O Oregon ounerneraio COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1B&8 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. IB Cit C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS -AT LAW Commercial, Bcal Ettt, J4 L Specialties. Office In Commercial Bnk Building BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. OEEGON CITY ' ( OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON " CITY . capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bilis traya and sella domestic and foreign exchange, and TeceiTes deposits subjeot to oheok. Open from Km. to 4 p. m. D. C liATOl'BETTE, I r!-ideut F. J. Meyeb Cashie ,Qt N. GREENMAN ' THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1866) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OEEGON CITY OREGON )R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted ami satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty CaufleM Building OREGON CITY ORBQON J)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN ; DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block Regular August Terra ; Board. of the Count? John Lewellen, T. B. Killin, and Brobut, CoiiimiaHlouerg. Win. OREGON CITY OREGON V H. COOPER, Notary Tcbuc. Eeal Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens JPuildiug, o cgon Cuy, Ore. '"' " Qt E. II A YES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, OREGON CITY opp. Bank ( Oregon City OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUPLIQ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Rod Frori,, Court.House Block OREGON CITY OREGON JJ C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attcnttou paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases 1 Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY . OREGON J. W. Norms, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JJORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city or country promptly attend ed Office: 1,2,17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. GENERAL BILLS. Good Samaritan Hospital $ 30 00 Red Front Trading Co 2 60 ODEby 125 E Himler 4 50 C W Armstrong 2 00 J H James 25 24 O C Courier Herald 23 85 W W Jesse 3 40 RRBratton 2 60 FFGribble 120 F Mathews.. 2 90 TFRyan 2 00 Vauehan's stables 16 00 TFRyan 3 00 FA Sleight 2 00 Fac States Tel & Tel Co.., . 4 10 W A Holmes 105 H H Johnson 15 00 WA Huntley 26 80 J O.Zinser : 29 07 W H Jackson 125 0 C Enterprise 113 75 AMiblBtin 2 50 Clerk of Multnomah Co 93 85 Good Samaritan Hospital 7 00 F S Baker 2 00 John Page 21 00 BFLinn 97 90 F A Sleight 2 00 RLHolman 5 20 J A Randolph 6 80 JERhoads 8 00 J W Meldmm 13 50 Bagby & Dixon 205 96 H E Stevens 2 50 J J Cooke 2 00 Eli Williams 120 00 J G Porter 90 00 Anna Williams 60 00 DP Mathews 60 00 LE Williams 84 00 Ina Chase 54 00 Huntley Bros 1 10 OC Enterprise 29 65 J R Shaver 2 00 L Stipp 5 25 H S Moody 5 70 PNehren 5 60 Geo A Harding . 14 85 TB Killin 33 70 John Lewellen 38 20 Wm BrobBt 13 30 Moehnke Heit Co 354 54 H Fogleson 12 00 E D Olds 3 50 AGGuynnp 28 00 D R Fowler 20 00 John Lewellen 10 00 F A Jones 2 00 ED Olds 3150 F A Joneg ; 5 00 II Klllr tt.: 8 00 Austen Western Co 276 00 EnosCahill 12 50 ED Olds. 3 00 O Guynup 5 00 Fac Mates Tel & Tel Co 31 05 Boss Pry 4 25 Joseph Woodle. 3 00 George J udd 3 00 Fred Stalkev 3 00 C L Idleman 15 63 Pope & Co 65 Pope & Co 6 25 Vigorit Powder Co 16 50 JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all Courts of the State Welnhard BulUlng, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON W. S. U'REN a SCHUEBXL TJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW IDeutfrfiet SlbDolat Will praotioe in all courtB, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on umce in jinierpnso uuuumg. first mortgage. OREGON CITY OREGON E I. SIA8 BICYCLE PATH BILLS. Billy Banan 3 HNachand 9 Ed Rauch 11 John Page 34 E Himler 5 Ralph Holmes 3 Hurnschuh and David Miller appointed viewers to meet August 20, 1902. In the matter of a change in the Black well and Heckart road Ordered that re port of viewers be approved. Expense account : A S Hende rson $ 2 00 I D Surfus 2 00 W J Lewellen .' 3 00 ME Kandle 3 00 WCBuckner 3 00 WF Henderson , 2 00 II H Johnson 19 20 In the matter of supplying 50 cords of wood for Court house Ordered that con tract be entered into with M Mautz to furnish 50 cords fir wood at $2 45.percord. In the matter of bids for county physi cianOrder that contract be let to Drs Norris and Powell for $13 00 per month. In the matter of collecting bicycle tax Ordered that J K Shaver, sheriff, pro ceed with the collection of same. In the matter of the petition of Her man Wihlon for county road Petition granted. H H Johnson, surveyor, J R Morton, A Forbes and C H Bufghardt appointed viewers to meet August 22, 1902. In the matter of the report of .viewers of Carl Sannes road of public easement Ordered that said report be confirmed and said road established. In the matter of appointment of H H Johnson deputy county surveyor Ap pointment ordered confirmed. In the matter of cancelling a duplicate wanant Ordered that warrant No 11323 issued to Tom P Randall be cancelled. In the matter of petition of Louis Toed temeier and others regarding county in debtednessOrdered taken under ad visement. In the matter of report of L L Gribble on sale of a steer Ordered that report be approved. In the matter of petition to vacate cer tain Btreets in Robertson Ordered laid over until Friday, September 5, 1902. In the matter of repairing the Cason bridae Ordered that E D Olds proceed to repair the north pier of said bridge under the supervision of the Board of Commissioners and that he be paid at the rate of $4 00 per day. In the matter of cleaning the number ing machitie Ordered that C W Taylor repair and clean said machine, he to be paid $2 00 lor same. In the matter of the. motion of Hoist, road Ordered that said matter be dis missed. In the matter of Greenleaf Chute, In digent soldier Ordered that $5 00 be allowed for month of August. , In the matter of cancelling warrants a9 IW o,i.mri;.' Onlnrpii that, following war- i rants bH cancelled: Xo 19150, Frank Para. 3 90: No 18246. J O Watkins $2 00; No 18185, Alex DuBoiB, $1 70; No 18184, rrariK tjomier, ifi ("i no joiuu, u B Early, $1 75; No 18802, Wm Willmore, $2 20; No 17471, I M Long, $2 00; No 16929, B Hftger, $4 10; No 10708, F D Duval, $1 50 ; No K4o8, Herman Towado. $1 50; JNo llio92, (juas ltosenrooK, in ; No 16102, M Shannon, $170; No 15978, John Gaskell, $2 00; No 3179, E Wood ard, $2 00 ; No 3199, J HenhiRer, $2 00; No 1988, Geo V eiderhold, $ 25; No3178, D L Bojlan, $2 00; No 3379, H Erkman, $150. . In the matter of names omitted in June by J W Meldrum Ordered that warrants issue to T W Rlanchard $4 00 Herbert Lucas I 00 J F Briggs 4 00 Board adjourned. I i This Trade Mark on the side m of a wagon box is a guarantee of excellence and high grade quality in the construction of this wagon If yours does not have it on dispose of it and get one that has as you cannot afford to run any chances on the material usvl H in a wagonr every time you break down it costs you mor though the manufacturers replace the broken part . . ,l!i , .' BUY A FISH lmuM ... . -ri iTJJJji ft We also carry a full line of Buggies and Sprir Wagons. Write us for prices on everything you need it only takes" a jj! postal card and may save you dollars. H Moody . Moehnke, W A Holmes.. 00 50 25 00 25 00 90 8 50 3 00 N 0RTHWE8T IMPLEMENT COMPANY, NT STREET, PORTLAND ORE L W WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON VY. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest.Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHAN'S Livery, Feed and ISale Stables Nearly oppobitelSuspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON Cm, OREGON Oregon City , Second-Hand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES, JUNK, METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold RING rilONE 416 FOR JUNK. Sngamaii & Co. Don't pass us by call In and get our price3. Ked ironi xrauiug vouiau, In the matter of resignation of Ingram, deputy clerk Accepted. In the matter of appointment of F W Greenman deputy clerk Approved. In the matter of change in Bates road- Dismissed. In case on new petition be filed, Board allows $75 00 for repairs to old bridge. In the matter of report of viewers of change in Blackwell and Heckart road First reading, laid over until Thursday, Aug 7. In the matter of damages on Davis road Report approved and damages al lowed as follows: H Piper $10 00 WmMcKee 50 00 C R Lewthwaite 3 30 Expense of viewers Thos Bohna 3 40 W CUlrich 3 30 James WilBon 3 30 In the matter of petition of Ina Lewis for aid Allowed $5 00. In the matter of motion to dismiss re port of Hoist road Ordered that it be laid over until Friday, August 8, at 1 o'clock. In the matter of application of Casper Junker for liquor license Ordered that clerk issue license to Casper Junker for period of six months. In the. matter of application of J E Stone for allowance to apply to J E Stone road Ordered that $125 00 be allowed, and supervisor ordered to work petition . In the matter of correcting account with Joe Myers Ordered that warrant issue to Joe Myers for $1 25. In the matter of collecting poll tax in Road Diet No 11 Order that supervisor collect poll tax in bis district in cash. In the matter of petition of K i Wil mot for county road Ordered that same be granted. H II Johnson, surveyor, C C Boylan, O C Whitten and J f Risley appointed viewers to meet August 18, 1902. In the matter of petition of G H Brown for county road Petition granted. II H Johnson, surveyor, H S C Phelps, Aug ust Bramer and Wm Knight appointed viewers, to meet August 19, 1902. In the matter of report of supervisor of Dist No 16 of names omitted in June re port Ordered that warrants issue to P Hall, $5 25, and to 11 Lucas, $4 50. In the matter of repairing the Strauss bridge . Ordered that county furnish lumber and nails to amount of $75 00. Supervisor to plank two bridges. In the matter of petition of J C Peck for county road Petition granted. II II Johnson, surveyor, Ed Harrington, Ed Memorial Window to Dr. John McLoughlln. Work on the enlargement of St. John's chuich is proceeding rapidly. It will increase the length of the structure 35 feet, and will be finished in the latter part of next month. Near the north wall of the extension lie the remains of Dr. John A!cI.ouchlin. Anyone who knows aught of the early history of Oregon will dispute that the people of the state, in gratitude to this great and good man, should erect an imposing monument to nis memory. rui as iuu has not been done, Rev. Father Hille brand proposes that he be honored with a memorial window in the north corner of the extension. Ha greatly desires that it be beautiful, at least to a degree worthy of the Father of Oregon. There fore he extends the opportunity to the citizens of the state to contribute to wards its cost, Sums from 25 cents up wards will be received for the purpose until September 5th, by either the Ore gon City Bank or the Courier-Herald. The more generous the donations the more beautiful will be the memorial window. The uames of contributors will be published in the local papers. 110'. FOB NEWPORT! Oregon's Favorite Seaside He sort. 'Recoenizing the advan age o. New port as a Bummer resort ou r othe. pea- side resorts in the north 'st, and lo make it possible for all who desire to do so to spend their vacation by the ocean waves, the Southern Pacifii Company, in connection with the Uorvallis & Eastern Railroad, will place on sale, ef fective June 15th, round-trip tickets from all points in Oregon on the South ern Pacific to Newport, good for return until October 10th, at specially reduced rates. For full information please in quire of your local agent." The best physic, Chamberlain's S ora ach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale byG. A. j Harding. I CURTAIN SPECIALS HIS Season has been a busy one in our Curtain Section, and buyers have broken into many of the lines. Those that are left are splendid values but limited in number. We have cut the prices to figures that will surely clean them all out before fall stock ar rives. Price for one pair Ruffled Curtains, 50c. Frank Busch, & The House Furnisher TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it failB to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on 1 each box. 25c. i CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of i