Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 08, 1902, Image 8

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Nearly ten million Elgin watches
act as one great pendulum in regu
lating the hours of business, travel
and pleasure the world over. Every
is made of the finest materials by
the most skilled hands.
Always lok for the watch word
"Elgin, " engraved on the works
of the world's best wHtches.Send
for free booklet about watches.
Good Literature
wnai iney conrain
XT.4-1-.-: of what MR. CHAS. S. FE1
IN O lllinS Agent, St. Paul, Minn., v
mailed, upon receipt of pric
The Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
1 A to4- pamphlets, folders,, booklets, etc., are
J XjlAIHOov tastefully gotten ap and are valuable for
what they contain. Here is a partial net
hhb, uenerai passenger
will send out, carefully
prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, Bilver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain eood descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1901-
An annua bllcation. beautifully Illustrated in color and
half tone. 1 L Is number treat particularly of the history of
the Northern Paclflo's Trademark, the Custer Battlefield in
Montana, and the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
Six Centi
A neat and dainty publication containing a complete history
of the Northern Paclfio Trademark, The artistio oovers of Send
the Wonderland, l'JOl are used In miniature. Four Centi
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book ot pressed wild flowers irom Yellowstone Park.
showing the real Ilowera in thbir natural eolorn. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full pnge illustrations of Park scenery.
F.lty Cents
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book In strong, flexible oover" tlraper,
piain tvpe, uiusir)ieo, poraei size, a col mmn .am l ana
descriptive of the Woild's Wouderlant.
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 page", rong, flexible
covers, printed on heavy paper, descrip IW-tf an ascent of
the hlRhesttpeak 111 the United States t tXjflUft of Alaska of a
glaciul nature.
We want to inform the people of Oregon City and vicinity $
that we have opened a Jewelry Store and Repair Shop on Main
Street, Court House Block, next to Red Front, and carry a fine
line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles,
and we want our customers to feel that our shop is theirs that
we attend to their work, whether much or little, the same as if
attended to by themselves; and that the oftener we hear from
them the better it pleases us.
Yours for good goods, low prices and honest dealing.
Wm. Gardner & Son, Watchmakers, Oregon City O
mrsy- tvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvwv
The first m ester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September
17th. The following Schools and Colleges are conprised in the
University : Graduate School, College of Literature, Science and Arts,
College of Science and Engineering, University Academy, School of
Music, School of Medicine, School of Law.
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Mu s
(Incidental fce$ 10 00, Student-Body tax $2.50 per year). Cost of liv
ing from $ ioc.oo to $200.00 per year. For Catalogue, address
Registrar of the University, Eugene, Ore .
Everything TnsI), Jlcat and Chan,
meat market of V. Betbke
Straiten Brffj.
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City
Selling at Cost f
For 60 Days
To make room for new Fall Goods, which will be a larger an
more complete stock than has ever before been carried at the
Do not pass us by but come and investigate.
Ladies' Dress Skirts
" White Skirts
' Ct-.. iid Skirts
Clitm c
" Drawers
" Fine Underwear
" Lace Hose
Children's Hose
Corict Covers
Sunbonnets, 20c
Gloves, 20c
Mitts, 10c, 15c, 20c
Ladies' Silk Ties
All kinds of Laces
Ribbons, ic yd. and up
New Lot Ladies' Wrappers
Table Linen
Napkins, Towels
Knit Shawls
Shirt Waists
Hose Supporters
Men's Underwear, Sox, Pins, Needles, San Silk, Knitting
Cotton, Bicnaird & Armstrong Embroidery Silk, Sewing Silk
and Thread.
Too late for last week.
Claude Hampton went to Hubbard
Mrs A R Shank was among Portland
visitors this week.
Miss Ethel Howard, of Portland, is
visiting friends and relatives here.
Messrs George and John Nolin and
father, of Dufur, Wasco county, were
down to attend the funeral of C VV Arm
strong last Saturday.
Alton Rogers and. Gladstone Stevens,
of Portland, were visiting friends and
relatives Sunday .
Mrs J Shull and children left Monday
morning for Washington, where they
expect to reside for the present. 1
Miss RevaGray returned to her home
in Portland Monday after a week's visit
with her friend, Miss Cordelia Stevens.
Mrs Emma Bernards, of California,
is visiting her cousins, Mrs A R Shank
and Mrs M E Stevens.
A merry mountain par'y consisting of
Messrs Burroughs, Dick, A R Cum
mingB, J D Stalnaker and father, Sara
Stalnakerand Bates started for Golly
Creek and the North Fork of the Mo
lalla op July 21et, returning Friday eve
ning. Ttie fishing was very good, but
the hunting was not. George Cum
mings holds the record of catching the
largest, as well as the greatest number
of trout.
The funeral of C W Armstrong took
place on Saturday last from the Christ
ian church, under the auspices of the
I 0 0 F Lodge, Rev P K Hommond, of
Oregon Oitv , officiating. The deceased
was a member of the A 0 U W also, and
leaves a widow and seven children, viz:
Mrs Ella Armstrong, Mrs Dr Dedman,
William Armstrong, Mrs Fiank Zollner,
Cora, Alice, Ella and Floia Armstrong,
all of Uanby.
Too late for lat week.
William Bluhm left for The Dalles
last week.
There were services at the German
Congregational church last Sunday.
The harvest has begun here.
A Thomas, of Beaver Creek, was visit
ing at the home of Karl Stuedernan Sun
day. Several of the young folks of Shubel
spent Saturday evening at the home of
D W ThomaB, of Beaver Creek.
Charles Sagar, of Clarkes, spent Sun
day in our midst.
A mau from Portland is here trying to
organize a company to build a cheese
factory. He addressed the farmers at
the schoolhouse last Saturday night.
Jabob Bnhlender left for Fossil last
One Munkertz, of Portland, is visiting
the family of J Grossmiller.
Frai.k Guentlur, who has been work
ing in Oregon City, is home for the har
vest. The boys who were bathing last Sun
day, would do well to wear tights the
next time. ,
Hans v hitlock, who has been attend
ing an Eastern college for the past three
years, is spending the summer vacation
wiih his parents here.
Too late for last week.
Henry Swartz had x crew of men hoe
ing weeds cut of his potatoes last Wed
nesday. DrOsburn's brother is visiting Vil
sonville for a few days.
S B Seely made a visit to Woodburn
last week.
Peters Bros are busy hauling in hay.
Mr Grider iB now a permanent resi
dent of Wilsonville.
Mr Tauchman has bought a new en
gine and is preparing to do custom
work chopping feed. This fills a long
felt want in Wilsonville.
You Know What You Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
s simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
orm. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
Filling Spectacles and Kyc Glasses
ly Up-to-Date Methods.
Examination Free, by PHILLIPS, The Optician
The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th
Pretty Safe Rule to Go By.
When there is a feeling that the heart
or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves
are diseased, at onre commence to doc
tor the stomach. That is the founda
tion of the trouble in 00 rases out of
every 100, Commence to regulate the di
gestive organs, get them in healthy
working condition, and the other troubles
will leave of themselves. Diseases
which have their beginning in the stom
ach must be cured through the stomach.
The medicine for stomach disorders
and half the ills of life, is Dr. Gunn's
Improved Liver Pills. These pills put
an ttie aigestive organs in good com.li
tions so that disease has no basis to
work upon. They are sold by all drug
gists for 25 cents per box. One pill is a
dose. We will send a box post-paid, on
receipt of 25 cents or to anybody who
wauts to try them we will send 2 pills
free. Send name and address to Dr.
Gunn, Philada., Pa. For sale by Char
man Co., Diuggists.
When Sickness Cones
to the head of the family the bread
winner, the omnipresent thought is
"Have I safely provided for the wife
and little ones?"
Nine times out of ten, ''Xo"is the
answer. It is then too lute, however, to
do anything. The e sential thing to do
is to prepare now for what may occur at
anytime. An investigation oi' the Mas
sachusetts Mutuul's new policies and
bonds, will, withoi.ta doubt, bring to
our notice a contract that will exactly
suit your case.
If interested, send a postal, giving
your name, address, occupaton and date
of birth, when an illustration will be
sent you, show ing kx.uti.y what the
company will do for you. Xo guess
work about it, as the dividends are paid
asm am y and not witl.l eld for twenty
veaisur so, and then not paid unless
the contract is in force at rn t timk.
II. G. Coi TON,
Mananor Pacific Coast Dept ,
Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Or.
fk 4 "Mm t
The man who stands on stilts does not increase his stature a parti
cle. He may feel taller while he's on the stilts, but when he's off
them he feels shorter than he ever felt. A man can't live on stilts ;
he must come off them sooner or later, and then lie realizes that
whatever seeming advantage he gained from his artificial elevation
was only temporary. .
Stimulants are the stilts of the stomach. They lift a man up for
the time being, but the good feeling they give is only temporary. A
man can't live on stimulants, and when lie leaves them he feels worse
than ever. In this age of hurry and worry a largo percentage of the
population have some form of stomach "trouble," popularly de
scribed as " weak stomach." The first impulse of the average man
whose stomach is "weak" is to have recourse to stimulants. He
feels bloated after eating, has frequent eructations and a general
feeling of physical discomfort. ; He takes a glass of something to
" stimulate his stomach " and make him V feel good." He may get
the desired result for a time, but he is doing nothing for the disease
which is in reality aggravated by stimulants instead of benefited.
The need of the "weak" stomach is strength, and it is obvious that
stimulants can't strengthen the stomach because there is no true
strength in stimulants but only a false strength. The jaded horse is
no stronger because he mends his pace when pricked by the spur.
His extra effort is a drain upon the reserve of his vitality, which may
result in a complete breakdown. The seeming strength of stimulants
is the false strength of a body spurred to effort and making a call on
the reserve of vitality, which may and does often result in total
physical collapse. 1
The success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in re-establishing
the health of weak, run-down, dyspeptic men and women is
due to the fact that it perfectly and permanently cures diseases of
the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It does
not brace up but builds up the body. It contains no alcohol and is
entirely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics.
"Last spring, early, I wrote you my feelings and condition," says Mr. A. T.
Vanderwater, of 873 West Division Street, Chicago, Ills., "and you advised me
to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In all I have taken six bottles '
of the 'Discovery' and four or five vials of the little 'Fellets.' They have
done me worlds of good. All my friends say : ' Vanderwater, how well you
are looking. What in the world have you been doing? ' I tell them I have
been doctoring with Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. ' Why,' they say, ' you
haven t been there ? ' ' No,' I say, ' but I took his ' Golden Medical Discovery
and his little ' Pellets.' These medicines have made the great change in me ':
from a slow mope of a man that could hardly crawl, tired and sick all the
time, and who could do no work, to a man who can work, sleep, eat, and feel
fine, and that tired feeling all gone awav. I am very thankful that I wrote
to Dr. Pierce.' His ' Golden Medical Discovery and his little ' Pellets ' have
almost made a new man of me. I feel as young as I did at thirty years. No
umer uuciur lor me, ouiy jjr. i'lerce."
"It is with pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and
' Pellets ' have done for me," writes Mrs. T. M. Palmer, of Peede, Kaufman Co., Texas.
"Two years ago I was taken with stomach and bowel trouble. Everything I ate would
put me in distress. I lived two weeks on milk, and even that gave me pain. I felt as
though I would starve to death. Three doctors attended me one said I had dyspepsia,
two said catarrh of the stomach and bowels. They attended me (one at a time) for one
year. I stopped taking their medicine and tried other patent medicine; got no better,
and I grew so weak and nervous my heart would flutter. I could not do any kind
of work. Now, since using your medicines, I can do my housework very well : am
gaining- in flesh and strength and can eat anything I want."
No man can be stronger than his stomach. When disease fastens on the
stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, the consequences aro
felt by the whole body. 'A "weak" stomach means a weak man, because
when the stomach is " weak " the digestive and assimilative powers fail to a
greater or less extent, and the nutrition of the body is inadequate to its needs.
But if " weak " stomach means weak man, then weak man means " weak "
heart, " weak " kidneys, " weak " liver, " weak " lungs, etc., because the phys
ical man is only tho sum of his organs and members, and his weakness is
the weakness of each and all of the organs of his body.
This fact explains the cures of "weak" heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and other
organs, by the use of " Golden Medical Discovery." First the diseases of the
stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, and thus the
weak stomach is made strong. Digestion and assimilation are now perfect.
The nutrition derived from food is all used, and not partly lost or wasted.
The effects are at once shown in physical gain. The body puts on sound flesh
ana becomes strong, and as the body is com
posed of its organs and members, its restored
strength means strength of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys
every organ receiving strength from tho only
source from which physical strength is derived, that
is from food when properly digested and perfectly
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse and regulate
the liver and bowels. They produce permanent ben
efit and do not react on the system.
f Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
" Medical Adviser, containing
1008 large pages, Is sent FREE on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY.
Send 31 one-cent stamps for tho cloth
bound volume, or only 21 stamps for tho
book In paper covers
Address 1 Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murfow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice aid
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Cures Consumptiou,Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
-Sore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Couh.
Drlc 50c. and $ 1 . T8'L BOTTLES FRES
A Complete Line
Fine Footwear
Slok Hertduclie Absolutely and perma
nently otued by itsm Moki Tea. A pleasant
herb drink. Cure constitution ana imlicrestion,
makes you eflt,leep, work and rmppy. Satisfaction,
guaranteed or nionevback; 2oo and 60c, Write
to W. H. Hooker & "Co., Iuff;U V., for a free
sample,, or Howell & Joues, druggists.
For ladies, gentlemen and
children you will find in
our stylish and up-to-date
stock. Our handsome and
durable $3.50 shoe for men
can't be equaled for wear,
quality or style, and our
women's fine $3.00 shoes
arc the acme of comfort
and graceful outline. Our
prices will suit.
Kransse Bros.
Snodgrass, Fotografer
Gives a Large
Al kinds of bicycle repairing, lock
vox k and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb'a
bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro
cery. Give .them a trial and be satis
With all Cabinet Thotos.
good until July 4th only,
strictly up-to-date.
This offer is
All work is
to prevent pneumonia and consumption Is to enre
your cold when It first appear.. Acker'. Kn
KlUh Keinedy will stop the eoufh in a night,
and drive the cold out o! your lysteta. Always a
quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis, and
all throat and lung troubles. It it does not satisfy
you the drufrgist will refund your money. Write
to us lor free sample. W. H . Hooker & Co., B if.
falo, S. Y., or Uowcl! Jones, druggists.