Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 15, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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"The Stretched
Forefinger of all Time" is
on the dial of an '
Elgin Watch
the world's standard for pocket time
pieces. Perfect in construction;' positive
in performance.' Sold by every jeweler in
the land; fully guaranteed. Booklet free.
Elgin, Illinois.
-v.l T 4-rw The Northern Pacific is not-
ilOOCl JLllCrarUrC among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
F A lvirC?" PamPhlets, folders, booklets, etc., are
17 xjLAIIIOSI- tastefully gotten p and are valuable for
what they contain. Here is a partiai list
TVT.4-T inrr ot what MR- CHAS. S. FEE, Qeneral Passenger
(Jllllllii Agent, St. Paul, Minn., will send out, carefully
mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, Bilver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1901-
An nnu. bllcatlon, beautifully Illustrated In color and
halt tone. 1 Lis number treats particularly ol the history of St
the Northern Paclflo's Trademark, the custer Battlefield In Sx Ceti
Montana, and the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat; and dainty publication containing a complete history
of the Northern Paolflo Trademark, The artistic covers of S d
the Wonderland, 1901 are used In miniature, Four C eU
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real (lowers In their natural colors. A dainty Se d
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six Fft y Ccta
full page illustrations of Park scenery,
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book In strong, flexible covers, od paper,
plain type, Illustrated, pocket size, a com vtw iuni and Twenty -I've
descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland. Oets
Climbing Mount Rainier
An illustrated pookot-slze book, 72 pages, strong, flexible Sed
covers, printed on heavy paper, deseriptiv rl an ascent of Twenly-1 ve
the highest peak In the United States oa a. . e of Alaska of a Cents,
glacial nature.
Farmers are very busy with their har
vest. Mrs EC Wyatt, of Philomath, who
has been visiting her daughter, Alice,
for the past three weeks, returned home
Mrs Lyd a Park is confined to her bed
pait of the time.
Zella Surfus is now staying with Eva
Maplethorp at Willamette Falls.
. Richard Bittner.wife and Miss Austin,
of Oregon City, who have been camping
near the former's parents.returned home
W T Henderson made a trip to Ore
gon City Wednesday.
Mr. Shubert, of Milwaukie, but for
merly of Elwood, was out hauling in his
hay Tuesday.
I D Surfus secured plenty of water in
his well at the depth of 31 feet.
Matt Park, who has been out home
for the past three or four weeks, returned
to Willamette Falls last week.
Mies D Henderson, who intended to
worn for Mrs W H Hottemiller, of
Clarkes, took sick and Ida Wilson took
her place.
We want to inform thp neonlp nfOrprmn Cttr anri viVIn!
... ... ... . ..w.w.y ,
mat we nave opened a jewelry store and Kepair bhop on Mam
Street, Court House Block, next to Red Front, and carry a fine
line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles,
and we want our customers to feel that our shop is theirs that
we attend to their work, whether much or little, the same as if
attended to by themselves; and that the oftcner we hear from
them the better it pleases us.
Yours for good goods, low prices and honest dealing.
Wm. Gardner & Son, Watchmakers, Oregon City 0
The first m ester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September
17th. The following Schools and Colleges are co nprised in the
University : Graduate School, College of Literature, Science and Arts,
College of Science and Engineering, University Academy, School of
Music, School of Medicine, School of Law.
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Mu
(Incidental fee $ 10 00, Student-Body tax $2.50 per year). Cost of liv
ng from $ioc.oo to $200.00 per year. For Catalogue, address
Registrar of the University, Eugene, Ore.
Everything Tresh, Heat and Clean,
Meat Market of fy. Betbke
Opposite Suspension liridge, Oregon City
Straiten Bldq
Too late f Jr last week's issue.
Mrs Ed Saub, of Portland, has been
spending a few days visiting at the Carl
son home.
Mr. Blosser, of Hubbard, was in our
vicinity looking for hoppicners last Sat
urday, sb the hop harvest will soon be
Jessa James and Rile Garret have
gone to Butteville to work for a few
Walter Gorbett made a flyirjg trip to
Canby . n his wheel on the 3a to get a
new casting for his binder, which had
been injured by running against a rock
Frank Countryman has bought a new
There will be preaching in the hall
next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Rev Dunlap,
of Highland, will officiate.
Mr Gerber put two calves in a clover
field to wean them. Last week he went
to see them and found them both dead,
one having eaten so much clover it had
burst open on the back. Experience is
a good school, but the tuition is some
times very high.
The black lee has not vet nnneared
here among the calves but if this
weather continues much lonirer it will
surely come.
Land buyers and homeBeekers a e
quite often seen in our neighborhood
the last lew days.
Johnnie and Cleve L ffertv went un
on the Upper Molalla last Saturday and
Sundiiv mid caught something less than
5000 fine truut each measuring 20 inches
more or less.
Newly Furnished and Refitted. Opm Day and Nitjht,
Toola'efur laBt week's iBSue.
Harvesting U in full blast with fine
weather for taking care of the crops.
Hop yards in this Bection look fine
and hop growers are iubilant over the
pronpecis.of a good crop.
Mr and Mrs Renner attended camp
meeting at Woodburn Sunday.
Captain Pope has two new silos nearly
Hon Benton Killin, of Portland, vis
ited his bro:her, George, at Handy
Monday .
James Renner and George Killiu vis
ited Salem one day last week.
Mr and Mis P L Schamel. of Molalla,
were visiting the latter'e father, Samuel
Swraney, of Handy, Sunday,
S D Wright and family visited rela
tives at Mount Angel and Silvertun Sun
Wil 1 Ovum's was a visitor at Handy
Elmer Dodge will start hianew thresh
er Thursday.
Elbert Killin took in the baseball at
Hubbard Sunday.
Mr and Mrs G C Pendleton visited
relatives at Mount Angel Sunday.
Mrs Ramage, who has been in alem
for some tune, will return loine soon.
and Lunch Counter
0pp. Electric Hotel, Oregon City
Has No Superior in the City.
Meals at All I lotirs.
New ETachinc Shop
IWith New Machinery
Fhilipp llucklciii,
.AT T11K.
Old Roake Stand, Rear of Pope's Store I
All kinds of Saw Mill, rarmlntr and Other Machinery
Hade and Repaired, S
Fitting Spectacles and Kije Glasses
l?y Up-to-Date Methods.
Examination Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician
The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th
Mountain View.
Too kte for last week's issue.
The thermometer registers 96 degrees
in tne simile.
Mrs Griflin and children have gone to
Damascus, where titty will spend a few
days. They will also go to the mountains
alter black berries.
Ferd Cmran returned from
his trip to to California Sunday.
Mr West and family are vis'ting rela
Uvea out on ttie Ahernethy this week.
Mrs Riniro i.nd Hat tie drove out to
Highland Saturday to attend a funeral.
Misses Grace and Esttlla Good, of
Salem, are visiting their sinter and
brother, Mrs Smalley and W Good.
Mr and Mrs C T Beattie went to En
gene Wednesday morning to attend the
wedding of their son, W G. Mies May
Thompson has charge of the postullice
during Mr lieiittta'g absence.
J W Currin U on the sick list with an
attack of neuralgia and malaria.
Mr Hall bus gone to Washington for a
few ihivs. HeRlsoexpert" togo to Kan
sas, where he will visit his arentg.
Mac. ab ii )(.
To late for hist week's iseue.
l'all sown grain is all cut, and the
whistle of the steam thiesher is heard.
Wheat is p utilising a gi.od yield.
IV Gieptr.er U now selli- g a very de
licious rummer d ink called dilibcrry
Mr Kiehe has tteated his house to a
lie coat of paii.t .
We are sorry to report that Mr Schcer
is very sick.
Win Yohrt'-n, rf Selhvood, visited rel
ative tt.-i- I., .-t week. He is a
member of the carpenters' union con
sisting of ;i0 men who are derating a
co-op. rative man null in Portland.
Mrs Janinnie had the misfortune to
break l:r aim recently. Mie was riding
The Puritan wife vowed to love, honor and obey her husband. She believed
that " the husband is the head of the wife," and she yielded to his will as her law.
We have changed all that. We have cut the word " obey " out of
the marriage service. We have accepted the doctrine ot leminine
equality. Women no longer keep silence in the church. In business avo
cations and professions they inarch side by side with men. To-day the
intellectual equality of woman is frankly conceded, and yet that puritan
wife, vowed to obedience, whose husband was also her lord, had one point
of equality with the stronger sex which the modern woman has largely
lost ; she had the equality of health, and the equality of courage
and strength which enabled her to keep her place at her husband's
side in times of danger and of peril.
As housewife she was tireless in her industry. As mother she
reared a large family. She knew little of the aches and ills which
vex the modern woman who has entered upon the heritage of
woman's rights. Statisticians have called attention to the decrease
in the size of the family. Women shrink from the pangs and obli
gations of maternity. The very participance of women in out
door sports once termed manly, is only an evidence
of the fact that she recognizes her physical deficiency
and weakness. But outdoor sports and exercises are
open to comparatively few women, and while exer
cise may promote the health when it is once estab
lished, it cannot produce health. In fact, where
there is womanly weakness, exercise may be an
injury where the weakness permits the possibility of
The first and greatest of woman's rights is the
right to be healthy, the right to enjoy herself as a
wife and to bo happy as & mother. Give, woman
this and all other features of womanly equality will
take care of themselves. '
In hundreds of thousands of cases this physical
equality has been restored to weak and sick women
by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the medicine
which makes weak women strong and sick women well.
"My wife used three bottles of Dr. Pierce's medicine, and I never saw
such results," writes A. B. Haynes, Esq., of Aurora, Lawrence Co., Mo.
" It was wonderful in its work. We had used lots of medicine, also had
one of the best physicians in Aurora, but my wife got no better; we
heard one pitiful groan after another, jjay and night. A friend handed
me a copy of Dr. Pierce's book, The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
and after reading the testimonials of Dr. Pierce's successful treatment,
and seeing that the cases described were similar to my wife's, I bought
for her a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Before she had
taken all of the medicine she was up and helping to do the work. She
has taken three bottles and is now well. Has better health than she has
had for years, so perfectly did the medicine do its work."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures womanly ills and the
aches and pains which these ills are the cause of. It establishes
regularity and so gives freedom from the periodic suffering which
so many women endure with each recurring month. It dries
the drains which distress and weaken women. It heals the
gnawing ulcer, puts out the scorching flame of inflammation, and perfectly and
permanently cures female weakness. It also cures backache, headache, nervous
ness, sleeplessness and other ills which are the result of womanly diseases.
"No doubt you have forgotten me, but after you have read my letter you will remember
me," writes Mrs. Annie E. Moring, 238 7th Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Va. "In the year 1897,
I wrote you for advice, which you gave me free of charge. Now, Doctor, I will tell you I
was a wreck. When I wrote to you I could not walk straight, for pain in my abdomen,
could not sit down, lie down, or get any ease at all. I had what was called the best doctor
here, but did not get any better until I went through a course of your medicine. I took
eight bottles each of 'Favorite Prescription ' and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I kept on
with the ' Pleasant Pellets ' after I had stopped taking the other medicine. I took ten
vials of the ' Pleasant Pellets,' and I tell you the medicine made a cure of me. My trouble
was female trouble, and I am willing to have you use my letter, for there are other women
to-day that need your medicine, and it will cure them if they will follow your advice."
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierco by letter, free. All correspond
ence is held as sacredly confidential, and the written confidences of women are
guarded by the game strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in his
daily consultations with sick women, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
If you are led to use "Favorite Prescription" because it has cured other
women, do not allow a substitute to be palmed off on you as " just as good."
Insist upon the remedy with a record Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce's People's Common Sense Medical Adviser contains
over a thousand large pages and more than 700 illustrations.
This is one of the foremost medical works of the agem It tells
the plain truth in plain English. It deals with the problems of
marriage, reproduction, heredity, and the important tacts of
biology and physiology in general, from the view-point of com'
mon sense. It Is a book for the guidance of young men and
young women, of wives and husbands, and therefore a family
medical book. This valuable work Is sent FREE on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one 'Cent
stamps for the cloth -bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the
book In paper-covers.
Address! Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, H. Y.
613 (" I
on a back seat of a spring wagon when
the horses gave a midden j"ik which
turned her over backward.-. 1
Postmaster Pcramlin has treated his
store to a dew coat of paint.
A H Reynolds is transacting busines
in Oregon City this week.
Mr Gortler, Sr. recently fell into a
celler at Canby and fractured a knee
Cap. I
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Ketuedv ha a world-wide ;
leputation for its .cures. It never faiis
and is pleasant and sale to take. Fof
stile by G. A. Harding-.
Wall Paper
Trim m d hats.
Great bargain. JIns
You Know Wlmt You Are Inking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the foutiula is plainly
print! d on every bottle showing that ii
s simply Iron and Quininei'i a tasteless
ortu. jS'o Cure, Xo pay. 50c.
to prevpnt pneumonia Rud consumption Is to cure
your cokl whpu it tirst appears. Aekvr'a hii
clisli Kemeiiy will stop ihe eout:U in n nitlil,
hurt .triv the coKi out of your system. Alwuy a
quirk ami sure cure tor asthma, bronchitis :ui
all lliruHt ituu lung troubles, ll it does not sntigly
you th ilniKKUt will refund yourmoni-y. Writtf
to us tor tree sample. W. II Hooker Co., Buf
falo, N. V., or Uowcll X Juuos, druisM.
Now is the time to buy your
wa'l paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
ban voucai h k it in Poitland.
Dri'-p a card in the postoffke and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Kly Bros.' store
J. MURKOW. Oregon City
Cures Consumption,Cougiis,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
ore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Couh.
rlcd50c. and$1. TP'41 B0TTt.ES PRCS
A Complete Line
Slrk H endui'lie Atwolutelv mid perma
ne-uly curtd bv lisiritf loki Tea. A pU-aaut
herb ilriuk. Cures consMpn'ion aiiu iiu'lint'stiou,
ii.;ikts you eM, sleep, work iui bapi-y. fct'.laiuptton,
pun runtwl or money back ; '2.c tuhl 6tV. Write
to W. U. Hooker Jt Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free
Ample., or Howell & Jones, druggists.
Fine Footwear
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 shoes
are the acme of comfort
and graceful outline.
prices will suit.
Kratisse Bros.
AU kiwis of bicycle rep;iirirn;, lock
work and saw filing at .lolmton & Lamb's
bicycle ebop, oppodte Barlow's gro.
eery. Give them a trial anl be satis