OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1902. Mellef Fund for Fire Sufferers. 'Several subscription lists are now be ing circulated among the citizens of Ore onCuy for subscriptions in behalf of tbe fire sufferers and eacb is meeting a rtordial reception at the bands of tbe public. We are unable at the hour of ;going 1 1 press to give all the names of til e endorsed contributors, as tbe papers are etill eomg the rounds, however, tbe following is a partial disclosure of them : Multnomah No.l,A.F.A,M.,No.50. $50 00 Sank of Oregon Oity . 20 00 Commercial Bank 20 00 acob CaBBell . 5 00 See -e George. 7 50 Charles Albright 5 00 HeinaA Co 2 60 fm. Rowan 1 00 George A. Harding 5 00 Burmeisttr & Andre sen 5 00 M. Michael..... 1 00 Miles AMcGlashan 1 00 Howe!! Jones 5 00 HI. Betke 2 00 'Charles Catta 5 00 George F. Ilorton 5 00 Pope & Co 10 00 Cairclough Bros., $7.50 worth of merchandise Weinhurd's beer depot 5 00 Ernest Matthiea 2 50 Philip Boos.... 5 00 A. Robertson 2 50 Brown & Welch 2 50 . Sehrader 1 50 W. T. Snodgrass 1 00 M. 8ii(!arinan 5 00 4,. L. Porter 2 50 Huntley Bros 10 00 A Hillebrand 2 00 Hood View Congregational church by Williarh Scott 15 00 Clackamas Royal Arch, Chapter No. 3 25 00 W. E Carl 5 00 J. P. Keating 5 00 Mrs. Babette Selling 2 00 A newly illustrated msfraztne, with tbe taking title of "The Reader," : to started in New York, next month. "The Reader" announces that it will provide the reading public of the United States with a literary magazine, at once enter taining, unprejudiced and authorative. Further than this, it promises to be both good and popular, and not only will it contain such literary departments as re views, bibliography, libraries and the drama but its contents will also include short stories, poems and several popu lar literary articles of general interest of each month. It is to be a 25 cent m ig azine and conducted on a large scale. Last Saturday afternoon a merry crowd from Oregon City took the boat for Portland, and on their way back the steamer got stuck on the rapids, so tbe passengers asked the captain if he would not let them get off and walk, as it looked rather dubious for a supper and bed. Tbe caDtain rather smiled, and twelve went ashore single file over rooks and through brush and sand. It seemed three miles, when all at once a barbed wire fence came in view and the ten ladies had to be lifted carefully over the gate by two good looking young men, whose names all promised not to mention. They beat the boat in ten minutes. Gorton's Minstrels, Gorton's Minstrel', will appear at Shively's, Wednesday, October 1st, with :ann:irely new, novel and thoroughly up-to-date attraction. The costuming IP SSf ind stage effects are on a most expen sive and 'and elaborate scale, and Uie Company comprises the best and most oepable porioruiera. Letter List. Following is the list of letters uncalled for at the Oregon City postofllce Septetn 25th, 1902. Women's List MisH Kate Cooper, Miss fcie Glover.Mrs. Alice James.Mrs. JimmaC. Updyke, Miss Blanche Pond, Mrs. Flo-a M. Kice.Miss Laura Tidwell, Miss Helen Wilcox. Moil's List John Alexander, A. Bal ky, S. L Eby, Herbert Calvin, W. ituehl. W. Lee, Itudolph.C.O. Maynard, i. McKlhaney. L. Rail, II. L. liooper, J. Sears, E. 0. Williams. G. F. Horton, P. M. : NEWS OF THE WEEK. ;j improve- An excellent musical entertainment was given in the Y. M. C. A. parlors Monday night by the Brown sisters and Miss Virginia Jau.es of Portland. Owing to the fact that other things were going on in ths city on that evening the at tendance was rather small, but the mu sical productions and readings by Miss James were none less appreciated by those who were preeent. The Misses Brown are granddaughters of that fa mous old historic character, Jhn Brown, and of course this fact adds much to their popularity. They are do ing evangelical work and give these pleasing musieales as an aid toward de fraying their expenses in traveling throughout the country. School Enrollment. Following is the enrollment on the opening day of the Oregon City schools: Barcluy 11th Grade, Prof. Faulk 10 9th and 10th, Miss Clark 54 8th, Mrs. Godfrey 25 7th. Miss Tavlor 53 4th and 5th, Miss Foster 49 4rd, Miss Walden. 32 2nd, Miss Cochran 32 1st. Miss Nefzger 39 Total....; 247 Eastham 7th Grade, Miss Smith 44 5th, Mrs. Glass 36 4th, Miss Shonkwiler 52 3rd. Miss Meldrum 27 2nd, Miss Oau field 38 1st, Miss Meyer 50 Total 294 Total for school 541 Mrs. Godfrey, Miss Foster and Miss Shonkwiler, the new tea-.-hers.are taking hold of the work in good shape. Prof. Faulk thinksit will be necessary to have a new teacher as the attendance will reach 600 before long and the 4th and 5th grades are over crowded now. There is now in the high school 15 non-resident pupils that pay $2.50 tuition, nearly enough to pay for the extra teacher. About 10 more non-resident pupils are expected. Steamship Lime Branch, largest vessel that ever entered the Colombia, now in port. .No prospect of immediate ment of Columbia river bar. The Oregon hop crop, which is about gathered, is as aood as any in tbe world. Wednesday, September 24. President Roosevelt submits to an op eration for an abscess and further tour ing of the XorthweHt is abandoned. Op eration necessary from 'injuries received in late trolley-car accident. Governor Ode 1 breaks state proposed for New York republican convention. Senator Clark defeats Heinze for con trol of Montana democratic convention. J. Pierpont Morgan is unalterably op posed to the renomination of Roosovelt. Major JV. Powell, prominent geolo gist and Smithsonian insiitution official, is dead. 'Colombian revolution breaks out in a new place. Secretary Hay's appeal for Jews not likely to have effect desired. A hop war among the Salem dealers promises interesting developments. Washington Editorial Association is in session at Walla Walla, Iland City, Union county, suffered a $35 000 tire loss yesterday. Thursday, September 25. j President Roosevelt makes known his ; determination to visit the Pacific coast next spring. Montana democrats re-aflirin the Kan- fAPAYROl $a6oo.ooK WORLDS UnrcsT ?$0350 SHOE Kctory FACTS ABOUT SHOES i Our Fall line of W. L. Douglas' sho;s has just arrived, in which we have twenty-five styles of nnhhv shoes? marie bv the lartrest and most modern shoe manufactures in the world. . Bv wearing X Douglas' shoes you get style, comfort and durability. They are union made and sell at the most popular prices of $3.00 and $3 50. VVc not only put good shoes before the public, but everything in the line of clothing and cents' furnishing p-oods. as we are exclusive pents furnishers and buv trom - o o o o o- f the best houses in he United ctates and sell at the very lowest prices. Come and be convinced. When you see it in our ad., it s to. J. M, Price, The One Price Clothier 1 6th and Main St?., Sole Agent for the II. & M. Clothing Oregon City, Oregon t I V A Boy's Wild Ride For Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr King's Ne" Dicovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leeeville, Ind , endureu hub (!irv Tilftt.form Serious noting at Pennsylvania coal 1 death's agonies rom asthama, but this minescauses additional troops to be or-1 wonderful medicine gave instant relief dered out. I and soon cured him. He writes: "1 now i sieen Houuuiv every muni l.ikb mar- luoroi ,. rr1.1,,ii Americans find task of reducing to terms more difficult than anticipated. Cruiser San Francisco sails from Nor folk, Va., to Panama to protect Ameri can interests. Henry Phipps, New York steel mag nate, proves to be man who contributed $100,000 for relief of Boers. Emperor ot Coreais dead. Germany and the Reichstag majority are deadlocked on the tariff bill. Five hundred riotous Berkley, Cal ., students take possession of a train and create general havoc. litre Is Indeed a Genuine Slaugh ter Side. Farnk Bush, "The House Furnisher," who needs no introduction to any house holder of Clackamas county, suffered heavily by the lire in Springwater, where all the improvements on his farm, which were extensive, were swept away. This loss 1ms put him in a pinch, lie must raise hard cash to meet his liabilities. His misfortune will become a public benefit. To force sales he has made cuts never known in this city's trade in (he prices of heating stoves, sewing machiues and all other merchandise comprising his mammoth stock. Here is the best chance in the world to buy tow for cash. Flour Best $3.053.75. Wheat Walla WallaG262Mc; valley 68G5c; bluestem 64 and 64c Oats White, 1.00; gray, 95c$I Barley Feed $19.50; brewing $20.50 per ct. Millstuffs Bran $17; middlings $21 J; shorts $18; chop $17. Hay Timothy $1110; clover, $7.50 Butter Fancy creamery 25 and 27c ; store, 12J and 15. Eggs 22 and 25 cents per doz. Poultry Mixed chickens $4.505.50; hens $5(35.50; springs $3.504; geese $40; ducks $35.00 ; turkeys 17 andlS Mutton GroBS, 3; dressed, C cents per pound. Hogs Dressed, 7 and 0'a cents per pound. Veal Large, 1 and 8 cents per pound. t Beef Gross, top steers, and $4.00, dressed beef, 6 7 cents per pound. Cows $3.50. CheBe Full cream 12c per pound Young America 13j and 14;4c. Potatoes $ .50 Burbanks .65 per hundred. Wool-Valley, V2.)i 15c. Hops 19 and 21c. Left It MflBd3i Scott's Emulsion is not good medicine for fat folks. We have never tried giving it to a real fat person. We don't dare. You see Scott's Emul sion builds new flesh. Eat people don't want it. Strong people don't need it. But if you are thin Scott's Emulsion is the medicine for you. It doesn't tire you out There is no strain. The work is all natural and easy. You in i.-ike the medicine and that's all there is to it. The next thing you know you feel better you cat better nnrl vou weinh more. It is A quiet worker. PORTLAND MARKET For a bad taste in the mouth 'ake Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by G. A. Harding. A Card. For the many and unexpected evi dences of Kindness and sympathy re ceived in our recent grfat bereavment from people of Oregon City, who were practically strangers to us, we wish by this means to express our heartfelt grat itude. L. O. Smith, Ella B. Smith. School Districts can d btter at . 1 wren buying sup- tnarman IO. plies as we sell at Lowest Cash Price. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Qninine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25 cents. Don't pass us by call in and get our prices. Bed Front Trading Company. Grand Offer Renewed. Siiodgrass, the photografer, will give a life-size portrait free with eve'y dozen cabinet photos, if you buy a frame. Double value for your money. Work always first-class. velous cures of Consumption. Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Cough, Colds and Grip prove its matchless me,nt for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at G. H. Harding's drug Btore. Johnson tC Lamb have a new stock of guns and ammunition. Shtlls loaded to order. They also continue to do up-to-date bicycle and umbrella repairing. Ladies' hate at the Red Front in styles and at prices to suit one and all. aOregin City boats have ehngrl time 1 d now leave Portland 8.30 i.m. 1 and 5 p.m. Leave Oregon City 7, 11 a. in. ; 3p.m. Kound trip, 25 cents. Mrs. For Over Sixty years Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of uiotbers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It Bootbes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleaeant to the taste, Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu able. Besore and ask for Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red Front. ITCHINESS OF THE SKIN. The only remedy in the world that will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin an any part of the body that is absolutely safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint ment. Free Samples at C. 6. Huntley's. When you visit Portland don't fail u tret your meals at the Royal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good square meal, 15c. M'jihAU.Eagi'&!4Jjry- 1 1 ,. 1 i 1 a. Halifax. Tl" evil repute of Halifax implied In the ndnpo "Go to Halifax!" came to it by inheritance from Halifax in York- shire, England. Halifax law, ns may bo gathered from a letter of Iord Leicester quoted by Motley, was that criminals should be "coudemned first nnd inquired upon afterward." Halifax lay within tho forest of Ilnrdwlck, whore tho law was thntif a felon was taken with 13V4 pence worth of stolen goods ho should be tried by four rlrth burgers from four of the pre cinct towns nnd if condemned by them be banged tho next day. After this proceeding had been carried out to the letter tho case might be sent to a Jury. Halifax Is also credited with being tho home of the guillotine, which the regent. Earl Morton, Introduced ln'O Scotland only to have his own head chofped off with it. 41 O-Tt rHr-ir ' -Urr Hill V 1 1 1 Next Door to the Sun The timekeeping quali ties of the Elgin Watch are perfect next door to the sun. m Elgin TO CUKK A OOl.n IX OSK Dt Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money tf it fails to curer E. W. Grove's signature is ob each box. 25o. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the is the Watch Word the world around, for accuracy and durability. Every Elgin Watch has the word ELGIN engraved on the works. Sold by every jeweler in the land. Guaranteed by the world's greatest watcli works. Bend tor illustrated art booklet tree. Elgin National Watch Company, Elgin, Illinois. $ $100 TYPEWRITER I The F FOR anklln Typewriter This 5s $25.00 less than the fixed price of the typewriter trust, and yet the FRANKLIN is the equal of any $100.00 machine built. Are you undecided ? Rent a FRANKLIN for a few months at $4.00 per month Then, if you are satisfied, buy the machine. Whatever is paid on rent will be allowed to ward the purchase. Does an inferior machine, which you own, stand in your way? You can turn it in as part payment toward a FRANK LIN, and a fair allowance on it will be made. If your purse is thin you can obtain easy terms on time payment. E. F. BUMPUS, Manager 302 Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal. Local Agent at Courier-Herald Office Qmt Torced $ak To the people of Oregon City and vicinity THE FAS ft STORE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE Is forced to sell out the entire stock and will sell' at a sacrifice ' 2doz '3 for! NOTE THE FOLLOW ING PRICES: Ladies' Short Lisle Veets, good, for corset covers Sale Price 3 for " silk finish fleece lined fast black hose Peajl Buttons, regular 5c per dozen " LadieV Fancy Dress Buttons, reg. 10c and 15c per doz " Silkaiine Crochet Cotton, reg. 5c a ball " Bos Assorted Hair Pius, itg. 5c per box " " Celluloid Dress Combs, 10c each " " Unbleached Sheetinif, 36 inches wide " " L L Bleached Muslin, 36 " " " Bleached Cambric 3b' " " " " " " Superfine, in finish and quality.." " Ladies' Half-wool, non-shrinkable Vest and Pants, leguW 75c " " Ladies' Heavy Riobed Fleeced Under Vests and Pants regular 35.! " Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits regular 7oc 1000 Dozen Laces of all widths and qualities to close out Ribbons of all widths and qualities, to close out 150 Dozen LadUs' Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy to close out Corsets, Corsets and Corsets, Sale Price from 40c and tip Nail Brushes, regular 5c Sale Price Shoe " " 15c " ' Clothes " " 25c " ' Large Kitchen Aprons, regular 15c " Men's Sox 3 for 1 c and up " Fleece-Lined Underwear, reg. $1.25 per suit .. ." ' " Heavy Ribbed Fleece-Lined Underwear, $1 suit " " " . All-Wool Ribbed Underwear.reg. $1.25 each. . . '.' " " Jersey Ribbed Oveishirts.regular 50c " " " Working Shirts, double front and back, reg. 50c " " ' Extra Heavy Jersey Oversbirts, regular 1 " " " Suspenders, silk ends, good rub her, reg. 25c " " " Sleeve Holders, regular 5c " " " Memorandum Books, regular 10c " 10 quart Water Bucket, granite " " Pompadour Combs, reuular 15c and 18c " " Cotton Napkins, regular 4c " " Real Linen iSapkins Oil-boiled Turkey Red Napkins " Fine Tablets for school UBe " Men's Seamless heavy weight wool socks " 1 yard square Tapestry Table Cover, regular 95c. . " Children's Fancy Pocket Books, regular 10c " Ladies' Fancy Round Hose Supports, regular 20c. ... " A 1 Razor, regular $1.25 " Fine Toilet Soup, 3 bars in a box ' 26-inchUmbrellas for ladies and children, regular 50c " Aluminum Hair Pins, 3 cards, smai:, large, medium 5-10-15 " Accordion Pleated, Mercerized Colored Skirts, reg. $1 " All Other Golds Not Mantnned Here Are R iduoed In Propis'tion To Above Prices. 1 6 for ' 6 for '2 for box .10 .14 .05 .05 .10 .03 05 A Mi .08 .10 .50 .50 .03 .09 .13 .10 .93 .80 .90 .40 .40 .08 .13 .03 .05 .40 .ID .05 .25 .05 .25 .68 .05 .HI .75 .07 .40 .18 .75 GEORGE BROS. RESTAURANT... ' and Lunch Counter Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon City to get a Dainty Lunch or SQUARE MEAL Open at All Hours, day or night Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds MRS. R. BECKER 220 FIRST STREET v- - PORTLAND, OREGON Has a complete assortment of Fall lylilliQeFy, furs, lillirjcpy Novelties, Ktc Hats Trimmed to Order Feathers Dyed and Cnrled PRICES MODERATE Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper L .,,:!! coll ,f fn trrvn rKwnpr I UdUgtl, Will o-n 11. fcv jv han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your I house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City HEADACHE At B 4rut tten. 2i Don 2St. Baaath ' f Tha Hind Von Haw Always ftmgt Send for free sample. TT & DOWN E, I'htmwls, no Pfrl St., N. Y. S0C4uJli.00i til druggtitt. wgnatnit of Signature