I OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902. niiif-rttiiiiiiilaiii The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in ii.se for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ? and has been made under his per- jF sy--ffii'-rfL , sonal supervision since its infancy. aSV, cOcU4i Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. at is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms iud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE. CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTJIUR OOMPHV, TT MURRAY TRKT. NIWVORK OITV. ., ..it,WWl..llt?)l"'Mll"!UIIl'l 'I' UP, ''! !'"'' Origin of Tronaer. Something like a century ago trou ers "came In" as the result of drink and may be Bald to owe their origin to old world royalty, which in those days ate and especially drank very heavily and was consequently afflicted with gout and other maladies of a character to eweil the leg. Knee breeches and stockings so dear not only to t'e early presidents of the United States and to the signers of the Declaration of Independence, but like wise to the old Puritan element of America were scarcely suitable for swollen limbs, even if they belonged to the anointed of the Lord, and the result was that George IV. as prince regent; his brothers, the Dukes of York, Clarence, Cumberland and Sus sex; the French princes, who after ward reigned as Louis XVIII., Charles X. and Louis Philippe; King Frederick William III. of Prussia and many oth er equally illustrious personages adopt ed the modern form of pantaloon, which was at the time a source of no end of ridicule and entertainment to Gllray and to the other caricaturists of the age. The Oldeat Force Storage. The water wheel is probably the old est method of btaining mechanical force apart from the employment of animal force. These wheels were no doubt at first worked by a flowing river and then by a falling stream, and it would not be a very great advance on this method to dam back the stream so as to obtain a continuous supply of force even in times of drought. Such storing of water at a sufficiently high level is the simplest and even at the present time the most successful meth od of storing force. If carefully ar ranged, the loss by evaporation and leakage is small and may be partly or wholly replaced by rain, so the force is always available, and but little labor is needed to keep such works in repair. The water clock of the Romans was an elaboration of this method of stor tng force and was for them the only form of "motor." iRAND 7M mmm ueuarrv st' yp 2 Guaranteed Linen Collars 25 CfHl The Double Triangle Brand Collars are stylish and ' comfortable. The only collar made with a heavy S, ply seam. Sold by uptodate merchants everywhere, or 2 samples sent prepaid for 23 cents. They equaL any quarter collar made. Merchants should write' for our 1902 offer. 1 An infuriitntlon Aureus. A 1 i III J.. FT--' i TW 4 VAN ZANDTj t. VJAC0B3CQ W I TROY NY P Diet and Character. An exclusively pork diet tends In fallibly to pessimism. Beef, if perse vered in for months, makes a man strong, energetic and audacious. A mutton diet continued for any length of time tends to melancholia, while veal eaters gradually lose energy and gayety. The free use of eggs and milk tends to make women healthy and vi vacious. Butter used in excess ren ders its users phlegmatic and lazy. Apples rre excellent for brain work ers, and everybody who has much in tellectual work to do should eat them freely. Potatoes, on the contrary, ren der one dull, invidious and lazy when eaten constantly and In excess. To preserve the memory, even to an ad vanced age, nothing is better than mustard. London Chronicle. "Between uie and my wife we know It .all." "How's tlint?" "She tells me everything that hap pens, and I tell her a lot of things that never happen-," A Serlona Impediment. Teacher Can you mention some great man who had an impediment in .his speech? Little Willy riease, ma'am, George Washington did. lie couldn't tell a lie! ruck. And when the IIopl maid has scieojc9 the youth of ber choice she goes to his house as a suitor for his hand and testi fies both to her devotion and her indus try by grinding corn beneath his roof until he Is sulUciently impressed with her qualities to yield nnd name the day. When the Ilopi maid leads the man of her choice to the tribal altar, she docs so in the midst of elaborate cere monials of long duration, and when nil is over she takes him to her home. Nor does sue yield this ownership when she weds. On the contrary, the house, the fields and all the property save the herds belong to the wife. This, as will be seen, greatly facilitates the Ilopi method of obtaining a di vorce, for when the wife tires of her husband she simply takes his saddle from her Hour and tosses It out through her door, niul tlio divorce Is completed. Cleveland l'lalu Dealer. The Art Tremmre of Europe, "What did I Uke best in France?" she repeated. "Why, Taris, of course. But I'll tell you where we had the most fun, and so cheap too. ' We went to Helms, rhil wanted to see the Joan of Arc statue, which is considered very fine. It stands in front of an appalling ly ancient inn, where her parents stay ed, I blieve. "While rhil was studying Joan and ber rapt expression Charlie and Sally and I went to visit the wine cellars of romeroy they call them 'caves,' my dear and what do you think? They gave us each a bottle of champagne for nothing! It is 'he custom. I'hil lost all interest In. .Te:i:i ami her statue when we told him of It afterward." New York Commercial Advertiser. Extra In the mil. Clerk of tho Burning Hotel (present ing bill to escaping guests) All guests at this hotel will please step Into our new office across the street and pay ot this extra firo and water service. Chicago News. Curlona Way! of ''"lit Mld. In this ago of iuh;...id views on matrimonial entanglements and obllga Mons it Is refreshing to read of tho cu rious marriage customs of tho gentle savages of tho IIopl tribe- In Arizona. Hero tho IIopl maid does tho wooing, for tho women of the Ilopi brand are held In much higher respect than uro tho coDUeivv sisters of kindred tribes. No Chnnce For lllm. "Now that we are engaged," said the fair young thing, "I will tell you that I do not fear mice." "That Is nice," raid the prospective groom. "And." continued the fiancee, "I can drive nails without hitting ray thumb, and 1 know how to use a paper cutter without ruining a book, and I can add a row of figures without making a sep arate sum for eneh consecutive figure, nnd I can build a fire, and I can tell when a picture Is hung straight on the wall." Hero the man drew himself up with much dignity and sorrow and cried: "Then 1 cannot marry you. alas!" "Why?" gasped the girl "What prospect Is there for my ever being able to demonstrate tho superior ity of man over woman If I marry a woman who possesses such traits of character as you?" Baltimore Amer ican. jL Prices to Buit you all Millinery at Red Front, The Dinner Horn. Details In regard to the manner in which meals were served during the dark ages do not abound. It Is only to ward the twelfth century that we be gin to have a little light on this inter esting subject. When a meal was rady In the thU-toeuth century, the guests of a castle, with the vassals, were assem bled to the sound of a horn, a method of summoning that appears to have been the privilege only of the greatest lords. Some hundreds of years later a bell was used for the purpose. Would Accept Information Gladljr. Tatronlzlng Hotel Clerk And now, sir, if you hear any one Inquire for a good hotel In this town Departing Guest (eagerly) Yes. yesl Go on and tell me. Ever since I have been In this house I have been wonder ing what I should say If any one asked me about a good hotel tu your town. Los Angeles U era Id. j Are not more disfiguring to pnre Tvhite paper than UJ '''vmM HM! v k blotches and uimDles are to the clean white skin. 'i1' ""USil 111'" m I -------- . 5 - i n avn,vl W Jr' nv 1 1 'lite Watch of the Period Vith ordinary care and usage anywhere, at any time rap V''r"'r Through heal Ny , .., , ' . Jr and cold, or jar '" and jolt 1 Not Aln-nyfl Needed. Daughter I have an Invitation to the theater and have no chaperon. Mother You must have one. of course, or you shan't go. It's fom Mr. Sllmpurse, I suppose. "No, It's from Mr. Fatpurse." "Urn never mind about ttw chaper on." New York Weekly. They Did Asree 'With Him. "Although I feel that your parents nnd I will never agree" he began. "Keally, Mr. Gay ley," she Interrupted. But he continued, "While I know I am most unworthy of you" "Well, papa and mamma agree with you there, Mr. Gayley."-rhlladelph!a Kecord. She Capitulated. Maud -Do you menu to tell me. that you and George are engaged at last? Mabel Yes; he had quit spending money on me, and I thought I might as well let him propose. Chicago Tribune. The Elgin 'Watch will never fail in its faithiul performance of perfect timekeeping;. Guaranteed against original defect. Kvory KlfTlu Wiitoli lias "KIclii" I'lipruvoa mi tho work. liooMot tYoe. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO., Elain, Illinois. Tearful Metnplior. "Isn't It i."riiii:s Iinw rmlnna brinsr tears to the eyes?" "It surely Is. It's like nature spring ing a leek." Thiladelphla North American. m Are not more disfiguring to pnre white paper than blotches and pimples are to the clean white skin. Both men and women are r.t disadvantage when the face is marred and scarred by an eruptive dis ease. Perhaps tho woman is the more unfortunate because the beauty of a clean skin and clear com plexion is her rightful heritage. And while she has the friendly shelter of the veil, it only covers what it cannot entirely conceal. The worst misfortune in the case of a man with a pimply face is that he is generally set down as dissipated. If ho seeks a position his " dissipated " face discounts his abilities. If he is a salesman he finds customers disinclined to do business with a man whose commercial reliability must bo taken largely on trust, because his face is against him. The misery and discomfort of such disfiguring eruptive diseases is apparent to everyone. The great question is : Can these diseases be cured ? Can this rough skin be made smooth ? Is there any escape from the torment of eczema and salt-rheum ? Can scrofulous sores be healed ? The answer is : "What has been done can be done." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured eruptive diseases in men and women, and cured them perfectly and permanently. It has cured pimples, boils, scrofulous sores, erysipelas, eczema, salt-rhenm and other distressing and disfiguring eruptive diseases. What " Golden Medical Discov ery " has done for others it can do for you. It is an absolutely reliable medicine. It always helps. It almost always cures. "It gives me great pleasure to express my faith in the virtue of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," writes Ezekiel Floro, of Graytown, Ottawa Co., Ohio. I suffered everything for two years with a humor on my face, which baffled the skill of some of the most noted physicians. Was advised to go to the hospital; was doctored there for three months without success. Came home discouraged. Then began to doctor with a "chemist." He also failed to help me. Then I began Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, with no faith whatever in it. Did it only to please my wife; but I am happy to tell you that after taking five bottles I am entirely cured." "I feel it my duty to inform you of my wonderful cure by the use of your medicine," writes Mrs. E. H. McLain, of Meredosia, Morgan Co., Ills. "In l88r, a place about the size of a silver dime broke out on my scalp and kept spreading until it went all over my head. It pained a great deal and ran, and we tried a great many doctors and all kinds of patent medi cines but none did any good. So it went on until 1890, and I was taken 6ick and lay about ten weeks. I was in a very weak condition, and I was recommended to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took about six bottles, I think. About three bottles of medi cine for my weakness, not thinking of it helping me in any other way, but I feel so thankful that I don't know how to express my thanks for the cure of the sore. I have often thought I would write to you but neglected to do so. I think it a miracle, for I had given up all hope of ever being cured. Vou have all the praise of the wonderful cure. My husband thinks this was all that was necessary to write. If you want proof you can ask all in the neighbor hood. I am now in my 68th year and am very strong." "Three times I have cured myself of erysipelas," writes Mrs. Lolita J. Mitchell, of 1824 Adeline Street, Oakland, Alameda Co., California, "by using your 'Golden Medical Discov ery ' after I had been under the doctor's care and found no relief." "It has been five years since I took your ' Golden Medical Discovery, for a scrofulous affec tion of the cervical glands of the reck," writes Mr. Zebulon B. Loftin, of Grifton, Pitt Co., K. C, and I am glad to tell you that I have had no return of the disease. I thought I would write and let you know that I have not forgotten you, and never will while I live." Tho reason for the thorough cures of eruptive diseases effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is this : It entirely cleanses tho blood from the impurities which cause the diseases. Until these corrupting impurities are removed there can be no permanent cure. Pimples, boils sores, etc., are only the outward signs of the inward disease. To cure tho disease the cause must be cured, and " Golden Medical Discovery " absolutely eliminates from tho blood the corrupt and clogging elements which cause disfiguring eruptions. It restores the skin to normal smoothness, and the pure, healthy blood supply produced by its means dyes tho cheek with the ruddy hues of health. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should bo used with tho "Discovery" when the bowels are irregular or tho liver sluggish. Tho two medicines are especially adapted to be used together whenever a laxative is required. Tho manifest motive for substitution is to enable the , dealer to make the littlo more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious remedies. To accept a substitute medicine as "just as good" as " Golden Medical Discovery" is to repeat the folly of the familiar fable and trade substance for shadow. THE BEST BOOK you cm have am a household medical guide la Dp. Pieroe'a Common Senao Medical Advisor. Thla great work pages, and more than 700 Illustrations, Sand SI containing over a thousand largo Is sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing OHLY. one-cent stamps tor the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book In paper-covers. Addresst Or. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, M. Y. 1 7 HEADACHE AX afl atug itart Puts 2S Some Reasons Why You ShouiJ Insist on having Oil '.jl nctr.t:ii xl i'v ,t;iy i.;.i.-r. jn.L rs ;..!:'.! L.uiit:' soft. t-.-W'-h'U- p'vparcd. ' w.;ur. V heavy bodied oil. II AR HESS jn eM-cilout preservative. Reduces ost of your Inrness. jjevcr burns l;ie lcithtr, its jJllioiem-y is increased, jiecurc i er-t Htvue.. fj '.itcV.es litpt Iruia breaking. in all ; is foi. Mnnnfirtured bf Standard Oil Compnnr. right's Disease. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed bands in San Fran cisco, Au. 30,1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright'a Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the feneu investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the treatmen !' and watching them. They also got phy 1 sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, : and administered it with the physicians ' for judges I'p to Aug. 05, eighty-seven 'percent of the test cases were either ' well or progressing favorably, j There being but thirteen p?r cent of i failures, the parties were satisfied and doped the transaction. I he proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will be mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fulton Company, 4-d Montgomery St., an Francisco, Cal. Cl arman & Co. are ou sole agents in Oregon City. HEADACHE Wail Paper ' Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Pottland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City Ladies' bats at the Red Front in etyles and at prices to suit one and all. DR. Kincs v fjEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,HayFever,Pleu risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. WO CURE. NO PAY. nr!c EOc. and $ 1 . TB'4L BOTTLES FR& At 0 4rug ttjiix. 25 Domli ii.