Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 15, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1902.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heen.
in use for over 30 years, has borne the eigrnatnre of
- and has been made under his per
j sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
ind allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Fliitulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The CLildren's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The centaur company, tt mummy stiicct ncw vouk crrv.
L..f-..-.A.... ,.... -"-hfllfl--lnn)aigrj -Y-''-jftiirfiaiittrt HiiiiTi ri.tiiiiiii-if- rfiiirmrn - I'm - ----8
i i "
rVPIDKKK strengthens and restores r.innll wenkoiKanh
Tim ri'fuaon RufTcrprs nro not cmed bv Dorinrs is IwiiuHO ninety per rent lire troubled wrtn
Prontnllliil. OUPIDKN Els the only known remedy to wire vllliiml an operation, eiXNItestlmnnl
als. A written fjminintee irlven and money relumed if six boxen does not eliuct a ueriuuucmeure
1.00 a box, nix for 5.00, by mall. Bond for ruitHclrculnr and testimonials.
Addrora 4VOI. MEDICINK :., P. a Bwt 8n Francisco. Cat ftorSnltow
G. A. HARDING, DragglBt, Oregon City Oregon
The Summs Seaso
Is full of dangers, particularly for the
children, who not knowing the result of
eating unripe fruit, indulge themselves,
with the uaual griping pains in the
stomach as a consequence. Mothers
should have on iiand at all times a bot
tle of painkiller (.Perry Davis) which
will a, once relieve the sufferer; it is a
safe, simple remedy and it should he
kept in every house. Large bottles 25
and 50 cents.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. AM druggists.
W ant your lnoustiu'lto or Ixmrtla beautiful
brown or rich black V Then use
BftfTS. o. rnt'OOUT., on fl P Hall A Co , N.nii, N M.
Court House Block,
Straw and Crash Hats, below iost.
Shirt Waists, -
36-inch Percales, - - - no 2c yd
Tabic Cloth, .... from 20c
Duck Skirts, in colors, - - from 75c
Men's and Boy's Caps, Reg. price 25c, now 15c
IVTcn's Fancy Dress Shirts, " " 1.00 " 75c
Neckties, - " " 25c " 15c
Men's Sweaters, - " " 85c "-65c
Boy's " " " 50c " 40c
Men's Heavy Shirts. " 60c to 75c " 45c
Fancy Sox, - - - per pair, 5c
We arc making a big cut
in the line of Shoes, Dry
Goods. Call and examine
Court House Block
Signature of
S Vitujiiser, the pri'Scrlp.
tlonof a famous l'ronch wiiyNii-lun, wilt tiuicUly cure yuu of all ner
vous or disi'Uue.s of the generative origins, such fin Loot Manhood,
Insomnia, I'aiiiBi l tilt; 1'ncu tiei :i;iul Knjlssions, Kcrvims Debility,
dimples, Uuulll0H3 to Jilunv, I'.xiiailstlni,' jmuns, varicocele fttia
Constipation. 1 1 sk.p.i all i.edc.i by day or nut lit Prevents ante
ntss of diHcliuriro. wl.lob if px elif-cked lends to Snom.itiiiTlia?u and
nil the horrors of im;x.teivy tV PI KN '. loauacd tlielivur, the
kidneys and llio urinary orcrnn uf ull impurities.
The Heat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fpver is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic . It is Bimply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. Price 50o.
Special sale Millinery at Red Front.
r c &o.ii!j, Co.
25c is the regular Sunday
round trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Harding's drug store ."
All Wa e Save
"For years I suffered untold misery
rom bronchitis." writes J. II. JohnBton,
of Btouijhton, Ga , "that often I was
unable to work. Then, when everything
else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr.
King's New Discoveiy for con? umption.
Mv wife suffered intensely from asthma,
till it cured her. and all our experience
goes to show it is the beet croup medi
cine in tne worm." a tnai win con
vince you it is unrivaled for throat and
lung (HsenseB. Guaranteed bottles 50c
and $1. Trial bottles free at G. A.
Oregon Citq, Ore.
from 35c up
in prices on everything
Goods and Furnishing
goods and get our prices.
Oregon City
of the County
John lewellen, T, B. Klllln, and
Brobst, CommlsaloDeii.
Be it remembered, That at a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners iorlher County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, begun and held at the
court house in said county and state on
Wednesday, the 6th day of August, the
same being the regular time fixed by law
for transaction of county business.
There were piesent : Hon. J. R. Morton,
Hon. John Lewellen and Hon. T. B.
Killin, commissioners; F. A. Sleight,
clerk ; J. R. Shaver, sheriff; when the
following proceedings were had, to-wit:
Augnst, 1902, Term.
Perry , $14 00
Ella Bridges 8 00
Mrs Rosa Treichler 10 00
J VV Jones 6 50
Wm 8cott. 28 00
Mrs Hattie Woods 5 00
Elias Miller 30 00
Mrs S C Harrington 17 00
Paul Freytag 10 00
Wm Dean 6 00
A MShibley 8 00
Henry Lewis 6 00
Mr Knitter.... . 7 00
Alice Carr 10 00
LMathewson.... 7 00
Gus Pirkle 10 00
C E Burns 5 00
0 J Gorbett 5 00
J M Heckart 8 00
Thos Holland 10 00
John H Churchill 5 00
VV T Gardner 10 20
King Bohall 7 00
Elias Miller 12 00
Mary Haley 13 00
E Austin 10 00
Eldora Younger 8 00
John Avens
o nr.
Mrs Adams 15 00
George Mooney 8 00
MrsVolckers . 5 00
W H Mattson 8 00
VV T Tinsley 5 00
BB Peppel...'. 5 00
MrsM A Clark 10 00
VV N Bellmore 10 CO
Peter Nehren 50 00
J U Shaver 141 G7
F, C Hackett 47 00
F A Sleight '....125 00
I, W Ingram 47 00
H E Stevens 100 00
C E Ramsby 40 73
Enos Cahill 83 34
Miss Gussie Maddock 15 55
J C Zinser 83 34
Thos F Ryan GO 00
C A Stuart 14 58
Road Dist No 1
E Thucalkie
A Thucalkie
F Zimmerman
9 00
4 50
6 00
J Hartwig 48 00
H Gifford 9 75
J Counaell 12 00
F E Lowe 2 25
W II Counsell 24 00
Total $115 50
Road DiBt No 4
GBLinn $ 4 00
Road Dist No 11
John E. Smith $ 40 00
J Gengler 1 75
VV W Smith 12 75
WH Smith 3 50
J Cummings 3 50
J C Morgan 32 76
C Grider 8 75
A Guinupe 14 87
Thos Esider 16 62
W E Wells 32 87
Lyle Davis 17 50
Hiddleson 24 50
Total $209 37
Road Dist No 12
Edwin Gerber $ 22 50
MLKirchem 24 00
Ben Swales 22 87
Andy Johnson 22 50
Jake Hnber 21 00
Henrv Babler 22 87
Carl Fallert 6 37
Will Byers 15 00
Philip Kohl 16 50
John Sheppard. . 4 50
Marsh Frakes 6 75
Will Kirchem 8 25
B E Bengston 1 50
George Clark, Sr 1 50
JoeTraxel 14 62
C Traxel 16 87
Fred Moser 21 37
Jake Minder 1162
VV P Kirchem 32 00
JPDogier 6 00
Howard Gill 8 25
Marsh Frakes 7 75
Frank Rhiebhou" 1 50
(! llattan 2 25
J Watts 150
J L Stuart t 4 50
John llattan 50
Total $324 84
Road Dist No 14
G F Gihbs $ 39 00
Frank Beard 1125
T 8 Irvin 24 00
Harry Shelly 25 50
Clarence Williams 9 75
Delbert Shelly 15 00
T VV Gibbs 27 00
Albert Mautz 16 50
CC Gibbs. 54 00
James Shelly 42 00
Jacob Shilling 24 00
N VV Richards 22 50
Isaac Shortledge 13 50
BFLinn 9 00
Total $333 00
Road District No 10
August Stahely $ 1 50
Robert Baker 8 2 )
Chas Bakery 2 62
Frank Baker , 2 62
Mathew Doony 3 tX)
A RypscziiiBki 3 00
John Eakerson 1 50
Frank Kaiser 3 00
John Kaiser 9 00
Total $34 49
Road Dist No 17
John Bany $ 6 00
Sgmuel Stahlmaker 1 50
Total 7 50
Regular Jane
Road Dist No 19
A F.rekson
W Wallace
A Larkins 750
J Mallett..., 8 25
EMay 6 60
I Davis 4 50
J A Davis 12 00
James Mallatt 12 75
A H Hinderscbott 15 00
A Dugan 2 25
C Boyington 6 00
VV Parker 10 50
J J Mallatt 22 00
Total.... $113 25
Road Dist No 20
B Sullivan ,.. $ 1 00
Road Dist No-24
W Johnson $ 2
T Johnson 1
E Tether 1
T H Sconce 3
E H Yoder
I Kauffmau 4
n jvoerner a 70
A W Thompson 4 50
Fred Mohr 6 00
E Montandon.A 16 00
J Stricklan 1 50
E A Montandon 6 00
J S Yoder 23 26
B Dickson 48 98
Total.... $128 99
, Road Dist. No. 26
James Tubbs $ 5 50
Geo Dougherty 8 25
Ray Dougherty 3 00
E Albright 6 00
Rus Dougherty 6 00
P 0 Miller 9 00
f J Kaylor 3 00
Ralph Sawtell .. 3 00
Frank Sawtell 1 50
I Williams 75
W A Shaver 18 00
H A Kayler 17 50
JV Hadless 6 40
H Russell.... 15 00
J M Austin 18 00
D Engle 6 00
C Engle 6 00
Rex Lewis 3 00
Mark Lewis 3 00
R Austen 17 25
H L Vaughn 22 00
Wm S Keen 13 50
win ramn y ou
Thomas Wiles 6 00
Owen Cutting 15 00
Gib White 6 00
W Simmons 3 00
Silas Wright... 9 00
Geo Frazier 6 00
L Stehman 4 50
Ed Calibb 11 25
J N Sawtell 12 00
Frank Milton 9 00
Geo Case .'. 4 50
C Ldwry 2 25
W W Everhart 13 50
RT Dibble 2 25
W H Engle 4 50
Geo Hardesty 1 00
VV P Dibble 4 50
Gilbert Engle 1 50
W H Engle 38 00
Total $351 90
Road Dist. No. 27
Reed Bros $ 1 65
J T Drake 1 50
S Haugh 6 00
D Myers 6 00
J Barth 8 00
Dolph Mvers 3 00
John Barth 4 00
P J Redings & Son 2 25
Wm Mortensen 15 14
Road Dist. No. 29
T M Snvder $11 37
J 8 Vaughan 10 50
Eugene Vaughan 4 50
Joseph Shurer 14 00
Collin Goahan 7 50
S Graham 1 50
Otto Knorr 4 50
Edwin Schmidt 6 75
E Stronp 3 01)
E A Stroup 3 50
J II Keller 3 00
II H Schmidt 9 00
Total $79 12
Road Dist. No. 31
John Wilkens $2 25
Geo Aden '. 1 50
I Iderhoff 3 00
John Ader 2 00
Total $8 75
Road Dist. No. 32
C Epler $ 3 00
'A brobst 75
E Seely 75
F Tooze 6 00
F Seely 8 25
8 B Seely 9 00
M Young 6 00
F Ritter 75
August Kirchner 3 00
A Camehi 3 00
B Seely 6 00
C McConnell 3 00
H Her 3 75
W Boston 1 50
W C Heater 24 00
Road Dist. No
.$78 75
J A Reid
Road Dist. No. 34
. Shaw
Road Dist. No. 35
..$8 00
..$9 00
Fred Wagner $37 25
Road Dist. No. 36
C C Molson $ 9 20
Ivan Broadwell 10 50
John Owings 6
Bent Killen
E L Kanagy . . .
P D Christner.
A Schneider ..
II Choate
ota i nil'
Hl ' X "W
Geome Lefler 19 50
Nixon Blair 8 25
j U Kpasoner ou
Levi tro d 70
Bud Thompson 15 00,
Total $88 95
All kiuils of bicycle repairing, lock
work and saw filing-at Johnson & Lamb'i
bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro
cery. Give them a trial and be satis
The Woman's Friend, something en
tirely new, a regtilat TjUiat regulates, no
pill9, perfectly safe and harmless. Franco-American
Drug Co., '.Geo. A. Harding,
JOO,000,000 bottles of Terry Davis'
Painkillersold in 60 years. Just think 1
Nearly e B ough placed end to end to
reach around the world. What other
remedy can boast such a recori of ser
vices to humanity in curing stomach and
bowel complaints, and the many other
ailments aud accidents constantly occur
ring even in the most careful homes?
There is only one painkiller, Perry Da
vis'. Beware ot imitations.
ANTED To increase my list of farmn
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law .
Jj"0R SALE 500 tracts of land. In
quire of O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
PGR SALE Thoroughbred Holstein
Freisian bull, 10 montos old, sire and
dam Registered, or will exchange for No.
1 milch cow. Address Chas. N. Wait,
Uanby, Oreaon.
POR RE NT Five room houpe on Tenth
i- A 1.. i T T TU nn...:n.
Street. Apply to J. F. Rait, Courier
Herald Office.
1 0 TEAMS WANTED to haul wooJ
at $1.10 per cord. Pay 11th of
each month. Good roads; swamping
done. W. U. vanover, heaver Creek.
POR SALE Finishing Lumber by J.
A. Jones at his mill on the Abernetby,
2 miles east of Oregon City. The mill
and machinery is also for sale, including
4U-horses ingine and boiler. Address J .
A. Jones, Oregon City.
by W. VV.
-Good grades Angora goats
Irvin, Aurora, Or.
I-it c. i t minn n i j claim 25.15 chains to place of beginning; except
ivlt SALlli CHEAP 11 acres Of land, ing therefrom a strip of uniform width off the
-1 .. l A St T) T! I . I.. ...1.1 .' 1 .... I ........ .1.1.. tn
close to town
Address C. R. Live-
say, Oregon City
M ONEY TO LOAN on approved real-
estate and chattle security. G. B.
Dimick, Attorney-at-Law, Stevens Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
and or chattels ; also a good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $600 of city
money on approved security. John VV.
Lodeb, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City.
FOR SALE Stock of tne LeRov gold
mines, Bohemia, on at price below
quotation . X, this office .
fJATTLE FOR SALE-17 cows and
calves, 28 dry cows 17 yearlings, 1
registered Hereford iull, 1 full blood
short-horn bull. For further particu
lars, inquire Budd Smith ranch, fa miles
eajt of iViolalla Corners.
at Eola ranch, 6 miles southwest
of Salem, in Polk county, 207 acres;
200 at Riverside ranch, 7 miles north of
Salem, 114 acres. Best yards in valley
lor nop pickers. ood, water and pas.
ture free. Will close books as scon as
number required registers. Address
Horst Bros., Salem, Or.
1.UMBE11 Leave orders at this office
for first-class lumber of all kinds, or
address W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
of June 27, 1902. Send for free copy.
Consultation Free. No fee unless suc
817 14th St., Washington, D. C.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kand y Kitchen
Younger, the watchmaker, has moved
next door to Harris Grocery.
Drs. R. B. and A. L
Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
Why Yon 5h"4.'H 0:1
by r.-Ty
t! l ather soft.
Renik-rs 1:
tee:v on:
,n excellent ptf.-'er-.-nrirf.
Reduces cost ot vnm 'Mines
Never Inns tin u-.ithr. its
Efficiencv 1- Un ren-eii .
3eCUI'c.-i IfJSl 3CiVU:c
Stitches kept Irutii breaking.
I s sold in all
Localities' Manufactured ny
fttnndard Oil ('ompanr.
ofoi-Hnrr in the feet nr ankles
Starting in tne ieet Or anKlCS
mmp! frnm a Weak Or diseased
comes irom a wcak ur u.bcaotu
heart a heart tnat cannot Keep
lin the Circulation. The blOOd
-r i-i
then settles in the lower limbs
Whprf the WaterV nOrtlOnS 002e
OUt intO SUrrOUndinf? tissues ,he b0U(l,s ?f matrimony that may be existing be
OUt uuu suiiuunuuig Lu" tween plaintiff and defendant herein, and for
CaUSinP bloat and Swelling, ahnumy and attorneys lees, and for the custody
, , w ill
nPl 1 . U .HAMn4hAMaH I
1 ncan must uc aucuguu.u
and built up before the dropsy
, , i vi,-
,, , . .
best of all heart medicines is
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
"ITeart disease made my feet
unroll nn that, thev had to be
lanced In several places. Ona
bottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
heiDed me and twelve bottle-
worked a complete cure."
Jajles Tkty, Barnard, Mo.
Dv Miles'
Heart Cute
giyes new strength to the heart,
regulates tne circulation, sumu-
1 r .L j . -J
liLCS 111C uiLJtiliuu auu itsLuibs
neaitn. soia dv aruegists on
a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iul
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
John W. Dodres, Plaintiff, va.Rsbeoml.on?
L. HugheB, Robert Murdock and P. J. Ridings
To L. Huehes and Robert Murdock said defen
ders. In the name of the state of Oregon; You are
hereby required to appearand answor the com
nlaint filen a?AinKt von in the nhove entitled suit.
on or berore September 2nd, 19u2; and il you fall
to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
aoply to the conrt for the relief demanded in
aid complaint to-wit: The partition and allot
I). L. C, No. 42, fn Sees. 4 and 9 in Tp. 6 8., B. 1 B
nf tlioW M hniinHml onr) Hniprllwi nil follows:
ment in severity oi a part or ine itouerv "i""
of the W. M., bounded and described as follows;
beginning at tne w. c. corner oi saiu ciauu; mu
lling thonce N. on the E. boundry of said claim
63.41 chains to the 8. E. oorner of a tract of land
deeded to Enoch Skirvln; thence N. 8b 30 ,
W. about 13 chains to the county road leading to
Silvertun; thence in a southwesterly direction
along said road 8. 40 61' W. 8 chains and
63 links to the S. corner of a tract of land deeded
to J. E. Jack; thence N. 40 9' W. 10 chains
to the N. W. corner of said tract; thence N. 40 61'
E. 3.28 chains to the land deeded to P. J. Ridings:
thence M. 4Ue 9' W. along said Ridinas land. 12.40
cliains' to the N. boundary of said claim; thence
W. on N. bounaarv of said claim 8.43 oiiaius to
the land deeded to John W. Murdock; thence S.on
said Murdock's E. line 65.32 chains to the N. line
of a tract of land conveyed to J. F. Myers; thence
Noitheastorly along said JVlyere N. line v zo cnains
to the N. E. oorner thereof; thence N. on the
claim line 2.25 chains to the re-entrant oorner of
said claim, thence E. on the 8. boundary of said
claim 25.15 cliaius to place of beginning; exoept-
westerly side of said described tract, said strip to
extenG southerly trom tne centre oi me aiore
mentioned county road to the 8. boundary of said
l, ij. o. ana wiue euougn to oomprise on acres.
The slalntill' tn have a life estate ill the whole be
sides a fourth interest in the fee, and the defend
ants, L. Hughes, Robert Murdock and Rebecca
Lone, each to have a one fourth interest in fee
subject to said life estate.
This summons is duW shed by order Hon. T. A.
McBiiile. Judge of suid Court, made and dated
July 8th, 1902, the first publication of this sum
mons uemg naa on J my in, hub.
u. as U. v. L,AiuuiJVJ.iB,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas,
M. Reed, plaintiff, vs. W. L. Reed, defendant.
To W. L. Reed, said defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon; You are
hereby required to appear and answor the com
plaint Hied against yau in the above entitled suit,
on or before September 2nd, r.iU'2, and
if you fail to answer for want thereoi, the plain
tiff will ainilv to the conn for the relief demanded'
in said complaint to wu: the dissolution of the
marriage contract exi-iiug botween Baid parties.
tms summons is pu'iii-mea bv order oi Hon.
Thomas . Mcllride, Jit ie of said court mule
and dated JulvHth, 1902, the first publication
dated this July 11th, 1002.
U. U. & V. U, LA rut) KK 11 B,
Attorneys for PUiu.iff. i
In the circuit court of the state of Orciroii. for
the county oi Clackamas.
Rosa Cordray,
plaintiff, vs. A. E. Cordray,
To A. E. Cordray, eaid dofendent
In the name of the state ofOreiron; You are
hereby required to appear and answer the oorn
plaint filed against you in the ahove entitled
suit, on or before September 2nd, l'JU2, and if you.
Ian to answer, lor want tnereor, tne plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief demanded in
said complaint towit; The dissolution of the
marriage oonlract existing between said parlies.
This summons is published by order of lion.
Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said court, made and
dated July 8th, 1902, the first publication, dated
this July 11th, 1902.
u. i. a v. u. LAiuuitKTrjs,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oretron.
i ijliicannias county.
Lizzie Scott, riaiiitin, vs. lSdwin L. Scott, Defend
To Edwin L. Scott, the defendant above named:
In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby
required to appear and answor the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled Court and cause,
on or belore the '2d day of September, 1902, and if
you fail to to appear and answer, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her
said complaint, to wit; For a decree dissolving the
umiius oi matrimony now existing Detween plain
tiff and defendant, for alimony and attorney's fees.
and for the custody and control of the minor child
ren namea In saul complaint, and for costB and
disbursements of tills suit, and for such other and
further relief as to this Court may seem just and
inis summons is published by order of Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the
County of Clackainns, Oregon, duly made and en
tered on the 4th day of August, 11)02
The dale of the first publication of this summons
as directed by said order is August 7, 11102, and the
iaHi uiereui is oeptemoer lain, nw.
Vtil. KKll),
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the undprsianed Ima
been appointed administrator of the estate of
l.ucy M. Campbell, deceased.
All persons having claims air Unst the said es
tate are hereby notified to present the same duly
verified according to law and accompanied by the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Oregon
City, within sin months from the date of this
Dated this 4th day of August, 1902.
BRUCE C. CCRItY, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the circuit court of the stale nf Or
Clackamas crmntv.
Veronica Severiu, plaintiff, vs. Carl SvfHn
In the name of the statn of Or. ffi)n. von in
hereby notified that the plaintiff herein has filed
complaint against you in the above entitled
court and cause, and you are hereby required to
!PPe?r and "8wer said complaint on or before tha
lMt day of lhe tme prMcrlbed b order 0 puull0
T5tiS2f2 ? Z
lrar and answer the complaint herein or
iu uiereio me piainun will cause your de-
0meSa H 5 th6PSSS
Ior m l.ne comnlaint herein, that is
to Buy, for
fnrovor ftiuunltrlm
, . " ..l,.. vi.imicu inuipu m itit u
ftninn M lit- furttifti- thar r.l0tnfHT K j . j
- tJbe theueVofhS
U"lirter 01 tmitwo cii.in township three
SS. 7:.Z:'"'rr
and for plainturs coats and disbursements herein,
"llfor""cn 0,her and 'rtner relief as to th.
cotirt may seem proper and as in equity is meet
alio juni..
the date of the first publication nf n,i. ,,m
monsis Friday, August 15, l'Jb., and the last pub
lication thereof Is k'ridav, October 3. 1902. and
that said summons shall be published on Vridv
of each weclt for period of six weeks between
said dates.
This Bummons is published by order of Hon.
Thomas F. ltyau, judge of the eountv couu of iha
county ol Clackamas, Oregon., duly made and en
tered on the Sih day of August, A. D. Iiki'2.
, Attorney for Plaintiff.
r.ouce is nereny given that the iinrt-!, k..
bet n appointed by Hie county court, of tho stale of
vfivB.mi i.'i uic wmuiy oi uiaommis, necu or of
the last will and testament of Anna kviu. d.
ceased. All persons having claims airalnL nuiri
tateare hereby notified and required to present
said claims, properly verified, to me at the oftife of
my attorneys, Hedges It Griffith, in Oregon City
1 r"B""; ,T"u;" ', irum meaaieoi lbs
'nruuiui inn ii.Hice.
ATT.!? RPPir
EKecutor of the last will and t'umpnt nt i
Altorneve for Executor.
First publication August 15, Woi