Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 12, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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awm i
The powder puff may help to hide the
ravages of time but it avails little to hide
the ravages of disease. When the face
is disiigured by eruptions, the treatment
must go below the surface to the blood,
which is corrupt and impure.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures disfiguring eruptions which are
caused by impure blood. It cures scro
fulous sores, erysipelas, boils, pimples,
eczema, salt-rheum and other eruptive
diseases which impure blood breeds and
"T was troubled with eczema from the crown
of ny head to the notes of my feet." write Mrs.
EUu Sui, of Cass City, Tuscola Co., Mich.
"Cqula not walk at timea nor wear my shoes.
Thought there was do help for me at least the
doctor said there was none. I weut to see
irienris at Christmas time and there heard of
the good that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery had done for them, and was advised to
try it at once. For fear that I might neglect it
my friend sent to the village and got a bottle
and made me promise that I would take it. I
had been getting worse all the time. I took
thirteen bottles of the ' Golden Medical Discov
ery' and ten vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets, and used ' All-Healing Salve,' which made
a Complete cure. It was slow, but sure. I was
taking the medicine about eight months.
"I would say to all who read this; try Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before wast
ing time and mouey."
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sale of less meritorious
medicines. He gains ; you lose. There
fore nc-ept no substitute for "Golden
Medical Discovery."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cleanse the clogged
system from accumulated impurities.
Wednesday, September 10.
!"A. 8. Tttimer carries South Carolina
democratic primaries for United States
senat or.
Jud'.to K. C. StiniHon wins democratic
nomination for governor of Colorado
over Governor James Omian.'
Pirfiident Roosevelt concludes bis
tour and starts for home.
Governor Stone's effort to settle the
coal strike meets with failure.
Join Whittaker, Oregon's first gov
ern, m, suffering from a paralytic
stroke .
Washington supreme court upholds
the 10-hour law for merchant women
Bull movement at Chicago sends
wheat prices up.
Few line to ply between New York
ind the Orient.
Steamer Cottage City wiecked in
llaskiin waters.
Marine engineers orJer strike on
river boals.
Minn Birdie McCarty sues J D Hery
ford for 1(170,000 for breach of promise.
Defense for Murderer Belding as in
sanity. Thursday, September 11 .
, Govtirnor McBride's railway policy
previls in Washington republican con
vention. Colorado democrats voted against fu
sion with populists, and indorse Teller
or re-tiloction.
Idaho popalist Blate convention name
ticket. The attendance was very light .
Kobels continue to advance in strength
on Colon and Panama.
Hot battle at Banta Martha is accom
panied by terrible atrocities.
Hiiytian blockade of three ports will
not be effectual.
lliiPBui order British customs officials
expelled from Manchuria.
Terms made Boars at colonial confe
ence. Oiigon's hou. crop is 80.C00 bales.
Quality is gooLiind prospects for grow
ers were evor IWtter.
UmiBiially heavy business in Portland
produce markets.
itching pu.es.
Anv one who snfkra frotuthat terrible
planim, Itching Piles, or from Ki'zoma,
will appreciate the immediate reliuLand
permanent cure that comes throngU the
use ol Doan's Ointment. It never note.
Free Samples at 0. G. Huntley .
OH fm
Give them o'l -od-iiver oil.
It's cuik u.j to . w do result
Give it to the lavish, fvet
clrUa::;!! Give
to the pale, aiuvn.ic cmld,
; id his fac2 becomes rosy and
Lll of health. Take a flat
chested child, or a child that
has stopped growing, give him
the oil, and lie will grow big
and strong like the rest.
This is not a new scheme.
It has been done for years.
Of course you must use the
right oil. Scott's Kmulsion
is the one.
Scott's Emulsion neither
looks nor tastes like oil because
re are so careful in making it
icasant to take.
Send for free sample.
XOTT & BOWNE, Chemt!.. ) Pmtl St. N. V.
lociadfi.eoi tl dfupau.
Flour Best $3.053.60.
Wheatr-WallaWalla6061c; valley
62c; bluestem 63 and 64c
Oats White, 1.00; gray, 95c$I
Barley Feed $19; brewing $20 per ct.
Millstuffs Bran $17 ; middlings $21 ;
shorts $18 ; chop $17.
Hay Timothy $1110; clover, $7.50
Butter Fancy cWmery 27 and 25c ;
store, 12 and 15.
Eggs 22 and 22 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.004.50 ;
hens $45.50; springs $2.50(83 ; geese
$46; ducks $34. 50; turkeys 17 and 18
Mutton Groes, 1 and 3; dressed, 6
cents per pound.
Hogs Dressed, 7 and 6X cents per
Veal Large, 1 and cents per
Beef Gross.top steers,$3.50 and $4.00,
dressed beef, 7 cents per pound.
Che'se Full cream 12c per pound
Young America Z and 14c.
Potatoes $ .50 .05 per hundred.
Hops 20 and 22c.
Notice to Taxpayers and Prop
erty Owners.
Notice is thereby given that the board
of equalization of the county of Clacka
mas, State of Oregon, will for the week
beginning Monday, October 13th, 1902,
be in attendance at the office of the
county clerk, in said county and state,
for the purpose of publicly examining
the assessment rolls of said county
for the year 1902, and correcting all er
rors in valuation, description or quali
ties of lands, lots or other property. It
is the duty of all persons interested to
appear at the time and place herein
mentioned, and call the attention of said
board to any eirors in assessment, or
property not at se seed, so that the same
may be corrected in the manner pro
vided by law.
Assessor of Clackamas County.
Please call early in the week.
The Best is None Too Good For
and we can furnish you with the best
'.or no more tlion you might pay for the
worst, therefore, don't throw away good
money for poor Bervice, but it you are
going East.or have friends coming West,
let us tell you what we tan offer on Chi
cago, Washington, Nhw York, Boston,
St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and
all intermediate. points. ,Our rails are
laid in fourteen different states of the
Co.nmunlcate with us regarding
freight and paaaenger business. It's a
a pleasure to reply to your letter.
a. 11. 1KUMBOLL,
Commercial Agent.
J . C. Lindbky,
T. F. & P. A.
142 Third Street,
Portland, Oregon.
, Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops itching scalp upon application,
three to six removes all danurun and
will stop falling hair. Price 50c.-, at all
Notice to Bridge Builders.
Bids will be received by the under
signed county surveyor until Wedues
aay, Oct. 1st, 1902, at noon for the con
struction of a Howe truss bridge to be
built across the Tualatin river. Said
bridge to replace the recently burned
ShiDlev bridge.
Plans and specifications may be seen
at the office of the county surveyor of
Clackamas county. A certified check in
a sum equal to five per cent of amount
bid must Jiccompany eacti ma.
Lowest bid notl necessarily accepted.
John W. Mki.drum,
County Surveyor.
By II. II . Johnson, Deputy.
Not Doomed for life.
"I was treated for three years by good
doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McCon
nellsville, O., "for Piles, and Fistula,
but, when all failed, Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured me in two weeks." Cures
Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, E
ruptions, Sal; Kheuin, Piles or no pay.
25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
Fortune Favors A Texan.
"Having distressing pains in head,
back and stomach, and being without
appetite, I began to use Dr. King's New
Life Pills." writes W. P. Whitehead,
of Kennidale, Tex., "and soon felt like
a new man." Infallible in stomach anil
liver troubles. Only 25c at Geo. A.
Harding's drug store.
Beware of Olntiinenls for Catarrah
that contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
ofBinell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous Biirt'aces. Such articles
should never 'be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicans, as
the damage they will do it ten fold to the
good you cau possible derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, nianuf ictured by
r. J. Cheney iv Co., Toledo, O , con
tains no mercury, and is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buy
ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally and
is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold
by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Jofh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind.,
is a poor man, but be says he would not
be without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if
it cost Ave dollars a bottle, for it saved
him from being cripple. No external
application is equal to this liniment for
stiff and swollen joints, contracted mu
scles, etitl' neck, sprains and rheumatic
snd muscular nains. It has also cured
numerous cases of partial paralysis. It
is for sale by Geo. A. Harding.
This signature I on every box ot the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine TMeu
he remedy that curve a cold In tan daj
palor, fainting, smothering or
sinking spells all point in the
same direction an impaired
heart action. A heart that is
weak or diseased cannot do full
duty and the circulation of the
blood is interfered with. There
is a medicine that gives new
strength to the heart, new
power to the pulse and puts
new color into cheek and lip.
"My pulse would Jump and beat
at a fearful rate and then drop
almost to a stopping point. I
could not rest at night, feet
swelled and Lad 6evere pains in
chest. Took I)r. Miles' Heart
Cure six weeks and was cured."
T. II. Jones, Pittsburg, Texas.
Heat Cute
regulates the heart's action,
while it stimulates the digestive
organs to make new, rich, red
blood which gives strength to
the whole body. Sold by drug
gists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
A Boy's Wild Ride For Life.
With family around exoectine him to
die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to
get Dr. King's Ne' Dicovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H.
.urown, ot Jjeesville, Ind., endured
death's agonies from asthama, but this
wonderful medicine gave instant relief
and soon cured him. He writes : "I now
sleep soundly every night." Like mar
velous cures of Consumption, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, Cough, Colds and Grip prove
its matchless merit for all Throat and
Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free at U. H,
Harding's drug store. "
Water Cure for Chronic Constipation.
Take two cups of water half an hour
before each meal and just before going
to bed, also a drink of water, hot or cold,
about two hours after each meal. Take
lots of outdoor exercise walk, ride,
drive. Make a regular habit of this and
in many cases chronic constipation may
be cured without the use of any medicine.
When a purgative is required take some
thing mild and gentle like Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by
G. A. Harding.
For a bad taste in the mouth take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it tails
to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
If you desire a good complexion une
Mnkl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on the
livor and makus theekin smooth and clear. Cures
(tli'k heailachon; 25o and 5oo. Momy refunded If
It doi' not aliHfj you, Write to W. II. Hioker &
Co., Buffalo, N. Y., lor le sample, or Howell it
Junes, drtiKglsta.
We Hell the ifreateat of blood purifiera,
Acker'a lllood Kllxir, under a positive guar
antee. It will ouie all ehronio and other blood
poisous. If you have eruptionn or sores on your
body, or are pule, weak or run down, it is lust
w hat you need. We refund raonuy if you nro not
satialled; 50o and PI. Utwell Jon, druni;lts.
Laxative Bromo-Qninine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price
25 cents, i
You Know What You Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle Bhowing that it
s simplv Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
orm. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
The Heat rreaorlption for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. Price 50c.
P. V iC O.Ity. Co.
25o is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregou
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug Btore."
When there iB a feeling that the heart
or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves
are diseased, at once commence to doc.
tor the stomach. That is the founda
tion of the trouble in 90 cases out of
every 100, Commence to regulate the di
gestive organs, get them in healthy
worKiiigconuiuon,Hnuuie oiner troubles
will leave of themselves. Diseases
which have their beginning in the stom
ach must be cured through the stomach.
The medicine for stomach disorders
and half the ills of life, is Dn Gunn's
Improved Liver Pills. These pills nut
all the digestive organs in good condi
tions bo that disease has no basis to
work upon. They are sold by all drug
gists for 25 cents per box. One pill is a
dose. e will Bend a box post-paid, on
receipt of 25 cents or to anybody who
wants to try them we will send 2 pills
free. Send name and address to Dr.
Gunn, Philada., Pa. For sale by Char
man .4 Co., Druggists.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Hoyal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
square meal, 15c.
WASTED. -A trustworthy Rentl.Tunn or la ly In
rrh county to tuannire lmslm for an old estab
lished hous ot sulid tiuaneUl (landing. A
Mreisht, bona ride wetkly cash alarv of II? paid
by check each WediwsiUy with all in.e.
direct from headquarter. onr advanced lor
xpuset. Manager, SJO Caxton Bldg., elite
fAtff Payroll
Our Fall line of VV. L. Douglas' shoes has just arrived, in which we have twenty-five styles of ;
I nobby shoes made by the largest
i Douglas' shoes you get style, comfort and durability. They are union made and sell at the most
f popular prices of $3.00 and $V50.
me line 01 cioining ana gems iurnisning gooas, as we are exclusive gems iurrusucrs anu Duy irom j
the best houses in he United States and sell at the very lowest prices. Come and be convinced . X
.1 i t i 1 1 1 . 9 t
When you see'it in our ad., its so.
J. M. Price, The One Price
Sole Agent for the H. & M. Clothing.
6th and Main Sts.,
Free I Free I
An Opportunity Worthy of Your
It you suffer with kidney disease' or
any ailment ari ing from an improper
action of the kidneys or urinary oraans,
this oifer we make to the people of Ore
gon City should interest you. In Ihe
advancement of medical science, the
kidneys, the organs of the greatest im
portance to human health, have not
been neglected, and in plncing before
you such a cure as Doan's Kidney Pills
the proprietors recogniza how far so
many statements of the, makers of simi
lar preparations have fallen short of
their claims, being convinced that no re
medy i r kidney complaints in existence
equals Doan's Kidney Pills for such ail
ments ; strengthened in these convictions
by letters that are daily received of the
work they are doing for mankind's
benefit, old backs and young backs are
being constantly freed from never-ceasing
aches, and many a lame and shat
tered one, stooped and contracted, is
strengthened, invigorated and infused
with new life. With such a medicine
an offer of this kind can be made with
out hesitancy, for while we lose the
box we give to you, we make friends
that assists us in the sale of many
of Doan's Kidney Pills will be given
away free to every person suffering with
kidney ailments at the undersigned ad
dress. First come, first served, and only
this one chance offered. Remember
this is not a sample box, but a regular
size box of Doan's Kiduey Pills, which
retails at 50 cent".
Free Distribution One Day Only.
at C. G. Huntley, Prescription Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon.
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin in
any part of the body that is absolutely
safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's.
akes short roads.
nd light loads.
'ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
23c. All druggists.
Want vnur nioUHtacho or beard a hauutiful
brown or rich blaokV Tln'n use
BO CTt. Of QnuflftHTB, cw R. p. H.u Co. , n.ihu. h . H.
For 20 years I had been a sufferer
from bronchial troubles accompanied
with a hacking cough. I at times
suffered from extreme nervous pros
tration. About four years ago I be
gan taking Hipans Tabules, and since
then I have used them pretty con
stantly. I rarely retire at nigui with
out taking my Tabule, and I find they
keep my digestive organs (which nat
urally are weak) in good order, and
they also allay, my tendency to ner
.vousness and make me sleep.
At dru(rul(it..
The Fire-Cent packet is enough for an or
dinary oeasslon. The family bottle. 60
cents, contain! a supply (or a year.
Beta tlid The Kind ion Have Almvs BoujH
and fnost modern shoe manufactunes in the world. By wearing
We not only put good shoes before the public, but everything m
r t r 1 1
Newly Furnished and Refitted. Optn Day and Night.
and Lunch Counter
Opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City
Has No Superior in the City.
Meals at All Hours.
Has a complete
Fall lytilliQeFy, furs,
fylillirjerty Novelties, Etc
Hats Trimmed to Order Feathers Dyed and Curled
Ij mWI.HIIII U.UI.M .11,11111 III 111 I I1BII.II .11! ! mi Illll! IIMII 41 .JHHiyWII IMIIIMIIII I I win
fii -MfkSfl Every Elgin watch has the word "Elgin"
7jYwffi5Waw engraved on the works. Send for .3
iP fflB ' f f F ifMnmvvNBfc free booklet about watches. 1
f i L jjs! h M I) B IB IB Iffll liTfllfc ELGIN NATIONAL -1
I? J J hi hi U m 3 S B a 3 3 fflfh wmch co. 1
fl 7 Jjyjli IS JffJBjU ""ni8' !
r,.VwwcwiymMM'i-'ii'u.jiw jiiww inmi unii i,wvn WW ni)uTma 'jiijii lKy '1
f-iri-.s .-...-,.,....,...,1::: 4jnt"
Blue Ribbon
State Fair
Sept. 15th to 20th, 1902.
You are invited to attend and
see the greatest industrial expo
sition and livestock show ever
held on the Pacific Coast. Good
racing every afternoon. Camp
ground free. Come and bring
your families. For any infor
mation, write
M. D. WISDOM, Sec'y,
Portland, Ore.
1 :1 X
Snodgrass, Fotografer
Main and loth Sts., Oregon City.
ypRLDS UrgesT
3.50 SHOE factory
..-I e 1 3 l t. a.
Oregon City, Oregon
assortment of
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfort
and graceful 'outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros.
At all drug tat
2S Doa 25c