1 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1902. 2 Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea in use for over 30 years, ha8 borne the slirnatnre of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The CI Jldren's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CtNTAUR COM PAN V. TV MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY. yui ) j nf u win niiinm.m) mnpiipi jmww him i mmw trni finilHMHiniilH ii ir ill iiiiBinlTiUlrt WrlinJ 83 Brand 2 Guaranteed Linen Collars 25 Cents N The Double Triangle Brand Collars are stylish and r comfortable. The only collar made with a heavy 5 T pij seam. Sold by up-to-date merchants everywhere ' or 2 sample sent prepaid for 25 cents, t They equal, 'any quarter coilzrjade.l Merchants should write'' "for our 1902 offer. w'iiiilHiAMkiiwi'ii ym zandt JACOBS .CQ v. ,TkOT. NXv RED FRONT Court House Block, Oregon Cih, Ore. Straw and Crash Hats, below cost. ShirtWaists, - - - from 35c up 36-inch Percales, - - - now 2c yd Tabic Cloth, - - - - from 20c Duck Skirts, in colors, - - from 75c Men's and Boy's Caps, Reg. price 25c, now 1 5c Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, " " 1.00 " 75c Neckties, - - " . " 25c 44 15c Men's Sweaters, - " " 85c 44 65c Boy's " " " 50c1 44 40c Men's Heavy Shirts. " 60c to 75c 44 45c Fancy Sox, - - - - per pair, 5c We arc making a big cut in prices on everything in the lino i Shoes, Dry Goods and Furnishing Goods. Call and examine goods and get our prices. RED FRONT, Court House Block Oregon City xTJJL anufacturing .AND n u n n n u uu Champ it alSFK 1- u u u JLJL i I Chairman Griggs &.nd His Good Luck Pros perity Which Repub licans Did Not Cause $ ff H H' nv H it w TT it x& TT TT W AS TT tt Special Washington Letter. ENIZEXS of New York are be ing taught a trust lesson which may be of consequence here after morally, politically and otherwise. The anthracite coal trust is the teacher, and Gothamites, without respect to politics or religion, the vic tims. "Hard Coal Advances a Dollar!" is a frequent newspaper headline. The coal barons may catch it where the chicken got It in the neck. If the late lamented Thineas T. Bar nura, "lord mayor of Bridgeport," own er of "the greatest show on earth," etc., could revisit the glimpses of the moon, he would, unless he has lost that git up and git which made him both rich and famous, hasten to secure the services of Mr. Babcoek, congressman from Wisconsin and chairman of the Republican congressional campaign committee, arid would advertise him as "the greatest living acrobat the greatest that ever lived." Bab's capers on the tariff and trust questions have never been equaled since the morning stars sang together for joy. One of two things is true about Bab either he is a most uncommon somersault turner or he is "tecbed in the head" hard to tell which. Chairman Griggs. Hon. James M. Griggs of. Georgia, chairman of the Democratic congres sional committee, is winning favor where it was least expected in the east. Judge Griggs Is bright, amiable, patient, enthusiastic, capable, ambi tious and Industrious. What's more, he's lucky. In speaking to Griggs of his election to the chairmanship, Hon. W. M. Howard, one of the ablest young men In the house, said: "Griggs, I be lieve now that we will elect the next house. Your Invariable good luck will enable us to win." Griggs is busy as n bee In planning the campaign. The New York Times says; Tils difficulty with Senator Hawley's es timate of Senator Hoar as a man who Is "crazy" on the subject of the Philippine Islands is that the acceptance of it Im plies too many men besides Senator Hoar as in the same category. Mr. Hoar him self may be an enthusiast whose devotion to his own Ideas sometimes runs away with him, tin we think the Instance was never known before in, which they led him away from his party. If there were any enthusiasm that was to turn his brain, it would be naturally In the re verse direction. But, to return to the point from which we started, if Mr. Hoar Is crazy here, so TBas President Harrison crazy; so Is Governor Boutwell crazy; so is Senator Edmunds, late of Vermont, crazy; so is Speaker Reed crazy. If there can be found any four men in this coun try who were less likely to' have the soundness of their intellect affected by either enthusiasm or brooding than Har rison, Boutwell, Edmunds and Reed, we should like to know them. This is to leave out of account the author of the moVit magnificent speeches made in the present era of the nation's history. That Herald editorial appears to be a regular sockdolager on the Nutmeg statesman. He will have to spit on his hands and try it over again. Free Advice. The Atlanta Constitution, Democrat ic, rises to remark: The Democratic congressional campaign of this year should be a vigorous and ag gressive attack on thos tariff schedules that are being used no longer to ward off impossible foreign competition, but to rob our own people and build up enormous personal fortunes for favored classes and sections. The way to kill the trust Is to kill the special legislation which is the spinal cord of its life. The way to de stroy the leather trust and get shoes at fair prices is to repeal the taxes on hides. The way to destroy the food trust is to re peal the food taxes and let the cattle and fresh meats of Canada, Mexico and South America cnn ii to regulate prices to a living level. And eo Qn to tho end of the chapter. That's one remedy and a good one, but it is an old saying that "doctors disagree." in a long editorial on the subject of trusts the New York Hail and Express, Uepublican, says: Mr. Gi'lgss, chairman of tha Democratic framed in Washington is responsible for congressional committee, Is a man of sense. Ha announces that his committee proposes to conduct the campaign for con gressional Candidates this fall chiefly on tllfc Issue of the tariff. He reports, aii .urgent demand from all parts of the Un ion for "literature;" on that issue. If the Democrats Etta prepared, as Mr. Griggs proposed, to wnge the light this fall on the tariff. Issue and if they will put up candidates for the house and for the senate who will not regard their elec tion as license for peddling their votes to tha tariff beneficiaries, they will deserve to win. In many districts they will have a. fait ehanco to win, and even if they do not secure a majority m either house they will lay the basis of nn honest and sub stantial political organization that will ba worth working with and for. the early demise of these corporations the law o supply and demand. The American dollar frames that law. It is alert t,0 opportunity, eager for invest ment, hard to beat in competition. Jt K at work all the time against tha trust that Inflates prices or seeks return on watered stoolt. And it will come nearer solving the trust problem than will any legislation enacted by congress. Congress can 3 much and should do something to make unlawful some of the present prac tices of the trusts, but Individual Amer ican enterprise and capital will after all prove to be tho real and vital force against them. That Is only another way of stating the warcry of Hon. Sereno E. Payne, I "Let well enough alone!" or Mark Republican Prosperity. Senator Marcus A. Ilanna says that the Itepublicans made tho presents prosperity. Let s see. One of my con stituents, J. A. Norton, of St. Charles county, one of the richest agricultural counties in tho world, has just har vested 70,000 bushels of wheat from his own farm, the crop averaging thirty-five bushels to the acre. Did Republicans cause his prosperity? Did Mark sow that wheat, water It, make the sun shine on it and harvest it V to, Marcus Alo::sui, with such rot! Hanna's improvement on Tayiie, "Keep on letting well enough alone," to which every trust and criminal in the land will gke a most fervent and hearty "Amen!" There is no sort of doubt that tho suggestion of the constitution is preferable to that of the Mail and Express. Horace Greeley said, "The way to resume is to resume," and tho way to bust the trusts is to bust them. It is true that individual enterprise endeavors to bust them; but, as a rule, (Jo they bust individual enterprise, u me I M. and E. would give a complete list Another of my toMsiiuii iits. W. S. ! of the private enterprises crushed uy Nelson of Lincoln -;;.'iiy. made last j the Standard Oil company, it would bo year $84.00 net IV. the milk of j a valuable lesson, one Holstein cow. the Movy of which ! The pre8ident and the Trusts, performance Senator llaa::a would, ImlIvl(luullv t nin inclined to give the claim for the Republican party, lhe , progldent crotllt for honesty in his chances are t!mt the i.w would have ,ngt the tnsts u , Bulu given the same quantum of dulce lac , thnt he hfls golectcd Mr Llttlefleld of it there nau ueen a Democratic presi- i Maine to introduce and manage an antitrust bill. Tho Washington Tost, independent and high tariff Bhouter, is a doubting Thomas as to what a Republican congress is likely to do to the trusts. Tho Post Is on the ground and possesses unusual facilities for information not only as to what is done and left undone, but also as to the motives of tho actors. As to the Roose-velt-Littlefleld pronunciatnento against the trusts It discourses in this cynical strain: WATCM REPA1 .A SPECIALTY. dent and congress In Washington. Another of my constituents, whose name I have forgotten, but who lives near New Florence, in Montgomery county, raised ginseng worth $125 ou about one rod of ground, which, of course, Is proof positive that Mark makes it rain. All over Missouri the corn is from ten to twenty feet high, potatoes are big as ostrich eggs, the earth groans beneath the weight of a most bountiful harvest of all eer'tfs, fruits and vegetables; consequently we all ought to go down on our knees to Mark, provided he made the rain to fall and the sun to shine. But, query: If Mark makes It seasonable this year, why didn't he make It seasonable last year? Does he cause It to rain only In election years? People ought to have Informa tion on this subject, because It is im portant, don't you know Subserviency to Trusts. Tho Washington Post. Independent, goldbngglsh and high tariff slii.jter. gives this solar plexus blow to the He- publicans lu this congress for their j subserviency to the trusts: I It Is not very Improbable that the Re i publicans in both houses will be ready j to vote for one or two carefully drawn nntltrust measures when congress con venes. They are hearing and will con tinue to hear from the people on that sub ject. They will know a little later, if they do not already realize, that nore is wide- , cU,.u .,rotl,nso pf attempting nn attack on spread ami deep dissalisiaeuen wnn uieir tnlsla nnd combines. Assuming It to be a fact that the president has requested Representative Llttlefleld of Maine, whose dustrlal coiiiMiiaUons. hether they come i juilk.avv committee, to prepare the pro back victorious or defeated, they will i , .ministration antitrust bill, we trust en:iet::v;UH. And It will not be tuninge if Hk.v yield to this pressure. It appears that an administration anti trust bill Is to be introduced in congress on tha reassembling of that body In De cember. Hitherto executive activities In behalf of antitrust legislation have been confined to recommendations In the regu lar annual messages. President Mclvinley called tha attention of congress to this subject and expressed the hope that a legislative remedy for the evils of monop olistic combinations would be devised and applied. President Roosevelt In his mes sago to the Fifty-seventh congress last December treated the trusts in a con servative manner, but suggested publicity as an important feature of remedial legis lation. Hut neither the recommendation of McKinlcy to the Fifty-sixth congress nor of Roosevelt to the Fifty-seventh con gress fruetilled In any antitrust enact suppose that he did not have a full under standing and keen appreciation of the farce which his committee was perpetrat ing. It was a two act production, Includ ing besides that famous antitrust bill, now entered upon Its third year of unshaken slumber, the still more widely famed Bry-an-Naphen-Jenkins-Ray committee's anti trust amendment. Fresh as he then was in the councils of the nation, the new "man from Maine" brought with him a keenness of perception and a sense of humor which must have heightened his enjoyment of that racy farce comedy. That bill, although Intended to meet death In the process of parturition, was printed, and several copies of It are In ex istence. Possibly Mr. Llttlefleld has one of them. At any rate, he can readily ob tain one, and he may find it edifying to make a careful study of the means which such distinguished statesmen as Messrs. Ray, Jenkins, Parker, Overstreet, Alex ander, Warner and others recommended for the suppression of evils incident to monopolistic combinations. But If in the course of his investiga tions of the operations of trusts and com bines It should happen to occur to Mr. Llttlefleld that some of the most extor tionate and exasperating of the monopo lies are sheltered by tariff schedules which are not needed for protection or revenue, what will he do then? That article Is about as scathing as anything written by Junius or spoken by John Randolph of Roanoke. It knocks the bottom clear out of the pre tensions of the Republicans as trust fighters and pillories Ray & Co. as fa kirs. Of course everybody with any snse knew all the time that the bill spoken of was cheap and bold dema gogy, but nobody has so tersely and mercilessly exposed It as does the Post In the aforementioned editorial. Such organ grinders as the Globe-Democrat make a show of believing that Ray and his pals were In earnest, but they only excite the derision of honest men. When the devil sets about putting out his fire, the Republicans will bust the trusts and not before. "Et Tu, Brute!" The New York Evening Post, Inde pendent, founded by Alexander Hamil ton nnd for years edited by William Cullen Bryant, author of "Thanatop sts," makes tho following satirical re marks touching the presidential mid summer trust hunt: We would not be thought to speak flip pantly of the president's pians. He Is, no doubt, In dead earnest. His sincerity In the position which ho has taken on this subject is as unquestionable as his cour pge. We cannot, however, blind ourselves to the fact that a long range summer fight With trusts Js a very different thing from coming to close grips with the mon sters in tho winter at Washington. From such a hand to hand contest the president and his party havo just emerged, and tha trusts were not the ones to come out of it 'considerable shuck up like" ans) "per miscuously chawed." The truth Is, as a careful study of the habits of the trust will show, that animal is what may bo called an estlvatlng instead of a hibernating species. It sleeps peacefully the Hummer through, caring not for tha loud cries of Us assajlants, on stump or platform, tut when tho winter conies, with an actual I bill In congress, like Mr. Llttkofleld' of this year, then It appears Rll teeth and claws, and by the time the trust gets through with that bill Its own father would not recognize it. Another Witness. The Chicago Record, which support ed Mr. McKinlcy In 1SO0, thus ex presses Its opinion of the president's antitrust crusade: The most important observation con tained in tho president's Pittsburg ad dress is that In which ha declares that new legislation Is needed on the subject of trusts and combinations in restraint of trade and industry. Probably 99 per cent of the American peopla will agree with the president on the proposition that there should be addi tional legislation relative to the trusts of the criminal variety, but most of those who are in earnest In their hostility to such combinations will not support him in his assumption that that legislation should be in the line of regulation and control exclusively. The kind of legislation which would put most of the great commercial plunderers out of business could be effected by an honest congress In a few days and in a few words by placing the products of ev ery lawless trust on the free list. Mr. Roosevelt adheres to the policy which makes trusts. He has no particular regard for a policy which would unmako them. A La Silas Wean. Readers of Charles Dickens of bless ed memory will remember that at ir regular and frequent intervals Silas. Wegg dropped into poetry, a pleasant if somewhat inartistic performance on the part of Mr. Wegg. Some anony mous writer, following Mr. Wegg's ex ample, tackled the Philippine problem lu this wise: Spain once had a tiny lamb, the meek est lamb around. She sold the lamb to Uncle Sam for twenty millions down. Then Sammy took it by the tail to lead It home, you know. The mutton rare turned out a bear, and Sam can't let 'er go. The poet, whoever he was, just about exhausted the subject, with which ora tors, statesmen and editors have been wrestling for more than three years. Miss Ida. M. Snyder, Treannrer l the Brooklyn East End Art Club. " If women would pay more attention to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and If they would observe results they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit for. " In consulting with my druggist he d. vised McElree's Wine of Cardul and Tried ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions and is a most as tonishing tonic for women,. It cures scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg ular and painful menstruation, falling of the womb, whites and flooding. R is helpful when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth and in change of life. It fre quently brings a dear baby to homes that have been barren for years. All druggists have J1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. WEofCARDUI 'W '111'-, 1: THB M0RN1NQ TUB catttiot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason oi defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in tliorouati working order will not ptovo expensive if the work is done by F. C. CADKE E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting, Paint Shop near Depot Hotel New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a pecialty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY IT'S JUST A COUGH that gets your lungs sora ai d weak end paves the way for pneumonia or consumption, or both. Acker's KngliHh Remedy will stop the cough In a day and lieal oir lungs. It will cure cou sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and lunK troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money refunded if you are not satisfied. Write to us for free sample. W. H Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Howell Jones, druggists. interference with the trusts in nny way. lint in tho Fifty-sixth congress the houso of representatives i!Ul make a fur Hiihservieuey during the Filty-sixtli and the loiiR session of the Fifty-seventh con- irr.tva t. th. lnt..r.ita nf m.monnlist le in- I Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examination Tree, by PHILLIPS, The Optician A. N. WRIGHT .The Iowa Jeweler. 293 Morrison, near 5th As to Craulr.ess. Ccm-ral .Kiscph II. Iluwley, senior nnil st'i'.ih' Mutator from Cnnoetk'nt. j I hns iloi'latv,! Unit Senator (.ii'orso Fris j Mo ll'iai', t'.:e old man eloquent from I I j.tsxiieV'-- ; is "na.y" because of! Ut aitiiu.:.- .. ti e l".i:lipriiu' question. On Hauler's rht.ntft.Tiuioti of Hour the r.iio:i woi aUl. huh iiemlent, rv-j Ilia !'!;: Tin- Healthy 'Savage. It is a question whether any purely savage peoples wore subject to epidem ic diseases before they came In con tact vi;h civilized nations. The prob ability is that they were not so, as the ment. Indeed, there was no feature of tho universal practice of all such peoples programme oi me itepuum.m wa8 to destroy weakly and diseased both of these congresses In tho Fifty- ... , J , ", sixth throughout its life and in the Fifty- Infants and also to kill off aged peo- eoventh throughout Its long session more pie and those who had contracted any evident than their determination to avow ; ,iia Tina u-nnlil have the effect of prodticlui; an absolutely healthy adult population, nmoiig which epi demic disease, unless introduced from outside, would never b able to gain a footing. Of civilized peoples the Scandina vians have during the period covered by history been must free from epi demics, although an apparent excep tion Is to be found in the comparative prevalence of leprosy. But this can hardly be described as epidemic, as It Is almost entirely duo to the eating of stale and Imperfectly cured fish during the long winter. This has been, as signed as one of the causes of this dis ease, but It has not been absolutely demonstrated, and even if it had been It would be rather a disease of acci dent than an epidemic. nre moved to remind mat gentleman oi the existence of nn antitrust measure that was prepared ty that committee, was put throuKh the house almost, If not quite, unanimously nnd is now in n pigeonhole in the room of tho senate Judiciary com mittee, tho Identical place for which It was originally intended, the restful abode toward which it was Intentionally directed by its framers and promoters. Mr. Ijlttle fleld was even then, although new in con press, a member of that Important com mittee, hut he was not credited with or suspected of tho authorship of that measure, yet It would bo far from credit able to his Intelligence and sagacity to F. VICTOR AUSTIN, Concert Violinist and Soloist Graduate of Paris and Brussels. Di rector of Music'Oolumbia University. A limited number of pupils received. For terms, etc., apply Burmeister & Andiesen. WANTED.-A trustworthy gentleman or lady lu each conntv to manage business for aa oW "tab lished house of solid financial standing. A ght, bona fide weekly cash salary of (18 paid heck each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Mauager, 340 Caxlon Bldg., Chicago. Oregon City Second-Hand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES, JUNK, METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. Large lot of Sacks fijr sale cheap. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold RING TIIONE 416 FOR JUNK. Sngarman & Co. OABTOTIIA. Bears the yf Haw Always BJU8 ignature of 5j ..a. HHADACHH - -V .,.4- v-' 11 At ail drug ons 2i Doma 2Se, IT