'J 't0'I 8oci.tr. cttjBWl' Ore omr!erHerald COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1BB3 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 6 City C Qt D. & D. 0. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oommeroial, Eeal'Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK op OREGON CITY . CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collection, discounts bllis buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. V, t IjATOCBETTE, . i , ideut K. J. Mkybb Castiie N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER, EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OREGON CITY OREGON : , J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a speolalty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON E H. COOPER, Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam- ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens Building, Oregon City, Ore. Qt E. HAYES ATiDRNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON fEO, T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC Kl'IAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE t Red Front Court Home Block OKV:.'.N CITY OREGON (JRAl'T B. DIMTCK - " Attorney and Counselor at Law Will pracllce In all Courts In ihe State, Circuit and District Courts of Ihe United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Offloe in btevens Buildiug, Oregon City, Or. J C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; I to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Norms, M. D. J. W. POWELt. M. I. Jf ORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city or country promptly attended Office: 1,2,17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practice In all Courts of the State Welnhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 0. Schukbil W. 8. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW tttutfdiet aibDotat Will' praotice 'in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend yon money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON Jj I. SIA3 DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware .and Spectacles OANBY OREGON Y. U. YOUXG'S Livery & feed Stabla Finest.Turnouts io City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHAN'S Livery, Fesd and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON WHAT IS THE USE of lufferins from indleestion If you eat what you want, or of starving yourself to avoid such d.s tret Acker's Dynpepsl Tablets taken after e!iu?wiU digest your food perfectly and free you from all the disagreeable symptoms of indigestion and drtpopsta. Kat what you like at anj ' time.and take in Acker Tablet afterward. rositlTjly guaranteed. Your money will always be "funded If yon are not satisfied. Write to us lor free sample. W. II. Hooker 4 Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., HowoU Jones, druggists. THE OLD RELIABLE EHKDER Absolutely: Purer THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Correct Estimate of Losses by Fire. Owing to the fact that considerable confusion has attended the facts and figures relating to the damage caused by the recent fires around Springwater, no authentic list of damage lias been printed by the papers the fol lowing is a list of damages made out by some reliable genileuaen who live at Springwater: George Cunt.ingham $1000 Mrs. Uraig 600 Robt. Guttridge : .. 500 E. J. Bowen 200 Carol Howell 2000 James Guttridge 600 F. Whitehead.... 1000 D. Ridgeway 800 D. O. Howell 500 F.Millard '. 500 Al Cassey 700 Phil Shannon 2000 A. M. Shibley 1500 Myers & Sons 2000 B. Tucker 2500 II. E. Cross 2500 Mrs. Albright . 1000 J. Coin 300 Joe Killen 500 Mrs. Reid 300 Mrs. Gordon . 500 J.Goble 300 N. D. Bridenstine 1000 F. Busch 1000 Ed Millen....- 500 Ed Closner 1500 Al Lacey 2500 W. Smith 1000 W..J. Lewellen ........ 1500 W. Warnock 2000 Charles Bard 500 W. Kandle. 2000 J. Stormer. 1500 J. A. Reid 1500 W. Bard 1700 Mrs. Charter 300 W. rinyder 1500 James Marchbank 400 George Reut 1000 John Marchbank 500 T. S trite 500 Widow Lewellen 500 John Lewellen 700 O. II. Guttridge 300 vv. JNieman..: 250 F. Habelt 250 A. Habelt 250 F. Habelt .: 250 J. Marrs 150 E. Lacey 200 M.Taeks 600 H.Dubois 500 W. Tanmen 500 W. L. Oornett '40 Presbyterian Church ' 800 A. D. Crane 50 W . J. Lewellen, James Guttridge, T. Strite, D. RlDGEWAY. Labor Day Expenditure and receipts. Statement of manager nf the rncinf.n and disbursements of Labor Day cele- orauon, oeptemDenst, iaua: Receipts. Am't ree'd from 4th Julycom. $198 40 base ball game. 121 80 " " " program advt. 7 50 " " " dance Pavillion 19 00 R. B Walker donation K (in Advance loan from Federal Union 50 00 $4ul 70 DISBURSEMENTS. O. C. base ball team 28 50 Milwaukie Brass Band 45 00 Feifer's Union base ball team ... 15 00 Woodman Brass Band 25 00 Base ball 3 25 Fire works 50 00 Ticket sellers 6 00 Gate keepers , 10 00 Wilson & Cooke, mdse 2 26 G-. M.Joe, mdse 3 20 M. Michael, bunting 3 50 Adams Bros, bunting and decora tion 9 33 I. Selling, miiBlin and mdse 7 70 Huntley Bros , 2 05 O. C. Enterprise, advt 8 00 J, E. Rhoades, decorating 10 00 W. H . Young, livery 3 00 Courier-Herald, advt 10 00 K. R. Williams, teams 16 00 F. S. Baker, lumber 5 75 Pac States Tel and Telp'n Co. . . 2 75 C. M. Oglesby, labor 3 00 A. W. Cheney, printing 14 00 Brodie Bros, printing 125 O. C. T. Co !. 50 S. J. Burford.advt 2 00 Max Merkins 1 00 Labot day buttons 20 00 R. R. and Telegraphing 10 00 Lipman Wolfe & Co, gilt triming 9 50 Postage and expressage 4 50 Ten car signs at 50c 5 00 Five streamers and banners 5 00 Loan returned to Federal Union. 50 00 Entertainment, orator 10 00 Returned to Walker, dunation. . . 5 00 Total disbursements $396 03 Balance on hand 14 67 E. N. Greenuian hauling freight and furnishing two wagons and hordes No charges. To all thosf who so kindly volnenteered their services and to the business men and others and to the societies who as sisted to make Labor Day such a grand success, we are most greatfully thank ful. Yonrn Truly, J. II . Howard, Manager. State Fair Premiums. The following residents of Clackamas county received premiums at (lie Btate fair: R. Scott, Milwaukie First on pair ram lambs, and second and third on ewes, Colswolds; all awards on Dorset Horns ; 8Bcond sweepstake on four long wool lambs ; second brepder's special. All awards on Little Yorkshires; no competition. ' Schmidt Bros., of Shubel Second on two-year-old Shropshire rams; third on pair ram lambs ; first and third on one-year-old ewes ; second on pair of ewe lambs. Third breeder's special. J. Murrow & Sou, Oregon City On Barred Plymouth Rocks, first, second and third on cocks ; first on hens ; first, second on cockerel, first on pen and first in American class. George Lazelle, of Oregon City On Red Polled ; first on two-year-olds; first on calves, hulls Third on cows ; first on two-year-olds; first on calf, females; second cn exhibitors' herd. REALTY TRANSFERS. 1 1 1 m ,." M' ;i r . . This Trade Mark on the side 1 iW''rByt'kV:i! f a wagon box is a guarantee UWMf&W0 excellence and high grade mm quality in the construction of this, wagon. If yours does not have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you cannot afford to run any chances on the material used in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money though the manufacturers replace the broken part. Punished Evey Week by Clacka mas Abstact & Trust Co. A O Forsv the to H Look, 20 acres in see 27, 1-3 e 300 0 I & 8 Co to F W Gilligan, 24 ac res in James Moore cl 482 T J Kerns to J H Turner, s 1-2 of n 1-2 of nw of sec 20, 4-4 e 125 W E Poiief to S Svvegle, w 1-2 of sec 9, 4-1 e C400 E K Lu force to Til le Guarantee & TO, s w sec 24, 7 3e 100 T W Martin to Nicoli Bros Co, ne sec 32, snd nw of sec 33, 7-4 e. . . $2560 L Glover e.t al to O W P & Ry Co, right of wny 963 J Onrkisli t ) K F Rilev, lots 26, 26, 27. 28 and 35 to 39, blk 17 and 1, 2 ami 3 blk 13, Mintliorn 95 C D l.aiomette to J Dellinger, 11 Jg of ne of sec 18, 2-4 e . 50 W A Shaw to J A Mass. 60 acres in sec 36, 5-1 e 7.0 T P Ramiall udiur to F S Morris, 15 acre in sec 34, 3 4 e . 6000 H ErtmiiM to ,1 .1 Verry, 5.56 acres in sec 81. 3-1 w 100 Willamett- Falls Co to S Fowler, tracts, Williaraeite Falls 175 A E Wa u tn A Houn, 50 acres in sec 24. 1-2 e . ; 3500 J T'aqut't Ui A Molen, tract near Caneman 325 H Look to L R Look, 10 acres in sees 26 and 27, 1-3 h 150 II J Scbn- upi r 10 ,1 A Surface, 3.30 acres in t he Fihher cl 2-2 e 168 P Leichtrti ise to A Lwchtweise, 1- 5 interest 111 of hw and sw of ne of sw of sec 3U, 1 4 e 400 J Zwwk to J A Cooke, blk 3, Mare- field. 500 Notice to Taxpayers and Prop erty Owners. Notice is ;heieby given that the board of equalization of the county of Clacka mas, State of Oregon, will for the week beginning Monday, October 13ih, 1902, be iu ui tendance at the oflice of the county clerk, in said co'tn'y and state, for the purpose of publicly examining the assessment rolls of said county for the year 1902, and correcting all er rors in valuation, description or quali ties uf lands, lots or other 1 ruperty. It is theduty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place herein mentioned, and call the attention of said board to any eirors in assessment, or property not atsessed, so that the same may be corrected in the manner pro vided by law. Eli Williams, -Assessor of Clackamas County. Pleaee call early in the week. "INCURABLE" HEART DISEASE SOON CURED. By the Great Specialist in Treating Weak and Diseased Hearts, Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B. Will Spud $4.00 Worth of His Special ivsatuieuc f ree an a Trial. To demonstrate the un -sual curative powers of hs new and complete special treatments by mail for heart disease, short breath, pain in the side, oppres sion in the chest, irregular pulse, pal pitation, smothering spells, pulling of the ankles, or dropBV. Dr. Miles will send four dollars worth free as a trial, to all who mention this paper. His treat ments are the result of twenty-five years of careful study, extensive research, and remarkable experience in treating the varous ailiments of the heart, stom -cb and nerves, which so often complicate each case. So astonishing are the re sults of his complete special treatments that he does not hesitate to oiler all per sons a ttiai free. Nothing could be more generous. Few physicians have such confidence in their remedies. There is no reasons why eveiy afflicted person should not. avail themselves of thia exceedingly lineral offer, as they may never have another such opportunity. No death comes as suddeuly as that from heart disease. Urs. A. Lronck, of Huntington, Ini., whs cured afier thirty physicians fjle0 ; M rs. l-'lora Grantor, of llrlstoviUe, O., after twenty-two; Jan. R. Waite the noted actor, after a score hud pr'tionn cod him Incurable; Mrs. Frank Htnith, of Chicago, aflsr fivs leading physicians had given tier up; Mr. Jnllm Keister of CliieaKO, after ten; Mrs. K. l'arker after sixteen failed. A thousand references to and testimonials from Bishops, Clergymen, IjRnkers, Tanners and their wlvrs will be sent free upoii request. Bend at once for free examination blank, phamphlets and free treatment before it is to) late. Address Franklin Miles, M. D. LL. B. 20:5 to 205 btate Street, Chicago, 111. Please mention Oregon City Courier-Herald in your reply. X Mi - "iiT safe BUY A FISH- We also carry a full line of Buggies and Spring Wagons. Write us for prices on everything you need, it cn'y takes a postal card and may save you dollars. ORTHWEST -IMPLEMENT COMPANY, 208 FRONT STREET, PORTAND ORE rfHEAVY LOSSES To Our Friends and Patrons: Heavy losses wo have suffered through tho recent fires placed us in a tight pinch we need money, and ask our friends to come and buy their winter supplies from, our mammoth stock for cash. We will slaughter Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines, and we will give you a discount on all other goods purchased be tween now and December 1st for cash. Do not miss your chance, Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for ncarfy half price. Frank Busch, The House Furnisher 581 1 I