Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 29, 1902, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald j-jjj
red In Oregon City Poitoffloe as 2nd-olaM nutUy
n advance, per year 1 SO
Tionthi... II
monlhtrial 26
p-The date opposite your addresa on the
udonotes ine tiraeio wnioiyouu
i notice is marked your aubseilptlon it due.
Hamilton White, an Illinois farmer
with a speculative head ou his shoulders,
proposes to control the price of the two
billion dollir cereal crop of the coun
try with a fifty-miliion-dollar farmers'
San Fbancisco has 3000 saloons, and
the license is $84 per annum. Oakland
is not so well disposed to the "likker
trade :" Her 225 saloons must pay $400
pervnnum. Ghico's 13 saloons must
pay $600 each.
Hblbs Stone says the prayers did
more for her release than all the cash
contributed. Helen should have spoken
sooner. The people could have prayed
and kept their cash, and possibly Helen
would Btill be with the brigands, sug
gests an irreverant exchange.
The Orettonian Publishing Company
yesterday paid off th $200,000 mort
gage which has been 'causing the pro
prietors a great deal of worry for the
past ten years. It is a sure sign that
the big daily is on a paying basis. Wei-
ome. All the republican paper seem
to be doing well this year.
With Bchool teachers being killed
from ambush almost within sight of
regimental quarters on Oebu, with
American soldiers being hacked to
pieces by elusive Moros on Minadano,
and with the constabulary engaged in
wholesale raid of alleged ladrones all
over Luzon, the pacification of the Phil
ippme islands is undoubtedly complete
has adopted an expensive
.revenge. Mr. Lawson, not
being at all pleased with the way he has
been treated by the millionaires of the
club, seeks to tell his side of the story
in a book, the publishing cost 6f which
is $90,000. Having no further use for
his yacht after she had been rejected by
the magnate, he broke up his vessel,
putting the bronze plates on the scrap
pile. Each volume of an edition of 3000
represents $30. Mr. Lawson literally
"blows himself."
This money-king, wasting money, or
rather the product of labor, with a lav
ish hand, has been made rich by the la
bor of others and ought to gratily a
whim to turn the $500,000 (wasted keep
ing his rejected yacht in commission
during the summer of 1901.) with the
$90,000, back to the workmen who helped
him to accumulate this vast fortune. If
he will, Mr. Lawson can find a more
useful way to help his fellowman, other
than the satisfying of a personal grudge.
There are incidents in every day sug
gesting how the money of men having
more than they need can be distributed
to a better advantage than the way
which this subject has put into practice.
Saya Prof. Talfonrd Smith, of Georgia.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the waterfcupply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if "the
work is done by
For president in 1904, Edward M.
Shepard is the nomination m ide in con
versation with democrats at the Hoff
man House, New York, by James M.
Griggs, chairman of the National Demo
cratic Congressional Committee, who is
conducting an energetic campaign by
which democrats hope to capture the
next congress. This announcement,
coming from a democrat who has been
a stanch adheient of Mr. Bryan, and
one occupying the position held by
Chairman Griggs, is regarded as possess
ing considerable significance. It may be
regarded as the launching of what has
already assumed the proportions ofa
boom for Mr. Shepard for the demo
cratic nomination two years hence. J
The citizens of Los Angeles have ex
pended nearly $350,000 ithin the past
ten years in advertising, exhibitions,
etc., for the purpose of attracting set
tlers and otherwise advertising their
city. It might be pertinent to add that
Lui -uieles showed the largest percent
age of gain in population during those
ten years of any city in America. Here
is an item for the people of Oregon City
and of Clackamas county to ponder.
Charles Filer, a burglar, serving a
term in the New Jersey penitentiary, got
outlast week. He didn't file his way
out, but while in he Invented a sewing
machine that he claims is way ahead of
those now in use. He got some moneyed
men interested enough in him to get
him pardoned and now he has quit the
burglar business and is at the head of a
a company organized for the manutac
ture of the machine.
What would people think if a good
Christian brother who would get up in
class meeting and say something like
ii.iu. "Tm still stroiiB in the faith. I
know that my Redeemer liveth, and
that religion is the salvation of the
world, but if at any time rellgionshould
prove a shelter for the devil, then to the
devil with religion." . Such a speech
would be on a par with the republican
etate platform, say the Iowa City Re
The keynote of the congress of negro
..,;ufiaa nl At anta was turnisiieu in
rjyuumivu -
theoDi nlna address of Bishop Oaines;
,1nd over the meeting. In the
course of his address he said : "I have
receullv visited England, Belgium, Hol
land. Germany, Switzerland, Italy and
,1 I uive it as my deliberate
judgment after careful survey of those
countries that the American negro is
contnnted by far more favorable indus
trial conditions '.than the white laborers
of those European nutions."
T.ik llutail Butchers and Meat Deal
ers National Association, whose mem
barahio covers the whole United States
at its annual convention, held in Wash-
ington, recently adopted a resolution In-
......,;. ll thn lnca bodies irom lue
Atlantic tothePaoiflo to interrogate can
didates for congress on the subject of
their attitude respacting the proposal to
rmmal the tariff duties and meat pro
ducts, and to support only such candl
datoi as are known to be oppoed to the
lood trust.
Mining experts estimate that within
the next twenty-five years there will be
ii,.ii.nd from the Transvaal reels goiu
.1,- ulfi of $3,000,000,000. Thus the
V ' ' '
.lanurofthe gold standard looms up
ii , wnllow soectre in the dim distance
.Kainninff to engulf the dear "grand
-i.i in tlm eeneral wreck an
OIU ll'vJ -
it will bring upon us. For overmuc
cold must certainly bo as calamitous as
..n,,Mi lti-to l silver. Oh, mamma
.... . tiiarn will be of price and
i..w.m house and politicians when w
I.-.. .,r billions in gold more to put
In our jeans .
Thomas W. Lawson, copper magnate
nd owner of the yacht Independence,
k the New York Yacht Club
Government by injunction or even by
the lank-headed coffer cannot get in its
deadly work on osculation. A Washing
ton judge settled that matter forever.
He gave a policeman who haled a youth
before him for giving his best girl a good-
ight smack at the front gate, a lecture
on the inviolate rights of courting which
he will never forget. He was told that
to kiss is one of the inalienable rights of
mankind : that love sways the world,
and that all other courts are Inferior to
that of cupid; that a man who hadn't
sense enough to know this had no busi-
ne js on the police force of any city, least
of all upon that at the capital of the na
tion. The prisoner at the bar was dis
charged in triumph amid the applause
of an audience composed of admiring
and evious young women.
Professor Talfourd Smith, Principal
Siloam High School, Siloam, Ga., writes :
"With much pleasure I recommend
Peruna to all who maybe suffering with
any trouble of the respiratory organs.
I have been using It In my family for
the past five or six years and find it to
be almost a household necessity. Peru
na Is truly a grand catarrh remedy and
general tonic and will do all that Is
claimed for It by the manufacturers."
Catarrh Is inflammation of the mucous
membrane. It may be in the mucous
membrane lining the eyes or the pelvic
organs, throat, stomach, liver, bowels or
Catrk 5 wttnK wibrr mii
Ivijjjk oajHU eatwii vfewre lowrtwl
Peruna is an internal remedy; not a
local application.
Catarrh is a systemio disease, not a
local disease. If Peruna will cure catarrh
in one place it will cure it in any other
place, because Peruna is a systemio rem
edy. It reaches the disease through the
circulation in each organ. It eradicates
the disease by eradicating it from the
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and ho will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O,
Hew Goods Arriving
Daily, at tt)e
Fair Store
Brunswick House and, Restaurant
deals at An Honrs Op on Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension, Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE.
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr..,. Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CIT5T
Look Pleasant, Please.
Fhotcgrapher 0. C. Harlan, of Eaton,
O., can do so now, though for years he
couldn't, becausp he suffered untold ag
ony from the worst form of indigestion.
All physicians and medicines failed to
help him till he tried Electric Bitters,
whmh worked such wonders for him
that he declares they are a godHend to
sufferers from dvspepsia and stomach
troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the
stomach, liver and kidneys, they build
up and give new life to the whole sys
tem. Try them. Only 50c. Guaran
edbyG. A H v lin. druggist.
Muslin, llc.
Stereoscope and 50 Views, $1.60
"Princely" Golf and Working Shirt,
best made, $1 in Portland; 05c.
Pompadour Oorribs and Hair
naments, very latest
Valenciennes Lace for Ruffles, ic.
a yard. .
Straight Front Corse' 49c
Cilcd MiKtu'iid U-iJidluU
for 79c.
Nansoos Embroidery, 5c per yard.
Bone and Aluminum Hair Pins,
SC. per doz.
Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes, 5c.
per doz.
Ladies' Summer Undervests, 5c.
Ladies' Black Hose, 5c.
Ladies' and Children's Handker
chiefs, two for Sc.
Ladies' White Aprons, 15c. .
Ladies' Ready Made Dress Skirts,
All Colors Satin Ribbon, 4c. a yd.
TailorMade Suits, $7.75.
GirdleCorsets, 49c.
Torchon Lace, six yds. for 5 c.
Oh, yes; oh, yes; come this way
for the f ullestand 'jesheit stcev. o
caurndg-nd t a irwa V? r
Jo l irtcelfifj fa iar& .0 1j j h
very best fruits and vegetables in
cans. Try our sliced peaches, our
fancy corn, or out tender melting
peasl Go away, you make my
mouth water. Oh, no; come round
and buy. Prices very low.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
II Jewell to B Merton, lots 15 and
10. blk 49. Gladstone 81000
0 Strahn to J B Bilderbach, n 1-2
of sw and sw of ne and nw of se
sec 10. 3. 6e 300
OP Miller to M A Maddock, lots
1, 2, 6, 7 and 8, blk 12, O J 2500
II Miley to M B U'Ren, lots in
Ureen l'aint -'uuu
Shaver, sheriff to II Holtgrieve,
nwofneof sec 16, and w 1-2 of
seof sec 0.2.5 e 1543
F Rath to N Rath.e 1-2 of ne of sec
19.2. 5e 1185
II Kumnier to Win Konschak, 1.35
as in 5.1 e l.io
P P Salquist to VV G Pollock.lots 1,
2. and 3. blk 88. Uswego ZUU
Wm Parker to E Adkins, 4.72 as in
Wrnrht claim 125
J A Montgomery to B Marshall, ne
of sec 24. 3. Se
A 8 Robertson to J Elliott et al,w)
of nw of sec 11, 4, 3e 1UUU
J I llowk to J G Mnmpower, 1-2
interest in ne of ne,w of ne ana
lot 6. sec 18. 2. 3 e. except 20 as 800
I L Donaldson to J F Clark, lots C,
7and8, blk 6, Sunset (Jity 1350
Carlton & Rosecrans to F Rath,150
so rd nP Lee elm, 3,1 e 11U0
Sellwood Ld & I Co to A T Vanbus-
kirk, lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, blk, 93,
Oak Grove 50
MAT Vanbuskirk to A J A Rein-
bold, lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 in blk
93. Oak Grove 51
J M Taylor to C F Miley, lot 4 and
part o( 3, blk 49, u u iouu
C Phelan to I R Dodge, w of sw
sec 1, e'i of seof sec 2, 2, 4 2GU0
M A & E 0 Maddock to G W Bi-.
bee, lots 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7, blk 2,
Green Point 3438
T Nelson to 1) A Losey, lots 2 and
4, blk 5, Weslynn 425
E R Stone, et ux to fl Hargreaves
ami H Jones. nVu ol se ot Bee 3J.
4s,3 e 750
M Patterson, et al to II h Noble,
sw of ne and nw of se ot sec M,
3 s. 4
V E Hesse to J V Roots.n'i of nw
ami w 1-2 of ne of sec 0. t 3 s. r
4e 1200
R Riiwrs et ux to G Koch, e 1-2 of
g i-'i of se 01 seo -'J, 1 i s, r 1 e. . 40
Same to F Kratzberirer. w 1-2 of
b 1-2 of se of sec 23,t4 8, rie.. iio
n G Zieoler to U S Armstrong se
o se of sec 0. t 0 s. r e csw
J P inl B V Forrester toW O Long-
well. 3 acres in sec 28, 1 2 s, r 4 e iw
J L Bailey (by exr) to ET Ander
son, 100x100 feet in rifoster'sa
L T Anderson to S Ii Roberts, same
L M Davidson to F Van Ruymbrock
91.52 as in F A Collard die... 3100
J Lind to M Green, 35 as in sec 8, t
2 (,r 4 e 1
United States to Harry Austin, w
1-2 of nw and n 1-2 of sw of sec
12, t 8 s, r 3e Patent
Is the cause of more dliicomfort than any other
ailment. If you eat the things Hint you want,
and that are good for you, you are distressed.
Acker's Dvll'81a Tablets will make your
digestion perfect and prevent ayspepsia nu us
attendant disagreeable Bymntoms. You can safely
eat anything, at any time, II you take one ot these
tablets afterwards. Bold by all druggists under a
positive guarantee ; 25 cents. Money refunded if
yon are not satisfied. Send to Jus for a free sam
ple. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. 4Y., or
Howell (t'.Jonea, druggists. ,
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Large lot of Sacks for sale cheap.
Second-Hand (foods Bought and Sold
Sagarman & Co.
speak of it in a ringing choru
praise. The bread consequences that
follow its s are fine enough to
ilease the most fastidious. We can
ot permit our reputation to suffer by
t tting anything below our high
r dard on the market. What the
I -nt brand is at its best it is all the
ir . . Made by Portland Flouring
i.l ; ' "0. and sold by all grocer.
nil itiimifti H" "' & ,t
say "Consumption can be cured.'
Nature alone won't do it. It needs
help. Doctors say
"Scott's Emulsion
is the best help." But you must j
continue its use eveii in hot
If you have not tried It, send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists.
409-415 rearl Street, New York,
50c and $1.00; all druggist.
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and In
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
.iiN,nMiii.ii..ii,iimi ,i,iimiiMiiiiiiuiiii
We carry the only complete line
of Caekets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers
j Phones 411 and 304. Lower 7th St.,
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
Brown & Welch
Bet. Bridge and Depot.
-Peopribtors of the-
everything Tnsb, Heat and Chan,
Meat market of J). BeMe
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
lieuf t
Stratton Bldq
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
Bat the Best Stock of Fyst-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
Newly Furnished and Refitted. Open Day and Night.
and Lunch Counter
Opp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City
Has No Superior in the City.
Meals at All Hours.
The first m ester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September
17th. The follow Schools and Colleges are comprised in the
University . Gradua chool, College of Literature, Science and Arts,
College of Science Engineering, University Academy, School of
Music, School of Medicine, School of Law.
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Mu
Incidental fee 10.00, Student-Body tax $2.50 per year). Cost of liv
ng from $ioc.oo to $200.00 per year. For Catalogue, address
Registrar of the University, Eugene, Ore.
The best physic, Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take.
Pleasant in effect. For sale by G. A.
Fitting Spectacles and Etje Glasses
By Up-to-Date Methods.
Examination''Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician
Tha Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th
IWith New Machinery
Philinn Bucklcin,
Old Roakc Stand, Rear of Pope's Store
All kinds of Saw Mill, Farming and Other Machinery
naae ana Kepairea.
defending the Ameni.- . -