Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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m Urn
;on pacific
0. R. & 11 Co.
tl:-3 Cliolca c!
'V (XYt
' 7 T -I
9-00 a. m.
9:'il) p. in.
TO i
(i:'0 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean tea hip j s leave Portland ei
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for W illam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan,
Tor full information call on or address nearest
O . H, & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CBAIG, O, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Fnr Mnygens Rainier,
I:iTkni', WuHlport
Clifton, A'tnt-ia, Wnr-8-00
A. M. r'entnn, KSuvel, Ham-
iimn'l, Perl St'-vt'ns, 11:10 A.M.
Gwliart I'ark. Scu-itie,
Astoria aii'l Sctbore
7.00 P.M. Astoria Kxpres, D:4o P. M,
j r-TT-N q
Th8 T!ruU of a Li-C
1 pah vimlir vi;iii Uir ini'tntr tll-ll tliU
THE PQDPD AlSJf.F recurrent pain in the ululonie.v whit h
2D. K . . , . r m I , '
Ticket Offl. 'Ars5 Morrison ft. mid Anion Depot.
J. C. Maio, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Ore.
Daily Round Trips, rxcept S
Leave Porl'aml
Leave Astoria
i hi.
.7 A. M
.7 r. m
Daily Trips Except Sunday
reeve Portland, Men., Wfil.aml Fri.
Leave Tut; Dalles, Tues , Thtirs iiml S.it
7 A. M
.7 A. M
ars Nature's warning; notes of
approaching clmrer h on a dis
eased heart.. If. yen would
avoid debilitating diseases, or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pav heed to the
' rorlglnal.
rrofossor Theodora Rusk of the
Smithsonian institution was commis
sioned to proceed to the banks of New
foundland for the purpose of studying
the cut tleiis.ii. His uncle, Prosper
Slarliaditlo, placed his yacht Espcr
enca at the disposal of the savant. A
party was made up, including Mr. Mar-
tallow he eating of improper loo-t or loo
fiee indulgence in ice-water. Imp nil
j mediate cause of crumps and colic ip
often the distention of the bowels bv gas.
Quick relief follow- the use of l'errv
Davis' Painkiller. C'arelul noneeK-epete
give it the place of honor in the family
medicine cl'vef.
A Certain
Cure for Dysentery
early warnings, cirengtnen t..e
heart's muscles, quiet its nerv
irritation and regulate its
test of all
h that pre
remedies, Dr. Miles'
Leave Portland, Tiie"; , 'ilium, and Sat. .. .7 A. M
Leave Dullis, Mom, Wed. and Til 7 A. Mg
Landing, Foot Aider Street
John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore.
A. J. Trylor ' Astoria, Ore.
J. j. Luckey lined River. Ore.
Wolford & VYyers. White Salmon, Wash.
J. O. Wvatt Vaiicouvi r, Wash.
It. B. G.iihreth Lyle, Wash.
John M. Tot ton Slevenson, Wash.
Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash.
Wrn. Butler Butler, Wash.
mv O THE Qj.
Only transcontinental line
passing directly tnrounn
Whiskey Beans.
C 1 A
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three pplendidlv epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through bleeding and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most inaunificeut scenery in
America )v daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest ratei and descriptive literature
General Agent,
24 Third Sirttt, Fortrrd. C)-n
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at .way points on both Bides of the
Columbia river.
Both of tl e above fteariK if rave tefn re nl
and are in excellent eliaj e ii r ti e feeten ofl 00
The iiesnlHtor I.ine wii I endeavor to giveitf
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of Die Begulator
The above steamers leave Iortlni17a in. an
Dalles at 8 a. m.,aiid arrive at destination lueiup
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Age
S'omethinp abBnlutrly new rind
) with wliitli we have experi
mented for years.
One bean makes one pliiss Ar
tificial Whiskey (Kyo or Bour
bon): six beuns to the pint.
Just the thing for travelers, and
Convenient lor picnics, excur
sions, etc.
Contains all the virtue of Ihe
best, whiskies without tiie dele
terious effect. Made from the
pure vegetable matter, and guar
anteed to contain no poisonous
or narcotic drugs of any descrip
tion. If ahevernpe is not desired, a
Bean may tie tiiken In the month
without water, and the most ex
hilcuiting effeu will be expepi
euoed, Box of 12 Beans, 50c
The Beans retail at 10 cents
each, and can be procured froiii-H
Bliy ornggist, rancy Rroecr or
first-class bar. For t.lo on din
ing cars,
One box sent post-paid on re
ceipt of 50 cents.
Heart Cure.
'TVurU;atso iii'rcl that it
ehcv.litlicbP'J. arifl the pain warf
BORtwprndfevcro tl..!t I could
lmrtily hrft.t'.io. 1 wod-four bot-
ties of Dr. lii'n's' li'carVCuroj.nd
tl.o palUtuimi and pain were
Mus. C. Black,
diaries ton, S. C.
ca w-;
controls the heart aclion, accel
erates the circulation and builds
up the entire, system. Sold by
druggists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Ginseng Distil ing Co.
Distillers of
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
WANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lund owned hy nnn rei-idenie
represented and eold, U, E, Cross, At
torney at La'.
cjnire ot O.
500 tracts
A. Cheney
of land.
TEAMS WANTED to haul wcoJ
at $1 1'5, payable 90: at end of two
weeks and hahtnee at en t of con'r.tet.
Add eaW. II Vanover, Beaver Creek.
Bear? the ) 9 You HavBAIways BotigW
And Suppositories will not,
positively cannot do more
than relieve yon.
. It requires an internal rem
edy to remove the cause and
iffect a permanent cure.
Ask your druggist for Dr.
Perrin's booklet on the subject.
!f'. r. "Tfc
J, I..- s ., T
Ai;, a k at.y yigy "wm
yOH SALE Finishing Lumlier by J.
A. 'ones at his mill on the Ahemethy,
2 miles east of Ort eon City. The mill
and machine is also for Bale, including
40-horses inline a",.i boiler. Addre-s J.
A. Jones, Oregou City.
by W. W.
-Good grades Ang ira g iats
Irvin, Aurora, Or.
JOOR SAI B CHEAP 11 acres of land,
close to town. Address C. R. Live
say, Oreeon City.
MONEY TO LOAN on approved real
es'ate iind chat'le security. (i. R.
Di.mick. Attortipy-nt-Lnw, Stevens L 1 1 1 1 1
ing. Ore -.,n Ciiv, Oregon.
you at ft oer cent and 7 per cent on
land or chi.liel-; slso a good farms for
sale worth $6000 each. $000 of city
money on approved. security. John W.
Lodku, Attorney at-Law, Oregon City.
Ice soda at, tno Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris' Grocery.
tindalc's daughter Lily , and her fiance,
Allen Ward.
One afternoon while the pleasure
seekers wore lounging on the quarter
deck in w icker chairs Mr. Martindale
asked the professor for some informa
tion regarding that interesting swim
iner, the cuttlefish.
"Th-ji'e are various kinds of cuttle
fish," said Kr.sk, "differing in weight
from a few pounds to several tons.
The octopus, or eight legged fish, is not
found in the largest size. It is the
squid, with his ten arms, or tentacles,
that grows to the greatest magnitude.
Two of lils arras differ greatly in
length from his other eiijit, being
sometimes owr forty feet in length,
while the shorter are only eleven.
"What a tvrriUo monster!" exclaimed
Lily Marumkile, shuddering.
"The animal," contimiedHue profess
or, "rarely moves lorwarii, uut pro
pels himself backward by driving cut
water. His means cf defense is a largo
quantity of black ink, which he expels
from his body at the approach of dan
ger, doubtless with the expectation of
concealing himself."
"Will we see any of these large
ones?" asked Ward.
"We are going whore they have been
found," replied Rusk.
A few days later the yacht cast1 an
chor in a bay abounding in the smaller
varieties of cuttlefish. A fishing
schooner that had been hailed reported
having seen a few very large ones, but
as none had come to the surface no
correct idea could be formed of their
size. It was not long before all except
Professor Kusk tired of looking at the
small specimens that were caught and
turned their attention to such amuse
ments as are to bo found on board a
yacht. The banks of Newfoundland
are noted for iish, tu;d fishing was the
order, of the day. Trofessor Rusk un
boxed an enormous sunglass, swung in
a pivotal frame, and tixefl it to the
gunwale. Then he. threw the concen
trated rays of th- sun far down into
the water to look for specimens.
One afternoon when tho wind had
. . ... i j.,, t.,,
aieu completely awny unu tuo unu
Was COUSiCIClaDiS U mo jui-uinuii-u
save the lovers and the professor were
snooKing In the cabin. Miss Martin
dale and Mr. Ward were silting on the
forecastle fishing, and the professor
was working with his sunglass. It oc
curred to Lily Martindale, who was n
venturesome girl, to move out on to
the bowsprit. She had not time to get
safely seated when therj was a terrific
tug on her line, n.'.d. losing her bal
ance, she fell owrboard. The hooked
fish swam away with the line, which
was wound about Mi. s Lily, dragging
her with it. At tho moment she fell
Into the water Professor Rusk, whose
eye was following the focused rays ftf
tho sun, exclaimed:
"By thunder!"
"Allen! Allen!" shrieked the girl.
"Save me!
"Some years it go I was one of a ivrtv
that intended n ..iking a long biejele trip,"
says K. L. Teylor, of New Albany, Brad
ford County. Pa "I wne takt n f-mhbn-ly
with diariln ei, and ae about to give
np the tii when editor Ward, of the
Lacetile Messenger, t-icgeste t thnt. I
tnk a dose ni Cliiiniherlein's ' Colic,
Cholera and Dumhota R. nudy. I pur
chased a 1 ottle ai d took two ni es, oi e
bt lore ptariii g end rre on the ?cute. I
made 'be ti p i uci eft-fvdly and nevi r
felt any ill i if et Atf.it. lust f-nmn-ir
I was lnio;t comi lettl. n in down with
an atliick of dvfi ntoiy 1 bought a hot
tie i f this tame n mi c!v ml this litre
one doreYU'cd me." hold by beo. A.
1 1 1 1 1 If U
F, r 2t) .ea;s I had hct n a suiVerer 1
had he
from bronchial troubles accompanied
with a hacking cough. I at limes
suffered from extreme nervous pros
tration. About four years ago I be
gan biking Ripans Tahule?, and since
then I have used them pretty con
stantly. I rarely retire at nigci with
out taking my Tahule, and I tied they
keep my digeslive oisans (which nai
urally are weak) in good order, and
they slso allay my tendency to ner
vousness and make me elef p.
At drnp,(rlst8. '
The Five-Cent packet is enough for an or
dinary ecasslon. The Inmily bottle. CO
eents. rontiniiH a supply for n yeer.
Thousands Have Kidney Tremble
and Don't Snow it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass tt or pain in
the back is alr.o
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order. '
What to Do.
There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-;
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
! wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
lvj-lr liirlnstre kUJ,l.
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of linnor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up mar.y izs
during the night. The mild and tho extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. t stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and.tl. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery F"'-V'V'.
and a book that tellsfffil" Z?h
more about It, both sent ?iS?J?,'H:HNg
absolutely bee by mail, "-iiiii-jiJ
address Dr. Kilmer & nome of Swamp-rtoot.
Co., Binghamion, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Drs. R. B. and A,
Weinhard tie'ldittg.
L Beatie, dentiste
All kin Is of bicycU repairing, lock
work and aw tiling at .lolnihon & Lamb't
bicycle enon, opposite. Ihulow's gro
eery. Give them a trial an 1 he satis
DYES arc fast to sun light
washing and rubbing. Sold by
C. G. Huntlcv
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
A brand-new Ideal cash register for
sale at half price at Courier-Herald of
rOST On July 18, a black and a Lite
E glish setter, almost black, answer"
to name of "Cougar." Reward fnr re
turn to Courier-Herald office.
"pOR SALE, at Oregon machine shop,
"an 18 horse power engine.
WANTED.A trustworthy gentleman or lady In
each county to manage Dusmess lor an oia estaD-
lished house of solid financial standing. A POR SALE, one boiler feed pump, atlhe
straight, bona fide weekly oash salary of 118 paid A- Oreffon Citv machine hon
Wednesday with all expenses
rs. Honey advanoed for
Manager, 340 Caxton Bldg., Chio
bv check each
direct from headquarters,
Everything Tnsb, nat and Chan,
meat Warkt ofd.Betbke
Straiton Bldg
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
Good Literature
The Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
in A I vi pamphlets, folderB, booklets, etc., are
Jr' Ol XjlAIIIOo l tastefully gotten up and are valuable tor
what thev contain. Here is a partial list
"Vf 4 of what MR. CH AS. S. FEE, General Passenger
Ot Hill II Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send out, can.f)ry
t5 mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any corsfei
nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing. t
Wonderland 1001-
An annual publication, beautifully illustrated in color and
halftone. This number treats particularly of the history of Send
the Northern Paeiao's Trademark, the custer Battlefield In Six Cents
Montana, and the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dainty pnMicalion containing a complete history
of the Northern Paeilio Trademark. The artistio covers of
the Wonderland, litOl are used in miniature.
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full page illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park ,
A new 112 paue book in strong, flexible covers good paper,
plain tvpe, illustrteii, poeket size, a compendium and
descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland.
Climbing' Mount, Rainier
An llTustraled poeket-size book, 72 patres, In ftrong, flexible
covers, printed on heavy paper, deseri pi ive of an aaeent of
the highest peak In the United SUtes outside of Alaska of a
glacial nature.
uur Cents
Fifty Cents
"Rusk! Here! Quickl" cried ward
Instead of jumping after his fiancee.
What had caused the professor's ex
clamation was a ten armed cuttlefish
lazilv swimming toward the yacht,
taking in everything ' In tho shape of
food thatvamo in its way. Swallowing
Miss Lily's bait, It moved along the
yacht's side from Stem to stern at n
distance of about thirty feet, towing
the no: r girl, who was sustained by
nlr under her Betticoats. It was not
long before the fish reached n point op
posite rrofessor Rusk.
The professor's first impulse was to
1umn for Miss Martindale, his second
to find some means to paralyze the
cuttlefish and detach her. As the
monster floated under tho focused
rays, his great arms moving languidly
like the oars of a drifting man-or-war e
boat, Rusk, estimating for the refrac
tion Of the water, turned the rays
straleht Into the fish's right eye. In
stantly a black cloud issued from the
great oval body, and In less than
minute the water about It was ns
black ns ink. This the professor hnd
nnf calculated uiion. The fish, cor
sclous of danger, had placed itself on
the defensive, and now that It was
invisible the work of detaching Lily
was more difficult than ever.
Placed In position to be used at any
moment was a gigantic net of small
wire cable strands, with apparatus for
fiirnwlnc' it. It was an invention of
! Professor Rusk and had been con
i Btrueted and fixed to the yacht's side
, for the purpose of taking spe linens
of large cuttlefish. The captain of the
. yacht had come up, and Rusk, pointing
to the ink cloud in the water, signaled
him to cast tho net. Tho captain
1 pulled a lever, guiding the net by a
reeond lever as it fell, covering the sur
face at the Ink cloud, where the net
sank out of sight. Meanwhile, Rusk,
drawing his pocketknife, Jumped Into
the ocean, swam for. Mls3 Martindale,
cut the flshlino and bore her to tho
yacht, where they wero drawn on
hoard by one of the crew.
The cuttlefish backed water with
buch force as to tear tho net in many
places, hut was held until it could bo
killed. It weighed two und a half tons,
and Its longer tentacles were lorty
cisht feet.
When the yacht returned to port
there was a change in the matrimonial
As Kind Yea Haw Always Bought 'riLc: "S XS
Bears the H? ,,m r-i'uo rcturn voyage, and when she
was 1J(Jtr
A Letle F im LlUlfild. f it.
Thomas Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb.,
wrote us a few weeks ago about his ex
perience with Dr. Gunn's Blood and
Nerve Tonic. As his case may be simi
lar to others it naturally would be of
interest to them to know the result of
his test. lie had been haunted for years
with a gradual growing weakness until
he was reduced to almost a shadow.
His complexion was sallow and pimply,
bad dizzy and sinking spells, with loss
of memory and ambition. Always felt
tired and outdone, suffered greatly With
nervousness, and felt that his heart's
action was weak. His digestion was so
poor his system received no nutriment.
He says he commenced the use of this
Tonic, taking one tablet after each meal. '
He did not notice much change after
using one box only he enjoyed his meals
Detter, still he kept on until he had used
six boxes. He used the last box more
then six months ago. When he stopped
the use of Tonic he weighed 2H pounds
more than he did when he commenced.
Has not been sick a day since, and is
well in both mind and body. Dr.Gunn'8
lilootl & JNerye Ionic is the best medi
cine in the world for pale, weak or fdok
ly women. Sold by all druggists for 75
cents per box, or sent bv mailon receipt
of price. Write us about your chsb. Ad
dress, Dr. Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa. l or
eale.by Charman t Co , Diuggirtp.
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 sho:s
are the acme of comfort
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros.
In 'lr e'rrnit court of tlio sin;e oi OioKoe, fer
Clsi ki in us o uuty.
Vi'Mii ti seyerln, plaintiff, vs. Carl Sevcrln,
To t'mi Severiu, the defendant atiove named.
In ihe name of Ihe s'ale ol (irefinn, you '.re
hereby iioiilled that the plaintiff herein lias flled
a complaint fgulni-t ynu In ilio nlwve ci'tUhil
court and c:aie, nml you are hereby icqiilml to
appear and answer saiil complaint on or before the
last day of Ihe time prescribed by order ei puelica-
ttoii nereot, o -w it: un or n-inre uie on nny in ue
tober, ll'O.1; y. u are further notified that If you
fail to api em-and i.mwir .lie cemplfllnt heroin or
to plead thereto ihe plniutiit' will cause your de
fault to be nner, d and will apply to the court
above mentioned br llie leiief pniyed
for in Ihe complaint herein, that l
to Buy, fur a decree ion ver d-HHulvlug
the bonds of niatrinoiiy that may be existing tie.
tweeu plnluliff and i el'endant herein, and for
alimony ami alion cys lees, and for the custody
and control of the minor clllilren named in said
complaint: further. 'In: plainiilf may be awarded
tinil sliebe deeri-i il i h ilicwneri f the norllie.iat
qmrter (.) o' -'' till. In tewpship tlnee
(Si) south, ol in . w 0 .... I of me VI11riucA
Meridian, In t n iin" , state of Or-guii,
and for pint u, ' t : u ' . ii.iniiaciiieti'8 herein,
and for such .' anil f't' i Iter relief . U die
court mny hoi i.i I i""p. r i.n.l a la equity is rovot
and Just.
The date of the first puMcatUui of lliissusi
mollsls Krldey. August IB, VAU, mid the last puji
llciltion th, root is 1 ridiiy, October 3, lliui, itftd ,
that soid summons shnli li published on Krhlaj
. of each week for a period ot si weeks bolweeu
id date 8.
'ibis summons Is published by order of Hon.
Tin mm K. ltvan, Jtuige of the enmity court ot t lie
county ol Olncknmns, liicton, duly made mid en-
term oinne Mil cay oi .i'iuuri, a. i. ikh
Ci:.S. ,1. St'llNAHEb,
Attorney for Plnluliff.
Notice ie hereby plvi-n tluit die imdcrslt'tiert wfl
atiply to the county court oi ciaekuiuas county,
Oreaun.on Wednesday, llu liisl ilayot October,
for a license to sell splri'w ns. mall and vIiiuour
lliltors In less Humilities than oi e iintlon, In Har
low precinct, in Bceordiniee with the petition
hereulth piuilished.
W. II SiWAitn.
August 27, 1902. i
To Ihe Honorable Hoard 'of County:. I ominlinaoi -ers
for Clackamas County, Oregon:
We the undersigned legal voters of B.irlnw'prn.
elnet, Clackamas eeiinty, (iregon, do respectively
petilitlon that you grant a lloenae to W. II. Sew
ard to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in
said Barlow precinct in less quantities than one
gallon: Ti. O Toll, J. W. Jesso, K. K. Judy, James
Dele, t an KliecK, jacmi nin-K. ji., m. biwo
land, W. A Howard, W. H.Tull, Chan. Ogle.J.
Kueek, Sr., n m. Harlow, una. m-niniui, j. iiim-
way, C. N. Willcork, T. H. VMlllams.A. naiunaiin,
T. C. Anil-iu u. u. eariow, r.ii vgie, . . u. r
hel. Win. S. Til I, .1. V. YoM, 1-. E. AnnMrnnx, i.
B. Kliut. J. W. ( ovev, J. A. An. new, f. nacuen.
(leorne Zlealer, II. T. Mulvin, M lit sucr. It K Ir
win, K. M. Denient.S. Kvaus, I'll niolloy; Nol
raunal, m. reuers-oii, jukiuibi
J.J. Sniidness, T. A. Csuipnu, U. O. Krieman.John
Coleman, W. liann, C. Iless, J. U. Hess, v. Hack
er!, Andy Hicnert.j. 11. uoier, auk nuiiieuuuii,
Carl Thienie, Join, tiohro. Jinncs M coin, J. J.
Taylor, A. W. AinistrotiR, W. A. llagey, Toonms
Hoover, Vakon virgwui, Ainone .icji, neiuy
Hedges, A. B. Wlddows, L. I). Hoover.
Snodgrass, Fotografer
Main and loth Sts., Oregon City
In the eounly conrt of the sute of Oregon, for
tliecou.lly of Clackamas,
In Ihe matter of theiil:e (f.Johann T.
Schactit, deceased,
Notice Is hen by irlven that the undersigned hat
beeriduly ajipolnted executrix of the estate of
Johann F. Behacht. deceased, by tho honorable
county court of Clackamas county, Oiegon.
All persons having claims against the said s.
lute aie hereby niotilh d to present the same to me
with proper vouchers for payment at my residence
near Pamaseus, Oregon, within sn mouths from
tills dale or they will be foiever barr d.
Cxcculrlx of Sail Eslatc.
Gordon K. Havks,
Attorney for Estate.
Pated Bep.euiber 8, lltOJ.
In tiie Circuit Court of the Slate ol Oreg.n for
coUuty of Cluofnmas.
Llille Sooggan, PlvlntifT,1 vs. Woodford Scog
gan, Uefeudant.
To Woolford Scogpan, above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Orogou you are here
by required to appear and answer the complaint
filed agelnst you in the above entitled suit In the
alove named court, on or before October 81, imii,
the same being seven woeks from the first pub.
Iieatl m of this summons, and yon will take no
n n,t if v.,n fell lo so anuoar and answer said
complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief deinaedi-d In aahl complaint, io wn;
that the bonds of matrimony , existing between
von and plalntlfi'befllwolveil.
I bis iiunroiis Is published ny the order o( the
ii ni,,.,n. A Mellrlde. JikIko of the Klftli
Judlelal District of Ihe Hlte of Orcg n, in the
Oiegon City Coorler.llerald, a weekly newspaper
of general clrciilitlon In Clackamas county, for
seven consecutive weens comiuen hib rC( .-i,,,ro.
HI, VMrt. and continuing to and including O, tcber
Ur-UHuK. aiiiin.ir.i.i,,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
lor Infants and Children.
EI.?nature of
Cures Consumption,Coi. :ns,
Colds, Bronchitis, As! na,
Pneumonia,IIayFevcr. ' cu-
risy, LaGrippc, Hoars ,iss,
aSorc Throat, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
"Wen 60c. and $1. TS'L BOTTlE.-
In the Circuit Court of the 8tato of Oregon
Clackamas County,
Lizzie ricolt, I'laintlff, vs. Edwin L. Hoott, Defend
ant, ...
To Kdwln I.. Scott, the defendant above named:
In the name ol the Slnle'of Oregon, ynu are bereby
required to appear and answer the complaint tile 1
against you in the above entitled Court and cause,
nr hufrtri. tlin 'Ad dlLV of etltemher. llH. Sllli If
von fall so lo appear and answer, the plaintiff will
' . . A., ...I...1 In It...
apply 10 UIO I. ours en ilia n-in-. ,n-uin.f.c. 111 ... .
said eomplalnl, to wit: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, for alimony and atlorney's fees,
and for the custody and emit ml of the minor child
ren named In ssld complaint, and for costs and
disbursements of Ihls suit, and for such other and
further relief as to this Court may sacra Just and
This summons l pnblisbej by order of Hon.
Thomas K. Ityun, Judge of the County Court of die
County of ClackaniBs, Oregon, duly made and en
tered on the 41 li day of August, l'.Sj'i
The dale of the first publication of this summons
as directed by said order is August 7, 1'.nrJ, and the
last then of Is September lull, VM.
Attorney for Hlalnlill.
Not'ce Is hen bv given that we tbeun lerslguol
have been dulv uppoliited as ejHcut'rs cfthe ill
of lia N. I!kcr iin ea .l, by the or ler of Hie
county court of the tuc of Oregon. Cbicksnina
cnuioy, dulv inn'b tli'sdtiv and tb-ir all persons
bnvirm el lois agid'ist the "s'a I tiie said lr
K. Ilnkor. d ceased, must present Hi ir claims
dulv veiH'ed loth.) iiii...rsim..l at lli law o:!l
Of C. I. Ar I). ('. Ilnurelie In Oregon Cd V . )llf
toil, wlili n six m n'li f "in thedn'c i. i
IIIK.M il- HbANKi-N-liil',
Executors of tic "'11 of
IiaN. II ik -, eu-el.
Pated, S' pi' mVr 'th, l't ".' . ,
. W.u