Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 15, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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The Street Parade Will Be a Pageant of Splendor
fir. ths? df
All kinds of Sport
Ball Games, Hose Races
Foot Races
And Races to See the Show
Phone, Main 264.
AND Union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Chelco oi
CrOO a. m.
:00 p. m.
i:(J p.m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland dsily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan,
Tor full information call on or address nearest
O. R. N. Ticket Agent, or axMress
A. L.CRAIfl, O.P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Only transcontinental line v
paasiDR directly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
dailv to all ooJnts East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The moat masnificent scenery In
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest rates acid descriptive literature
General Agent,
24 T hiid Siifet, Pcrlprd, Onfd
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
t Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at war points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of tli toT Hi-annrs have retn re nl
and arc in xcclltct fl.nl fur the si atop ofl 00
The KegnlHinr I.lur will cudeuvur to Rivt-lU-patrons
the best service possible.
For Com Tort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
The above stenmors ltf.ve Port'nrd7a Hi. an
Dalles at 8 a. m.,nnd arrive at destination in amp
time for ongoing trains.
Portltnd Otlice, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. Court Street.
c u i it; m
DYE arc fast to sun ligh
washing and rubbing. Sold by
C G. Huntlcv
DKroi Fifth at.d I Srs,,
For Maygers, Rainier,
'Matsltanie, Vv'eBtnort,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Flvel, Hmm
mofid, Port Stevens,
Goarliart Park, Seaside,
Astoria and Seashore
Esproes, Daily.
AstoTia Kxprcss,
Astoria ExpreR,
Pally, express Saturday,
8:00 A.M.
11:10 A. M.
7:00 P. M.
9-.40 P. K,
2:30 P. M
Portland-Seaside 'Express
Ticket Office, 255 Morrison St. and Union Depot.
J. C. Mayo, Gen. PanB. Agt.. Astoria, Ore.
Daily Eornid Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. W
Leave Astoria 7 V. M
Dally Trips EKceWiSiinday
Lesve Portland., Mon., Wed. mid fri 7 A.'M.'
Leave The DaHes, Tues., Thurs aui Set-,'? A. M.
Leave Portland. Tuea , 'l-htirs. hhiI Sat. 1 A. U
Leave DaHes, Mon., Wed. and Fri .7 A. M
Landing, 'Foot Airier ;Tet
John M.Filloon The Dallas, Ore.
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. J. Luckey... . . . ..Hood Rivw. Ore.
Wohoid fc Wye re. 'White Salmon, Wash.
J. 0. Wyatt .... Vancouver, Wash.
R. B. Gilbreth Lyle, Wash.
John M. Totton Stevenson, Wash.
Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash.
Wm. Butler P.utler, Wash.
Whiskey Beans.
Something absolutely new am!
with wlik'h wo have experi
mented for yearn.
One Itoan makes one glues Ar
tificial Whiskey (Hyo or Bour
bon six beiins to the pint.
Just the tiling if or travelers, and
convenient lur picnios, excur
sions, etc
Contains il the virtuo of the
best whiskies without the dele
terious effect. Made from the
pure vegetable -matter, and guar
anteed to contain no poisonous
or narcotic drugs of any descrip
tion. If a beverage Is not desired, a
Bean may oetakawin the mouth
without watr, nnd the mont ex
hilerating effect will be expert
enoed. Box of 12 Beans, 50c
The Beans retail at 10 cents
each, and can be procured from
any druggist, fancy grocer or
first-class bar. For ale on din
ing cars.
One box sent post-paid on re
ceipt of 50 cents.
Ginseng Distilling Co.
Distillers of
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
ST. LOUIS, - - MO.
A Letts F om Litchfield, Neb.
Thomas Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb.,
wrote us a few weeks ago about hiB ex
perience with Dr, Gunn's Blood and
Nerve Tonic. As his case may be simi
lar to others it naturally would be ot
interest to them to know the result of
his test. He had been haunted for years
with a gradual growing weakness until
he was reduced to almost a shadow.
His comolexion was pallow and pimply,
had dizzy and sinking spells, with loss
of memory and ambition. Always felt
tired and outdone, suffered greatly with
nervousness, and felt that his heart's
action whs weaa. ins digestion was so
poor his system received no nutriment.
He says he commenced the use of this
Tonic, taking one tablet after each meal.
He did not notice much change afler
using one box only he enjoyed his meals
tietter, still he kept on until he had used
six boxes. He used the last box more
than six months ago. When he stonned
the use of Tonic he weighed 28 pounds
more than he did when lie commenced,
Has not been fick a day since, and is
well in both mind and loJy. Dr. Gunn's
Blood & Nerve Tonic is the beet medi
cine in the world for pale, weak or sick
ly women. Sold by all druggists for 75
ce.n per . or ui uv man on receipt
iTi, Z'pSS r :
ui v , m- . , v u U , iiiiauti I'llia, i a. X Or
sale by Charman & Co , Druggists.
All Unions
ninnn mbitmmii imm mniiinuwmllrKvi&
j Wednesday. August 13. .
' InstirffRnts rinntnrflrl h citv nf Ranw.'
lona, Venezuela, and sacked it. Stores
and foreign consulates were pillaged.
At Manila, Jufige Ambler has decided
that trial by jury does not follow the
(Bag until congress so declares.
In New Yorii city, RevC S Dennis, an
evangeliat, is in jail for interruptm his
prayer at a Diiseion on Saturday night
to rush out and throw a burning gasoline
lamp at a boy annoying him, TIks boy
was woefullrburned.
At Lexington, Mo , a white man and
a n, gro were banged on the fame tri-e
for murdering a wealthy farmer who
'Cftught.thetu stealing his chickene.
1 At St. Petersbm-g, last n'wH, there
were two attempt" to aseaesinale high
governinect oinciais.
As remit of Dr Herael's mission to the
Sultan of Turkey, the Jews will become
owners of Jerusalem.
In the neighborhood of 200 rustlers
are running off stock in the sparelv set
tied Okanogan region, Northern Wash
The steHmer Kaiser Wilhelm III
launciiea at Stettin, uermaw. 'today', ih
tthe bigt"-t ship in the world, being,707
leet Ioiik.
Preside. ,t Roosevelt will cil! thn iTH3
senate it ex'ra t-essiim in November to
consider n ciprocity.
The fftnke of the ,al irciners aloaig
the WeetilVnneylvMiiiaUailroadis atx-ni
Bettled an President John Mitchell shvb
'he is confident tliat live etrikers in the
anthracite leUiti wi 1 win.
The ship-buildingtMist has acquired a
number of large ship-yards. It will c m
pete for patronage with the ship-builders
of Europe. It has also 'bought the
Union Iron Wor.ks at Sun Francisco, -y
The G A R and Wonien's'Relief Corjis
of Oregon hold l-'th annual reunion at
Pleasant Home camp ground.
The Enelish colonial office is making
prepartiiins to honor the Boer generals,
Botha, Dewet and Delary, wtho will ar
rive fioni South Africa, on Saturday.
In iRussia, a revolutionary soci ty,
12,000 strong, with ample means and t!e
spirit of of sacrifice, is making efforts to
liberalize the empire.
To get entrance to Portlandthe North
ern Pacific, at a cost of $3,060,000, will
bridge the Colembia and the Willam
ette andtiunnel the peninsula between
the two rivers.
The cholera prevails in Japan.
The Grand Lodge of Elks convenes at
Bait Lake.
Linn county, Or., will publish over
75.000 booklets to advertise its resources.
Whence came that sprightly step,
faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion,
smiling face? She looks good, feels good.
Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Result: All organs
active, digestion good, no headaches, no
chance for "blues." Try them your
Belf Only 25e at G. A. Harding's.
: Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops itching scalp upon application,
three to bix removes all dandruff and
will stop falling 'hair. Price 50c, at all
druggists. ,
1 v
Is S. B. Catarrh Cure, which positively
cures pains in the back, loins or groins,
swelling of the limbs, frequent desire to
pass water, scanty, turbid urine sedi
ments in the urine resembling brick dust
and gravel in the bladder, all of which
leads to Bright's disease. For sale by
all druggists. Bool; on catarrh free.
Address Smith Bros., Fresno, Oal.
Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellsburg,
Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble
with which he had been afllicted for
years, by four boxes of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. He hail
previously tried many other remedies
and a number of physicians without re
lief. For sale by G. A. Harding.
A Cue ' ";'e?
"Last May," ears Mrs. Curtis Baker.
of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of -our
neighbor's was t uflVnng from chul-1
era infantum. The doctor had given up I
all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of j
Chamberlain'B Cholic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy to the house, telling
them that I felt sure it would do good if :
ned according to directions. In two,
days' time the child had fully recovered,
ami is now (nearly a year since) a vig- !
j orou9 healthy girl
1 have recom-
frequently and I
landed this remedy
have never known it to fail in a tingle
I instance." For sale by G. A. Harding, j
Address J. H.
Here is an Offer from
Eiler's Piano House
Ten Dollars judiciously expended 'be
lore September lotn win creat a new
epoch for you in your home life. It wil
bring mm ic into it and make it some
tiling very dterent from what it has
btien without a piano. Ten dollars 'Will
iiive you the refining influence, the -ines
timable pleasure of nmeic
Ail you need to uo is to write 's or
come to our store and make a selection
of a large and varied stock of fine pianos,
pay us ten dollars and the instrument will
be delivered free to any railroad station or
boat landing in O'egon or 'Southwest
Washington. The balaneet Well, the
. amount to be paid is so small each month
that you will never miss it, and before
you know it the piano will be fully paid
lor yminown property.
When yoti know that we guarantee
every piano that we sell: that we can af
ford lo handle only t, od pianos, you will
realise that this is ai, xcfpti-onal oppor
tunity for you . if jon need a piano, and
every famKy needs a piuno Ton owe
it to your yourself, to your wife, to your
The piano that we cell for $10 cash and
the balance in eacy monthly installments
is easily worth $f00 00 more than we ask
for it. The regular price of this instru
ment elsewhere is $;!25.00, but we are sell
ing it until September 15th for as little
as .$227.00 because e must make room
for our extensive fall shipments. Only
G- of these instruments are to be -sold at
the above rate, so if you want one you
must act quickly. The piano is a really
fine instrument a id a genuine bargain,
not a Bo-called cheap piano. We have
cheap pianos from $127.00 to $185 00.
Remember that this offer expiree Sep
tember loth.
351 Washington Street, opp. Cordray's
Theatre, Portland, Oregon.
Four Stores: Portland, San Francisco,
Spokane and Sacramento.
When there is a feeling that the heart
or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves
are diseased, at once commence to doe
tor the Btomach. That is the founda
tion of the trouble in 90 cases out of
every 100, Commence to regulate the di
gestive organs, get them in healthy
orkingcondition,and the other troubles
will leave of themselves. Disases
which have their beginning in the Stom
ach must be cured through the stomach.
The medicine for stomach disorders
and half the ills of life, is Dr. Gunn'B
Improved Liver Pills. These pills put
all the digestive organs in good condi
tions so that disease has uo basis to
work upon. They are sold by all drug,
gists for 25 cents per box. One pill is a
dose. We will Bend a box post-paid, on
receipt of 25 cents or to anybody who
wants to try them we will send 2 pills
tree, isend name and ail iress to Dr.
Gtinn, Philada., Pa. For sale by Char
man 4 Co., Druggists.
Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge,
Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc
tors to cure a severe case of piles, caui
ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Buck
len's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Sub
dues inflsmmation, conquers aches, kills
pains. Best salve in the world. 25 at
U. A. Harding's drug store.
Fi r 20 years I had been a sufferer
f om bronchial troubles accompanied
with a hacking cough. I at times
suffered from extreme nervous prosA
tration. About four years ago 1 be
gan taking Ripans Tabules, arid since
then I have used them pretty con
stantly. I rarely retire at nigra with
out taking my Tabule, and I find they
keep my digestive organs (which nat.
urally are weak) in good order, and
they also allay my tendency to ner
vousness and make me Bleep.
. , AtdniKirM.
The Fiie-Cent oaeltet la enough for an or
dinary oeaswlun. The family bottle. 60
cents, contains a supply for year.
Prizes Will Be Hung Up
In All Departments . . ,
All Business Houses
Will Be Represented
Howard, Manager, Box
Thereis X.ucy and Gertie anfl Altes
And Tommy and Willie una Sue,
They 'all want to go to the seashorei
Oh, what can a poor fellow do?
iflhe season is swiftly approaching
When papa must make up his mind:
A8 yet, of just one thing he's certain j
That he'll have to linger behind 1 1
For there it no room at the seashora
For him who's providing the cash:
He'll have to stay home with his business'
And see to annexing the trash.
And when they have tipped nil the waiters
And scattered bright shekels yalore
Tom, Bill. Sue, Gert, -Alice and L'.K
Will wire, collect, for seme motel
For aJchange and a rest they'll be golnp,
But we know away down in our breast
That the change will all ro to me waiters
And the landlord will gobble the rest!
YetX.ucy and Gertie end Alice
And Tommy and Willie and e.
They all want to go to t'.ic 8f:is".;ore.
Ami what caA a poor follow o?
Baltimore News.
rienty of Feed.
"Chickens are going higher In price,"
said Mrs. Tellit as she read the market
column in the narer. '
"Chickens?" asked Mr. Telllt.
"Yes, the meat trust now controls the
supply of fowls nnd Is raising the price
every day."
"Well, the rapacious greed of these
soulless corporations must be checked..
There Isn't any earthly excuse for
Charging high prices for chickens at
this time of the year."
"But the pnper says the meat trust
assigns as a reason the scarcity of feed
for ttie fovis."
"'Scarcity of feed? Isn't everybody fn
tills country planting flower seed right
new?" -Baltimore American.
Customer (looking at photo) Who Is
this serious, intellectual looking gentle
man with the eyeglasses and surround
ed by all the books?
riiotogrnpher That, sir, Is a portrait
of Bill Dubbs, the famous comic opera
Customer Ah, I see; and over there
you have a picture of him In a tramp
Photographer Not nt all, sir; that is
a photograph of Professor Thlnkdeep,
the celebrated biologist Jewish Mes
senger. Nipped In th rjnd,
"What Is the difference?" queried the
exchange editor, "between a blissful
Benedict and an agitated geographer?"
"One Is happy though married, and
the other is mnppy though harried,"
responded the Information editor, and
there would have been further trouble
right away had not the office boy come
In with the announcement that It was
time to begin packing things for mov
ing. Chicago Tribune.
Father Another foolish question nnd
you go to bed.
WUIle But this ain't foolish! I only
want to know what holds the sky up
an' why ducks don't bnrk, and If
New York Jourm;!.
((noMloil Still Open.
"Talk nliout opals being unlucky
Cootie, 1 wis wdiring mi opal pi'
night I pi-fioH"d to Ml.-'H Kerlllp.
she accepu-ii me!"
"Yes (pti!T), hut lint's that got t-- 'lo
(puff, puITi with t!ie iiti'Kt!;;n of
being unlucky?" CLii:iii4'i Tribune.
374, Oregon City
A Demand hot Transparency.
"At this paint," 'said the author, "the
plot thickens."
"Don't let it do thnt!" protested tfc?
mannger. "Thin it out. If there's &i!C
thing that annoys the public, it's a plot
that can't be seen through at a glancei:
Washington Slur. j
Vlmt It's NCominsr To.
Can It he possible that It is coming to
tills, after nil:
"Who made the earth?"
"Who owns the car. b?"'
"Morgiui!"-Atkiitti Constitution.
In Her Line.
Maggie Maine's stuck up 'cause she's'
a pingiiong ohnmpc. n.
Lizxio Hut!'; !. No wonder she cartft
flay pingpoiv , sl,t:;:s sinkers in a
quick lunch r s ir. nui;. -Judge.
He So you won't kiss and make up?
She Well, 1 w. n't make up. Life.
A We WlHh It AVcre. .
De flshln' worm goes walkln'
When de mm begins to shine,
An' de fish he seeris a-Valtin'
For to dangle on do line.
An' you kind of reels a-hongry
Foh jes' some sech a dish;
Now, what was tumim r made foh
If It wasn't made to tish?
De willows is n-lnitt-hln'
At delr shadows In u erickr - "
De water Is complain 'n'
'Cause It has to mo e so quick;
De grass it makes a pillow
So Invltln' by de stream;
Now, what were . . ummor mnde foh
If It wasn't made to dream?
Wpshincton Star.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a
mid in one day, No cure no pay. PriiO
25 cents. t
..' a wjS
am miyw
M k.
tf:'.:.VIf.".J4Akl A
t- (
florodora " bauds w
cf tamt valut as tags from
" STAR," " HOFSS SY05."
" CLD PEACH & HONEY," , ij
or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco.
Til K
: ! v-f If
JL a. ' ' .'
I M ... r h
At 0 strut storrs.
25 Pi