I OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST T 1902. L. SHAN AH AN 144-146 Third Street j& j& j& L. SHANAHAN, 144-146 Third Street ; NEWS OF THE WEEK. i Saturday, August 16. Morgan is after the plant in Cleveland of the American Shipbuilding Company, valued at $15,000,000. The Printers' Union has sent $2030 to the anthracite Btriking miners. The strike,of the Pennsylvania miners is as firm as the everlasting hills, pays the Mineworkers' Journal. The miners' organization cares for 895,000 people. The automobile of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fair, of California, ran into a tree near Paris, France, and both were killed. The harvester tust having lormed a $120,000,000 merger has discharged 10, J00 employes. A buttle took place in European Turkey between Macedonian revolution ists and Turkish troops. President Castro, of Venezuela, cites i he Monroe doctrine to Emperor Wil helm. An enormous crowd welcomed the three Boer generals on their arrival at London, England. Hard coal will soon be $14 a ton in New York. Henry B. Miller, American consul in ''hiua, reports coolies are coming to ute merican flouf in great quantity. The Czar has placed for sale in New York about $1,200,000 worth of Ruesian securities. In an address delivered at Mount Xakel'ark, Md , Mr. Gompers, presi dent of A. F. L., predicted victory for the striking coal miners. Sunday, August 17. As one result of the great British na val parade off Spithead, William Laird Cowles, the naval authority, calls at tention to the fact that the bulk of the British fleet is good for nothing. Hordes of discharged South African -oldiers are clamoring for work in the ities of England, while the farmers are 0 great need of field laborers. The stock of the Chicago, Rock Inland 1 Pacific Railroad haB been inflated rom $75,000,000 to $ 02,(100,000. The bankrupt great Elgin, 111 .cream- ry left 10,000 creditors, 8000 of t'ltm .armers. A number of the high-salaried pul itH in Greater New York are emptv. There are not enough first-class preach rs to go round. The wheat crop of the Willamette val ey is estimated to be 15 to 25 per cent 'ess than last year. Ritualism and the Roman Catholic hurch is growing in this country and term any. General Pierson and a friend have ar ivedin California from South Africa, ith the object of finding a pood locality racolony. If they succeed, hundreds f Boer families will emigrate to the fnitod States. The Southern Pacific Company will is -ie $100,000,000 of 4-per-cent converti le bonds for t lie purpose of making iin rovements. There is already issued gainst its 8G55 miles of road a total of 150,000,817 in stock and funded debt, r $03,651 per mile. The additional . indred millions of water may create a .uod. Monday, August 18. The Boer generals, Dewet, Delarey nid Botha visit the king of England. The shah of Peieia arrives in Erg i ind. Dewet is writing a book on the South ' frican war. Th Boer generals have l use for Chamberlain. Portlanders have revived the project f electric railroad to Mount Hood. Professor Baron A. S. von Walters 'unsen, of Berlin, predicts a political ' lion of the Central European states to laintain their economic integrity. C. A. Conant, who was in the Philip ines last pununer, advocates goveni nent loans in the island to help the .rmers. J.J. Hill has been buying iron mines 'l the Great Northern and will build g steel mills at Great Falls, Mont. Ilia Holiness , the pope, finds that his lalth is improved and admitted a num- of people to hia presence. The Farquar Agricultural W orks at ork, Pa., have received an order from mth Africa for 18,000 eight-horse . lOWB. When SlcknesH Comes the head of the family the bread inner, the omnipresent thought is rlave I safely provided far the wife id little ones?" Nine times out of ten, "No" is the iswer. It is then too late, however, to anything. The essential thing to do ' to prepare now for what may occur at y time. An in estimation of the Mi 8 chusetts Mutual'a new policies and mds, will, without a doubt, bring to ur notice a contract that will exactly -tit your case. If interested, send a postal, giving nr name, address, occupaton and date birth, whon an illustration will he it you, Bhowing kxactiy what the mpany will do for u No guess irk about it. as the div il iIh are paid miiAM.Y and not witl.l eld fur twenty rs or so, and then nut paid unless e contract Is in force at tuvt timk. II. (). Coiton, Manager Pacific Const lept , Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Xew Sirinkliiiff Utiles. Po accommodate the merchants with re convenient hours for sprinkling ?ets and sidewalks so hs to lay the st, the Board of Water Commissioners ,ra nmmiilml llu rules t.o Hermit the i of water between the hours of Beven nlnn it m iind twn to four. n. lit. Uiwn and garden sprinkling, or irri ' ion, can be done only fining the ira as ureviously published, six to , :ht, a, in., and six to eight, p. m. For Over Sixty year ' Winslow's Soothing Syru has n ueod for over sixty years by million! uiotliers for their children while thing, with perfect em-cess. It .thes the child, softens the gums, ays all pain, cures w ind colic, mid is e best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is want to the taste, Fold by Druggist every part of the World. TwetUy a cents a bottle. Its value is incaU-u-le. lieKure niul ask for Mrs. Wins v'sSoothing Syrup, and take no other id AT the time this is being written for the paper there is the biggest crowd we've had this year buying odd lines of Undermuslins and Summer Wash Goods at half, and it looks as though there will be but few pieces left for next week's shoppers, since women need no coaxing to buy Undermuslins worth $1.50 for 79c, and fine Wash Goods worth to 15c for 5c a yard. WASH GOODS GO ' FOR HALF These tables will create more fa vorable comment than whole pages of newspaper talk. Dim ities, Lawns, etc, a whole table ful In all sorts of good colors and designs, worth from 8c to 10c; to sell quickly, we've marked C the whole lot, yard Ju But the best pieces go first And another table filled with all lines of good washable goods, Dim ities, Lawns, Ginghams, Percales, Madrasses, etc., worth to 17c a yard. Come early and get 71 n your choice, yard I2u Also 200 pieces of the finest Silk Ginghams and Zephyrs, marked for quick selling; while they 1 Qa last only, yard I uu GLOVES Price efforts this week In kid and fabrlo Gloves that will tend to In duce you to lay In your entire sea son's supply. Women's fine kid gloves, full pique, well made and 8-clasp; best CQ $1.00 grade, for Dull Silk Mitts, all the latest shades; regular 2Bc ones 1 5C Bilk Taffeta Gloves, any color, 85o any place; going at the Sum- 4 QA mer sale for I Ou A NEWSY JUMBLE For want of space, the descriptions are meager. But, as we have said before, you can't always Judge the bargains by the size of the type and description; so make the best of It. 80o and BSo for full-size Feather Bed Pillows. 1Q a yard, good Unbleached Muslin. 7V a yard, good Lonsdale Muslin. ?Uo each, full-size Pillow Cases. 60q large size Sheets. lDo Ladies' Percale Waists. 29o Ladles' Percale Dressing Sacques. lOo Boys' Cottonade Pants. 5o Boys' extra heavy riveted Over alls. IBc Boys' Percale Waists. 17o Ladles' and Children's 25o Sun Bonnets. lOo Children's Sun-Bonnets and lawn or dotted Swiss Caps, worth 25c. lOo each. Ladles' Belts on the bar gain counter; any worth 26c. 10O a full size spool Knitting Silk. You May Not Believe It Half price for goods (at a needed time seems too good to be true. Who can wonder If you DON'T, since there's so much in the newspapers nowadays that's exaggerated? Yet the store's news is as carefully collected and written as though it were a bjll of sale. But this store's policy is to make a general clean-up twice a year, so this is your chance. ALL THE SUMMER THINGS MUST GO Things must be balanced, stocks readjusted, odd lots cleared out. It's a sort of semi annual housecleaning and we're paying you handsomely for taking away lots of goods. Just in time to lay in a supply for your Summer vacation. THE SALE LASTS AS LONG AS THE SUMMER GOODS DO Attractions in Suit Room Children's New Dresses 40o lnitend of $1 Many styles to choose from; same aa cut and others, made of best percale and daintily trimmed; go ing this week at quick-moving prices. All are on a table up stairs; values to 1.00, going for 49c each. Petticoat and Duck Skirt Sale Ladles' $1.50 and $2.00 Duck Skirts of tan and blue duck, late styles and nicely tail ored; your choice of the lot while they last only 1.00 Ladles' $2 and $2.50 Petticoats Skirts of best Saxon Silk and Mercerized Sateen, In black and black and white stripes, well made, full size and deep accordeon plaited flounce; only about 100 of them left, bo If you want one, don't de lay; while they last 1 Cfl you get one for I lUU UP STAIRS Great Sale Ladles' Modish Waists Mighty seldom will you pick up money In the street Just as rarely can you match the wealth of value laid down be fore you In this wonderful Una of waists. Taffeta Silk Waists Come In all wanted colors, nicely tucked and well made, the regular selling price Is $3.00; sale price while they last.. Best taffeta silk ones, well made, tucklngs, hemstltch lngs, etc.; the greatest snap of the season; only .1.98 2.93 A Rousing 39c Sale of Waists and Wrappers SEE THE WINDOWS 600 Fine White or Colored Percale Waists, well made and nicely trimmed, with embroidery In sertion, especially desirable for your Summer va cation; none worth less than $1.00 up to OQp $2.00; yours while they last 03u And about 150 of good Calico Wrappers, the best 75c ones ever sold over a counter; good, full width, well made and braid-trimmed; you can't buy the material for as little; come early and get one for only 39c Women's Hosiery and Knit Underwear Values Fourth of July da over, so we will have some warm weather now, and here's a chance for a big saving at a needed Ume: Underwear Ladles' ribbed cotton Union Suits, knee length, half sleeve; regular S5o line; Summer sale 4C price IJu Ladles' Union Suits, llsle flnlsh, long sleeves, high neck, Knee lengtnj nn. " 1 reeular BOo line for. ZoL Ladles' fine cotton ribbed VeBts, Jong sleeves; 4 Q regular 25o line, for. I uv Hosiery Ladles' fancy lisle Hose. Black, Blue, Brown, Pur ple, with stripes and all fancy designs; reg- nn. ular 60o line Lii Ladles' lace stripe Hose, in black and all colors; reg ular 25o and 85o 4 Qn line; sale price I uli Ladies' lisle thread lace tripe Hose, In Black, Red and Blue, with all fancy designs; regular 85 o and 40o values; nr. sale pries cdu TRIMMING COUNTER OFFERINGS We have everything that's new In this to go at very special prices. 200 pieces of white, cream and ecru appliques, and galloon laces, regu lar 12V&C to 25c values; go for 6c, 7fc 10c, 12c, 15c 500 yards of all-over laces, In white, cream and ecru; good values at 46c and 65c; go for 25c and 40c yd And about 100 bolts of beautiful fancy stripe Ribbons, 4 Inches wide, worth 20o a yard; while the lot lasts, per yard, 10c Instead of 20c These are only a few of many such values at this wonderful trade-winning counter. SILK CLEAN-UP In all wanted colors and designs. A maker Bends us his season's clean up. You never paid less than a dollar for Its equal; while they last, 49c a yard. BLACK TAFFETA SILK A 27-lnch rich, heavy, all-silk Taf feta, to go while It lasts at $1 Instead of $1.25 CORSETS LESS THAN HALF 4 Dp Summer Corsets of good Bra lOu zlllan net; Just the thing for Summer outing or bathing. QQ ft A great assortment of all LOU kinds and qualities; values to $1.00; choice of short or long waist. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT ABOUT HALF We have placed 250 pieces of fine muslin Underwear on a table, Gowns, Skirts, Drawers and Cor-, set Covers; samples and broken lines; not one In the lot worth less than $1.50 each; to clear them out quickly, take your choice IQn for, apiece. I 3u And all other regular lines going at a great saving. TOWELS and TOWELING Fashion changes, and makers oftentimes sell seasonable merchan dise at half price, but who cares for fashion In Towels T So this chance to buy twenty-five per cent less will be appreciated. A jumble of prices follows: Toilet twill crash 4c Linen crash, 16 In. wide 8 l-3o Half-bleached linen crash 70 TOWELS Linen Damask, fringed, large size 27o Linen, large size, drawn, fancy border 37c Large size Turkish 8 1-So Honey-comb, medium size 6c Linen huck, fringed. 18c WE DON'T FORGET THE MEN'S WANTS Values that should Induce the or dinary business man to take an hour off to 6hare in the savings. Such 1 values are only occasionally seen Summer sale, you know: Men's 75c Negligee Percale Shirts, 2 collars to match, choice of A On white or colored for Hub Men's Fancy Silk Front Shirts, En. best 75c values for UUu Men's Best 50c Working Shirts In all colors, light or dark, Qfj Men's Best 25c Balbrlggan 4T Underwear going for I I u Men's Best 50c and 75c Silk QQft Ties, all kinds, only...' Ouu Men's 50c Percale Shirts, soft or stiff bosom, cuffs to match, CJ Q Men's Large Size Jap Silk 4 OU Handkerchiefs In white for I Llv Men's Best White Lawn Ties, nc best 15c ones; 6 for fcvJu ITS TOO GOOD TO KEEP That's why we are telling you to look for our Friday bargain day. WANTED Women who are experienced In breaking down corsets; we have one you can't break; your money back if we are wrong; newest and latest form. If you try ft once, you'll use no other, and most wonderful of all Is the 10.(1 price I.UU SILK MOREEN SALEf A great lot to choose from; Just the .thing for that new petticoat; tie regular selling price 1b 7& any place; while they last, QQ per yard a)uu The Store You Hear So Much About 0 j Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Sale Prices - right's Disease. The largest stun i''tr puiii f'r a pie Horiptii ii. chat tt il hi 1m in Sum It -in-IMS' co, Aug. :!0, l'.lOl 'I he traveler in volvtil in coin ami sh ck $1 1L.)00.00 mul was piiiil by a pHrly l I nsinesfl men fr a Rjwitu' for biigl.t'c Pit-ease ami 1 ia betee, hitherto ii'Ciirabie tli-einec Tin y eoniineneeii the M'lics ii.v-tt-tratum of the ppeoiiic ov. U 11HH1. They interviewed fc res of the cun it ami "tried it out on its merits by putlint; over three dozen cafes en ti e treatment and watching tin in. Tliev also got pby-Cr5TS-iSi2-i.-iaiii. . U'iiit-R to mm eclm n'c incurable c-ie', Hint aitiinnistiTMl it with the physicians for jinL'cs l t- Aug. '-'5, eighty-! ven per cei. t n'llic icsi eases were either weil or pregrcspi'ii! 'monthly. Thcie i ciun but thirteen pr cent of failures, t he pitvie w ere satislied ami cli'se-i tin- inn. sac'ion. The procetHliiU'S el t le i v sr .' ti v i miitiiittee ami the I'l. i at ei..it- . tl,e It st cases were t'liblislieil ami will le mailed (tee on ap pli.'Htm. ..h(nf- John J. Ktllton . Ciinipniiv. lOit Mnii'uoieery St., San I Y ram isco, Cal Chnrm:in A C'o. are Oil sole agents in Oregon City. Ladies' hats at Ftyh s and at prices the Ked Front in w,,frfT, to suit one and all. r.-ja4-iaifafc'''.i td .. 1 r-T r vrv. I II X V I :7 r .' . . .. it! . iat-.. v.i- - .,i i m I AJ I fl rus tnm. 2S Dam 25. J MANHOOD RESTORED; "CUPIDENE This great VpUiM vriliUizfr.thenri'SiTii- tion o( a famous jVrpnch utiysK-iun. will quickly cure ymi of all ner vous or dist-asfs of gt tu rativ e oriruirg, aucb as Lost Manhood, Insomnia, Vnw.s hi the Jl.u-k. fceiniMil j:tnisioii-, jNt'rvous 1'phflitv, 1'uiipU'S, Vutliru Mun v, l'.xiia'.isiljiij jimina, Vark-ooole ftiia Const ijilion. 1 1 storail lo-'-o by day or fight. Prevents quioK Ih"i of d.sci :T,r'-i, wliicli if ik, i oNvkp'i UmiIs to Spornrntorrhrfrt and all liie horrors of ?'iipn:tuK'y 4 MM ni:SF, cleausts lUn liver, the ki'lnt'vsnmi tho urinary orrans of all laipuriuea. nTPIIFXK Mtronffthensamt reiors ?mall weak 01 . O'ne reason FnrTrreri ftre vot cnrvl hv i'o. rnrs is lh'c:tu.e rinety por rent are tronHoa wih Protattti. rtri lKXK is thr'OMiv know-i rcnu -y f i ciire Aiihoa; aa ofe ration. &tottH(!moiiW a's. K written enarjimee pivenaff ! nio'U-y returned if six Ikaos does not cUecl a )eriiiiUiLUtcar iLOO a box, six for bv mail, bend for -heb circular and icstimuuiaU, Adttrca I .VO L nVDIClNV CO., P. a Box San Francisco, Cal. TorSaUl BEFORE and AFTER a. a. mahdinq, prrjggisi, Oregon City Oregon