y OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1902. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CO. Oregon SitojrLifm and Union Pacific T4 EAST The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS DAILY TWO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT 1 AE, DEN OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p. El. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam. ette and Columbia iuver roints. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan, Tor full Information call on or address nearest O . R. & N. Ticket Agent, or aaareBs A. I,. CRAIG. G.P. A.. Portland, OregoD LEAVES 8:00 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 2-.30 P. M! Depot Fifth and I Sis., Portland For Maygers, Rainier, 'Matskanie, Wetport, Clifton, Astoria, War renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Seaside, Astoria and Seashore KxpreBB, Daily. Astoria Express, Daily. Astoria Express, Daily, express Saturday, Portland-Seaside Express Saturday only. ARRIVES 11:10 A. M. 9:40 P. M, Ticket Office, 255 Morrison st. and Union Depot. J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria, Ure. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. Leave Astoria 7 P. THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE SIRS. TA110MA nnd METLAKO Daily Trips Except'Sunday STR. TAHONA Leave Portland, Hon,, Wed. and Iri. . ... 7 A.M. Leave The Dalles, Tues., Thurs. and Sat. .7 A. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat. 7 A. M Leave Dalles, Hon., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PH0NK8, MAIN 861 PORTLAND, OREGON AGENTS John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore. A. J. Tavlor Astoria, Ore J. J. Luckev Hood River, Ore. Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash R.B.Gil'breth Lyle, Wash John M. Totton Stevenson, Wash, Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. Wm. Butler Butler, WaBh E. W. CRICHTON, PORTLAND, ORE iDFORDS kdrauoht THE GREAT kmilymedicini Thedford's Black-Draueht h saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, E urines the blood, and purges the owels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills. rheumatic pains, sideache, back ache, kidney troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thedford's Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for $1.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford's Black-Draught Is the best medicine on earth. It Is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but BlacK Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewara, La. Mammy Jliry'n Mentre, In the com sc ni her enrn r. says a writer in Cuiti-ih Literatim-. Mammy Mary had met m;.:i.v distinguished per sons, but her own importance as nurst for three generations iu the family ot General John B. Gordon of Georgia kept her from lipiii;; overwhelmed by the honor. When Mrs. Cleveland, during the sec ond term of her husband's presidency, visited flie Gordons at the governor's mansion in Atlanla. she expressed a desire to see a genuine old negro mam my. So the carriage was hitched up and Mammy Mary was sent for at Sutherland, the Cordon country place, which she preferred lo the noise and excitement of oilieial life. When the coachman drew up, he found her smok ing her evening pipe. Not a step would she stir. "She done say." said the unsuccessful envoy on his return to town, "dat she don' want to see no presidents; she done see 'nough presidents." Mrs. Cleveland laughed heartily when she heard this. Then she proposed to go to the mountain, since Mohammed refused to budge, and the next day she drove out to Sutherland. "I am surprised, Mammy Mary," said Mrs. Gordon before introducing the dis tinguished guest, "that you sent such a message. You have never been im polite before." "An' dat nigger done tell what 1 say? Well, he never did have no sense nn' no mnnnahs! Co'se I 'spected he'd say Pze sorry Pze lnd'sposed GO EAST VIA Only transcontinental line passing di-ei-tly through 3 It Lake City, Leads tile, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Thw-e splendidlv epuipped trains daily Vo all points East. Through Bleeping and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The moat magnificent scenery In America bv daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature address J. D. riANSFIELD, General Agent, 24 Third Street, lortf-nd, Ou?n The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching atwav points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of tie above steamers have been Te 111 andare in excellent share for the season ofl 00 The Kegulator Line will endeavor to givelts patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of The Begulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.an Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in amp time for onteolng trains. Portland Office, The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet. A. O. AUAWAT General Age Bear, th. a MVou Have Always BougH "RYETAB" Whiskey Beans. P.! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS. Something absolutely new and with which we have expert- 1 merited for years. One bfan makes one glass Ar tificial Whiskey (Ryo or Bour bon); six beans to the pint, Juttt the thins for travelers, and convenient lor picnics, excur sions, etc. Contains all the virtue of the best whiskies without the dele terious effect. Made from the pure vegetable mutter, and guar anteed to contain no poisouonB or narcotic drugs of any descrip tion. If a bovernge is not desired, a Bean may he taken in the mouth without Valor, and the most ex hilerating effect will be experi enced. Box of 12 Beans, 50c The Boans retail at 10 cents eaon, and can be procured from any druggist, fancy grocer or first-class bar. For sr. le on din ing oars. One box sent post-pi;id on re ceipt of 50 cents. Ginseng Distilling Co. Distillers of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, ST. LOUIS, - - MO. WANTED To increase mv liijt of farms and lands for sale, in all parts of the county. Lands owned bv non-residents represented atul sold. H. . Cross, At torney at Law. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne Kianeys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of urio acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Us wonderful cures of the most distressing cases by all druggists in titty- sfirfTjgSS! cent and one-dollar siz- gjjjisSIH' es. You may have a iLJ samDle bottle bv mail Home of SwaniD-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you now to una out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Sr. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. VOU SALE 500 tracts of land. In quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City. 1A TEAMS WANTED to haul wool at $1.10 per cord. Pay 11th of each month. Good - roads; swamping done. VV. H. Vanover, Beaver Creek. JX)R SALE Finishing Lumber by J. A. joues at his mill on the Abernethy, 2 miles east of Oregon City. The mill and machinery is also for sarfe, including 40-horses ingine and boiler. Address J. A. Jones, Oregon City. PORSALK by VV. W. -Good grades Angora grats Irvin, Aurora, Or. 4 OINTMENTS And Suppositories -will not, positively cannot do more than relieve you. It requires an internal rem edy to remove the cause and effect a permanent cure. Ask your druggist for Dr. Perrin'e booklet on the subject. JWK SALE CHEAP 11 acres of land, clone to town. Address C. R. Live say, Oieuon City. Overrciiclied Htmaelf. There is no man more pleasantly sit uated than the country editor,- so call ed, who has a well equipped printing office in a irood town, with a fair share of the county printing, a good circula tion and plenty of job work and adver tising. It may be that he takes a turn occasionally at working the press, mak ing up the forms or even setting his own editorials In type, but he takes an honest pride in being able to do these things, lie is willing to give every ninn liis due. but insists on his own rights and dares to maintain them. Snr-h nn editor was Colonel Blix of Booiutown. A customer whom he knew as a close fisted man. came hi one day to cot a hundred sale bills he had or dered the day before. The editor hand ed him the bills neatly tied in a pack age. The customer untied the strin laid the bills on the "Imposing stone" and proceeded to count them. Editor Blix watched the count. When it was concluded, there proved to be six over and above the hundred. With out a word Blix took the six extra bills off the pile, crumpled them in his hand, threw them Into the office stove and smilingly bowed his crestfallen patron out Youth's Companion. 100 HEAD OF SHEEP to let on shares in I ts to suit. E. W. Randolph, Oregon City. MONEY TO LOAN on approved real estate and cliattle security. G. B. Dimick, Attom-y-at-Law, Stevens Build ing, Oregon City, Oregon, INDIVIDUALS MONEY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on land or chattels ; also a good farms for sale worth $5000 each. $(500 of city money on approved security. John W. Lodek, Attoruey-at-Law, Oregon City. PJATTLE FOR SALE 17 cows and calves, 28 dry cows, 17 yearlings, 1 registered Hereford bull, 1 full blood short-horn bull. For further particu lars, inquire build Smith ranch, 6 miles eaut of Molalla Corners. Hot soda at the Kozy Kindy .Kitchen rVrBbooklet on the subject, jjj Younger, the watchmaker, has moved next door to Hams' Grocery. Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists, Weinhard building. Don't pass us by call in and get our prices. Red FrontTrading Company. Good Literature "Vr-.il of what MR. CHAS. S. FEI JN OtHlD2 Agent, St. Paul, Minn., v mailed, upon receipt of pric everything Tnsb, Heat and Chan, meat market of ft. BeMe Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City The Northern Pacific Is not- ed among railways for its G advertising matter. Its R A "l-M-v,4- pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are Jp QJ 2Y.JLIHOS V tastefully gotten up and are valuable ler Yt Ilttb hllCy tUUtnill. 1JLC1D ID n I'Ol UlCtl HM of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, General Passenpw will send out, camuzy anon receipt 01 prices given . Any codi- nation can be made, and money or express orders, Bilver or stamps wiU b accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain eooi descriptive reading matter for little or nothing. Wonderland iooi- An annual publication, beautifully illustrated in color and halftone. This number treats particularly of the history of Rend the Northern Paciflo'a Trademark, the custer Battlefield in Six Cents Montana, and the Yellowstone Park. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty pnbllcallon containing a complete history of the Northern Pacilio Trademark, The artlstio covers of Send the Wonderland, l'JOl are used In miniature. Four Cents Wild Flowers from Yellowstone A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, showing the real flowen in their natural colors. A dainty Send and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and Blx Fifty Cents full page illustrations of Park scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 pafre book In strong, flexible covers good paper, plain tvpe, illustrnted. pocket size, a compendium and Twenty-Five descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Ceuta Climbing Mount Rainier An Illustrated pocket-flze book, 72 paces, In strong, flexible Send covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of Twenty -Five the highest peak In the United States outside of Alaska of a Cents, glacial nature. All kinds of bicycle repairing, lock work and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle sbop, opposite Barlow's gro cery. Give them a trial and be Batis ed. T.OST, strayed or stolen Two horses Black horse with star in forehad, weteht about 900 : about 14 years old- heavy. Bay horse with star in forehead, weight about 1053; 8 years old; one white hind foot; foretop has been dinned : ec-od looker. They were last seen together. Finder pleaBe notify this office. One of Field's Varna. Here is a paragraph which Eugene Field, who cnloved making fun of his friends, oin-t- print. (! In his famous col unin of "Sharps a:.d Flats:" "Dr. William 1' Poole, the Vetera bibliophile. Is now In San Francisco at tending the mn'ting of the Nation Librarians' association. While the train bearing the excursionists was en route through Arizona a stop of twenty min utes was made one evening for suppe nt a rude eating house, and here Dr, Toole had nn exciting experience with n tarantula. The venomous reptile at tacked the Uintllv old gentleman with singular voracity, and but for the hi topped boots which Mr. Poole wore se rious injuries would have been inllictt upon our friend's person. Mr. Fred llilil, our public librarian, hearing Dr. Poole's cries for help, ran to the rescue nnd with his cam- and umbrella suc ceeded In keeping the tarantula nt bay until the keeper of the restaurant fetch ed his gun and dispatched the malig nant monster. The tarantula weighed six pounds. Dr. Poole took the skin to San Francisco and will have it tanned so he can utilize it for the binding of one of his favorUe books." In the circuit court of the stale of Oregon, 10 Clackamas ouinty. Veronica Seyeriu, plaintiff, vs. Carl Severla, cVfendant, To Carl Severln, the.defendant above named. In the name of lha stale of Oregon, you are hereby notitled that the plaintiff herein bas filed! a complaint against you in the above-entitled court and catiRe, and you are hereby required to- appear and answer sato compiami on or oeiore wi last day of the time prescribed by order of publica tion hereof, to-wit: on or Dtiore me ou uay ui uc tuber, 1(02; you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer the oomplalut herein or to pteaJ thereto me piamuu win cause yuur u fulttobe entered and will apply to the court above mentioned for the relief prayed for in the complaint nerem, mat to sy, for a decree for.vtr dissolving the bonds of matrimony that may be existing be tween plaintiff and defendant herein, aud for alimonv and attorneys lees, and for the custody and control of the minor children named in said complaint; further, that plaintiff may be awarded and she be decreed to be the owner of the northeast quarter ) of section two ui.in lownsmp uuew (S) Bouth, of range five (6) eat of the Willamette MoHilimi. in Clnekamaa conntv. Mate of Oregon, and for plaintiffs cobis and disbursements bert iu, and for such other and further relief as to th court may seem proper and as iu equity is meet ana just. lueuate 01 tne nrsi pnnucauou m uierr monsts Friday, August 16, IDO'2, and the last p lication thereof Is Friday, October 8, 1U02, mi that said summons slwll be published on sriday of each week for a period of sU weeks between said dates. . . This summons is published ly order or jjon. Thomas F. Bvan, judge of the county cnurt the countv of Clabkamas, Oreeon, duly made and en tered on the 8th day of Auiiuat, A. I). It" 2. urlAt. J. pi niAiiE.u, Attorney for Plaintiff.. LEGAL NOTICES. SUMMONS. For In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Plnnknmtis Cnllntv. Lizzie Scott, r'lamtin, vs. nawin l.. eouw, jjuonu ant .... To Edwin L. Scott, the defendant auove nnmea r ti,p nnnis of the State of Oregon, you are heieb- runufreil to annear and answer the complaint filed -. . 1 ' .1. 1 il.la.l S,,.., nA ! against you 111 me uwvc euouwu n.r,c nn m l,,,f,,rn ti,n tA dav nf Sciiteniher. 11102. and II you fall so lo appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to tno uonrt lor mo rem;i ueiiinii'tuu iu net said complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now cm-mug oeiwoen pmiii tiff and defendant, f .r alimony and attorney's teen, and for the custody and control of the minor child ren named In said complaint, and for costs and disbursements of this suit, and for such other atid further relief as lo tins Court may seem jiisi aim equitable. , , Tr This summons is puonsnea oy orcier 01 rum. Thomas F. Ryan.. Judge of the County Court ot the County ol Clackamas, uruson, nuiy mnue auu en tered on the 4th day of August, Wit! The date of the Brat publication of this summons as directed tiy said order is August 7, 11)112, and the last thereof is Buplemner imu, i-jua. WJI. Kr.iu, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. JvV.loe le horeby given that the undersigned wit apply to the county court of Clackamas county,. Oregon, on Wednesday, the iirsl nay 01 untouer. ror a license to sen spirituous, man auu vuiunw liquors In less quantities than one gallon, In Bar low precinct, iu accordance with the petition herewith published. W. H Siwabd. August 27, 1902. To the Honorable Board of County ComniM6 ers for Clackamas County, Oregon: We the undersigned legal voters of Barlow pre cinct, Clackamas county, Oregon, do respectively petititlon that you grant a license to W. H.Sew ard to Bell spirituous, malt aud vinous liquors in said Barlow precinct in less quantities than one g illon: C. O Toll, J. W. Jesse, E. F. Judy, James Ogle, Carl Rueck,' Jaoob Ruck. Jr., Wnt. More laiid, W.A Howard, W. B.Tull, Chas. Ogle, J. Rueck, Sr., Wm. Barlow, Chiw. Schmidt, J. Cona wav, C. N. WUloock, T. H. Williams, A. Dallmanti; T C Andms C. U. Barlow, Ed Ogle, G. H. Hoe bel Win. S. Tull, J. F. Yost, L. E. Armstrong J.. B King, J. W. Covev, 3. A. Andrew, F, Bachort,. George Ziegler, H. t. Melviu, u Besser, li Ir win, K. M. Dement, 8. Evans, V H Moiloy, Nosl Faunal, M. Pedersen, M. Brlesarg, J. J. J. Sandness. T. A. Campari, I. O. Kreeman.Johu, r'M.xnun. W Rniin. C. Hess. J. D. Hess, M. Back er!, Andy Bickert, j. it. Dossier, Aug Rutlienbrirg Carl Thieme, John Oohro. James M oUill, J.J. Tavlor, A. W. Armstrong, W. A. linger, Thomas. Hoover, Yakob Virgwill, An one Jezl, Henry Hedges, A. B. Wlddows, L. D. Hoover. PUTNAM FADELESS, DYE are fast to sun light washing a' d , ulbing. Sold by C. G. Huuuu I E"b" '"8 0 FURRIERS 4 - .1 o H ncurpuraicu ioyy 6. P. RUMMELIN & SONS, 126 Second Street, near Washington, Portland, Ore. Our stock of Fur Garments is now complete, and intending purchasers will find it of value to call at our establishment and inspect our Furs. We are showing new effects in Fur Coats and Caps. Our Collarettes and Boas are in entirely new designs and consist of a great variety. . Mail Orders receive prompt attention. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. I Leaamq ana Keuaoie turners 01 me Kunuwe&i LI TrmrrTTWrrwffrm-fflrT'TrrlWMI A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED Two FOR SALE 1 8 horse power engine, boiler, feed pump. Inquire at Oregon City machine shop. A Lette F om Litchfield, Neb. ThomaB Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb., wrote us a few weeks ago about hie ex perience with Dr. Gunn'a Blood and Nerve Tonic. As his case may be simi lar to others it naturally would be of interest to them to know the result of his test. He had been haunted for years with a gradual growing weakness until he was reduced to almost a shadow. His complexion was sallow and pimply, had dizzy and sinking spells, with loss of memory and ambition. Always felt tired and outdone, Buffered greatly with nervousness, and felt that his heart's action wis weak. His digestion was bo poor his system received no nutriment. He saya he commenced the use of this Tonic, taking one tablet alter each meal. lie did not notice much change after using one box only he enjoyed his meals better, etill he kept on until he had used six boxes. He used the last box more than eix months ago. When he stopped the use of Tonic he weighed 28 pounds more than he did when he commenced. Has not been sick a dav since, and is well in both mind and body. Dr. Gunn'B Blood & Nerye Tonio is the beef medi cine in the world for pale, weak or sick ly women . Sold by all druggists for 7. cents per box, or cent by mail on receipt of price. W rite us about your case. Ad dress, Dr. Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Charman & Co., DruggisU. Ladies' hats at the Red Front i ' tylea and at prices toeuit one and all. Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent phy slcian of Panama. Columbia, in a re cent letter states: "Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of aee. who had a very bad attack ot dys entery. . Everything I prescribed for ber proved ineffectual and she was trrowine worse every nour. iier par ents were snre she would die. She had become bo weak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this critical moment was a study for me, but thoiiL'htof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last re sort prescribed it. The moat wonderful result was effected.. Within eight hours she was much better: inaide of three davs she wan upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely cured For Bale by G. A. Harding. Fit EE! Years' Use Allowed Without Charge 50 ORGANS TO SELECT FROM No Longer Than Your Hand ia the spot in your back directly affected by lumbago. " But it is big enough to prostrate you until a kind iriencl ruooeu Perry Davis' Painkiller into your aching flesh. Then the throbbing pain, which has been as bad as toothache, dies away. Painkiller is equally good in relieving ,-iatica and the various forma of rheu matism. 25 and 50c bottles. Notice. Is hereby given that my wife, Princie M. Linn, has left my bed and board with out cause, and that I will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by her after this date. August 25, 1902. X T. VV. Linn. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a world-wide eputation for its cures. It never failsr and is pleasant ana aaie 10 lase. ro sale by G. A. Harding. In spite of the fact that we sold 57 slightly used second-hand or gans during the month of June, we find that organs are coming in tast er again than we can sell tnem, ana we, mereiorc, ayani renew uui offer, whereby anyone in the state is enabled to secure a good instru ment on exceptionally easy payments, .every organ nere onereu na& been carefully renovated and is practically a new instrument and is. guaranteed in every respect. Prices are practically cut squarcjy in two, and you can take your cnoice 01 ine large assunmciu. a o.j y.w or $10.00 down and $3.00 or $4.00 a month . At any time within two years from date of your purchase we will accept your organ toward part payment of a new piano, and allow you everything that you have paid for the organ. In other words, we will give you two years' use of the organ free, ample time in which to learn to play, then you get a brand-new piano, a selection from the finest stock on the Pacific Coast Here is a partial list: Kimball, beautilul fancy walnut case, almost new . .$50.00 Estey, used about four months 47-00 Another Estey, not quite so fancy 41-00 Smith American, in first-class condition 42-00 Farrand h Votey, quatter-sawed oak case, nearly new. 46.00 Peloubet, excellent condition 3s-0 ! Mason & Hamlin, chapel style 10.00 Western Cottage, worth $75 when new 30.00 Ftarr Organ, walnut case 12.00 Crown, in good order, in good tone 28.00 Story & Clark, beautiful walnut case 45-00 Chicogo Cottage, nearly new 35-00 . Orchstrone, self-player 22,00 Earhuff v- 2800 A. A. Chase, nearly ne v 41-00 rgans will be sold on payments of $5.00 ,ts of $3.00 to $5.00 a month, and under have twp years' use of the instrument If you are troubled with Impure blooil indicated bjr sores, pimple, headache, etc., w, u-on,il reeommend Acker' Jtlood Klixfre which we sell under positive g-iarante. t will always cure scrr-fulon or sjphllllle poisons and all blood disease"! 60c and tl.00. Howell & Jones, druggists. Remember, any of theff or $10.00 down, and in pay this special arrangement free. ' EILERS PIANO HOUSE Remember the number: 3:1 Washington Street, opposite C-.rdras Theatre, Portland, Ore. ' ('VI.'