OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902 $ rnRBPRPmoncNPT! 8 a w...w o SaaaaaaaaBQQaaannnnnaaeiCtfm Varus. Lonle Vonderahe, of Portland, was a gnest of hi father Sunday . Miss Gertrnde Griffith, of Oregon City, la visit ing friends and relative! in this burg. Mrs B Frauks,of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs Stedham. Miss Mary Jones has returned from Poitland. Miss Ray Evans, of Bourne, Is visiting friends In this vlcinty. Will Hayhurst and wife, of Portland, visited Jie former's parents Sunday. Xr Gregory finished cutting his teasels Friday. On Saturday evening a number of young folks were Invited up to his home to spend the evening, Dancing was indulged In until 12 o'clock, after which they all departed for home. Needy. Henry Oslorholz starts to pick hops Wednes day. His Perljensen, of Portland, came up last Tuesday to tee her father, who is dangerously ill Quite a few of Needy young folks took in the social at Elliott's Prairie Saturday evening. Miss Leona Mohr is home again from Oregon City. Miss Alice Bitter got a seoond grade certificate Tost week, Mr Sorensen, of Canby, was the guest of Frank Hsher last week. Mrs Chas C Molson went to Portland Tuesday to visit friends. Gib Perdue is on the sick list. Gib Noe and wife and Arch Miller were visit ing E Mitts Sunday. John Gahler. Albert Stuwe and Grvle Price went fishing Saturday evening up on the North Fork of Molalla. Needy has three phones. Fred Smith and wife, Mrs Katie Sconce went to the huckle berry patch the first of th e week. The Misses Thompson, of Seattle are visiting relatives here. George Askins lis building an addition to his house. Miss Maud Cochran is home from Corvallle Where she has been attending college. Mountain View. Huckleberries and hop picking is the excite ment here mingled witli tha attraction of wed ding bells. MrsSeelyhas returned fiom Washington after accompanying her daughter-in-law home. 8 V Francis and S A (iillctt went to Tunlalln last week Tuesday to attend the funeral of their father, who dlod August 111. Mrs Will Bluhm went out to Beaver Creok last Friday to visit a while with her parents. F C Francis, of Murysville, Wash, is visiting relatives here, M Ingram and wife have moved Into the cor ner house opposituithe Grout place. Mr Smalley and family have returned home Irom the coast well pleused with their trip. FA Ely, ,wife, daughter and granddaughter went to Nye Creek Monday to view the sea. The residents of Molalla Avenue are building sidewalks on their premises. The three Bullurd boys and and Carl Frcld 'Icka returned from Mount Hood Monday with X) gallons of huckleberries. Maple I,ane Grange meets again next Satur day, August 30. The day of the meeting will hen be changed to the first Saturday of each .oonth. The members are all earnestly requested '..represent. Visiting members are oordially invited to attend. Mrs D C Ely was visiting on the hill again last Friday. Mnhlon Moran and wife were up from Port land Sunday. Miss Edna Kldd was calling on friends here Tuesday. Mr Kldd's family will move to Portland next week, where he Is working, The members of the Degree of Honor will have vater melon at their next meeting, September 5. 'hero will be a number of oandluV.es to Initiate uid all members are requested to be prosont,eac h ,vlth a melon. Miss Maud Moran has a piano ather house, and tu Is taking lossons of Miss Gertrude Falrclough, Mrs Klngo and Hnttte have taken charge of a Iwanilng house down town. Willie May Is visiting in the country. Miss Julia May Is at Aberdeen, Wash. Died, August 111, Joseph Francis, age 70 years, ' months and 6 days. Ho loaves eight children, mourn his loss, namely: S. V. Francis and vlrsSA Ulllett, of Ely, Mrs Laura Miller and Mrs Lizzie, A Wohler. of llillsboro; Manuel E Francis, of Port Gamble, Wash; Frank 0, J T and L J Primula; also 12 grandchildren. iSauna. Meadow brook. Most of the farmers of this plaoo havo thoir r iltl ready for the thresher. B P Cooper and family attended church at uu i to 8u nday. J W Standings and wife vlsltoj Mrs Holinm Hiinday. O T Kay Is working for A D LarkUiB at proscnt. Johnnlo Looney, who had his foot badly mashed Is slowly improving. ' j miss Till lie Noyerhas returned to Oregon City tgaiu after spending a lew days at homo. T R Orein and wlfo called on O T Kay and wif e I mdiiy afternoon. Miss lliuidershiitt called on ulna Rosa Mulvaiioy ne day last woes. Mrs Kay visited her sister, Mrs Looney, Tues day. Quite a fow of the people burned their slashing lost wetk. To thy. Mulino. Everybody is busy and getting ready for hop. picking. Mrs Hattie White has been on the sick list, ChitBand Ida Boynton and Mrs Delony were siting P routlletou Sunday. MrDowly, the ms.ll carrier, and family have tuoved here to reside some time. Mrs Mallalt has been very sick, but is improvi ng slowly. Agnos Wallace, who has been absent sovon reks, has relumed home. Mr Smith has his new house almost completed. A Dongan and ion, Archie, have gnne up near tHlavlllu to remaiu during threshing. Mrs fcyons, of Lyons, and daughter, llattie, ve moved to Mulino to live. Mrs Folger was visiting f Ion U In Portland the irst of the week. Mrs Manning was vlsltlug M :J ir ir Kit wo ck, Mrs F Krlckson was visiting Mrs Wallace Satur l.iy afternoon. Mr Carlson, who has boon very slek, Is improv ig. Chas Daniels has returned homo from fishing lowu the Columbia, John l amb, Misses Kitty Lyons and Mamie Ev iiis and Tom Evans were the guests of Fred aud vguus Wallace Sunday, Mrs Sagar has been on the sick list. It Is announced that liev Dunlap will preach at ie Urangu halt In the afternoon at 3 o'oloc k. Chas Albright Is visiting friends here at pros ni. Mrs Force was visiting Mrs Manning Monday . Oscar Daniels, formerly a resident of this place, whs badly hurl ill a logging camp near Cathlumct , fow days ago. Uncle Jim seems to have cbauged his course om Highland to Ely, Haw is It Uncle Jim! It, ha. Allies Wallace has Wen on the slek list. Good mokninu. Evergreen.. This little place lias not been hoard from for nue time, but we are all hero yet, just too busy til. rite wcalhcr at present Is cool. i number of people burned Ihulr (lashing last H'k. While David HolTiiorwas Inirnln.; sbuhlivr iO haru of John Watson eau;;hl lire and was aimed to the ground. A party of young folks from this neighborhood in planning trip to High Camp this week to ,iick huckleberries. Hop nicking will soon ho here, a good many arc aiakina preparations to ick. Amofl Yodnr. wit anil dflnffMAr fmm P.arXnt.V 111, are Tlsiting friends and relatives In this place. Mrs Iwrence Shnll. from Hubbard. visit. Ing Miss Ida Yoder last Thursday aud Friday, Mit Nellie Crocker is home again from Salem. Miss Ida Toder has returned from a several weeks' vacation at Seaside. Miss Berth Yoder was vtslting friends at Glad Tidings last week. Quite a number of young folks attended the ice cream social at Elliott Prairie last Saturday night. They report a good time. Tne threshers are busy at work again, and the merry hum of the machines can be heard on all sides. C B Yoder and family attended the circus at Portland last Monday. Frank Taylor and family and D Bogan went to Soda Springs on Sunday. L D Yoder and wife were visiting I J Biglow Sunday aflerneon. t Misses Flora and Rosa Yoder were callers a Fred Watson's one evening last week. The moonlight nights have been delightful for wueeim g. Aug 25. Huckleberry. Russelville. Mr Wlngfleld and wife and Maud and Myrtle Boyles called on .Scott Carter's folks Thursday evening. Everett Shaits Is working for George Wlngfleld, Arthur Carter made his grandmother, Mrs wingneia, a can mursaay morning. Miss Orla and Chester Boyles returned home irom moiaiia inursday evening. Hattie Marts went to Molalla a few days ago to get her picture taken. Following were the parties who went to Soda Springs Saturday evening: Mr Wlngfleld and wife, Mr Kay and wife, Maud Wlngfleld and Myrtle Boyles. Mrs Netta Carter and family called on Mrs Davidson ; Monday. HdtPJU BUGGIES. Give better satis faction than anything on the market at anything like the price, be cHUHe they are made of good oiateriul, to Bland MOreKon roads" Iron corners on oodles, braces on shafts, heavy second Krowth wheels, screwed rims. If you want tofeelsure that you are getting your mon ey's worth, auk for a "Bee Line" or a "Mitchell" (Uenuey) Buggy. uiiu'u menu Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co W e guur- f olse. PortliradOr Send for Special Catalogue Free Ml fCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO. First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. Branches Houses at Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles Mention this Paper AMERICAN CREAM SEPERATOR a 1 . I Fully ; Guaranteed , ' ' Kaaiest ' Cleaned ' . 2 . I 01 Any ip--- Close I I If Skimmer Xjifl ! Unlit "tfSS- Running s'-, '275 9 Durable JLl.'Jl I Catalogue ffljflr I free SI f-",; M"ll A vory lionvy rain fell tit SihIii Springs on the lftth, the heaviest that hns fallen in this conimu nlly for many years. Kvsrything was drying up fust In our community. drain harvest is on band. Oats ami wheat are only fail. Many of our psople aro going hop picking. Tho prlee to be paid is fitlr. Jlr Wlnclleld undertook to start up his binder, but one o( his horses balked, anil he hail qulto a time of it before lie oould get them off. Cash Austin, who Is tho malu standby lu surli a oaso, was gone. Mrs Wlllard has returned to 1ior homo In Port land. Mrs Nottfi Carter made Mr Marts a ploisiiut visit last Wednesday. Osoar DavWsou called oil Harry Nowton last evening. Myrtle tloylo returned home this morning niter visiting at die Wlngtteld homo for two weeks. Mr Tool, of Illinois, will preach at Molalla 011 the 11 fill tiumlay ill this month, Scott Carter's folks are going to the hop yard. We are luiving cool woatlicr here at present. Ode ltoyloa and family will go to tho hop yards soon, W Wlngfleld cut some of his oats yesterday. Ode Hoy les and family returned home a few days ago. Aug Si Molalla Wayne and ' Herb KobbiiiH find Wrt Terry re turned from their trip the last of tho week, llert bad lmd;iuek. lie lost bis liorso In the moun tains. Mrs Moore and daughter, of Canhy, weto visit ing Mrs Margiuet Englo and daughter, Clara. A home hitched to aluigsy was roaming around the streets at the Cornois one evening of last week. Hotter tie up your bersu next lime, lUllio, or yon may have to walk home. Threshing Is In full Wast. There are two ma. chinos lu tho neighborhood. Pome of our Molalla boys went to Portland to the circus, Mlt Cross wss out Sunday taking a horseback ride for his ho.ilih. Ike tllhson and lHtdley Boyles are in 'ni'Iing '.0 start for the 11't suitings llrst of Si'plomber. K'.len Kavlor roluruod from Th, li.illes last week, wheie she bad been staying with lies Lu ther l''ox (or throe weeks. The new grange Is having a coat of white paint put on. - . Cole Bros, engine broke down, and they had to lay over a day to get repairs from Portland. They will move to Aurora first of the week. Everybody was glad to see Ike come back, es pecially those who khave carpenter work for him to do. .. . Blllle Vaughn burned his slashing Saturday. He bad a bil fire, and about 40 men hi .elped him. Thev had a hard fight to keep the fence from burning. Teasel cutting Is finished, and hop picking will commence. Borne yards will bo ready for pick ing on the 23. All Wee Save. i "For years I suffered untold misery rom bronchitis," writes J. II. Johnston, of Bioughton, Ga , "that often I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I was wholly cured byDi. King's New Discovery for consumption. My wife suffered intensely from asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the beet croup medi cine in the world." A trial will con vince you it is unrivaled for throat and luna diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at G. A. Harding's. STOPS THE COUGH AND WOKKS OFF THE COLO. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25 cents. Sick Headache Absolutely and perma, nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation ana IndlgeBtlon, mnkAs vnn eat.sleen. work and happv. Satisfaction uaranteed or money back; 25o aud 60o. Write oW. H. Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free ample., or Howell & Jones, druggists. The Star of Stars Has ball bearings in turn table. Turns freely-to the wind. Ball bearing thrust In wheel, insuring Ugliest running qual ities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together wilh galvanized bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perleot regulation. No spring to change tension with every change of tempera ture, and grow weaker with age. Repairs always on hand. These things are worth money to you. Then why not buy a Star. Simple Stover r- j?v'4 f!vn-i - Ms i- l"f 'v1 , ' 1 Gasoline Engine l'a, 3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain and Pumping. Simplest En gine made. More easily un derstood than any other. Catalogue Free. Clarkes. Plx Bros will start their threshing machine this week lit Colton. F m Countryman and famllv spent Sunday with Mrs Martha Baker. Frank Wills and son were seen In Colton with his mother and sisters Sunday. He was driving their new horse. Frank, tho colt is slow. There was a mistake about Josse James going to Bulteville. He went to Otegou City to work in th mill. The wedding bells wore ringing here last Friday and the boys got their tin cans and bells ana the way they went for them was not slow. James Hunt was seen in our burg Sunday. He is working for Charlie Ilolmau, P Bonney and wife! went to tho mountains this week looking for good thirgs. Hope you have g d luck. Mrs (lorl'Ott, of Colton, Is sick, and is under the doctor's, oare and Is being treated ill Portland. We hope she will soon be out home soon. Following is a loving remembrance to tho wife of Frank Wills , who died J uly lf: Farewell, dear, but not forever, There will be a glorious dawn. Wo shall meet to tarl, no, never On (he KesurrecUon mom, Though tbv darling form lies sleeping In the cid and silent tomb. Thou shall have a gloriousVvaklng When tne blessed Lorddo'lh come. Peaceful be thy silent slumber: Peaceful in Ibe grave so low; Thou no more w ill join our number. Thou no more our sorrows know. Yet. tigam wo hope to uuvi line When the day of life Is lied, And in Heaven w ilh Joy to greet the Where no farewell tears are shed. SwkktToM. THE SURE WAY f . . .v.S to v revt'tit pioimionla snd consumption is to euro jour cold wlu'u it lirst apyvais. Acker's ln. UtMi Ht'iinMly will sli p 11. 0 eou;h In a ulslit, tl 1I1 lv.MI:e cold out ol your system, Ahvas a iiiii a 0010k nitil sure einw lcr smiuvki, hroucnuis ana all throat and linn trouhVs. lilt does not satisfy von thiMiruRKUt win icfmid y.mr moiiejr. Wnto :".""''"' V " ""Vl ' fulo, N. V., or Howell & Jones, druggists. ,$&W Star i$gm Star SI NOTICE. Notice le hereby given that the undersigned wll apply to the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, on Wednesday, the first day of October, for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinuous liquors In leas quantities than one gallon, In Bar low precinct, in accordance with the petition herewith published. W. H SlWABD. August 27, 190'i To the Honorable Board of County Commission ers for Clackamas County, Oregon: We the undersigned legal voters of Barlow pre cinct, Clackamas county, Oregon, do respectively petilition that you grant a license to W. H. Sew ard to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in said Barlow precinct In less quantities than one g.dlon : C. G Tull, J. W. Jesse, E. F. Judy, James Ogle, Carl Rneck, Jaoob Kuck, Jr., Wm. More land. W. A Howard, W. B.Tull, Chas. Ogle, J. Knock, Sr., Wm. Barlow, Chas. Schmidt, J. Cona way, C. N. Wlllcock, T. 11. Williams,A. Kallmann, T. C. Andrus C. U. Barlow, Ed Ogle, G. H. (ice bel. Wm. 8. Tull; J. F. Tost, L. E. Armstrong, J. B. King, J. W. Covev, J. A. Andrew, F. Bachert, Kenrpo Zippier. H. T. Melvin. II Besser. R K Ir win, R. M. Dement, S.Evans, PH Molloy, Nosl Faunal, it. Pedersen, II. Bnesarg, J. J.J. Sandness, T. A. Campau, D. 0. Freeman.John foleman. W. Runn. C. Heaa. J. D. Hess. if. Baek- ert, Andy Backert.J. H. Dozier.AugRothenburg, uan rnieme, jonn uonro. jaines im, . Taylor, A.'W. Armstrong, W. A. Hagey, Thomas Hoover, Yakob Virgwlil, Antone Jezl, Henry Hedges, A. B. Wlddows, L. D. Hoover. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vaat sum to doc tors to cure a severe case of piles, caus ing 24 tumors. When all failed, .Buck' len's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Rub' dues inflammation, conquers aches, kills rjains. Best Balve in the world. 25c at G. A. Harding's drug store. Wagons Best possible to build No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitchell because the cream of wood stock is used, only af J ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is wel1 Ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and runs the llghest of any It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wag, on was built, and they have been built continu ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitchell you get the benefit of this TO years' ex. per:' e nee. Champion in name Champion in the field X DRAW CUT MOWER It beats them all. That's there is to say. Same with the CHAMPION BINDER and CHAMPION RAKE. Catalogue Free. Thousands naye Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. Wliat to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of beinc rrmne!!i.H In 0 i-fin I during the day, and to get up many times ! during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon 1 rftflli'ed. It stand"? lh hirvb,. fn lie I derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tha best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle cf this wonderful discovery fyK. and a book that tells rTTCTi more about It, both sent fe" ;'-.ivH-'- 1 1, ,.!.. ... k.. -...n ( ,. .r.,J I Muress Ur. Mlmer & it ,m8 of Swamp-Root . Co., Binghumton, N. Y. When writing men- tion read nt th s Pftncrni! nffr In th snanrr. .- :- --;-J-r.;.-Ciyf 111 '"1 An Immortal Flay Greeted With' Large Houses Every Night. One cannot help but wonder why it is that "Uncle Tom'a Cabin" always proves a drawing card, and yet there is nothing very wonderful about it when once the plot and presentation ot this realistic drama is taken into consider ation. We have read "Jncle Tom's Cabin" as many as twenty times and always with absorbing interest; and so, too, we have seen it presented on the st ace forty times, and it seems us if we enjoy the last better than any previous rendition. There are some plays like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "Kip Van Winkle" that will never wear out. There is that about the plot of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" a combination of draua, com edy, wit, humor and pathos, all blended so naturally and realistic that the audi ence lives through it all, become part of the players on the stage, and have their sympathies aroused to a degree that makes thmi feel as if they were witness ing a real drama of everyday life. In treraoll. The Warren & Day New York Uncle Tom's Cabin will appear in Ore gon City on Friday, September 5. This performance takes place in a huge tent, which will be erected on Seventh and John Quincy Adams Street. Letter List. Following is the list of letters uncalled for at the Oregon City postoffice August 28th, 1902. Woman's List Miss Lizzie Bohlander, Mrs A H Baker, Mrs S C Dixon. Miss Orletta Krause, MiBS Clara Kirjgsberry, Mrs M Pankon, Mrs M Eivers, Mrs W W Smith. Men's List Johu Antrim. J W Clark. (3 W Clister, Clarence B Chipman, F H Howell, Merc Malheur, C W Marshall, C 0 Clark, Poley Nelson, J B Osborn, J J Pirchford, John Eiley, John L Reiling, Fred Snyder, Henry Thomas, John Wat son, G. F. Hortok, P. M. iloars tie Signature of j nib miiu tuu nava Always eoiip tl. -.. 11 11 n State of Ohio, City of Toledo,) Lucas County, ) 8S" Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior pariner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fbank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, a. d. 1880. yrr jsEAL. j A. W. Gleasok, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Sold by all drug gists, 75c. Hall's family; pill's are the best. j palor, fainting, smothering or sinking spells all point in the same diredion an impaired heart action. A heart that is weaft or diseased cannot do full duty and the circulation of the blood is interfered with. There is a medicine that gives new strength to the heart, new power to the pulse and puts new color into cheek and lip. "My pulso would jump and beat at a fearful rate and then drop almost to a stopping point. I could not rest at night, feet swelled and bad severe pains In chest. Took Dr. M1W Heart Cure six weeks and was cured." T. II. Jones, Pittsburg, Texas, ' D . Miles' Heaft Cute regulates the heart's action, while it stimulates the digestive organs to make new, rich, red blood which gives strength to the whole body. Sold by drug gists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. When you visit Portland don't fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, first and Mauison. They serve an ex nellent meal at a moderate price ; a good square meal, loc. WANTEn.-A trustworthy gentleman or lady In each county to manage business for an old estab lished houss of solid financial standing. A Mrninht, bona fide vwklv cash salary of SI! paid by check each Wednesday wilh all expenses, direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton llldg., Chic Fcr 20 years I hail been a sufferer from bionehial troubles accompanied with a hacking couh. I at times suffered from extreme nervous pros tration. About four years ago I be pan taking Ripans Tahules, and since, then I have used them pretty con stantly. I rarely retire at nicm with out taking my Tahule, and I tind they keep my digestive organs (which nat urally are weak) in pood order, mid they also alUy my tendency to ner vousness and make me sleep. At dru?s;ist. The Flve-Cent racket is enough for tin or dinary pc.isslou. The family bottle. IH) cents, contains a supp'y for a year. Feeble Pulse? !i uii nMwiJiiyj!'" 1 mHmmmm. Physicians are calling attention to the fact that influenza or grip has come to stay. In the larger cities there has been a marked increase in diseases affecting the organs of respiration, which increase is attributed to the prevalence of influ enza. Persons who are recovering from grip or influenza are in a weak condition and peculiarly liable to pulmonary dis ease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures coughs, bronchitis, lung "trouble" and other diseases of the organs of res piration. It is the best tome medicine for those whose strength and vitality have been exhausted by an attack of grip. It purifies the blood, cleansing it of the poisonous accumulations which breed and feed disease. It gives increased ac tivity ,to the blood-making glands, and so increases the supply of pure blood, rich with the red corpuscles of health, A word for your 'Golden Medical Discov ery,1" writes Mrs. E. A. Bender, of Heeue, Coshqcton Co., Ohio. "Wr have been usiug it as a family medicine for more than four years. As a cough remedy and blood-purifier there is nothing better, and after having the grip Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is just the right medicine for a complete bracing up." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. The sluggish liver is made active by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent phy sician of Fanama, Columbia, in a re cent letter states: "Last March I had aa a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who bad a very had attack ot dys entery, Everything I prescribed for her proved ineiieetual and she ;was growing worse every hour. Her par ents were snre she would die. She had become eo weak that she could not turn over in bed. Whet to do at this critical moment was a study for me, but I thought of Chatnberlain'B Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and as a last re sort prescribed it. The moet wonderful result was enected.St Within eight hours she was much better; inside of three days she was upon her feet and at the end of one week waB entirely cured." For sale by G. A. Harding. Ladies' hats at the" Red Front in styles and at prices toeuit one and all. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard u beaut,Iul brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE whiskers B0 CTS. OF DRUOOmT'l, Of R P. HALL A CO. , NASHUA, N. H. A Complete Line -OF Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will ifind in our stylish andjup-to-date stock. Our handsome and 'durable $3.50shoe'for"men can't be equaled forswear, quality or style, and our women'slfine $3.00 shoes are the acmeof fcomfort and graceful outline.1 Our prices'will'suit. Krausse Bros. Oregon's BkiejRibbon.:ja State Fair SALEM Sept. 15th to 20th, 1902. You are invited to attend and see the greatest industrial expo sition and livestock show ever held on the Pacific Coast. Good racing every afternoon. Camp ground free. Come and bring your families. For any infor mation, write M. D. WISDOM, Sec'y, Pj.-thil, Ora.