Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Lost Hair
"My hair came out by the hand
ful, and the gray harrs ben -o
creep in. I tried Aycr's H;!: '.".;.
and it stopped t!;;- !; : ... ;..-u-;n-
tr.d : '$ -o, r. '
A'i. . V!. U . .I.:- ...
There's a pleasure in
offering such a prepara
tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara
tion. si.M a bottle. All drugtfiti.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send us one dollar and we will express
you a Dottle. Be sure and pive the nam
of your nearest express othce. Address,
J. C. A VKE CO., Lowell. Mass.
frog I'ond.
Wheat harvest la overwlth, and
ull blart.
threshing Is in
James Turner Is hauling
water tor Toedtermler
Bros engine.
M F Baker expects to thresh 2500 bushels of oats
in the Hayes ranch.
Albert Turner Is haullng wood for Ike Miley.
Mr Farmer has hauled bis well cured hay in
his new barn.;
Many of the Frog Pond people went to Wilson
vllle Saturday evening to eat ice cream.
The MBA will give a moonlight J'lcuic at Wil
onvllleon Saturday evening, Aug 16th. Good
iiuslc and a good program will be rendred. Ke-
reshments of all kinds will be served. Dancing
v ill be one of the main ftiutures.
Aug 7.
Willie Shaver is Cutting grain. Ho hits two
binders at work in the fluid.
Mrs Dick Austin is on the sick list again.
Miss Steward is visiting with Mrs R K Thomas.
Major Hungate Is cutting grain for John Cole.
Major has 200 acres of grain to cut this year his
iwn lndluded.
George Dimghorty sold a fine bay mare last
veek. Nodouht the girls will be sorry, as this
vas his buggy horse.
Mrs J It Shaver and daughter, Genvleve, spent
jiturday and Sunday In Oregon City.
John Ridings has been in the neighborhood en
bilging hop pickers.
There has been quite a number of fires around
here tlilB week. People are burning their slash
ng this flue v oather. Even the women are
nuking bon iires.
Mr and Mrs William Everhart brought the
aby to the photograph gallery last w eek to have
us picture tttkoti.
The Molalla people, who were at the Springs
st Sundaj, report having had a good time.
O T Eby Is spending his vacation at Molalla
v I Hi his wife and son, who are visiting Mr and
Mrs Mcore.
WH While and Albert Woodsldo started
Hjam thresher Monday.
farmers are busy cutting their spring grain
t lis week.
Rust has struck the late sown wheat and will
tainae it half in yield, Hrirlng oats are not tilled
n account of the tiot weather the past three
Ed Austin, our sawmill man, has purchased a
iilauer for his mill,
Nowt Farr ilrov3 a flno lot of beef crtttle today,
which he purchased from Orlu Cutting.
The sad news of John EOllieor's death at Olvm-
iia was received (Saturday. So the pionoors are
passing away ouu by one.
Amy Wilson, of Walla Walla, and Mrs E Saw-'-11,
of Molallu, weie vislllni; UriUKlmii Wright
last week.
Miss Dollle Killings and Orlu Hammond, of
' ilad lidlngs, was a iilcnitau t callers Sunday.
Mr White, of tMonitor, was in shis section to
lay burning hop pickers. He has 75 acres in
Wo are having flno weather after a few Jays of
Some of the young folks of this place arc tak
ing hi Iho circus this week.
. Mr Bcrauilin has his now tologhone line com
tletnd to Aurora. Who says our burg ts not
hrtving? Two more new bams wore also added
o our Immediate surroundings.
Andrew Besesk and faniilv, of Portland, are
lsiling with relatives up in Manila's Town.
Colo Hros are doing most of the threshing
ire this year. They have a good outfit and good
matters too.
All the good looking girls In our town are now
tiling bk-yclos. That's right, girls, go when yon
mvo a mind and come when you please, and
lon't wait for tins boys to take you.
We are glad to hear that Mr Schecr Is improv-
Wheat ! falling somownat short from the el
ected yield. '
Mrs Ilcplcr visited Mrs Hanagan, of Liberal,
last imk.
Quite a number of Canby people went to Port
:and Mouday to see the circus.
The Pogrce of Honor gnvo a very enjovable loe
ream social on Knight's ln n i' mrsday evening.
Illaln Whit I painting him r pairing hla house.
u Kail road Avenue.
A A Porter will move Into 'ho Dutf house for
le winter. Mrs (J Armstrong now owns the
James Koclier, Otto Kvans, Patch A Co loturncil
mm tiie springs last
i Inulth.
alnrday much Improved
Jnok Howard, of Southern Oregon, was home
ira few days last wiek.
C Boroughs and family nnd Mrs Kirk started
r tils const Tuesday morning to bo gone about
vo weeks,
I, Grazier met with quite severe accident lust
uesiluy while hewing (imluns for tho school
Miuse. Theade slipped and cut his foot quite
Mr Olllicrtson has purchased the Both farm
nning the CiimmlnBs piece. Mrs Koth Inn
ii vd into her Imlel.
Robert Batty, need U vcars, son of (ieorgc Batty,
liiappcnrcd from liis homo Tueeibiy morning,
iklugachango of clothing ami his wheel with
ilm.nudnoia word has lioeu hcaid from him
ll rrairie.
Folks around lieio have been almost too busy
. i tell one a bit of nc.
Harvest Is nearly over and e;os. thoughts and
i .pea are all toward hops ami hep picking. Tho
ipyanls are luiloeil at the present lime '"things
beauty" byoiind live v. ill le of protii ion. The
.literal prlco for picking 1 to be JO ( Outs thouch
ore are two growers Unit for reasons bc.il known
tin nisei os have ollotcd 60 ccuia. lint give us
tgood yard and JO ceuis ami w ocau make enough
1 1 make it woith while.
Last Saturday a lorrlKo nfcl lent befell Frank
'lllohmau as ho wm riding to .Needy, ilia horse
tumbled and fell on Frank, who was Itadlv (n
uicil, having a dislocated shoulder and crushed
clutck bone and his skull fractured. Ho was
taken to the hospital Id Portland . Hueh symp
thy is felt for his parents, who have had so much
expense and anxiety.'
Miss T Yodor returned a few days ago from
Oregon City, where she took the examination for
a first Krade certificate.
Residents of the prairie are felling well satis
fied that Mr Clark is again going to teach their
avhool.and the children all show their satisfac
tion also In their beaming looks whenever school
1b mentioned.
There ts to be an Ice cream social at the church
next Saturday evening at which Bethel church
will co-operate in making up a program. All are
Captain Pope's new house Is being built and
will have a pretty appearance when It Is fin
ished. Mr Todd has bean doing nuite a lot of survevins
lately, while his son, Willinm, has been much in
demand during harvest.
Their hop yard looks
fine and will he one of the first to be
which they think will be obout
the end of this
month or the 2nd of September.
Miss Lurline Cochran Is visiting her grand
parents. Abamoho.
Farmers are running their binders full blast on
spring grain. In ten days more the cutting will
all be done In this section.
Grass Is drying up and cattle falling off
The hay crop is all baled and housed here.
Some are hauling their hay to Oregon City.
Threshing is starting up here and there, and
the yield 01 fall wheat is about 12 bushels to the
Newt Farr leaves here this morning with a fine
drove of sheep for Charles Albri Jit, of Oregon
A good many are giing to W 11 holt this hot
weather, but the old hayseel stays home and
cares for his crop.
Lydla Wright received a telegram from Dee
Wright Inst night from Shim! Poinl stating that her
brother, Frank, who was supposed to be dead, Is
there and C K.
Give better satisfaction than anything on
the market at anything like the price, be
cause they are made of good material, to
stand "Oregon roads" Iron corners on
bodies, braces on shafts, heavy second
growth wheels, screwed rims. If you want
Ki-uwin wneeiB, screweu rim
tot'celsurethatyou are get
ey's worth, ask for a "I
"Mitchell1' (lleuuey) Bui
i getting your mini
i "Bee Line" or a
Butrirv. We guar
antee them.
Mitchell, Lewis A Slaver Co.
ticatlle, Hpokane, Boise. 'Portland, Or.
Send for Special Catalogue Free
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore.
Branches Houses at Seattle Spokane, Boise, Salem and Medford
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles.
Mention this Paper
1 prw.p
I Fully S!',!gV.f f
i Guaranteed i i 1 i ' '
Easiest J . j
I Cleaned "!
1 of Any Ly-ijm2P
Close If
i Skimmer "TsX
9 Liulit f?as
I Running hj'lC
Durable iMJjL
Catalogue ftM
J K Coates had a lively time coal tai ring a roof
last week. He got Into a yellow Jackets uest.
llow about It, Wright? Ditto.
Levi Stehinan Is on the sick list.
(Irandma Hagcy is visiting her daughter, Mrs
Aug 111. Sylvia.
H e threshing machines are busy.
UJHcely has given up baching. He saya It
doesu't pay.
J L Soely has rented his placo to Charles Han
son. John Pctors and Kmest Soely mado a trip to
Sherwood Inst week. Un their way home their
' b,y7 '"" "uu """"'"lu " vmMn.
The Modern Brotherhood of America will give
a moonlight picnic next Satuiday uiv'ht. A good
time la expected by all.
Aug ll. Shorty.
Jiusiwll ville.
O S Bovles, wlfo and sons and M II Daugheily
and wife me up at the Hot Springs.
Miss Myrtle lioyles Is visiting Miss Mau d Wing
field, MeMlames Wiugilcld and Kay and tho M Isses
Wingneld and lioyles made Mrs Tmlliiiger a call
last Thursday.
Mrs Kay and son. Ceorgia, called at tho Wing
Held home Saturday.
T Maniuara called at the WingllcU home Satur
day. Mr Wlugtlcld and family and Mvrtle Bovles
went to Soda Springs Saturday.
Aug lti.
May Fi.oweb.
A boy came to (he home of Mr and Mrs
.Muck last week.
Hurry CUlmore and family returned last Satur
day from Lafayette, Hliore tlioy had beou camp
ing for two weeks.
Lee Bros are digging a well for Oito Vorp.i'il
ou the old homestead.
J J Miller lias returned ftvm Kelso, wheie he
has been undergoing treatment for cancer of the
face. He thinks 1 e Is entirely cured.
Frank Zollner and Will Armstrong have started
their threshing machine. Grain is turning out
Mrs Roth has papered and repainted her house,
and will open up a first-class hotel In a few days.
The lumber is on the ground for the repairs on
the school house. L Grazier will do the work.
Howard Kccles has taken the contract for get
ting out .several car loads of piling near Hub
bard. Mrs (us Bock, of Aurora, Is spending a few
days with her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Knight.
The Rebekah Lodge tookt In quite a number of
newlmembers Tuesday night. The lodge from
Woodburn came up and assiBted In the initiation.
Aug 14.
Hubb urO.
Clyde Yoder is able to be out again after having
an attaok of smallpox.
Mrs J M Pulley and sister, Mrs Corby, returned
Monday from a lew weeks' outing at Wiluuit
C M Bonney made a trip to Portland Monday.
Scamel and Viek are threshing ii our vicinity.
We believe there will be some prospects for os
farmers to get our grain In the granary belore
unrislmas tins season.
CHops look very encouraging at present.
Aug 13. Ross Bud.
Yoder, Swartz & Co started their thresher last
B Gasshner r.nd wife, of Portland, are visiting
Joon Gahler. -
George Asking Is hauling lumber from Rich's
Layton Rnssel Is painting Joe Myers' fine resi
dence. Andy Thompson is home for the summer.
Henry Osterholtz was up from Portland Sun
day. MissPearl Hart is visiting her parents.
The Star
of Stars
Has bell bearings in turn table. Turns
freely to the wind. Hall bearing thrust
In wheel, insuring ligheBt running qual
ities, and reserving greatest amount of
power for pumping. Galvanized after
making. Put together with galvanized
bolts, double nutted, no partoan rust or
get loose and rattle. Weight regulator;
perfect regulation. No spring to change
tension with every change of tempera
ture, and grow weaker with ae. Repairs
always on hand. These things are
worth money to you. Then why not buy
a Star.
Simple Stover
A It f. l
Gasoline Engine
1.,3, 4 and 6 H. P., Plain
and Pumping. Simplest En
gine made. More easily un
derstood than any other.
Catalogue Free.
Ed Leslie is doing as well as can be expected.
Kd Miller and wifeare riiullnnltncr .-,aar v.,n..lna
Bay. """
i.ewie pagie is hauling lumber from Baghy &.
""'i "mi ioi it. u jsrniz.
B F Smith andIfe visliel at.Buttcvillelast Sun-
Mrs l izzie Noblltt. of Hubbard, Is visiting Mrs
Chas Jiolson.
John Gahler went to Soda Springs last Sunday.
I'ncle Ben Homsley is not Improving.
George Biockart purchased the Ailolph Brock
art farm Monday,
Aug 11.
Spr hiyivater.
The Sprlngwater Orange gave an ice cream so
cial on the tlth for the purpose of raising money
to llnlsh the hall. The amount takes In was jL'ti.
The following program was rendered:
Song, Sprlngwater choir.
lieeitation, lkirii Stunner.
Song, Earl and Maud Shiblev.
Instrumental music, Miss llowen.
Keoitatlon, Delia Uuttidge.
Solo, Miss Bowen.
Recitation, Helen Spragne.
Keeitalion, Sally L'wellen.
In behalf of tl
than k tlioae win
their assis'ance.
u Sprlngwater Grange I wish to
i did not belong to the grange for
The hot weather w ill
Aug 11.
make lots of the grain
Majtle Lane.
Haying is about complete
the thresher
w nisue can .oe nenru.
Charles Colo has Improved tho looks of his
farm by building a bum and hanging new gates.
F W Cramer had the misfortune to lose hla
house by lireSundav morning. The furnishings
w ere nearly all saved.
Miss Anna Sliortlh'ge was
Avenue a few dnvs ae,o.
calling on Molalla
Mlvs Jessie "Jackson t unable to go
about ov-
iiif; -i' s.icre i m nil -.lie Hk I,
Mrs Sciol ng and children went to Montnvlila
Sun, lay, and attended ilie c ivus while there.
Therefore, Jake was a bachelor for a few days.
John GaiTney. Jr, is recovering from severe
Attack of rheumatism, ,
Gibbs ft Sons started
their hay press.
out last Saturday with 1
A delightful surprise party was tendered Mr
Josl and wife and others last Saturday evening.
The hours glided swiftly away, the young folks
Indulging In music and games and the older peo
ple In social conversation until 11.30 when re
freshments were served and all departed for their
homes wishing Mr and Mrs Josl, the best of suc
cess in their new home. Those present were:
Jacob Josi and wife, Mr Barrls and wife, Mr
Beard and wife, Mr McLarty, Mr Oaffney and wife,
Mesdames Baumann, Mrs Jackson; Misses So
phia and Martha Baumann, Haltie Bethke, Oils
and Letha Jackson; Messrs David and Fred
Scberuble, David Rottemiller, August Ginther,
Frank Lambert and Henry Beard, Arthur, Alex,
Otto and Louis Baumann.
Pansy Blossom.
Union Mill.
Mr and Mrs B J Helvey was In 6ilverton
Wednesday, where they visited friends and rela
tives. lMrs;crrio Nash, of Oregor- City, visited her
sister, Mrs Laura Burns, last week.
Mrs B Frledrich. of New Era, visited her sister,
.Mrs J H Burns, last Sunday.
Mrs Annie Tioe has been visiting her mother,
Mrs J D Wllkerson.
A fishing party consisting of the following
members: J Aciklns, Mr and Mrs L Riggs, Bertha
and Lester Riggs and Eliza Burns went up in the
foothills. They did no got any farther than
Jackson Creek on account of fire. But they had
a good time camping out on the cool pleasant
streams of Canyon Creek, Milk Creek and Mo
lalla. Fish were very plentiful.
William Parker 14 gathering teasels In the
Gregory teasel yard.
Mr and Mrs Mcintosh visited Mr and Mrs John
Thomas last Sunday.
Mrs Nettie Riggs visited her grandmother, Mrs
Nancy Burns, last Sunday.
Mrs Mary Frledrich ana Mrs marina Burns
called on Mrs Caroline Thomas last Sunday eve
ning. Julius Moshberger Is on the sick list.
Best possible to build
No wagon Is or can be better than a Mitchell
because the cream of wood stock is used, only af
ter being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon Is well
Ironed, well painted, well proportioned, and runs
the Hghest of any
It Is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wng,
on was built, and they have been built continu
ously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy
a Mitchell you get the benefit of this 70 years.' ex-perienoe.
Champion in name
Champion in the field
:' :t v
It beats th:n ill. i
there is to say.
Same with the CHAMPION
Catalogue Free.
L P Burns had the misfortune to hurt his foot
While working In the sawmill.
Curtis Helvev Is helninc Mr Shirt-In lav a hrlck
I0"nl'"l,n 'or nis engine. Mr sturis Is building
a sawmill on B J Helvev's place. Mr Sturirls ex
pects to le ready to saw about the middle of
Aug 11. Backwoops.
LB Trull lnger contemplates going to tl e coast
to spend a few weeks.
Elder Moore says that when ho was in the
mountains the other day he shot at a bear, but it
didn't stop,
There are about COO people at Wilholt Springs
this year.
Scott Carter and Cash Austin have been hauling
hay for about two weeks with two teams. They
will haul another week.
T PavidBon has a sick Jeraey cow.
Mr Jesse of Barlow, called on Mr Wlngfleld
yesterday the tlrat time for 26 years.
O S Bovles went to Molalla Friday for a Hot
Springs onuit.
Mrs Scott Carter visited her mother, Mrs Wlng
fleld. ! Mrs A Paughcrty, Orla and Archie Boyles v. e it
to Soda Springs Sunday.
(Julie a number or people are camped ou the
Hi lalla, and are enjoying fishing.
Hop growers arc engaging pickers for the eom-
Ingcrop. l'riceatobe paid ate 10 and 50 cents.
Mr and Mrs Frank Bgby and daughter, Maud .
and Maa Milts, of Needy, were visiting fiieuds
' u,i,l cO-iIvm- , ,1 i..l,. j
Mrs O T Kay, of Meadow-brook, is visiting
friends lu Russellville this week.
Aug 3.
Mountain View.
The excitement is the marriage of Carl Key
mond. Mr Schoth ami fnniily and IT Brand ami wife
went out S.-huebel tole present at Carl Kcy
niouu'a wedding,
Frank Hcnrici threshed grain for F A Fly and
WW. May last Monday with his self-feeding ma
chine w hich runs well.
W 15 Beaitieand bride Marled for Wrangle,
Alaska, ou Monday morning.
JWCurrln went to work again Wednesday
morning niter uie eica avii.
Samuel V.Francis, accompanied by J WGUlett,
went to Mount labor Sunday to attend the fu
neral of hla grandfather, Thomas Carter.
Mrs Janle Currin la visiting friends In Portland
this week.
Miss Rosa Mulvany, of Union Mills, was doing
business in Oregon City Monday and was the
guest of Mrs Gillett.
H Brand Is the proud possessor of a new bicy
lie. Don Dickey took Mr Small and family to the
coast Sunday,
Aug 13.
Mr. Ringo made a flying trip down the
hill to see Frank Wills.
Jessie James made a flying trip home
from Oregon City, where he is working.
Good luck to you Jessie.
Mies Marie Edgecomb was visiting
Mrs. Wilson, of Colton Sunday.
The fire above Stonypoint is six miles
long and still runing back in the
mountains. ,
James Hunt has returned to work on
the Holman ranch.
Henry Klinesmith was seen ridins;
his bike down the hill to Edgesorab's
A man took John Arquett to town.
Whats up, John, hope you are not going
to live in town.
Grain looks fine around Clarkes.
Frank vVills returned ho.ne after a few
days in Washington and reported bis
mother-in-law better.
Mrs. Edgecomb had Frank Country
man cut her grain.
Mrs. Frank Countryman made a call
on Mrs. Edgecomb.
Frank Wills is going to put up a new
house on his mother's place, besides a
new board fence.
Mrs. Roberson has returnel home
after a few days visit with her daughter,
of Shuck's mill.
Miss Mae Hall has returned to Port
land to work after a few weeks visit with
her mother on Milk Creek.
Glanta and ryenilea of Space.
There Is an Immense range of differ
ence In the brightness of the . stars
when the sun is taken for a standard
of comparison. Some of the stars emit
only one one-hundredth as much light
as the sun emits. Others emit a thou
sand times as much light as he does.
Indeed, one scientist thinks there are at
least two stars each of which is prob
ably 10,000 times as bright as the 6un,
which signifies that if either of those
stars were as near to us as the sun Is
it would outshine him 10,000 times in
brightness. The two stars are Cano
pus, which Is in the southern hemi
sphere and Invisible from our part of
the earth, and RIgcl, one of the two
brightest stars In the constellation Ori
on. The Size of Great Britain.
Great Britain Is only half as big as
Sumatra and double the size of New
foundland. It stands fifth In point of
size In the list of the world's Islands.
England without Wales Is almost Iden
tical In point of size with Itoumania.
It Is less than one-quarter as big as
France or Germany. The whole Brit
ish Isles only occupy the one sixteen
hundredth part of the surface of this
globe. Great Britain Is widest be
tween Land's End and Kent The ut
most width is 325 miles. It is narrow
est between Lock Broom, on the west
coast of Scotland, and Bornoch firth,
on the east coast. The distance be
tween the heads of these two Inlets Is
but twenty-four miles.
Kublnnteln'si Reply.
When Rubinstein was traveling
through the United States upon a con
cert toflr, It chanced that Barnum's
circus followed almost exactly tho
same route chosen by the great Rus
sian. On one occasion, when the train
was filled with snake charmers, acro
bats, clowns and the like, the guard,
noticing perhaps Rubinstein's remarka
ble appearance, asked him, "Do you
belong to the show?"
Turning his leonine head with a sav
age shake Rubinstein answered fierce
ly, "Sir, I am the show."
Donbllnc t'p.
A boy of eight years was asked by
his teacher where the zenith was. He
replied, "That spot In the heavens di
rectly over one's head."
To test his knowledge further the
teacher asked:
"Can two persons have the same ze
nith at the same time 7"
"They can."
"If one stand on the other's head."
Don't Be a Walter.
There are too many people la tho
world waiting for favorable conditions.
Don't do it While you are hesitating
tome one else is plowing ahead of you.
Walt for nothing map out a course
and pursue it, rain or shine, mud or
dust, storm or lull, cold or heat, good
times or bad times. Wait for nothing.
Atchison Globe.
Known Too Late.
"Do you remember," said Mrs.
Crumps, "when you nsked me to mar
ry you?"
"Yes," said Mr. Crumps.
"And I said 'Yes?'"
"I remember it. We both always did
talk too much." Washington Star.
Sammy (admiringly surveying his
lately arrived twin sisters) Did you
get them cheaper by taking the two,
papa? Smart Sot.
Courtesy la a blessing from the heart
of a good man and a deadly weapon
in the hands of a villain.
If you cannot be clever, be careful.
Antrim, "Naked Truths and Veiled Al
lusions." Bean the 1 ;ie Kir'3 W Have A?W3yS BC'jp
Is akin to insanity. Many a woman re
alizes this as she lies awake hour by
hour, peopling the darkness with phan
toms, starting at the creaking of the bed
the bedclothes.
Such symp
toms in general
point to disease
of the delicate
womanly or
gans, and a con
stant drain of
the vital and
nervous forces.
This condition
cannot be over
come by sleep
ing powders.
The diseased
condition must
be cured before
the conse
quences of dis
ease are re
moved. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Pre
scription cures
the womanly
diseases which
cause nervous
ness and sleerj-
lessness. It is the best of tonics ana ln
vigorants, nourishing the nerves, en
couraging the appetite and inducing
refreshing sleep. Irregularity, weaken
ing drains, inflammation, ulceration and
female weakness are perfectly cured by
"Favorite Prescription."
My wife was sick for over eight years," writes.
Albert H. Fulte, Esq.. of Altamont, Grundy Co..
Tenn. She had uterine disease and was treated
by two physicans and got no relief. At last I
read about Dr. Pierce's medicines and we de
cided to try his 'Favorite Prescription.' I sent
to the drug store and got one bottle and the nrst
dose gave ease and sleep. She had not slept any
for three nights. Being sure that it would cure
her I sent for five more bottles and when she
had taken the sixth bottle she was sound and
well "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with " Favorite Prescription " when
ever a laxative is required.
Prices to suit you all Millinery at Red
Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent phy
sician of Panama, Columbia, in a re
cent letter states: "Last March I had as
a patient a young lady sixteen years of
age, who had a very bad attack ot dys
entery. Everything I prescribed for
her proved ineffectual and she was
growing worse every hour. Her par
ents were snre she would' die. She had
become so weak that Bhe could not turn
over in bed. What to do at this critical
moment was a study for me, but I
thought of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last re
sort prescribed it. The most wonderful
result was effected. Within eight hours
si'.e was much better; inside of three
days she was upon her feet and at
the end of one week was entirely cured."
For sale by G. A. Harding.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your, liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black ? Then use
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfort
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Krausse Bros,
Blue Ribbon
State Fair
Sept. 15th to 20th, 1902.
You are invited to attend and
see the greatest industrial expo
sition and livestock show ever
held on the Tacific Coast Good
racing every afternoon. Camp
ground free. Come and bring
your families. For any infor
mation, write
M. D. WISDOM, Sec'y,
Portland, Ore.
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