Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 19, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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4 ;mjyL-
V.' L2 . J . Nif 6 LwHirl
We Fu nish- the SCHOOL SUPPLIES for the OREGON
CITY SCHOOLS as we were the Lowest bidders and were
awarded the Contract.
We would be pleased lo figure with any School DisTRICT
in the county for their supplies. We buy very close and give our
customers the benefit of the lowest Cash PRICE.
We carry all the BOOKS used in the SCHOOLS of this county
and sell them at the lozocsl State Prices.
Here is a few of our CUT PRICES
25 Slate Pencils 5c
6 Lead Pencils 5c
Extra Large Tablets $c
Companions 5c
Pisi 322 3 pa
Rulers and Tablets with each complete Book order
Charman & Co.
Prescriptions a specialty Mail orders promptly attended to
Wood's Sursiipfu illa, $1 eiza only 50c
Siitiir.lay, September 13.
Sixty people homeless at Sprlngwater,
l remit of forest fires.
Two women loae their li vos in the for-
M fire 10 mileseast of Vancouver.
Governor McBritle saya victory of
railroad commission was in no wav a
personal one. Kiilroatls will change
their politicul methods in Washington,
liuttle-ship Wirii'OiiBin sails from Bre
merton for Fanaiua.
Colombia's new nunl nat, Bogota, will
be manned by Americans
Firminists are much wrought np over
Blnktnuof Killick's battleship by Ger
many. American Generals bid gnotl-tne to
Kaiser and scene of German Army
Great Britian secures extension of re
ciprocity treaties pending with United
China is disturbed over determination
of Kuwia to remain in Manchuria.
Representative Hepburn says Attorney
General is Hulling that title to l'anama
Oannl rvinnot be maintained.
Several St Louis legislators who ac
cepted brilus are exiiiined by grand
Fi-o in finauinont, Texas, oil district
bums itself out.
A. It. Shepherd, ex-Governor of Dis
trict of Columia, dies in Mexio.
Mrs, V. M. Stewart is killed in auto
mobile accident at San i'raucieco.
Woman is robbed in a Pullman be
tween Portland and lvobeburg of $1000
worth of jewels.
Arrangements are prelected on Van
couver Island for laying of the trans
l'acilic cable.
8 t-H
,l'T ;:inl
r you.
sunt t
Joo:-.a I
i-s ;t tir:r
; :onr diseases. It is stealthy
but once started it rapidly
i ats up the flesh and destroys
uie life. No use to go hunting
it with ordinary food and med
icine. That's only bird-shot.
It still advances. Good heavy
charges of Scott's Emulsion
will stop the advance. The
disease feels that.
Scott's Emulsion makes the
body strong to resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
and sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free sample.
SCOT r & nowN r. chenmis. pii st., n. y
50c nJ ji.ooi u dimuii'
Jih ic II jr.-.'V
Ooos Bay Railroad will connect with
Southern Pacific at Rosebuig.
Sunday, September 14.
Loss by fire in Btate estimated at over
Two lives lost in Bridal Veil fire.
New York Republican leaders decide
to indorse Roosevelt for 1904.
W. J. Bryan makes a speech for Tom
Johnson in Ohio.
V. E. Borah carries Boise Republican
primaries for United State Senator.
President Roosevelt invites several
Senator) to cooler with Mm on tariff re
vision. Vanderbilt and Pennsylvania railway
lines are amalgamated.
Conference arranged by Governor
Stone to end coal blnke proves without
Millionaire John V. Gates is birred
out of the most exclusive hotel in Lon
don ,
Germany believes Charlemagne Tower
will succeed Andrew 1) White as Am
bissador to thai country.
Crusade against Sisters' schools is a
gain on in France.
Colombian insurgants are waiting for
arms before moving on Isthmus of Pana
ma railroad. Governor of Panama ex
pects an attack momentarily. Vene
zuela offers amnesty to revolutionists
who lay down their arms in 40 days.
Cattle exhibit and racing will be the
principal features of the Oregon State
Saition agent at North Fork is sand
bagged and robbed, but little money is
secured ,
People of Morrow county are a unit in
declining for the scalp Ijonuty law.
Monday, September 15.
Co'lecf.ons are taken in churches for
Springwater sufferers.
Ten persons are known to have perish
ed in the Lewis River Valley of Wash
ington, and many others are missing.
A hundred families are homeless in
Chehalis County.
Flames are d.iing greit damage in
Northwestern Montana.
Smoke from Oregon and Washingtin
flies obscures Bun at Boise, Idaho.
President Roosevelt is already indors
ed by enough states to insure his nom
ination for re-election.
Bush orders have been given for dis
patch of auxiliary cruiser Panther to
Colon with lneu and others.
Strike-breaker was beaten to death in
the streets of Omaha.
Active preparations are under way lor
irrigation congress to be held at Colora
do Sprii gs October 6 9.
Oregon State Fair opened a six days'
season at Salem.
Great li itian sends five times as much
as the I'nitod States to Africa.
New Atlantic shipping combine is
Kentucky to take legal steps to pre
vent McGovern-Corbett tight.
Tuesday, September 10.
Bouscvtlt will make strong speeches
for Cuba on his Western trip.
Movement to enlist workingmen of
country in semi-political organization.
Alabama Republicans bar negro dele
gates. Russia is preparing to evacuate Man
churia. The Hague court takes up Pious iunj
claim of I'uited States against Mexico.
Six thousand peoplo drowned in flood
in Calcutta.
Rxjdorcr Peary is Heurd from in La
bi adur. .
Tin tv-i'i.'lit' HvriM '!'! I) l;v-i-d to
b iVrt been lust in Oo vli'z County ii'C
l'ou laud eit'Si -ns. and eh lire lies -aiw)
money and give 9np-.!i-:ts to tire suflerers.
Millions of tVvt of nmVr li-ive bi'en de-
y til in bantiitrn comiiiv. Li s 111
Cl-'.t-katuas Oonn'y is estimated at ?i!.i0-
vVa-hiniiion Kti;irjnn Court il-cuies
t'i 11 a i-tiHt-t, railway is rvrtponsib e I r
dan, ages in giving wrong tmisfers.
, Two Koselmii! men draw revolvers, in
a quai ret, amt one kills the other.
Oregon hop crop expected lo be the
finest in quality ever narvebted here.
Salt trust adva icm prtcaj in th.9 7f est.
Four col ired giinbler convicted fir
p'ayin poker in fortl md.
St. Paul Railr ad and 'ha Gonld-i
possitdj supporters of Coos Lay Rail
road .
Wednesday, September 17.
Speaker Henderson declines to accept
nomination for Congress in Iowa.
Senator Hanna announces that he
will ever oppose tariff revision.
Ex-Chief Devery carries New York
Democratic primaries.
Government will supply men tj fight
forebt fires in Wyoming and Colorado.
French Marine Minister makes highly
sensational sneech about Germany,
France and Italy.
k Prince Chin, the notorious Chinese re
be , mysteriously escapes execution a
becond time.
London firm takes bonds of Jaoan for
Osaka harbor work.
The Northwestern prune crop this
year will be short.
Yesterday was Press day at the Salem
State Fair. Congressman. Tongue epeke
at banquet in the evening.
Annual meeting of the Oregon Wool
growers Association is in session at
Mrs. Waggoner, the woman who dis
covered Merrill's body, elopes with the
convict's brother.
Danger from forest fires is now over.
Fifteen victims were buried at Kalama.
Portland c;tiz.;ns raise $3495 for fire
relief fund.
Thursday, September 18.
Republican leaders decide on 1896
plank as tiie tariff policy oftha pirty.
Representative Littlefield announces
himself as a candidate for Speaker of the
George Fred William is hissed by
Massachusetts Democrats and repudiat
ed as leader.
Connecticut, New Hampshire and Ala
bame indorse RooBevelt lor re-election.
American marines are landed at Isth
mus of Panama.'
Venezuela is in a very critical condit
ion, on account of reverses of Oast:o's
trooi 6.
Russia warms American sealers to qui'
oirerian coast or sutler punishment.
London Graphic sores California for
its method cf dealing out justice.
Gould and Haniman combine to fight
J. P. Morgan in the railroad world.
Wyoming-Colorado forest fire situ
ation is improving.
Secretary Hay appeals to European
poers to protect Roumanian Jews.
Enormous coal deposit being developed
in Blue .Mountains.
Salein day at State Fair draws largest
crowd in "hirtory of association.
Man wrjcksSkagway bank with bjmb
becruse he is refused $20,000.
Sum liowers, pacer, captures Greater
Salem s.ake of lf200J.
Over lf4000 in tire relief fund ; churches
are active ; many benefits to be given.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters uncalled
for at the Oregon City poatollice Septem
11th, 19J2.
Women's List Mrs Martha F Black,
Mrs C E lieaiy, Molly Clark, Airs J VV
Ciawford, Mrs Clarence Frost, Mrs J S
Herbert, Mrs Minnie Kershaw, Alyrtle
Hamilton, Mrs Julia iMaughter, Miss
Laura Tidwell.
Men's List J W Aken, Geo Bitdorf,
L Batiman, Brockenbiongh, Mart Ever
etts, Ben Faust, Thomas Hodge, Walfch
Hoffinant, B K lvillo.-g, Jas Mcb'arlane,
S J Oglebv, v 111 Kav, E C btailey,
Claud D 1'iiule, Arthur Wallace, Albert
Wasson, Edwa d Weinman
G. F. IIoktjn, P. M.
It' j 1111 desire a gontl comp lcxlon use
Mokt 'leu, a pure le'iu drink. It nets on Um
livi'r ami makes tlumkin smuuth ami clour. Cures
sick tu'iulnciu'; Jio mill fmc. Money ri't'unnYd if
it tlo"s not sitliib you. Write to W. II. Huokt-r
Co., Iliilt.ilu, N. V for trie wimple, or Uuwell &
Julius, tlriiKglKl.
We m il the srviitnitt of lilootl iitii iliors,
Arkur'a lllooil IMIxir, iiuiior a po-itlvc guar
uuti'e. It will cine nil elivouie ami other blood
poiioim. if you liuvo ertipttous or sorts on your
lioily, or art) palo, woak or run down, it is just
wlmt you need. We refund money if you are not
SHlialfod; jOc and St. Ikwell Ji Jones, druggists.
T11K CUI.ll.
Laxative Promo-Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cute no pay. Price
25 cents.
When there is a feeling that the heart
or h ngs, blo id or liver, brain or nerves
are diseased, at once commence to doc
tor the stomach. That is the founda
tion of the trouble in 90 cases out of
every 10 ), Commence to regulate the di
gestive organs, get them in healthy
working condition, iind the other troubles
will leave of themselves. Diseases
which have: their beginning in the stom
ach must be cured through the stomach.
The medic'ne for stomach disorders
and half the ills of life, is Dr. Gnnn's
Improved Liver Pills. These pills put
all the digestive organs in good condi
tions so that disease has no basis-to
work upon. They are sold by all drug
gists for 23 cents per box One pill is a
dose. We will send a box post-paid, on
receipt of 25 cents or to anybody who
wants to try them we will send 2 pills
free. Send name and ad tress to Dr.
Gunn, Philada., Pa. For sale by Char
man 'i Co., Druggists.
-- a. 4."; ', - --,-i f.
Otiiiu i . .r- r-,- Si. 'i'iUSk
4f iij i
i(;in.u ;; w5.jtIIIiJIii !; til
:oi!ir. .fin.
il' ttEkti;
- , ii' , - ri :ovjiii
Our Fall line of W. L. Douglas' sh s has just arrived, in which vz have twenty-five styles of
Z nobby shoes made by the largest and most modern shoe manufacturies in the world. By wearing
Douglas' shoes you get style, comfort and durability. They are union made and sell at the most
t popular prices of $3.00 and $3 50. We not only put good shoes before the public, but everything in
luc uiic ui tivt.iiiiit auu Liita iui tiuiiiii ooua, as vv c cue cAwiu3ivc jciiLa luiiiisticin anu uuy -nuiii
the best houses in he United ctates and sell at the very lowest prices.' Come and be convinced.
When you see it in our ad , it's so.
J, M. Price, The nc Price Clothier
Sole Agent for the II. 6k M. Clothing. Oregon City, Oregon
6th and Main Sts.,
A Boy's Wild Ride For Life.
With family around expecting lum to
die, and a son riding for lite, 18 miles, to
get Dr King's Ne" Di-cov. rv for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H.
Brown, of Leesville, Ind , endure.)
death's agonies from asthama, but this
wonderful medicine gave instant teliel
and soon cuted him. He n rites : "I now
sleep soundly every night " Like mar
velous cures of Consumption. Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, Cough, Colds and Grip prove
its matchless merit for all Throat and
Lung troubles. Guaranteed botiles 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free at G. H,
Harding's drug store.
Johnson d) Lrtmb have a new
stock of (7 uns and ammunition.
Skills loaded to order. They also
continue to do up-to-date bicycle
and umbrella repairing.
Ladies' hats at the Red Front fn
Bylt B and at prices to suit one and all.
aOreg)n City bo its have clung) 1 ti ne
nd now leave Portland 8.30 i.m. 1 and 5
p.m. Leave Oreyon City 7, 11 a in.;
3p.m. Konnd trip, 23 cents.
For Over Sixty jearn
Ml'B. Winslow's Soothinu Syrup has
been used for over sixty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect puecess.' It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic,' and if
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleafant to the taste, Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value isincalcu
able. Besure and ask for Mrs. Wins
low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other
Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red
Fro.t. 'j
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin an
any part of the body that is absolutely
Safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. U. Huntley's.
Bewaro of Ointimanls for Cafarrah
that contain M jraury,
as mercury will surely destroy the i-ense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should nevir be used xci'pt on pie
scripti ins from reputable phyeicans, as
the damage the) w ill do it ten foltl to the
good you can possible d -riva from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, imimif ctured by
F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O , con
tains no nieiCiirv, and is tikeu internal
ly, acting dirt cly upon the blood and
nine his Burgees of the system. In buy
ing Hall's Catarrh (.Hire be sure y m g.;t
the genuine. It is taken internally and
is made in Toledo, uhio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold
bv Drngg'Fts, price 7'o. per bottle.
"Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Gmt forced Sale
To the people of Oregon City and vicinity
Is forci-d to sell out the entire stock and will sell at a sacrifice
" 2 dez
" 3 for'
Ladies' Short Lisle Vests, good for corset covers Sale Price 3 for
" silk finish fleece lined fast black hose " "
Pea. 1 Buttons, regular 5c per dozen "
Ladies' Fancy Dress Buttuns,reg. 10c and 15c per doz "
Silkaiine Crochet Cotton, reg. 5c a ball "
Box Assorted Hair Pins, ng. 5c per box " "
Celluloid Dress Combs, 10c each " "
Unbleached Sheetina, 30 inches wide " "
L L Bleached Muslin, ?6 " " "
Bleached Cambric 30 " " "
' Superfine, in finish and quality.." "
Ladies' Half-wool, non-shritikable Vest ami Pants,
tegular 75c " "
Latlies'Heavy Rinbetl Fleeced Under Vest. and Pants
regular 35c. " "
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits regular
75c "
1000 Dozen Lace-; of all widths and qualities to close out
Ribbons of all widths and qualities, to close out
150 Dozen Ladi -s' Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy to close out
Corsets, Corsets and Corsets, Sale Pi ice from 40c and up
Nail Blushes, r.gular 5c Sale Pi ice
Shoe " " 15c " ',
Clothes " " 25c "
Large Kitchen Aprons, regular 15c "
Men's Sox 3 for 1 c and up
" Fleece-Lined Underwtar, reg. $1. 25 per suit .." "
" Heavy Ribbed Fleece-Lined Underwear, $ suit " "
" All-Wool Ribbed Underwear.reg. $1.25 each. . . " "
" Jersey Ribbed Ove;shirts,regular 50c " '
" Working Shirts, double front and back, reg. 50c " "
' Extra Heavy Jersey Overshirts, regular $1. ... " "
" Suspenders, silk ends, good rublitr, reg. 25c. ... " "
' Sleeve Holders, regular 5c " "
" Memorandum Books, regular 10c " '
10 quart Water Bucket, granite " "
Pompadour Combs, renular loc and ISc " "
Cotton Napkins, regular 4c " "
Real Linen Napkins " "
Oil-boiLd Turkey Red Napkins "
Fine Tahlets for sc'i ml use " "
Men's Seamlrss he.ivy weight wool socks "
J?g yard sq 'are Tapestry Table Cover, regular 95c. . "
Children's Fancy Pocket Books, regular 10c "
Ladies' Fncy Round Hose Supports, regular 20c '
A 1 Razor, regular $1.25 "
Fine Toilet Soi-p, 3 bars iti a box "
20inchUtnbrellas for ladies and children, regular 50c "
Aluminum Hair Pins, 3 caids, small, large, medium
5-10-15 "
Accordion Pleated, Mercerized Colored Skirts, reg. $1 "
6 for
6 for
2 for
01 '
All Oth ar Go
Above Prices.
ids N)t Maritb-ied I J a ; e Are R dttited In Prop); t on To
Joh Westhafer, of Lont'outee, Intl.,
is a p or limn, but'be says he would not
be withotii Chaurifil tin's P.im Balm if
it C.-t live dt ais a I 01 ' le. fur it stved
liiin from being 'i criijile. No exturral
applicatii n is equal lo ibis liniment for
Btit'f and S'.vulleii j'i''ts conr .icted mu
scles, "tiU'neck sprain- tind iheuiiultic
and muscular pains. It. has also cured
nunii rons cacs of l ait inl paralysis. It
is for sale by Geo. A. Harding.
P'. lees.
pa!- ns bv i-iill in and ret
Kid Kii.nl Trading I'omimn;
vris signature is on tvtTy liox ot the genuino
Laxative Broi,ii3-Q! ,!ine Tablets
'he remedy that cnrw ' in onn do
When you visit Portland don't fail to j
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, '
First and Madison. They serve an ex- :
celient meal at a moderate price ; a goca)
square meal, Tic.
Yon enn mnke your har
ness us soft hs a glovo
aiul ns totmh ns virt by
usinj( ilt'lt KKA Iviir
dom Oil. You tnti
lenmlif-n Hs life mauit
last twice nn Kms i-A it
orUiunrily woulj.
Harness Gil
i nmkori a poor looking hnr
lu'sa like new. Mario of
' pure, heavy boiled oil, e-
ptoiiilly preivre.l to wltii-
uuivl the we i tier.
Rild Term-here
Id cana li sued.
and Lunch Counter
5 Oppf-si'e Electric Hotel, is the very best phce in Oregon City
g to get a Dainty Lunch or
3 Open at All Hours, day or night
$ Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds
Has a complete assortment of
Fall JyBlliQCFy, Fups,
IlilliQcry Novelties, Etc -
Hats Trimmed to Order Feathers Dyed and Curled j$
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in PoitlanJ.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
It B 4rvg Horn. 2i Do 2 Sc.
Bean & The Rinii Yoa Have Always BongM