.Courier-Herald: O COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1902 20th YEAR, NO. 14 Ore Cit gom C. D. & D. t LATOUEETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oommeroial, Real Estate and L Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK ov OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Hakes loans and collections, discounts bilis tmyi and sells domestic and foreign exchange, ond receives deposits subject to oheck. Open from 9 a, m. to i p. m. Ijj NEWS OF THE WEEK. uATOUBETTE, - .deut i. 1. MEYia (Jashie (i N. GREENMAN THE HONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1866) Prompt delivery to all parts of the oity OREGON C1TI OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST U work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON DR. 1'RANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, alBO of American College Denliil Surgery. Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON Q E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank f OREGON CITY Oregon City OREGON (JEO. T. Hn WARD sory-PUBLIC .. REAL ESTATE AflD INSURANCE At Red Kw t, Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. 1). fflnsT.ltal and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office houm: 10 to 12, a. m.; 1 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J. W. NOBKIS, M. D. .1. W. POWELL. 11 1). JORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in ch y orcoii'itry promptly attended Office: 1, 2, 17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. Saturday, August 9. Astronomer VV. J. ILissey, of Lick observatory, Calif .has found within the past two years 500double stars revolving arouud a common center of gravity. The president wants Attorney-General Knox to go on the stumo. "I want you," says Teddy to him, "to tell the people what you are doing about the trusts " At Klamath, Southern Oregon, two children, playing with matches, were burned to deaihbytne explosion of a can of coal oil which tiey accidentally Bet on fire. In a mine at Trinidad, Colo., 13 men were killed by an explosion of half a ton of powder. The failure of the London & Globe Fi nance t orporation causes a loss to Brit ish investors of $100,000,(00, J P Morgan has given to the British government control over his steamship lines. The farmers of Eastern Oregon and Idaho will save $800,000 annually by re duction in freight rates. In Austrian Galicia, where there is a great strike among the labor population, 50,000 people die annually of hunger. The Russian government suppresses information in regard to the seething turtmleuce among the people of the empire. Mr. MiConnell, a lawyer hailing from Chicago, is the head of "t he $200,000,0u0 skyscraper trust of New York city. In the first seven mouths of this year there have been 16 mysterious murders n Greater New York, to the perpetra tors of which the police have found no clue, Annually, says a Colorado Btockman. 500 people are killed in the conflicts be tween cattle an sheep men. During the seven months of this year in the neigh borhood of 100,000 sheep have been slaughtered or driven psli-mell into the mountains by cattlemen. Rev. Joseph Schell, Cathi.lic priest at Sumpter, claims in a letter in the Port land Journal there ii ample evidence, .smothered thus far by government of- heiels, to prove extensive frauds in the purchase of government timber lands in this state. W. B. Wibon, secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Work- r of America, handles in his office at Indianapolis $2,- (X)0,00i a month, which tie sends as re lief :und to tlie striking oal miners in Pennsylvania. His salary is sf2000 ayear. The agitation of President, Roosevelt againBt the beef trust phh brought the meat packers to the determination to form a $201,000,000 merger i nat will con trol the world's meat supply and cold sto'.ige- . - - The Rothschilds will fkdit the Stan dard Oil Co. by means of the oil fields of T.xai. R, R. A C ra. Telegraphers, has sub mitted to the mesident a plan under which, by the right of eminent domain, the government would exercise the right of stizing a certain number of hard-coal mines to satisfy ita own needs This would bring the coal operators to their milk. In Chicago, Mrs. Bartalin and Minnie Mitchell wre secretly murdered. In Hayti. the rebel leader evacuated the city of Petit Goave and burned it, leaving 4000 people homeless. ' The labrr m ions of New York city have passed resolutions denouncing the injunction judges as "subservient tools of the coal trust," and calling upon all labor unions to assist the striking miners. In Salem Judge Boise rendered a de cision against a loan association on ac count of the usurious and illegal inter est it collected. Tuesday, August 12. In Hayti 10,000 people are homeless and destitute on account of the war. The salmon pack this season on the Columbia will be 300,000 cases. The fire in the woods at MUwaukie, Ore, is under control. John D. Spreckels, proprietor of the S. F.Call, has sworn out warrant for ar rest of Governor Gage on charge of li bel. The Call is making war on the governor. Eleven thousand Knights of Pythias are in San Franci: co. The Cuban government has placed a high tariff on most of the merchandise manufactured in the United States. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes, son of the iamouB author of the "Auto crat of the BreakfaBt Table," Iih b3en appointed to succeed Justice Gray, resigned, on the U. S. supreme bench. Shenandoah strikers are raiding farm for food . Murk Twain's "Huckleberry Finn has been excluded from the highly moral public library of Denver. A 111.3 X 1 3.tlC J VI I IV (111 I I lr .'SILlr' -Zi of a wagon box is a guarantee $ of excellence and high grade j quality in the construction of m this wagon. If yours does Sj not have it on dispose of it s and get one that has as you r( cannot afford to run any bs chances on the material in a wagon, every time you break down it costs you moi ft; though the manufacturers replace the broken part V?3r7 --I iC"- Racine-Vis. BUY A FISH mam! it f ii.ihiiiifiiniiiiiiriiikiii'iiihJik iiiiajiii-iti'.:1 i A At rirvs- , ii.ii.,;: ii i 1! ; i 1,1 Mi k , 1: ,1 1 riiwr, . ir .4 kl Bfe'J'lirirW , m Heaver Creek. Too late for last issue, ! liilip Sunday, August 10. 0. W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW srl Titles Exemiced, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Moi'segts, Etc. dtawn, Money Loaned. Office over Bank of Oregon City. OREGON CITY, - OREGON JJROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all Courts ot the State Welnhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 0. 8CHVJEBEL TTREN A W. S. U'REN SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW TlruTl'"fT ' DOtCII Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of miIa land vou money and lend your muney on umce in jmierprise uuiiuiijr, first mortgage. OREGON CITY ORKGON E I. SIA8 DIALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON W. II. YO UNO'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest Turnouts in. City OREGON CITY. OREGOU S. J.VAUGHAN'S Livery, Feed and ISale Stables Ne'ly onpotdte: Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON Oregon City Second-Hand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES, JUNK, METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold RING PHONE 41G FOR JUNK. Scgarman & Co. Don't pa9S us by call in and get our prices. Red Front Trading Company. At 11 :30 on the evening of August 7th, Attorney-General Knox, while in the cafe of one of the hotels at Atlantic City, was attacked by Theo. Camp, the millionaire Philadelphia shipbuilder, and two o' her men of great wealth, hut inlervention ot waiters saved Knox. Cramp Btruck Knox once on the belt. Kintt Edward VII was crowned yes terday'at Westminster Abbey, London. The Philippine war destroyed the crops in Batagos and Lotiuna provinces, and the U. S. government iB oblined to feed 375.000 natives. T B Hoard, of Nebraska, and others, will e.-itablish a 40,000-acre wheat farm in Canada. M A Verne, a Pit'sburg, Pa , man, has s' cured a f 98,0Ul).(JUU concession in St. Petersburg, wLich will control the city's railway system. The Czar en dorses his project. If the dispatches don't lie, Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson, the noted kisser, is enaaued to marry seven young ladies, living in as many cities, from Portland, Ore., to Texas. Harry Tracy's body, covered with muriatic acid and quick lime, was bur ied yesterday in the penitentiary ceme tery at Salem. In New York city.C M Schwab, presi dent of U. S. Steel Co., and James Still man, president of the Standard Oil bank, The National City, have formed a $06,000,000 real estate trust. Cuba is trving to secure an extra ses sion of the U. S. senate to consider a re ciprocity treaty. President Roosevelt has specified the termB under which he will grant the franchise, to applicants for it, for a Pacific-Orient cable. Two new salmon hatcheries will be established on tributaries of the Colum bia. Monday, August 11. Troutdsle sawmills are tilling a 100, 000 tie cont.act for the Denver and Rio Grande. A T Kelliher.a prominent timber man at Salem, predicts that by 1910 Oregon will have 2.000,000 population. In the destruction by fire of the Lan don Hotel at San Angelo, Texas, seven people were burned to a crisp. King Edward Bignalized bis corona tion by presenting Osborn House, one of the favorite palaces of Queen Victoria, to his subjects. The great fire near Milwaukee, Or., continues. John Glasco, the Legro evangelist who conducts the Holiness Mission in the suburbs ot Portland, baptized a number of converts in the Willamette on Sun day. Canada will probably have 80,000,000 bushels of export wheat, the largest known. In the Eastern grain belt crops are dig. In the Philippines there is a move ment to establith a Catholic church in dependent of Rome. Martin Dolphin, ex-president of I.O. Andrew Weidner has sold his ranch He will nialie his home with his brother, Jacob Weidner. Georea Davis is the father of a 1 cound daughter, born August 1 Mot he and child aie getting along nicely Lizzie Weidner ' Was a caller at the home of Fied Ilenrici lflft Sunday. She made a short call on Mrs Phelps and I Alfa Tttivia ,,n thu WAV Alt and Amos Kirk were harvesting durmtf thf- net week. The boys have aRna.'TMi !V H W M aliis moved his family to the Harrington cottaae at Ely last week. Mrs D Jineis was in Oregon City Tne day. . J VVeidmr wai wa in Portland Wed nesday.' Mr Weidner was visiting here the paat week. John Shannon made a flying trip to Oregon CUy last Thursday. Lady. We also carry a full line of Buggies and Spring Wagon 2 'M postal card and may save you dollars. er,icf Vvv. ORTHWEST NT STREET, IMPLEMENT Company PORTLAND ORE Aurora. l The hot weather is drying up the gar- i dens here ar.d potatoes are being badly injured. j II Ilegey went to Eugene on the 1 0th to visit his Binter, Mrs Thomas James, j lie was accompanied by his sister, Mra ; Levi Stehman, of Liberal. Some threshing has been done here and the yield is good, but not as large as was estimated. Geo Ocle8by in doing eome oirpenter j work for Frank Yergen, near Aurora. That hop pickers will get 50 cents per box is a foregone conclusion, as that of fer is already made by several Marion county hop raisers. Bert Armstrong purchased a bicycle on the 10th from Frank Oglesby. Mr and Mrs Frank Hilton were seen out driving in our burg today. The wedding belh will soon ring here. Our onion raisers are gathering their onion sets The yield is good and prices are all right. W S Hurst, of Aurora, has purchased about 0 tons of chittem wood bark for a large New York drug firm, and our small boys have made good wages gath ering bark for him. FRANK- BUSCH House Furnishing Xeedy. Will Thompson threshed his crop Monday. Mrs Jefse Tvke, of Prosser, Wash, is visi ing her parents here. O Molson and family dr.ve up to Rickreall Saturday evening to visit Mrs Molson s parents, Mr and Mrs Cook. They returned Sunday evening. Gib Perdue and wife and Mrs Cochran are camped at Soda Springs. Fred Lantz and Miss Nora Fish went to Soja Springs Sunday. Ed Leslie had the misfortune to brea his lee Friday. Dr B F Gie?y was c lied and reduced the fracture. Adolph Brockart ia quite sick at his home. Christ Zweifel is laid up with rheum v tism. Mr Nob'itt and Mrs Moreland visited Oregon City friends the firpt ot the week. Hii;, CM4vwtt1l These are handsomely carved in ash, with lancy clock shelves and large bevel plate muiuis, lwu.uuv.ij uiawv,i vow, '"iy v..... f - r --r j Picture Ff3m: A fine frame doesivt make a fine picture, but a poor frame spoils many a nished by the picture framer. We sell a nice 16x20 gilt name witn glass, lor $i Qf o PnlieVi Some housekeepers think that stove polish is simply to make the stove look OlOVe X OllSn nrettv They are mistaken in this. -Our Silver Gloss Stove Polish" preserves the stove and is a positive necessity if you want to keep your stove in prime condition. Per box 15c IT'S REASONABLE. The price is not much when you come to buy a refrigerator, and one of these well ventilated zinc lined affairs will prove itself a satisfaction every day through the summer. Ycu ought t?6 have one early so as to get the full benefit. Price $10; size 22x39 T?t4vf T-Tnco Your garden and lawn will ixupucr x mac lnnk better if you have pieiny 01 iiuse ami kccj his iu pfmnruku, Our canvas lined high quality rubber hose, inch diameter, is the most convenient size and the most economical hose you could have. Price per 50 foot section, $5. Of course we have , cheaper hose excellent if there is no high pressure. There is much here that will give you pleasure, including 4 rw 1 air. ; s Li- --t.- f,-f.,i rlishM add to the taste of the food, and these beautiful sets will dve a banquet effect to a simple meal. They are all durab of ex ent artistic quality, and not expensive piece set transparent china, $19. Chinaware attractive necessities, which go so far to making nn the mmfort and pleasure of a meal. Beau- -r 100 TO Cl'RE A COT.D IN OJiE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the m mey if it laile to curer E. VV. Grove'6 signature is oc each box. 25c. POPTICRCS-- PP.'' mmf t 1 You can have l irc'ft n e v- niture, handsome carpets an 1 Curtains rutrs, but it is the draperies that give a fin- ishing touc hto a new or 01a nouse. ijou l put all of your money into the other things, save a little lor your lace curtains. 11 umy t . takes a little money to get all you will want at the prices we are now making on this line of goods. Lace curtain iviai Itylc. per yard. .... A.- . fl' Hammocks 90c. up. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of FRANK BUSCH, House Furnisher, Oregon City f v ' -. A ;.'--. , ,:a .;- l,y 'i