Oregoe CO J ity G Herald 1 ouirier O COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 18 Qt D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Beal Estate and Probate La Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY . CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loan? and collections, discounts bilis buyi and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. 0. LiATOUBETTE, J IjATOUBETTE, .. r udent Meybr Cashie C. N- THE GREEN MAN PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the elty OREGON CITY OREGON Regular September Term of the County Board. John Lewellen, T, B. Killin and Win. Brobst, County Commie Bioners. State of Oregon, county of Clackamas. Before the board of county commis- Oregon for the S Johnson 4 50 W W Smith 3 00 James Wella 1 50, Elmer Zeek 1 5r W Wilson : 4 U0 Total . US 25 Road District No. 3 S B Johnson $ 5 57 H Trnge 1 50 A H Kitzan 4 00 DR. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Canfleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON V H . COOPER, JJ" Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort traaes. Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loer, Stevens Building, O egoo Cuy. Of. 0. E. Ha YES ATTORNEY Stevens Building, opp. OREGON CITY AT LAW Bank of Oregon City OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD . NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON QRANT P. DIMICK Attornky and Counselor at Law Will nreclice in all Courts in ihe State, Circuit Thos 1)' Byan, county judge... and District Courts of the United States. N orris & Powell, CO physician . . Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy, Office in btcvens Building, Oregon City, Or. J C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 1 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. Norms, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city orcountry promptly attended Office: 1,2,17, ' Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will practice In all Courts of the State Welnhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 0. JJREN Bchuebkl W. 8. U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW S)eutfet StbooJal WiU'practlce 'in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON E I. SIA8 DKALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON sioners of the state of county of Clackamas Be it' remembered, That a regular term of the Board of County Commis sioners tor the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, begun and held at the court house in said county and state on Wednesday, the 3rd day of Sept., at 10 o'clock a.m., of said day to transact county busines when were present Hon. Hon. John Lewellen, Hon. T. B. Killin, Hon William Brobst, commissioners: John R. Shaver, sheriff; F. A., Sleight, clerk. In the matter of claims paid in vaca tion : Owen Berry.county charge $ 14 00 Mrs Rosa Treickler 10 00 Ellen Bridges 8 00 J W Jones 6 50 Wm Scott 28 00 Mrs Hattie Woods 5 00 Elias Miller 30 00 Mrs S O Harrineton 17 00 Paul Frevtae 10 00 Wm Dean 6 00 A M Shibley 8 00 Henry Lewis 8 00 M Konger 7 00 Alice Carr 10 00 L Matheweon 7 00 GusPurkle 10 00 OE Burns 5 00 J J Gorbett 5 00 J M Heckart 8 00 KingBohall 7 00 E ias Miller 12 00 MaryHa.ey 13 00 E Austin 10 00 Eldora Younger 8 00 John A vena 8 HO Mrs Adams 15 00 Geo Moony 8 00 Mrs Volchers 00 W H Watson 5 00 WTTinsley 5 00 S B 1'eppil 5 00 M rs W A Clark 10 00 W T Gardner, Boys and Girls' Aid Society 10 20 E N Foster, county chaiga 6 00 Thos Holland, indigent soildier. . In 00 J H Churchill 5 00 W VV Bellmore 10 00 Gveenleaf Chute 5 00 Peter Nehren, jauitor 60 00 J R Shaver, Bheriff 141 07 E O Hackett, deputy sheriff..-.. .00 00 F A Sleight, clerk 125 00 F W Greenman, deputy clerk. . 46 10 Henry E Stevens, recorder 100 00 O E Ramsby, deputy recoider. . . 52 00 Enos Cahill, treasurer 83 34 Gu.:sie Maddock. deputy 20 00 J (J Ziner .school supt 83 34 01) uu 13 00 In the matter of claims presented and allowed. H W Jackson.ct house $ 1 00 TJ Gary, teachers' examination 21 00 Mary S Barlow, teachers' exami nation 2100 Ralph Holmes, election 3 00 Chas Moehnke,b:idges 23 88 Ely Bro, pauper. ... ; 485 Wise bridge A J Olds 24 90 1) R Fowler 16 00 II Elliott 16 00 J Lewellen 2 Oi) ED Olds 35 00 Cason bridge A J Olds 10 50 J Lewellen 12 00 J Smith 10 00 GWPurcell 10 00 RD Morris 10 00 F J Myers 10 00 E D Olds 19 40 W E O'Donel 19 00 Nottingham & Co, cement 225 00 J C Zinser, school supt 23 06 W H Smith, election 3 00 Courier-Herald, printing 15 00 Mrs FThornton, pauper '8 50 O H Dauchy, bridge 60 Thos F Ryan, co judge. 2 00 H H Johnson, surveyor 21 00 Frank Busch, r and b 24 96 Williams Bros, bridges 4 50 R L Holman, coroner 20 00 C G Huntley, ct house ... 50 J R Shaver, board prisoners .... 21 55 W II Honnev, bridges.. 16 50 InaM Chase, clerk 00 Ina M Chase, recorder U uu J R Shaver, sheriff 2 50 W H Young, livery Hire uu T Yocum, bridge 12 50 J W Norris, insane 5 00 Western Clay M fg Co, roads ... . 6 26 H S Moody, insane 6 10 Board Water Comm's'rs, water rent 15 00 Eli Williams, assessor 104 q0 Total $U 07 Road District No. 5 WC Brown $22 38 J S Birdsall $18 00 Frank Herz i 50 John Duly 1 50 J M Poe 3 00 G Anderson 3 00 R Birdsall 4 50 E Hickev 1 50 H Bright 7 50 Total .08 88 Road District No. 6 Johnson & Johnson $10 42 F Kiser 14 25 W Bosholm 31 75 J H Revenue 29 00 John Bosholm.. ......... 150 This Trade Mark on the side of a wagon box is a guarantee of excellence and high grade quality in the construction of this wagon If yours does not have it on di?oose of it and get one that has as you j chances on the material used d in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you money jij Total $86 92 Road District No 7 Johnson & Johnson $24 80 1 5H 1 50 8(0 75 3 00 , 8 00 BUY A FISH" $47 55 Martin Thomas. Sam Bacon James Fagles W G Calvin Sam Bacon James Fagles Total Road District No. 12 Piever & Hicinbothem... March Frekes , J C Sprague Total $9 00 Road District No. 14 I G F Gihbs $ 4 ( 0 C C Gibbs 6 00 ! James Shelly 3 00 : A Mautz. 3 00! I Shorttake 1 50 ! O M Kunzinan 2 25 Total $19 75; Road District No. 16 ! Chas Bauman $2 00 Road District No. 18 John Shannon. $4 00 Road District No. 19 ' P HSager $ 2 25 j H Luny 14 00 A Uendershott 22 00 : James Mailett 12 00 W Parker , 6 00 H Perry 15 00 nKnvimTtnn .17 00J i P Sager 12 OOjfc . L Biuo.r 12 00 A LarkitiM 1 50 E May 3 00 M CoiHly 4 50 O Malleit, 1 50 CDannels 3 00 A Erickson 3 00! P P Murphy $ 3 00 J J Mailett 27 00 j T Miller 150 LErickion 3 00 We also carry a full line of Buggies and Sprinr Wagons. Write us for prices on everything you need, it enly takes a postal card and may save you dollars. N ORTiiWEST Implement Lompany, 208 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND ORE, iwubmmiwmiiismoi: vanvi '-3 Total. $104 75 Road District No. 20 F B Madison $13 40 Road uistrict No. 24 F Mohr $ 1 50 J D Ritter 3 i0 D Knapp . . 3 50 John Gahlor 1 50 H Osterholtz 2 00 E Montandon 75 A E Montandon 12 00 OCMoleon 5 20 Total $29 45 -Road District No. 25 J vV Smith 3 50 Trullinger Bros 8 06 ADGribble 9 00 H H Hepler 5 25 0 G Moores 3 00 N Cole 1 50 1 Morris 2 25 M Burkbolder 2 25 Ed M Thomas 32 25 F Krib 2 25 W. H, YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stabla Finest.Turnouts City OREGON CITY. OREGON 69 00 62 00 15 00 28 00 50 4 95 S. J. VAUGHAN'S livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON WHAT IS THE USE of 8utrerir.fr from Imlieestion if you eat what vou want or of .urvlng yovmelf to .void such dis treij Acker'. I5 .-Pl- T etxtakenafter eating will dlewt your food perfectly ami from all the disacrrccaMe symp of i.v tion and dvspffp-i. Eat what you like at any tim.an d take an Acker Tahlet afterwaM. P.wlttTely eaaranteed. Yonr mow will always ba refunded ft "on a "Ot .atl.fl.fl. Write to nn for . free ample. W.H. Hooker & Co . Buffalo. Uowcti & Jones, drugjisu. Total $09 31 Road District No. 27 PJ Ridings & Son $ 5 00 Reed Bros 2100 Wm Mortenson 74 21 E Shier 3 00 Q Kewsome 4 50 Geo Jackson 9 00 Tom Spushler 6 00 Hugh Corner l ou J W Dorrei 1 1 Dolph Myers 4 50 Pode Jones 3 75 JT Drake 7 12 Jon Barth 18 50 Tom Garrett 11 75 J G Porter. D P Matthews " L E Williams " Anna Williams " LindBley & Sen, roads T.lvv Stinn. iustice of the oeace H 8 Moody, constable 4 30 A Lacv. Dlank for roads 575 00 ON Greenman, coroner 5 00 Huntlev Bros 11 85 Oregon City Enterprise, printinR 13 '.'0 " staty. . . ou O W Fredericks, bridge 2 90 E Matlhies, ct house 1 00 Red Front Trading Co , pauper. . 4 50 Wm Brobst, commissioner 25 60 T B Killen " 4 J Lewellen " 38 70 In the matter of the reports of road supervisors. Road District No. 1 JHartwig $ 66 00 JCounsell 13 50 II Giflbrd 21 00 FZimmerman 15 75 WHCounsell 2S 00 Total $108 9) Road District No. 29- O B Taylor $ 7 50 J H Keller 6 75 E Rtroup 75 HH Schmidt 2 00 Total ... $17 00 Road District No. 32 Conzlemaa Bros $10 40 C Epler 1 50 D Btahlnecker 1 60 E Jones 1 50 BF . Webster 3 00 j AVoss 150 II Voss 751 F Seelv 3 001 CICalkins 2 25 W Heater 8 00 j Total 534 40 j District Xo. 34 Jeff Shaw $22 00; (Continued next week.) j CURTAIN SPECIALS J HIS Season has been a busy one in our J j Curtain Section, and buyers have broken into many of the lines. Those that are left are splendid values but limited in number. We have cut the prices to figures that will surely clean them all out before fall stock ar rives. Price for one pair Ruffled Curtains, 50c. Frank Busch. The House Furnisher Total $144 25 Road District No. 2 Capps 2 A L D THE ABC OF IT. A kidneyeducation startswith: Back ache means kidney ache, lame hack means lame kidneys, weak back means weak kidnevs, cure means Doan's Kid ney Pills, ltead about the free distribu tion in this paper, and call at C. G. Jones. . . . 1 50 Huntley, Druggist. ""'' iTfll I