City Coitrierf COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, JBB3 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, W93 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1B8B OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1902 20th YEAR, NO. 19 erald. Oregon C. D. & D. C. LATODRETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW BOARD OFCOMMISSIOXERS Commercial, Rual Estate and Probate La Specialties Office In Commercial Bauk Building OREGON CITY OREGON (JOMMERCIAL bank ok OREGON CITY capital $100,000 TrausaetB a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills bnyi and sells domestic and foreign exchange, nd receives deposits subject to oheck. Open from 9 a, m, to p. m. I uATOl'RETTE, dent J. Mkykii Casbie N.GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OREGON C1TI OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST ill work warranted und satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work1 a specialty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY 0BEG0N J)R. tRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental 8urgery. Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON V H. COOPER, ' Notar? Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens Building, Oregon Cuy, Ore. Q E. I! a YES ATTORN FA' AT LAW Stevens Boil(!l"K, upp. Bank of Oregon City OBEGON CITY Begular September Term of tlie County Board. ' John Lewellen, T. B Wm. Brohst, County sioners. Killin and Couimis- OREGON (JEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front Court BoUBe Block OREGON fit OREGON (JRANT B. D I MICK. Attorney and Counselor at Law Will praclice in all Com in e8ta''fcjrouU and District Courts of Hie United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Offloe in btevens Building, Oregon City, Or. JK C. STRICKLAND, M. D. mmmltnl and Private Experience) Bpeolal attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; i to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OBEGON CITY OBEGON J. W. Norms, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city orcouutry promptly attended Office: 1,2,17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. JJROBERT A- MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practice In all Courts of the State W elnhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OBEGON W. S. U'REN 0. BCHUEBEL IJREN & BCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW $eutf Att Stboolat , Will practice 'In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend yo monev and lend your money on rot mnrtcraire. Office In Enterprise bnilding. ORTtGON CITY OBEGON (Continued from lust week.) In the matter of the petition of G. D. Palmer and others for county road. Or dered thatT. J, Jonsrud. Wm. Boring and David Vincents be and are appoint ed viewers, to meet at place of begin ning, on the 10th day of September,1902. H. H, Johnson, purveyor. In the matter of the application of J . C. and D. Hostetter for a telephone. Or dered that the same as described in the petition be and is hereby granted. In the matter of the bond of James Fegles as supervisor of road district No. 7. Ordered that Bame be approved. In the matter of the application of George A. Ridings for rebate of poll tax. Ordered that cleik draw a warrant in iavor of said Ridings for $3 00 In the mater of the application of Helvey and. others for aid io open a road. Ordered that said petitioners be allowed 300 pounds of powder with necessary caps and fuse. In the matter of the peti tion of Joseph Dollinger to Bet aside tax sale. Petition denied. In the matter of the application of S. B. Johnson for rebate of costB and pen alty. Ordered that the penalty and costs for taxes of 1901 be remitted. In the matter of cancelling a county warrant It is ordered that county war rant drawn on ' wrong fund be and is hereby cancelled, In the matter of the report of George Mooney, constable, for sale of a steer. Ordered that the report of said consta ble be and is hereby approyed. In the matter of the petition of Louis Toedtemeier and others regarding county debt. Ordertd that petition be denied, the board n t having authority in the matter. I In the matter of the application of Ltster Ueynoids and wife for aid Itisj ordered that the said Reynolds be al lowed the sum of $8 ir month. In the matter of the report of the viewers of the P. E. Beck road. Report rend for first time and laid over until tu morroow. In the matter of the report of viewers of (he George II. Brown road. Report rend for first time and laid over until to morrow. In the matter of tiansferring $100 from general fund to ind gent Bolilier fund. It is ordered tlu' in sum of $100 be and is hereby trii'iMerred irom the general fund to the in.ligent soldier fund. In the matter of the opening the Rob bins road in district No 3(5. It is or dered that the supervisor of road die tfictNo. 36 is hereby ordeied to open said road with the work of the petition ers. In the matter of the report of viewers of J. E. Peck road. Report of viewers read second time. Urdereu that same be approved and road opened. Expense ot survey: Ed Hornschuh $ 2 60 Ed Harrington 2 60 David Miller ? 60 J G Cummins 2 00 E.McIntyre 2 00 Wm Mclntyre 2 00 H H Johnson 13 00 Total $26 80 In the matter of the report of the Royer road. Report of viewers read second time. Ordered that same be ap proved. Supervisor ordered to open same. Expense of survey : E H Burghardt $ 2 60 J R Morton 2 20 A Forbes 2 40 II II Johnson 12 00 Total $19 20 In the matter of the report of the viewers of the Geo H Brown road. Re portof viewers read second time. Or dered that same be approved. Super visor ordered to open the road. Ex pense of survey : HSC Phelps...; $ 2 60 August Bramer 2 40 Wm Knight 2 80 W H Bramer 2 00 FRief 2 00 J Fred rich 2 00 H H Johnson 6 40 II S Moody, constable 2 30 R L Holman, coroner 22 40 , M O Strickland.autopsy 10 00 In the matter of the petition of "m. X. Davis and other for a county road. It is ordered that this matter bs con tinued until Thursdav, Oct. 2, at 2 o'clock p. m. j In the matter of D. B. Newman to va cuo certain streets in Robertson Or dered that same be laid over until to morrow at 10 o'clock , In the matter of White Bros, and 0.. E. Nash piling wood in coun'y road. IJ is ordered that White Bros, and C, L. Nash be ordered to remove wood that is piled in county road in front of Mis. Williams' tesidence. In the matter of the pelition of T. P. Randall and otherB for new mortgage index. Ordered that petition be denied. In the matter of scalp statement sub mitted by county clerk. Ordered that said statement be and is hereby ap proved. In the m&Mer of report of clerk and recorder of fees received during mo itb : Clerk's receipts $121 35 Recoider's receipt 230 10 Ordered that report he approved. In the matter of the petition of R, B. Newman for vacation of certain streets in Robertson. It is ordered that said application he allowed so far as Third Avenue is concerned and that said part of Third Avenue lying south of Fifth and the same' is hereby va cated." In the matter of the Hoist road. Now comes P. M. Holsi, and presents receipt" showing ttiat he has paid all expenses of Biirvey and view of said road. Ordered that said receipts be placed on file. In the matter of repairs to Dickey bridge. It. i ordered that C. I. Gibson repair said bridge and that he be al lowed the sum of $4 per clay and that he be allowed a Jhtlper at the rate of $2 per day., I Tn the mutur of the bids for Jcounty . printing It ih ordered timt the hid of ; I.. L. Purter he und is hereby- accepted j in all particulars except blank bcoks ; n-) by the county (or recordB. . All j other supplies sttid Porter is to furniolt under his bid including tax receipts and other receipts. The said Oregon Cuy Enter prise is to be the official aper of. (Jlackiimas county. j REALTY TRANSFERS. ! L Av This Trade Mark on the side of a wagon box is a guarantee of excellence and high.v grade quality in the construction of this wagon. If yours does not have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you cannot afford to run any chances on the material used ' in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money though the manufacturers replace the broken part. BUY A FISH t 120 E I. SIAS DCALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles G ANBY. OREGON IV. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Fintst Turnouts in. City OREGu.N LI I V. "ORF.r.ON S. J. VAUGHAN'S Liyerv, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge . First-Class Rigs, of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON WHAT IS THE USE -S??r trel Acker's DyM'T",'" Tb f ''ft r ,x?m eatin'will di"t your food perfectly ana free yon and dyswla. Eat what you like at any 11 take ia Acker Tablet ftKll'Tdeif. eaaranteed. tnr money will always t3 "linf 'l It yon are not .atliflcl. Write to ni tot . free nample. W. II. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo. N. V, Total $20 20 In the matter of the petition of Eliza beth Heitkemper to vacate certain streets in uaK urove. Uraereu that this mat ter be laid over until Friday, Oct. 3, at 10 o'clock. In the matter of the application of J. L. Mumpower to attach Lis fence to th Clear Creek bridge. It ia ordered that J. L. Mumpower be and it hsieby per mitted to attach his fence to the west end of the Clear Creek bridge. In the matter of repairs to the Leland road in district No. 16. It is ordered that the supervisor of said district be al lowed $25 for the purpose of burning logs Irom eaia road. In the matter of the petition of Wm X. Davis and other for a county road. Ordered that this matter be taken un der advisement until tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock. In the matter of relocating a portion of the Perdue road. Ordered that county surveyor relocate a portion of the said road. In the matter of the ir.queet of an un known Jap. The following claims were allowed : I'eter N'ebren. iuror $ 1 20 Howell & Jones, druggUtj. Geo Miles B M Allen " RE Wood ward" WE O'Donel " Geo Zinserling, witness. Mrs Geo Zinserling " . Dave Hoss " . Henry Heinz " . Earle Hoss " . Mc Strickland " . 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 80 1 GO 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 Funlshe! Evey Week by Clacka mas Abstact & Trust Co. S Stuart to H E Noble, lot 3 sec 4, t2sr"!e 1 J A Logan to II E Noble same... 1 W P Chilcoio to A N Clnlcots, land in .-ec S3. 1 1 b, r 3 e 350 Win Brnii-i to Wm IVdson, e of w H of s e of sec 8, t 3 s, r 1 w 400 O & V KKCotoT Hansen, n e of s w c 19. t 3 s, r 5 e T Hansen to H Rtihl, nw of sw fee 19, t3s, r5e 400 j J Schreiber toll Rulil e 1-2 of uw 1 sec 20, l 3 .x, r o r M0 H Ruhl tol' RoM, e 1-2 of nw sec 20, t 3 s, roe 10 J Schwa tzentruber to J L Lantz, 50 a sec 15, t 5 s, r I e 1550 M Loryea to E F Riley, and 1-2 of 5, a in sec 28, t I s, r 2 e 190 P II Marley to E F Riley, 3 a in s i MacMahon d 1 c, t 2 s, r 2 e 10 H '1 rube to A Trnbe, 400 a in sec. s j 1.2, 11 and 12 7CO0 ; F C Perry to P M lioyles jr, lots 1, j 2 lract.2, Molalla iW J Bingham et al to 0 F Jones, und 4. 6 of blk A ADiierson's eubdvn. of blks 5. 6 and 7 Park Place ... 233 F E Henan et at to W E Odekiik, i 180 a sec 25, t 4 s, r 1 e 2700 A G Spexarth et nl to H Bronner, nw of nw sec 17, t 2 s, r 4 e 400 M Green to O W P & Ry Co, 15 a stc 35, t 2 s, r 7 e 1 j 3rd of Sell Land Comrs to N P Brown, nw sec 10, t 2 s, r 7 e. 200 Wm Spanel to Uonrad Rindlaud, s I 1-2 of sw sec 28. t 2 s. r 5 e 300 Plat of 1st Add to Will Falls acreage tracts F J U'Ren to N P Brown, w 1-2 sec 16, t2s, r6e 60 W E Hart to E Nu all, lot 6 blk 3, Green Point 550 M E Bradford to J Anderson, 10 a inGWillsdlc 700 E E Charman et al to Clackamas A & T Co, tract bet blk 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the river, Oregon City 2000 Albin Floss 10 S Swanson, lots 15, 16, blk 138, O I & S Co's extn to 1st add to Oswegi 1 F R W light to J H Wright, w 1-2 of sw sec 32, t4s, r3e 320 J H Wright to G B Dimick, truttee w 1-2 sw sec 32, t 4 s, r 3 e 232 H n Hedges to E R Rockw j"d. e 1-2 of nw sc-c34. t 3 s, r 7e 10JO J W Jones to A Jones, pt of lot 1 and 2, blk 158, Oregon City 1 M E Lucas to 0 F Jonea, und 1 6 of blk a of Apperwn's' subdvn of blks 5, 6, and 7, Park Place 50 1 J W Craele to 8 Monroe, lots 18 to 31, bik 49, Min horn 6 Same to T Burro s lots 3 to 17, blk 49, Mihthorn 6 D Harris to T B Thomas, 1 a sec 26, t 3 s, r 2 e 60 , W H Smith to C L HolmeB, lots 7 and 8, blk 2, Park Place 122 M A Mo-ris to W II 8mith, lots 7 and 8 blk b, Park Place 400 0 Waiden to A R Mendehall, 1-2 I interest in ne of sec 30, 5-4 e . . . 600 ! H Gar:B to O I & S Co, lot 15 ia b'.k 2, Oswego 1 W G Pollock to O I A 8 Co, lots 1, 2, 3, in blk 88, Oswego 1 W Long to F E Mills, 2 acies in 5-1 100 1 W Long to F E Mills, 41 acres in sec 25, 5-1 w 1200 F A Ely to W W Mat, 1, 10, acre inHolmescl 200 FW Elliott to A O Welilon, 35 ! acres in sec 17, 2-3 e 4j0 1 A Pfeffer to A Scbarkey. lots 14 I and 15, in blk 87, .Mintborn l J Crader to S Grader, ne of ne sec 7.4-2 e 1 E L Mattoon to J Gerber, ISO acres in cl 58, 3 3 e F M Mabee to F A Mabee, n 1 ee of sec 30, 3 5 e J Elliott to Wm A McDonald, 12 of w 1-2 of nw of sec 11, 4-3 e. .. k We also carry a full line of Buggies and Sprinr Wagons. M Write tus for prices on everything you need, it cniy takes a m postal card, and may save you dollars. I Northwest Implement K 208 FRONT STREET, Company, PORTLAND ORE, CMC fxrmtaesswBBStsKfr.1 HEAVY LOSSES To Our Friends and Patrons: Heavy losses we have suffered through the recent fires placed us in a tight pinch we need money, and ask our friends to come and buy their winter supplies from our mammoth stock for cash. We will slaughter Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines, and Ave will givo you a discount on all other goods purchased be tween now and December 1st for cash. Do not miss your chance, Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for nearly half price. Frank Busch, The House Furnisher :of 50 s Pi re p f i i $ I i m - 1 i 3