 1.00 packages.
Howui, Ark., Mar 2, loot.
I cannot recommend Tnedford'a Blank.
IrauhttoohlKhly. lkeopltUmr houM
all the time and have aaed It for the laat
tn years. X nerer gare mj children
our other laxatlre. I think I could
nerer be able to work without It
on account 01 Deing troubled with
, i-uiiHMpnuun. iuur meaicme u j
I au mat keepa me up.
riflnnnt. Via wninvorl in a huain rt
... m ui.u.i. iiujiLCti
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
In huVH hnth mil-, in HmmiK.h nrnxlr .
order a will not prove expensive if th
worK is aone ny
Concert Violinist and Soloist
Graduate of Paris and Brussels. Di
rector of Music Columbia University'-"
A limited number of pupils received.
For terms, etc., apply Burmeister &.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a pecialty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
that gets your lungs sore ni A weak and paws tho
way for pneumonia or consumption, or both.
Acker's kugrlmh Remedy will atop the cough
In a day and heal your lungs. It will euro con
sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and'
lung troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money
refunded if yon are not satisfied. Write to us for
free sample. W. H Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,.
Howell & Jones, druggists.
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
, Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
WANTED.-A trustworthy gentleman or lady lu
each county to manage business for an old estab
lished house of solid financial standing. A straight,
bona fide weekly cash salary of 818 paid by check
each Wednesday with all expenses direct from
headquarters. Money advanced for expenses.
Mauuuur, 340 Caxlon Bldg., Chicago.
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Large lot of Sacks for sale cheap,
Second-Hand Ooods Bought and Sold
Sngarman & Co.
Bean tba M Kind You Have Always BcirTrt
( '
! I'I J& A.C i-s. H j I
At B 4ruf ttmt, 2i Vimm 25.